THE SUNDAY OHEGONIAN, POETLANU, JTJXY 27, 1919. 21 BUTTER PRICES ARE UP kWeek Closes With Coast Mar ket in Good Condition. RICE TREND IS UPWARD Some Accumulation of Private Hold ings Reported Here Fluctua tions Xoted In San Francisco. - Recardinc conditions in the butter mar- eta of the coast and eastern states during he week past the bureau of markets of the apartment of agriculture eays: The butter markets at San Francisco and 'ortland were characterized by a steady firm feellnff throughout the week Just osed. Trading was rather quiet, both kcally and with outside markets, due part- ' to prevailing high prices compared with her markets. While some fluctuations are feted at San Francisco, prices advanced lc San Francisco and He at Portland for he week closing Friday. Private stocks show seme accumulation ft Portland, while at San Francisco stocks lave been reduced about 49,500 pounds. Re ceipts of butter for the week at both mar pets amounted to 603.S73 pounds, compared pith 494.050 pounds for the previous week. Cold storage stocks increased 141,462 pounds at Baa Francisco. Portland and Seattle dur ing the week' against an increase of 191,270 pound for the previous week. ( "The butter market the past week ex hlblted great uniformity in prices in Chicago, New York, Boston and Philadelphia. The tone was about steady all week without a show of decided strength or weakness at, any time. An undercurrent of unsettlednesa has, however, been apparent at times. Trading has had to go largely on its own Irgs this week. With practically no export buying .of any account on the eastern mar bets consumptive demand has had to ab sorb all the butter not stored, and storage holdings show only about half the Increase aoted in recent weeks. As receipts have fallen very considerably, these outlets have JuFt about nicely taken care of the butter, and street stocks even show some reduction. Some active trading is noted In storage but' ter on each of the markets, particularly large turnovers being noted at Chicago dur ing tho week. "Country reports show considerable shrink age In many sections, due largely to dry weathor conditions and consequent Injury to pastures. Heat continues to affect ar rivals and really fine butter meets ready sale nd often obtains a premium, undergrades. r.1 particularly 'firsts have nevertheless met a very active demand thig week. Cen tralized cars have shown serious loss quality and it is only an occasional one that will pass a, full OO-score. These have met ready sale while the poorer cars .were in cllned to drat;. "All four market appeared weak at the close of last Friday tut remained unchanged on Saturday. By Monday a better feeling was noticed at Chicago, and Philadelphia thowed H cent advance. The other markets remained Just about steady and unchanged, however, until Wednesday, when each made a '.a cent advance and Chicago gained an other i cent. Even this slight advance seemed to be more than the market cou.rt .support. New York and Philadelphia each lost the Vj cent on Friday. The -market closed easy and unsettled. Closing prices were 52 H cents at Chicago, 54 cents at New York and P5 cents at both Boston and Phil adelphia. This was 4 cent higher than Monday's price at Chicago, cent higher at Boston and the same at New York and Philadelphia. "Receipts for the week from Saturday to .Friday, inclusive, for the four markets to tal 179,217 tubs, as compared with 207,855 tor last week, a decrease of 2S.638 tubs. "Cold storage holdings were increased 4.154.319 pounds on the above four market as compared with an increase of 4.826,533 pounds last week.1 BARLEY MARKET IS SHADE WEAKER receipts throughout the week In excess of the demand and poor quality of some of the offerings. Most of the complaint heard waa regarding Imperial Valley stock, a good deal of which waa off grade. This, how- w . w f .. A .Jt ... nnsaar ii v ci , xi as ueea ; ickucu u v . was. there is Jittlo doubt that the trad, will be supplied with cantaloupes that are up to standard. At the close yesterday stanaaras were selling to retailer, at $2-50 to $3. Turlock, Cal., reported, warm, clear weather, with demand and movement good. Brisk Peach Trade Beported. An approximate clean-up In the peach market was affected yesterday, the demand being such as to take the bulk of the of ferings, and that without any disastrous slashing of prices. Only a few small offer ings from the south were reported, ana tne meagernets of arrivals contributed to the strength of the market. California, for tho most part sold at 1.25 to U.50, while Ore gons went at Jl to $1.23. The watermelon market wu oversuppneu. no cars arriving from California, and prices showed