The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1919, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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.fhree Republicans Against
, Strong,-Reservations.
tHhcr Nations Beginning to Realize
That President Wilson Does "ot
Dominate American Situation.
'Continued From First Page.)
cently he did not contend privately that
to add reservations would defeat the
There is also evidence that the other
Nations are beginning to realize that
, President Wilson does not dominate the
situation in the United States. An inti
mation of this is carried in a cable
printed in the New York Times today
from its correspondent at the peace
conference. R. V. Oulahan. who at other
times is chief of the Times Washington
, Dureau. Mr. Oulahan, cabling from
"Ex-President Taffs letter to Chair
man Hays, summaries of which have
been published in Paris, has produced
comment in allied quarters that shows
: . . . ; . . rr-rr,-i t a thp
mnxiety to have the American senate
ratify the Versailles treaty without de
lay and permit the United States to en
ter the league of nations that some of
those who deprecate the senate's op
position are becoming resigned to the
rather despairing view that it is better
' to swallow the nasty dose embodied in
the proposed reservations than have the
present world disturbance continue
through the disquietude caused by agi
tation in America.
, Other Looked To.
"One or two perhaps as many as
three of those prominent or fairly so
in the American peace contingent are
of opinion that reservations by the
senate to the league covenant will not
necessarily keep the United States out
cf participation in the execution of the
treaty for any great period.
"Their views, which were brought
tout by requests for opinions as to Mr.
Taft's position, are that other allies
might be disposed to waive their right
to insist that the United States could
not enter the league or join in the
ratification of the peace with Germany
until all other signatories to the treaty
had accepted the senate's amendments."
This is taken in Washington as an
indication that the foreign signatories
have decided that they might consider
the views of someone else in the United
States beside President Wilson. They
have made up their mind that they
must listen to such leaders of Ameri
can thought as Taft, Root and Hughes,
who were excluded from the peace
. conference by the president's hard
Jwiled partisan ship.
They are turning away from Mr.
"Wilson on the theory that such deter
mined senate opposition to the treaty
could never have grown and thrived
.' in the face of all of the protests of
the president unless there was some
demand from the people for strength
ening certain clauses for the better
- protection cf the interests - of this
- country.
League Not Opposed.
The 46 republican senators who are
- opposed to the treaty in its present
form are not necessarily against the
league of nations. The fact is that
r.there are only three last-ditch, irre-
concilable republicans 'Borah of Idaho,
JPoindexter of Washington and Brande-
gee of Connecticut.
The other 43 republicans who make
up the 46 stand ready to support the
I treaty with some good sound props un-
der the league of nations covenant and
, a. better understanding as to the Shan-
tung provision of the peace treaty.
A curious fact is that neither Mr.
I "Wilson nor his followers assail the
'principles involved in the proposed res
t ervations.
Their only argument is that such res
" torvations will compel the resubmission
of the treaty and thereby defeat or pro
' long the discussion. The 43 republicans
who ask reservation along the lines
'adopted by Taft and Root and which
I Hughes is expected to offer, are simply
trying to drive a better bargain. In
' other words these republicans are not
4 trying to destroy the treaty. It is their
desire to improve it
Politics Is Seen.
The dominant opinion in Washington
i ww is that from this moment the fate
of the treaty is very much in the hands
of the Taft-Root-Hughes republican tri-
umvirate and that the proposed tour
of the president will in no matter alter
the outcome. Of course there is politics
in it. There is politics in everything
that is done within this government.
Republicans show general satisfac
tion with the present situation, which
they say is due largely to the clever
- and far-ighted political generalship of
Will H. Hays, republican national chair-
man. Chairman Hays has developed
into a big man, capable of grappling
i with any question and able to steer his
party in safe channels. He has out
generaled Mr. Wilson's forces at every
Wrn by organizing a leadership in be-
half of the United States interosts in
the treaty which will yet accomplish in
this country what Mr. Wilson failed to
achieve for the United States at Paris.
And all the while Honer S. Cummings.
chairman of the democratic national
committee, has been traveling around
the country talking to a few of his
party here and there in platitudes and
; partisan generalities.
One week more of the legislative
- prind and the house will shut up shop
tor four to six weeks, a recess on Au-
. Rust 2 having been agreed upon. The
senate, however, will stay through the
eunimer and continue the consideration
of the general peace treaty and the
," epecial treaty with France if the presi-
dent sees tit to submit the latter docu
ment at any time soon.
Disas-tcr VcarctI Following With
drawal of Pumpmen.
(Copyright by the New York World. Pub
lished by arranjroment.)
LONDON. July 26. (Special Cable.)
