The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 54

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SEASIDE. Or., July 26. (Special.)
An hour in the spectators' gallery
ot the swimming tank furnishes
no end of interest to summer visiters.
The variety of people and their de
grees of skill in the water are almost
unlimited. There is the bronzed type
of young man who swims the Austra
lian crawl with a power that fairly
shoots him across the tank, who hits
the springboard with a resounding
bound. There are the numberless lit
tle boys, resemblingr a pond of Irotjs,
with legs and arms scrambling in
skinny confusion, small bodies jump- j
ing, diving and falling into the water i
at any unexpected angle.
There are the women who neglected
to learn to swim early in life and who
are spending conscientious hours in
the shallow end of the tank, working
hard at the breast stroke. No natato
rium would be complete wlthou its
decorative bathers, who add color and
beauty by their smart suits, whose
caps are not meant to protect the hair
from water. Occasionally a diver of
merit will appear and thrill the gallery
with the jackknife, the beautiful swan
or some freak dive.
The surf has claimed its share of
bathers recently and along the two
lifelines merry crowds gather at ;he
bathing hour. Warm, sunny days per
mit the bathers to take two or tKree
dips, with a sand and sun bath be
tween. When the tide is right the en
tire stretch of beach is dotted with
bathers, while the crowds loiter on the
boardwalk to watch the more energetic
A typical beach diversion, always
popular, is the crab supper. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Harker Smith were hosts
for such an affair recently, at which
they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Earl
L.atourette, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Latour
ette and Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Klagg.
A motor party from Lewiston, Idaho,
enjoyed a short stay in Seaside. The
party included Mrs. Harris Bartlett.
Miss Barbara Bartlett and Miss Kath
erine McKenzie, who were the guests
of the Joseph Harker Smiths. L.ater
they drove to Neahkahnie.
Charles and Joseph Khrman of San
Francisco wre visitors last week end
at the home of Mrs. William Khrman.
Mrs. Rogers and Miss Altha Rogers
have taken a cottage on Sixth avenue
for the remainder of the season.
The Hawkins place Is sheltering -Mrs,
Kcl Hall, Mrs. Herbert Cudlipp and Miss
Lucile Evans for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werschul of
Portland spent the week end at the
Miss Helen West was the guest of
relatives ovor the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Merrill, who
have been away for five years, are be
ing enthusiasticaly welcomed home.
For the past year they have been in
New York city, where Mr. Merrill was
engaged in government work. At the
outbreak of the war they were in Eu
rope and devioted their time to relief
work in Paris. They have a host of
friends in the city.
Milton and Melville Meier were week
end visitors in Seaside.
Mrs. R. Hulme of Portland is at the
beach and has taken a cottage for the
season. Mrs. John G. Hunter is also
spending the season here.
Miss Mildred Druschel is visiting
friends at Seaside for a short time.
Among the prominent Portland folk
at the beach are Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Losan. who will remain for a few
Mrs. r. Tl. Cheney is domiciled in a
pretty cottage.
J. j. t'hambreau is numbered among
the cottage residents of the beach re
sort. J. F. Daly is also a cottager.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Goldsmith and
Louis Goldsfhith w ere the house guests
of the H. W. Metzgers for a week.
Locke-Haven, on the boardwalk, has
been taken for the rest of the season
bv Mr. and Mrs. R. Palitzsch. Rudolph
Palitzsch is spending the summer with
his parents.
Vernon Cartwright pased the week
end with Mrs. Cartwright. who is sum
mering at the Pan Malarkey home.
I. X. Fleischner was host recently to
members of his family at a dinner
party given in celebration of his birth
day anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Cornell are so
journing at Seaside for two weeks.
Mrs. A. J. Meier has come to the
coast for an extended stay and is reg
istered at the Hotel Seaside. She is
chaperoning the Misses Elsa. Janet and
Jeanette Meier, three attractive young
girls, who devote much of their time
to horseback riding and other outdoor
Prominent folk at the Hotel Seaside
for a short visit were Thomas Prince
and Mrs. H. T. Prince, who motored
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Beiknap were
among those who drove by machine to
Seaside from Portland. They were
entertained during their sojourn by
Mrs. Otto Winfelder, who has a pretty
cottage for the summer.
ilr. and Mrs. Randolph Flagg-have
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returned to the seacoast and plan to
spend a month here.
