The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1919, SECTION FIVE, Page 12, Image 80

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Stretched, as ia the
tire, food tubes do not
rip wbea cut. They eat
but do not rip
25 to 30 Cars Average There
for Each Night.
? . ?
The slightest ent ia an in
ferior tuba Rip I and the
tube is ruined. Make your
dealer prove that the tuba be
ells will stand the Nor
walk test.
60 Attractive Is Sit That Many
Motorists Stay Several Days
and Take in Side Trips.
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1 km
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'ASHLAND. Or.. July 26. (Special.
Ashland's Llthia park automobile camp,
the "original" auto camp of the Pacific
coast, has come into its own this sum
mer. The fame of the spacious and
comfortable camp under the shady tim
ber alonjj Ashland creek has been
Bpread by every visitor until now the
tourist begins to hear of Ashland's
camp and park as soon as he reaches
California or Oregon, and often much
lurther away.
To maintain the reputation of the
park, that of "the best on the coast."
the park commission eagerly seeks
suggestions from tourists and is mak
ing improvements constantly. Within
the next two weeks the camp will be
considerably enlarged to prevent
crowding at the height of the season,
which Is expected
An average of from 25 to 50 car are
now at the camp nightly. During the
Ashland Hiyu Ilehe celebration, 300
auto campers were cared for in the
Take Good Care of 'Era.
Among the features of the auto
eamp are: A gas kitchenette ' with
separate gas-plates and lockers for
each camper ithis is the only feature
of Ashland's parks which i3 not free, a
charge of 25 cents daily being made to
those who use gas); small shelters with
sets of four gas plates in distant parts
of the grounds: bountiful illumination,
hundreds of lights concealed in the
daytime by the foliage, lighting the
park at night; fine drinking water
from springs and the city system;
shade everywhere; Ashland creek, a
sizeable mountain stream which runs
through the camp; a jitney service to
the sulphur baths and plunge pools;
the best sanitary arrangements, and a
Toad information and hospitality serv
ice maintained by the Ashland Com
mercial club.
The aufo camp is so attractive that
fully two-thirds of the campers, most
of whom intended to stay only over
night, lengthen their stay into one, two
lays and many for as long as two
weeks. Ashland is fast becoming head
quarters for scores of side trips, such
as to Mount Ashland. Lake of the
"Woods. Marble Caves of Oregon, many
fine fishing streams and. lakes, good
hunting, and dozens of valley and
mountain' drives within three hours'
drive of the auto camp.
Three Routes to Crater Lake.
Crater Lake may be reached from
Ashland bv any one of three routes
through Medford and up the Rogue
river, over the Greenspring road to
Klamath Falls and around Klamath
lake to Crater lake, and over the new
Dead Indian roadway past Lake of the
"Woods. Pelican bay and Upper Kla
math lake to Crater.
The third route is the shortest from
the Pacific highway to Crater lake
and is being put into shape for the
National Editorial association trip in
Ashland itself has held many tour
ists who find irresistible the combina
tion of park, three kinds of mineral
waters within 400 yards of the auto
camp, the sulphur baths and the gen
eral beauty of the city. Sixty acres of
municipally owned parks surround the
auto camp. Last week many parties
stayed over for theannual Southern
Orecon Chautauqua assembly.
Not only is the auto camp filled
nightly but the hotels are doing a
booming businiss ana a lurnisnea
hoi se is almost impossible to find.
Clashing .Usually Due to Lack of
Experience by the Driver.
tVhen a car is new and the owner is
not accustomed to driving it there is
often difficulty in shifting into inter
mediate gear, either from low or high.
This may be due to a slight dragging
of the clutch, or, more often, to the
fact that the driver is not familiar with
the speed of the motor at which the
shifts should be made.
A little practice is all that is needed.
If the rasping of the second gear cannot
"be avoided and it is thought that dam
age will be done to the gears, avoid
shifting from first to second.
Accelerate a little more and shift
from first to high, and then, at the
first opportunity, consult the manager
at the service station, who will give
you a little instruction in correct
To Till Vacuum Tank.
In cases where the vacuum tank has
become empty for some reason it is a
. eimple matter to fill it again by turn
ing over the engine a few times with
'.he throttle closed and the spark off.
Tr is takes only a moment and creates
vacuum enough to fill the tank.
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Federal 7-toa tractor and trailer itrerH g oat lojcs from the timber Bear
Slllamook. Or. This In the staadard Federal logging equipment.
Interesting 'Point' Is Explained - by
.Martin F. Swift, of PaciHo
Tire & Rubber-Co.
How many motorists are aware of
the fact that when they replace fabric
tires with cord tires, the change, may
have a decided effect upon the mileage
registered by the speedometer. A large
proportion of automobile drivers have
never i;iven the matter a thought.
