TS THE SUNDAY OKECOXTAX. rOTlTT.AXD. ArfiUST 3. 1919. "" OREGON CHOICE FOR . PRESIDENT IS TUFT Ex-President's Record During War Gains Friends. FOUR GENERATIONS GATHER AT FAMILY PARTY HELD IN PORT LAND RECENTLY. FAVORITE SONS ARE WEAK f erehing Shows Little Popularity, s Editors Believe Xo Military Man Can Be Elected. fContinued From First Page.) fery; that the people have confidence in him. There are editors who say they favor him but question whether he is strong enough to be elected. A democratic editor writes that he favors Taft and that the democrats will have to nom inate a very strong; man to prevent itim from supporting Taft. One coast county editor admits that fce bitterly opposed Taft in the past and supported Johnson, Borah, et al., but that Taft is now a progressive, xvhile Johnson, Borah and the others tiave become reactionary. Hagtaes Also Popular. There is also a strong sentiment for Hughes, on much the same grounds as that expressed for Taft. The former justice and the former president ap pear to appeal to the same editors and the same communities. Of the two, however, Taft is decidedly the favorite. Or the total votes, General Wood filmost parallels the strength of Taft, lieneral Wood's gains are as second and third choice. He has more third hoice votes than any other possibil ity. It is indicated in the returns that the sentiment for Wood is based on two things: (1) the failure of the tieraocratic administration to place him In command of the American troops, end (2) the supposition that neither U'aft nor Hughes will consent to be nominees, and therefore Wood is the most available man in sight. The "Wood sentiment is reflected, also, by ditors whe were supporters of the late Theodore Roosevelt, the patron of - Ceneral Wood. Streneth of Wood Doubted. Counteracting the Wood sentiment is he statement of newspaper men that lio military man can be elected presi dent. The Wood feeling, it is explained, does not come from the returned sol fliers or their relatives, for former serv ice men are opposed to a military can- ' ciidate. The same argument is made 1 t-elative to General Pershing. There are editors who frankly con less that they have been unable to ' Judge the local sentiment, because pub lic opinion has not shafted itself in lavor of anyone. Other editors report that the local sentiment is similar to iheir personal choices, and stilj others express a choice that is different from what they believe local sentiment to tie. It is from an analysis of these replies that the results have been com piled. Appended is the information supplied !Jy the editors. ' Coquille Fstom Taft. H. W. Young, Coquille Sentinel Taft. (JCo local sentiment. Says Mr. Young: "In 1916 I said that Taft had no Vision, that he was a standpatter and & reactionary. That was true then. Today he has the widest vision of any republican talked of for president, and the men like Johnson, Borah and i J'oindexter, who then stood for the things I believed in, have gone way hack rippd sat down on the league of nations issue, of whose importance they I neem to have not the faintest concep tion. The fate of the world depends ! upon the right settlement of this mat- ter. Upon it hang the destinies of the : Tiations and the issues of peace or war. The man who does not see this and is Tiot willing to put aside all partisanship mid any personal pique he may have when he comes to consider it is not rig enough to be elected president of the United States. It is, of course, possible that this issue will be settled and settled right before the conven tions of 1920 are held, but as it stands today, however little I may have es teemed William Howard Taft in the t jiast, he is the only man I would con- eider for the nomination." D. H. Talmadge, Halsey Enterprise ; Hughes, Wood, Taft. Local sentiment Relieved to be Taft, Wood, Hughes. Says Mr. Talmadge: "As a matter of fact, there is no .real sentiment on the matter here. I think the people sense the general un rest and they have confidence in Mr. Taft. They feel that they may depend upon him. but as a candidate for nom ination they 'don't know' yet. With a. definite issue likely to formulate from the present condition of unrest, due in a great degree to a lack of balance between average earnings and the cost of necessities, and with our foreign relations presenting formidable problems, the nomination of Hughes