The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Overtures for Peace Made by
Socialist Premier.
Budapest Too Hot for Discredited
Dictator American Factor in
Forcing His Retirement.
VIENNA. Aug. 2. (By the Associated
Press.) Overtures for peace with the
allies have been made by the new so
cialist government of Hungary which
ham been set up in succession to the
Bela Kun regime.
Bela Kun, who resigned his virtual
dictatorship, has been furnished a safe
conduct by the allies and is expected
1o seek refuge here, as it is felt that
h. . life .would be endangered if he
remained in Budapest.
The peace overtures were made by
Jacob Weltner, president of the sol
diers and workers' soviet of Hungary.
.Arriving in Vienna from Budapest, Herr
"Weltner asked Colonel Cunningham,
leading representative of the allies at
Vienna and -the other allied officials
. here, to recognize the new government
and to treat for peace.
Cabinet ot W holly v.
-The new Hungarian cabinet is pre-J
sided over by Jules Peidll, who was for- 1
merly minister of the People's Welfare
in the Count Karolyi cabinet. The cabi
net contains provisionally many mem
bers of the former Bela Kun ministry.
The new cabinet is made up as fol
lows: Premier Jules Peidll.
Minister of foreign affairs Peter
Agoston. .
-Minist'-r of war Joseph Haubrich.
Minister of justice Paul Garami.
Minister of welfare Alexander Gar
bat. Minister of commerce M. Dovohak.
"Minister of education Stephen Szabo.
Minister of home affairs Karl Payer.
Minister of agriculture Joseph Mis
tics. Minister of food M. Knittelhofer.
Premier Peidll is said to be a cour
, ageous man of simple habits. He has
been a typographer, an editor and a
model worker.
Holdovers May A'ot Stay.
Minister of War Haubrich, formerly
was chief of police at Budapest and is
reputed to be an anti-communist. Min
ister of Justice Garami and Minister of
Kd ucation JSzabo were in the Karolyi
Persons in touch with the situafion
nt Budapest said it was their under
standing that the members of the Kun
ministry holding over" under the re
construction were doing so in order to
cave themselves and their supporters
And they probably would not remain in
office long.
Bela Kun's resignation followed im
mediately the receipt of news from the
front, telling of the rout of the Hun
garian red -army, which created con
sternation in Budapest. Kun. at a
meeting of te soviet socialists, became
tiale of face an-1 with his back to the
wall, declared:
"Very well. If you demand it, I must
xesisrn. 1 made the best fight I could."
Klin's Retirement Hastened.
Captain Thomas C. Gregory, the
"United States food administrator in
this region, is credited with a large
thare in the hastening of Bela Kun's
retirement. Captain Gregory has ar
ranged for food relief for. Budapest.
He is bringing up supplies from the
Banat region, and also sending them
down the Danube from Austria.
The crisis at Budapest was due to
the combined effect of the allied note
issued at Paris last Sunday warning
the Hungarians that they must set up
n.tru'.y representative government, and
the successful advance of the Rou
manian army.
The soviet military "forces were said
to have been reduced to 40,000 unwilla
i;.g soldiers who lacked ammunition
i.nd who were harassed by the guerilla
v.-arfare of peasants. This force was
thoroughly defeated today. The Hun
garians were said to have surrendered
01 fled when a Roumanian division
. tossed the Theiss river at Tisza-Kured.
Thfv also, took Szolnok, cutting the
Budapest railway.
Itrds' Downfall Celebrated.
Iowa by sending orders to all county
attorneys to meet here next Friday to
discuss ways and means of fighting
profiteers. The governor's action fol
lowed an announcement last night that
he would "use every means available
to reduce the cost of living."
The meeting of the attorneys will
be for a two-fold purpose first to
gather information concerning food
profiteering and second to acquaint
each prosecutor with his power in such
It was said at the state house today
that the meeting probably would result
in special grand jury investigations.