"ThU may not seem a very important
matter," says Martin F. Swift, of the
Pacific Tire & Rubber company, distrib
utor for Canton & Blackstone tires, "but
a consideration of the troubles that may
arise from ignorance of the fact that
in some cases cord tires change the
mileage record of the speedometer, will
show that injustice is frequently done
to tires and speedometers alike.
"Recently we had occasion to answer
the following question: How is the
speedometer affected by replacing 32x4
rear fabric tires with 32x4 cord tires,
with the speedometer working off the
"That the speedometer is affected
will be, I believe, a matter of news -to
a great many motorcar drivers. The
cord tires, the speedometer registers
about three miles per hundred slower
than it does with fabric tires of the
same dimensions. In other words, the
cord is really an oversize tire, in this
case, and allowance for the difference
in the speedometer register must be
made in computing the mileage ac
curately. "The adjustment of the speedometer
involves an adjustment of the gear
ratio, a highly technical "process which
need not be entered into here; it is
sufficient to explain that the speed
ometer registers three miles per hun
dred slower with 32-4 cord tires than
with the fabric tires of the same di
mensions, so that the motorists can
make this allowance in computing his
mileage, or can have an adjustment
made to account for it.
"The importance of knowing that
this condition of affairs exists is
great, from the standpoint of the mo
torists, the tire dealer and the speed
ometer dealer. The motorist who does
not know it is more than likely to be
lieve that he is not getting the mile
age he should get from his tires; or, he
may believe that his speedometer does
net work properly. It is obvious that
this may cause a great deal of trouble
for the motorist, the dealer who sells
him his equipment, and the speed
ometer on his mileage instrument.
Whenever -a" motorist changes from
fabric to cord tires, he should find out
what difference it will make in the
speedometer register, either from the
tire dealer or from the speedometer
service station."
moved with a puller. Now the end of
the pipe is exposed, and to this an air
bose is connected, the air is turned on
and the obstruction is blown out.
Without this little trick it is necessary
to tear down the engine to get at an
obstruction of this kind.
Clogged Oil Pipe.
It is possible to 'clear out a Ford oil
pipe which has become clogged by tak
irg off the front gear plate, which dis
closes the cam gear, and this is re-
Lubrication by Hand Should Xot Be
One of the most commonly neglected
parts of the car, so far as lubrication
goes, is the ciutch-operating mechan
ism. In the case of disk clutches run
ning in oil the lubrication of the
thrust collar and the lever operating
it is automatic But with clutches
that do not operate in a bath of oil
the thrust collar and lever require
oiling by hand. Che service of these
parts is exacting, and frequent lubri
cation of the ball thrust bearing and
of the end of the lever which actuates
it is necessary. Furthermore, , the
bearing of the clutch pedal and the
pins which secure the clutch operating
linkage should be frequently lubri
cated. - -
Brazil Drops Far Behind in
Rubber-Growing Race.
Far Kant Produces Xw Five TUm
as Much as One-Time Holder of
It ub her Monopoly.
THE romance of rubber, an Industry
which in a generation has risen to
the highest importance in American
business affairs, shows no more start
Ung fact than the completeness with
which the far ea-st has vanquished Bra
zil in the race for supremacy In crude
rubber production.
Fifteen years ago Brazil was in pos
session of the crude rubber field with
none to dispute her. The chief con
cern of each rubber manufacturer was
to get his share of Brazil's crop before
it was gobbled up.
Brazil came to be synonymous with
rubber and today the average man still
regards the great South American coun
try as the chief source of the crude
rubber supply.
But in a decade and a half the situa
tion has changed completely.
Last year the plantations of the orl
ent produced more than five times as
much rubber as Brazil. ' Brazil's pro
duction has been almost stationary for
years, but the eastern crop is increas
ing by a large percentage every year.
The story of the development of the
plantation in the far east reads almost
like a tragedy for Brazil, in whose
dense forest marshes are still millions
of magnificent rubber trees waiting to
be tapped.
Numerous causes have contributed to
Brazil s failure, among them being
failure to break away from primitive
methods of -handling the crop, insuffi
cient labor supply, high cost of living
in tne ruuDer section and lack of intent
gent leadership.
Enlarging Bushing.
It is possible to enlarge a bushing
without the help of a reamer, by cut
ting down a stick to fit the bushing,
putting some grinding compound in
and rolling the bushing back and forth
Y- . - ik-iZr s
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I 1
to IK rttoai. UEIHUIl.
Of course "Detroit isn't 4500 miles from Portland, but Mr. and Mrs. Adams in the course of their tour took some aide
trips, including one to Yellowstone National park. Mr. Adams has the Chalmers agency at Eugene. As he couldn't get
enough cars, he went to the factory and obtained there a seven-passenger Chalmers, which he drove across the continent
He made an average of 16 miles per gallon of gasoline for 17 days of driving and reached Portland with the Detroit air
lUU m tnree ol jus urea, ........ - -
One That's the scissors test, It proves that
Norwalk Tubes red and gray, do not rip.
