The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, SECTION TWO, Image 25

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NO. 31.
li K v m ran
mm 'A
BUY TODAY. DONT DELAY The happiness that you find the comforts you enjoy must be yours now. Don't be satisfied with the same
home environment year after year. Something better is in store for you and here is how you can have it: Come and select that comfortable
Rocker, the much-desired Davenport or a cheerful new Rug. We will deliver everything you choose immediately. Then arrange to settle for
your selections in small weekly or monthly payments that you will hardly feel. It's so "Easy to Pay the Gadsby Way." No interest charged.
tflf K .he lit jflj If
jf V Kiddie. warm IJiJLjMj l
M Heater hnm T-J 1
, iiti
Ask to sec the
Wc dgcw ood
Keepi the
Kiddies wtrm
in winter.
Heater buroi
coal, wood,
fit and cr-base.
Resists Rust.
It really doubles
the life of a Gas
Both a summer
and winter Gas
Range. Burn
Coal, Wood or
Gas in the kitch
en heater.
The same set
of burners heat
the bake oven
(above) and the
broiler just be
neath it.
The Wedgewood Gas Range is easy to clean: its smooth surface, white
and black, can be cleaned with soap and water like you would wash
your dishes. Priced from $20 to $98. o0.
XOTICE We will take your old cook stove or ranpe in exchange on
one of these new Wedgewood Ranges and allow you all it is worth.
Great Majestic
Gas CombinationRange
This is the best Gas Combination
Range built burns wood, coal or
gas separately or together
Bakes perfectly.
Any woman who owns a Majestic
knows it to be a wonderful fuel
and food saver. Designed and
built for use on the Pacific coast.
Separate parts always obtainable.
Sold On Easy Terms
See how pretty this Solid Oak, Round-Pedestal Table looks. It ex
tends six feet; and six Solid Oak Dining Chairs to match. tfOC Efi
Guaranteed construction. All for 4JOJU
Term. X6.SO Casta. 2 Wfrklf.
Library Suite, consisting of one Large Library Table, plank top. heavy
massive 1 legs, S2r.(; Arm Rocker, large and comfy, seat upholstered in
brown Spanish leatherette, 1 2.51), and large Arm Chair to QtA Q ff
match rocker, 11.."X. Price, complete OtliUU
Sold on l'.iny Terra.
ifTPfi r tttm
The Ideal Suite for Your Bedroom
Embodying the style and jtrace of Adam design. Each piece is a superb product of the finest material and
workmanship. Dresser and chifferette are exceptionally spacious, with larse drawers. May be had in
your choice of the most popular finishes mahogany. American walnut. With the steadily
rising prices, you cannot afford to miss this opportunity. FOl'R OF (X R FIKST Kl'MBERS. C 1 EQ CC
(Chair and rocker extra.) (Convenient Credit Terms May Be Arrangrd) vlOIUU
Extra special value Pretty Mahog
any Spinet Desk, giving you an op
portunity to buy one at a real bar
gain. Regular $37.00 values. COO CO
Special at Gadsbys only OOZiUU
Why pay others more when Gads
bys sell R e f r t g e rators for less?
White enamel lined from $17.50 up.
J Reliable
Bu v a
Size 40
Mom - Troof Genuine Cedar
Store your furs at home.
as low as at Gadsbys.
inches long, 17 inches wide.
Bedroom Furniture
Offering a most unusual opportunity for economizing. The
is of strong steel construction with large two-inch contin
ents posts and sanitary white or Ivory enamel, finish. Dresser
and chiffonier have plate mirrors and an abundance of drawer
space. i ney are unisnea in goiaen auu. inis low price
is subject to immediate change, rrompt action is
Convenient Credit Term 51 ay Be Arranged.
Forty-pound Cotton Felt Mattress,
large square biscuit tirfts. roll edge,
doubly s t i t c h e d,- beautiful high
grade art ticking, special J
Use Our Exchange Dept.