a, declining- tendency. Dealers quoted Jl.aO to 2.50 per hundred, according to quality and variety. Bank Clearing,, -tr .i.i.mmt of the Portland clearing house show, the following totals: ., " 4.0X7.043 Balances .' " ". - ' Corresponding aay wcc. Clearings 7?5u4S Balances - Ji'JS Total for the week sS'Eal'Si? . ... j i hi K .... ii3.ol4,&41 Clearings and balance, in oiuer "- western cities: c.rtnr. Balance Seattl 1-J?5-?RS Tacoma JSi-'i" ilV-rVk Spokane .............. x.o.". ' STOCKS REGAIN STRENGTH GENERAL IMPROVEMENT NOTED . IX SECTRITIES 3fABKET. PORTLAXD MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc Merchants Exchange, noon session. D1U Oats No. 3 white feed Barley No. 3 blue. ...... Standard feed . . Corn- No. 3 yellow July. 66. 00 til. 00 Aug. $58.00 67.00 60.00 Sept. 58.00 67.50 60.00 75-00 75.00 R5.00 67.50 PS.OO 58.00 75.00 75.00 62.00 62. AO per E lightly Lower Prices Are Quote at the Merchants Kxchange. Xeeines of 50 cents to 91 on July and CAn gust barley. No. 3 blue, developed In the trading at the Merchants' Exchange yester day, wiping out a part of the bulge of the day before. In the oats and ( corn trade only minor fluctuations were recorded. Eroomhall reported as follows: "Clearances of wheat continue to be maintained and It is Interesting to note that a substantial portion of the ship ments Is destined to the United Kingdom, and France is alio receiving a good per centage. As usual, shipments of com are of small proportions. The outward move ment of oats la somewhat disappointing. Sot some improvement in the clearances of this grain is looked for. Shipments of rye how a decrease as compared with pre- Tious week, but clearances of barley have. enlarged and Holland is receiving a large portion of tho total quantity." Weather reportj for the middle west were fcs follows: "Minnesota, clear, hot: "Wisconsin, cloudy, .hard rain last night; Chicago, clear, hot, maximum yesterday 95 degrees; St. Ixmis, clear, fine; Kansas, clear 0; Iowa, Daven port, clear, hot, no rain; Hutchinson and Topeka, clear, hot; Ohio valley, clear, hot, HO rain. "forecast North western disturbance will move slowly eastward during the next i6 tours. It will be preceded by high tem perature and generally fair weather from the plains states eastward and will be fol lowed by cold weather as far ea&t as Lake Michigan and southward to Kansas by Sun day night, with local showers tonight or Eunday over a considerable area." Receipts for the day, in cars, as report ed by the Merchants' Excl-wnge, were: vV heat.Brley.t-"our.Oats.Hay 75.00 Eastern corn and oats, bulk Oats No. 3 white D-j.oo as-lb. clipped 57.00 Corn .... No. 3 yellow..; 7o.25 Barley . WHEAT Government basis. bUFLOUIt Patents, $11.6011.65 delivered; $1145 at mill: bakers. 11.1511.30; whole wheat. tlo..JtiKt-w. T ,,, M1LLFEED Mill run, f. o. b. mill, car lots, 340 per ton; mixed cars. $40.50; ton lots or over. $41. 50; less than ton, $42; rolled barley. 63: rolled oats, S9; ground barley. 6:; scratch feed, $79. CORN Whole, ton. "5; cracked. $7T per 'HAT Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland; Alfalfa, new crop, J24.50620; Eastern Ore eon timothy, nominal. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER 91-score, 54c: 90-score. 53He; prima, parchment wrappers, box lots. 50c; cartons, 60c; half boxes, hie more: less than half boxes, lc more; butterfat. No. 1, 58 59c per pound. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets. 33c; Young Americas. 34c; Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point triplets. 31itc; Young America,, 33c; lonihorns. o3 EGGS Oregon ranch, case count. 4748c: candled, 5051c; selects. 548-55c: Oregon Poultry association select, to retailers, 54c; association pullets, 49c. POULTRY Hen,, ::830e: broiler,. 229 30c; geese, ducks and turkeys, nominal. VEAL Fancy. 25c per pound. PORK Fancy. 1:8c per pound. Fruit, and Vegetable,. FRUITS Oranges, $5.25.T5:' lemon,. $7 rt Knv hanant!'. 9 l& U V- C ter OOUnd 1 P- ples, 3.50&4.23 per box; grapefruit, 5.SO euifiz cherries. 15ft 18c per pound; canta- lminea. S1.25&3 ner crate; apricots, 2 per box: peaches, 75c (Jj $1.50 per box; wai.rm.inns. 24fi3a tier wund; plums. $1.502.oO per box; raspberries, S.5093.75 per crate: loganberries, 13 per crate cran.. 1 4 ift 4 "5 ner box : nears. S4&4.25. VEGETABLES Cabbage, S3 per 100 nnundi: lettuce. $2.25 per crate; pep pers, $1.50 per box; beets, $3 3.50 per sack; wnmh.T... Sl(1.50 oer dozen: tomatoes. 1.251.50 per box; peas, 7 w 10c per pound; rhuharh At ner nound: beans. 8&10c POTATOES Oregon Burbank,, nominal; new California. 