TITE SUNDAY OHEGOMAX. rORTL.VXD, JULY 27. 1919. BORAH ATTACKS TUFT PEACE LEAGUE Scheme to Deceive American People Is Charged. IDAHO FRIENDS INFORMED 'Ex-President Should Stop Prac tices, and Keep Xames From Con tempt," Declares Senator. BOISE, Idaho, July 26. (Special.) Xn a statement sent to friends In this I state. Senator Borah openly attacks William Howard Taft for his attitude with regard to the league of nations and the campaign carried on by the league to Enforce Peace of which Mr. Taft is an active member. Senator Borah has aroused unusual interest in this state through his declaration that if M. Taft wishes to preserve an hon orable name from contempt he should put a stop to the misrepresentation or I resign as a member of the league. In view of Mr. Taft's recent proposal for a compromise on the peace treaty and the league of nations covenant, the statement of Senator Borah is looked upon by Idaho republicans as signifi cant. Senator Borah and Mr. Taft ! locked horns once before. That was during" the 1912 convention at Chicago when the republican party was split. Leagrue la Attacked. In his statement Senator Borah says: "We have an organization in this country called the League to Enforce Peace. That league is industriously organizing public opinion in this coun try for the purpose of effecting ratifi cation of the treaty, and a very large portion of the material which it sends to the senate is unreliable. It is mis representation of the facts and the men who send it here are in a position to know it is a misrepresentation of the facts." Senator Borah says he has in his pos session the evidence of three different instances in which resolutions were put through under the management or inspiration of the league. lie referred to the resolution, in one instance, passed by the Federation of Catholic alumnae at St. Louis indorsing a league of nations. He shows by a communica tion he received from Ada K. Gannon, governor of the alumnae, that the reso lution was not intended as an indorse ment of the league. Statement Held False. The communication says in part: "The statement made that the International federation of Catholic Alumnae in con vention at St. Louis indorsed the pres ent form of league of nations is not correct. I am personally responsible for an amendment to the resolution sent to us for adoption by the League to Enforce Peace. The amendment car ried unanimously Indorsing a league which would give justice and freedom to all the world and protesting against the covenant in its present form.' "There are other instances in which the League to Enforce Peace sent abroad resolutions asking for an AUGUST FUR SALE Radical Reductions on every Fur Scarf, Cape, Coat, Coatee and Dolman in our stock Hudson Bay Fur Co. Leading Exclusive Furriers 147 Broadway ELMA FAIH PLANS ARE MADE RECORD EXHIBITS EXPECTLD AT GRAYS HARBOR SHOW. Special Prizes Offered for Competi tion by Children, at Events to Be Held August 2 7-31. ABERDEEN', "Wash., July 26. (Spe cial.) With the best horse racing pros- dorscment of this league and they were pective in year? and wi;h unusual inter changed," 'writes Senator Borah, "and a league to accomplish certain thingrs was indorsed and sent out as an dorsement of this league. There are hundreds of thousands, and even millions of people who believe that I league can be framed which will ac complish justice and which will insure peace, and those same hundreds of thousand of people believe that this league will not do that, and therefore they are opposed to it. Scheme Is Denounced. 'I denounce the scheme as a delib erate programme to deceive the Ameri can people. It is well worthy the or eanization. backed by, as it is, inter ested financiers of the United States, who for selfish purposes, would make this government underwrite its Invest ments in Europe. The first thing the .x-nresident of the United States ought to do. if he wishes to preserve an hon ored name from contempt, is either to put an end to such methods as is now being carried on or withdraw his name from the organization." fiepublican leaders in Idaho are erreatly interested in the demand Sen ator Borah made for a referendum vote of the people on the league covenant's adoption or rejection, which, although it would not be binding on the senate, would give a clear idea pf public senti ment on this mooted question. UMATILLA HARVEST IS DN WHEAT CROP MAY EXCEED 4,500,000 BUSHELS. est manifest In livestock ana proauce exhibits, the directors of the ninth an nual Grays Harbor fair, to be held at Elma. August 27 to 31 Inclusive, are confident of staging the best entertain ment on