Grand Juries probably will be' asked
to especially Investigate charges that
dealers are limiting the amount of cer
tain foods placed on the market and
forming pools, thus violating the law
and keeping up prices.
Conference of Governors and Attorney-Generals
DETROIT, Aug. 2. A conference of
governors and attorney-generals of the
states to coisider practical ways and
means of dealing with alleged prof
iteering in foodstuffs was-suggested
to Governor Cox of Ohio in a telegram
sent this morning by Attorney-General
Groesback of Michigan.
"Private combines controlling neces
saries of life and creating fictitious
prices," Mr. Groesback telegraphed,
"must be met by public combines hav
ing, for their object thi stabilizing of
trade conditions and -the prevention of
injustice as between the dealers and
customers. Investigations alone will
not accomplish this end. Constructive
policies must be formulated and put
into operation by joint action of a
number of states so as to bring about
effective national and state legislation."
Two .Million Pounds of Food Sent to
City In 1918 Condemned.
- CHICAGO, Aug. 2. Two million
pounds of foodstuffs shipped to Chicago
in 1918 was spoiled and had to be con
demned and destroyed because of delay
on railroads or improper handling by
the producer, shipper, commission man
or retailers, according to Health Com
missioner Kobertson.
It included 612,068 pounds of meat.
63.23S pounds of poultry, 148,969 pounds
of fish, 85,000 pounds of fruit, 240,552
pounds of vegetables, 102,272 pounds of
canned figs, 639,912 pounds of canned
fruit, 627.943 pounds of canned veg
etables and 19,572 pounds of eggs.
Dr. Kobertson has asked the city
health departments bureau on food
markets and farm products to consider
plans for eliminating this waste.
Oregon Senator Halts Soldier
. Friends' Programme.
Hufre Armada Steaming Up West
Coast to Welcome From Res
idents 'of Pacific Slope.
BA.V DIEGO, Cal.. Aug. 2 The de
stroyer Philip, first vessel of the new
Pacific fleet to reach an American port
on the Pacific coast from the Atlantic
erriveci here this afternoon to bring
mail from the fleet, ando'teke mail
back to it. Lieutenant-Commander E
W. Strother. the Philip' commander,
expects to Join the flagship Xew Mex
ico on August 5. two days before the
fleet is due at this port.
The Philip brought word or more
changes in the makeup of the fleet un
der Admiral Rodman that has passed
through the Panama canal and is now
on its way up the west coast. Ac
cording to this latest information. Ad
miral Rodman will bring 36 vessels
here. They are the following:
Superdreadnoughts New Mexico. Ar
kansas. Mississippi, Xew York, Texas
and Wyoming.
Pattleships Georgia, Xew Jersey and
Scout cruiser Birmingham.
Destroyers Breese, Gamble. Lamber
ton, Ludlow, Walker. Boggs. Buchanan,
Crosby. Der.t. Elliott. Montgomery,
rMliip. Palmer. Radford, Ramsey,
Waters, Woolsey,
Tarbell and Rath-
Ptragglers from the soviet army
T)Tought tne news in n.r,. ,,
They said the enemy torce j ' j
Thatcher, Ward
Wickes. Yarnall.
Colliers Vestal. Vulcan and Cyama.
In addition, the cruisers Chicago and
Cleveland, the destroyers Hart. Chaun
cey and Rise! and the training ship
Iris are due to meet the fleet at this
port. The tenders Aroostook and Mel
ville are expected here cn A&igust 8. the
day after the main fleet is due here.
The Philip brought word that Rear-
dnlral William R. Shoemaker is on
miral Robert Coontz is on the dread-
Ailvn nee.
. or .4).... ft-nm tv nrtital
Hungarian refugees in Vienna held "ought Wyoming, w-hile Captain Arthur
e celebration over the downfall of com
munism. Officials said the reconstruct
lion of the Hungarian government was
expected to improve the situation in
' SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 2. Captain
Thomas C. Gregory, U. fc. A., of San
Francisco, United States food adminis
trator in the Vienna region, who was
raid to have taken a prominent part
in the overthrowing of Bela Kun, dic
nlor, was formerly an attorney here.