would be, it seems to me. a very good one. He is honest, he is big enough for the job and he has the somewhat jrare faculty of getting into well-considered action promptly." Taft for Bronnnvillf. W. H. Wheeler. Brownsville Times favors Taft, although the editor is not a. republican. Continuing: "Have doubt of Taft's success if he 4s the candidate because so many good lia-ters would knife a man who dared "brave the wrath of the round robin senators at Washington, but if he were riominated, a friend of the league would be elected, as it is as unthinkable that the democrats will run an enemy of the league as it is that any party could isiect such a candidate." N. C. Westcott. Aurora Observer Tuft. Hughes, Frank B. Kellogg. Local fccntiment lor Taft. Says Mr. Westcott: "The attitude of William H. Taft dur fltiir the past two years in matters pure ly political has been so subordinated to the general welfare of the nation that he stands higher than ever in the esteem of genuine 1 S -carat Americans. He has whole-heartedly backed up dur ing the war an administration with vhich he is completely out of sympathy politically. He has exerted all his in fluence in favor of a league of na tions. He has shown his liberal attitude tv being willing to accept a covenant in which he sees some minor defects: If the league of nations pact unfor tunately becomes a party issue, Taft vfill be the strongest candidate the Re publicans can put up." Hen iv K. Browne. Silvcrton Trib me Taft. Wood. Hughes. Local senti ment believed to favor Wood, Taft, Jjughes. Sa ys Mr. Browne : "1 prefer Mr. Taft for the reason that fce has & positive reputation, while the reputation of Mr. Wood is. perhaps, what may be called negative. And also that Mr. Taft's attitude relative to mat ters pertaining to the war problems has iheen beyond reproach in my opinion. Tbe fact that he has not declared him self a candidate, and has said he would 3iot be, is probably the reason for sentiment in this vicinity going favor able to General Wood. If it becomes Inown to the people that Mr. Taft will .ccept the nomination I believe he will te nominated and elected by an over whelming majority. Mr. Taft is favor Able to some of the prominent tie mo rals in thiij viciuitVi who will support t a- -v O I - " A J - S h K it h t" j S f - t - '.vJi .A ti i "J ) $ M ii tl - - - . 5r : ;J :, -:r ' - j r - l v 3 T''i'l? Bush n ell Photo. Standing Mrs. Thomas C. Fargher and Thomas C Farsher Jr. Seated 3Irm. Frank Hnott holding Marjorle Eileen Farsrher. An interesting family reunion was that held recently at the home of Mrs. Frank Huott, 169 Xorth Twenty-second street, when representative of four generations met. Mrs. Huott is a great-grandmother at 70 years of age. Her daughter, Mrs. Thomas C. Fargher of Dufur, came to Portland recently for a visit, accompanied by her only son. Thomas Jr., aged 22. They brought with them Mrs. Huott's great-grandchild, Marjprie Eileen Fargher, aged 4 months, who is the daughter of Thomas F. Fargher Jr. Mrs. Huott is the mother of seven children, five of whom are living. They are: Mrs. Frank Loveland, Chicago; Mrs. W. J. Wright, Ketchikan, Alaska; Mrs. Thomas C. Fargher, Dufur; Mrs. A. M. Hawkins, 169 Twenty-second street North, Portland, and Frank Huott, Portland. him in preference to Wilson. Chamber lain and others who may be named. Upton H. Gibbs, Eastern Clackamas News. Estacada Taft, Wood, Roose velt Jr. Says Mr. Gibbs: 'It is too early yet to gauge public sentiment, as those I have asked have not given it much thought, though Gen eral Wood seems to have the strongest support. For myself, the above choices are only tentative. I will not vote for a man who is in opposition to the league of niitions. for that to me is the para-, mount issue. Some mention Borah or j Johnson, neither of whom suit me, the former evidently coquetting with the: non-partisans and the latter is not; only opposing the league, but also is! wanting in tact in dealing with the! Japanese, -like most Calif ornians. Japan I will have to be reckoned with and won't submit to be treated like a dog." I Hugh Hume, the Spectator Taft. Wood, Lodge. Local sentiment not judged. Says Mr. Hume: j "Mr. Taft's real ability resides in the fact that he is the one notable repub lican who has kept the peace treaty and the league of nations from becom- I ing a democratic asset. Mr. Taft's abil ity resides in this fact among others. I am inclined to think that the treaty of peace and the league of nations will be a very important subject up to the time of the national conventions and the presidential election next year. "General Wood s great ability con sists largely in the fact that he stands for about everything American that the present administration does not favor. He is a man of very broad vision and is -intensely American. He is not only a splendid and- gallant sol- , dier. but a great administrator and executive. 