2ie3o per pound. ONIONS Walla walla, dO'C per pouna, California yellow, Hi5c per pound. Staple Groceries. Local jobbing quotations: sugar Sack basis. Fruit or berry. $9.65 beet. 0.55: Honolulu cane, $9.60; extra C. $9.15: powdered, in barrels, $10.25; cubes, in barrels. $10.45. NUTS Walnuts. 2735c: Brazil nuts. 35c filberts. 28c; almonds, 24$30c; peanuts. SALT Half-ground, 100?, $18 per ton; 50s 11.25 per ton: dairy. $25 per ton. RICK Blue Rose. 10c; head, 12c; broken Taiiin. fit rjer rjound. BEANS Buying price, medium white, 50 5c per pound. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 3550c Extreme Gains Scored In Motors and Affiliated Specialties Bond Market Reported Irregular. NEW YORK, Jul, 2. Moderat, act! Tit? and general strength were the striking fea ture, of tho week-end session ot the stock market. All claaM, of issues shared In the advance except rails, in which trading was largely restricted to low-priced stocks. Over-night announcement of the Intention of the Standard Oil company of New Jer sey to double Its capitalization and of other features connected with that Ventura -were accepted as indicative of a feeling of confi dence In the highest financial and Industrial circles. Extreme gains In motors and affiliated specialties, oils, equipments and food share, ranged irom 2 to 4 point,, a few secondary miscellaneous issues rising 3 to almost 1 points. Shippings were Immediately reaponslv, to news of the settlement of th, marine strike and a belated advance In metal, coupled with tiU higher quotation, for fu ture deliveries of relined copper. reversals oiiw: points during th, first hour were speedily overcome, mainly as a result of th, heavy absorption of United oiaies oieei, which was taken in large In. dividual lota up to 113-4, approximating th, week', best. Other leader, closed within fractions of tho day's maximum quotations. Sales amounted to 535,000 shares. The bank statement presented several In teresting features in the contraction of ac tual loans and discount, by $17.000,000, a decrease of slightly more than $106,0u0,000 In net demand deposit, and a nominal in crease of excess reserves. Bonds were Irregular, liberty Issues hold ing steady on light dealings. Total sales, par value, aggregated $5,350,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call during the week. ' CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. excepting certain of th. secondary shana. dwindled almost steadily. Motors and their many oecMorie. oils, tobacco, and food share, continued to bulk large on the speculative horizon, though sub jected to occasional reversals. On, of the week', most roasting g fea ture, was th, partial restoration of ex change rates on the mors Important for eign centers. Tho rally In sterling wss du, principally to several International under takings, including the purehas, of a large block of English-owned oil shares by Kuhn, Loeo 4V Co. SAX FRAN CISCO PRODUCE MAKKKT Price, Current aa Eggs. Tegeteblxs. Vroab Frail. Etc. at Bay City. BAN FRANCISCO. July 28. Rseelpui Flour, 2370 quarter,;- barley, 63H3 centals; onions, 1973 sacks; potatoes. 5478 sacks; bides, 1265; wine, SouO gallons; bay. 165 tons. Flour S-8s $12.90: wneat $2.20: oats rd feed. $2.8533-03: corn, California yellow, $3.2503.45; barley, feed 33 .mitl 15. Oranges. $4tt5.50: lemon, $406.50: grspo- frult, $3.50?4.50; bananas, 6fe t7,c; pineap ples. $1.502.50; apples. $1.5003; according to rrati, and tier; cherries li H f2Uc plum. $2;2.50; poaches, $1.2561-75 small lug box: aprlcota, (Holo poussl; cantaloupe,, $1.23, 1.73 standard: raspberries. 414U16 chest: strawberries. $14915: loganberries, red. $10 012; blackberries, $8911; figs, 75c $1 sin gle layer; grapes, nominal. Hay Wheat or wheat and oata, $18017 tarn, oat $13917: barley $12015; alfalfl $144918; barley straw oOOttoc; meals un quoted. Eggs Fresh extras, 67c: firsts. 63c Fryers, 83937c. according to quality. Am Beet Sugar. American Can.. Am Car & Fdry Am H ftvL old. American Loco. Am sm at Refg. Am Sugar Refg. Am Sum Tobac. Am Tel & Tel.. Am Z L & Sm.. Anaconda Cop.. Atchison A G sWISSL Baldwin Loco . . Bait A Ohio ... Beth Steel B . .. B&s Copper . . Calif Petrol .... Canadian Pacif. Central Leather. Che, & Ohio . .. Chi M & St P. .. Chicago & N W. Chi R I Ac Pac. . Chlno Copper .. Colo Fu & Iron. Corn Products.. Crucible Steel . . Cuba Cane Sug. Hops, Mohair. Etc. HOPS Orecon. 1918. 50 55c; 1917 crop, :(3r37c; 1916 crop. oOc: 1015 crop. 20?r25c; 1010 contracts, 50c; three-year contracts. HOC. 4lc. 30c. WOOL Eastern Oregon and Washington, 40 it 57c per pound; valley, 40 55c per pound. MOHAIR 101S clip. 55c per pound. TALLOW No. 1. 13c per pound; No. 2, 12c per pound: grease. 1rv 10c per pound. CASCARA BARK New, 10c per pound. GRAIN BAGS in carlots, 12S&13C. Sales. 