3 THE SUNDAY. OREGOMAX, PORTLAND. AUGUST 3, 1019. MOUNT-HOOD LOOP TO 4 OPEW SCENIC BEAUTY Great Highway Also Affords Fire Protection. SCENERY IS UNSURPASSED Glaciers, Snowfields, Primeval For ests and Towering Kidgcs Await Eyes of Native Lovers. "vThen the Mount Hood loop is com pleted, which will he some three years hnce. Oregon will offer to the world another of the greatest scenic routes and forwarded to Washington. Within a .fortnight the award should be made and soon thereafter the successful con tractor can begin to assemble his equipment. These 14 miles may pos sibly be finished by the end of the 1920 season. Much depends on the contrac tor's luck, particularly with regard to weather condition;?. Expfniie In Divided. After the first unit is under way the government may next year solicit bids on the remainder of the project, at least the government is expected to pursue this course. The expense of building the loop is shared equally by the forestry department and by the state, as this is a co-operative under taking, but the supervision is under officials of the government. Construction of the loop has been urged by the government for several years. Aside from the scenic revela tions which the road will unfold, the tcovernment has a practical purpose back of this road. The loop will ex tend into the forest and will afford quick access to millions of feet of standing timber which the forestry de partment is anxious to preserve. The loop will enable fire fighters to be mo bilized quickly in the reserve in the event of a conflagration, for automo biles can take the fire fighters from Portland to the southern side of the mountain in about three hours when the highway is completed. So far as the average citizen is con- OPEN FORUM FEATURE WHEN RETAU-ERS MEET Annual Merchants' Convention to Hold Discussions. PROGRAMME IS EXTENSIVE System of Committees Planned to Handle Questions Affecting Northwest's Interests. The 15th annual convention of the Oregon Retail Merchants' association, which will open in the grreen room of the Portland Chamber of Commerce Jobber. Manufacturer and Iletailer." Thi subject is open for general discussion. Morning: Session. A artist 6. 9:30 o' Clock. Discussion "Problem of Business Hours: Retail Clerks; Burglary Insurance ; Petty Thievery: Fake Itinerant Solicitors," etc This topic open for general discussion. Discussion "linking Local Newspapers With Country Merchants. This discussion will be opened by S. o. Morton, president of Oregon Newspaper convention. Open for discussion. Discussion "Knowledge of Finance In Business." Led by A. C. Marsters of Rose burg; Or. Disou&sion "Cost of Soliciting Business and Telephone in Business; the Cash and Carry Plan; Reducing Service Cost." This subject open for general discussion. Afternoon Session. August 6 S o'clock. Discussion "Problems of the Clothing and Dry Goods Dealer." This subject open for general discussion. Discussion "Federal Luxury Tax; Govern ment Control as Affecting Retailer; National Legislation Required ; Other National Prob lems." These topics open for general dis cussion. Discussion "Enforcement of Anti-Trading Stamp Law; Peddlers Law; Problem of Lo cal Charities and Subscriptions; State Legis lation Required; Benefit of Local Co-operation." Open for discussion. Discussion "Extending Credit With Max imum Safety; Collections; Deliveries; Co operative Deliveries," etc. Open for dis cussion. August 7. 9:30 A. M. Discussion "Retail Advertising: Store and Wndow Displays; Solicitors ; Form Let ters: ' New Methods of Getting Business Through Publicity." Open for discussion. Discussion "Co-operation of Competitors: Problem of Cut Prices; Arbitration o f P pe - Portland's History to Be De picted at Laurelhurst Park. MANY DANCES LEARNED Old Style Dentistry Going Out A Better Style Coming In Period From Time of Virgin Forest to Advent of World War and Peace to Be Presented. Two thousand children will take part in the pageant to be presented in Laurelhurtt park August 21 by the War Camp Community Service in con Junction with the city park board and PICTORIAL MAP OF PROPOSED LOOP ROAD AROUND OREGON'S STATELY PEAK - I o. jHouse. roii oats : J LOOKOUT J Goi7ttrTW7 .RHOPODEVDftOS? , I..c, " , 5 J fr-i-7CAMP WE,HES C-- J xLyr- f m ! Spill CR. PARKER Artiwt'a ttketcfa lve idea of ucenic beauties to be obnerved from rot ernment road around Mount Hood, vonnecting at Hood River with Columbia river hisbway. The circled cross Indicates where the proponed road will join the Hood river valley road. The star locates dovfrnment Camp, which Is know n on the government's .survey as the lieginnin of the loop road. , In a state filled with scenic splendors, the Mount Hood loop will command at tention. Not only will this loop be a scenic road, but it will also be a commercial road, for it will shorten materially the distance from central and eastern Ore gon, particularly after a lateral has been constructed to the Wapinitia plain. Olaciers. snow fie Id.