It is stated, says the Daily Telegraph,
. that as a consequence of the with
drawal of pumpmen and engine men
In thfe Yorkshire mines a disastrous
affect in some of the mines will be
permanent. Certain of the older shafts
which had been flooded will never be
used again. Others may be cleared of
water comparatively poon. but it is of
ficially stated that some will be water
logged for months.
A telegram says there will be no Im
rnediate resumption of work at the
Yorkshire mines in spite of the de
cision in London.
to appear in the Eugene Justice court to
answer to the charge of unlawful pos
session of liquor. His arrest followed
a raid last night by Sheriff Stickles and
his force on the hotel, where was found
a unmber of bottles of whisky.
-Mr. uenner declared that ne Knows
iiuiiiuig ui an j iiiiuur uciiis ivcpt in 1110
hotel and says it must have belonged to
his guests. He has employed an at
torney and says he will fight the case.
F. A. Smith, night clerk at the Hotel
Osbourn. was also arrested for having
liquor in his possession and after
spending a few hours in jail was re
leased when it was arranged that he
should leave town. The management
of the hotel demanded his resignation
immediately after his arrest. The depu
ty sheriff who arrested him followed a
man coming from the Central hotel
with a package to Smith's room and
found the two men with two bottles of
whisky. This led to the raid on the
Only Veterans' Posts Are Opposed to
Man Named on Public Service
Board, Is Declaration.
OLTMPIA, Wash.. July 26. (Spe
cial.) Acting Governor Louis F-.Hart
will not withdraw his recent appoint
ment of Senator ' E. V. Kuykendall as
chairman of the public service commis
sion to succeed K. V. Blaine on August
15, unless it is shown that the appoint
ee's qualifications for the special duties
are seriously affected, declared Mr.
Hart today. The statement was in
reply to the demand made bv Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 24. Vete
rans of Foreign Wars. Objection to
Senator Kuydendall is based on his
vote against the passage of the Lamp
ing bill last winter. This bill pro
posed a half mill tax levy to furnish
cash awards to returned soldiers. It
provoked the most determined fight of
the last session and lost only by one
Acting Governor Hart says that of
more than 100 letters and telegrams
approving the appointment of Senator
Kuykendall. in addition to numerous
instances of favorable newspaper com
ment, the foreign veterans' protest is
the only dissenting note heard. The
protest is accepted as evidence that
the Lamping bill vote will be kept
alive as a campaign isue for 1920. when
Colonel George B. Lamping, author of
the bill, is expected to become a can
didate for the republican nomination
for governor. One veteran's post ob
jecting to Senator Kuykendall is lo
cated ai Seattle, Colonel Lamping's
University School of Muic Staff
Is Enlarged.
EUGENE. Or.. July 26. (Special.)
Three new additions to ;he faculty of
the school of music at the University
of Oregon were announced today by
Dr. John J. Landsbury, dean of music,
upon his return from an eastern trip.
Rex Underwood, violinist, will take the
place of Robert Louis Barron, who has
been transferred to the university
school of music at Portland. Mr. Under
wood has had seven years in study and
concert work abroad and has been giv
ing private lessons in Chicago recently.
Albert Sukken, specialist in glee
clubs, choral work and opera coach
ing, of Chicago, will be head of the
vocal department. His assistant will
be Miss Findahl, a pupil of Carleton
Packett of Chicago. As director of the
band, Ross Hickernell of Warren, O.,
is employed. Mr. Hickernell was man
ager of the Innes concert band and
has been soloist in many bands of the
United States.
Dead Robin Produced in Eugene
Court as Exhibit A.
EUGENE, Or., .Tuly 26. (Special.)
William T. Campbell, one of the
wealthiest men in Eugene, was ar
rested today upon complaint of a small
boy living near him, on the charge of
Killing a robin. The boy took the dead
robin to the office of District Attor
ney Ray and said that it had been
killed by Mr. Campbell.
"He has been killing all the robins,"
lisped the little fellow.
Mr. Campbell was notified to appear
in justice court. He at first denied
the charge but later pleaded guilty to
avoid the costs of a trial and was
fined $25. but sentence was suspended.
He is said to have stated in court that
he has not been killing robins lately,
but was forced to kill them during
cherry season to prevent them from
destroying his fruit.
Roseburg W ill Do Own Street Repair
ROSEBURG, Or., July 26. (Special.)
Because the paving companies are all
employed in laying hard surface on the
Pacific highway, the city council has
been unable to obtain bids for repair
ing pavement which has become dam
aged during the past year. The mayor
has ordered the street department to
purchase necessary supplies and equip
ment and the city will do its own re
pair work.
Paving concerns, operating within a
few miles of town, have refused to con
sider patching the pavements, which
were damaged during the hot weather
by trucks overloaded with fruit.
Proprietor ot Central and Clerk of
Oj-Ixmrn Arrested.