If -ou hav furniture that doesn't suit
want fomMhms mor up-to-date and
bt :er phone us. and we'll se nd m. com
petent man to see it and arrange to take
it as part payment on the kind you want
the Gadsby kind. We'll make you a
liberal allowance for your poods and
we'll sell yu p-w- furriture at low prices.
Th pew furniture will be prompt y de
li ered. - Exchanst- scods can t bought
at our warehouse. First and Washington.
MIiULLU UlliULL UbUnLi lrsilV f.tff
Mackmen Unable to Produce
Tally Off Pertica.
sent a three base hit down the left
field foul line. Fitzgerald scored when
Koerner singled to left and Koerner
couted when Orr missed Hunter's
grounder. Score:
San Francleco I Sacnmnto
112 0 Stumof.S. 4 1 2 O
12 10 Mtdd'ton.l 4 0 t 0 -1
0 0 2 4 Kidred.m. 4 112"
11110 Woltcr.r.. 4 0 0 1 0
o o 2 3 r,ris.i .. 2
4 ft o 1 o McOat n. 3
2 O O O Oit.5. . ... 3
3 o 1 7 1 Sehang.e. 1
O 0 O 1 1 Matls.p.. . 2
2 0 0 0 2 Cook.c. .. 2
iPinelil'.. 1
Vance. p. . 0
Schick, m 2
Kltig'ld.r 4
Cavenev.s 3
Koerner. 1 4
Crandll.2 4
Hunter.!. 4
Corhin.3. -
Smith. p..
Scott. p. .
o o
ft ft
o o
O 1
o o
1 3
4 3
O 0
O 0
i 27 1"
Sam Crawford's Throw Cuts Off
Desperate Attempt to Tie Up
Score in Ninth.
Pacific Tout Learae Standings.
W. L, F.C.I W. L. P.C.
Loa Angeles 7 4 .503'Saeramento. at ." .477
Vernon At 47 .50 Oakland 52 61 .460
Salt Lake.. .SO 47 .357iPortland . . . . 47 l ,4M
San Franc'o 09 54 .022 Seattle US 6S .ZoH
Yesterday's Results.
At 108 Anpreles I.oa Ane'rs 1. Portland 0.
At Salt Lake Seattle 7. Salt Lake 3.
At San Francisco Oakland 4, Vernon 3;
ten innings.
At Sacramento San Francisce 3, Sacra
mento J,
LOS ANGELES, Aus. 2. (Special.)
Carroll Jones got off to a poor start
today and the An pels beat Portland.
1 to 0. in a pretty pitching: battle.
Despite the effectiveness that J ones
displayed after the first inning:, bis one
slight slip was enough to beat him, for
the Beavers were helpless before Per
tica except in the ninth, when a spec
tacular piece of base running by Speas
came to naught, as he was nipped at
the plate.
Pertica came back to form for the
Angels and pitched the best game he
has shown in two months. It was
rumored that Killifer had tipped him
off to show something today if he
wanted to remain with the Angels, and
Bill came through with jl four-hit
Jones was alone responsible for Port
land's defeat. He cracked Bates, the
first man up, in the ribs with the ball.
Fabrique laid down a sacrifice. Jones
got a big hand when he fanned Four
nier, but Crawford hit to center and
Bates scored what turned out to be the
winning run.
In the sixth Jones gave a good Idea
of his effectiveness. The Angels filled
the bases, but Jones toyed with the
dangerous Kenworthy, and after feed
ing him on balls that the "Duke" twice
tried to kill, succeeded in retiring him
on an easy infield chance. Blue got to
third in the fourth but Farmer left
him stranded.
Portland's best chance came in the
ninth. After Maisel, batting for Jones,
had f lied out, Speas singled. He got
away to a flying start just as
singled, and he continued on a dash
for home. Crawford plucked up the
hit and with a clean throw to Bassler
nailed Speas as he slid into the plate.
Totals. 28 3 .".27 16 Totals. .SO
-Bitted for Mails in eisrhth.