-, torrents, prime val forests, towering" ridges, shadowy valleys and over and above all mag nificent Mount Hood at close rangre will sreet the eye of the traveler over the loop. Nowhere in Europe will there be a. scenic road to compare with it. The link which forms the loop is the section through the forest reserve on the southern, side of the mountain. There is now a road to Government Camp and a bit beyond and it is also possible to get through by means ot horses. The section through the re serve will be 37 miles in length. After skirting the base of the mountain it connects with the Hood River county road system near Parkdale. This sys tem will, in turn, connect with the Columbia river highway. Hood River county contemplates bonding itself to hard surface from the Columbia river highway up through the valley to the point of connection with the govern ment section. Loop Offers Wonderf ul Trip. From Portland eastward to Govern-' snent Camp is familiar territory to thousands of Portlanders. Once the connection is made with the Hood River county road system it will be possible to motor from Portland to and around the mountain, into Hood River and thence back by way of the Columbia river highway to Portland. From time to time there are glimpses of the mountain as the traveler ap proaches, but the first view, of grand proportions comes when the whole mountain bursts into view as Toll Gate is passed and an opportunity is given to look up YAg Zae: canyon. Comes then a long, gradual ascent, with the snow pea k looming large and apparently near cnouffh to tos an apple to. At Laurel Hill the road enters a timber belt which is very dense and composed of tine meehantable trees. This belt is penetrated until near Gov ernment Camp, then the loop road traverses a burned area until near Government Camp, then the loop road traverses a burned area which has been restocked. On the road goes past Sum mit house and the big meadows, then into more timber and over a ridge. "White river will be crossed by a bridge. This i's a muddy, glacial tit ream, w hose waters are cold and come tumbling down from "White river glacier, which perches high up toward the top of Mount Hood, where it has remained since the glacial age. Ilennett Pans High Point. The highest point on the loop will be at Bennett pass. Before this is at tained the traveler has crossed Still creek. Deer creek, the upper reaches of Salmon river, Barr gap and Iron creek. Instead of hugging close to the mountain's base the road takes the op posite side of the stream and runs t h rough another primeval w ilderness. The snow remains in the woods later than it does qver in the clearing where the sun strikes, but there have been good and sufficient reasons for locating th road where it is to go. A road at tb- ase of the mcuntain would have been too close to the snow cap for it to be seen. The location designated enables the tourist to secure a view from a suitable ancle and spreads be fore the eye all the majesty of the hoarv volcano that once flooded the country with ash and lava. Owing to the shortness of the season construct ion work :s limited to the period of four months. The first unit to be butlt is a section 14 miles length connecting with the road at the Portland end. Some work can be ac oomplished this year, such as clearing and grubbing and a little grading. Bids v. ere opened on this section last week cerned, however, the loop will be a scenic road. No visitor to Oregon will want to depart without making the loop, for on this round trip a greater variety of scenery will be found than in any similar mileage anywhere on the Pacihc coast or in America for that matter. Notwithstanding that the loop entirely in the foothills of Mount Hood, in the forest reserve section, the grade is always easy, except for a short stretch of 6 per cent, this being but 1 per cent steeper than the maxi mum grade on the highways of the state. LEGION INVITES WOMEN WIVES AND SISTERS OF ASKED TO MEETING. MEN Session of Auxiliary Plans Relief Work to Aid Soldiers Families in Need. Wives and sisters of men honorably discharged from the service are speci ally urged to attend the American Le gion auxiliary meeting to be held to morrow night at 8 o'clock in the gray parlors of the Multnomah hotel. Moth ers are also entitled to membership in the auxiliary and the invitation is extended to them also, but since the mothers have attended nearly all the meetings, a special invitation is given t tie wives and sisters for this gather ing. At least 2000 women in Portland should belong to this auxiliary, the of ficers say, but the number usually pres ent has been