THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA PORTLAND, AUG EST 3. 1919. RATE CASE HEAR1MG ENDS AT SEATTLE Five Months Will Elapse Before Decision fs Given. - WASHINGTON MEN HEARD "Buying of Goods in Many Markets on Same Basis Declared Bene fit to Merchants. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. ".(Special.) Hearing of the Columbia fiver basin rate case, in which Oregon interests have asked for freight rates from in terior points to Portland based on a iust cost of eervice. was terminated inis auernoon, inc i:in nay case, which was opened in .Portland July 21 and was continued in Seattle July 29. Members of division No. 3 of the Interstate Commerce commission, by whom the rate case has been heard, in dicated that no decision could be ex pected berore nve or six montns nave - Henry Clay Hall, chairman of the . commission division, left tonight for Colorado Snrinrs, his home city, where he is scheduled to hear two cases. Win 's thro'n M.- Daniels left for Tacoma, where he is to join the Mazamas of Portland for a trip to Rainier national park, and ; Joseph B. Eastman, the third member. automobile. He planned to stop in Spo - kane on his way to Washington,' X. C. "Henry Thurtell, chief examiner for the commission, left for Colorado Springs by way of Portland just before , the -- hearing was concluded! VahinKtoa Witnesses Heard. There was a general exodus of at " torneys and rate, men after- the hear 'inc was concluded. Most of the Ore- gon men left for their homes this after f'noon and tonight and nearly all of the " Everett, Tacoma and other out-of-town "men followed suit. Today's hearing; was the shortest of ,,'the two weeks, opening at 9: JO and C closing at 1:12 this afternoon Four wit- nesses were heard .for the Seattle cham- ber of commerce and commercial, olub, two for the port of Seattle, two for the -' city and port of Everett and two for Tacoma interests. Henry Clay Hall expressed his ap preciation of the open-hearted welcome ' given the commissioners, both in Port ia land and Seattle and for the entertain "ment which had been provided for them ; Oswald West of Portland thanked the .commissioners on behalf of counsel and r witnesses for the manner in which the ' cases had been heard. Kxhibit to Be Printed. The exhibit of J. P. Newell, consult ing engineer for the public service com (. mission of .Ore-pron and which was used i as the basis of the Oregon contention that rates should be based on just costs of service, will be printed, it was announced. Only five copies were pre- pared originally, but as they have been - placed in exhibit, the commission has ruled that copies be furnished to all ... attorneys who will make briefs in this ; case.' The printing bill will not be '.less than 11000, J. O. Bailey, assistant iattorney-general of Oregon, has estj mated. Seattle's witnesses today were John - C. Lawrence of Spokane. Inland Em pire farmer, who was a member of the public service commission of Washing ..ton when it was known as the ra'lway ; commission; Gordon C. C'orbaley, execu tive secretary of the Seattle chamber - of commerce and commercial club, and ho formerly served in the came ca parity for the Spokane chamber of com merce; J. S. Goldsmith, prominent dcat- . tlfl jobber; C. J. France, executive sec retary of the Seattle port commission, and ti. F. Nicholson, engineer for the 'pcrt commission. Common Basis Demanded. On the stand for Everett were A. B. - Te.-in, engineer for both the city and " port commission, and H. T. Fowler, I wholesale grocer. Tacoma had only two witnesses, F) J. .Walsh, engineer ". for the port of Tacoma, and D. D. A. t Outca!t, trustee of the Tacoma commer- - cial club. The city of Seattle adopted . the testimony of other intervenors and presented no witnesses. There was a constant agitation at ; every common point in eastern Wash . ington to reach Portland and si. and 1 markets on at common basis until the parity of rates was made effective," . ai'i .Mr. Lawrence. "Those conditions ; would recur if the party was to be disturbed. There has been no contro versy since the equal rates were estab lished." A rate parity is an advantage in the ' development of communities, Mr. Cor . baley declared. The first problem of ' a city In any section of the country, he said, was to provide markets' par ticularly for Its manufacturers. DiNtnrbanve la Opposed. "Seattle is only at the real beginning ' of its industrial development," said Mr. Corbaloy. "We do not want to disturb ' our whole distributing fabric. The cit ies in the northwest will not amount to anything unless the country is de ' veloped." Mr. Corbaley said the total value of ". Seattle's more than 1200 manufactur- ing institutions was approximately $100,000,000. those of Tacoma about "one-third of that amount and those of ". Portland about one-half. There