The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Section One, Page 19, Image 19

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Some Food Dainties
Lower Priced!
Olympic Olive Sauce; bottle 2o6
Libby's Veal Loaf; lb ' sS
Star Lobster Quarters; 3 Vs -ounce
' can for 20
Baker's Chocolate; 1-lb. bar....:450
Large Fresh Lemons; doz. 3o
Crockery and Glassware
- y..
Monday Specials
Forty-twe-pieee -Dinner Set;Q 7C
beautiful design Owilw
Fifty-piece Dinner Set; very Q 7C
handsome; only wuil 3
J sZu'eeV: fe.CU.P .and 20C "x.f SI.IO
Ex-President's Record During
War Gains Friends.
water uiasses; two IC. the dozen
lor luy for.
The Merchandise You Want, at the Lowest Possible Prices
Pershing Shows- Little Popularity,
as Editors Believe No Military
Man Can Be Elected.
First, Second and Alder Streets
(Continued From Page 18.)
resulting metal will be. The party
issues of the past are dead and I am
unable to say with very great personal
conviction what the new issues will be.
I have the feeling, though, that social
Issues will loom larger in the future
than in the past, and I think I can sea
Indications that public opinion is dividing-
more and more on radical and
conservative perhaps I should better
fay liberal and conservative lines.
There can be little doubt, at least, that
Bocial questions are receiving consid
erably more attention just now than
economic ones."
S. C. Killen. Hillsboro independent
C "Wood. Local opinion is not general
nough to warrant a guess.
Says Mr. Killen:
" I believe General Wood will be ra
' JTred' n0t because f his treatment by
. the administration during the war but
because it directed attention to his ad
ministrative ability and fitness for
dealing with the ante-war problems,
fatreng-th is given his candidacy be
cause he -is allied with no faction and
is perhaps the one man upon whom all
teliades of opinion can unite. Issues of
the campaign may depend upon events
or the next few months, but at present
Jt appears that the democratic party
wfll be arraigned for failure to meas
ure up to the war emergency and help
lessness shown when confronted by the
necessity of formulatins a reconstruc
,3on policy."
G B. Nunn. Wheeler Reporter:
As 1 a democrat and you asked
" xpre3sion from republican and
Independent newspapers my opinions
rnay not be wanted or of any value
to you. The sentiment here, which is
?f"wSe? Viry stro"S'y by any one.
ij for Wood The objections to him
are from soldiers and their relatives
Who are tired of war and war talk
ar" against any one who had any
bSiST ovrhem' duo to 8-rieve.nces
tmri us!,and -'ancled. A strong labor.
Immigration laws, the prohibition ques
tion, a definite army and army pro-
flfvTnT ' Uway constction and the
eolving of the railroad problem must
bo part of either partj-. piatfora?
SVoort? KmSV Jr -Mitchell Sentinel
,1; Huehes. Johnson. Local senti
ment believed to be the same
ToodE'- Tunnecliff- Baker Herald
-J'v C Baker Tillamook Headlight
to h?S.-T"ft- LCal sentint beliefed
to he the same. "There Is very little
sentiment here at present In regard to
the presidential election." states Mr
fvn"- p;'MSt "Pelicans who have
eipiessed an opinion are in favor of
admin iLX;00d- They ' a S
-administration. Democratic extrava-
,hd be one of ,ne issu and
probably the principal issue of the re
publican party."
rc-?" K" San?erson. Freewater Times
bTvhVLe- Ixcal sentiment
be!,exed to be the same. Says Mr.
-General Wood Is. first of all, an
American who has been through the
lire and whose head would not be
-urned by the patronage of royalty He
In a practical man, not a theorist, and
while firm in his convictions, can be
"r-f,-,, en wro"- to see his mistake."
William Matthews. Taquina Bay
Xew Wood. Local sentiment the
eame. Says Mr. Matthews:
"I am firmly convinced that Major
General Leonard A. Wood is. without
any exception whatever, the strongest
ablest and best qualified man before
the country today for the candidacy for
president. He is a loyal and consistent
republican and his perfect familiarity
with the economic, political and mili
tary affairs of the country make his
nomination and election particularly
desirade at this critical period of the
nation's history."
