The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Section One, Page 16, Image 16

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City's Bid for 1920 Convention
Will Be Considered.
3fayor Baker, at Reception Daring
One-Day Visit by Notables, Will
Join in Extending Invitation.
did, he had a hilarious time. Wilson
came into police court to plead guilty
to speeding, but his conscience was
badly troubled by a warning Judge
Rossman had given him a month ago
during a hearing in which Wilson was
charged with appropriating an auto
mobile to his own use. At that time
leniency was extended by the court
with the understanding that Wilson was
to stay out of the city for six months.
I was just following Judge Ross-
man s advice. V llson said. "He told
me If I wanted to run a car I should
wait until I could get one myself. I
just came to town to purchase the ma
chine and was arrested as I was driv
ing back out of the city. It is the only
time I've been in Portland in a month."
Judge Ieich handed him a $5 fine.
and Wilson expressed his thankfulness
that Judge Rossman was on a vacation.
Other alleged speeders who were
fined yesterday were as follows: E. H.
Kich 10, O. B. Olson $5, G. D. Stryker
55, R. W. Stubbs- ?3, H. W. Scheid
man $10.
Decision as to holding the 1920 ses
sion of the United States Chamber of
Commerce at Portland rests with the
directors of that organization, who will
be guests of the Portland chambec next
Thursday. The officers and members
of the directorate of the national cham
ber are due to arrive in Portland at
7:40 A. M. August 7, and will be met -at
union station by a. reception committee
composed of Mayor Baker, Commis
sioners Bigelow, Pier, Mann and Bar
bour, and the directors of the Port
land Chamber of Commerce.
From that time until the departure
of the visitors at 11:10 P. M. there will
be a programme of entertainment,
sightseeing and expression of hospi
tality in acquainting the strangers
with the industries, commerce and at
tractions of Portland and vicinity.
Chicago Man Heads Delegation.
Joseph H. Lefrees of Ciicago, mem
ber of the law firm of Defrees, Buck
ingham & Katon, chairman executive
committee and vice-president of the
United States Chamber of Commerce,
heads the delegation. John Joy Kdson,
treasurer; Ii. A. Skinner, assistant sec
retary, and A. B. Farquhar of York, Pa.,
honorary vice-president, are accom
panying officials.
Members of the directorate Included
in the party are; Max W. Bab, president
of the AI Ms-Chalmers company, Mil
waukee, Wis.; George H. Barbour, pres
ident Michigan Stove company, Detroit;
William Butter worth, president Deere
A Co., Moline; H. L. Ferguson, presi
dent Newport News Shipping & Dry
dock company, Newport News; Charles
C. George, president George & Co., real
estate, Omaha; L. S. Gillette, president
Plymouth Investment company, Minne
apolis; G. A. Hollister, vice-president
Rochester Railway & Light company,
Rochester, accompanied by his son;
Clarence H. Howard, president Com
monwealth Steel company, St. Louis,
accompanied by his son; Frederick J.
Koater, president California Barrel
company, San Francisco; R. A. McCor
mick, vice-president McCormick & Co.,
Baltimore; Lewis K. Pierson. chairman
of board Irving National bank. New
York; J. L. Powell, president the John
ston & Larimer Dry Goods company,
Wichita; Henry M. Victor, president
Union National bank, Charlotte, N. C,
and Fred N. Shepherd, manager of the
field division.
oted Men Accompany Party.
Other men of distinction who are ac
companying the officials on their trip
include F. Sieberling, Akron, former di
rector and chairman of the committee
on highways; Pomeroy Burton, mana
ger of the London Daily Mail and for
merly with the New York Journal; S. B.
Karly, representative of the Associated
Press : Hobert H. Ramsdell. secretary
to the president; John J. Edison and
Frank J. Johnson.
Breakfast will be served to the visi
tors at the Hotel Portland, where a
brief welcome will be voiced by Gover
nor Olcott and Mayor Baker. The fore
noon will be devoted to a trip about
the city and to the public auditorium,
shipyards and one of the big sawmills.
At noon the party will be taken to
the Chamber of Commerce rooms, where
a brief reception will be followed by
Invitation to Re Kx ended.
