TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND, AUGUST 3, 1919. REGISTRATION PROVES POPULARITY OF AUTD 21 98 Motor Vehicles Booked in State Curing July. TRAFFIC IN USED CARS BIG Transfers Xumber 1741 Compared to 1130 in Jnly, 1918 Fees Aggregate $19,411. KALE7M. Or.. Aug. 2 (Special.) "Popularity of the automobile with Oregonians is illustrated in the in crease of registrations with the secre tary of state from year to year. Regis trations during tne month of July in eluded 1851 new cars and 345 machines registered in previous years but not licensed for the current -year. This makes a total of 2196 motor vehicles registered in the state during- July, 1919, as against 1709 cars in July. 1917. A statement of the transactions of 'the motor vehicle department of the secretary of state's office for July, '1319. follows: 1741 Vehicles Transferred. Motor vehicles, 2196; motorcycles, 350; dealers in motor vehicles, 18; chauffeurs, 216; transfers of motor ve hicles and motorcycles. 1741; duplicate license plate. 184,. and. additional deal ers' license plates, 24 seta. From these various transactions fees for the month aggregated 119,411. Iuring the month of July, 1918, on the baste of the same rates, the total fees collected aggregated $14,547. There has been received as license fees and ther fees in connection with the regis tering and transfer of motor vehicles and chauffeurs so far during the year 1919, a total of $362,251. During the fame period in the year 1918. the total fees aggregated $439,480. so that for the year 1919 the fees show an increase over 1918 of more than $122,000. Eased upon the registrations from this time on to the end of the year during previous years, it is not un likely that the registrations of motor vehicles for the year 1919 will be 80.000, tr substantially 17.000 more cars than tnring the year 1918, when the total numbered 63.325. Traffic In TJsed Cars Large. A feature in connection with the reg i Sstration of motor vehicles is the large number of transfers, which undoubt sdly tends to indicate the traffic in used cars. luring the month of July, 1918, there were transfers of 1150 motor cars and motorcycles. During the month of July, 1919, the number of such transfers was 1741, showing that the traffic in used cars keeps pace with the sale of new cars. From and after August 1 of each year the license fees for motor vehicle, motorcycle and chauffeur registrations are one-half of the regular fee. Dur ing the months of August and Septem ber a considerable number of registra tions are made and licenses issued by reason of the new models of the vari ous cars being delivered. A statement of registration for July, 1919. follows: No. New . Fees. Motor vehicle rMistxations.21!6 1S51 I16.::tU -noiorcycie registrations... 3. Ml Jul .Dealer registrations IS If, Chauffeur registrations ... 216 164 Transfers: Motor vehicles'............ 15 .... !pTor'ycies to . ..." ruplicates: Moior vehicle license plates 156 .... J NU.torcyclo license plates... 16 .... Iltealers license piatea .... ; Chauffeurs' badges 7 .... ' Additional dealers' license plates 24 .... 60 0 4o2 1.676 156 16 Total fees $19,411 Statement of motor vehicle registrations: 1U1S. 191, 2307 204 202 Motor vehicle regis trations (July). 2196 1709 Motorcycle registra tions (Ju!y 150 113 liealer registrations July) 18 2 Chauffeur registra tions July 216 220 Fees received ...$ 19.411 January 1 to July 31 "Motor vehicle regis trations 75,044 Motorcycle, registra tions 3.250 Dealer registrations 5o4 Chauffeur registra tions 2.603 $ 14.547 $ 9,815 58,775 3.21S 4-15 2.586 3.15R 366 2.849 Fees received .. r6'.251 439,4S0 $176,139 January 1 to uecemhpr Jl IMS. JB?otor vehicle regis trations JiTotorcv cle registra tions TV-aler registrations Chauffeur registrations 63.325 3.501 4.M 3.131 1917. 4S.632 3.400 375 3.477 1916. 33.917 3.3W 278 4.019 Fees receive. .. .4B1. 