A. Whisnant, Bend Press, has only
ere candidate. Wood, whom he con
siders the best presidential timber, with
the exception of Taft. Says Mr Wbis
nar.t: "The attempt made by Senator Poin
axter to convince the American people
through the medium of the country
press, in sendlnsr them prepared plate
matter telling of hia wonderful quali
fications for president, are tiresome. If
Mr. Poindexter wishes to be president
be should at least show the evidences
ci a mina progressive enough to indi
cate that It is keeping step with the
progress of the day. There arc a great
many of the men in putlic life today
who seem to b.-; imbued with the tra
ditions of the past to the extent that
they are unable to see that the old or
der has passed Senator Poindexter is
one. Colonel Wood is the best presi
dential timber in the political forest
of the republican party today with the
exception of one man who has already
led his party to victory and then to
oVefeat. A league of nations is a long
Ftep from the narrow view of national
individualism and supremacy, and men
line Taft and Wilson are leaders in the
thought. The American people have
f:uth in these men. and they also have
faith in the man who was the friend
f the greatest of them all, Theodore
Kooseveit- The day of the insular, the
box car politician, the man without
vision. Is passed."
A. D. Moe. Hood River Glacier
Wood. Taft. Loia.l sentiment believed
1 iie same. Mr. Moe points out that
Ur.neral Wood foresaw America in the
war, tut -when war came lie was rele
gated and the American public believes
in fair play. t?ays Mr. Moe:
The policies ff Judge Taft have al
ways been fairly well supported by the
nuik and file of the American people,
lie grew unpopular as president as a
result of attacks, both in and out of
his party, and through his failure to
rfply to critics. He seemed not to
rotlize the value of failure of publicity.
His was an administration without any
press-agentinsr. Put he has won back
a. high place in the hearts of Ameri
cans by his conduct during and fol
loxlns the war.
"As to a third choice. It Is difficult
to pick -a man. Harding, Watson, The
odore Roosevelt. Jr., or who shall it be?
All of thjm. while high in public life,
(ro comparatively strangers to the
American people. Young Roosevelt is
toest known because of his father.
To predict with any accuracy cam
fainn issues Is a present impossibility.
temocratic extravagance and procras
tination must be attacked, but most of
ttic great rational issues hive ceased
to become, strictly speaking, party ls
enes. The fighting points of the 1210
campaign are yet to be developed."
E. E. Brodie. Oregon City Morning
Enterprise, indicates no choice, but
fjurr 8 up his observations as follows:
"Thre is no considerable sentiment
fn this community for any particular
candidate for president on the repub
lican ticket. There haa been little dis
Erjestori of this question locally. Per
CnaJy, aa a republican editor, I have
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Alpha Delta chapter of Alph! XI Delta was installed on the Oregon Agricul
tural college campus recently, when 26 members of the local sorority, Dt,:a PsI,
were initiated.
Alpha Xi Delta, founded in 1893 at Lombard college. Galesburg, I1L, now has
28 active chapters. Alpha Delta is the third chapter in the western states and
the first to enter an agricultural college.
Delta Psi was organized as a club In November, 1917, and automatically
became a local sorority the following fall. Miss Ellen Ball, national treasurer
and member of the grand council, was chief installing officer. She was assisted
by Gertrude LaGrave, Dorothy Beard. Sarah Harris and Bonnie Bell of the
University of Washington; Margerie Templeton, Genevieve Bolton, Charlotte H.
Wig-ht of the Oregon Agricultural college.
Those initiated into Alpha XI Delta include Josephine Hammond, Lizzie Dyson,
Laura Ziegler, Thayer Raymond, Hazel Garber, Una Darby, Nellie Porter,
Genevieve Moore, Verna Keppinger. Margaret Bailey, Helen Harbke, Anabelle
Chandler, Marylee Jenks, Bertha Watt, Florence Towle, Ruth Kerguson, Helen
John, Ida Hendricks, Pearl Rosenloff, Marian George, Kloy Sims, Elizabeth
Knotts. Etnel Knotts, Leona Dodson. Frances Krietis, Marguerite MicheL The
pledges of the organization are Margaret Dyskow, Sarah Rowland, Isabel
Ferguson and Irene Fourier.
no candidate, but believe the republi
cans shqi'ld nominate a man of a pro
gressive type, not a military hero, but
a republican who has shown signs of
statesmanship of a constructive char
acter and who possesses administrative
ability. I do not take kindly to the
Johnsons, Poindextere nor Borahs who
are ready to bolt the republican ranks
at will, but are republicans for the sole
reason of obtaining office. The next
president should be a man who has a
vision beyond the territorial limits of
our own country, but who will not sub
ordinate the interests of the United
States to those of any other country."
E. H Flagg. Warrenton News
Roosevelt, Jr.; Wood. Says Mr. Flagg:
"A patriot, Roosevelt would give us ,
the strong medicine we need. He hasi
every good quality possessed by his
father without the temperamental ex
cess that marred the usefulness of that
great American. He has shown that
he is not a self-seeker, but there are
legions of young men who would fol
low his leadership, and I believe he
would be invincible, especially if his
running mate was Hiram Johnson of
California. Leonard Wood would make
an excellent president, but. in my hum
ble opinion, not as strong a candidate."