San Francisco :i O O O O A O O f n
Sacramento I o 0 0 0 0 0 1
Krrors. Cavenev. Stumpf. Orr. Inninss
pitched. Smith 2-3. Maiis 7 Scott S 1-S,
Vance 1. Stolen bases. Wolter. FitzKerald.
Three-baae hit. Fitzgerald. Sacrifice hit.
Caveney. Schick. Bases on off Smii h
2. off Scott 1. off Mails 1. Struck out. by
Scott 6. by Mails 2. by Vance 1. Double
plays. Caveney to Koerner. Orr to GriKjrs.
Prandall to Caveney to Koerner. Corlian to
Crandall to Koerner. Passed ball. Schanjr.
Rum responsible for. Smith 1. Malls 2. Left
on bases. San Francisco 3. Sacramento 4.
Credit victory to Scott. Charee defeat to
Mails. Umpire. Ca?ey n-nd Outhrie.
Cleveland Wins From Washington
12 lo 8 Tigers Hand Yankees
Drubbing, 14 to 8.
BOSTON. Aug. 2. Before a crowd of
31.500 Boston and Chicago divided
honors, Boston winning the first and
losing the second game, tiround rules
were necessary. Russell and McGraw,
obtained by Boston from New York in
the Mays deal, both pitched. Scores:
First same
R. H. E. R. H. K.
Chicago. 3 10 l:Boston 5 11 0
Batteries Cicotte and i-chalk; Rus
ell. Musser and Schang.
Second game
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Chicago... 10 14 2;Boston 1 7 1
Batteries Williams and Schalk; Pen-
nock and Walters.
Time Is Half-Minute Slower
'Than Last Year's Mark.
Outside Entries Clean Up Honors Be
Tore Enthusiastic Crowd or
Cheering Portland Fans.
Wlut Zll.3
Blue.l . . .
2 0
o t o
O 1 13
O 0 4
0 O 1
0 0 3
0 1 0
0 0 2
1 o
I Los Aneeles
A' B R H
I Bates. m . . 3
1 Fabrique. a 3
'2 Kournier.l 4
OiCrawf'd.r. 4
3'Bassler.c. 2
l K nw hy,2 2
1 Elllf.l 3
O Niehoff.3. 3
0 O 0: Pertica, p. 2
0 0 41
O 2
1 5 27 7
Rader, .
Cox.r. . .
Jones. p.
Totaln.30 0 4 24 131 Totals.. 2B
Batted for Jones in the ninth.
Portland 0 0 o 0 0 0 O 0 0 0
lis Angeles 100OO00O 1
Error. Basler, Stolen base. Blue. Two
base hit. Speas. Three-base hit. Radcr.
Sacrifice hits. Fabrique. Kenworthy. Bases
on balls, off Jones 3. Struck out. by Pertica
A. by Jones 2. Runs responsible for, Jones 1
Umpires, Toman and Meek.
Vernon Drops 10-lnnlng Battle, Los
inp Earl; Lead.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug:. 2. Oakland
in a 10-inning game proved again to
day to be a stumbling: block in the
road of Vernon's aspirations for league
leadership. hen the Oaks came to
bat in the eighth inning Vernon had a
three to nothing lead which was trans
formed into a tie before the inning
closed. The game went two innings
more when the Oaks scored again.
1 J. Mltc'l.a 4
I Chad'e.m 3
I Meusel.r
IBorton.l. 2
Hicrh.l... S
Flsher.2. 4
Beck. 3. . . 4
Devor'er.c 4
W.Mit l.p 4
0 0 3
10 3
12 4
1 2 10
0 11
0 15
0 11
I Oakland
Al B R H O A
2Grover.2. 4 1 1 2 C3
12 11
Detroit 14, New York 8.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. Detroit de
feated the New York Yankees in an
exciting ten-inning see-saw game be
fore C3.000 persons, the greatest num
ber that ever witnessed an American
league game in New York. Score:
R. H. K.l R. H. E
Detroit. ... 14 15 INew York... 8 9 3
Batteries Leonard. Ehrnke and Ain
smith; Quinn. Schneider. Nelson and
First William L. "Buddie"
Wallen. Illinois Athletic club.
