13 Oil TIRES UNLIMITED There Touch of Tomorrow Pneumatic, Solid and Cushion Tires All Included. Cole Does Today ADJUSTMENT FOR DEFECT THE SUNDAY OREGOIAX, POETLAXD. JTJLY 27. 1919. GOODYEAR WARRANTY Policy Five Tears Ago Applied to Passenger Car Uses Now Ex tended to All Kinds. A noteworthy advance in protection of the interests of tire users is the announcement by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber company. Akron, O., of an un limited guarantee on all tires made by that company, whether pneumatic, solid or cushion, with all tires guaranteed perfect during their entire life, without limitation a to mileage or length, of service. It was originally Goodyear"s custom to fix a certain definite mileage guar antee a custom still followed by many tire manufacturers and as tires be come better through application of more efficient methods of manufacture, the number of miles guaranteed gradu ally increased. About five years ago this company discarded the idea, on passenger car tires of guaranteeing c. definite num ber of miles from each tire, and in augurated a policy of extending an un limited guarantee. This policy, a pioneer one in merchandising tires, in volved the obligation of the manufac turer to "stand behind" the product throughout the entire career of the tire, no matter whether the tire's life reached 50U0 or 50,000 miles. Any Defect Adjusted. All of which means that, no matter how far a Goodyear tire has gone, if at any time in its life t proves defective a fair and equitable adjustment is made to iu owner. This liberal warranty, which has governed pneumatic tires, is now ex tended to cover solid i nd cushion tires as well. For some years nearly all makes of solid tires have been war ranted for 7000 miles of service only. The records of thousands of users, however, show that Goodyear solids and cushions are averaging greatl; in ex cess of this figure. So that the limita tion is now removed, permitting these tires to be placed on the same service basis that has been so acceptable to users of pneumatic tires. This policy recommends itself because it is fair to all concerned. It gives the careful driver and the careless one exactly their Just dues. It tends to make the tire user exercise proper tire care, since upon his average mileage depend in part the basis upon which he can hope to obtain just reparation -if a tire should develop a defect during its lifetime. Lasts Fall Life of Tire. And it recognizes the justice of a different basis of service adjustment for the tire used on the rear wheel of a heavy limousine and for that used on the front wheel of a light roadster. With no care or indifferent care, the best tire cannot reasonably be expected to give perfect service, nor can a poor tire properly cared for give the same service a good tire V.-111 give. So the unlimited guarantee, which stands for the life of the tire, has many advantages over the practice of guaranteeing a certain number of miles to each customer, no matter how he may use his tires. The primary advantages of the Good year unlimited guarantee are that it lasts the full life of the tire, no matter now many miles that period includes; reparations are made on a reasonable expectation of service and not on a fixed, inflexible basis, and the tire user is encouraged to care for his tires properly, thereby getting a low cost per mile of service. MICHELIN CAMPAIGN BIG TIRE COMPAXY DOIXG GREAT EDUCATIONAL WORK. Total of One Hundred Million Ads to Be Published This Year in United States Alone. The Michelin Tire company is this year carrying on one of the biggest advertising campaigns ever conducted by a tire manufacturer," nays R B Bramwell. Michelin advertising man ager. "It has always been our idea," says Mr. Bramwell, "to make Michelin ad vertisements educational in nature to give the tire user actual facts about tire construction that will enable him to judge intelligently about the m.