He joined the "Grizzlies," a distinctive
ly California regiment, but remained
Abroad as a member of the staff of
Herbert C. Hoover.
COPENHAGEN. Aug. 2. A dispatch
from Budapest announces that a purely
socialist government has been formed
under the leadership of Herr Peidll.
The new government has issued a man
ifesto, the advices add, declaring that
its chief task will be to preserve in
ternal order and enter into negotiations
with the entente.
The strictest martial law is being
enforced in Budapest by the. war minis
ter in the new government, Joseph,
Haubrich. The city is reported quiet.
trontinin"! Krom First rsstO
Crenshaw, commanding the destroyers.
is on the scout crJiser Birmingham.
The Philip left the fleet at Acapulco
Wednesday afternoon, steaming ahead
at a -fast rate... Commander Strother
Bald the plan was to have all vessels
composing the Pacific fleet rendezvous,
if possible, off the Coronado islands, 18
miles south of this port, at 5 A. M., Au
gust 7.
Ut t. the time the Philip left the
fleet, the vessels in Admiral Rodman's
command had experienced fine weatner.
Allies Views Do Not Cause Expected
Trouble . With Populace
ROME. Aug. 1. The decision of the
inter-allied military commission, unfa
vorable to Italy, -regarding- the Flume
incident has failed to bring about any
explosion of indignation Tn Italy, as. it
is pointed out. it might have clone ll
it had been rendered six weeks ago.
The commission in question was ap
pointed in July to Investigate clashes
between Italian troops and Other ele
ments in the oecpying forces a tiume
No report of any decision by- this com
mission has reaches this country.
Organization of CInb te Work for
Democratic Nomination at Coming.
Convention Is Disapproved.
ington, Aug. 2. A movement to organ
ize a Chamberlain-for-presldent clue
among returned soldiers in Oregon1 was
disapproved by the Oregon senator In a
letter to an admirer in Portland, who
was lately an officer in the American
expeditionary forces. , The letter re
ceived by the senator said that such a
proposal had come from returning
world war veterans in Portland.
In replying Senator Chamberlain
made it plain that he intends seeking
re-election to the senate and that
therefore he is not a presidential can
didate. . He saye:
"I cannot tell how much I appreciate
your very cordial letter. I feel greatly
flatterft by the information which it
contains, that you are being urged by
discharged soldiers to take up the mat
ter of organizing what would be called
a "Chamberlain-f or-president' club, and
I wish it might be nossible for me per
sonally to thank each one of the boys
who have eo generously expressed such
a wish.
"The mention of my name some days
ago in connection with the presidency
was entirely without my knowledge or
consent, and while very naturally I felt
nattered by the suggestion, I have dis
couraged -rather than encouraged it.
The office is one which ahould seek the
man, particularly at a time when there
are so many serious reconstruction and
other problems to be solved as a result
of the world war. In other words, both
the great parties should look the field
over and select the men as party lead
ers who are best qualified for the great
"While the public attention haa not
been centered upon any individual
either in the democratic or republican
party for national standard-bearer
there will in due course be a crystal
lization of sentiment and the national
conventions when they meet will no
doubt select the men who in the emer
gency have been singled out because of
their services for the particular work
that will rail to their hands. Probably
these men will be selected by both par
ties from closely contested states
where there is a large electoral vote.
and Oregon is too remote from these
centers to be eeriously considered In
this connection.
"To be perfectly frank with you.
much as I appreciate the suggestion
made by you and the gallant boys who
are returning from victorious battle
fields overseas, I think it would be in
advisable to organize the proposed club
to advance my name for the presidency.
from a distinctly personal standpoint
it i were to consent to allow my name
to be urged in this connection, it would
naturally and properly interfere with
the ambition which I really have to
serve Oregon again in the senate, and
would place me in the category of a
miscellaneous candidate.