Judge Latourette spent the week
end at the beach with his family.
Miss Jessie Adamson of Portland is
passing: a fortnight at the Pacific View
hotel. Mrs. Gardner and daughter
Margaret of Paisley, Scotland, are also
guests at the hotel. J. Gardner spent
the week end with them.
Vance Ferguson was the guest of his
sister, Mrs. David Clay, over the week
Mr. and Mrs. R. Harvey and son Rob
ert of Boise, Idaho, have taken a cot
tage for the summer.
Mrs. Alan Welch Smith entertained
informally at te"a at Ye Betty Lamp tea
shop, honoring several summer visitors.
Ivan Humason of Portland spent the
week end in Seaside on a business trip.
Folger Johnson, Portland architect,
spent last week end at the' seashore.
Mrs. Percy Stowell and two children
h'ave taken a Sixth avenue cottage for
the summer season. Miss Jennet Han
cock is spending ten days with them.
Mrs. M. Blakely and family are
housed in a Seaside cottage.
Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed is numbered
among those who are making an ex
tended visit at the beach. She is at the
Hotel Seaside.
A number of Portlanders who are at
Gearhart and Seaside went to the city
to attend the Falk-Citron nuptials
Wednesday. Mrand Mrs. Henry Metz
ger were amongrhem. Miss Mae Hirsch
returned to the coast with them to be
their guest for a few days. Captain El
mer J. Clark, of the tir service was a
recent guest at the Metzger home, "Ala
Bama." In Aldernook Mrs. B. T. Soden and
daughter. Miss Frances Soden, and Mrs.
Foster Murphy are summering.
Recent arrivals in Seaside are Ma
dame de la Barthe and her daughter,
who have opened their cottage.
Miss Virginia Giles of Portland was
the guest of Miss Joyce Ball for several
S. P. Thompson is occupying a sum
mer cottage. W. A. Viggers is also a
cottager at Seaside.
One of the Merrill cottages on the
boardwalk is sheltering J. Hochfeld
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lebeck have
come from Astoria to spend the sum
mer in a Seaside cottage.
Miss Josephine Harker Smith has as
her guest Miss Marian Mosurvey.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCarl and baby,
who have been at the Shepherd cottage,
returned home by motor this week.
P. G. Wascher of Portland recently
opened his attractive summer bunga
low. Lowell Paget of the Ellison-White
company spent several days in Seaside
in the interest of the Chautauqua held
this week.
Kennime Lodge is sheltering J. A.
At Wayside cottage Mrs. Mary Ristig
and daughter are installed for the sea
son. An interesting event of the week was
the lawn party given by women of the
Episcopal Calvary chapel. The guild
received the funds from the affair,
which was attended by many members
and friends of the church. '
J. D. Kennedy, who has been spend
ing the holidays in a cottage here, has
returned to Portland.
Mrs. Fred Ballin is a cottager at Sea
side. Another cottage is occupied by
A. L. Barbur and E. J. Bartholomey is
numbered among the summer eolony.
An artistic home on the ocean front
has recently been purchased by J. A.
Domiciled in a cottage for the sum
mer are Mr. and Mrs. (Frank J. Nolan
and family.
A pretty bungalow in Hermosa Park
has been taken by Miss Alta Merriss.
Mrs. Julius Louisson will spend the
balance of the season at the Carter cot
Harry Duthie of Seattle is occupying
a cottage in Hermosa Park. B. L.
Veaton of Irvington is numbered among
those who enjoy the summer , beach
Mrs. Willis Fisher and daughter
Florence are housed in a cottage at
Miss Edna Harbaugh will spend the
season in a Hermosa Park cottage.
Mrs. J. A. Laing is a summer visitor
at the beach.
Mrs. Charles Alward has as her house
guests Mrs. H. K. Boord of Portland
and Mrs. John Kopp Jr. and three chil
dren of Bozeman, Mont.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Moore entertained
Jack Pollock of Spokane for a few
Miss Mabel Kasiska of Pocatello. Ida
ho, is domiciled in a Hermosa Park
The entire summer will be spent at
Seaside by Mrs. E. A. Walters of Twin
Falls, who has a cottage.