'Senator Lodge would make an ideal prime minister for a great nation in times of perpetual peace. The fact that he could not be elected to the presi dency in no way alters my opinion that he would make a great chief executive." T. C. Queen, Dufur Dispatch: Taft, Wood, Hughes. Local sentiment fav ors Wood, Taft, Hughes. Says Mr. Queen : "But little is being said in this vi cinity as to the most desirable man for president in 1920 but practically ail are agreed that a change of policy is needed and that the next president will have grave problems to face, probably the gravest in the history of the country. The writer favors Taft because he be lieves him capable of handling the sit uation; is an able statesman and diplo mat; his record during the war was 100 per cent; and he, having held the office of president would be in a better posi tion to handle the affairs of the coun try frohi the start than others might However, anyone with the proper record and ability, will be acceptable to us." George P. Cheney, Record Chieftain, Enterprise : "A shrewd observer sums up the situation by saying republicans of the state have adopted the policy of watch ful waiting; they are not agreed as to any prospective candidate and are awaiting developments. Following his tour of the country, W. H. Taft was much spoken of as a candidate and perhaps still is the favorite. Hughes is mentioned occasionally and General Wood. The men who have been most active in the senate against the peace treaty and the league of nations are quite out of favor and are not consid ered as possible candidates." John G. Eckman, Tel-ephone Register: Taft, Wood or any good man who is for the peace league. Local sentiment similar. Says Mr. Eckman: "I fear the party cannot unite on Mr. Taft. but think they ought to do so as the best man to carry out the pro viFions made for future peace. He cer tainly has been a most loyal American and a gentleman of the highest order, typifying what all Americans should be in hopefulness and usefulness and sound sense. Much the same can be said of General Wood, who has not always, been treated fairly, and has been a gentleman throughout. The next president of the United States will stand for peace, not obstruction, hence there is no show for Borah. Poindexter. Johnson or any of the old school. If they are brought forward, and Mr. Wil son is again a candidate, he will he elected. The republicans must name a man on whom they can unite and that man must be for peace with an ade quate army to enforce peace demands.' R. J. Hendricks. Oregon Statesman : Taft. Wood. Pershing. Local sentiment believed to be for ood. Pershing, Taft. Says Mr. Hendricks: "I believe William Howard Taft is the outstanding forward looking statesman of the world and that this country sorely needs such a man as chief executive in the reconstruction days; and that the whole world needs such a man at the head of the leading nation of the earth. "I believe the issues should be pro tection to American labor and capital and protection of American ideals aeainst everything and everybody un American, and promotion of every aid to the development of foreign shipping and foreign trade remembering, how ever, that the most important market of all is the home market." Charles H. Fisher, Daily Capital Journal: "I would probably be rated too much of a democrat to have a right to assist republicans in selecting a candidate for president. My per sonal choice would be William H. Taft, and the democrats would have to run a mighty strong man to keep me from supporting him." Jean P. Kirkpatrick, Pilot Rock Record: Taft, Hughes. " Local senti ment 'believed to be Wood, Borah, Hughes. Says Mr. Kirkpatrick: "We do not believe a man's military title is any guarantee of statesman ship. We think that General Wood's only claim to the nomination lies in the sympathy extended him