-it of various makes before making the expensive test of actual use. "This year we have gone even fur ther in this direction. We have had scientist?, such as those connected with the laboratories of Columbia university, make exhaustive tests of Michelin tires and of other makes. On the data ob tained from these tests we have built a series of advertisements. "We figure that upwards of 100,000, 00 Michelin advertisements will be published in the United States In 1919 alone. This is about 20 advertisements for each passenger car owner, there being somewhat over 6.000.000 passen ger cars in the United States today, not including some 200,000 commercial vehicles. "Because of Michelin's unparalleled organization, covering the entire civil ized world, our advertising is also ap pearing in practically every other coun try where cars are used. At head quarters in Milltown, N". J., we keep careful files of all the Michelin adver tisements that appear the world over. This is certainly an interesting ex hibit, including, as it does, advertise ments printed in Siamese and many other queer languages. "Secretary of Labor Wilson ' has ssked all manufacturers in the United States to increase their advertising, in order that business may be speeded up . and unemployment overcome as Quick ly as possible. Michelin is doing fully its share in this work." WIDER HIGHWAYS ARE NEEDED Colonel Henry B. Joy Pleads for More Room. Colonel Henry B. Joy, who was one of the first and is now one or the fore most good roads advocates of the coun try and who was for four years presi dent of the Lincoln Highway association and is now one of that organization's vice-presidents, sees what he considers a dangerous tendency to construct vast mileages of publio highways with the millions which are now being voted In every state for permanent work of in adequate width to take care of the fu ture highway transoortation which thes permanent roads ars ultimately L v V CRATER LAKE ROADS FAIR FRAXKLIN" CHAPEL MAKES FAST RIN IX 6TCDEBAKER. Portlanders Drive to I-ake From Grants Pass and Return in Single Day. From Grants Pass to Crater lake and back in one.day is the record of Frank lin Chapel, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Chapel, who recently drove bis parents to Crater lake for a brief ontlnf. He left Grants Pass early in the morning, driving to Crater lake and back to his starting; point at midnight. Roads to the lake are in only fair shape, says Mr. Chapel, although the trip through the national reserve is delightful and the beautiful mountain road built by the government is a treat to motorists. The roads from Portland to Grants Pass he pronounces in fair shape, al though that portion through Cow Creek canyon, about ten miles in all. is hard G. M. C. TRUCKS ,2 j mKm ! - - - - . f ''- -i . ' : Sr .- ... ... . . - . ' ' -' , When J. Simon A Bro. began using trucks for delivery purnoees they started with eae three-uuarter-ton model, par chased from -Weatworth Irwin. This preyed so satisfactory they get another trueks of the earns sine, and now they hava added a SVs-M track to tfeaU float. THOSE who think only in the present, live in the past. It's the touch of tomorrow in what is done today that identifies advancement. To sense the trend of the future and he the first to give it tangible expression has been Cole's aim. Season after season year after year, his advanced creations in motor car design have forecast the styles of the future. Latest 1 The Sportsedan ZModd 878 The Sportosine SKlodcl 879 The Sportcoupe ddodcl 883 fYrl Cole Motor Car Company, Indianapolis, Creators of oAdvanced cftfotor Cars Northwest Auto Co; going. From Grants Pass to the gov-' ernment reserve there la a hard, steady pull of about SO miles up a rather stiff grade. Once inside the reserve and on the government highway, the road winds for several miles through the dense forest and up to the lake. The weather at the lake was delight ful, and the snow is practically all gone. In several Instances on the long pull to the lake the party stopped the engine and filled the radiator with snow from drifts. The trip was made tn a 8tudebaker car. and the actual running time from the lake back to Portland was given as 17 hours. Splicing Fuel Pipe. Cut the ends of the pipes to be Joined on a bevel, being sore to bevel them alike so that they will make a tight Juncture. This can be accomplished with a back aw and a file. Clean the ends of the pipes with sandpaper and then place them together. Next wind No. 18 copper wire, or door bell wire, with insulation removed, over the splice, being sure to wind tight, and close together. Solder with flame or iron and sweat solder In between the wires and on end of winding. This makes a strong splice and one that will last. IN DEPARTMENT STORE DELI ZC'k "i '2 - we?