422 H9B.7S7 $146,254 PRIEST DIES SAYING MASS FATHEK WOLFGANG STR1CKEX IV 5IOXTF.SAXO CHCKCH. if INSPECTOR SNOW QUITS CRIME-HO'TER RETIRES AFTER 3 0 YEARS OF SERVICE. Death Comes While He Administer Holy Communion; Prelate Found er of St. Martin's College. A BERPEKX, Wash., A up. 2. (Spe While celebrating mass in the CTatholic church in Montesano yester day morning anil beinp in the act of jrivitisr the holy communion, Father Wolfgang was taken ill and dropped to the altar floor, dying" in a few mo ment s. It is supposed his death was caused by heart failure, although co-workers in St. Martin s college, of which he was prior, state he had never complained of any affection of the heart. Father Wolfgang came from St. Johns, Minn., 30 years aeo and founded S:. Martin s college at Tracey, an insti tution for boys. The funeral will take place at the college and it is understood his body will be interred in the college cemetery. Father Wolfgang was about 58 years old. He was filling the pastorate of the church at Montesano and at Elm during" the absence of Father Madgan in Eurooe. Father Wolfganc: was well known to mrn-bers of St. Mary's church of this cit. He has celebrated mass in past years when Father Quian was absent from the city and a warm friendship existed between the two. Lawns of Velvet Softness Are Spangled With Ferns and Flowers AT this wonderful home we have built above the river's verdured shore, the trees, the flowers and growing things have not been flayed by sum mer's flaming sword. SERENE, as beautiful they stand in their God-given glories, as the day when springtime's quickening song brought them upward from an earth which no unwholesome secret holds. IT is incomparably the better way this way which surrounds those in niche and vault with things of beauty j the way, too, which gives to the living a place for undisturbed communion with their sacred dead. Si 4 frtlniidQemnTorium gyiSmNG HOURS DAM to5pm Nora E. Christensen : Adam R. Cooke against Alma A. Cooke: Emily- B. Mc Keraghan against S. McKeraghan. and Esther Carpenter against Addison Carpenter. Farm tiife Appeals to Veteran AVho Made Way of Crooks Hard for Many Years in Portland. i After 30 years' service on the Port land police department. Inspector Frank Snow retired August 1 on a pension and will forsake the hazards of criminal hunting: for the quiet of his fruit ranch near White Salmon, wasn., wnere ne plans to move with his family. n 18-S1 Snow sailed from Liverpool, England, for Australia on a British windjammer, stopping at Honolulu, China. Japan and Mexico on the trip. In the latter country he nearly lost his ife from the deadly bite of a scorpion. Afer wanderinpr on sailing ships he came to Portland in 1SS9 and started work as a longshoreman, but this occu pation did not interest him, and in the same year he became a member of the police force here. He wore the uniform of a patrolman for five years, his beat being the north end district of the city. At that time the town was wide open and crime was rampant in this section. Snow covered the ground now patroled NO WORD FROM CRAWFORD Alleged Forger Reported to Have Consented to Return. No word, either In confirmation or denial, was received by District At torney Evans or Sheriff Hurlburt yes terday of the outcome of the habeas corpus proceedings instigated in Fast land, Tex., by W. H. Crawford, wanted here for a $5000 forgery, as reported by The Oregonian yesterday on advices telegraphed to this newspaper from press sources at Fastland. Crawford is authentically reported to have given up the habeas corpus action which he started and to have consented to return to Portland and stand trial without further trouble, waiving ex tradition. Deputy Sheriff Rector, armed with extradition papers from Oregon, should arrive in Texas tomorrow. t ' f v ' i ! I v ' I f - 1 . ' 4 I . L f 1 i I . - ' I l - t - i x 'k ; I i L 11 A i Frank Snow who lea-re polic department after 30 years' err-ice. His Hearing TVetored. The invisible antiseptic ear drum In vented by Mr. A. O. Leonard, which is in reality a miniature megaphone, fit ting inside the ear and entirely out of Fitrht. is restoring the hearing of liter ally hundreds of people in New York city. Mr. Leonard invented this remark able drum to relieve himself of deaf ness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell that he is a deaf man. This ear drum is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, partially or wholly destroyed natural drums. A. re quest for information addressed to A. O. Leonard, Suite 113. 