by the re publicans on account of failure to be favored by the present administra tion in a military way which Is only natural and to be expected from a po litical viewpoint. To nominate General John J. Pershing would be doing him a rank injustice for we consider he already has the greatest honor that any nation has to bestow. The repub- ican nominee must be an eastern man which automatically eliminates both Borah and Johnson." ' G. L. Alexander of Lebanon Exnress: Hughes, Taft and Wood. A. R. O'Brien, Hughes, Taft, Wood. Says Mr. O'Brien: "Justice Hughes through unfortunaet political complications brought about by Senator H. A. Johnson of California lost the race the last time and be cause of the sacrifice he made then, his sterling qualities and entire fitness, he should be allowed to make the race a second tim-e." Herbert A. Gill, Woodburn Indepen dent: Hughes, if he does not fight Wil son at the present moment. It is too early to express a preference. Says Mr. Gill: "There are no other professed candi dates in the field but General Leonard Wood and Senators Foindexter and Johnson. The latter two have taken the wrong stand on the league of na tions covenant and General Wood, while possessing excellent administrative ability and one who would make a good executive, could not be elected on ac count of his close identification with the military and the people at present are not inclined toward militarism. It is really too early to express a choice. Wait until the senate takes action on the peace pact. At this moment the nominee most liable to be elected, if he stands upon a popular platform, would be Charles Evans Hughes. The most prominent issue will bear a direct relation to the high cost of living and necessaries. Others of importance, in their order, will be possibly the league of nations covenant, government con trol of railroads, rights of labor, con duct of the war, immigration. Higher tariff would not be favored in the face of high cost of living and profiteering. No party would desire or have the ef frontery to ask the people to protect the profiteers." E. K.. Henderson, Silver Lake Leader: Hughes, Taft, Wood. Local sentiment is for Hughes first. There are some Taft and a few Wood men. They will most all vote for any good republican at this time. They have had enough of the present administration. Says Mr. Henderson: " "Have interviewed all the republicans I have seen the last five days and with WOULD HAVE TO GASPJOR BREATH Mrs. Francis Suffered After Every Meal Is Grateful to Tan lac. "Thanks to Tanlac. I am a well woman again after years of suffering." said Mrs. Lucia Francis of 632? 41st ave. Southwest, Seattle. Wash., recent ly. Mrs. Francis has lived in Seattle for the past 20 years.' For years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble and rheumatism." con tinued Mrs. Francis. "It seemed like everything- I ate fermented In my stom ach and kept me in misery, until I final ly got to where I had to practically trive up eating anything solid and lived mostly on boiled milk and toast, but even the little I did eat Just seemed to lie in my stomach without digesting, and the pain I endured at times was something awful. I often bloated up terribly with gas and my. heart would palpitate so at times I elroply gasped for breath. My kidneys were also in bad condition and I suffered constantly with such a terrible pain in my back and sides that I can't begin to describe It. I was awfully nervous, too, and didn't know what a good night's sleep was and sometimes I almost dreaded to go to bed. because I just knew from the pain I was in that I would simply lie there and suffer. I also had rheu matism in my arms, shonlders and knees so badly I could hardly drag myself around and for weeks at a time I wasn't able to do a bit of my house work. I was so stiff and ached so much sometimes I actually couldn't stoop over to pick up anything, and many a time when I tried to raise my arms to comb my hair I would almost cry with the pain. "I tried all kinds of things to get some relief, but nothing I did or took seemed to help me a particle, and then I decided to try Tanlac because I had read so much about it, and It has cer tainly done e. lot for me. My stomach is in such good condition now I can eat just anything and everything I want and enjoy every mouthful, too, and I am never troubled a particle with pain in my stomach