The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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Oscar Hammerstein Passes at
H's New York Home.
Mr. Hoover. This subject will be dis
cussed today.
Mr. Hoover announced he would re
sign from the economic council Sep
tember 1. and Lord Cecil said he would
cease to be a rotary British member of
the council after its present session.
As th food restrictions in the United
States ended with the coming of peace
and the food administration was de
mobilized, it was pointed out that
Herbert Hoover, representing the
United States, was not authorized to
bind the country to any agreement, and
for that reason it was decided to place
the plan in the hands of the committee.
The members despaired of reducing
prices much below the level obtaining
three months ago, but they were deter
mined that if possible they would not
permit prices to go higher.
It was shown that prices in Lurope,
except where commodities were subsi
dized by the government, were higher
than in the United States.
Soldiers From All Sections of Over
seas Service Reach Xew York
Harbor In Safety.
Impresario and Theater Builder
Failed Many Times Before Se
curing Final Success.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2. Oscar Ham
merstein, theater builder and producer
ot gTand opera, died in a hospital here
last night of a complication of diseases
after an illness of several days.
Mr. Hammerstein had been in a state
of coma since late Monday afternoon
and died without regaining conscious
ness. His wife and son, Arthur, were at
his bedside when the end came at 7:35
Oscar Hammerstein's chief claim to
- fame as an impresario and theatrical
manager, it has been said, will rest
in the fact that he set new records
for presentins grand operas of com
posers never before heard in America,
and that he introduced to the western
musical world singers who afterward
won great names for themselves.
Mr. Hammerstein- was born in Ber
?in, Germany, in 1847, and came to the
United States in 1S63, as he later wrote,
"to be free."
Learned Cisar Maklnn.
Arriving in New York he became
a ciffarmaker's apprentice. He always
had a great love for the theater. Early
in life he became associated with
Adolph Neuendorf, manager of a Bow
ery theater. He wrote three .plays
about 1870, all of which were produced
Before this Mr. Hammerstein had
made a little money in Harlem real es
tate and invested it wisely.. Later he
became a silent partner of Neuendorf
in the control of the Fourteenth street
theater, where German plays were pro.
The first theater he built in Harlem
lost $300.00(1 in three years', but the
promoter never lost hearty He built
another one and made mon. Similar
ventures were undertaken and were
successful. In 1S95 he paid Jl, 000, 000
for the site of the Olympia theater and
put another million into the building.
Yvette Guilbert . opened it and for a
time it was a hi;,- money-maker, but
failed at last.
Inventions Bring Profits.
While engaged in writing operas and
finding new prima donnas and men
singers, he utilized his spare time as
an inventor, some of his labor-saving
devices bringing him handsome royal
lies. ' .
The Harlem opera house he built in
1880. This was followed by the-erection
of the Columbus theater, ilanhat;
ta.i Opera house, Olympia (now New
York theater). Victoria theaU.-. Belas-3
theater and the New Opera house.
Among the opera singers he engaged
who were stars of the first vocal mag
nitude at the time, or who became so
later partly as a result of Mr. Hammer
stein's leadership, were Edouard and
Jean de -i.eszke. Mary Garden, Luise
Tetrazzini, Eleanor de Cisneros, J.Taur
ice Renaud. Mario Sammarco, Nellie
Melba. Lina Cavalieri, Jenne Gerville
Reache. Charles Dalmores, John Mac-
Cormick and M. Zenatello.
In 1910 Mr. Hammerstein sold out his
Philadelphia opera house and scenery
and costumes of the Manhattan together
with all contracts with his singers, for
a sum said to have been $2,000,000, to
the Metropolitan Opera company; and
as a result of the agreement entered
into at that time and which later was
the subject of litigation, the famous
impresario was enjoined from pro
ducing opera in New York until April
26, 1920.
Adjutant-General Stafrin, Successor,
Will Not Be Elected Till All
Officers Qualify.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) The
resignation of Colonel John L. May.
'&,&. --fe'v.
