1919. 11 TOWiffiD BILL FULL OF GOOD FEATURES iJ!I!IIII!!I!!!!!l!!l!!Iliil!!Illi!inil!M Chronology of A Truck Buyer Federal Road Measure Solves Right-of-Way Problegi. r- V-N -' J REAL AUTHORITY IS GIVEN THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, m r federal Commission In Charge to Have Full Power to Condemn If They Are Held TJp. "On of the most praiseworthy fea tures of the national highways meas ure recently introduced in congress by Senator Townsend of Michigan, is that relating to road rights of way," de clares W. D. Albright, northwest man ager of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber com pany. "Perhaps no single feature of road work in the past has caused state high way commissioners as much trouble as that of getting adequate right of way, properly located. "Whenever plans for a new road are announced it is human nature for those who live along the way. either to exert pressure to have the thoroughfare con structed in front of their door or else to force the highway department to make detours in order to save cutting through a piece of property. "Such a policy always reacts against theowner in the long run, since the more direct the road and the better located, the greater travel will be and the less the cost of maintenance. Federal Authority Given. "It follows, too, that Increased prop erty values will more than offset con cessions made to the state. "Unfortunately we are not all fully educated to a proper understanding of this phase of road work, and, as many state laws do not give the highway commissioner full authority, our main roads are usually as full of kinks as a pickaninny's hair. "This not only Impairs the useful ness of the road, but adds considerably to the factor of danger, for frequently ebrupt curves are made necessary by these detours. "Under the provisions of Mr. Town Bend's measure creating a national highway system, the federal highway commission besides having general su pervision over location and contraction is authorized to require of the state or anjr civil subdivision thereof, any rights ef way deemed necessary to main trunk lines. "Thus where state highway depart ments have not the full authority to enter into condemnation proceedings, the burden of obtaining rights of way Is placed on federal authorities. Stxty-alx Feet for Road Width. . "Under this act it will be possible to construct these highways with full regard for economic conditions, gradi ents, drainage and other phases enter ing into efficient highway construction. More than that, the measure provides for rights of way of not less than 66 feet in width save in exceptional cases, thus assuring roadways which will be adequate to future traffic needs." "The Townsend bill is a mighty pro gressive step ahead and this important measure should receive the united sup port of all interested in good roads and the improvement of our roads and high ways." DIAMOND RAISES GUARANTEE Popular Tire Sow Adjusted on 6000 and 8000-Mile Basis. The Diamond Rubber Co., Inc., of Akron. O., announced new increased mileage adjustment to Diamond tire users and dealers that is in keeping with actual results obtained from these famous tires 6000 miles on fabric tires and 8000 miles on Diamond cord tires. The new adjustment also applies to every Diamond tire of future or past sale, including tires in the hands of car owners or dealers. Diamond users and Diamond dealers have long known the big mileage in Diamond tires the users own tires, handled here by Archer & Wiggins. The Diamond Rubber company has marked up its adjustment to 6000 miles for Diamond fabric tires and 8000 miles for Diamond cord tires respectively merely to measure out a definite share f the superb mileage that the wonder ful strength and endurance Diamond tires have in them as shown from thousands and thousand of satisfied users. Valve Springs Break Heads. Valve springs that are too stiff may close the valves with eo much force that the heads mfy be broken from the etems or they may break the stems