Time, 25:37 3-5.
Second Harold Stubby" Kru
ger. Oakland tCal.) Athletic club.
Time. 25:38 1-5.
Third Georse Schroth. Oak
land Cal.) Athletic club.
Fourth Mi trie Konowaloff,
Crystal Tool, Seattle.
Fifth O. J. Hosford. Multno
mah Amateur Athletic club.
Sixth Jack Pobochanko, Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic club.
Seventh J. w. Caswell, unattached.
Cleveland 1-, Washington 6.
WASHINGTON, ug. 2. Cleveland
took today's game from Washington
by timely placing of hits, although
outbatted. Score:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Cleveland. .12 10 21Washing-ton.6 13 2
Batteries Meyers and O'Neill; Erick
son, taill Zachary and Picinich. -
o 1 4
o o 2
n o 4
n o 4
o n o
o n n
o o o
1 Gulato.l.. 5
1 Wilie.r. . 3
0 Murphy.3. 4
3ohne.a. . 4
4 Elliott. c. 4
1 Falk'n'g-P 2
OMitie'... 1
lR.Arlett.D 1
Totals 33 3 9 2 IS. Totals. 3S 4 7 30 21
Two out when winning run scored.
-Batted for Faikenberg In eighth.
Vernon O1O1O0010 0 3
Oakland 0 0OO0O03O 1 1
Krrors, J. Mitchell. Chadboume, Fisher.
Ouisto. Elliott. Innings pitched. Falk-nberg
R. Stolen bases. Cooper. Fisher. Wilie. J. Mitch
ell. Three-base hit. Meuael. Two-base hits.
Cooper. Urover. Gulsto. Sacrifice hit. Grover.
Bases on balls, off W. Mitchell t. Falkenberg
3. R. Arlett 3. Struck out. W. Mitchell .".
Falkenberg 4. Double plays. Grover to
Bohne to Gulsto. Murphy to Bohne to Grover.
R. Arlett to Bohne to Gutsto. Runs respon
sible for. W. Mitchell 1, Falkenberg 2. Credit
victory to R. Arlett. Umpires, Frary and
Maggcrt's Home Run After Error on
Fonl Clinches Game.
SALT LAKE CITY. Aug. 2. After
overcoming Seattle's lead of two runs
in the first inning by making three
runs in the second. Salt Lake went the
remaining innings scoreless and lost.
With two out and two men on bases
Knight dropped Maggert's foul and
Maggert's next effort was a home run.
St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 2.
F HI LA DELPHI A, Aug. 2. St. Louis
took its second game from Philadel
phia. Rogers was hit hard and was
given poor support. Philadelphia got
nine hits off Sothoron, but the St. Louis
pitcher was effective with men on
bases. Score:
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
St. Louis... 5 10 0Philadelphia.2 9 3
Batteries Sothoron and Severeid;
Rogers, Johnson and Perkin.
Seattle Manager Both Praised and
Condemned by Sport Writers.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 2. Few man
agers in the Pacific Coast baseball
league ever have been the object of
greater diversity of criticism than Bill
Clymer of the Seattle team. He frankly
admits he doesn't know whether he is
a hero or a renegade.
Clymer is being execrated as the
leader of a tail-end team who hasn't
shown any particular aptitude for get
ting together a creditable playing ma
chine, and as showing poor judgment
in the men whom he has dismissed
from the club.
On the other hand, there are those
who laud him as a man who keeps on
fighting notwithstanding the discour
aging showing made by his men. They
say he has put more life into the game
for the spectator than any other one
individual in the entire league. His
coach inK activities during the progress
of a game have been commented on by
the sporting writers as one of the fea
tures of the play.
Clymer. while in the east, is credited
with never having managed a team
which did not figure up in the first
division, and the fact that the Se
attle team is in the Pacific coast "cel
lar' position has afforded abundant
material for the paragraphers.
Fielder to Be Honored.