70 5th Ave., New York city, will be given a prompt re ply. Adv. Phone your want ads to The Orego lian. Phone Main 7070. A 6095. by a dozen bluecoats, and was further handicapped by the lack of a patrol wagon. In 1S94. in recognition of his services as a patrolman. Snow was promoted to the inspector's bureau, where he has been ever since, with the exception of a few years when he was employed as special agent by the Oregon-Washing ton Railroad & Navigation company. Inspector Snow was first assigned to work with Inspector Jack .Kerrigan After running down. a pretentious gang of boxcar thieves for the railroad and acting for Meier & Frank as house de tective. Snow returned to the depart ment, where he was put back on his old job, working in conjunction with In spector Thomas Coleman. Recently Snow has been working with Inspector Tackabery. Inspector Snow's specialty has been the apprehending of safe burglars, hav ing figured in almost every arrest of this nature in Portland. He has made a collection of "safe-crackers " tools, which is on exhibition in th, curio room at the police station. tinier inspector Clark paid a warm tribute to the veteran detective upon his retirement, saying that he was one of the best men the department ever had. White Salmon Orchards Loaded. WHITE SALMON, Wash., Aug. 2. (Special.) The orchards of the White Salmon valley promise 258 carloads of apples, 25 of pears, 5 of peaches and 20 of cherries, apricots and other fruits, according to the department of horti culture of the state of Washington. Apple orchards are heavily laden and so far their fruit is in clean condition and well sized. Multnomah i Hotel I K ; Where Home Comforts 1 ! I Abound , ; 'b Portland, Oregon . - ! . j l The Multnomah tr!Te to maintain & service that in superior at prices that are moderate. With GOO luxuriously furnished rooms, three ball rooms, spacious mezzanine floor and lobby, it combines un usual facilities for both home comfort and social diversion. Have yon tried oar famous $1.25 de luxe dinner erred in the Oold room T Eric V. naawr. Pres. A. B. Campbell. Mgr. . M :! ;!' ' B A convenient, enjoyable I home for the Seattle vis itor, vocation e x c e p- Stlon ally convenient to trans portation and to !! , wholesale and shopping districts. Refined social entertainment evenings: one of Pacific Coast's famous cafes. GERMAN LEANINGS DENIED Service Dodging by Marriage Dls claimed by Schultz. "William C. Schultz filed an answer to the divorce complaint of Nellie Ger trude Schultz in the circuit court yes terday, denying that he was pro-German or that he married to escape in duction into military service. Other divorce suits filed yesterday were as follows: Katherine M. Brum bach against V. E. Brumbach: Sibyl Hughes against Thomas E. Hughes: Hattie A. Shotwell against William W. Shotwell; William Chrietensen against Spend your vacation in SAN FRANCISCO stop UATCI AIIHE II W 1 bki, STIUABT On Gearr Street, intt Off Union Scrosxe. i close to ererything worth while. Good accommodations from $1.50 up. Breakfast ? 35c and 60c Sundays 75c). XiQnea 60c, Sinner $1 (Sundays $1.25) . Municipal car line passes the door. Stewart Motor Bus meets principal trains and stcameri. Those Splendid New Cane Suites Are Here . A Large and Direct Shipment Has Just Arrived at Powers CANE has increased in popularity with each year of its use, and has commended itself as most admir ably adapted to the living room, es peciallj, of the modern home. It is par ticularly fancied by connoisseurs in fur niture when used in combination with mahogany, and such pieces have found their way into some of the most beau tiful homes in the country. Artistically, cane suites are "de luxe" in home fur nishing. We are calling special at tention to these suites, because they are as beautiful as any we have ever displayed on our floors. They consist of three pieces, a big restful davenport, with rocker and chair to match. Made of fine selected mahogany, upholstered splendidly, fitted with loose cushions and pillows, they are a delight to the. ryes of the most critical. Choice of William and Mary, Queen Anne, or Adam period. Priced Very Fairly Choice of These $34.75 Dining Tables $26.85 Extremely good value is this five-leg table built of selected quartered oak, with massive pilasters and good heavy base. A table that will give good service and at the same time always look well. For those who prefer the round table, this is a good choice, for we can recommend it as a very well-constructed piece of furniture. It has a thick plank top, and a colonial base, and will present a very neat appearance in the modest dining room. Use 'Your Credit '7 1 i. E lie HO OSIER Use Your Credit Saves You Miles of Steps Why is a woman ever content to walk miles in the doing of her kitchen work, when this one cabinet supplies space for over 400 articles and puts them all within arms reach? It is such a foolish waste of time, strength and energy