or bloating or gas.. Every bit of the pain In my back and sides Is gone and when I go to bed now I fall asleep before I know It. and when I get up in the morning I feel rested and refreshed and ready for my housework and also reavdy for my breakfast, and it is no boiled milk breakfast, either, but a good, substan tial meal. The rheumatism has left my arms, shoulders and knees and I can use my limbs as freely as I ever could. I just feel so fine in every way that I am more than thankful I am able to make this statement and certainly hope it will be the means of helping others to find relief from their trouble." Tanlac is sold in Portland by the Owl Drug Co. Adv. the exception of two, Hughes has been the first choice, there was one who favored Wood and one whose first choice was Taft. Any good republican would get their votes now. The Monroe doctrine must be sustained. If we al low no European power to meddle with the policies of this continent why should we mix with the affairs of the eastern continent? The Mexican ques tion must be settled, and Uncle Sam must do the settling. Let Europe at tend to Turkey and we will attend to the greasers. A foreigner should be required to live in the United States at least ten years before he be allowed to take out his first papers and not al lowed to vote until granted his final papers. Capital should be regulated, so should labor. One has as much right to be protected as the other." A. S. Coutant, Oregon Observer Hughes, Wood and either Johnson or Borah for third choice. Local sentiment appears to be Hughes, Borah, Johnson. Says Mr. Coutant:- "Warren C-. Harding, Hiram W. John son, William E. Borah, are all men tioned as first choices of some. Ap parently the republicans of this sec tion will be content to vote for any good candidate. Apparently all they want is the chance to get to the polls to end the present tendency toward autocracy. Have also heard Congress man Hawley mentioned as presidential timber by reason of his seasoned ex perience In governmental affairs." E. H. Woodward, Newberg Graphic Hughes, Taft. Says Mr. Woodward: "Am opposed to Germanizing our country by adopting & system of uni versal military training and conse quently will oppose the nomination of General Wood." W. C. DePeu, Lebanon Criterion Hughes. Wood. Taft. Local sentiment, Wood. Hughes. Savs Mr. DePeu: "The republican 'candidate should be a statesman endowed with executive ability and free from official egotism and I believe that these characteristics are far more dominant in Charles E. Hughes than in any other man now mentioned as a candidate. The cam paign issue should be made upon strict honesty and integrity in all official positions, with emphasis upon the ne cessity of the exposure and punishment of the men who have through the lax ity of the passing administration de frauded the nation of hundreds of millions of dollars, wrung from the peo pie by cajolery, threat or intimidation, only to be wasted in an ineffectual effort to establish a socialistic Utopia in place of a great industrial nation. The campaign should be aggressive, not passive, and the true principles of a government by the people and for the people driven home by sledgehammer blows by every true republican in the land, until the weak-kneed govern ment that has sacrificed national spirit, honor and love of country to the one purpose of votes and the political pref erment gained thereby, is relieved of further opportunity to misrepresent the country." Elbert Bede, Cottage Grove Sentinel Hughes, Wood, Taft. Local sentiment. Wood, Hughes, Taft. Says Mr. Bede: "Despite his flirting with the league of nations, which has been about the only sta-ble and solid thins- I have so MOTOR BOAT ENGINES From 2 to 300 Horsepower For Trolling Boats, Work Boats or Pleasure We Are Distributors for Fivs of th Largest Gas Engins Manaatarrs in the United States. Pranpt Delivery of HEAVY-DUTY FISHERMEN'S ENGINES HONEST CLAY, STERLING, DOMAN, STANDARD KID, GRAY EVINRUDE ROWBOAT AND CANOE MOTORS - Everything In Fishermen's Supplies. Fishing Tackle. Netting. Twins, Cordage, MfMihon's Trolling Spoons, Hyde and Columbian Propellsr Wheels. Marlns and Electrical Supplies, KL w. Cot Is and Magnetos. Mail Orders Filled Get Our Prices. WHAT KHTD OF AN ENGI5TB DO YOU WAMTt FREE CATALOGrB ON RK4VEST. EVINRUDE MOTOR CO. WHOLESALE A3TD RETAIL NORTHWEST TI STRXBT7TIN G