THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 3, 1919. 23 GERMAN PEOPLE FIND FUTURE OF DRAB HUE ,!o Enthusiasm Shown When Government Triumphs. AMERICAN AID IMPLORED iftlililari&is .Discredited and Citizens Are Weary of Revelations as to Responsibility for War. BY CYRIL BROWN, "f Copy right, by the New York World. Pub lished by arrangement.) BERLIN, Aug. 2. (Special cable.) It Is significant of Germany's low morale that not the slightest popular inter est has been aroused by the adoption of the new compromise constitution. This, although the government tried to "keep up appearances by ordering that flags be flung out everywhere- in Wei mar, that the bands play patriotic airs and that fitting ceremonies bo held to celebrate this important event In Ger inan history. There is no day now without its rev elation as to who should bear the blame for beginning the war. These revela tions are beginning to make people weary, for most Germans now regard them as purely manufactured material tor the elections to the new reichstag. MiUtarlKt Are Discredited. Still the revelations have served a Useful purpose in further discrediting the militarists and nationalists in the eyes of the masses. The old guard is probably down and out for a long time, while the young republic is correspond ingly consolidated and strengthened. These revelations have paved the way for the expected re-entry into power of ihe disgruntled democrats and have pi ven the government a sound, big ma jority with which they can tackle the great problems of reconstruction that confront them. Meantime almost every German busi ness man one meets hopes, solicits or begs for help from America. Alarm ists predict freely that Germany will go to fmash and drag all Europe to ruin with it unless financial and eco nomic aid comes quickly. Your corre spondent finds the captains of indus try and leaders of finance morbidly pessimistic as to the immediate future. They argue that only America can save Germany from catastrophe, although they indulge in little real hope that she twill come to their aid. Trade Resumption Slow. Many Germans who have harbored he delusion that America has been rather a platonic eflemy must have dis covered that America took the war seriously after they had digested A. Mitchell Palmer's report, which has left a bitter taste in the mouth of the German business world. This pessi mism is further aggravated by the im mediate invasion of Germany by crowds of American business men with cash and credits for Germany's benefit. The painfully slow resumption of the old business relation with America is one of the most alarming features of the situation to the German business world. MUFF LOSES NERVE WHITE BOOK.' REVEALS KAIS 1 ER AGAINST BLOODSHED. Oenerals and Statesmen Agree That Army and People Reach Limit i and Insist on Peace. BKRLIX, July 31. (By the Associat ed Press.) The ' former German em peror's statement on October 27, 1918, that he had reached an unalterable de termination to sue for a separate peace within 24 hours and to demand an im mediate armistice is one of the many xevi-lations of German war diplomacy -ontained in the "White Book," pub lished at Weimar today. The former emperor's decision to eeek peace immediately, according to docu ments in the "White Book," he consid ered necessary because he believed the people both unable and unwilling' to continue the war. The former German 3-uler's conscience was said to forbid Jiim to permit further bloodshed. More than a month earlier, in Sep tember, General Ludendorff heard that Bulgaria had offered to sign a sepa j-ate peace. In the official discussion tf a direct appeal to the United States jt was agreed that Washington should be designated as the center of peace negotiations as a matter of politeness. Austria was consulted by telephone re garding the proposed appeal. On October 1 General Greener report ed that General Ludendorff had de clared that delay would be fatal, that the formation of a now government should not be awaited, and that a break in the military line was possible at any minute, and that then any peace offer obtained would be unfavorable. General Groener said it was his impression that General Ludendorff had los-t his nerve completely. Fi ince Max immediately inquired if Von Hindenbtirfr was unable to hold the front. He received an answer that the army stood by its demand for an imme ci i I c peace offer. r.