at the key slots. On the other hand, valve springs that are too weak to hold the valve on the cams will make the engine weak at high speeds and produce chattering owing to belated . seating of the valves. In this connec tion it must be remembered that too -stiff valve stems, even It they do not injure the valve seats by constant ham mering, are consuming power that could be better used elsewhere. Clogged Oil Holes. The carefully kept motor truck needs frequent touching up of its paint, and In performing this operation care should be exercised to see that exposed oil holes are stuffed with felt or waste to prevent their being painted over. Failure to observe this precaution may -remit in their being clogged with paint. - HOOD RIVER MOTOR CAR DEALER AND WIFE TOUR Si. f-c; v:: 1.' v'. v aLB. AJVD aLRs, . A. FRAAZ Monday: Send for catalog and descrip tive literature on MACK trucks. Tuesday: Discuss with salesman my problem and get advice on truck model best adapted to meet my Telephone several owners of MACK model; I am advised to buy and learn their experience. Thursday: Make special effort to locate a fault-finding MACK owner and get reason for his complaint. Friday: Investigate ' I n t e r n a t i o n a 1 Motor Co.'s experience In truck manufacture and find out repu tation of local agent for service and fair dealing. Saturday: Satisfy myself first as to every detail of investigation, claims of salesman and experience of MACK owners, then place the order for delivery, with the INTERNATIONAL MACK !- -" - i. rri S3 r CORP. Tenth and Davis Sts. Phone Broadway 691. HOOD RIVER FOLKS- TOUR MR. AVD MRS. E. A. FRANZ MO TOR TO NEW YORK. Great Roads Ernst of Chicago, The 7 Say, Where "They Know How to Make 'Em." HOOD RIVER, Or., July JS. (Spe cial.) "I can add my personal recom mendation of Goodyear rib cord tires," writes E. A. Franz, local motor en thusiast and dealer, to his son, E. A, Franz, after a transcontinental tour. Mr. Franz, accompanied by his wife, left Hood River on June 4 for a visit at their old home, Dol-reville. N. Y. They had planned to tour Yellowstone park, but on arrivlns in Idaho it was learned that roads to the national parte were blocked and Mr. Franz hit off to the south over the Lincoln highway. He reports in his letters that the ways were rough and trying over the Blue mountains, but that the Lincoln high way was in comparatively fine shape. "We did have a little trouble along in Nebraska on the heels of the cyclone that struck that country a terrible wallop," he writes. "The tarlike mud was not pleasant and for miles we went through water. At one place we were held up part of a day until the roadbed was drained of four feet of water. "But those roads east of Chicagro! Son. they know how to make 'em. We skimmed along in delightful fashion. The going was fin all the way to New Tork City." The journey of 3800 miles was made aboard a Haynes Big Six, for which Mr. Franz' concern here is agent. Mr. and Mrs. Franz visited Kokorao. Ind.. en route to New York, and stopped to see how the Haynes is made. The en tire trip east wasv made without a change of tires and without the least car trouble. On Being Prepared. One of the principal factors In doing good work of any sort lies in being pre- pared for the Job you are going to tackle. This is something the new car owner often fails to realize. You oanaot properly wash a car, grind the valves, clean . a spark plug or do any of the other Mobs necessary to keeping the car in good running order without be- .. fir-- m . : - .. IS THE1B. HA YAKS BIG SIX AT RAYAES FACTOBI, KOKOSIO, Y. lng perfectly equipped tor the work. By degrees the car owner collects the equipment to enable him to finish each Job he tackles in a workmanlike and satisfactory manner. Things to Take With You on the Auto Tour. Here's a Short LU That the Car Omei W1U Plad Convenient. THE tourist who Intends to carry a a limited amount of equipment is often at a loss to decide which are the most important things to carry. In many cases he takes