Mrs. B. J. Bure is summering at the
coast in an attractive bungalow.
Mrs. M. E. Teal spent a few days In
Seaside this week.
Sir. and Mrs. David Xelson of Pen-1
Attractions at Various Resorts
sjA 'xo Zf f
dletou motored to Seaside ana will oc
cupy a cottage for the summer.
In a Fourth avenue cottage H. C.
Phillips of Portland is residing.
Mr. and Mrs. William Peterson and
family, also of Pendleton, have a pretty
cottage for the summer months.
Eldora Is the name of a cottage shel
tering Mrs. A. D. Haseltine and daugh
ter. Miss "Elizabeth Haseltine, Mi
Herman Anzerman and son Clyde and
Mrs. J. M. Buchanan. Mrs. Haseltine
and her daughter will return to Port
land shortly.
Mrs. H. Nelms of "Valla Walla is en
joying a vacation at the seashore.
Among those who have opened their
cottages recently are Mrs. H. A. Blyun
and Miss Catherine Blynn.
Mrs. E. E. Ruby and three children
are at Seaside. Professor Ruby of the
Whitman college staff is expected .home
from service in France.
In a Hermosa Park bungalow Mrs
Kirby Whitehead Is summering.
Mrs. George Swetland of Vancouver,
Wash., is passing the season in a cot
tage. Mrs. E. M. Bluerock and daughter of
Vancouver are sojourning here.
Mrs. Clara Quinn and daughter are
summer visitors, having recently taken
a cottage here.
Miss Catherine H. Percival has
opened her cottage and has as her
guest Miss Clara Robinson.
Mrs. Dewey Drumheller of Walla
Walla arrived at Seaside Friday and
will spend the summer in a Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. J. Murphy have a pretty
cottage for the summer.
Miss Elizabeth Douthie is numbered
among those who have cottages at Sea
side. A very attractive home Is being built
in Hermosa Park by Alfred J. Bingham.
Miss Margaret Doud has come to
spend the summer with her aunt. Mrs.
H. W. Hogue, at the Hotel Seaside. Miss
Doud graduated from the University
of California last spring and during
hercourse won several honors. She is
a resident of Portland.
At the Pacific View hotel are Louis
E. Des Voigius, Spokajie, Wash.: Mrs.
A. Jorgensen, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. O.
E. Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Miles, Mr. and
Mrs. W, E. Simontou and Mr. and Mrs.
McCreery, ail of Portland.
P. L. Hewes and L. E. Hewes have a
tent near the ..ocean front. Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Butts are enjoying tent lifo
at Seaside. Mr. and Mrs. H. Klos
terman and Mrs. E. R. Lacey and son of
Seattle are also spending their vaca
tion in camp life.
Necanicum Inn register includes:
Mrs. S. A. Kitsin. F. W. Kilsin. Boise,
Idaho: Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Bauman, Mrs.
J. A. McCarty, Mrs. W. C. Hervey. Port
land, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Whltson.
Betty and Henry Whitson. Boise, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McMillan of San
Francisco are sojourning this summer
at Seaside .
Mrs. J. K. Eichenlaub is entertaining
her sister, Mrs. liarry Shields.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilton have
opened their cottage for the summer.
Mrs. D. R. Cheney and children are
occupying a cottage for the summer.
Mr. Cheney will join them later.
Arrivals at the Hotel Seaside include
H. C. Campbell, Seattle: Roy Robinson.
Portland; Mr. and and Mrs. Edgar Le
honberger, Portland; Mrs. L. A. Angell,
Vancouver, B. C; Miss Eloise Angell.
Vancouver, B. C: Mr. and Mrs. F. R.
Graff. W. H. Chotten. Mr. and Mrs. F.
E. Adams, Portland: Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Xoyes. Dubuque. Iowa: Mr. and Mrs.
L. C. Newlands, Portland: A. E. Fraser,
D. A. Fraser. Victoria. B. C: Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Barton. Portland; M. T. Mc
Cully. Seattle: J. C. Pilkington. Port
land; Mr. and Mrs. George F. Baskett,
Lewiston; Evelyn M. Coleman. Spo
kane; E. H. Stone. Richard O'Malley.
Mrs. J. H. Worsley. Mrs. L. A. Cruik-
shank, R. E. Davis. Mrs. Margaret J.