BRANCH, 211 Morrison St, Portland, Or. The Secret of Stradivarius The Cheney Resonator Carved from violin wood. Like a violin this resonator adds increasing tweeLueAs to tones as the instrument is pbtyed. Cheney PHONOGRAPH THE dawn of modem times produced a man in Italy who made violins of incomparable tone : Stradivarius. Though, his violins are like others in general shape and construction, he pes' sessed some secret by which he gave them fullness and richness of tone that has never been imitated. The products ofhis hands are today prized possessions. So there is today a vast difference in phonographs. This poor ink can but poorly picture the serene purity and fullness of tone possessed by Cheney Phonographs. A remarkable series of Cheney inventions, adapt' ing the acoustic principles of the pipe organ and violin has revolutionized reproduc tion of tone. You must hear the Cheney to fully appreciate its importance. G. F. Johnson Piano Co. 147-149 Sixth, Bet. Alder and Morrison EXCLUSIVE CHENEY AGENTS far been able to discover in ' connec tion with the league, I still hold Will iam Howard Taft high as a presiden tial candidate, but I fear It would be a mistake to nominate him. While Hashes is given my first-choice vote, I doubt if he would prove as strong; a candidate as someone, such as General Wood, who, despite his relegation to the rear, has a strong: hold on the millions of soldier boys. I would not be surprised If the nomination should go to one not yet spoken of as a strong candidate. With the mistakes and blunders, extravagance of words and fnnds, felicity and facility of expres sion by the present administration, it might be possible to elect someone west of the Mississippi,' for the United States has not been made safe for democratic majorities for some time to come." Frank Jenkins, Eugene Morning Reg ister Wood. Taft. Local sentiment too hazy to hazard a guess. Says Mr. Jenkins: "You will note that I have qualified my statement as to candidates with the word "present." I do this because it is my feeling that political issues and po litical conditions are in a state of flux, and I find myself unable to predict, even to my own satisfaction, what the (Concluded on Pag-ff 19. Column 1.) EDUCATIONAL. r -A - - MT. ANGEL COLLEGE AND SEMINARY ST. BENEDICT, OREGON CONDUCTED 3Y THE BENEDICTINE FATHERS OFFERS COMPLETE COURSES IN COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENTS ARTS, LETTERS AND SCIENCES Ideal Location, Modern Buildings Splendidly Equipped Throughout. Fall Term Opens September 11, 1919 Efficient Training for College or Vocations DAY OR NIGHT The Y. M. C. A. Department of Education announces the following courses opening in the Fall: College Preparatory Bookkeeping Stenography Automobile Tractors Accountancy Business Administration Electrical Engineering Radio Telegraphy Pharmacy NOTE Courses marked thus () are in session daring the summer. For Details Address Dept. of Education, Div. C, Y. JL C. A., Portland, Oregon Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070, A 6093 ST. MARY'S AC A OEM Y AND COLLEGE I fnr :ir .riOt h vpnt- fnnHimA k. .1 I SISTERS OK THK HOLY NAMES OP JESUS AND MARY. Grade. Academic and Collegiate Courses. Music. Art. Elo cution and Commercial and Domestic Science Depts. Resident and Day stu dents. Refined. Moral and Intellectual Training-. Write for announcement. Sfhonl reopens September 2. Address SISTER SUPERIOR. St. Mary's Acad emy. Portland. Miss Harker's School for Girls, Palo Alto, CaL I High School, Lower School. Fully c- t credited. Strong French, music nd I home economics courses. Favorm.bls I climate and largo grounds permit out- I d oor i f e all year. Resident nurM. I Catalogue upon request. I 18th Tear Opens Sept. 15. Write Miss Harker, Principal. St. Margaret's Hall BO I Sl-i. IDAHO. A n Episcopal boarding school for grirls under the aupice of the bishop of the district. General and preparatory courses. Music, art. g-ymnasium. swimming, domestic science. For catalogue address NAOMI STlT7,nAN, Principal. THE ALLEN COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIKLS. Fits for all eastern and western colleges and technical schools. The course of studv in baited upon the requirements of the col lege en t ranee examination board. Individ ual attention by competent and experienced instrur'torH. Office hour, 10 to 11!. 635 Lttet Salmon fcU. Portland, Oc