200 8.500 4.200 40O 6 K 1.01 TOO 1.S00 400 OOO 4,400 S00 2.0O 11.700 600 13.S0O 600 2,700 400 4.3U0 500 300 "'500 400 23.500 12,700 110 II S Food Prods. 23.900 Erie General Electric General Motors. Gt Nor pfd . tit Nor Ore ctfs. llinols Central. Inspir Copper . . nr .m. -VI pro ... Inter Nickel ... Inter Paper .... K C Southern . . Kennecott Cop.. Louis at Nash . . Mexican Petrol. Miami Copper .. Midvale bteel . .. Missouri Pacific Montana Power. Nevada Copper. N Y Central . N Y N H & H . . Norf & West . .. Northern Vaclf. Pan-Am Petrol. Pennsylvania . -Pitts & W Va .. Pittsburg Coal.. Ray Consol Cop. Reading Rep Ir A Steel.. Sin Oil & Refg.. Southern Pacif. Southern Ry . .. studebaker Cor. Texas Co ...... Tobacco Prods. I'nlon Pacific . Unit Clg Ston II S Ind Alco U S Steel .... do pfd . . T'tnh Copper . .. Westing Electric Willys-Overland Roval Dutch . .. National Lead .. Ohio Cities 200 2,700 8O0 1.500 V.300 3.90O 2oo 500 200 500 V.5O0 200 8.200 BOO 600 3.600 ""200 7,.'."0 yoo 200 51 0 goo 8. son 2.100 12.::oo 6.700 1.500 12.400 700 16.R00 200 500 r.oo .9,.no 2'M) 1.700 1.9011 1.700 14. .".00 200 3.300 Last High. Low. Sale. lt 93 V 3hi O0 Vs 60 60 hi 120Vs Hk'i 119. 131 1:10 131 92 91 92 87 8)1 H 86 K 138K 13S3. 112, 111V lll-s 104 14 104 104-4 27 26H 27 "4 764 751, 704, 100 lOO lOo is 1611-i 18 169 110 112 11S 47 464 47 101 9U4 101 Li 29 4 29, 29 H 50 Vi 49 i 50S 163 1U3 163 's Hi 114 in;, 63 49 4SL& 49 10014 loo 100 v; 301, 49 49H 40S 52 51 Vi 02 95 94 14 044 144 HO. 142i 35 3.'i4 35 87 Vi 83 ii 86 V, inn ia it lBsv. 231 22S "4 23UVa .94 04 S 04 H ' 49 48 4 I007. 69 67 Vi 07 121 121 121 Vi SOT, 30 30 68 V4 67 V4 23 "i 23 Vi 23 Vj 42 42 42 V. 115V. 193 Vi 193 193 31 Vj 31 Vi 31 VS 58 Vi 57 5SVj 35 i 35 35 V, 76 7 76 2IVJ 80 V, 35 37 37 .IOSVj M5 95 05 117 116'V 117 46 45 46 39 39 39 70V, 70 70 27 T26 " 27 90 80 89 7 P 97 62 61 62 107 106 107 30 30 30 114 112 114 271 267 271 113 110 113 133 133 133 199 10 191 J44 142 144 113 111 113 117 117 117 9 95 n; 5S 57 T.S 37 no 37 97 96 P7 85 83 85 58 V 58 58 CORN MARKET UNSETTLED TRADERS GOING SLOW FENDIXG "WEATHER DEVELOPMENTS. Sentiment More or Less Uncertain at Close In Chicago Provisions Generally Neglected. HOES HOLDING UP FIRMLY; INDICATIONS ARE FOR CONTIX- CEI STRONG MARKET- CHICAGO, July 25. Prolonred drouth and hea.t led to further advances today In the value of corn. Closing quotations, though, wero unsettled cent net lower to H cent gain, with September 1.9oS 91. and December $1.6e4 8 1.66 . Oats moved a. shade to cent up. with provisions vary Inr from 2 cents decline to a rise of 40 cents. December, the chief new crop delivery, showed more plainly than other months the miss I vines with which corn traders viewed the adverse weather conditions. Buying of December was said to be In the main for the southwest, where serious dam age. If there were any. would first be likely to appear. Bulls contended that only soak ing general rains could avert widespread injury. No such downpours were yet in sight, but a forecast of local showers brought about some realizing sales, and to wards the last made sentiment more or less uncertain. The general disposition, was to go slow pending weather developments over Sunday. Anticipations of demand from Germany for rye and barley tended to strengthen oats. On the other hand liberal arrivals of oats were expected here on Monday. Provisions were neglected. Business was of so scattering a sort that price changes had but little real meaning. Leading futures ranged aa follows: CORN. Open. Hlffh. Pept. $1.0!. 14 $1.9rH Dec 1.65 1.6a OATS. Sept 73 K .80 14 Dec. S-U .83 MESS PORK. July .... .... Sept. 51.95 51.80 LARD. Sept, 34.47 34.6.1 34.45 Oct. U4.2u SHORT JOBS. July 28 I0 Sept 28.45 28.07 2d.4U C.vh prices were: Corn No. 2 mixed, $1.9 7 fe 1.98: yellow. J-LOOfrJ.Ol. ?t"rrN' - wnit C8lUc; No. 3 white. a V OIL. Bye No. 2. 11.63. Barley 1 r,2 1.40. Timothy t'XJUff 11.50. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard :4.40. Kibs JS.oit.50. Good Demand for Quality- Beef Ma terial Reported at Tards Sheep Slightly Easier. Ph. ran at th. Nortb Portland stork yard, ye,t,rdsy was a llsht ena. th, lOtaH bin( 77 Oatti. and Z4 cslv.s. r or to wrelc reealpts reported were HCJ catue. 3.--S eaWes. 2n boss and 3TOO ,neep. no carload. In all. The market yesterday showed llttl, or no chana-o from in. condition, of th. day before. Hogs wer. th. strong feature, and th. market 1, e,pctd to remain at or near th, present hirh l,yel until ther, I, som. material chans. In th. supply or de mand situation. Th. proapect im for con tinued moderat, offering, of pork ma terial. Dealers reported a continue rood de mand for good grad. beef atuff and prlc wer, said to b. holding op well. In th. sheep dlvUlon ther, has bean a rather .asy feeling for som day, past and values hav. declined somewhat, though a, yet there iias been no serious break Sale, for th. day Included th, following: Prlra I Wt. PrlC. 4 steer, .. 