DES MOINES. Aug. 2. Special pub
lic memorial services will be held here
August 10 at the Western League base
ball park in honor of June Cass, Des
Moines outfielder, who died recently.
Cass was the leading base stealer of
the Western league.
Carpentier Bout Postponed.
LONDON, Aug. 2. The bout between
Joe Beckett and Georges Carpentier
has been postponed until September 16,
it was announced, owing to the refusal
of French army authorities to allow
Carpentier to start his training for an
earlier bout.
Ctm'm.m 5
Walsh.3. . S
Knight.1. 4
Schaller.l 3
Lpan.c. . 4
"W'ares.2. 4
Murphy, s 4
Thomas.p 3
B R H O Al
I Salt Lake
0 Mag'ert.m 4
0 Krug.2. . . 2
OMulvey.l. 4
O Rumler.r. 3
OSheely.l.. 3
0 Johnson. s 4
5'MuJ'iran.3 4
1 Bvler.c. . . 4
l'Markle.p. 3
H o
f 3
0 1
0 2
o in
0 2
2 1
0 5
1 1
Totals. 33 7 13 27 71 Totals.. .".1 3 5 27 17
Seattle 2 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 07
Slt I-aka 0 3000000 0 3
Errors. Knight. Mulvey. Markle. Two-base
hits. Knlgnt. v aisn. Mome runs, Lapin,
Matgert. Sacrifice hits. Compton. Krug.
stolen bases. Lapan. Rumler. Bapes on balls.
off Thomaa 2. off Markle 3. Struck out. by
Thomas 3. by Markle 2. Runs responsible
for. Thomas 3. Markle 6. Double play. Rum
ler to Byler. Umpires. Held and Eaaon.,
Three Runs In Opener Prove Too
, Many for Senators
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Aug. 2. Two
National League Standings,
W I- Pet. W. I. .Pet.
Cincinnati. 61 28 .6r. Pittsburg. . 43 .47.478
.ew York. 56 2S .67i Boston .... :!2 .Vt .:t7t
Chicago.... 47 30.547:St. Louis.. 30 53.361
Brooklyn.. 42 43 .4y4,PhH'delphla 31 51.378
American League Standings.
Chicago 58 34 .630 St. Louis... 49 40 .s.M
Detroit 51 40 .5611 Boston 40 49.44!)
Cleveland.. 51 40 .560 Washinsrton 3!) 54.419
New York. 49 40 .551 Phil delphla 24 64.273
How tbe Series Stand.
At Los Angeles 4 games, Portland 1 game:
at San Francisco. Oakland 4 game. Vernon
1 game: at Sacramento 4 games. San Fran
cisco 1 game; at Salt Lake 4 games, Seat
tle 1 game.
Where the Teams Play This Week.
Portland at Seattle, Salt I-ake at Sacra
mento. Vernon at San Francibco. Oakland at
Los Angeles.
Beaver Batting Average.
AB. H. Av.l A B H .Av.
Siglin 403 120 .'JfR'Koehler. . 161 -39 .242
YVisterril. 332 09 .2!s Maisel 175 42.240
;mi -u. 47 .21'9
For the second consecutive time Wil
liam L. "Buddie" Wallen. representing
the Illinois Athletic club of Chicago,
won the . mateur athletic union's na
tional mile when he finished first yes
terday afternoon in the event staged
under the auspices of the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic club just off th
Windemuth baths on the north end of
Ross Island
The tall and rangy human fish from
the north side of the Stockyards City
traversed the distance in 25 minutes,
37 3-5 seconds. This mark is just 29 3-5
seconds slower than the one established
by Wallen when he brought home the
bacon in the same event last year in
his own home town when he parted
the water for a mile in 25 minutes and
S seconds.
Harold "Stubby" Kruger, represent
ing the Oakland. Cal.. Athletic club
and who has spent a lot of time swim
ming in Hawaii, pressed Wallen all the
while, finishing approximately 12 yards
aft. there being but three-fifths of a
second difference in time. The "Blonde
Hawaiian" as Kruger is sometimes
known, put up an exhibition second only
to that staged by the masterful Chi
cago 21-year-old wonder and deserves
a jugful of credit.