H. L. Corbett, president of the cham
ber, will preside, and Governor Olcott
will formally extend an invitation for
the 1920 session of the United States
f hamber to meet in Portland, which
will be followed with a similar invi
tation on behalf of the city by Mayor
Baker. A. C. Callan. chairman of the
special committee to obtain the 1920
session, will endeavor to convince the
directors of the desirability of select
ing Portland as the convention city.
Franklin T. Griffith, on behalf of the
chamber, will present a bound volume
containing reasons why this should be
the convention city. The book includes
a collection of photographs illustrating
the places of interest and featuresf
special moment to those identified with
commercial activities.
There will be speeches by a number
of the members of the visiting party of
notables, among them some men of ex
ceptional ability as after-diner and
platform speakers. It is anticipated
that the luncheon will be an event of
exceptional interest and a large
tendance of members of the chamber is
The local committee that has had in
hand the effort to obtain the 1920 con
vention is composed of A. C. Callan,
chairman; David F. Morrison, C. C. lon
ger, Chris Peterson and E. N. Wein-baum.
Mrs. L. Summer Taylor Recognizes
Two Stopping Places Used in
Days of Ox-Team Travel.
Memories of hardships endured in
1S52, when she came to Oregon by ox
team, traveling over the old Oregon
trail, were recalled last week when
Mrs. L. Summer Taylor, 1680 Fremont
street, bowled over a portion of the
trail in. an automobile piloted by her
m- l
& -
5 ' f
. t
Mr. S. Taylor.
Convention August 14-16 Will Close
With Monster Parade and
Carnival at Night.
On the eve of the second annual con
vention or the Oregon State Elks' as
sociation at Klamath Falls, Portland
Elkdom is making elaborate plans to
be on hand. Automobiles and a spe
cial train will furnish transportation.
ThTs is true of almost every city in
the state where an Elks lodge is
established and in addition to the
Oregon herd, stragglers from Washing
ton, Idaho, California and Nevada are
planning to pasture on the fertile
Klamath meadows.
The convention will open August 14, I
to continue to August 16. the day
that will be marked by a monster pa
rade and a carnival night, the like of
which has never been seen in southern
To provide accommodations for the
thousands of visitors, the homes of
Klamath Falls will be thrown open.
Weeks ago all reservations at the
White Pelican hotel, the official head
quarters of the convention, and the
other hotels were taken and when it
became apparent that congestion was
threatening, W. O. Smith, chairman of
the committee on rooms. obtained
pledges from Klamath Falls home
The special train under the direc
tion of William J. McGinn leaves Port
land Wednesday, August 13. It will
have aboard the Portland and Astoria
delegations and as it passes along the
west coast of the state, the talem,
Oregon City, Eugene. Marshfield, Rose
burg and Medford delegates will take
up their reservations. A special rate of
$35 for the round trip has been given
bv the federal railroad administration
and this will include sleeper accom
modations not only en route but while
the train is sidetracked at Klamath
In addition to the business sessions
of the association, there will be many
social features for the Elks and their
families. These include an excursion
to Crater lake, the Upper Klamath
lake, the Klamath lava beds and the
monster barbecue on the Upper
Klnmath lake.
Several cities are fighting for the
1920 convention honors and in addition
there will be active scrimmages on the
floor for the various official positions
to be filled.
selves unpopular with Acting JuCgro
Ieich of the municipal court yesterday.
The judg-e sentenced them to StO Uys in
the city jail.
A hypodermic needle, declared t.
have been faund in the possession of
Jesse Kail, gave that individual a free
cell for three montiis, while James El
lex and Mrs. Amy Wade drew like sen
tences on vagrancy charges in whi.h
use of drugs was alleged. Dora McAf-
fery, charged with being a drua: addict,
and Harry Williams, said to have been
peddling morphine, also eot 0 days
In fixing the length of the sentences
.Acting Judge Deich expressed the con
viction that a considerable amount of
petty crime going on at this time, par
ticularly larceny and theft, is being
done by the drug addicts. He declared
the time would come shortly when such
persons would be handled by govern
ment physicians.
Witnesses to Death of Teamster Held
as They Are Unable to Fur
nish Cash Bail.