4 V
Oscar Hammerstein,
who died in.
noted impresario,
New York.
commander of the 3d Oregon, national
guard, reported to have 'been tendered
in Portland yesterday, had not reached
Salem up to a late hour last evening.
Adjutant-General Stafrin, who was
Dallas, said over the telephone that he
expected the resignation to reach his
office today.
He expressed regret that Colonel May
had taken the step at this time, and
said he r believed the resignation due
entirely Jtn protests that had been made
at Portland against the commander of
the regiment.
But ten companies of the national
guard have been federalized, it was
said; the officers of the remaining com
panies not yet having qualified for serv
ice under the federal system. Until
these other officers do qualify there
will be no election of a commander to
succeed Colonel May, it was said here,
and the 3d Oregon will be without a
colonel until that time.
Colonel May commanded the 162d in
fantry overseas. After his return to
Oregon he was appointed adjutant
general for the state, relinquishing that
post when named head of the 3d Ore
gon, national guard.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. (Special.)
The following Oregon men arrived yes
terday on the three transports that
came in:
On U. S. S. Mount Vernon. Brest cas
ual company 3218 George P. St. Marie,
Portland, to Camp Merritt; headquar
ters troop. 4th division. Arthur C. Gold
en, Portland; supply company 58th in
fantry. Jesse F. Gwyn. Toledo; com
pany H 58th infantry, Hoiano J. .r'ooie.
Lafayette; Howard H. Heroux, Port-
and; Joseph S. Phillips, bpringfield;
company M 58th infantry, William A.
Russell, La Monta; company B b9th In
fantry, Joseph Quigley, Oswego; com
pany G 59th infantry, Fred R. Gee,
Portland, to Merritt.
U. S. S. Princess Matoika Head
quarters company 9th infantry, Will
iam A. Davis, Albany; William E.
Abbott, Salem; Jacob Ritthaler, Cor
nelius: company C, 9th infantry. Cap
tain Gustave B. Appelman, Corvallis:
Eugene A. Carls. Murphy; Sergeant
Robert J. Caldwell. Merrill; company
D. Clair F. Simler, Dayton: company E,
Charles F. Brough. Rainier; company
G, Earle Albro, Eugene; John W. Gran-
berg. Astoria: company L, Daniel t.
O'Donnell, . Tillamook, to Merritt.
U. S. S. Pocahontas Supply detach
ment 308, field signal battalion, Grover
J. Friederich, Aurora; Merritt. Company
C, 3d army military police battalion,
Lieutenant W illtam E. Graham, Os-
wego; Frank W. Matthews, North
Bend: Albert A. Spinning, Dufur; Ralph
E. Mulkey, Lakeview; Frank A. Shaf
fer, 'Condon; Joe Yarbrough, Little
Point: George R. Reed. Fossil: Charles
V. Thornton, Marshfield: Henry E.
Hausen, Rainier: Charles E. Spangle
Dayton; John H. Beaman Jr., Forest
Grove. Motor transportation 454,
Frank J. Persinger, Hillsboro, to Mer
ritt. First aero squad, Harrison Henry,
Portland : Harley Farrar, Astoria, to
Mills. 186th aero squad. Ray D. Boyer,
Ontario; Ericson D. Brown, Portland
William F. Hardin, Hillsboro; Donald R.
Morrisen, Leland; Marvin W. Cook,
Brownsville; Daniel F. Pidcock, Port
land: William L. Dallas. Boring.
Two hundred and fifty-eighth aero
squadron. Sergeant Edward E. Renfro,
Portland: Paul M. Watts, Portland
44th balloon company. Sergeant Lester
H. Hall, Eugene; Marvin J. Mitchell
Medford; Glen D. Thompson, La Grande
5th photographic section, Rudolph R.
