The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 03, 1919, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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Sales Usher In the 3d Anniversary of
See Also Back Page
This Section for Additional
Store News of Especial
hit er est to Women
See Double Page Spread
In the Center of This Section for
News of Meier & Frank's
Great Co-operative Sales
r 1
rK. iixaJv, "Mor-riMv Alder 3t
MEIER & FRANK'S Lower Price Downstairs Store is essentially as
the name implies, a place where merchandise is to be had at lower
prices but it is more
It is a place where GOOD merchandise is to be had at lower prices be
cause it is an integral part of the MEIER & FRANK Store famous for
more than 60 years for selling good merchandise.
The diversity of the lines the Lower Price Downstairs Store handles is
at once apparent when one considers that it is a complete store in itself,
paralleling in its stocks many of the lines carried in the main store sections.
Its value-giving is proverbial, for within the short space of 3 years it
has launched and carried to a successful conclusion more big value-giving
events than any store of its kind in the whole Northwest. That, too, is to
be expected of a store with the MEIER &. FRANK resources behind it and
with the MEIER & FRANK principles to guide it.
It is very accessible all elevators and escalators connect with the Down
stairs Store. It has three direct street entrances.
It is a pleasant place to shop flooded with daylight, scientifically
Above all it extends to patrons the same SERVICE as the Upstairs
Store there is no discrimination at MEIER & FRANK'S between Upstairs
and Downstairs patrons in the matter of charging purchases or other
courtesies between the store and the people it serves.
The Downstairs Store offers this page of values for the first week of
its 3d Anniversary Sales.
Trit Quality" Store of- Portland
A Sale of 1800 Men's Shirts
Most Extraordinary Values at
If we bought these shirts on today's market they
would be priced from $1.50 to $2.00. More than 1800
high-grade dress and negligee shirts of finely serv
iceable madras, percale, Oxford cloth and other
desirable materials.
soft and stiff cuff shirts in a multitude of neat
striped effects. The negligee shirts have collars
attached. Some of these shirts are subject to very
slight imperfections. All regular sizes.
Men's Work Shirts 75
Men's work shirts that will give the utmost in
made of heavy blue chambray with at-
All regular sizes.
tached collars.
Union Suits Only 50
Men's and boys' athletic style union suits made
with elastic waistband and closed crotch. Some
slightly imperfect. All regular sizes.
Men's Fiber Sox 19 -
First quality fiber silk sox in plain white with
printed checks in blue, green, yellow and black,
also a few plain colors. Regularly 35c.
Men's Hose, 3 Pairs 50
Men's serviceable lisle finished cotton sox in
black, white, cordovan and other colors. All sizes
9 to 11. Worth 25c pair.
Sale 600 Pairs Women's White Shoes
Formerly Priced at $4.00 to $8.00
A great final disposal of women's white shoes including sam
ples and small lots taken from regular stock.
White wash kid button shoes with 8-inch tops, Cuban heels
and leather soles. White Sea Island duck 8-inch top lace shoes
with Cuban heels and sewed soles. White nubuck lace Oxfords
with white military heels and white leather soles. Other odd
lots. Broken sizes 2' to 7. Less than present wholesale cost
at, pair $2.98.
The type is small but the
values big in these:
Bathing Suits
Special $2.98
Men's and women's one-piece wool
mixed bathing suits with skirt. Ihe
men's are in plain colors, the women's
in combinations. Sizes 33 to 44.
Silk Petticoats
Special $3.98
Women's good messaline and taf
feta silk, petticoats in plain colors,
stripes and changeables. All regular
sizes. About present cost.
American Lady
Corsets $1.59
Made of good quality coutil and
batiste. Embroidery trimmed. Four
desirable styles. To $3.00 values.
New Georgine
Waists $1.98
Women's new Georgine waists in
plain hemstitched and embroidered
front styles. With sailor collar. Flesh
and white. All sizes.
Women's Wash
Waists 9S
New voile waists in white and col
ors, also fancy madras and checked
and striped dimity waists. All sizes.
for SI
Children's good sweaters in all de
sirable colors. Sizes 4 to 10 years.
Some slightly imperfect.
Children's Wash
Dresses SI. 49
Fancy plaid gingham dresses, also
plain linene, batiste and striped and
corded voile dresses. 3 to 14 years. To
$2.98 values.
Child's Play
Suits SI
Slipover play suits in tan and blue
with red trimming. 4 to 8 years.
Worth $1.50.
2 Great Apparel Sales
Values of the most extraordinary kind will be found in our Lower Price Store Anni
versary Co-operative Sale of apparel. Two exceptional groups as follows :
Garments regularly priced as high as $25.00.
Women's Dresses at $10
Made of Georgette crepe and crepe de chine in wanted
colors, also dark taffeta, poplin and messaline dresses
and serge and jersey models. Many SAMPLE dresses
in sizes 16, 18 and 36. Fifty different styles in the lot.
Capes, Coats, Dolmans, $10
Made of all-wool poplin, velours, Panama cloth and
gabardine,- these capes, coats and dolmans are shown in
all colors. Also a limited number of serge suits in navy
blue. Unequaled values at $10.
Garments regularly priced as high as $12.50.
Women's Skirts for $5
These are our "Special $7.95" skirts at $5 while any
remain. Heavy quality fancy plaid surah silk and twill
skirts, plain blue and black serge skirts and fancy block
or plaid poplin models. All sizes.