C. K. Miller, driver of the automobile
which crashed into a wood truck at
Goldsmith and Albina avenues at 3
o clock yesterday afternoon instantly
killing Fred Goodfellow, driver of the
ruck, was released yesterday on S2000
Dan, having been re-booked by the po
lice on the charge of involuntary man
slaughter. At the coroner's inquest
i-riday nignt the jury held young Mil
ler responsible for the death of Good-
A fourth man, said to have been an
occupant of the machine which was be
ing driven by Miller when the tragedy
occurrea, was taken Into custody yes
terday morning and is being held as a
witness in the case.
Two other occupants of the car. Wal
ter Phillips and Charles L. Hawthorne.
are also being retained as witnesses.
All three were given an opportunity
to secure release by putting up $1'50
bail, but up to a late hour yesterday
naa not raised the money.
ine case was taken up in police
court yesterday morning, but upon the
request or tne attorney for Miller was
postponed until Monday, when a pre
liminary hearing will be held.
grandson, C. M. Derr. salesman for the
Johnson-Dodson company.
Mrs. Taylor, although more than 85
years of age, keenly enjoyed the trip.
which took her to Prescott, Walla Walla
county, Washington, nearly 300 miles
from home, and in a side trip over the
trail between the .Deschutes and John
Dav rivers was able to recognize two
of the camping sites her party used 67
years ago.
One of these was at the
old ford on the Deschutes river, and
the other was on the John Day.
"Although I had not been over the
route since I came to Oregon so long
ago, said Mrs. layior yesterday, l
recognized those places at once, and
if I could have been in The Dalles in
daytime I believe, in spite of changes.
I could have picked out our camping
Ite at that place."
Mrs. Taylor and her grandson were
accompanied by Miss Harriet Hush of
Eugene, who visited with her parents
near Helix during the trip. They left
Portland a week ago yesterday, and in
the drive to the Frank Dooly farm, near
Prescott, found it necessary to pass
two nights in the open. Despite her
age, Mrs. Taylor made the best of all
situations and was prepared for ail
On the original trip over the Oregon
trail Mrs. Taylor, because of heavy
grades arid weary oxen, found it neces
sary to walk much of the way from
Laramie to Oregon. Her experience
with the pr.esent-day vehicle was vastly
different, although she confesses that
she does not like the sensation of glid- j
ing easily down the steep hillsides,
around sharp curves and up on the
other side of the canyon. Uncon
sciously she found herself 'clinging to
the side of the auto "like grim death,"
as she explained it.
Road conditlons in the Washington
wheat belt are anything but pleasant,
she says, owing to the dust, and the
unusual heat detracted somewhat from
the enjoyment of her visit. "But it was
an experience of which she had dreamed
in her declining years, though enter
tained little hope of realizing.
Chairman Selling Sajs Many Port-
landcrs Are Holding Back and
Delaying Visit Plans.
Definite Diana for the entertainment
of the officers and men of the Pacific
fleet whn it enters the Columbia river
and calls in Portland harbor will not
be made until the sum needed for the
entertainment has been pledged.
Ben Selling, chairman of the recep
tion committee, said yesterday that un
less the money was raised the invita
tion made by Portland would be re
called and the fleet would pass by 1'oit
land, calling on- northern ports.
"We have received numerous sub
tcriptions." said Mr. Selling, "but there
are many who are holding back and
have not turned in a subscription.
Yv'hen it is remembered that the en
trance of the large vessels attached to
the Pacific fleet into the Columbia
river will in itself be proof to the world
of the capabilities of our harbor, no
one should hesitate in making a sub
stantial contribution."
Lester W. Humphries, chairman
the general committee for the eiuer
tainment of the fleet, is awaiting word
from Mr. Selling before completing hi
The committee is endeavoring
raise $25,00u to be used in the enter
tainment of the fleet, and cites the
Reckless Driver on Unfinished
Bridge Causes Accident.
ALBANY. Or., Aug. 2. (Special.)
John Maxwell, road patrolman for the
district north and east of Albany, was
nit out not seriously Injured yester
day, by a touring car driven by a
youth. The car sped across the newly
constructed bridge, a mile and a half
from Albany on the detour between
Albany and Jefferson despite warnings
given by the road men.
Mr. Maxwell was on the bridge, which
was near completion when the youth
drove up the road. Maxwell waved
him to go around the bridge, but the
driver stepped on the foot throttle
and the car shot over the bridge at
full speed, causing a plank lying loose
on the bridge to- fly up and strike
Maxwell's leg
Here Comes the
Grocery Man With Snow Flakes
Thousands of children are happier and healthier because they can
have all the Snow Flakes they need 'tween meals. And what better
than these crisp, satisfying, salty crackers? Your grocer has them.