Shaw, Portland; Walter W. Hart. The
Dalles; Mrs. I. N. McGrath, Kphrata.
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Kennedy,
Seat-tie; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rnlburd,
Castle Rock. Wash.: Pearl Shoemaker,
Mildred Robin. Esther Robin. Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Craig, Denver. Colo.;
MK and Mrs. A. A. Ferris. Portland;
Roscoe F. Hunt, A. A. Hall, M. Cameron.
Helen Jones, Portland: Marion Buckley,
Hazel Bllnn. Portland; John McBride.
S. Evanko. Miss Falk. A. Bache, Great
Falls, Mont.; A. H. Ansrelo. San Fran
cisco; H. W. Hogue, Mrs. K. Buckley.
Phlilp KVleger. Mrs. E. Ball, Richara
Howell, E. R. Holt. Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. C. Moran, Rainier; Dora Williams,
Lelab' Deeter, Gooding. Idaho; K. Os
burn. Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fow
ler. Portland: James P. Moffett. Mrs. S
C. Moore. Mrs. ssteffansen. Portland;
Mrs. R. M. Michelsen. Inez R. T. Michel
sen. Konrad Michelsen, New York city;
E. L. Worrell. J. -T. Pragg. Portland.
Several young maids and matrons
were included in an Informal luncheon
at the Ye Betty Lamp tea shop. Covers
were placed for Mrs. Victor Strode.
Mrs. Henry Feldman. Misses Elise Feld
man. Helen Dunn and Mabel O'Brien.
George Jehlinger and -Victor Striker
Along Seashore and Ideaf Weather Enjoyed by Thousands
, - . t . , - .
PAoib aaj j&iaofca y Sziall'o
were week-end visicors at the Pallay
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Heavener of Port
land are occupying a pretty cottage on
the boardwalk.
Miss Eulalie Crosby and Miss Mildred
Bettinger of The Dalles are sojourning
at the beach for a fortnight.
Mrs. A. J. Meier entertained Several
friends at luncheon at the Hotel Sea
side Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C". Judd and son Henry
of Pendleton and Mrs. James Dickson
and son Frank motored to the beach for
a stay of several days. They are at the
Hotel Seaside. Both the young men
have recently returned from service in
Glorious Views Witnessed From Sand
Ridge at Geariiart.
GEARHART. Or., July 26. (Special.)
Although a good sunset Is always
worth watching, when viewed from the
great sand rfdge of Gearhart across a
quiet expanse of ocean it is doubly
appealing. Of late the sunset hour
has been of great beauty,. a few clouds
in the sky. hanging low,' close to the
horizon have caught the reds, yellows
and crimsons which seem to flame
brighter Just after the sun has sunk
from sight and then to fade, into pale
pinks, lavenders and soft yellows. The
evening star, noticeably brighj. can
be seen without hindrance of street
lights and it is Interesting to watch
Tillamook Head stand out bold and
tugged and to see it gradually blur,
to see the lights of far off Seaside
twinkle, to feel that another day of
the summer season has drawn to a
Summertime Is supposed ordinarily
to be a time for much play and no
work, but several Gearhart women
have been very busy of late. The de
sire to "do" their hotrsvs, a chronic
ailment with most women, has come
upon them and it is quite the usual
thing to meet prominent women with
paint pot in hand, applying artistic
bunches of flowers to the living room
table. The fad for painted furniture
is well in the lead.
With an eye for reconstruction, art
and originality, some Gearhart homes
have been made lovely during the past
few weeks. Picking up an Interesting
desk here, a golden -oak chair some
where else, resurrecting a table or
eld wardrobe, some artistic summer
furnishings have been accomplished by
the use of paints and enamels. Cool
shades have been used or bright.
cheery ones for emphasis. quaint
fruits, flowers and figures, a bit of
vine or other decoration has been ap
plied and the result has been very
usable and attractive summer fur
niture. The personal Interest of the
mistress of the house has come to be
felt in the summer homes as well as
In the more permanent town houses.
Gearhart has a spacious appearance
which the opening of all cottages can
not mar. Many have come down re
cently and the men are making their
regular week-end trips to the coast.
Complimenting Miss Helen Simon,
who will return to her home in San
Francisco shortly, Mrs. William Ehr
m n entertained at luncheon at Ye
Bettv Lamp. Her guests Included Mrs.