are .nearly 2000 manufacturing institutions '.on l'uget sound, Mr. Corbalev said. H placed Seattle's annual sale of .manu factured products at between $100,000 ' ot'O and $125,000,000 and Portland's be tween $50,000,000 and $60,000,000. .Mr. Ooldsmith said credit and trade relations between the coast and interior would be broken down by a disturbance of the present equal freight rates. Hall way rates determine, he said, where the business shall go, and that it was an advantage to merchants to buy in .as many markets as possible on the tame basis. Koreljtn Trade Volumes Compared. The testimony of Mr. France was in troduced to show the volume of. Seat ties foreign trade compared with that of Portland and to show that - while .wheat was the principal commodity exported from Portland on the sound It was only an incidental item in world trade. Mr. Nicholson told of the mam- -moth port facilities which have been .constructed in Seattle to aid shipping. lacoma sougnt only to call atten tion to the volume of her ocean com , mere and the f acil it ies she now bas and has planned to develop that branch of trade, and the city's industrial : plants' valuation, which, it was said. totaled $19,090,000. . Kverett witnesses told of the trade in that city and declared that if Port land obtained a rate differential Ever ett would want the same over Seattle- Several of the witnesses were, not cross-examined at all. and in all other cases examination was very brief, every one connected with the case cooperating- to expedite the. hearing; so it could be completed early today. 0 Days Given to File Brief. Presentation of the cases of the In land Empire Shippers' league of Pen dleton, those of Portland interests, public service commission of Oregon and part of the defendant railroads was concluded during the seven day and three night sessions in Portjand. The Warrenton case also was heard in Portland. During the five day and one evening sessions in Seattle the railroads com pleted their case and the Astoria, Spo kane, Everett. Tacoma, Seattle ' and public service commission of Washing ton intervenors were heard. Cases of the three principal com plaints were consolidated to conserve time and the defense was conducted in the same way. Attorneys in the case have $0 days in. which to present briefs. Henry Thurtell. chief examiner for the commission, then will present a tentative report to the commissioners and then after an opportunity for argument is afforded, the decision . will be made. It will be final as far as the commission division concerned, unless the case is re opened or re-beardr POLES CONTJNOE MARCH AUTHORITY GR.VXTED AT PEACE TABLE EXCEEDED. Ukrainians Reject German Offers and ' M ill Buy Goods in United States. VIENNA, Aug. 1. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The Poles announce a continuance of their victorious march against the Ukrainians. They are crossing the Zbruca river at various points. (It should be noted that the Poles were given authority by the peace conference to proceed- only to the Zbruca.) The Polish army objec tive is, -said to be Kamenetz, Podolia, which is the capital of General Simon Petlura, Ukrainian leader. The Ukrainians recently resumed diplomtic relations with Roumania, having" previously sent missions to Italy, Switzerland, -Germany and Aus tria, and are said to be seeking to establish one in the United States. They declare that they, like the Serbs, will continue to fight indefinitely for their independence. Regarding Polish charges that the Ukrainians are favoring German com mercialization of Russia, M. Stepano- kov. director of the co-operative, land banks maintained by 14,000,000 farmers with headquarters formerly at Kiev, said : "The country above all we wish to do business with is America. It is true that at present French politics is driv ing us into the arms of the Germans, but w'e realize that the Germans would attempt to exploit us and also that they haveno resources. "Recently the Germans offered us a very big loan and also unlimited sup plies, but we rejected the offers as we felt acceptance would mean the ruin of our prospects in the United States. We are willing now to. buy clothing and machinery, and have 12,000,000,000 rubles with which to pay." . PRESIDIO CADETS; DUNCE KNIGHTS OF' COLUMBUS HOSTS TO EMBRYO OFFICERS. Competitive Manual of Arms and Singing by Oregon Aggies Are Oilier Features of Evening. PRKSIDIO OF SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 2. t Special.! A formal ball given by the San Francisco Knights o Colum bus to the members of the reserve of ficers' training corps-came last night as a srand finale to the six weeks' summer camp here. Invitations for the cadets and for their women friends were driven out and .the affair was ex clusively for the 4S0 reserve officers training corns members, beinq held in the Oregon building on the Panama Pacific international exposition grounds. 