Two Races Develop, i
Two distinct races developed soon
after the getaway. The most important-
one was betwixt Wallen and
Kruger for first place, while the sec
ond battle was raging between George
Schroth. the second Oakland Athletic
club entry, and Mitrie Konowaloff. 16-year-old
midget, swimming under the
colors of the Seattle Crystal Pool.
Schroth had too much endurance and
was too big and powerful for the
diminutive Siwash and tapped the
barge for the final time three lengths
ahead of plucky Mitrie. who came in
fourth. After the first lap Schroth and
Konowaloff discovered that they were
out of the running as far as Wallen
and Kruger were concerned and set
tled down for their gruelling match for
third place.
As was expected not a local man
placed. O J. Ho.-ford. chairman erf
the swimming committee of the Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic club and an
accomplished swimmer with a lot of
tenacity and power, pulled in fifth,
with Jack Pobochanko of the same club
and who used the backstroke all the
way sixth. J. w. Caswell, unattached,
was seventh.
Two local entrants dropped out dur-.
ing the competition. McFarland, unat
tached, called it quits on the fifth lap, '
with Harry Eddas. the winged M lad,
dropping out on the 13th turn.
Parker Drowns Htsj "Watch.
Jack Pobochanko went out to see
how fast he could swim a mile using
the backstroke alone. He .did remark
ably well, but George L. Parker, one
of the timekeepers, who held one watch
in one hand with which to time the
first to finish and another watch in the
other hand to catch Pobo's time, became
excited, nearly falling in the drink, and
in order to save himself from a duck
ing sacrificed the watch which was
timing Pobochanko.
Jack Cody, swimming mentor of the
club, who was in charge of arrange
ments, played the Dick Merriwell role
diving and recovering the ticker, but it
had stopped and Pobochanko's efforts
were in vain.
Although the classic was billled to
commence at 2:30 P. M.. it was 3 o'clock
when the starter's pistol banged away.
Two barges were used to mark the
course and the participants were nandi
capped a bit at the start by having to
hop off a higher platform than usual
The length of the course 110 yards-
necessitated 16 laps and 15 turns.
The event was a distinct artistic and
social success. Hundreds of Portland
swimming enthusiastics gathered on
the barge from where the start was
made, on the bank of Ross- Island and
in launches, canoes and row-boats. The
marvelous Wallen. the tenacious
Kruger and the diminutive Konowaloff
were cheered to the echo as they fin
ished. Although 13 were billed to start but
nine put in appearance. V. A. Treman.
Emmelt Rodgers. Myron Wilsy and
Albert Enegren, all of whom were to
swim under the winged M colors, did
not participate.
The following acted as officials:
Frank E. Watkins. starter; A. X.
Wakeman and Sam Bellah, referees;
Harry Fischer, Frank E. Harmar, J. H.
Mackie, T. Morris Dunne, judges:
George Philbrook, George ti. Parker
and A- B. McAlpin, timers, and Phil
Patterson, clerk of course.
Rader 272 7 4 .2 . 2 feutnerland
Blue..'... 432 117 .27!Penner. . .
singles, a triple and an error gave San . 37 S7 !5.M Schroeder
Francisco three runt in the first in- j Baker'.".." 267 66.ik
4n 10 .
77 is .
5 .o:i
1 .090
Pupils or Ten Eyck Sr. Capture
Amateur Horrors.
WORCESTER. Mass.. Aug. 2. Jim
Ten Eyck. Sr.. veteran crew coach, to
day watched his sturdy oarsmen from
the Duluth Boat club win first hon
ors in the 45th meeting of the National
Association of Amateur Oarsmen.
Duluth won five firsts in the 12 cham
pionship events and this gave them the
Julius Barnes trophy .representative
of the club championship for the na
tional regatta. The Vesper Boat club
of Philadelphia was second and the
Metropolitan Rowing club of New York.