small. Many things of interest will be dis cussed at tomorrow's meeting. An out line of the winter's work will be made and plans discussed for caring for the f a.m ilies of soldiers in need. The mem bers wish to do something which will stand as a monument to the auxiliary in years to come. The auxiliary will not be a lodge but a patriotic club. A constitution and by-laws have been drawn up, but the charter will not be closed until Xocmber. Temporary officers recently chosen are: Mrs. P. C. Norris, presi dent; Mrs. George Fauss, secretary; Mrs. Minnie Monroe, treasurer. Meet ings are held the first and third Mon days of each month. CLOTHES SHOP TO OPEN August 5 at 2 P. M., is unique in that four of the five sessions of the conven tion wil I be an open forum for mer chants of the Pacific northwest out side of Portland. The programme committee of the as sociation has arranged a programme which covers every conceivable subject relating to the interests of the retail trade and. as each subject is presented by the president, a general discussion will be invited. Committee System Planned. After a subject Introduced at the convention has been fully discussed the forum will have the opportunity of nominating a committee, representing the entire northwest, to launch plans for the ultimate remedying of condi tions. Committee members will keep in close contact through a secretary in Portland and it is thought that ques tions arising out of national legislation and where the problems affect all busi ness men of the northwest in a similar degree, the innovation will prove a decided advantage. Farm Work. Interests. According to Secretary Merrick of the association, the merchants have deep interest in the work being done by the county agricultural agents of Oregon and he sees a eplendid oppor tunity for the merchants to co-operate in the work, which is not only improv ing agricultural conditions, but which is educating the farmer to the use of better implements and better farm equipment, and the farmer's wife to better household utensils, furniture, etc. County Agent to Speak. As a means of bringing before the merchants the exact position of the county agent, Paul V. Maris, county agent leader, representing the Oregon State Agricultural college and the L nited States department of agricul ture, has been invited to open a dis cussion on "Community Development.' This discussion will be launched at the first session of the convention on the afternoon of August 5. The membership of the Oregon Retail .Merchants association in Oregon representative of all retail lines and the discussions will be of equal interest to the dry goods man, clothing dealer, garage aeaier, naraware man, grocer ana milliner. following is the programme of the convention : Registration of merchants and informal get-together conferences, green room Port land tnamber of Commerce. 9 A. M. August .j. Convention opens 2 P. M., August Z green room, Portland Chamber of Com merce. Address of welcome by Nathan Strauss or t leischner. Mayer &. Co.. chairman northwest liberty buyers' week. Convention opened by G. Clifford Barlow. president of Oregon Retail Merchants' asso ciation. President's address and appointment of committees. Outline of convention programme and pur poses by State Secretary L. R. Merrick. Discussion "Community Development: Co operation W ith Grange; Co-operation with County Demonstrators and Agents." This discussion will be opened and led by Paul V. -Marls, county agent leader, representing the Oregon State Agricultural college and the United States department of agriculture. Discussion "Improving Relations Between fal Sales: Use and Misuse of Leaders." This odIc oDen for ceneral discussion, but will be led by A. Brund, Cottage drove, and K. Purslev of Coqu I c. Or. Discussion "Building Up a Retail Shoe Business." This subject open for discussion by all4 retailers of shoes. August 7. S P. M. Discussion Miscellaneous topics by re tailers in any particular line. Open for gen eral discussion. Reports of committees, selection of next convention city, consideration of resolutions. election of officers. Rochester Clothes Shop for Men Opens Doors on Tuesday. Murray Blee. who has been identi fied with the men's clothing business in Portland for the last 15 years, is now associated with the new clothing firm. The Rochester Clothes Shop, of 148 Fourth street, as manager. The pro prietors of-- the firm are Xudleman & c-arber. This new establishment will be an exclusive shop for men's and young men's clothing, carrying noth ing but the latest styles and fads. Mr. Blee says that the favorite mod els this fall will be longer coats, and also the popular waist-seam model. with belt attached, . new being shown in New York. The opening of the new store will be Tuesday, and the location is 14S Fourth