EUGENE. Or., July 26. (Special. 1
"William Benner. proprietor of the Cen
tral hotel in this city, is under $500 bail
Board of Directors Decides to Erect
Permanent Buildings.
ALBANY", Or.. July 26. (Special.)
A board of directors for a permanent
county fflir to be held in Albany an
nually was elected here today at a
meeting of stockmen, farmers and
business men. A stock company will
be formed and a race track and per
manent buildings erected.
Albany has not had an all around
county fair for many years but the
new board of directors decided to start
this fall and expand each year until
the fair is among the best in the state.
Officers will be chosen from the board
oZ directors at a meeting here next
Value-giving in the extreme in the selling of Men's
Clothing, the magnet that has drawn customers to
this store by the hundreds.
People are not slow in grasping opportunity as proven by
our tremendous success since the adaptation of this profit-sharing
policy, through which we gave up one-half our regular
margin to secure greater volume.
Most Portland men are talking about Gray's better values
in clothing.
Compare Gray's
Compare Gray's
Compare Gray's
suits with suits suits with suits
sold by other stores sold by other stores
for $35 and $40. for 45 and $50.
suits with suits
sold by other stores
for $55 and $60.
7 Discount
We save our patrons 7 on Men's Furnishings and Hats when
purchase amounts to $4.00 or more. Contract goods excepted.
First Group of Men Brought to
America for Internment Dur
ing War Returned.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 2. Twenty
five out of 16S enemy aliens brought
to this country durirg the war from
the Philippines and interned, were
placed on board the United States
transport Thomas today for return to
Manila, where they will be allowed to
resume their former occupations. While
in the United States they were at lib
erty under bonds ranging in amounts
from $250 to $100,000. The remainder
of the 168 still are in various parts of
the United States.
These enemy aliens were brought to
America, as it was thought there would
be less danger here. Since the armis
tice was signed they have made re
peated requests to be returned. This
is the first lot to be returned.
Among those being returned today
are two business men of Manila, who
are rep'uted to be millionaires. They
are J. C. Hoffmeister. cigar manufac
turer, and Dr. C. J. Jahrling. a druggist.
John T. McCutcheon Stationed at
Beirut, Syria.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. July 26. (Spe
cial.) John T. McCutcheon. son of Mr.
and Mrs. John McCutcheon of Adna.
Lewis county, recently was named
American consul in the far east with
headquarters at Beirut. Syria. Young
McCutcheon was vice-consul at Bor
deaux, France, during the world war.
He graduated a few years- ago from
the Chehalis high school, later from
the State College at Pullman.
George F. Bickford. another Chehalis
high school graduate, and stationed for
a number of years in China, is en route
home for a vacation, according to word
received recently by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. F. Bickford of Chehalis.
Mr. Bickford has been in the consular
service for nine years past. His wife,
a young woman whom he met in China,
and daughter of British residents of
that country, accompanies him home.
Five Tears in Prison for Flirt From
Spruce Camps.
MONTESANO, Wash.. July 2. (Spe
cial.) Walter E. Baden, arrested In
Portland some weeks ago on a charge
of bigamy and who pleaded guilty in
superior court, was yesterday sen
tenced to from three to five years in
the penitentiary at Monroe.
Baden, who was a soldier with the
spruce division stationed In this county,
engaged in a street flirtation with a
15-year-old girl. He accompanied her
home at night and the next day they
went to Seattle and were married.
The girl's father received a letter
from Baden's wife in Indiana. Baden
was arrested in Portland, where he was
endeavoring to effect a reconciliation
with his girl-bride, who was ill In a
Sanctuaries in Oregon Pledged to
Green Meadowy Club.
Nearly 250.000 acres of land. in Ore
gon have been pledged to the Green
Meadow club for bird sanctuaries, ac
cording to Deputy United States Mar
shal F. IT. Tlchcnor. who has Just
added 100.000 acres in Lane county be
longing to the Booth-Kelly Lumber
company to the reserves. Mr. Tichenor
represents the Green Meadow club, an
eastern organization, in this state and
has been all over Oregon signing up
ranchers and lumbermen. Within an
other year he believes 500,000 acres
will be pledged.
The cards bearing the signatures he
has obtained carry a promise by the
land owners neither to hunt nor to per
mit hunting upon their property for
birds not regarded as pests. The larg
est holdings pledged, with the excep
tion of the Booth-Kelly tract, are the
farm lands of Pat Keilly. 17,000 acres,
at Ashwood. The smallest is that of
James H. Minwaugh of Wallowa, com
prising 2 acres.
lice induced the girl to write back and
make an appointment. The rendezvous
was in Lone Fir cemetery at 4 P. M.
yesterday. Miss Stanton arrived first!
and when Mr. Oliver Joined her. Patrol
man Drake and Mrs. Elizabeth Moorad
arrested him. Police will show the
letter to postal inspectors to determine
If It is possible to prosecute Mr. Oliver
for sending obscene matter through the
Comptroller or Cureney Defends
Administration of Office.