7 8 2.1 hog, ... 13 K2 2,teers .. o a. sr. S hog, ... m an. jo 14 cow, ... 01 7.71 Shoe, ... t'J IjlO 2 cow. ... ia IM UItmbt .. 7 12 &0 T.ooj a lamo, .. m 15. not & lamb, .. 54 9.00 40 lamb, .. 64 22 .SOI 2 lamb, .. 1 22 r0'25 lamb, . . BS Price, at th. yards war. aa follow rir-1 to cnolr. steers......... aledlum to choir, steers. Fair to good steer. Common to fair stem,. . . . . .... Good to choice cows, heifers... Medium to good cows. hUr Canner, ......-...-... Bull, Calves Blocker, and feeders. ...... Fair to medium cowa. bolter,. Prlm.mixed 11 fT? Medium mixed ?ogio PMmTlImbs 11-50I5-52 Fair to medium lambs , ! 2l2 ?2 VearJlngs Wethers I S Gwts eaOOd T.&4 2 calves.. . 300 20 calves. . . 220 3 calves.. .' 440 8 hogs ... left 7 hogs ... Id3 10. oo iu.00 12 50 9 on 9.00 9 .M 11 n.60 0 oo 7.75 .73 T.OOtf 7.50 7.50 9 OO 50 J .o8 S.OO 0 4.O0 5 iOtl 7.AO OlrflMl T.OOd io.o 4,00 0 &.M IrOW. $1.95 .71 Clone. 05. OO S4.eo 34.00 No. 2 Bid. TJ S ref 2 re...!,'N T C deb 6s..,!7 do coupon . Vi N T 4a 7H U s cv 3s reg..M IN P 3s 37 do coupon . I Pac .T A T 5s... U 8 4s res....M0Hi Pa con 4H.... m1 do coupon .-10H' S P cv 6s....l7',4 Am T AT cv 8a. 102 So Ry 3s f2 At-h gen 4s 7: (IT P 4s fc.". D & R O ref 5s. 59TsiU S Steel 3s....l0O Portland. Sat.. Irt Z . 1 7 Year atro 10 1 2 . . . . IS Total this week :7 12 H) 21 Year ago SS -'- 15 r. 82 Sf-ason to date. 171 45 t7 MX 4i Year aeo 121 21 t3 43 10rt Tacoma. FYi . . . 4 2 Yr ago gcHson trt date. T7 10 ... 25 35 Year ayn 2."l t .... 5 .... Seattle Fri. ... ...... 1 5 Year ago 4 . :: l j Pn-eon to date. 50 23 27 32 Year ago... . . r-- 3 1"u 47 Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS All Hizea. choice 43?44V.c; stand ard. 42 4?'4o1c; skinneU, i3-3trc; picnic, 27 t30c; cottage roll, 3rtc. LARD Tierce basis, 36c; compound, 30c per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 3035c; plates, 27Sj2Bc; exports, 31c. BACON Fancy. 53'e55c; standard, 40 49c; choice, 39 43c. oils. LINSEEO OIL Raw, barrels. $2.37; raw. case, f 2.47; boiled, barrels, $2.3&; boiled, cases, $2.49. TURPENTINE Tanks. 1.4ft; cases, ll.Sft. GASOLINE Iron barrels, 23Hc; tank wagon. 23'c; cases, 34c; engine distillate, iron barrels, 10c; tank wagon, 16c; caseit. 26 f. COAL OTL Iron barrel. 13 '.-i 16c; tank wagon, 13fic; cases. 24ia.,ic. Hides, FelU, Etc. HIDES Salt-cured hides. 30 lbs. and up, 32c; green hides, 30 lb. and up, 23c; salt cured bull hides, 24c; green bull hides. 17c; kip skins, T-om: 13 to 30 lbs-, 40c; trimmed calf ekins, 7Si; flint dry hides. 40c; i:int tl calf skins. 75c; dry horse hides, $1.500 4 oach; salted horse hides. ith heads on, It s each. PELTS Shearlings. 25c; dry wool pelts. 30c; green lamb pelts. l.50j each. RaupWrry Seanon Is Knrted. The raspberry season practic.'l'y came to a clone this week, and with thi market at the finish even stronger than at tl-ie open ing some weeks ago. From the time the ftrat reds began coming in to the wind-up the supply in the local market was far from adequate, and aa a consequence th-s price range throughout the season was the highest ever known here. Best reds sold generally at $3 to $4 a crate and blackcaps at $3 to $3.75. The cannery demand this year was an important factor in keeping th market vp. Blackberries now are coming in a limited way and meeting with an excellent demand, prices running from $2.75 to $3.23 gv crate, according to quality. Butter Production Increases. The preliminary report on production of creamery butter In the United States during the month of June just past, as compiled by the bureau of markets of.the department of agriculture, shows a production of 84, t 64S.613 pounds, which represents aa increase of 14,03 per cent over the production of June. 1918. This comparison Is based upon reports from 2249 factories. The production during June, 1918, was 3.643 pee. cent greater than June 1917 Cantaloupe Weak at Finish. The cantaloupe market at the wind-up yesterday waa a weak affair, the result of 1ft 4li 7SV, 9i 8'4 3H Hi 21 7rt 4tt'.i Bid. Mining 6tork at Boston. Allouez 49SINorth Butte . . Ariz Com 17 U Old Doiu Calu St Ariz .... 84 (Osceola C'alu A Hecla...4V3 IQuincy Centennial ..... 19 Superior , Cop Range .... 1 iSup & Boston. East Butte .... 144) Shannon Franklin S'vVtah Con .... lwle Rovalle ... 31 ii wolverine . Lake Copper ... t4!Grtnby Con .. Mohawk Greene Can .. Blooey, Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. July 2. Mercantile naoer. 