street, between Morrison and Alder streets Adv. Federal Prisoners Transferred. LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Aug. 2. One hundred and twenty-eight prisoners at the United States disciplinary barracks, where 2b00 inmates were on strike last week, were sent to a prison near San Francisco today. According to prison officials the men were picked at ran dom. CITY MAY BUY CLUB LOTS IRVKGTOX PROPERTY DESIRED FOR PLAYGROUND. Friendly Condemnation Suit May 'Be Necessary to Complete Trans fer to Municipality. The city of Portland will acquire 12 lots owned by the Irvington club if satisfactory arrangements can be made, according to announcement yesterday by City Commissioner Pier. The- prop erty which the city is anxious to pur chase includes playground equipment tennis courts and similar features now operated by the city adjoining the Irv ington clubhouse. The Irvington club owns 20 lots in the center of the Irvington district. which was assessed recently by a com mitte of the Portland realty board at $50,000. . Under the plan of Commis sioner Pier the city would acquire 12 lots, leaving eight lots for the club to maintain. Commissioner Pier has referred the matter of purchase of the property to the city attorney's office for investi gation, and it is probable a friendly condemnation suit will be necessary before the property is transferred from the cjub to the city. The property which the city desires for playground purposes now is subject to an indebt edness for street improvement assess ments and taxes amounting to approx imately $16,000. If the city acquires the property this indebtedness must be assumed by the city. Plans for a new clubhouse, already formulated, will probably be carried into effect if the sale of the property is consummated. These plans include provision for a high-class clubhouse with all features included for the pleas ure, amusement and comfort of members. playgrounds. The pageant, involving as it does so many children and- others, will be one of the largest community productions ever given in the north west. The story of this "Pageant of Port land," written by Mrs. Adah Losh Rose. presents allegorically Portland's his tory from the time of the virein for est down through the coming of the red man. civilization and finally the world war and then peace. The nasre- ant is to celebrate the return of the soldiers. I'olk Dancea in Paceant. The children in the playgrounds have Deen practicing for some time, under the leadership of Mrs. AHa Kastham Travis, who is in charge of dancing in me playgrounds of the city. She is pupil of the Denishawn school in New York. The children will dance many folk dances, among them beintr Irish jig. Holland kiddies, Italian tarantella ana peascods. They will present also the rose dance. The Children are being trained in singing by Walter R. Jenk ins, song leader of the War Camp Com munity Service, who is coaching them in patriotic songs and the two official songs of the last two Rose Festivals. The solo dancing is being directed by Miss Adele M. Waper, in chare, of dancing for the War Camp Community &er ice. tone is a pupil of Oscar Duy rea in New York and Veronine Veetof of San Francisco. Little Emily Will iams will present a toe dance solo, a ballet of ten girls will represent Art. Miss Mildred Barnes will dance the tarantella and other dances will be the Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Highland fling, hornpipe and French minuet. Children Learn Pageant Story. One of the features of the naa n t will be the dancing of Miss Katherine 1-aldlaw, who will be the aueen fairv Miss Wilberta Babbidge will give sev eral toe dances. The girls of the victory chorus, under the leadership of Mrs. Jane Burns Al bert, will sing appropriate songs for an the dances. They will sing songs in the language which fits the dance, some of their numbers being a dainty French minuet, boating song and Japanese cnorus. The story of the pageant is now be ing related to the children in the play grounds at the story hour. The library association is. assisting in this work. The pageant will begin early in the evening, probably at 7 o'clock, since it will last for two hours. By DR. PARKER Founder and Executive Head of the E. R. Parker System rLD-rTYLE dentistry was too slow it wasted time and the patient paid for the waste. You had to wait your turn, and you had to make appointment after appointment to get dental work done. The trouble was the lack" of sys tem and the limitations of one dentist working by himself. The E-. R. Parker System in Dentistry cuts out all delays and gets the work done at once. Fewer appointments are required, and often dental work can be completed in one visit that required sev eral visits under the old style. This is because the Parker System requires 2 staff