Ritzman, Roseburg; 16th photographic
section, Sergeant Chester R. Clark,
Marshfield: base hospital 91, Lieuten
ant-Colonel George C. Dunham, Salem
to Merritt; Leslie H. Ustick, Portland
casual for orders, Arthur J. Peterson
Today the U. S. S. Zeelandia brought
ordnance detachment 13th, F. A., Reed
S. Gallagher, Boyd; battalion C, Lieu
tenant Paul F. Amort. Corvallis; bat
talion D, Alva Wolfe. Ashwood. to
Merritt: Brest casual company 2753
Max Goldstaub, Portland; Tim T.
Palmer, Oregon City; Brest casual com
pany 2793. William E. Gardner, Brush,
t'rairie; convalescent. Sergeant Ernes
S. Simmons, Portland, to Mills.
finally picked up riding on the bottom
: the lifeboat.
Others who received silver wound
uttons Friday are: J. Murdock, 74
Watt street: Conrad Blatter, 296 Ham
ilton avenue; William Tierney. S01
Buxton street: K. D. Dufur, 1098 Forty-
ifth street: Floyd A. Mitchell. 448
Eleventh street: Albert W. Fellner. 575
Couch -street; F. L. Daly. 16 Twelfth
treet; Virgil L. Salmon, Portland: Max
Brown, Foster hotel: S. A. Pinard,
24 Whong street; Charles W. Beaner.
Portland police department: V. I. Ken-
11. S84 East Burnside street; William
D. Maxwell. 314 Wygant str'eet; Harry
W. Gambell, 339 Shaver street; F. Tup
per. 407 East Sixteenth street; T. C
Nayall. 1082 East Lincoln street, and
H. M. Miller. 303 Twelfth street, all of
Arnold Styffler, Gaston, Or.; Harold
G. Hindee, Milwaukie. Or.; A. W. Olnt.
Hillsdale, Or.: John C. Johnson, Hood
River. Or.; Sidney C. Dean, Castle Rock.
Wash.: Ernest W. Reed, Springfield,
Or.; Curtis C. Hendricks, Gresham, Or.;
Oscar L. Holmes. Estacada, Or.; Jesse
R. Hinnian. Astoria, Or.; Roy K. Reef-
ner. Metzger, -Or.: Elmer ti. jonnson.
West Linn., Or.: H. B. Dewitt. Jr.. Sa-
em. Or., and I. R. Yates, Banks. Or.
The 17 recruiting parties recently
ent out throughout the northwest are
completing their itineraries and return
ing to the stations at Portland, aeartis
and Spokane.
Hciiiy Rains in Montana Reported
to Have Checked Flames in St.
Hegis and Helena Districts.
SPON.NE, Wash., Aug. 2. Numerous
new fires were reported from various
points in Idaho forests last night, most
of them started by lightning, and fed
eral forestry officials here were asked
for more firefighters than they could
sirppJy. More will be sent out today,
it was stated. Thirty men will go
to the Clearwater forest and 10 will be
sent to the Kaniksu forest.
Thirty-six fires were reported started
by lightning in the Clearwater forest
Although the situation was consid
ered serious, the leaders of the fire
fighters were hopeful of having the
fk-ea under control in a few hours.
MISSOL'LA. Mont.. Aug. 2. A heavy
rain which covered the district west
beyond St. Regis and eastward to Hel
rva, according to local forestry of
ficials, probably has helped to relieve
the forest-fire situation, which, how
ever, still remains critical.
According to Assistant District For
ester Glenn Smith, who has direct
irVwge of the f iref ijchting organization
the district, about half of the fires
in the district are due to lightning
which accompanied rains in the last
three days.
Supervisor Fullaway of the Nez
Perce reported three large fires south
of Darby today and stated his belief
tha-t several of 15 new fires discovered
within a week had been of incendiary
Cut on Head Dazes Chauffeur W'h'i
Occupant of Cab Escapes
Near His Destination.
To avoid payment of a taxtcab fare
from the downtown district to St.
Johns, a soldier Friday night slugged
David DeFeher. driver for the Portland
Taxicab company, jumped from the cab
and got away while the chauffeur was
dazed, according to DeFeher's report
to police. The chauffeur had a cut on
his head where he said the soldier had
hit him.