M. D. Morgan. Harrisburg Bulletin,
says his third and last choice is Cum
mins, and states as follows:
"In the' maze of questions before
brainy men no one has yet sounded the
kevnote that the mass of republicans
are wanting to hear. There is no first
choice. However, there is yet time. The
country was never so anxious to get
next to the issues, nor so confident that
the republican party will produce the
right principles and the right man. In
the campaign to come the interest of
the voter will rival that of the Harrison-Cleveland
campaign. It is only a
matter of republican leaders to unite
to win."
C. C. Chapman. Oregon Voter Persh
ing, Lowden, Wood. Local sentiment.
Wood. Says Mr. Chapman:
"Pershing demonstrated unlimited
confidence in what American soldiers
could do in Europe and pushed them
into action with rapidity and capacity.
He insisted on their fighting as Amer
ican units instead of all being brigaded
with English and French troops. He
also demonstrated statesmanship, tact.
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John C. NIcholH. n-ell-knowa in
lodge and bmuiess circle.
John C. Nichols, a prominent
merchant and ex-mayor of Day
ton, Or, died at his home there
July 14. aged 48 years. He had
been engaged in the mercantile
business in Dayton for 28 years,
and assisted in the establishment
and organization of the bank in
that city. Mr. Nichols was well
known in lodge circles, being a
member of the Masonic lodge, the
Woodmen of the World, and the
Oddfellows. He was recently pre
sented with a jewel badge by the
latter to mark 25 years' member
ship in that order.
He married Miss Mildred E.
Palmer, September 5. 1834. He is
survived by hia widow, an older
brother. Edward Nichols, of We
natchee. Wash.: a stepmother,
Mrs. Emily J. Nichols: one half
brother, Archie A. Nichols, and
two half-sisters. Miss Lula Nich
ols and Mrs. Abbie N. Leckband.
Mrs. Leckband lives In Oregon
City, all the others making their
home in Dayton.
a faculty for brief expression Incor
porating fine American sentiment and
the ability to hold his tongue and
avoid useless expression. He co-operated
without bickering, yet was firm.
Returning soldiers are not enthusiastic
over him, which weakens his availabil
ity at this time, but I predict they will
rally to him enthusiastically as their
leader if his name is presented to the
George Huntington Currey, Malheur
Enterprise Borah, Poindexter, Wood.
Local sentiment believed to be for
Borah, Wood. Mr. Currey says:
""The deciding issue will be. Which
party do the people think will best
serve the public interest? The republic
ans will have more to prove than the
faults of the democratic party. The
people will look for a constructive
platform and a leader whose record
backs up that platform. The republic
ans' can win with a strong candidate if
they don't 'advertise' the opposition too
much. We need a little internal
analysis before we diagnose the ills of
the opposition.' The big issues of the
campaign will not be over what has
been done, but what is to be done; such
as the labor problem, roads, reclama
tion, taxes, enforcement of prohibition
and perhaps immigration and educa
tion." News, Burns. Or. Root. Harding.
Wood. Local sentiment. Wood, Hard
ing, Root. Says the News:
"A more liberal policy regarding con
servation of resources in the west, so
that birth may be given and full
growth attained for the many gigantic
industries the west is capable of bring
ing forth. Equitable, broai and liberal
protective tariff policy. Adequate vo
cational training and pensioning of de
serving soldiers. Compulsory universal
training, because it teaches discipline
and confidence as well as self-respect.
Improvement of highways, proper rec
ognition of fill deep-sea harbors and
the encouragement or subsidizing of an
adequate American merchant marine."
E. D. Canady, The Advocate John
son, Wood, Hughes. Mr. Canady, whose
paper is published in Portland, says he
believes local sentiment is for Wood,
Lowden and' Johnson, and appends
these reasons:
"It I3 our candid opinion that Hiram
Johnson, United States senator from
California, is the one man who can ce
ment the friendship of the progressive
wing of the party with that of the
standpats or regular republicans, and
with him as a candidate for president
there will be no doubt of the success
of the republican party at the next
election. The issue in our opinion will
be the peace treaty. However, there will
be a number of other questions such
as the prohibition question and govern
ment ownership, but the paramount is
ue will be the peace treaty and the
league of nations.