"Permit me. therefore, to express the
hope that my good friends will not
carry out the suggested programme
and I want them to know how much
1 appreciate1 their and your great cour
tesy and Kindess to me."
Another conference of republican
senators who desire to support the
league of nations with satisfactory res
ervations has been called for Monday.
Senator McNary of Oregon announced
today. Besides the seven senators at
tending the conferences during the
week at which four tentative reserva
tions were framed. Senators Capper of
Kansas, tvenyon of Iowa, Nelson of
Minnesota and Watson of Indiana are
expected to be present at Monday's
coin erence.
Oregon and Washington troons sailed
on the Leviathan from Brest on Julv 30
as ioiiows:
Second train headquarters and mill
tary police company. 29 men; 39th in-
tantry, i orncers and 21 men.
om of living: question and at the White
Houst President Wilson was said to
? receiving full reports on all phases
of it. The senate adopted a resolution
asking the banking committee whether
reduction of the currency would helr
the situation. In the house an attempt
t o recess for two weeks was blocked
by Representative Jpoe, dehiocrat, of
-Missouri, because his resolutioh to have
the federal tradfi commission investi
jrat e the price of shoes was not acted
The new demands oT railway em
Vloyes for more wages to meet the high
cOPt of living drew fire from Represen
tative Blanton. democrat, of Texas, who
eaid the railroad men were acting Ilka
'"highwaymen" in attempting to obtain
"3 not her 11 nfair billion dollar raise.
Int reduction in the house of a govern
ment ownership railway bil? with the
employ e participating in the control
and profits of the roads was made the
occasion of a statement by leaders of
the four brotherhoods that the high
cost of living demanded the operation
of the country's most important indus
try "for service i at her than for profit."
PKS MOINKS. Aug. 2. Governor W.
1. Harding today started a campaign
to reduce the high cost of living iu
(CnntlnucJ From First Pate.)
apainst them, ootri having clean char
acters. - The new developments coming so
early this morning;, after the investi
gation had practically been abandoned
as hopeless, lent new interest to the
affair, and citizens all over the country
are at high tension.
Late tonight Sheriff Gage said he had
obtained no further statement from the
boys and they maintain an air of un
concern, puazling to a degree to the
officers. The sheriff said they had
scoured the city of -Bandon for more
evidence about rifles and revolvers
but could find none or information
about any save that which belongs to
young Howell and which they are
holding for evidence. Sheriff Gage
said during his talk that the bullet
taken from the Leuthold girl's head
was Identical with those used In the
Howell rifle.
Dawn or Xew Era In Islands Causes
Natives to love Americans,
Declare Two Youths.
ALBANY, Or.. Aug.-2. (Special.)
'Albany is like Manila, our capital, and
Portland is wonderful; w never
dreamed there were such fine cities in
the world.' exclaimed Jose Mendosa
and Cesarlo Farinas, two Filipino ' stu
dents who ftre in Albany for a few
days before registering in the animal
husbandry course- at O. A. C.
"A new era has dawned in the Fhil
ippine islands, and we love the Amer
icans for it," thrv continued. Ninety
per cent of the Kilipino children more
than six years old are attending
schools maintained by the island gov
ernment and are being instructed by
American teachers. Thousands of
young men are graduating from high
schools yearly and many attend the
college of agriculture at the University
of the Philippines.
Mendosa and Farinas are bright
young men, who speak English smooth
ly, arid are enthusiastic over their ar
rival in a ne W world. They landed at
Vancouver. B. C. July 29, together with
15S other students from the Philippines
who intend to enter colleges and uni
versities of the United States.
One hundred Filipino students with
degrees from the college in the Phil
ippines will be sent to the higher In
stitutions of learning in the United
States about September 1 to specialise
along different lines, and to return to
their native- homes to instruct the
coming generation along' lines of cul
ture and American methods.
1120 Lambs Sent to Denver.
CiiVE. Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.) S. E.