James Rosenfeld. Mrs. Lloyd Frank.
Mrs. Aaron Frank and Mrs. Henry W.
Metzger. Other affairs were given in
honor of the popular visitor.
Miss Dorothy Goldsmith is the house
irnem of Miss Irma Hart at Gearnart.
Mi. Irma Rothchild is entertaining
Miss Florence Bloch at the Rothschild
Mrs. Coe McKenna, who is summer
ing at Gearhart with her mother Mrs.
J. P. O'Brien, was the Inspiration lor
nrettv luncheon at Ye Betty Lamp at
which Miss Cook was hostess. Covers
were placed for seven.
Dr. Arthur Rosenfeld came to Gear
hart to visit his sister, Mrs. Aaron
Frank, who is spending the season
Among those who are spending an
enjovable summer at Gearhart la G.
C. Johnson.
C H- Davis spent the week end at
his pretty Gearhart cottage which was
recently opened.
E. L. Devereaux has a cottage at
Gearhart for the summer holidays.
A. Dawson Jr., In numbered among
tboe of the cottage colony.
W. O. Van Schuyver came down to
spend the week end with his family
st their cottage. He is an interested
golfer and always makes It a point to
spend some of his short holidays on
the links. James Van Schuyver will
lve shortly for Eastern Oregon to
spend the rest of the summer.
Mrs A. Colberg is summering: at
G arhart.
Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Holt are at Gear
hart for ttie holidays.
An attractive affair at Gearhart was
Mrs. Max iiirsch's tea at her beautiful
summer home. Bridge was played
during the afternoon and a large num
ber of prominent women were biaden
to share In the affair.
Among those who have recently
come to tho coast for the summer are
Mr. and Mrs. George Black and Charles
Plack. They will occupy a cottage.
Miss Ann was hoaxess for a
dancing party at which many ef the
younger set were present.
Bonfires, Informal Supper rarties
and Dancing While Hours Away.
NORTH BEACH. Wash., July 26.
Beach life is getting Its stride as the
season advances. As additional cottages
open and the hotel registers fill, there
is added impetus for all sorts of hikes,
picnics and pleasure trips. Bonfires,
inforjnal supper parties and the dance
claim the attention of many. The Long
Beach dance hall Is a center for the
young people In the evening, for par
ties from all along the beach gather
One of the regular events of one's
summer at North Beach Is the trip to
Sand island, a seining ground In Ba
kers bay. The island, named so because
it is just a sandbar with a scattering
of wind-blown grass and no other vege
tation, is reached by launches, which
mav be taken at Ilwaco. Picnickers
usually pack a big basket luncheon and
spend the entire day on me isiana, ior
the seining is always Interesting. Horses
pull in the huge nets from the bay. and
when there is a good catch the sight
of hundreds of flopping, struggling
salmon Is worth seeing. Many Portland
high school and college boys spend
their summers seining on the Island.
Although the motor has made many
places more accessible for an Increas
ing number of people, there are still a
few trips which must be made on foot
and which are reserved for the most
strendous folk. The Baird's hollow hike
Is one which requires plenty of energy,
for the trail winds over bills, through
dense undergrowth and tall forests,
and several stretches are made at reck
lessly steep angles and require a sure
footed climber. When the beautiful
hollow is reached there Is a fine stretch
of clean sand, pure spring water, drift
wood for the campfire and numberless
rocks and caves to explore. The hollow
Is very secluded and Is one of the love
liest spots on the beach. ,
Several girls took the Sand island
trip Wednesday, going across the bay
early in the morning and spending the
entire day picnicking and watching the
fishing there. The party included Misses
Mildred Lauderdale. Katherine Lauder
dale, Frances Lounsbury. Arllne Cam
eron. Elisabeth Hicks. Susie Hicks, Vio
let Dwyer and several others.
Mrs. D. E. Dunbar is spending the
summer months at cer cottage and has
with her the Misses Eva. Gladys and
Margaret Versteeg and Miss Leah Min
iard. A fortnight at the beach is being
enjoyed by Mrs. M. Keep and Miss Clara
Krash and Miss Charlotte Crash. They
have a cottage at Shelburne station.