It shows that cuts from puncture or blow
out can always be repaired.
Two That's the Norwalk floating stock
Tube itself. You will say it's the highest
quality tube made.
Three And then you're ready for the
Norwalk Casing. You
will ask for it after the
Norwalk Tube has
proved the Norwalk
either cord or non-skid
fabric, 'has a black
tread and snow white
The Scissors
Take sample piece of
tube 4 i by 3 in
Stretch to 9 in. or
three times its origi
nal length. Cut on the
edge with the scissors.
The cut should not be
more than '8 in.
across the sample. If
the strip tears apart
the rubber is inferior.
If your local dealer
cannot supply you,
write to
Anto Parta Supply Co. Portland, Ore.
Auto ParU Supply Co. ,
812 E. Pike Sl, Seattle, "VTaih
Maker of Casing, Cord and Fabric; and of Tube, Red and Cray
. Noi-walk, Connecticut " -
'Floating stock to the rubber industry means what 24 K gold means
to a jeweler. It is a definite standard of quality. It means rubber
that will float in wcter. Cut a piece of Norwalk rubber and ace.
File a way a dated sample o Norwalk Tube and others and compare
them at the end of a year.
Yon are going to hear a lot more about Norwalk quality.- But
don't wait. Start saving your mileage-money now. Ask us far a
ample of Norwalk rubber.
on the Dench. bearing down on tne
stick and keeping It from turning. The
resulting hole is practically as true as
if ,ono with a reamer.
Any Strain on Crankcase Likely to
End Seriously.
rtw 1 -,,,. nlw.v. h, nrnn.rlv
aligned with the other units in the
chassis, and rest squarely on the
brackets intended to carry it.
x- ,,nnA....i-v .train should be DUt
upon any part of the crankcase when
the engine Is Doited down.
All bolts should be Kepi ugni. as any
looseness in these bolts permits a
hammering and pounding of the en
gine upon Its brackets, which in time
crystallizes the metal and breakage results.
Leak Detector.
An effective method of detecting a
suspected leak is to dust a piece of fine
wire gauze with chalk or even fine dust
Portland Bramcfc
I 24 N. Broadway I
Me Ilroadwsy 170ft,
from - the road and pass It over the
suspected area while the engine Is
running. Whether the air is being
forced out or drawn in. the chalk or
dust will be blown away from the
gauze when it is brought within the
influence of the leak.
Don't start on a trip witnout atten
tion to lubricating oil, gasoline and
How Indiana Truclis
Stood thsAtidHest
Don't-buy a w&akUng in a Motor
Truck. Buy one that can do the
world's toughest truck work which is:
1 Western Ore Hauling
2- OO-Field Work
3 Mountain Hanfing
4 Southern Lumber Hauling
In the western ore fields the only track that
consistently for years has stood up and out
stripped tru-ks costing $1000 to "$2000 more
and stood the grafT like the steel giant it is
'is the Indiana Truck.
The hardest oil-field work in the world is
that in the Wyoming field, some of which is
without any roads at alL
The Indiana stands up and does work that
no other truck will do. It is easily champion
in the Wyoming oil-fields.
In the. Tulsa field, in the Ranger field, which
are more difficult for trucks than any Euro
pean battle-ground, the Indian as have stood
the test where others failed utterly.
For eeven years, after every other track had failed
to conquer the wild rocky mountain roads between
Campbells ville and Columbia, Ky., two Indiana
Trucks have been hauling freight, mail and pas
sengers at an excellent profit to their owners. Dae
to the fierceness of the task, no other truck was
ever able to do the work.
So you see the World's Hardest Truck Work done
by Indiana Trucks because we built them over-size
in every part and dimension, a thing this organiza
tion did from the day it built its first truck, which
is running today.
Old Indiana Trucks, which we have traced, have run
100,000 miles and over and are still at work. If
Indiana 100,000 Mile Trucks will do the world's
toughest hauling-work, they will do yours.
Indiana Sales are going ahead with great rapidity,
76 increase the past month. Indianas are sold at
less cost to you than trucks they outstripped in the
work outlined above. v
See Indiana Trucks at
Northwest Auto Company
The Line Complete
Alder at Eighteenth Portland, Or.
Dealer write for opportxmity in open territory
When anything goes wrong with
your starting, lighting or igni
tion systems have an expert take
care of it. It will cost you no
more and the work will be satis
factory. None but skilled auto
electrical experts are employed
in this shop.
Cords and Fabrics. We have
been appointed as distributors of
'Diamond Tires and Tubes and
are now selling on a new guar
anteed basis of
Fabrics, 6000 Miles
Cords, 8000 Miles
Our new building has a conven
ient driveway that takes your
car off the streets. Use this convenience.
R. W. LEE & CO.
"Guaranteed Service"