of specialists, and specialists not only work better, but faster. If you will visit the office in this city where the Parker System is used, a specialist will look at your teeth, tell you without charge what ought to be done with them, and tell you in advance the price for doing the work if you decide to have it done. This will show how much" less dental prices are under the Parker System than under the old methods now oing out of style. SPECIALISTS PORTLAVD OFFICEi Dr. A. D. Caire Examlnatiun. l)r, F. . Cbristensen Extracting-. X-RT. Dr. A. It. Mitchell Crown ana llrldKC Dr. 10. B. Fleet Inlay. Dr. A. II. Stiles Crown and Bridge. Dr. C. R. Bennett Crown. Dr. K. u. Wilson Porcelain. Dr. A. W. Deane -Crown and Fillinirs. Registered Dentists Using the E. R. PARKER SYSTEM C26 WASHINGTON STREET COR. SIXTH Si VSYSTEM the armistice he was sent to the Uni versity of Sarbonne in Paris, where he took a four months' law course in international and civil law. It was during this time that he was able to make a close study of the international sitution and the lectures which he proposes to give are based mainly upon information acquired while in Paris. Although the itinerary is not defin itely fixed, it will include Roseburg, Eugene. Salem. Falls City, Dallas, lie- Minnville. Portland, Oregon City, fcea- side and Newport. The tour is being arranged for the benefit of the Wom en's building fund of the University of Oregon. the $100,000 DAMAGES ASKED Ohio Man Charges False Imprison ment in San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 2. Two suits for $50,000 each against Chief of Police V. A. White of San Francisco and the Ohio Savings & Trust company of To ledo, alleging false imprisonment, were filed here today by Charles L. Vaughn. Toledo hotel man. following his arrest on a charge of securing several thou sand dollars from the bank through illegal methods. Vaughn is in the city prison awaiting a hearing. Tail Hold Makes Killer of Skunk Immune. Cottngre Grove man escape rmhnr assment by using- novel method in eliminating; chicKen thleC Is a fitting time to erect a new hall on its property for the accommodation of Masons of Sunnyside and other parts of the city. He Quit Cigarettes NEW TEMPLE TO RISE SOON Masons of Sunnyside District to Lay Cornerstone Tuesday. The cornerstone of the new temple of SunDyside lodge No. 163. Ancient. Free and Accepted Masons, will be laid with customary ceremonies Tuesday night at 7 o'clock by Karl C. Bronaugh, grand master of Oregon. Members will con vene at the present lodge rooms and proceed to the site of the new building at Thirty-ninth street and Hawthorne avenue. Sunnyside- lodge was organized in May, 1914, with 26 members, and has experienced a steady growth since its founding, its membership having more than doubled. The lodge feels that it TAKE ALONG A BOTTLE OF SLOAN'S OREGON MAN PATENTS COMPACT HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE. COTTAGE GROVE. Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) Swinging a skunk by the tail and thus beating it to death has never been highly recommended as a method of preparing one for im mediate admission into select society, yet D. A. Estes recently performed that feat and is still welcome any where as an untainted visitor. Com motion in his chicken coop indicated that either a biped or quadruped rob ber was busy, but Mr. Estes found that a skunk was the marauder. Visions of isolation from society did not deter him from saving his egg producing property. It seemed impossible to strike the animal without at the same time injur ing the chickens, so Mr. Estes grabbed his skunkship by the bushy appendage and proceeded forthwith to slam its head against a convenient plank. Not a chicken was lost and the odor that is commonly thought to accompany such a mixup was conspicuous by its absence. Have It Handy for Sore, Stiff Vacation Muscles. While you're making a list of your vacation necessities, don't fail to in clude a bottle of Sloan's Liniment. Va cation days are so different than days at home so far as pains and aches are concerned. You'll bring muscles into play while away that will become stiff and sore from exertion. Don't let them bother you long. Sloan's Liniment penetrans without rubbing, bringing prompt tingling re lief and comfort. Good for all sorts of bruises. Don't forget keep handy. 