Mrs. L. E. Kern and family of Port
land will spend a part of the summer
season at their Peavlew cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Prlvatt and Arlo Prl
vatt are among the cottage folk at
North Beach.
One of the most attractive places at
Seavlew Is the Allen cottage, which is
occupied this season by Mrs. A. M.
Ellsworth and daughter Joyce and Mrs.
A H. McGowan and daughter Mar
lrL Mr. Ellsworth spent the week
end with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Grimea are at their
Beach Center cottage.
The Selling cottage at Seavlew Is
being enjoyed by Mrs. Harry Dickinson
and family.
Garshawn, the McKensle cottage, will
be occupied this season by Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Wilcox.
The Marion Versteeg cottage at Hol-
man Is yie summer home of the O'Shea
Mrs. S. Stuby and daughter have the
Heo-ele cottage for the holiday season
Mr and Mrs. E. Wlngate and family
are summering in an attractive cottage.
In the Martin cottage Mr a. John Link-
later and Klorlne and Grace Link later
are domiciled.
The favorite North Hesd-Deadman'a
hollow trip was taken Monday by
large party of picnickers. They hiked to
the rieaa. visnea inw KUcrnnirni
tion there and then lunched in. the hol
low. Those In the group were Doris
Wlldman. Leona Frag. Mary McMahon.
Hazel Brown. Edna Carr. Elizabeth
oHare. Josephine Mann. Rose Deery.
Adelaide O'Hanlon. Violet Prag. Alice
O Hare. Adratn Wildman. Harry Cole
man. Arthur Prag. Waldo Holse. Harry
uevurtz, Paul Forsythe. Thomas McMa
of People.
hon, Ralph Prag. Arthur Jackson. A. B.
Wacklin, Leo Krause. John O'Donnell
and Francis O'Hsre.
Mrs. Charle Kahn of Portland and
her brother. Harry Hexter of Pendleton.
pent a week at the roast and wve reg
istered at the Hotel Shelburne. They
have now gone to Seaside for a short
Cottagers at North Beach Include B.
C. Ball. H. F. Kerron and E. C. French.
Mrs- Sylvan Durkhelmer will be en
tertained at the home of Mrs. Ida Low
enson for a few days next week.
The attractive Schneider cottage Is
sheltering Mr. and Mrs. William Whe
lan and children. Jack. Dick and Jean,
and Mrs. M. L. Butler.
Mrs. O. A. Cook is spending the sea
son In her pretty cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark and Mrs. Fink
are housed In one of the Schneider
corteges for the season.
Dr. W. E. Ironsides and daughter are
spending the summer months at the
Miss Henrietta Baum. who has been
spending the rummer with her sister.
Mrs. Jerome Friedman, has returned to
Portland. Mrs. Friedman is now enter
taining Miss Bertha Baum and Leon
Baum for a fortnight.
J. Jk. Jennings has returned to the
beach to visit with his family, who
are summering here.
A trip to North Head and Deadman's
hollow was the diversion of Wednesday
for several Beach Center folk. Mrs. W.
C. Bernitt arranged the trip, which
was made by motor.
Mr. and Mrs. Julius T. Welnsteln and
chllren. Shirley and Royal, of Juneau.
Alaska, are the guests of Mr. Weln
steln's mother. Mrs. S. Welnsteln. for
the summer at Long Beach. They are
domiciled at the Hughes cottage.
Fred Jacobsen catne down for a few
days' stay this week with his wife and
son at their cottage. Halcyon Villa.
Harry Coleman has returned to Port
land after a slay at the beach with
his family.
The Moore cottage Is the summer
abode of R. E. Doyle.
Jacob Schwlnd Is spending the week
at his cottage. Cosy Corner, where Mrs.
Schwlnd will remain for the summer.
The funeral services for J. W. Sea
bore, who was drowned on the fishing
rocks June 14. were held Tuesday in
Ilwaco. Seaborg lived In both Ilwaco
and Portland and waa also well known
on the beach.
Miss Nettle Varney and Miss Hattle
Harrison have one of the North Beach
Inn tents for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Larson and Louis
A. Larson of Portland are tenting at
Newtons station.
Mrs. Percy W. Lewis and daughters.
Dorothy and Stella, of Portland are so
journing in a Tioga cottage.