-'nee Max still held the matter of peace was premature, but other mem hers of the cabinet titled with General Ludimdorff and maintained that the militarv verdict mut be adhered to because if the situation should be made worse by President Wilson's answer, the army would buck to dodge respon sibility. been received by army officials in Portland. The list of Oregon men who have risen from the ranks to high commis sions includes Colonels Cyrus A. Dolph. Ben H. Dorcy and William H. Jordan; Lieutenants-Colonel Avery J. Cooper, Lewis Koerster and Condon C. McCormick; Majors Stephen R. Beard, Frederick McCabe and Herman F. Rathjen. "In the campaign for recruits now being conducted by the war depart ment, special emphasis is being laid on the value of the educational and voca tional work of the army, which is de signed to fit the soldier in the army for better work in civilian pursuits, as well as to develop in him a finer qual ity of citizenship than he held when he enlisted," reads Major Howard's statement. "These figures reveal the fact that more than 1900 of the 10,900 officers of the regular army have come up from enlisted grades- In other words, more than one-sixth of the present officers of our regular army the finest body of soldiers in the world began their military careers at the bottom of the ladder." LOST MUN'S BODY FOUND BULLET INDICATES VIOLENT DEATH pF CHARLES L. TAYLOR. Coroner Will Hold Inquest Over Late Road Supervisor, Missing Since July 2 3. EUGENE. Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) The body of Charles L. Taylor, road su pervisor of the McKenzie bridge dis trict, -who had been missing? since July 23, was found by Harry G. Hayes, hunter and guide of McKenzie bridge, about 2 miles from the spot where Taylor's hunting companion, Clark, says they separated that day. Owing to poor telephone service, details of the finding: of the body are lacking, but a bullet hole in the body indicated that Talyor had died either from an acci dental shot from his own rifle or had been shot by someone else. Sheriff Stickles, who started today on an outing at McKenzie bridge, will make a thorough investigation of Mr. Taylor's death. District Attorney Ray had been at the scene for two or three days investigating the disappearance. Coroner Branstetter left tonight for McKenzie bridge to hold the inquest. It was expected that the body would be taken to McKenzie bridge from the place where it was found, on Scott's mountain, 26 or 30 miles distant. Taylor and Clark left McKenzie bridge a wek ago Wednesday for a bear hunt. Clark returned two days later, stating that he was unable to find Tay lor after they had separated for the hunt. Clark says he waited at the ap pointed meeting place for several hours before starting for home. 1533 PROMOTIONS MADE JltXimil OF 9 OFFICERS FROM OREGON IS TRIBUTE TO RANKS. Jtrerjiitins Service Prepares Statis tics to Prove Ability of Qualified Men to Attain Success. LAND RECLAMATION URGED Irrigation of 30,000 Acres in Lang ell Valley Proposed. SALEM, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) Percy Cupper, state engineer, has been asked to approve plans for the Langell valley irrigation district in southern Klamath county. Approximately 30. 000 acres are included in the project, and it Is proposed to obtain water from the government Clear lake reservoir in northern California. If the project is approved by the state engineer & special election will be called in the district to vote bonds for the necessary improvements. Mr. Cupper has not yet been able to esti mate the cost of the project. Umatilla Agent Begins Duties. PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) Miss Ella May Harmon. Umatilla county's new home demonstration agent, began her duties here today. succeeding Miss Lorene Parker, who recently resigned to be married shortly. Miss Harmon comes from Boseman, Mont., and has had, in addition to a year's experience as a county demon strator, teaching experience in domestic science. ' 2 00 Ask for Motor Licenses. SALEM. Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.) More than 200 applications for automo bile licenses were received by the sec retary of state yesterday. The increased demand is due to the advent of the second half of the year, which allows owners of cars to take out a six months" license, amounting only to one- half tne regular annual fee. Tillamook Entertains Artisans. TILLAMOOK, Or., Aug, 2. (Special.) This city has been entertaining the of ficers and cadet team of Fram Assem bly, United Artisans from Portland. A dance followed by a supper was held ednesday night. The volunteer fire department gave an Exhibition drill and other entertainment. A fluorescent microscope invented By an Austrian scientist for uEe with ultra violet rays enables the recognition of airterences in matter not perceptible by orennnry nrni. WRIT TO STOP PAY ON "MS" BILL FILED Oil Companies Neglect to Call ' for Warrants. VALADITY IS CHALENGED il iMiimwt.iJBH jm ilium, mum ujiwiijuji nam m .m j iibij.i urnmrimmm $ U t ! H MM I M t ! IM I M I II M 1 1 H! M I H I H ! M 1 1 1 1 ! M I H I M I IH i I U (ill ! U M I II I Mil H M 1 1 M IMI 1 1 MM M Hill UlilM I liill H Mil II litU I Ull H I M I U 1 1 II I ! i ! 