30c. 60c. si.zo. a bottle hi jf V HI - m i-9 COMBINATION" PLATE HAS ROOM FOR ACCESSORIES. A compact combination plate, -which has on its rim places for a knife, fork, salt and pepper shakers and a butter dish, is the recent invention of F. A. Price of Tidewater, Or. Mr. Price plans to make this plate in graniteware and alu minum for campers and hospitals, and in china for household use. Patents were granted on the table device April 28, and the inventor is now in Portland arranging for its manufacture. LIEUTENANT T00ZE LANDS Lectures to Be Given in Oregon Towns on Impressions Abroad. Lieutenant Lamar Tooze has arrived in New York after two years spent overseas. He will give a series- of lectures in towns of Oregon upon his impressions, both as a soldier and as a student of the international situation in Paris. Lieutenant Tooze was in company L of the 364th infantry of the 91st di vision. His brother, Leslie Tooze. was f Irtt lieutenant in company K of the S64th. Company K was in the third battalion of the 364th infantry that suffered most heavily in the shelling from the north side of Baulny woods, at 4 o'clock on the 28th day of Sep tember, 191$, when it made the diffi cult advance in the woods and thicket It was here that Lieutenant Leslie Tooze was killed?, being only a few hundred yards from where his brother, Lamar Tooze was going into the same action. At the very close of the war in No vember, Lieutenant Lamar Tooze was regimental intelligence officer. After REPLACES "THAT TIRED FEELING" WITH VIGOR Hard work, worry, lack of exercise, produce a run-down condition which makes many men and women 50 per cent efficient. You can restore your system to normal activity and vigor by the systematic use of Proud's Port olive Tonic. This is a beneficial emul sion of nourishing products which im proves the appetite, aids digestion and promotes the proper action of the in ternal organs and bowels. It is a splendid corrective of constipation. Purely vegetable. Try it for thirty days and note the increase in weight, strength and vitality. Energizes im mediately. Strengthens permanently. Indorsed by physicians. Sold by drug gists. Adv. GAINED OVER 30 POUNDS "I moked cigarettes erer siac a boy. FVom six to eipht sacks ot tobacco I nod weekly," states Mr. 8. H. Fergnsoa. 'Cigarettes were doing mm groat harm. I became so nervous that X couldn't aleey until I smoked. Each morning X bad aa awful tasto in my mouth. "Several times I tried to suit by will power, bnt it just seemed that I would go wild if I couldn't have cigarettes. "I had almost ffiren up hope of ever quitting until one day I aent for a free book by Mr. Woods that told me what to do. After learning the way, I quit easily In 3 days and haTen't touched a cigarette in years. I hare gained over SO pounds and cannot praise the method too highly. I say to eTry cigarette smoker if yon can't quit without hela get this book, ao says Mr. Ferguson, ot Crumps Park. The foregoing remarks are like those of many other men who have been freed from the habit of smoking cigarettes, pipe or cigars or who hare been chewing tobacco or dipping snuff exressiTely. Get this book. It is free: postpaid to ?0, Cut (his out andehow ot'oers. Write at once to Edward J. Woods. TC-216. Station F. New York. N. V. Tobacco Habit Cured Not only to users of pipe and cigars, out the vicious cigarette habit is over come by using: the S 1TRATE" treat menu Price, complete, postage paid. $1 50. Laue-Davis Drug Co.. Third and Yamhill. Dept. 3. Portland. Or. (Whan writing mention this paper.) FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Method That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss of Time. We hive a. new method that contros Asthma, and w want you to try it ac our expense. No mutter whether your case is of long standing or recent development, whether it is present as Hay Fever or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your as or occupa tion, it you are troubled with asthma our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, '"patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our expense that this new method is designed to end all difficult breath in r, all wheezing, and ail those terrible paroxysms at once. This free offer is too important to neglect a single day. Write now and begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply maii coupon below. Do it Today. 1RLE TRIAL COL' PON. FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room JS07X. Niagara and Hudson Sts.. Buffalo, N. T. Send free trial of your method to: Grocer Up Against It 'I have been up against it for past 3 years suffering from pain in my etom ach and side until I was considering giving up my grocery business. Doctors and medicine did not help me. I heard of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy through a friend in Buffalo. The first dose (rave me more benefit than all the medicine I had taken before and am now feel ing as well as ever in my life." It is a simple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucus from the. in testinal tract and allays the inflamma tion which causes practically aii etuin ach. liver and intestinal ailments, in cluding appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. At all drug gists. Adv.