DeFeher said he had picked up the
soldier at the Seward hotel. The fare
said he had just returned from Siberia
and lived near Columbia university, but
did not remember the street number.
DeFeher said the soldier finally an
nounced that he saw his house and
called to the chauffeur to stop. The
blow was struck Just as the cab drew
ud at the curb.
Elmer C. Peik. 52 East Twelfth"
street North, reported that a highway
man armed with a revolver and tlash
light had held him up near East Thirty-
third and r remont streets and had
robbed him of $60, a watch, a ring and
a stickpin. The robber stepped out of
the brush near the point where Mr.
Peik had parked his automobile, and
said he had been waiting for the owner
of the car. Inspectors Hill and Cahill
are working on both cases.
Easterner Has Eye on Ted Thye to
Take on Ketonen for Grap
pling Match.
George V. Tuohey. nationally know
as a promoter of athletic events In Bos
ton, was a Portland visitor Friday,
his way to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs
Tuohey and their daughter are on
western pleasure trip, this being their
first jaunt to this section in seven
Mr. Tuohey conversed with Mike
H. Butler and Ted Thye, world's mid-
leweight wrestling champion, relative
to having Terrible Teddy hike to Bos
ton for six or seven matches this fall
nd winter. Tuohey is exceedingly
nxious to match Thye, who beat Wal-
er Miller here in May. with Waino
Ketonen who, is being hailed as the
158-pound champion in the far east.
Promoter Tuohey will stop at Los
Angeles and endeavor to sign Walter
Miller for a pair of matches in Boston.
eing sure that the ex-crowned king
f the middleweight grapplers will be
ble to get away from his duties as
wrestling mentor at the Los Angeles
Amateur Athletic club for a long
nough period.
The Bostonian has promoted wres
tling matches for the past 33 years,
the last 17 years in Boston. He fea
tured Mike Yokel of Salt Lake, in an
limination contest there which started
last October and ran through to May
26 of this year. On his way west Mr.
Tuohey was the guest of Tex Rickard
at the Dempsey-Willard fight.
for seven years Mr. Tuohey was
sports editor of the Boston Post and
for 20 years prior to that time wrote
sporting events for the Boston Police
Dr. S. S. Marquis Changes Original
Opinions When Counsel Recalls
"Melting Pot."
MOUNT CLEMENS. Mich., .Aug. 2.
Dr. S. S. Marquis, head of the educa
tional, or welfare, department of the
Ford Motor company, reappeared or
the witness stand yesterday as a re
buttal witness in Henry Ford's $1,000.'
000 libel suit against the Chicago Daily
Tribune and' told the story of "the flag
of all nations," designed to fly over the
Ford factories and typify the harmony
in which men of 60 nationalities were
The idea of the flag came to me
during a conversation with Mr. Ford
in November, 1915." related the witness.
It was one of Mr. Ford's ideas, that
given correct industrial conditions, the
races and nationalities of the world
would get along much more amicably
and he believed that his own plants
provided the proof of the theory.
"I suggested a flag which would
typify the condition and drew- up
design. The background was -white
and blue and in the center the globe.
At the equator I placed a circle of red
representing the blood which is
common to all peoples a symbol or
brotherhood. Then there were two
bands of gold, symbolizing prosperity."
Dean. Marquis went with Mr. Ford on
the peace ship and when he returned
he was shown a design somewhat
modifying his own. he related.
It was Mr. Ford s purpose to fly the
flag over the factory, although Dr.
Marquis explained to Mr. Ford at the
time that this was a delicate matter
while the war was on and that the
true meaning of the emblem was to
be thoroughly understood before it was
flown. It apparently was never raised.
"You have heard the United States
referred to as a ro-elting pot where
men from all countries were fused into
Americanism," asked Attorney Kirk-
"Didn't It occur to you or Mr. Ford
that the Stars and Stripes was a pretty
good symbol of the harmony of na
tions and of prosperity?"
"I do not reall."