WASHINGTON. July 26. General de
nial of charges made against him was
entered before the senate banking
committee today by John Skelton
Williams, comptroller of the currency.
He defended the administration of his
office, denied he had persecuted the
Kiggs National bank of this city and
characterized Frank J. Hogan, ttor
ney for bank officials in the Riggs'
bank case, as "a rapid-fire falsifier."
Samuel Untermytr, New York attor
ney, will appear In Mr. Williams' be
half Monday and the comptroller plans
to make a cloeing statement.
In defending the treasury's attitude
toward the Rlggs National bank. Mr.
Williams charged officials of that in
stitution up to 1914 with "multitudin
ous infractions of the law."
Police Arrest Man Wlio Meets 14.
Year-Old Girl.
Sibyl Stanton. 14. was sent by police
officers yesterday to keep an appoint
ment she had made with E. A. Oliver.
37. with the result that Mr. Oliver is
now in the city jail charged with dis
orderly conduct. ,
The girl's mother recently showed
Captain Jenkins a letter which the
woman said Mr. Oliver had written her
daughter, asking her to meet him. Po-
Physicians Pump Out Kerosene and
Tot Will Live.
FRESNO. Cal., July 26. A glass, full
of coal oil was pumped from the
stomach of Luella Renna. aged 2 years,
here today by physicians at the city
eemrgency hospital, according to the
police records.
The baby drank the coal oil while
playing in the back yard. She will re
cover, physicians reported.
Dr. Dillehunt's Father 111.
T)r. Richard Dillehunt departed last
night for Decatur. 111., where he was
called by report of the critical illnesa
of his father.
A fine Diamond the Badge
of Prosperity
There is a certain appearance of prosperity about the
man or the woman who wears a handsome diamond. Wear
one it will inspire self-confidence. ,
The fact that ours is one of the busiest jewelry stores
in the country and that it is patronized so largely by keen
business men and women, bears testimony to the extreme
values to be found here.
A real assortment of handsome diamonds
from $25 to $2500.
t mmm
OiasJiintonSireet at Broadway
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
San Antonio Resident Expresses
Her Appreciation of Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills.
I suffered a general decline In health
several years ago,'- relates Mrs J V
Kemp, who lives at No. 607 Barrett
Place. San Antonio. Tex. I seemed to
bo on the verge of giving out entirely
and grew discouraged and worried a
lot over my condition. What little I
ate. and I very seldom cared for food
seemed to distend my stomach and
cause heartburn. I became extremely
nervous and occasionally had dull head
pal ns.
in d,ay "d of ca"e 1ulte "'Hi
lar to mine In a newspaper and. learn-
hvKrV,M-.,,,1" w?man helped
by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I procured
tOX- .Th" ch noticeable
was an improvement in my appetite
and the strengthening of my stomach
..POini.Wh'r my food w 'rested
without distress. It was not long be
fore I regained my strength and. as a
result of the general toning up of my
system, my nervousness disappeared
I always keep Dr. Williams' Pink Hills
ana use mem -h.n.....
I don't hesitate
system needs a tonic.
to recommend them
Dr: Williams' Pink Pills are.sold
..UBB,BlB or direct from the
"..ji.ams .Medicine Co, Schenectady.
" '"""Pi u price. 60 cents per
box or eix boxes for W rite for
. f.r." booklet on "'"" disorders
and Whit to Kat and How to Kat."
Wmmwm . -
MI ipi "
Mitchell Lewis
in this great specta
cle of the land of
snow and ice.
Mitchell Lewis
in Person
here today at 2:50,
4:15, 7:05, 8:30,
a: 50
Concert at 1:30 Today
Cavallerla Rusticana
Meditation from "Tbais"...
Two sours are played sim
ultaneously, "Alabama
l.ullaby with the ria-hi
hand and m ith the loft
hand wen ftuea? Ar
ranged by Cecile Teague.
Kamennol Ostrow
... .RubenMein
Diplomat March bouaa
!The Hazelwood
Sej-ves a
Sunday Dinner
that will satisfy your every desire. Amid homelike surroundings you can
enjoy the choicest of the season's offerings, excellently prepared and
daintily served.
When You Drop in on Sunday Evening
you will enjoy an hour that will contain the best music and the most
delicious of dishes. These are a few suggestions :
4 I U-j' t i.i i. rim .i.i
Crab Lottie
Welsh Rarebit
127 Broadway
3S3 Washington