record in the Grays Harbor district. As & special inducement to horsemen. prizes of $1500 will be awaraea eacn dav for turf events. The Grays Harbor track Is being placed in the best of condition Interest among farmers is mucn higher this year than during any of the war period and the exhibits, from early indications, will be twice as large as last year. Leading stockmen of the county already have applied for entry cards for their herds and outside Dreed ers plan to ship cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry here for display. A special department has been ar ranged for the display of bees and honey, a new and thriving industry in the Grays Harbor section. The entertainment features or this year's fair will be in the hands of a big carnival company, and a large space will be given over to dancing. To encourage farming among the children of the county, the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce is offering prizes amounting to 1150 to boys and girls. The $150 is divided, 725 each to six dif ferent contests. The contests are for the best pigs, sheep, sow and litter, garden display and potatoes. watched its descent. Suddenly it struck an obstruction and turned in their di rection, crushing young Walker, whose legs were- broken and who sustained nternal injuries. J. he boulder was about three feet in diameter. The lookout was signalled and the two rangers carried the injured man over the snow five miles to Spirit Lake, but death came before medical assist ance could arrive from Castle Rock. His parents reside at Oswego. Or. where the body was sent for inter, ment. CENTRALIA TO GET TEMPLE Mnsonlc Lodge Will Erect Temple on Donated Site. CENTRALIA. Wash.. July 26. (Spe cial.) At a meeting held last night by Centralia lodge No. 63. F. and A. M plans were launched for the erection of a Masonic temple in Centralia. Shriners of the city have purchased the property at the southeast corner o Pearl and Magnolia streets, and have presented it to the Masonic body as the site for the new temple. At the meeting last night the lot was accepted and C. Paul Uhlmann, R. H. Johnston, W. B Keir. W. W. Gaylord and V. B. Noei were appointed as a committee to ar range for the financing of the nc structure. The lot presented to the Masons i 60x120 feet in size and the building. proposed, will occupy all of this space. It will be either two or three storie in height. It ij planned to begin con struction early in the spring of 1920. CENTRALIA SOLDIERS HOME In Labor Scarce in Some Districts and Experienced Men I'ind Immedi ate Employment. PENDLETON, Or., July 26. (Spe cial.) Umatilla county's wheat crop from all appearances, will total at least 4.500,000 bushels. In average yield per acre and weight it is better than last year. The farmers have one complaint: smut this year is worse than for many years. Sections formerly exempt are now affected. Harvest is in progress in every sec tion of the county now. but in only one district the Lcho-Nolin country is it well under way. There about 40 per cent of the wheat is harvested. Help has become somewhat scarce and ex perienced warehouse men and machine hands find little difficulty in obtaining immediate employment. A considerable quantity of wheat has feeen crnlpped to coast mills, but none tor ea-tern markets and none for ex port. It is reported that some sales have been made here at a 5-cent pre mium, offered by millers who are anx lous to get grain for early delivery in order tostart operations. Millers have reported that the per centage of gluten in the wheat, while till relativery high, is elightly less than last year. Several Who Have Seen Service -France Are Discharged. CENTRALIA, July 26. (Special.) Henry Ort, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Ort. of this city, who recently returned from overseas, passed through Centralia the other night with a big unit of over seas men for Camp Lewis, where he will receive his discharge. Young Ort went to France in December, 1917, with company M, 161st infantry. Lieutenant Charles A. Hoss. who got 15-day furlough following his recent arrival from overseas, has received his discharge at Camp Lewis. Jeff Egler of Rochester and Ben Palmer of this city, two other boys who went to France with company M, 161st infantry, have been discharged. MARSHFIELD IS BOOMING Building Construction Coins On Is Estimated at $150,000. MARSHFIELD, Or., July 26. (Spe cial. ) Building and other construction work is at its height in Marshfleld and idleness is not found in any city in th co'anty. The Scandia Shipbuilding com pany is executing two large street pav ing contracts, on