An informal evening at the home of
Mrs. J. W. Day was an event of Thurs
day evening. A buffet supper was
served beach style. Those Included
were Mrs. W. C. Bernitt and children.
MVs. J. C Meyer and daughter. Mrs.
Frederick Learned and Miss Helen
Mrs. J. C. Meyer has as her house
guests Mrs. Frederick Learned and her
niece. Miss Helen Shelve, of Portland.
Evergreen cottage, at Beach Center,
is housing Mr. and Mrs. Max Llpman
and little son. who motored down Tues
day from Seattle. They will remain at
the coast for a few weeks.
An automobile party from Roseburs;
spent several days at the Vosburg cot
tage and left Thursday to vtslt Port
land and other cities en route to the
southern town. The party Included Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Vosburg. Mr. and Mrs. J.
Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hutchin
son and daughter May.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Huget Jr.
have returned to Portland after a stay
at the coast.
An attractive Beach Center cottage Is
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Ballla
and children.
A merry picnic at Deadman's hollow
Monday included Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Seaman. Mrs. M. J. Seaman, Mrs. L.
Marshall. Arlle Seaman and L. H. PearL
The Seamani are at their cottage. Fern
wood. Driftwood registrants are: Elizabeth
Owen. Spokane: Annie Payne. Portland:
F. E. Robinson. Chinook; Ernie Flts
gerald. Centralis. Wash.; J. B. Bargar,
Seattle; Ora G. Black. Mrs. C. C. Black,
Gladys Black, Centralis, Wash.: J.
Goldstone. Verna Goldstone, W. F. eiorn
well. Portland.
Those registered at the Seavlew ho
tel are: Mrs. R. B. Mutzlg and children.
Katherine and Dorothy; R. H. Kaltz.
Georgian E. smedley. R. J. Linden, Mr.
and Mrs. P. T. Ange, Frank T. Davis.
Dr. L. M. Bolre. Mrs. E. M. Snn. M. R.
Pareliu, all of Portland: W. P. Zindorf.
Seattle, Wash.; R. W. Ransom. Knapp
ton. Wash : M. T. Yardln. J. J. Sullivan.
Seattle. Wash.: James C. Mitten. Puy
allup. Wash.: W. R. Peters, South Bend:
G. E. Frevert, Salt Lake, and Mr. and
Mrs. M. V. Blrkett. Spokane.
The Shelburne hotel register Includes:
Adolph Feldstetn. Bertha. Malvlna and
Harry Feldsteln. Portland: Mrs. J. Grif
fith. Kansas City. M : Mr. and Mrs. E.
C. Griffin. Mary Griffin, Mrs.R. G. Mc
pherson, Agnes Ludwlg. Katherine Ball,
Joseph Sherman. Margaret Zwanzig,
Jesse Walrath. Portland; Sam Walrath,
Mildred Walrath. Alice Morrow, Chi
cago. HI.
Mrs. J. E. Cameron and daughter.
Miss Arline Cameron, are at Seaview
and have a cottage for a few weeks.
Fred Bay of Portland visited the
beach early in the week.
Herbert Hayward has returned to
Portland after a visit with friends at
the seashore.
i Sunset hotel register includes: Sadie
K. McKensie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gates,
John Lawrence Krause. Mrs A. L.
Krause. Mrs. L. Krause. L. Leonard
Krause. of Portland and DUla Vieri of
The Dalles. I
The register at Welsh's hotel shows
the following names for the week end:
Mrs. I. E. Hewin and son. Billings,
Mont.; Mrs. J. I Greene and son. Tort
land; John C. Bredeen. Portland; F. T.
Billerman. R H. McAlpln. Portland;
Mrs. R. s. Henderson. Raymond. Wash.;
J. M. Slegman. Portland; John L. Smith.
In a group of little cottages at Sea
more Court a number of families are
enjoying tr-.e summer holida)a. Those
having cottages in the court are: Miss
E. Bower, Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Martin
and daughter, Doris. Hilda Reudy.
Gertrude Roehr. Ethel and Gertrude
Llnd. Mrs. George Chambers and chil
dren. Mary. Virginia and John, Mrs.
Arthur Wiese and children. Francis.
Mirttrel and Arthur Jr.