5!4 i4 per cent. Stalling, eu-day bills. 4.,;j; commercial tni-av u or banks, $4.31 3 ; commercial 60-day bills, $4.32; de mand, $4.34 ; cables, $4.351j. Francs, demand, 7.20; cables. 7.18. Guild. ers. demand, 374: cables, 37 Lire, de- mand, b.02 ; cables. 6.60. M arks, demand. 0. DECREASE of GOLD STOCKS HIIOW BIG DROUGHT BCRSS COARSE GRAINS Record-Breaking- Hog Prices Also Factor in Corn Market. - CHICAGO. July 28. Widespread drought and record-breaking nign prices on hogs have carried the corn market thia week sharply upgrade. Compared with a week ago, corn quotations this morning showed jic to ts-ic advance, oats naa gained 1', to 1 o ana provisions were nearer oy 37c to $1.50. Iry, hot weatner aay arter day and no rain in eight exercised a constant intimidat ing effect. on trie oeara in corn and so like wise did lessening of hog receipts and suc cessive overtopping or an previous hog lues. Only absence of serious damage yet from lack of rain appeared capable of hold- ins the corn market from a further ascent, e?pet-ially a there were signs that car short age was developing in me middle west and that what the movement ol wheat having necessary preference the arrivals of corn would be meager for some time. BesideM. word from Argentina that new hieh crice records for corn had been established there attracted considerable attention. Oats climbed to the Highest prices yet this season. The bulge was due to predic tions that the I'JlB-yield would be leis than the average. Assertions tnat trie govern ment waa reselling counted later aa some thing of an offset. Provisions derived tneir strength from the upturns of grain and hogs. Seattle 1'eed Quotations. SEATTLE, July 26. City delivery: Feed Mill, $44 per ton; scratch feed. $SL; feed wheat, $S9; all grain chop, $74; oats, $67; sprouti-ns oats, $73; rolled oats, $(y ; whole corn, $0; cracked com. $52; rolled barlev, $71; clipped barley. T5; alfalfa meal, $;S; egg mash, $72; cocoanut meal, $36; cotton seed meal. $78. Hay Kaetem Washington timothy, mixed, $35 36; double compressed $4u; alfalfa, iol'423.; straw. $13i 14. Federal Reserve Banks Report Drop Nearly 917,000.000. WASHINGTON. July 26. Gold stockii of the federal reserve banks dropped nearly J17.0O0.0Oo during the week end in Julv according to the statements of the 12 banks at tne close ot business on that date. Loans made by the banks on war paper were $3u, Resources Oold coin and certificates $ 270.601.000 uoiu seiueineni tuna, leaerai reserve ooara o9l,532.OO0 Total gold held by banks 862. 121.000 Gold with federal reserve agents 1.109.0M.OOQ Gold redemption fund 24.97.0jO Total eoM reserves S.OOS.lSl.O'O Le(ra.! tender notes, silver, etc. ha.872.oco Total reserves 2,161.023.000 xitis aiscouniea: iiecured by government war obligations l,16.21o,ooo All otners 2M.3ft2.0o0 Bills bought In open market... 3 h.y .",,. t0 Tatal bins on hand 2,243. 1 5V00 t. S. government 'bonds 2.7,O,0to IT. S. victory notes 2b6,Qo0 U. H. certiiicates of indebted ness 212.02.0Ov Total earning assets 2,4K2.3-'S8uitO Bank premises 11,700,000 Uncollected Items and other de ductions from gross deposits. 610,495,000 Five per cent redemption fund against lederai re&ervu bank notes 10,13.000 All other resources 9.b98.0o0 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 2. Barley, $1.18ft Flax $6.08 a 6 1 1 . New York Dairy Prodnc-e. vrw x- r u t.- i i u . celpts 0238 tubs. Creamery higher than ex- Kkks steady. unrhanr1. Cheese firm, unohansd. Bank Reeerrea In-reae. NEW YORK. July 20. The actual Xt. Hon of clearing house banks and trust com panies for the eek shows that they bold $29.tio0.410 renerve in excess of If gal re quirements. This U an increase of $3,402,--) from last week. Omaha Livestock Prices. OMAHA. July 2. (United States Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 0OOO. 15 and 25 cents lower. Top. $22.40; bulk. $21.oe 21.00; heavy weight, 21.6 22.u; meaium weight. $22322.40; light weight. 121-OOi 22. 40; heavy packing sows, smooth. $21.00 21.85; packing sows, rough, $21.35 21. OO; pi gs. $ 1 8. AO J- 20. 50. i-siiiaKrro nil nnnv. coiupbivu wilu week ago. Prime corn-fed steers and year lings about steady, others 50 and 75 cents lower; veals, 23 lower: cnoice iwawr., 25 4t50o lower; common kinds fully $1 lower, RhMn ri nu none, comotrva wim vsk arro. 'at lambs and yearlings a and 50 cents lower. Sheep 25 and 40 cents higher. Feeding lambs ana oreeaing ewes mostly $1 higher. Chicago Uvea toe k Market. rHIPA f .O. Julv 2. Hon Receipts 0OOO, iMdv at yesterday's close, but mostly 10 in ii c-ntm lower than yeterdays average. Top, $23.25: bulk, $21.25 23.13: heavy w.i.rh.- ! MO-Sta 2U: medium weight. 