1 A feature of the evening was a com petitive manual of arms, in which each of the eight companies entered a team of six men. After about 20 minutes of drill with rigid inspection, all but one man hd been .jlimlnated, and the win ner of the gold medal offered by the Knights of Columbus was declared to be a student of New. Mexico Military institute. The lad was but 16 years of ase and probably the smallest one of the 4S men in the competition. At 9:15 the grand march began, with Colonel Pierce A. Murphy, commander of the camp, and Colonel John P. Ryan, instructor of minor tactics, with their partners, leading. Singing by a company H quartette composed of Earl A. Hutchirgs and Robert A. McClanathan, Oregon Agri cultural college; Glenn H. Wilson. Uni versity ot Washington, and William V. Em ry. University of California, was a feature of the programme. TILLAMOOK CORPS MEETS G. A. R. Aide Has Reunion Session at Rockaway Cottage. ROCKAWAV. Or.. Aug, 2. (Special.) The annual meeting of the Women's Relief corps. G. A. R.. of Tillamook, Or held July at tromit i.6t wn more than ever a successful re- union. Thrt nresent were: Mrs. Shrader. Mrs. H. W. Spear. Mrs. Fred Davidson. Mrs. Clyde Craver and son. Mrs. W. E. Noyes, Mrs. B. C. Mapes and son, Mrs. Grace Johnson and daughters. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Reynolds, Mrs. R. E. Stanley, Mrs. Olive Travis. Mrs. C. B. Stanley and son. Mrs. B. M. Doty. Mrs. F R. Cardiff, Mrs. W. T. Dathout and Mrs. C. Ebersold. HULIIMG IS BOUND OVER Ex-Husband Assists Prosecutor at Trial on 'Woman's Charge. MARSHFIELP. Or, Aug. 2. (Spe- rial. Chet Hulins, cnargea Dy airs. o. D. Pulford. of Myrtle Point, with be ing the father of her si-x-months-old rhild. was bound over to the grand Jury today in Justice J. J. Stanley's ourt at Coquille. L. ruttora. ine woman a uivorcea husband, assisted John F. -Hall, district attorney, in prosecuting at the prelim inary hearing. - The man accused is 4S years old. while the woman is 35. Marshflcld Hopes for New School. MARSHKIELD. Or., Aujr. 2. (Spe cial.) A Catholic 'parish school may be opened in Marshfield this fall, ac cordinK to Rev. H. J. McDevitt of S?t. Monica's church of this city. Negotia tions for the sale of a fine residence property near Si. Monica's church are under consideration by the Sisters of Mercy who operate the 3ercy hospital at -North Bend. LT IN CHAOS BY STRIKE Police Walkout Is Signal for Looting of Stores. TROOPS CALLED TO CITY Few Loyal Men Remaining With Force ICliarse Crowds of "Hooli gans"" With Batons. Copyright by the New York World. Pub- lihed by arrangement.) LONDON," Aug. 2. (Special Cable.) "The lightning strike" of the police In Liverpool was -seized upon by violent crowds, largely composed of hooligans, to wreck and plunder shops. The few Liverpool policemen who remained loyal charged with their, batons and num bers of people were caught in various shops and. received severe punishment. In the whole of Scotland road scarcely a' shop was left intact. Windows were broken and all the contents were car ried away. One jewelry . establishment was ransacked from top to bottom, boot shops were entirely cleared of their stocks. Scarcely any of the real strikers were involved in the rioting. At an early hour today the military was summoned to suppress the rioting as only some 50 policemen remained on duty. It is understood here that never in the history of Liverpool have its principal thoroughfares presented such scenes of wreck as at the present moment. The strike ordered by the London police union on Thursday night met with but little response. The London metropolitan force numbers between L'l.oou ana 22,000, and or these only 568 men had failed to parade for duty last night. But as soon as the news that the strike was called off spread, there was-an outbreak of looting by hooligans in the old Kent road district. A number of shops were entered and rifled in the early -hours of yesterday In the city of London force only very few men were affected and it was reported that the policemen through out the country are remaining on duty except in Liverpool. The strikers al ready have been dismissed from the metropolitan force here, and it is an nounced that the government will not weaken in dealing with the strikers anywhere. In the house of commons today the home secretary announced that, according to the information at his disposal, the strike has failed com pletely. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 2. Military au thorities have dispatched six lorry loads of troops from Crosby, while special constables also were called out. The looting continued in the poorer districts tday. and the lord mayor asked for volunteers to help guard the city. The Liverpool authorities followed the example of the London officials in expelling striking police officers. Loyal police of - Liverpool made several bayonet charges, and there were half a dozen arrests in the attempt to check looters. NEW EGG RECORD IS MADE Cottage Grove Pullets Hang Up Mark for Quick Laying. COTTAGE GROVE, Or., Aug. 2. (Special.) What was thought to be a world's record of four months from egg to egg. made by the Bert Hands White Leghorns a month or so ago. has al ready been reduced 20 days by Cottage Grove pullets, a record of three months and ten days being reported by Harry Wynne. The Ray Hands pullets reduced the record to 3 months and 27 days and the Waldo Miller pullets reduced that record to 3 months and 21 days. The pullets- in each case were White Leg horns. LAND VALUES Decrease Shon n in Country, But Standifer Yards Boost Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 2. (Spe cial.) The assessment roll of Clarke county property for the current year, just completed by County Assessor John F. Eddings. shows a decreased land value from that of the year end ing in 1918. The country districts' de crease is about $21,000, but the total, including improvements, shows an in crease of about $100,000. Assessor Eddings explains the de crease in land values by reason of the cutting of timber from the land from March. 1918, to March. 1919. Extensive building, new automobiles and new HI 'jfe - Over b Million People; Served LasbVear equipment at the Standifer shipyards account for the increase in the value of improvements on the land. "While land values in Vancouver are assessed about the same aa in 1918, the value of improvements In the city ahows an increase ofc- $100, 000, over the previous year. The board of equalization, consisting ot the assessor, commissioners and treasurer, on Monday will open a three weeks' session to hear grievances. AIR EXHIBITION DESIRED Portland Can Obtain Circus Exhi bition by Recruiting Men. Portland may have another air circus. Word was received at general army recruiting headquarters yesterday from the offioe of director of the air serv ice in Washington that the city which will supply from 13 to 20 recruits for the service will be entitled to a dem onstration, and. efforts will be made to win the prize for Portland. Thirty per cent of the young men who entered the service during July expressed pref erence for the air branch. The letter from the director of the air service says: "The people of your community should be made to realize that the .air service belongs to them, .that they must sup port it, and that they must assist in providing men to serve wgth it. It is part of- the nation's fighting equip ment and an important part, and cit izens must rea-lize they are responsi ble for its maintenance. Civic organ izations should take an active part in urging young . men to take up the work of the air service, as the field offers some of the greatest opportuni ties" to young men that any new field ever has offered." WESTON FUNERAL IS HELD Widower and Three Sons Survive Vancouver Woman. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug. .2. (Spe cial.) Funeral services for Mrs. Eliz abeth Weston, wife of Fred S. Weston, who died yesterday at the family resi dence. Franklin court, after an illness of three weeks, was held at 2 o'clock today at the Knapp parlors. Rev. F. E. Dark officiating. Services will be held at the Portland crematorium on Mon day. , Mrs. Weston was born in Vancouver 4 8 years ago. She was widely known. The widower and three sons survive. The sons are Roy T. Weston of Los An geles. Cal.; Horace Weston of Bremer ton. Wash., and Robert, who is in Cae United States navy. COOKING COURSE TO OPEN Mexican-Spanish Delicacies to Be Subject of Lecture. Portland housewives will have an op portunity to learn to make chill con carne, tortillas, frijoles and other Mexican-Spanish delicacies, as well as tempting American dishes, at the do mestic science lectures under Mrs. Bertha Haff ner-Ginger starting tomor row at 2:30 o'clock in Meter & Frank's auditorium. . Mrs. Ginger is a domestic science and culinary expert who has spent years in studying the problems of housekeeping and is the author of several books on the subject. A special feature of the course is a modern white kitchen, equipped with the latest devices, which has, been built for demonstration purposes. FIRE HAZARD FIGHT BEGUN Drive to Reduce. Losses In Tillamook i County Started. SALEM, Or.. Aug 2. (Special.) Dep uty State Fire Marshals G. W. Stokes and G. W. Marshall have launched campaign in Tillamook county for the elimination of fire hazards and preven tion of fire losses, according to word received by the state fire marshal this morning. The deputy fire marshals yesterday met with the members of the Tillamook city council, fire department and other