"It is. Isn't ltr
Dcpartitre From Food Control Exec-
Board Due to Loss of
Authority t Home.
LONDON. Aug-. 2. (By the Associated
Press.) Herbert Hoover, head of the
international relief organisation, speak
ing: last night at a dinner of the supreme
economic council, warned his hearers
against apathy in the face of the eco
nomic oonditions now governing the
"The world," said Mr. Hoover, "needs
what might be called a spiritual re
vival of the spirit that won th war."
A general European coal control or
ganization to supersede the partial con
trol exerted through the international
relief organization was &utiKted ty
Members Arrange for Three-Day
Leaves Till Wilson Acts.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Heeding the
request of President Wilson, the house
abandoned its five weeks' recess, sched.
uled to begin with adjournment today.
House leaders announced that plans
would be perfected tomorrow to permit
members to go home under a three-day
continuous recess programme, their re
turn to be simultaneous with the pres
en tat ion of administration plans
lowering "living costs.
1 he president s request, coming un
expectedly, provoked, informal and bit
ter comment from both republicans
and democrats, but only a single pro
test was heard on the floor by Hep
resentative Blanton, democrat,' Texas,
wno assertea tnat ms opposition was
due to the "railway brotherhoods trying
to hold up the country for about the
seventh time."
The recess was canceled by a vote of
236 to 4.
Yakima Evening Paper Issued.
YAKIMA, Wash., Aug. 2. The Tak
ima American, a daily evening news
paper established recently in this city,
issued its first number yesterday.
Read The Oreonian classified ads.
President Empowered to Call Inter
national Labor Conference.
WASHINGTON, Augr. 2. So that the
first meeting of the international labor
conference created by the Versailles
treaty may be held In Washington next
October, regardless of whether the
treaty is ratified, the senate yesterday
unanimously adopted a joint resolution
authorizing the president to call such
meeting, but giving no authority for
American representation "unless and
until" the treaty's ratification has been
The action was taken after Secre
tary Wilson, of the labor department.
had told the foreign relations commit
tee that even if the treaty were re-
. E. Chilton, Survivor of Tuscania
Torpedoing, Receives His Silver
Wound Button.
For the first time in five days the
"drys" among the returned soldiers won
out over those favoring the return of
booze, in the straw vote beinz- taken
t the United States armv recruitine
station. Third and Oak streets. Fri
day's vote on the prohibition ques
tion showed 46 for and 35 against. The
straw balloting here is attracting at
tention over a wide area and more
votes are constantly being received by
mail. Fridays mall brought votes
from Aberdeen, Bend, Corvallis. Prairie
City. Hoquiam, Astoria and Salem.
Fridays voting brought the totals
on the various questions to the follow
For. A(TJt.
National prohibition 826 60S
Universal military eervice 1178 -407
League of nations 1204 337
Woman suffrage 1010 5iO
Disposition of kaiaer Death 755, exil,
538. freedom 121.
American (lirl best, 704 T French girl best,
129; equal, 126; no opinion, 564.
A survivor of the Tuscania disaster.
F. E. Chilton, Seward hotel, was one
of the former soldiers to receive a sil
ver wound button Friday at the re
cruiting station. Chilton was wounded
from the explosion of the torpedo
which sank the vessel. According to
his account of the event, he was stand
ing in the "chow" line when the tor
pedo hit and was knocked from the
main deck into one of the lifeboats.
Later the boat in which he and others
made their escape from the sinking
vessel was overturned and they were
Government Recognition
of an Owl Drug Company policy which went into effect with the
first call for men in April, 1917, and is being consistently followed:
H II 2739
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Imtrje assttttext tire Wtnx'ttutl IJamj
gemrhtxjetrts ftrnt fktg uriXX l&&tij
vasxkz& ttrrtTx tTxxmx, mttt left tcr zcxxit
in tlijetmtmnj &uxxuq fhz&xtxt
8tt i'ftnm st 33at
&rtXTfsrg tit Ojt &tn
Nationals May Attempt Coup in Late
Summer, Is Report.