1 1 : i f M JIM H ! ! I ' i 1 1 H; M H I JMim!r ) t 'H' li-f S JMSJMfc'iui.l H4!'i jULJ'BIJ EVERY AMD PI Muni John V. Kastc Begins Injunction Suit to Prevent Collection on Commissioners' Debts. Xeglect of the Standard Oil company and the Associated Oil company to call for warrants totaling $331.50 awaiting them all day yesterday at the office of County Clerk Beveridge will mean a long delay for them in the collection of bills for gasoline used in the private automobiles of Commissioners Holman and Hoyt and the county machine driven by Commissioner Muck. Failure of the Portland garage to get a war rant for 60 cents due on the purchase of two gallons of oil for the auto of Commissioner Holman added this con cern to the waiting list. I Two minute hpfnro S o'clock- fls ' deputies were preparing to close up the office of the county clerk for the day, John W. Kaste. local attorney, in the role of indignant taxpayer, filed in junction proceedings seeking to pre vent the county clerk from .delivering the warrants prepared to the creditors and County Treasurer Lewis from pay ing any which might have been deliv ered, on the grounds that such ex penditures from county" funds were un warranted. Validity Ik Challenged. Deputy County Clerk Bush accepted service for Mr. Beveridge and before the office opens Monday morning Mr. Kaste will have had some circuit Judge sign a preliminary restraining order. Mr. Kaste does not base his action upon the alleged illegality of the order of the commissioners for the payment of the bills after their rejection by the county auditor, but rather on the al leged invalidity of the accounts as legitimate county expenses. The gaso line or oil, he points out, has not been used and was not to be used by the commissioners solely for the trans action of official business but also in private business and "in pursuit of their happiness in operating their own private automobiles." When seen last night Mr. Kaste said: "I brought this suit as a private citizen and taxpayer in my individual capacity and upon my own responsi bility. A public office Is a public trust and not a private snap, and whenever public officials use public office for their own private gain or use. It is time for some one to call a halt. Other Salts Contemplated. "I propose to sever and to plug up some of the underground pipe lines that have been draining the public treasury of this county and state. From now on I shall act as -the public watch-dog of the public monies and no one, official or layman, shall drain the treasuries without authority of law. "I shall next week institute suit against the commissioners to stop draining the Interstate bridge fund. Once a month the commissioners meet and audit the monthly payroll, and for this they extract $50 per month each out of this fund. No one can enjoy two lucrative offices in the state at one -ajid the same time, and this un lawf uPToractlce must stop. "I shall furthermore file suit next week against the school directors and the school board to compel a restitution of all monies drained out of the public school fund. "I refer especially to the $620 ex, tracted by Director Thomas as expenses incurred in his late .pleasure trip east to imbibe knowledge, experience and other things. The $10,000 expended in boosting and in attempting to put over the late proposed bond issue must be repaid. These unlawful practices must cease. "I shall personally appear before the grand jury as an officer of the court and lay these matters before it and demand a thorough investigation. Let the galled jades wince." IS BUILT SO GOOD Start orricer Visits. COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.) Captain Roy Kn6x. recently on the staff of General Pershing in France, is here visiting his mother. Mrs. S. L. Knox, his brothers Roy a,nd Frank and sister Mamie. His home Is at Al bany and he is accompanied by Mrs. Knox. $100,000 Coal Company Files. SALEM, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) The Coquille Coal & Coke company, with a capital stock of $100,000, filed articles of incorporation here today. The incorporators are L. H. Smith, L. R. Ferbrache and L. DeKeater. Coquille is named as headquarters for the corporation. That we have absolutely eliminated the costly and ruinous practice of having to take pianos back on account of faulty workmanship and material. (Look up the character and financial standing of the Bush & Lane Piano Co.) H & LANE PIANO CO, BUILDERS OF GUARANTEED ' PIANOS AND PLAYERS Bush & Lane Bldg. mmnitiium Broadway at Alder i m m i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 . . 