Misses' Dresses at $5
Misses' and children's soft silk chiffon taffeta
dresses in every wanted shade. Also a limited number
of silk poplin coats in all colors. Sizes 3 to 14 years.
Regularly priced to $12.50.
Standard Oilcloth, Yard 33d
Standard oilcloth in plain and figured ef
fects. Regular width. Subject to slight im
perfections. Regularly, priced at 50c yard,
special 33c.
Table Damask, Yard at 59
Highly mercerized table damask that is 63
inches wide. Mill lengths Wz to 2 yards.
Limited quantity. Worth 79c to 85c yard.
Curtains, Pair Only $1.98
Samples of marquisette and scrim curtains
trimmed with Torchon and Cluny laces. 1, 2 and
3 pairs of a kind. To $3.98 values.
Curtaining. Yard Only 23
Marquisette, scrim, sea cloth and voile cur
taining. 34 to 38 inches wide. Some of this
material is slightly imperfect. Worth to 50c.
Curtain Scrim, Yard 12y2$
Good quality curtain scrim in white, ecru and
cream with plain, and fancy borders. Full width
material. Regularly priced 20c yard.
Comfy Cloth, Yard at 15
Surface fleece comfy cloth in striped,
checked, plaid and figured effects. 27 inches
wide. Regularly priced at 25c yard special
Muslin Sheets, Each $1.39
72x93 -inch seamless sheets of good sturdy
muslin. Full bleached sheets torn before hem.
ming. About present cost at each 51.39.
Pillow Tubing, Yard 39
Good quality pillow tubing that is full bleached.
42 inches wide. Very specially priced in this 6ale
at, yard 39c.
Feather Pillows, Each S9
Genuine feather pillows in size 17x25 inches.
Covers of fancy art ticking in desirable colors.
Limited number. Worth $1.25 each.
Comforters Only $3.98
Home-made, hand knotted comforters filled
with 4 pounds good white cotton. Covered with
fancy silkolines and challis.
Blankets Special $4.75
Fine wool finish blankets in full size. Plain
gray and white blankets also plaid effects.
Good heavy weight. Regularly priced at $6.49
a pair.
Bed Spreads Special S2.39
Pretty Marseilles bed spreads in good weight.
Full size. Some have slight imperfections. If
perfect these spreads would be priced at $5.00.
Bed Spreads Special S3.49
Satin bed spreads in fancy Marseilles pat
terns. 76x88 inches. Some slightly shelf-worn.
Limited number. Regularly $5.00.
Wash Goods, Yard Only 15
27-inch strong cloth in wanted striped and
figured designs on light and dark grounds.
For garments receiving hard wear. Regularly
25c yard.
White Suiting, Yard 29
Standard brand heavy white suiting in mill
lengths. Will cut to suit customer. 33 inches
wide. Regularly 40c yard special 29c.
New Gingham, Yard 25
Zephyr gingham remnants in pretty plaids. 32
inches wide. Lengths from 2 to 6 yards. Regu
larly priced at 40c yard special 25c.
Good Percales, Yard 19b
Good quality percales in light and dark col
ors. Many desirable designs. 36 inches wide.
Mill lengths ZVz to 20 yards. Worth 25c yard,
special 19c. ,
Fancy Cretonnes, Yard 33
Fancy repps and cretonnes in pretty floral de
signs. 36 inches wide. Included are materials
worth to 75c yard very special at 33c.
Huck Toweling, Yard 15
Fine birdseye weave huck toweling. 16 and
17 inches wide. Also crash and blue striped glass
toweling. Regularly priced 19c yard.
Terry Tow eling, Yard 29cV
Full bleached Terry cioth toweling for bath
towels, etc. Extra heavy weight material. 18
inches wide. Very special at yard 29c.
3600 Pairs Women's
Onyx" Hosiery
Very Specially Priced for the
Anniversary Co-operative Sales
All first quality stockings of the famous
"Onyx" make. Included are pure silk, fiber
silk, plated and lisle stockings in fashionable
shades of cordovan, gray, field mouse, taupe,
navy, champagne, black and white. All regular
sizes. 3600 pairs in this sale at, pair. 59c.
Women's Hose, Pair 25
Good cotton stockings with reinforced heels and soles.
Cordovan, gray, black and white. Wide elastic tops.
All regular sizes. Some slightly imperfect.
Children's Hose, Pair 15
Heavy black cotton stockings in all 8ize. Seconds.
Great Sale of 600 "Mina Taylor"
House Dresses $1.39
Just received in time for our Anniversary Co-operative Sales. A fine new lot of 600
house dresses and coverall aprons of the famous "Mina Taylor" make on sale at
$1.39 while any remain regular values to $2.50.
Full cut, well made dresses and aprons of fine madras, chambray, percale, gingham
and soisette. Attractive styles in a diversity of color combinations.
These garments all exhibit the superior "Mina Taylor" workmanship, fit and finish.
All regular sizes. See the illustration.
Sale 1200 Women's
Muslin Gowns
Just Received in a Remarkable
Special Purchase On Sale at
These are SAMPLES and odds and ends of
women's gowns from one. of the country's fore
most manufacturers. We secured the garments
in a most important special purchase at so low a
price that we are able to offer gowns of regular
$3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5 qualities at $2.49.
Made of fine longcloth and nainsook. Beautifully
trimmed with laces, embroideries and ribbons. More
than 50 styles to select from. All regular sizes.
WTomen's Union Suits 39
"Fitrite" cotton knit union suits in good summer
weight. Low neck, sleeveless, lace trimmed knee style
in all regular sizes. Seconds.