-- The cvfcTO-EiGHT became instantly the fore runner of a new vogue. It established new stan dards of design and performance. For ten years Cole had been laying the founda tions for this epoch-making creation, devoting the last five years exclusively to the Eight. He was one of the first two American manufac turers to build an eight-cylinder car the first to Creations in All-Season Cars it is that the Season models again introduce striking innovations in motor car design. They anticipate, as usual, the styles of the future and bring with their ownership a feel ing of pride in the possession of that which others have not yet attained. Original even to. their names thtf cAero ElGHT Sportsedan, Sportcoup6, Sportosine,. Toursedan, Tour o sine and Towncar are author itative examples of advanced coach building. They introduce flush panel construction a new development in enclosed car design. They eliminate permanently those features which in the past have so definitely restricted the use of enclosed equipages. Their individuality of harmony of color, the of their appointments superior craftsmanship. There's a touch, of tomorrow in the newevfero Eight All-Season Cars; a note of futurity that fortifies the confidence which the public has placed in Cole as 'the 'producer of ad vanced motor cars. cPrompt 'Deliveries cAssured cPrices (guaranteed cAgainst Induction cDuring J$ip. The Line Alder at Eighteenth PIERCE-ARROW IS PRAISED FLEET DOES GREAT WORK FOR FRE5CH GOVERNMENT. . Truck, After Hardest Sere vice. Still oa Duty and Still In Fine Condition. Is Dne to It consistency of operation performing dependably and efficiently under all conditions, over shelltorn roads, called upon constantly to deliver loads much in excess of its rated carry ing capacity, at excessive rates of speed. the Pierce-Arrow motor truck gained a reputation In France that la well worthy of praise. A fleet of five-ton Pierce-Arrow motor trucks was bought by the French Government shortly after the outbreak of the war. and have gone through the "thick of it" for practically four years, being still In as operable condition to day as they were when originally placed In service. In the Verdun sector the fleet of VERT FLEET. v ri ( .'-r-.Lr.rJ it It is - prestige which from new evsero-fclGHT All design, their pleasing dignity and refinement bear the hallmark of Complete Portland, Or. trucks was called upon to transport a convoy of whippet tanks a distance of 176 miles,' preparatory to an attack by the 19th American division a feat which was performed In record time and which was considered a remark able achievement, gaining exceptional praise from the French war officials who had placed their faith In Pierce Arrow motor trucks. The whippet tanks, complete, mount ed on five-ton Pierce-Arrow motor trucks ready to be transported to tbe front, weigh, themselves, in excess of Ffvfi and one-hnlf tons. The 1920 Model Pan-American American Beauty Car Has Arrived Continental Red Seal Motor Fedders Radiator "Warner Transmis sion Tiraken Axles, Front and Rear Borg-Beck Clutch Genuine Leather Upholstery Pantasote Top Spotlight Motometer 121 Inch Wheelbase. - McCRAKEN MOTOR CO. Distributors Oregon, Washington, Idaho 490 BURNSIDE 6T. PHONE BDWY. 93 Motorists Call us for authentic road information. apply to it the principles of aovtype engineering. Satisfied only with that which others had not yet achieved, Cole has. put a touch of tomorrow in all that he has done. that which gives the cvfrro-EiGHT t it or advanced acnievement. has given the Cole product its die very beginning. The Tourosine lodel 884 The Toursedan ZModel 88 $ The Towncar todd &S7 U.. S. Commendation was also accorded the Pierce-Arrow motor truck by the allied army officials for the minimum amount of attention required In maintaining and operating same oiling, greasing and minor adjustments at great Inter vals being all that was necessary to keep the trucks In satisfactory running order. Pierce-Arrow motor trucks be ing simple In construction although they embody the utmost In design In manufacture all parts being inter changeable and accessible, did not ne cessitate th cerrylne of thounnnds of -4. S2200 F. O. B. Portland Tax the is that it distinction A. spare parts to meet emergencies) that mlght have arisen. Drop Light ArrancexoasrC A convenient arrangement for take Ing np slack In drop llgbt oorda la to out the cord -on two pulleys placed at j convenient locations. The cord should I be fsstened at two places to piece of I heavy twine, clothes line will do. and Ithen a weight Is hung on each end of tbe line. The cord as suspended from these lines will be Just long enough ta hold th ln off th floor. Paid I sill