Miss Ruth Llnd and M. McColl were
week-end guests at Seamore Court-
R. E. Smith spent the week-end with
his family at their North Beach cot
tage. Mr. and Mrs. Doffilmeyur returned
to the city Sunday after a stay at the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McXtry are at
Hclman station on their wedding trip.
Their marriage was a recent event in
Hood River.
Bar View Visitors Make Excursion
by Boat lo Bar Ocean.
BAR VIEW. Or.. July 26. (Special.)
After beating about outside ot Tilla
mook bar most of Friday afternoon,
the three-masted yacht r n Jtian sig
nalled the coast guard station for a
pilot. Captain Robert Farley of the
coast guard responded, but owing to
the shutting don of the fog the ves
sel was forced lo beat northward, sail
ing Into Astoria the following day. The
San Juan, owned by Robert Moran of
Seattle, was chartered for a trip from
San Diego to Seattle, but was forced
to make narsor because of shortage ot
food snd fuel oil.
Taking with them the Far View
orcueaira. a party of about 40 Bar View
people made an excursion in their own
boats to Bay Ocean Monday afternoon.
After a delightful dip in the nata
torium the merrymakers .repaired for
dinner to the Bay Ocean hotel, where
they spent an enjoyable evening dan
cing. D. B. Mcllravy. representing the fed
eral government In the capacity of vo
cational adviser, made a special trip
from Seattle .o xiar View In the Inter
ests of several disabled soldiers living
here. He brought with him insurance
payments due the ex.-soldiers and an
ofter to them of vocational training
courses at government expense.
The Earl Fuller Jazz band, located at
Bar View for the summer, spent several
days last week in Tillamook, where
they filled a special engagement with
the Chautauqua.
Mr. and Mrs. Robcrr Anderson of
Portlsnd spent the week as guests of
Captain. and Mrs. Robert Farley at the
coast guard station.
Csptatn George May arrived on his
boat, the Macon. Monday from Yaqulna.
He will make a brief visit with his
sister, Mrs. Robert Farley.
Registered at Villa camp are Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Crlger. Huber and Minnie
Crlger. Mr. and Mra. Alex Home. Mr.
and Mrs. M. L. Higgina. Mr. and Mra.
Naeve. Mrs. Marshall. C. J. Kelly and
family. Mrs. Curry, Charles Richanbach.
Portland: D. B. Mcllravy, Everett.
Wash.; J. J. Mehr and C A. Eason. Ne
halem: Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Laws.
Rogue River: Mrs. Mary Hurd and Iva
Hurd. Aberdeen; Mr. and Mrs. A R.
Clement and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Rice,
Timber: Mrs. R- B. Goeldner and H. L.
Goeldner. Carlton; Mr. and Mrs. S. Kice.
McPherson. Kan.
Mr. and Mra. A. Wendel and son Ken
neth, Mllwaukie. are at Ellis cottage
for the season.
At Carter's cottages are Mr. and Mrs.
H. Z. Lockwood. San Francisco; Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Feldt. Buxton: Mr.
and Mrs. C. R. Cpham. Glen and Flor
ence L'pham. Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Jsnes of Portland
have opened their cottage, Lakeview,
for the week.
Wise Way registrants for the week
are Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Stearns, Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Sammans. lss May Pferd
ner. Dr. H- A. Hueffman. Elmo Hueff
man. Dr. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
waid Mesner. T. C. Shaw, Portland; MrK
and Mrs. E- P. Smiley and Mr. and
Mrs. William Smith. Warrenton; Mr.
and Mrs. George Titus. Hoidredge, Neb.;
Jessie Lane, Pittsburg: Miss Marie
Chrletensen, Moskegen, Mich.; Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Wogg. Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
iouiion. iiuimuuK, .mi , vtuson ana
daughters. 'Brighton: Mr and Mra H 8.
BrlmhaL Nehalem; Dr. and Mrs. J. Cook.
McMinnvllle: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lilly
and Mrs. W. C. Corbett. Corvallls; Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Csdy. Mr. and Mrs. I.
Mann and Mr. and Mrs. John Raines.
Forest Gro.
Mr. and Mrs. Thurmaa Butler md
Family Have Exciting Experience.
ROCKAWAY. Or.. July 26. Special.)
While spinning along the bea-h near
low-water mark Thursday the automo
bile containing Mr. and Mrs. Xruman