up considerable room with a lot of equipment which la never used. The Intended tour has. of course, a lot to do with the equipment which should be carried. Taking into account that service sta tions are now scattered all over the country, it- is more desirable to carry the ordinary run .of articles which will permit of making emergency repairs or adjustments. The following will prove of interest in this respect; (a) One roll of -inch black tire or Insulating tape (purchase at electrical or accessory store) used for binding together any small broken parts, such as gasoline lines, chafed wires or bro ken connections, leaky water hose. etc. (b One spool of heavy, soft copper wire, used for binding or connecting two parts temporarily as the case de mands. (c) One good tire repair kit contain ing assortment of patches, talc sand paper, etc Spare tubes and Inflated spare tire on rear. (d) One-half set of extra spark plugs. Be sure that these are of the correct length and type of thread. (Standard -lnch. ' lt-thread.) (e) Two one-pound cans of medium graphite grease for shackle bolts, rear axle brake rock shafts, steering gear tie rod; this grease is also correct for universal Joints if the trip is to be of considerable duration. (f) One box of assorted cotter pin a (g) One box of assorted nuts and lock washers. h) One standard wire cable tow rope. (Not for you, but for the other fellow.) (1) One small extension lamp to op- rata from dash light socket. Tont rush a repair Job. Remember, "What is worth doing at all la worth doing well. TO NEW YORK. N. M 1 :-53Ti I J'P in 11 ;- Authorized OREGON ASTORIA Flak's Tyro . BAKER .More Ml Ira Tire Ce. CO NOON Knolley drain. fORVALLIS A. G. Held. DA1.LAS Snmve'g Garage. Geo. C. Ellison. Prop. RrGFNE Jay Mmk, GROTS PAbS w. 11. Caadlt Tire Kb op. BEPPXER Mephea M. Iraia. HOOD MVEU Ud(kU bM, 1 r FOREIGN DEMAND IS BRISK CAR MAKERS BUILDING UP EX PORT TRASDE. Call From Philippines, Japan. South America One of Bis Reasons for Auto Shortage. Some who are chafing at the delay in getting cars are at a loss to under stand why the factories ehould be so behind in their orders. The reasons are several aad good ones. To begin with, the demand has greatly Increased, aa many persons withheld their buying of new cars while the wax was in progress. The factories were down to a very low rate of production toward the end of 1918, and It took a little time to get back into the swing after the restric tions on production were removed. Even the plants that are taca to a neace time basis find difficulty tn getting inatorial and parts. Not the least of the factor aggra vating the situation' is the urtrency for the makers to taice aavanLaers 01 the present psychological moment to extend foreign business even at the risk of sacrificing some business in toe home market. A New York dealer who recently made a trio to the factory found hii explanation of the difficulty In obtain ing cars as he passed through the shipping department and saw the num ber of oars marked for export. Even the prohibitions that have existed against the exportation of automobiles to England and France have not pre vented an Increase of exportation of automobiles to the far east, and South American markets have been develop ing in the meantime. Striking instances are the exports to the Philippine Islands, which, for the four months ended April 10 this year. exceeded in value the whole exporta tion of automobiles for the islands In 11. and the number for that period UIG1 ; EXPERTS: S BUICK REPAIRS EXCLUSIVELY 32,000 sq. ft. floor space. Live or dead storage. j H Cheap rates. PARTS ' SUPPLIES g PORTLAND BUICK 5 Z REPAIR CO. m N. W. Cor. Sixteenth and Jefferson St. " Portland, Or. Main 3419 B jiiiiaMiiHiimi.iii The above statement souncls almost tOOJ good to be truedoesn't it? Yet there are 600,000 motorists in tKe United States many of them In your section who are daily enjoying these advantages. A new principle of tire construction invented and perfected by Chas. C ,Gates, . M. makes