A cordial invitation is extended to visit our factory and see how we
make these famous Snow Flakes.
Don't Ask for Crackers Bay Snow Flakes
Pacific Coast VftSVii&iSH&yga
llw Biscuit Co. SWiMA
Eastern Oregon Herds Will Not Be
Shipped Out for Winter.
PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.)
Stockmen of the south end of Uma
tilla county, who, for the past three
years, have driven their cattle out for
the winter, will remain in the hills this
season ,it is- said here. Ever since the
heavy winter three years ago this sec
tion of the country, iike most others,
has been short of hay. The stockmen
were forced to ship their stock out and
buy hay at high prices.
After trying this fr three seasons,
the stockwien have determined to cut
down their herds to the size of their
hay stacks and stick it out. figuring
that they stand to lose either way till
they can accumulate syfficient hay to
carry them over and. they might as
well stay at home.
More cattle than ever before at this
season of the year have been sold from
the Pilot Rock eectiun and more will
go out.'
Turner Itoundtrec Is Survived by
Widow and Three Children.
CHEHAL1S, Wash.. Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) In the death at Winlock of Tur
ner Roundtree. Lewis county loses one
of its oldest pioneer citizens. The fam
ily for many years made their home
in the upper Chehalis valley near
Mr. Roundtree, September 20, 1870.
was . married to Mary Jane Miller of
Grand Mound. Mrs. Roundtree sur
vives him, as do two sons and a daugh
ter Guy Roundtree of Petersburg,
Alaska, an. Otis Roundtree of Winlock
and Mrs. George B. Rhodes of Winlock.
Three brothers also survive him
Patrick Roundtree of K.laber, this coun
ty; Hugh Roundtree of Pacific Beach,
and Eugene A. Roundtree of Sunny
side. Two sisters Mrs. Sarah Sloan of
Albany, Or., and Mrs. Julia Williams of
Los Angeles, Cal., are also living.
Phone your Tint ads to The Oreeo
nian. Phone Main 7070, A 6093.
that other coast cities have funds of
between $50,000 and $1 no. 000 for the
same purpose, to show that the request
cf the committee is really of small proportions.
Resolutions to Be Presented at
Yakima Convention Diseussed.
S RATTLE, Aup. 2. Plans for the
forthcoming Washington Good Roads
association convention at Yakima Sep
tember 1 and 2 were discussed by the
association's executive committee here
today. Among: several resolutions to
be brouprht before the convention, it
was decided, was one favoring; a state
policy of catting road contracts into
smaller jobs, so that the small con
tractors can bid on them.
Another resolution would urge the
federal government to construct a pro
posed marginal military highway from
the Mexican border to tne isruisn Co
lumbia line.
fish Commission Informed That
Ocean Is Always Open.
SALEM, Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.)
Trolling for salmon in the waters of
the Pacific ocean is legal at all times,
according to a legal opinion prepared
by Assistant Attorney-General Van
Winkle at the request of the state fish
and game commission.
The assistant attorney-general holds,
however, that there is a law prohibit
ing trolling for salmon in the waters
of the Siuslaw river during the closed
season. This law, it is declared, ap
plies to trolling in any stream on which
there is a closed season.
Marshfield Residents Reeall Boys
Now Masters of Air.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. Aug. 2. (Spe
cial.) It is not generally known that
Orville and Wilbur Wripht, inventors
of the heavier-than-air flying machine
were for several years residents of Or
egon, but this state can lay claim to
vorae of the honors the Wright
brothers acquired.
Their father. Reverend Mr. Wright,
of the United Brethern church, and
afterwards bishop at Denver, traveled
Oregon for a number of years doing
itinerant preaching at homes, in school
houses and public build ings before
rhurches were common. The Reverend
Mr. Wright and his family resided at
cio when he was preaching in Oregon.
Game Law Breakers Fined.