21.75 r 23.35: lirnt welglil, s-ji.oosj a.u, nsnt. iirt.t i-ji 22.75: heavy packing sows, smooth, $21.25121.75; packing sow a, rough, $2021: piK. $20'a-l 30. fmt f 1m KarpmiB lwwr. compinru w mi a week ago. Choice and prime oeei steers ..a Mtrvoie atrona at a cents nig ner; medium and good corn-fed, 25 to OO cents lower; all grass cattle, including stockers and feeder, AO cents to l lower; canners. 25 to 50 cents lower; veal caivea, a cent m $l.r.O lower. Nho'ii Recelnts 7 OOO. compared 11 week ago. Natlv Ism bp, inovtly 7ft -enis m xi. 23 lower. western,, ow cn o lower. Sheeo. 25 to cents lower; feed lambs, 5o cents to $1 higher; yearlings. 23 to 50 cents higher; breeding ewes, 60 cents to $1 higher. Heat tie Livestock Market. SEATTLE. July 20. Hogs Receipt a 12. Strong. Prime. $22 73t2J; medium to cnoice, nlrn. ''1.."0 a. Cattle Receipts. 4O0. Rteady. Best eteere I10.50H 1 1.23; medium to choice. itV5o common to pood. $6i; bet cows and heif ers. 7.MiVr0.r.O; common to good. 3?fT.50 bulls, $3ft7.50; eslves. $7.rni3 Naval Ptnrra. PAVANNAH. Ja.. July 20 -firm. 12H: sal, 134; receipts, ..,.. iTM- trx-k 10.044. un.i'n firm. Sales. 1740; receipts. H7i ., i4-. utrtok. 5H.420. Ouote: P 115 7i r 13.0.: I. 1 COAT 11 5 : K. $10 SO f i.ts.-.- K. $17,10417.13: . $17 2r.ttl70: 11 117 Vti 17.7': . tlHfflMIO: K. $ H 2t f 2.1 V f'0V tVO. $21 05-T21 2N -Turpentine 242; Ship WW, $21 Rrt. Liberty Bond Quotations. NEW YORK. July 20 Final Prices todav of liberty bonds: S'-fcs. 0.5.; firt 4s. 04. lo; second 4s. na.OO: first 4 s. U4 WO; second 414, 04.00: third 4 , h. P5.04 : fourth 4 S , .6; victory 3s, OOU2: victory 4ts. 00. U0. Chics go Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. July 23. Butter lower. Cream ery. 46i t 52c. Ckc Receipts, 13.171 cases. TJnehsnsred. Poultry Alive lower. .springs, 30ti 33c: fowls, 30I&C Bar silver Quotations. NEW YORK. July 20. liar silver. I1.0U: Mexican dollars. 82 He. LONDON, July 20. Bar sliver. 55 l-10d per ounce. Money and discount unchanged. Duluth Linseed Market. DLXLTH. Minn., July 20. Linseed on track, $0.12(30.13; to arrive. $011; July, $0.1 1 asked : September, $0 11 asked; No vember, $3.O0; JUecember, $5.82 bid. Spot Cotton Qaotat Ions. NEW YORK, July 26. Cotton Spot quiet. Middling, 35.35c. Drteri Fruits In N-w York. NEW YORK, July 26. Evaporated ap ples, quiet; prunes, strong ; peaches, firm. Phone your want ads to The Oregro nian. Main 7070. A !.".. I OVERBEGK & COOKE GO. Broken. Mark, nonda, Crtt.n. Oratn. ii-in hoard or tribe MEMBERS) CI"A'0 BOARD OF TUAUE MEMBERS Corre, .f lran t b Iras ana x.t aor w York Slork Kirbssie. (blcac. Plork Eirhsnie. Boston Stork Kxcbanic.. ChlraKO Board of Trade. w York Cotton Exetusnse. New Ortrmns Cotton Exrhanff. New York Coffee Kirhange. New York I'rotluc, Kirhaot. Liverpool Cotton AMoclatlon. A Steady Income Idle money Is of no benefit. It must be profitably invested in order to justify the efforts spent in accumulating it. t In making: n investment the first requisite is safety; the ' second is the certainty of the interest upon it. These are the two important factors which the experienced and success ful investor considers. With these investors the world over Government and Municipal Bonds are recognized as the last word in safety and excellence. The last word because taxable resources far in excess (en, twenty, thirty times greater than the indebtedness are be hind them, pledged to payment of principal and interest. Proof of their desirability lies in the fact that the TJ. S. gov ernment requires this character of bonds to secure federal funds on deposit in the banks of the country, and by states, counties, districts and municipalities to secure their funds. These are the kind of securities in which your money should be invested. Government and Municipal Bonds are The Pre mier Investment. Your money invested in them is a guar antee of safety, plus a very attractive return upon that money. Making such investments will always assure you a steady income. Be a Coupon Clipper Write or Call for Descriptive Booklet Liberty and Victory Bonds If Sana Mil ym XJbortjr or Victory i ds. Mil t. as. If y cm boy nor. Liberty mr Victory boada, bay tram ma. On Paturdar. July IS. th. rloalnc market price, wer. as slvn bslow. Tbey sr tn ro-rernln, price, for Liberty and Victory bond, all over, th. world, and th. it, neat. e adv.rtls. the., price, dally In order that you may alway. know th iw York market and tb. uot valu. of your Liberty and Victory bonds. . 