Milter, sheepman, nine miles out of
Cove, shipped out today his first lot
of mutton Iambs. lliO. at 13 cents a
pound. and . these weigth about 79
pounds each. They go to renver. Colo.
Mr. MHlcr ships three more cars, 1,4.0.
from La Grande next Monday..
Loyal Legion to Have Club.
COTTAGE ' GROVE. Or.. : Aug. 2.
(Special.) The members of the Loyal
Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen of
this section will accept the offer of
employers to provide and equip a club
room, according to a statement made
by F. S. Minshall. organizer for the le
gion, who was recently In the city. It
is not probable that the clubroom will
be provided until fall, as there would
be little use for it during the Warm
weather. It is probable that when the
clubroom is established the several lo
cals will consolidate and employ paid
K.Iks Reserve Pullman.
EUGENE, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.)
Free yourself from the fuss and
muss and the grind.
Discard the antiquated wash tub
that injures the health.
Clean Clothes Easily Sanitarily
Satisfactorily and Quickly with the
Crystal Electric
Washer and Wringer
May Edwards not demonstrate It to
you? Stop in any day, Just ee how
convenient it is.
You'll Have in Your Home
HOMER Pipeless
, Furnace
Perhaps Not Right Azvay, but Ere Long
You Will! Why? Because HOMER
TUNNEL Heat Radiator Over the Fire pot.
Besides the
Thermo-Seal Inner Lining
The whole operation or heating is tm m
based entirely on the ability of the hatritias3Efll
J nermo-fceai inner a-imng ig proicn
the cool air until it reaches the base ot irtrtaf r
the furnace. 1 1 II It. I
If heat passed between the warm air Jtnintr
and cool air passages there would be l'j
no circulation.
Tou can get the perfect Taerme
Seal laaer Linlmg oaly oe the Homer
Plpeleoa Karnace. It Is one of the dis
tinct Homer features features that make the Homer the
ideal heating and ventilating plant for your home.
The Homer is an inexpensive furnace, but it is not a
cheap furnace. From the ash pit to the combination register
the Homer is the production of expert workmen and high
grade material.
Lara; Ar raumk you will note in the illustration,
gives the Homer the capacity to allow a large body of air
to pass through the furnace. The roomy chambers provide
a steadv -flow of warm air and not a drafty rush of heat,
then cold.
The Homer east rarti are made of Strokel troa iron
especially selected because of its strength and rfcat-with-standing
Most any heating svstem will deliver heat. No particular
furnace would be on the market today unless It was to some
extent satisfactory. You are interested In more than mere
heat. Go thoroirghy over the BOXLK before you Install
a'.iy furnace.
These 4 Rooms Full of Quiet Elegance
Sent to Your Home on Small Cash Payment of;
Both Living and Dining Suites
are finished to match In that
aristocratic "Hand-Rubbe4 Gold
en Wax." Tou may select any
eingle piece from either suite If
you like.
You're Jolly right!
I ranged to lit your
The balance will be ar-I
individual convenience. I
I ranged to fit your individual convenience, i CT -
J5 IsSnl' Mh .
You're Right, It Is "Solid Oak'
It has been said that -hand-rubbed, wax-tin-Ished"
furniture was hard to keep clean. Quite
to the contrary. It is the easiest, and, eay what
you will. "Hand-Rubbed Wax" is the aristocrat
of all finishes. Exactly as illustrated, with the
exception that the arm chair has been replaced
bv a beautiful rocker with leatherette uphol
stered seat. Four pieces at
This Suite Made to "Match It'
OH, K5! The dining-room Is "an every-day. all-the-year-round"
place not merely a Sunday
room or a visiting hall. - Here is a big six-foot
table and six solid oak chairs, all finished to
match the living-room pieces. Chairs have
three - slat backs instead of two, as Illus
In" ii . i T . . .it .1
tn sill ner
Charmingly distinctive "Lustered Old Ivory" Bed
room Suite, hand-decorated with a delicate spray of
moss roses and green foliage. This Is an exclusive
Kdwards design and is on display in the Bedroom
Section. Five pieces, as illustrated, at
YES! Even the Kitchen Sparkles
It's left to vou to deride If this Is net the
cleverest ever at the price. English Breakfast
Table; has white enamel base and golden po'
Ished square top i instead of round), four chairs
in white enamel are bow-back style
nr r 7. v.. With These
A It I V I' J- f a a s i ks w r w w m m. . -
Pretty dicker Rockers & Chairs
tn baronial brown, stained brown and old Ivory fin-
lshs some with loose cushions and upholstered backs,
while others are plain. They're Just inside t he Ifth
street door. Here are a few of the prices: T.0, ,
I2.0.-., S15.60, 10.SO, S24.73. 3.60.