M. C. Maloney, Coos Bay Times
Johnson, Lowden, Cummins. Local sen
timent has not crystallized, but may be
for Johnson. Mr. Maloney continues
"Hiram Johnson is a representative
citizen of the west- He 1 nig, broad,
progressive and stands for the highest
and finest ideals of American citizen
ship. He has proved his executive ca
pacity in the splendid service rendered
the people of California and his states
manship by taking a place among the
leaders of the Lnited States senate. His
nomination would unite the discordant
elements in the republican party as no
other man in American public life."
An editor who declines to be quoted
gives his first choice as Root and his
second choice as Taft. Another eavs
that 54 leading republicans in his terri
tory show 38 for Taft first choice; 13
for Pershing and three for Knox. An
other gives his choices as Hughes
Cummins and Johnson, and comments
''I do not think any candidate can be
elected who is opposed to a league of
nations or who is not in favor of na
tional prohibition."
Taft is the first and only choice of
an editor, requesting that he be not
quoted, and bis reason for the choice
"It may be well said that Taft has
first place as candidate favoring- the
leag-ue of nations. If nominated Mr.
Taft will be elected. Borah and Young
are about on a level as candidates of
the anti-leaguers. We believe firmly
that no one can be elected who opposes
the league. No military 'genius' of the
late war will be elected if nominated
the eentirant of returned soldiers, will
take care of that.
From a Willamette -valley editor, who
does not icish to be identified, comes a
choice of Hughes and then Taft, with
the explanation that he believes local
sentiment is divided between Pershing
and Hughes for first place, with John
son probably second, but doubtful. Says
this writer:
"While my personal preference is as
stated above there are many in this
vicinity who favor Pershing and Leon
ard Wood. While Hughes may possi
bly "be classed as a 'has-been' there is
no doubt be would make the most ef
ficient executive for the country re
gardless of the opposition to him, could
he be elected. While the league of na
tions is tby no means perfect, I believe
it better to not inject it too deeply in
the issues of the campaign. Duties ever
will be an important matter, and the
proper regulation of public utilities and
the cleaning out of the wasteful ex
travagance of the present, as well as
the past administrations, will meet the
popular wish of the people."
wood. Johnson ana jucuormicK are
the three choices of another Willamette
valley editor, who believes local senti
ment runs to Wood, .Hughes ana xait,
and he explains:
Matters connected witn the peace
treaty will have been disposed of by
next year's campaign. The matter of a
strong foreign policy will, however, be
prominent and to a certain extent win
offset certain domestic problems, as
prohibition, the regulations of Imports
and immigrants. Unless strong regu
lations of railroads are achieved by
law, this will also be an issue. I have
determined my choice, however, more
by a feeling- that the gentlemen named
can be trusted to reflect my senti
ments than on any balancing of their
known preferences and opinions on the
questions at Iseue."
Women's Wool
Dresses for
$11.95 to $25.75
A -welcome surprise for Portland wom
en! You can see at our store tomor
row, scores of the new fall models.
Tricotine and serge are the most fa-
vored materials. Many of the gar
ments are hand-embroidered in gold
or in contrasting colors. Many are
trimmed with cord ties, silk sashes and
with the new French ties of self ma
terials which pass around twice and
tie in the back. By all means see our
displays of these desirable garments.
We show dresses for stout women
that are marvels of fit and style.
These are in sizes 40 to 46. Intending
buyers should select early, as we will
not be able to duplicate these dresses.
Summer Footwear of White
You can wear white footwear for many weeks yet. Select from
our bargain showing.
Women's White Oxfords $2.98
White Nilecloth with hand-turned soles and French heels. A
perfect fitting shoe. We have all sizes. These are actually
worth $4.50 the pair!
Children's White Skuffers
In white canvas; broad foot-form shape with g
leather soles; button styles.
Sizes 5 to 8 for $1.79
Sizes 8 to 11 for $1.98
Sizes 11 to 2 for $2.39
Fine Imported
Tooth Brushes
9000 to Be Sold!
The greatest bargain in - tooth
brushes ever offered in Portland!
A wonderful disposal which justi
fies you in buying by the dozen
for yourself and your family.
Four prices each price a bargain!
12c 15c19c 23c
Extraordinary Sale
Chamoisette Gloves
98c the Pair
Just to hand by express! Pesirable
gloves for everyday wear; in col-"
ors pongee, gray, black, white.
Excellent service at a low price.
Sensational Sale
Women's Sleeveless
Vests Only 25c
An excellent quality in elastic
ribbed lisle. All sizee are on hand.
Actually worth double the price!
Outing Flannels
35c Values 25c
A very choice selection of pretty
stripes and plaids in 27-inch flan
nels. Lay in a good supply now
while the price is favorable for
quantity buying.
Children's Hose Sup
porters at 12yc Each
Elastic supporters in black only.