Llrod avenue an Broadway, which involve an expend! ture of $100,000; the Donaldson brick block is nearing completion: the Grime brick block on Front street is under way and the three-story Elks building, 100x100 feet, will soon be ready fo bidders. A brick two-story business block 50x100 is to be constructed on Broad way and the two-story Oswald brie block at the corner of Broadway and Commercial street is going up. The new structures represent a value of J150.000. ST. HELENS RANGER KILLED Rolling: Boulder, 2 Feet in Diameter, Crushes Ralph John Walker. KELSO, "Wash.. July 26. (Special.) The first fatality or Mount St. Helens a number of years occurred Friday. when Ralph John Walker, a forest ranger, aged 19, was fatally injured by rolling- rock, death coming' a few hours later. With a companion he was carrying supplies up the mountain to the lookout station on the summit. They saw the rolling boulder and JENNING'S - Washington at Fifth - JENNINGS Let Us Build Into Our BETTER HOMES Those Things That Bring Contentment The happiness and the feeling of contentment that come by reason of the possession of a dwelling-placft worthy of your ideals is something of which you may well be proud. A pleasing home environment makes sure your own contentment and that of your children. Better homes are not present-day luxuries they are investments for the future on which your children, and you in your later years, will receive generous dividends. Come and let this great house with its wondrous stocks of furniture, of rugs, of draperies, of household necessities, help you to realize your ideal the Homelike Home! ;;H III - TWvTTi Cool-Headed Refrigerators They give the laugh to the thermom eter, these cool, upstanding: Herrick and Cold-Storage refrigerators. Their duty is to keep watch over your foods, and they do it faithfully, imperturbably. To own one of these is to save food to save food is to save money! Repose On Restful Reed Relax through the long summer afternoons in this daintiest of reed, which seems woven for comfort. There's abundant rest in one of these luxurious chairs, rockers or chaise longues ; then there are tables, stands and tea wagons to serve your wants. Pieces fin ished as you want them chaste ivory, cool frosted brown or springlike green. They are moderately priced. When is a Davenport NOT a Davenport? When you give it one simple motion and behold it is a cosy bed, ready for snowy linen and light coverlid. We show these convertible Daven ports beautifully upholstered in tap estries, velours and damasks. Cne of these is almost a necessity for the small city home or apartment. Look them over. Suites That Invite Slumber Here are scores of beautiful bedroom suites, every piece of which con spires to promote your comfort and rest. Suites 1n ivory enamel, in walnut, in mahogany of superior craftsmanship, in styles appropriate for any home. Choose freely and leisurely. They are here that you may enhance home comfort. The prices and terms will appeal to you. Rugs o Summertime! Hodges Wool and Fiber RUGS at a Saving! Cool, cleanly rugs are these, in two-tone effects, mainly. High ly appropriate for the summer porch or tho bedroom. $27.50 Kaba Rugs, 9x12. for $19.50 $25.00 Kaba Rugs, 8x10,. for $16.50 $18.50 Abak Rugs, 9x12. for $ 12.75 $17.50 Abak Rugs, 8x10. for $11. $S Rag Rugs $530 Beautifully assorted patterns in 4x7 rugs at a considerable saving. ' Superb Dining Suites Here are many patterns of unusual personality in Period, Mission and Colonial styles; designs distinguished by their decorative features; and plenty of the splendid, staple styles. Handsome suites of oak, of mahogany, of walnut. Many dainty breakfast suites in ivory enamel that seem to invite you to linger over the coffee and rolls. Choose any suite we have, on the most favorable credit terms, if you wish. ARRIVED! The new Frantz Premier and the new Hoover Electric Car pet Sweepers. Full stocks now are here. A erolux Shades for your porch Furnished to fit any opening. Convert your porch into a de lightful summer room. sum mum Dainty Cretonnes that bear the imprint of beauty. Use them generously they will help quickly to change a house into a home. They are reduced this week. Note this: Lengths of 5 to 25 yards in Cre tonnes from 32 to 3(3 inches in width, and regularly priced from 40c to 55c the yard, will go this week at 32c the yard. Take advantage of these gener ous reductions. There are many patterns. Art Madras in conventional and floral designs, regularly priced from $1 to 50c the yard are to go this week at 35c the yard. HOQUIAM PLANS MONUMEN $73,000 City Hall Proposed I Honor