New " Wool and Fiber" Bungalow Rugs
Ms '
.at. . .
Mae xl3
$16.75 aa.
tl.oo Week.
Fifty -Pound Felted Cotton
$18.75, $23.50, $29.50
towards guarantees SLEEP WELL MATTRESSES not
to LUMP OR. SHIFT. How can he do it? Because Sleep
well Mattresses are built up In layers like so many
small comforts.
'"!".: ay geapp at iryjjPaT II ' saiii
VTir o caigTf $10
Crown' Steel Range
Including Water Coil
and Connection !
Cash, $2 Week,
No Interest
Tes. It's been tried and has proven
Its worth such a "lovely Brown" on
the Rread: and Roasts! "DONE"
through and through, and Juicy, too.
Besides the six-hole polished top
and big oven, this rancre has a room y
lirebox with Duplex grates (for wood
and coal), side drafts 1 under the fire
box) to speed ur the fire TarO'uoor
Warming Closet and plain nickel
You can also have a two - burner
gas attachment put on where the end
shelf is shown, if desired. Sure, your
old stove will be taken as part pay.
The Eugene Elks have reserved Tull-
an car for th trip to Kiamatn fans
during the state convention of the
Elks' association.
Launch Makes Hard Trip.
FLORENCE, Or.. Aug. t. (Special.)
I,, j Pourtales and Clifton Chrlsten-
sen brought the "Jazx Hound" from
Marshfield to Florence recently. The
boat is an open launch 20 feet long.
They had taken U to Marshfield last
week and had a fine trip down, making
tt in 10 hours. Coming back conditions
were not so favorable and It took eight
and one-half hours from bar to bar.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
How delightful It Is to rest in the
sunshine on the sands or to take long
walk along the beach, when you know
that an application of antiseptic Lo
tion to your face, neck and arms will
protect V6u from sunburn and wind
burnt Santiseptic enables you to gain
health and vigor, fro - mthe outdoora
without detriment to your complexion.
L'se Hentlseptie consistently and ou
will come back from your summer va-
I cation with a complexion lovely and un
spotted by son or wind. Santiseptlc w ill
keep your skin soft and velvety In tex
ture vn If you fairly live outdoors.
Santiseptlc is prepared, scented ahd un
scented. with powder In tints of white,
flesh and brunette. It may be procured
at most drug and department alOres. If
your -dealer cannot surpIV H. send 60
cents, with his name, to the Esbencott
laboratories, Portland, or, for a full
biie bottle, postpaid. Adv.
DANIi? typewriters
jrr iv ' vi.
ight lessons ladies
oO. gentlemen f:,.ort
t l.cHonev'a Beautiful
Academy. 23d and Wash
ington. New s u pi m e r
classes start Monday.
Tuesday and Thursday
evenings, s to ll:3.
Plenty of desirable part
liers and practice. No
embarrassment. Private
lessons all hours. Isrn
I rom professional
(lancers. Phone Main
-,(,:. Adv.
"All Makes"
for Sale or Rent
Send for price list.
321 Washington St.
See McDougali
V C. G. Conn Uand Instruments
red fitr catalegaea.
323 Alder St, Portland
Cork Tilings and
202 Broadway. ar Tailor