Excellent quality. All sizes for
New Luggage
Special prices on Monday
and Tuesday. Take advan
inch, with brass lock and
reinforced comers. Priced
only S2.29
24-inch, with leather straps,
brass lock and reinforced
corners S2.65
Buy Your Box
at Simon's!
Same Quality as the Up
town Stores; Our Prices
Are Lower
Saml L Davis 1886 Cigars;
box of 50 for .S3.00
El Sidelo Chesterfields; box
of 50 for $5.25
Little Bobbie; box of 50 $2.65
Owl; box of 50 for $3.00
New Bachelor; box of 50... $3.25
Bull Dog; box of 25 for.... $1.25
Six Barrels of Sauer Kraut
Refused by Army.
Case Started at Fort Whipple Tioir
on Wiy to Superior Court.
object floated in near enough to be
identified and proved to be a large seal
that had been dead for some time. The
high tide last nigrht removed the beast.
White Salmon Shot to Go East.
WHITE PALMOS, Wash., Aug. 2.
(Special.) Attorney C. G. Fulton of
White Salmon will leave this week for
the navy range at Caldwell, N. J.. where
he will represent the local rifle team
in the annual rifle team shoot, held
by the government a
Read The Oresronian classified ads.
FtESCOTT. Ariz., Aug-. 2. Six-barrels
of sauer kraut, intended for the sol
diers at Fort Whipple barracks, near
here, after worrying their way through
the justice court, now will feature an
appeal to the superior court.
The six barrels of kraut, valued at
J170.80, were prepared for the barracks,
last January. The plaintiff declares
they were refused. The pickled cab
bage went from bad to worse.
A Jury in the justice court awarded
the owner damages for the kraut, but
he wants payment for his containers
and the case goes to the superior court.
Dead Seal Causes Excitement.
NEWPORT. Or., Aug. 2. (Special.)
"A whale! a whale! and its coming
ashore!" This cry rang out above the
noise of the surf at Nyebeach yester
day and a regular stampede took place
to the spot where it was thought the
leviathan would strike the sands. The
Keep youth
in your hair
IF you fear feray hair or if your hair is already
ray, be&in the La Creole treatment at once.
Gray,-&ray-streaked, or faded hair returns to
its youthful color and beauty if you use -
La Creole Hair Dressing
For feeneratiorus " La Creole has teen -f ayorite arnon& the
ristocratic Creoles of Louisiana. TKese patrician people are
"famous for the beauty of their wonderful hair, a distin&uisk
in& mark of their pure French and Spanish ancestry. La
Creole preserves the youthful color and beauty of their hair
even through the evening of life. .
La Creole does, not change the color of the hair suddenly,
because, it-contains no dyes. Ii brin&s back the color gradually
- and surely with nature a-assistance. Good taste and refinement
smake no secret of its' use. though its use can never be detected.
La Creole makes the hair soft, wavy and beautiful". Noth
ing to stain the scalp or tc wash or rub off. La Creole
eliminates dandruff and keeps hair and scalp healthy" as
nature intended. .Absolutely guaranteed, or money refunded.
Write- fo'rvrihterestin& 'booklet. "La Creole." Ha-.r Beauti
ful, end full directions. Shows style of hair dress best for
each type of face.
Ac drub stores and toilet counters. fVice J 3.00.
If your dealer can't supply you. tend his name
and address. "We wiZ see that you are supplied
You Can
When Doubt Enters
Your Iind Success Is
No Longer Visible
If you happen to know a successful man one who is
head and shoulders above his fellows one who is termed
"lucky," study him well and it will finally dawn upon you
that he has fairly earned his success.
Analyze this man what qualities does he possess that
make him different from his fellows ?
He has ideas, ideals he has FAITH in himself and his
ideals. He is persevering, he works hard, he never watches
the clock, he never complains. Grit, pluck, self-denial,
attention to details enable him to dominate and achieve
tasks that would frighten others.
The man who starts out in life afraid he will fail, has
made his failure a certainty.
Be afraid to DO WRONG but do not be afraid of any
thing else. If you believe a thing is RIGHT IT IS RIGHT
TO YOU, and it is up to you to prove it by putting it over.
Sly Pnetlee la Itmlteal to Hlsh
Claaa Dentistry Only.
Nights 1
"Every Patient Must Be
Absolutely and
Forever Satisfied"
is the motto of this office. Of the thousands of patients
who have had their dental work done here in past years, I
HAVE NEVER REFUSED to make good any complaint
REGARDLESS of whether it was OUR fault or the pa
tient's. I never argue the patient is ALWAYS RIGHT.
Electro Painless Dentists
Corner Sixth and Washington Sts., Portland, Or.