of Service Men. HOQUIAM. Wash.. July 26. (Special The building- of a $75,000 city hall as a monument to the veterans of the civil war, the Spanish-American war and the great war, with a portion dedi cated to ex-service men. is the plan suggested by Mayor Ralph L. Philbrick at a meeting called Thursday night by the Soldiers' and Sailors' league. Mayor Philbrick said the building could be erected on the bonding plan. Prominent business men and -women declared themselves heartily in favor a capitalization of JT,000. has filed arti cles of incdrporation here. The incor porators are Frank U Waller. M. E. Mc Dcrmott and Maurice Setts. It is the purpose of the corporation to manu facture, sell and buy automobiles. Cannery Being Erected. WHEELER. Or.. July 26. Special.) Mr. Dlmick. a representative of the Vnthrrttone Products company, Cor nelius, arrived in Mohier Wednesday with a crew of carpenters and began the constructions of a building uxu, to be used as a cannery. Work will be rushed on the structure so that ma chinery can be installed In time to handle this fall's berry crop, which will be very heavy. Auto Sales Company Incorporates. SALEM. Or., July 26. (Special.) The states Auto Sales Company, with niituiiiintiiimiiini Returned Kelso Soldier Married. KELSO. Wash., July 26. (Special.) At the home of Rev. C. B. Latimer of Kaymond, a former pastor of the .Kelso Presbyterian church. Russell Carothers and Miss Cecile Hansiekie. popular young people of Kelso, were united in marriage Thursday. Mr. Carothers was a student at the University of Wash ington when the war started and en listed in the coast artillery, going over seas with the 63d artillery. His bride was formerly a student at Whitman college. KeNo Soldier Home 'With Bride. KELSO. Wash.. July 26. (Special.) Corporal Raymond Easton. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. t). Easton, Kelso's first soldier overseas, is home with his French bride, who was Mademoiselle Marcella Dangin, whom he married in France March 10. Read The Oregonian classified ads. WhatlsaDiamondWorth? "Whatever you pay for it," is the natural reply." That is true if you buy of a reputable dealer. Few persons are qualified to judge the purity of a diamond. It is our business as diamond experts to give our best judgment on diamonds whether your choice is at $25 or $5000. Special Diamond Engagement Rings $25, $50, $100. Jacobys Lucky Wedding Rings Rochester to Honor Service Men. CENTRALIA. Wash.. July 26. (Spe cial.) Rochester will stage a celebra tion Thursday In honor of returned service men. A programme of speaking, dancing and music has been arranged, to be followed by a banquet in the Modern Woodmen hall in Rochester. and the Incorporators are William Sun den. Charles Rudeen and L. Streiblg. The company will engage in the general furniture business in Portland. Strike Close, Mill Near Toledo. CENTRALIA. Wash.. July 2. Em ploye of the Hyde & Buker mill, near Toledo, went on strike this week whea their demand for a waa-e Increase oi SO cents a day was denied. The mill ha shut down. The plant has a contract for furnishing lumber for the new Pa clfic highway bridge at Toledo and sj is feared the strike, unless settle speedily, will hamper the const ructlol of the hrldire. Furniture Company Incorporates. SALEM. Or.. July 26. (Special.) Sunden. Kudeen & Streiblg. Inc.. have filed articles of Incorporation here. The capital stork has been fixed at $l!3.ono r "f l Grand Piano THE PERSONAL WRITING MACHINE $30.00 CASE INCLUDED Its light weight and ready portability make Corona instantly available; anywhere at the office, at home, on train or ship or afield. It's so simple to operate that you can dispense with a third party to private con-espondence can put your personal or business affaire into legible, business-like, permanent form, whenever convenient. And Corona stands the grind of heavy daily service, for all its 6 pound compactness. FOLDS LIKE A BOOK. Over 200,000 in Use. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth St. No other article of furniture gives to the home the same atmosphere of refinement as does the grand piano. Every woman who is discriminating- in her ideas and whose home is adapted for it, de sires a grand. The superiority of tone of the grand appeals to the true musician. The price of the grand has made its general use prohibitive, but we are able to offer the following: Davenport &. Tracey Grand S 595 Lyons & Healy Grand S 750 Knabe (used) Grand S 5oO Mehlin & Sons Grand 81 ((( Mehlin Welte-Mignon Electric. .2150 Victrolas and Records G. F. Johnson Piano Co, 149 Sixth, Bet. Alder and Morrison