organizations interested and outlined plans for the campaign. State Fire Marshal Barber says the crusade will be carried to all parts of Oregon and good results are anticipated. Bend Become Elks. BEND, Or., Aug. I. (Special.) Twenty-five neophy-tes chiefly from Frineville,' became fulifiedged Elks last night when initiatory ceremonies were held by Bend Lodge No. 1371. The new members are: P. A. Howard, Charles King, H. R. Laken. Joe Lister, E. J. Wilson, Homer Ross, H. O. Kennard, Lynn Nichols, E. K. Slayton, F. F. Hoel scher, R. L. Schee, James Dixon, Max Strixner, Anton Carlson, I. M. Mills, F. B. Foster, Seth Dixon and Joseph Gerarde of Prineville. R. M. Smith, H. M. Stephens and H. J. Overturf of Bend. mas-re uSte Salem to Entertain Editors. TsST1 I SALEM, Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.) Vt TV fl Vt J I Elaborate preparations are being made MiliHbZZvvwTY.a i in Salem for the entertainment of j " ! members of the National Editorial as- p iwin in. sooiation, who will pass-a few hours OMBJLMUUMBBmmS KIRSCHBAUM CLOTHES v for Young Men Offer Style, Quality and Value Just a glance at these new waist-seam models will convince the young man who knows, STYLE. A good look at the woolens and the workmanship will prove the case for QUALITY. .And the surpassing style, and the fine qual ity of these Kirschbaum Clothes at our moderate prices insures good value 1 UNUSUAL VALUE. $35, $40 and $45 Phegley&Cavender Cor. Fourth and Alder Streets here a week from Sunday. The tenta tive programme includes .inspection of the state institutions, visit to the fitir grounds and possibly a luncheon. The editors will arrive in 4aiom some time Sunday afternoon and will depart later in the evening. W. J. Vrpuliart Gets New Job. YAKIMA, Wash.. Aug. 2. (Special.) I. L.. Plette has resigned as manager of the Yakima Valley Traffic & Credit association and was succeeded today by W. J. Urpuhart, formerly traveling claim agent for the O.-W. & N.p with headquarters in Portland. Hood Prepares to Be Host. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Aug. 2. (Special.) Valley and town are polishing up for SPECIAL DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS At $25, $50, $100 are unusually handsome "The Only Girl" will love the one you choose for her, whether it be a pure eolitaire or set in filigreed white gold or platinum. B?aa And the happy sequel, a JACOBY'S LUCKY WEDDING KING j the reception to be tendered 125 prom inent New York and Brooklyn citi zens due here at 5 o'clock next Thurs day morning: by special train over the O.-W. R. A- X. line. The visitors, who ESUIL' NOT WORDS Vis id, r r Dr. B. E. Wright J-f JLIX1 I 1U i il JL J I want your dental work on the basis of giving you better results, dollar for dollar, than you can receive elsewhere. l I believe in publicity, provided the advertiser confines himself to the plain, unvarnished truth. Q I do not claim supernatural powers or to possess a secret remedy unknown to other dentists learned and skilled in their profession. J I do claim that I am as skillful in the science and art of dentistry as any- man living. Some dentists might condemn me because I advertise, yet few of them would deny that I am the equal in skill of any dentist that has ever practiced m the Pacific coast. f It is a common error that to produce a plate requires lit tle skill and that all dentists can produce about the same re sults in this line of work. J Nothing can be further from the truth. A well-fitted plate that does not work loose, mar your articulation and that you can use with confidence on any kind of food re quires the greatest skill to produce. CJ In this and other branches of my profession you will se cure only the best results at this office. DR. B. E. WRIGHT PAINLESS EXTRACTION OF TEETH Twenty Years in Active Service . Northwest Corner of Sixth and Washington, Raleigh Building. Phone Office Hours: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Open Evenings by Appointment . "mm, Does Four Kinds of Laundry No. 1 High-grade, hand-finished work. No. 2 Rough dry at 7 per lb. All flat pieces nicely ironed and all starch pieces starched ready to iron. No. 3 Economy family wash at 5c per lb. All flat pieces ironed and wearing apparel dried in vacuum dryers. No starch. No. 4 rWet wash. 15 lbs. for 65c Monday, Taesday and Wednesday. 15 lbs. for 60c Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 23 drivers waiting for your' phone call. East 494 B 2822 - Every man in Portland who is particular about his collars should try our new collar work. llf film are touring1 national parks and the .Pa cific coast under auspices of the Brook lyn Eagle, will be honored while here with an automobile ride through th orchards. TPS IS WHAT COUNTS IN THE PRACTICE OF Main 2119 Consultation Free Sundays 10 to 12 A. M. East Eighth and Clay Sts.