to do without a Hoosier cabinet when its use would revolution ize your kitchen work. Put your kitchen on an efficiency basis with this modern conven ience. Buy it on almost any terms you desire. This Three-Piece Bed Outfit Reduced in Price to $41.25 III- i im m m - ill A chill-less, 10 - filler, full-size bed A guaranteed metal spring A 45 -pound mattress If you value a pood night's sleep, here is your chance to insure one, for this is as comiortaole a bea outrit as you could possibly desire. The bed is built on plain, substan tial lines that will make it a fitting1 piece of furni ture for any bedroom. The spring" is a guaranteed sapless metal one. and the mattress is made of the very best felt. A "good value" combination at $41. -a. Use Your Credit This $3730 Ivory Period Dresser $30.75 A beautiful period style in that most popular ahdi ' daintiest of finishes, ivony enamel. A dresser that will give you a world of service, for . the ivory enamel is easy to clean and always looks charming in any room. Use Your Credit on Any Selection at Powers The Drudgery of Wash day Will Fade A way When You Install a "Laundry Queen" Electric Washing Machine We hunted a lonsr time and investigated many models before we decided on the "Laundry Queen" as the very best ma chine we could get. and one that we could truthfully advise housewives to purchase. It is so well made mechanical ly that it will last for years, and the special feature that will recommend it to a woman is that it both washes and rinses the clothes. You can clean every thing from bier heavy blankets and wash rugs to the ligbter things of a woman's toilet. Come in and see it and you will be convinced of Its merit. The "LAUNDRY QUEEN" on EASY PA YMENTS at Powers Powers Announces the Daily Arrival of New Rugs After all, a rug is just about the most impor tant thing in a room, for if it is shabby and worn it mars the appearance of the whole room. We are showing some splendid wearing rugs at such reasonable prices that you can surely afford to have what you need. 9x12 Velvet Rugs $39.50 Pay $4 Down, $1 Weekly A Velvet Rug is very satisfactory for a living room, for they come in such soft, rich colorings and, while not too good for a modest apartment, fit in with the furnishings of a handsome room equally well. These seamless rugs, in small patterns, come in a choice of four patterns. A XMINSTER 9x12 . - Pay Si?--345 $1 RUGS $5 Downt Weekly It there is a better rug for all-round, long wear than the Axminster, we don't know of it. and these rugs are splendid examples. Woven in small, unobtrusive patterns and quiet colors, they fit into almost any room and any scheme of furnishing. Linoleums- The Best -Makes and Widest Assort ment of Patterns at Powers If your kitchen floor looks rubbed and shabby, put down new Inlaid or printed linoleum, and make a pleasant, homelike place of your workroom. It is good economy, for a linoleum such as we offer here wears a long time. ... &41 cv i ! . ... ' 1 - This $29.75 Three-Piece Living- - Q Q Room or Porch Set 3)1 A mighty good et in fumed oak'. Tbree pieces, all of generous size. A nice looking Library Table, with a ehelf below for books; an Arm Chair and a big, comfortable Rocker. The chair and rocker have pring seats covered with Spanish leatherette. Good value for the money. Priced Separately as Follows: Table; $735; Rocker, $625; Chair, $5.75 You Are Welcome to Credit on This No. 7 BRUNSWICK Outfit Which Consists of SO. 7 BRUNSWICK. FIVE TEN-INCH. DOl'BLE-FACED RECORDS (TEX SELECTIONS), ON 12 RECORD ALBUM. If vou don't know the fine finish, the excellent cabinet work and splendid construction of the Bunswick phono graph, come in and hear it played. Its especial feature is that it plays all makes of records with a sweetness of tone that is unexcelled. Mill jH HP Easy Terms Heat Your New Home the New Way A-B Pipeless Furnaces Thinking of putting in a heating system? Investigate the merits of this one, which heats the whole house adequately from one register. It is as easy to take care of as a stove, and you will find it very economical. Just Arrived! Big Ship- C ment Various Sizes Ten nessee Red Cedar Chests Every woman likes a red cedar chest, whether etae be a girl who wants to hide her treasures away from the eyes of small sisters and brothers; a bride who stores in It her dainty trousseau, or the matron who would keep her furs from moths. These chests are real beauties, and their prices are reasonable. f&i