B. A. Johnson of Tillamook, who was
arrested on a charge of shooting blue
grouse during the closed season, has
been fined J25 and costs in justice court
at Tillamook. John Toews of Wheeler
was charged with angling without a
license and fined and costs in the
court at Tillamook, and Thomas Ewan
of Xehalem was assessed a similar
amount for the same offense, according
to notice received by State Game War
den Shoemaker yesterday.
Man Driving Newly Purchased Ma
chine From City Caught.
If Jud ge Rossman enjoyed his va
cation yesterday as iirssh as W". Wilson! ne&e. Adv
Rollins Log Rills Worker.
KELSO, Wash., Aug. 2. (Special.)
The first fatal accident at the Ostran
der Railway & Timber Co. camp in IS
months occurred Thursday wnen An
drew Maliske, a chaser, was caught be
neath a rolling log. He is survived by
his wife and three small children who
live in Portland. The body was sent to
Portland last night.
Vsed Clothing:, Rags, Furniture, Old
Jewelry, Worn Shoes Are Among
Items Wanted.
Asking especially for used clothing
and bags of rags, but urging that sale
able articles of any character be sent.
Miss Helen Whitney, secretary of the
American Red Cross shop, yesterday
made an urgent plea for support of
the superfluities store at 70-72 Third
"Even during the summer months
the shop has been averaging 92000 a
month clear profit for the Red Cross,"
said Miss Whitney. "But we cannot
hope to keep up this pace unless Port
land people render us more support. It
takes a lot of goods every day at sec
ond-hand prices to make $100 a day,
and that is the average we hope to
"The total operating expense of the
shop is tess than s a day. All our
sales force is composed of Portland
, women who donate their time, or
larg part of it. We shall be glad to
send the Red Cross truck to any ad
dress on receipt of a telephone call."
Magazines in bundles, newspapers the
same way. used clothing for men,
women and ch ildren, worn shoes, no
matter how badly worn; baby's layettes,
used household furniture and equip
ment, jewelry, no matter whether new
or old and broken; pictures and books
were among the articles especialy re
quested by Miss W hitney.
Five Persons Must Serve 9 0 Days in
City Jail.
Five persons convicted on a charge of
using and peddling "snow" and other
drugs of a like nature found them
Worker's Face Badly Smashed.
With two teeth missing and lips and i
cheek cut, Herman Harper, 1210 East!
Clifton street, was taken to St. Vin-
cent's hospital yesterday morning. The)
acnaeni occurrea ii i. a. so., at a
vulcanizing shop at 464 Burnsid street,
where Harper is employed. He was
struck in the jaw by a buffing wheel.
Mrs. C. A. Hoy wishes to thank the
many friends who assisted eo kindly
during the time of her husband's ill -
Surf Bathing. Fishins, Crabs and Clam
Digging. The big luscious Razors are
more plentiful than ever this year.
Good, clean tents in beautiful jrrove
completely equipped for housekeeping.
I'ure mountain water, wood and ligh
Rates very reasonable. For particu
lars call or write
4S Stark St. Bdrry. 1912 or Main
sr ..... i
Uiili WW
Is Here
It may be seen, it can be heard, and it will be
People are welcome to visit our "musical floor,"
the seventh, and hear this wonderful musical inven
tion. It reproduces the touch, the feeling, and it radi
ates the magnetism of the individual artist.
Come and listen to Gadowsky, to Leo Ornstein and
other master pianists.
The Knabe Ampico may be heard only on our 7th
"Merchandise, of Merit Only"
Sole Knabe Representatives
"In the good old summer-time," when
the breezy orchard, the cool clover
meadow, the old swimmin' hole with its
sparkling water, tempt Skin-nay and
Fatty bread spread with
Maid o' Clover
tastes mighty good. Nothing builds the
bodies of growing boys like pure, wholesome
food. Maid o' Clover Butter is ALL food
it's Nature's product from the sweet clover
of meadowland.
Clover-fed cows are contributing the
sweetest of cream ; the cream is pasteurized
and made into pure butter. Just the right
amount of salt is added to give it that appe
tizing freshness and firm texture that good
homemakers appreciate.
Serve Maid o Clover three times a day
let the children have a "spread" between
Ask your grocer for Maid o Clover Butter
he gets it fresh every day.
All the Boys Know: "Mutual Ice Cream
Is the Cream of Creams."
! Mutual Creamerg Coinpaiuj
it-- )
hlM'linli.iHllTTimiil!;: A