1st 2d 1st 3d Sd 4th Vic VI o . H 4s 4, s 4H 41,1 4s li 4,. Harket Prlc. 3.MJ 134 10 3J 0 ft.0 4.00 195.02 ll D . I9S.M Accrued Int... .4i .4S .61 .61 .6 1.57 12 J .71 -StO Total ... t,4.5S 104.41 95 41 $94. $88.59 195 11 $100.67 $10O.T When buylns- we deduct STa on a ISO bond and $2. SO on a SI OOO bond. W sell at th. Js'.w York market plus tb. accrued Interesu Bnrclar ui Fl reproof Sara Depwslt Boxes for Bat. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. Tb. Premier Municipal Bond House. Morris Bide, S0S-S11 Mark 6t, bet. 3th and Sth. Telepbana Broadway Z1S1 Katabllshed .rev SS yearn. Loans Oversubscribed We offer the unsold portion of our allotment of: Government of Switzerland 5l Gold Bonds DATED August 1. 1919. DUE Aug-ust 1. 192S. Principal and interest (February 1 and August 1). payable in Gold in New York City. Denominations $1000, $500. Thes bonds are the direct obligation of the Government of Switzer land. Purpose of this loan is to provide funds for payment of obligations of the Swiss Government due in the United States. Price for S'a bonds 96 Vi, to yield over 6 Canadian Northern Railway Short TerrA, 6 Secured Gold Notes DATED Aurnst 1. 1919. I February 1. (Ausuat 1. Principal "and interest (February 1 and August 1), payable in Gold in New York City. Denomination $1000. These Collateral Trust Gold Notes are the direct obligation of the Canadian Northern Railway. ALL THE CAPITAL STOCK OF WHICH IS OWNED BY THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT, and are specifically secured by $144286,000 General Mortgage 4 bonds of the company, maturing 1934, which bonds both as to principal and interest, are UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED BY THE DOMINION OF CANADA. Price, for either Maturity, 100 and Interest, to Yield 6 FREE What's What" in Texas Oil Straight facts on tho Wonder Oil Fields of tho World, told by large independent operator. Also map of producing dlsifict. lt'a Free. Isaac Limited. Send Today. JAMK A. Bl IK. Entire Floor. HHHS-S iiou.toa Street, Fort Worth. Tevaa. Total resources $5,360,371,000 Liabilities Capital paid In I 317.000 Surplus 81.07,OoO tjffvernment deposits 116.03s.0o0 Due to members, reserve ac count 1.718,396,000 Other deposits, Includins; for eign government credits..... 117.444. nOO Total gross deposits 2.4S7.0itJ,XK) Federal reserve notes In actual circulation 2,304.497,000 Federal reserve bank notes In circulation, net liability 193.849.0OA All other liabilities 16.3o3.00U Total liabilities 5.346.S71.OO0 Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and federal reserve note liabilities combined, 30.2 per cent; ratio of gold reserves to fed eral reserve notes In circulation, after set ting aside 35 per cent against net deposit liabilities. 62.2 pr cent. TRADE 0NLIlALI.Y IS F.XPAXDrXG Week' Bevlew of Stork Market Ha, Reas. Mriaa Feature. NEW YORK. July 20. Further signs of expansion In many branches of trade and manufacture accompanied this w,elc, lea, active and mora irresular luov.jnenL, of th, stock market. The enlargement waa most noteworthy Is the steel and Irun trade, with It. greatly in creased bookings and higher prices, th. ex traordinary demand for such commodities as textile, and leathers and In th, further enormaus volume of bank clearings. Oa to. Slock exchacz. trailing in rails. Write or phone for descriptive circular covttino; TAX EX EMPT MUNICIPAL S0NDS of Idaho Twin Falls County, Filer Highway Dist. 6 Road and Bridge Bonds which we own. and offer at prices to YIELD 58 EXEMPT FROM ALL FEDERAL INCOME TAX G. E. Miller & Company Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 4193 Subscription hooka for these two fine Issue are rlosed. Anticipating oversubscription we subscribed for a large amount of each Issue for our own account and while any of our allotment Is still available we will accept orders at the original subscription prices shown above. We reserve the right to cancel this offer without notice. Wire orders collect mm Freeman Smith & Camp Co. rorruas, ,as raaacrac. NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING Main 646 ROBERTSON & EWING MUNICIPAL BON'DS, FEDERAL TAX EXEMPT TO NET 6 207-8 X. W. BAXK BLDG. PORTLAND. OR- STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON J. B. STEINBACH & CO., Brokers S01-3-3 Raflwar E. Bldg-. Fanes-.Mala 23. 2S4. Direct r-ate Wires to All Priori.. I Markets. Correapoadeats K. F. lint to. v to C lesnent Cart I, t Co. Members New York Stock Exchange, New York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, Etc. Packet Maanal mm Reaeet- SECURITIES BASED ON CONSERVATIVE LAND VALUES NEVER FLUCTUATE PAY HIGHEST BATES OF INTEREST WITH GREATEST SAFETY OF INVESTMENT No purchaser of our securities has ever had a default in interest or principaL . . COMMERCE SAFE DEPOSIT AND.. MORTGAGE COMPANY Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce Bids. r