1 1 , .TVrrrrT,rr.- U M I i i 1 1 ! i 1 1 H i ) I E i H i 1 1 1 1 1 H H i I H 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 M 1 H I H M 1 1 1 1 M M 1 1 M 1 1 1 M 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 i i j I f M I H t H f i M f M f f 1 1 1 i M r 11 i ! "iTh I i MtMIMMlf il I SERVICE MEN EMPLOYED PORTLAND IS COMPLIMENTED BY FEDERAL INVESTIGATOR. tied to the employers' legion of honor citation, issued jointly- by the secretary of war and the secretary of the navy. Military Men Being Absorbed Into Commercial Lite With Ease In This City. Portland stands In a class by itself as a city which has absorbed discharged service men into its commercial and in dustrial world, without the least diffi culty. In addition, Portland has a rec ord of having accomplished this task with a splendid co-ordinated body, less the friction and overlapping of effort which has marked similar effort in other large cities. Such in the opinion of Byron P. Spry, working under Colonel Arthur Woods, who is charged with the duty of han dling the gigantic task of bringing about the absorption of all discharged military men into the industrial and commercial activities of the country. Mr. Spry spent but one day in Port; land and upon finding that there was nothing that rhe government could do to enhance the work performed by Captain James O. Convill and his asso ciates in the handling of the employ ment bureau for discharged service men, left for Seattle. "I have visited the majority of the cities in the country," Baid Mr. Spry, "but in no city have I .found such splendid work along this line as in Portland." Many Portland employers ere entl Social Service Work Lauded. resolutions commending the Uni versity of Oregron board of reprents for establishing: the courses in social serv ice work through the Portland center of the extension division have been adopted by the students' committee. The practical instruction relative to so cial problems is commended, as well as the selection of Dr. Edward T. Devine. director of the school. His co-workers are thanked for assistance given. Kiwanians Go to Astoria. TACOMA, Wash.. Aug. 2. (Special.) Guy E. Kelly, district governor of Kiwanis clubs of the Pacific northwest: C. Milford Coye, president of Tacoma Kiwanis club, and W. C. Landreth. sec retary o fthe Tacoma club, have gone to Astoria. Or., to aid in the presenta tion of a Kiwanis charter to a newly formed club there. A number of other Tacoma Kiwanians let tfor Portland today, from where they will go to the Astoria meeting. HIGH ELK OFFICER HOME1 CHARLES C. BRADLEY RETCRXS FROM RECXIOX IX EAST. Esteemed Lecturing Knight of Grand Lodge Says Meeting Wast Most Sncessful Jn History. Charles C. Bradley, who was elected grand esteemed lecturing knight of the grand lodge of the Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks, returned yester day from the east, where he attended the annual reunion of the lodge. Mr. Bradley also made an extensive tour of eastern cities. Mr. Bradley, who is past exalted ruler of the Portland lodge of Elks, reports that the annual meeting at Atlantic City, N. J., was one of the most successful in the history of the order. One of the features of the con vention, he said, was an address by Evanerellnpf Booth, commander of the Salvation Army in America. Through-f out the war ftnd during the post-war period the Elks lodges of the country, have given material assistance to the Salvation Army in raising funds for service worK. iuiss .Booth ap peared before the convention and ex pressed the gratitude of officers and members of the Salvation Army for the' assistance and co-operation. Mr. Bradley will attend the annual reunion of the Oregon State Elks' con-' vention in Klamath Falls. August 14. 15 and 16, at which time he -will give a brief account of the national con vention session. Railway Union Shows Growth. The Brotherhbod of Railway and. Steamship Clerks. FYeiRht Handlers. Express and Station Employes has out grown its present meeting place at Selling-Hirsch hall and has to seek larger quarters. Beginning Saturdav. August 9. at 8 P. M., the meetings will be held in W r w 1...11 T.'io.-A , t. street, near Alder. J. v. Bennett, bus iness agent of the railway clerks, has in unite at. ui jiecK ouuuing. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Phone Main 7070. A ops. nkti and rose to high rfc ikes her plai-e among 8 Of nearly 1000 men serving in the recent war who began their military careers in the rank grJp5, Oiegoh ts the western states with nine officers who have written their names indel ibly on the si roll of fame in the great tonf net. The separate stories of the remark shlf promotions of all these men read like romances. But what is of more interest to military men. especially those engaged in the present recruit ing work, it more than proves the statements so often blade that the rmy offers a distinguished career to a'l who enter its ranks. A list of these loon men who have Jratned such signal honors has been prepared by Major S. Howard. HiH list and aprended statement has just THE FIRST . tnl J Sfl P7 THING TO DO Make sure of ample Heat for your home this winter Right Now Find out about the Caloric JM DOOH per The original Patented Pipeless Fur nace. Instead of waiting until No vember blasts start people clamoring for immediate service. Decide to get the Caloric Facts in full today. Order a Caloric and you have to or der only half your usual fuel supply. Burns coal, wood coke, brickettes or gas. Over 76,000 Calorics have been installed. CALORIC PIPELESS FURNACE CO. 314 STARK STREET NEAR SIXTH PHONE MAIN 7654 Mmi v a r -' v 7 -r v Wtiy Women Grow Old Greater Percentage of Anaemia Lack of Iron in the Blood Among; Women Makes Them Lose Much of Their Youth, Beauty and Former Attractiveness, and Become Fretful, Nervous and Run-Down What Women Need Is Not Cosmetics or Stimulating Drugs But Plenty of Pure Red Blood, Rich in Iron Physician Explains How Organic Iron N'uxated Iron, Enriches The Blood, Strengthens The Nerves Builds Up Physical Power and Often Makes Weak, Pale, Careworn Women Look and Feel Years Younger. Look for the woman who appears younger than a man of the the same" age and you will find the exception to that vast majority upon whom anaemia lack of iron in the blood has fastened its grip and is gradually sapping the health, vitality and beauty which every woman so longs to retain. In most cases men safeguard their health better than women by eating coarser foods, . being more outrof-doors and leading more active lives, thereby keeping their blood richer in iron and their bodies in better physical condition. The very moment a woman allows herself to become weak, nervous and run-down she is placing a drain upon her whole system which overtaxes the power of the blood to renew wasted tissue and keep active the natural life forces of the body. There are thousands of women who are aging and -breaking down at a time when they should be enjoying that perfect bodily health which comes from plenty of iron in the blood, simply because they are hot aVrake to their condition. For want of iron a woman may look and feel haggard and all run down while at 50 or 60 with good health and plenty of iron ,in her blood she may still be "young- in feeling and so full of life and attractiveness as to defy de tection of her real age. But ' a woman cannot always have beautiful rosy cheeks or an abundance of strength and endurance without iron, and physicians below have been asked to explain why they pre scribe organic iron Nuxated Iron to help supply this deficiency and aid in building a race of strong er, healthier women. Ir. James Francis Sullivan, formerly phy sician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.. New York, and the Wtcheter Courtly Hos pital. : "Many-, a woman who is run down, eamly tired out, nervous and IrritaolA, ,-4.. and get them selves into a con dition to ward off the millions of tl 1 s e a. a germs that are almost continually around ua. I con sider Nuxated Iron one of th foremost blood and body buil.f era tho best to which I hav over had re course." . Amonic other physicians asker! f'r an opinion was Dr. Georpo :I. Baker, former ly Physician and Jk-'Wi-i-O "nra;on Mon- mount memorial Hospital, New Jersey, who sayn: "What Women ned to put to"S in their cheeks and th apringtime of life into their step is not rometi-s or stimulating: rimes. but plentw or rich, pure blood. Without It no woman ran do credit to herself or to h-r ork. Iron is one of th greatest of nil strenRt h and biood-buMdery. and I have found nothing- in my experience no effective for he) pine to make stronjr, healthv, red blooded women as Nuxated Iron." Vnmifatnrrrs' N"oe: Nutated Iron, whfrh i presrrlbd and recommended above by phy sicians, is not a Pfrrt fmrny hot ono which well known to drurists vrvwher. t'n lik the nMor inorganic Iron products it ts easily rtsimilatd, does not injur the teeth. make them black nor upset the stomach. The know it. I am convinced that there are manufacturers guarantee succecsful and on thotuands of such women who. simply by tirely satisfactory results to every purchaser . . ., . or they will refund your monev. It is dla- taKtna: uxaiea iron m.pnt reaany ouua up pAntefl in thiH ciiy ,lV H , , Rlod dl.ussl3tB and tuCten from Iron deficiency and doe not the4r red eorpnsriea, itiereatt poyaieal energy iiie Uiug eiore. Adv