this unusual ecour "Omy and care-free comfort possible, This new principle, which incorporates your casing within a new factory built Gates Half-Sole Tire, gives ,you a better tire than your original one because it, Service Stations'ConducteH by the'Dealers Listed Below: i!VowI259.tn the JJnOaJ Slate aaJ Canada') PORTLAND Cowan Tire JXXCnOX CTTT KXAJUTH rtlll LA CRAXTDTB O. K. K. Onrr. I.KBo p-rmak McMlNM'lLLE B MI IJKORD K. R. KKIERO-W. S. Stall. PKNULKTON Bradley Tti fTbop. tALKM tuckukeu Aoto aaaply - Mzrrai f V--t "J . Manufactured by the Gates was two-thirds of the total number exported in 19 Is. To Japan for the four months men tioned In 1919 the automobiles exported were consideVably In excess of the total number for 1918. The number to Java for the first four months of 19l was about the same as for the whole pre. ceding year. TUBES . VARY MUCH IX SlfcJt Of 12 Makes Examined. No Two of tbe Same Diameter. ' A set of tnterenting figures has Just been completed by the Michelln Tire company, showing the varying diame. ters of inner tubes of the same branded size. Most motorists probably believe that all Inner tubes, made for a certain else of tire, are of the same length and diameter, but this Is not the ease. Of 12 leading makes of Inner tubes recently measured in the Michelln lab oratories, no two were alike la diame ter, the difference between the small, est and the largest being as much as IS per cent. Driving Tip. Cultivate the habit 6f coasting around corners or going Into second speed. Turning corners at speed Imposes in tense strains on all parts of the meoh anisra and should be avoided for that reason, in addition to which It makes for skids. Further, turning at speed is xceedlnrlr bed for (he tire. NEW PROCESS McGRAW TIRES As rood aa Money and Brains can ll BaiM and are Guaranteed Fabrics 6000 Miles Cords 800 Miles NON-SKID S0xSV4 $20.50 S4x $32.75 Others La Proportion TUBE FREE WITH , KAC7T TUUB We Pay Postage aa Man Oideea. Oregon Tire Co. i first st. cost, rut Mala TelS. -ill (has double fabric srrength.anddouble (cushion resiliency jThe double fabric and cushion, tnVex tra side walls extending completely over the bead and under the rim, gives you jl Sturdy, reinforced tire that is 20 ?S .Oversize - and puncture- proof, besides. Thousands of motorists-are" already ; profiting by these advantages, and. this leaving is now available to you. There"are1254 authorized service stations in the United States And at every one of them you will find an ex pert ready to serve you.' Service Co., 420 Alder St a. M. Pi-tea. barlea B. Jeaav. laVERTOX p. w. Xeftakcrr. THE DALI ES Garra ak Cat WOODBIKA . BeckW A m, WASHINGTON ABlCRDCE.N Searle lrrr, ill E. Wisukaa St. CEXTRALIA -Teati-alla Tire Ce. VAXCOI'VCR Caer-ry A Cherry. K. Llatom at tloallttle. llrwt Roberta, WALl A WALLA. la. Li LjLfb Rubber Company, Denver f r . 1 ' ' GM-C Service is responsible for the recent purchase of S G. M. C. Trucks by The Ryan Fruit Co. They now operate a fleet of 12 G. M. C Trucks. WentwortK & Irwin, Inc. Truck Headquarters, 200 Second St, Cor. Taylor MIRACLE OIL COMPLETES LUBRICATION It Eliminates Friction and Prolongs the Life of Any Gasoline Motor GUARANTEED TESTIMONY OF Prom Mr. Dsvld Bulck. founder f tbe BUICK MOTOR CAR CO. and tn -ran tor of the Overhead Vstvo MOTOR: "I would not be without MIRACLS Oil. In my ears, as I rind a much smoother run nlnf motor, with a era at eavla of saaollne." Prom Mr. Csrlaon. Mfr. PACKARD FERVTCTE at f ACKARD PLANT, DTRU1T: "Tour theory of ITfllR LUBRICATION abeolvtely correct aad wa rind through the use of MIRACLE OIL a much smoother ruanlac motor, a bis savins la (aaoiine and bo earboa troubles. O'NEILL WHIPPLE 409 Bun-side (Between 9th and 10th Sts.). Portland LIVE COUNTY AGENTS WANTED Tiro mm KNOWN EXPERTS From Mr. Atkinson, CHIEF" ENGINEER IX C M A HQ K OF METALLURGICAL DEPT.. MAX. V ELL. MOTOR CO DETROIT: "Tour theory ef VPPKR LUB RICATION is the correct one. end the motoring publlo should r e e e I e MIRACLal OIL with epea irmt"