LONDON. Aug. 2. Reuter's Berlin
correspondent, in a dispatch dated
Thursday, hints at grave political ten
sion in Berlin and the possibility of an
attempt late in the summer by the
nationalists to carry out a military
"The political atmosphere in Berlin,
says the correspondent, "has become
surcharged owing to recent disclosures
and recriminations following them.
"The real import of the campaign
is more significant than might appear
at first sight.
"Despite the superficial tranquility
of life here, the inner tension remains
as great as ever and possibly the late
summer will see an attempt at a mili
tary coup by the nationalists.
jected here, its acceptance by other
powers would validate the request it
contains that the president call the
first conference to meet here in Oc
tober. He said under the existing law
the executive was without authority
to act, and that it was necessary to
begin preparations soon, as more than
score of nations already had signified
their intention to be represented.
HOGS BRING $21.30 100 LBS.
Price Record West of Rocky Moun
tains Set at Public Sale.
HANFORD, Cal., Aug. 2. The highest
price ever brought by hogs at any pub
lie sale west of the Rocky mountains
was paid yesterday at a sale conducted
by the California Farm Bureau Market
ing association, according to a state
ment issued by E. C. Bitner, manager of
the association.
According to Bitner, one firm pur
chased 35 hogs, averaging 229 pounds.
paying $2L30 per hundred weight.
12 German Boys Among Victims of
Outrage Reported in East.
NEW YORK, Aug". 2. Mexican bandits
July 19 blew up a passenger train be
twecn Huamantla and San Marcos, less
than 100 miles from Mexico City, kill
ing about 60 persons, including 12 boys
from the German college at Pueblo,
according to private advices received
here tonight by the National Associa
tion for the Protection of American
Rights in Mexico.
John N.Willys
President of " the . WillysOver
land -Company, manufacturer
of the Overland. Automobile,
denies that he or any of :the
Companies which he controls
are or ever have been interested
in the stock of the OVERLAND
TIRE COMPANY or its busi
ness and affairs and that any
of the products of. said Overland
Tire Company are being handled
by or through the Willys-Overland
Company or any of the in
terests controlled by him.
This Week Will Be a Great Saving
Day at This Big Bargain
Store! Read!
$5 White Canvas Shoes,
high heels.
special wuiJ
Boys' S6.00 Brown.
English Shoes
Boys' $2.50 Black
Shoes, 11 to 13..
Boys' $4.00 Button 10 QO
Shoes ipA.SJO
Men's $4 Elk Shoes J2 gEJ
Men's $6.00 Black frA QC
Button Shoes P.S7J
Men's $10.00 Two Tone Brown
English Shoes; spe- dJC
cial, a pair J0.00
Men's $7.00 Strong 0A QC
Work Shoes P.iiJ
Men's $5.00 White Canvas Shoes
and Oxfords, priced O 'J
at) a pan '
MEN! Don't Miss The Wonderful
Values We Are Offering in
High-Grade Suits
$25.00 Suits NOW $15.00
$30.00 Suits NOW $20.00
Men's $40.00 Suits NOW $30.00
Also a full line of Boys' Clothing, Extra Priced for This Week.
243 and 245
low or
Ladies' 6.50
Leather Pumps,
Ladies' $6.00 Havanatfjo QC
Brown Calf Oxfords... DJ.iJ
Ladies' Slack Kid One-
Strap Slippers on eale
Ladies' Black Kid Dress
Shoes, French heels.
Ladies' S10 Genuine
2oco Brown, very dressy.
latest style, now.
Misses' White Canvas A Q
Shoes for P1.0
Misses' $5Gnnmetaltf1 QC
Button Shoes go for.... wlwu
Children's 2 Black Kid Q C
Shoes for OOC
Children's $2 White Can
vas Scuff era, all sizes
BlfC Lot of
Ladle.' HiKh
Grade Shoe.,
Values to
$8.50, Uo at
Hmt Other
tout; I