20 THE .SUXDAT OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 27, 1919. BUSINESS OFPOHTOTTIES. CONTECTION'ERT STORES. $1200 Soft drink, averaging :;o dally. ft I 700 Confectionery, averaging $4u dally. S250O Confectionary, averaging $50 daily. jfifMjo Confectionery, real money-maker. $7500 Confectionery, v:ry attractive place. GROCERY STORED InOQ Grocery, bakery and lunchroom. . 1700 Grocery, stock, fixtures, furniture. $1S0 Grocery, doing $00 to $00 dally. U0t Apt.-house giocery. $2500 month. 4000 Grocery and hardware. $500 mo, RESTAURANTS. 500 $.100 caeh. doing 525 dally. t 000 Washington st.. $50 daily. $ 750 Cafeteria, doing $50 daily. 2000 Restaura.nL real busy place. $ jO00 Cafeteria, half cash, sacrifice. GARAGE. Capacity 50 cars, low rent. $1975. MOTION PICTURE THKATER. Excellent equipra't, clears $WjO mo.. $5000. ('ARL E. TUGGLE. ae X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3002. "SILVER AND LEAD" HIGH-GRADE MINING PROPERTY. NEAR SMELTER AND R. R. . SHIPPING ORE NOW OPEN WfLL RUN ABOUT S20O0 PER CAR. NOX-I'.ESIDENT OWNER): NEEDS ' PMALL FINANCIAL. ASSISTANCE (NOT KBLUXO ETOC'Kl. OFFER YOU LiB KRAL PROFIT AND SECURITY. . THIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR LABOR AND EQUIPMENT IS AM PLE TO ENABLE US SHIPPING ORE AT GR 13 AT PROFIT. OR FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARH' INVESTMENT SECURES TO YOU CONTROL AND MAN AGEMENT. "MINING MEN" (OR OTHERS INVESTIGATE. INVEST MENT SECURED. ADDRESS "SILVER PROPERTY,' CARE OF S 27, OR KG ON I AN. GROCERY business; also two-story build ing, eijjht rooms upstairs, living rooms in rear: the upper floor could be rented for housekeeping rooms: no expense to run this place; value $5000, for quick sal will take $4000, or v. ill sell busi ness and rent building. Owner, 310 W. fith St., Vancouver. Wash. HE SPONSIBLE party with donkey engine to c'eur and log railroad right-of-way; can take ;5 miles or any part; also man with piledrivlng equipment to cut. peel and drive 30 treaties. Can have interview 32 o'clock Sunday at L. L. L. L. Employ ment Service. 7S-S0 3d St., cor. Oak. Main 400. A 1567. FOR RENT Bakery and lunch room, 340 Front ft. Business Opportunities Wanted. HAVE $20,000 CASH. BTJSINE&S EXPERIENCE. Will consider any honest proposition to make money. T 429. OREGON IAN. HOTEL. Furniture for sale and cheap rent; al ways f ull ; a money-maker. Right in busiest part of Portland. See Peterson. THE FRED A JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th pt. Main CSC9. ".BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. We want a building suitable for auto mobile salesroom put up in central loca tion. Will lease ' for ten years. Phone "Proadway 750. Mr. McCord. BUSINESS MEN. If yon want to sell your business or need more capital or want a partner call and see me, I ran get results. ('HAS. D. WOOD. .111 Railway Ex. fOK SALE Hotel. 40 rooms, new, modern brick building; town of 6000; two rail roads; house doing good business. Inquire James Clark, Ellens burs. "Wash. 101 East loth st. - WANTED A one. two or three-chair bar ber shop in or out of Portland; must be a good proposition. Write W. K. Stew err. 1 23 Broadway. 1HAVE $1.V0 cash. Would like paying busi ness not requiring all my time. Give me full particulars of what you have. S 10. OroganiHn. HAVE i;ntju or part as payment on hotel or apartment house; prefer dealing with owner. BC 11. Oreeonlan. WOULD like to buy into a good garage if owner Is agreeable or would buy a small one if well situated. LOCATION wanted for lunch room; Stark to Morrison, 4th to 10th; would take lease. L 4-.0, Oiegonian. WANT A SMALL BUSINESS. $10oo to $1500 spot cash to put lit. Ad dress P. O. box 631. JADY desires general agency or connection with high -class firm as representative, X 50, Oregonian. a HAVE $joO for investment; give full par ticulars. X 843. Oregonlan. WANTED A butcher shop, in a good-size country town. AV 311!, Oreganian. WANTED Unfurnished apartment house lfa.se. What have you. BC 13, Oregonian. WANT to buy barber shop or poolroom in grood location. AM 423, Oregonian. Laundry located tn city: not to kxceed $20.000. bf 11, oregonian. Stocks and Bond. WILL buy 2000 Idaho Gold & Ruby Mining stork at rjc Eat 381. Colfax, Wash. Hotels and lioomlng Houses. HOTEL FOR SALE. Located Grand avenue, south of Haw thorne, corner; 23 rooms, lobby, dining room, kitchen ; average income $1000 per month: rent $50 per month, also option to buy ground before expiration of lea.se ; fix tures and furniture go with the place; low price. Fred W. Newell. OREGON INVESTMENT & MTG. CO.. 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 203. MOST ELEGANT OP THEM ALL. Strictly modern house, with baths. sleep 1ns porches, etc.. all up to date; lur rished. with mahogany, quarter -salved oak. ivory and Circassian furniture; love ly piano included ; best o iug; to be sacrif iced at 'way less than cost of fur nishings; owner going away and must t-e!I this w eek. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 602 COTJCH BLDG. 72-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Fine white pressed brick building, mod rn in every respect; 4 -year lease, rent $HOO : will consider $2300 bungalow in trade, $43O0 cash, balance. $150U, payable monthly. This place is clearing over ail expenses, $500; furniture f irst-clas. See MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1O07 Yeon Bldg. BO-ROOM HOTEL Good furniture. clean place, brick building, steam heat; low j-;nt on three-year extendable -lease ;- loca tion as good as the best; the income is unusually interesting: cost of operation nominal; the lease on the building - and furniture is offered at 13300. See Hedges, 2i2 Taylor st. " $SOO MONTH NET PROFIT. 70-room hotel, elegantly furnished, over 80 private baths, clas A pressed brick building, absolutely modern, very hlgh c iasb trade : $ 10,u00 will give you pot ses sion; $1 o.OOO full price. See MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. $400 IS ALL YOU NEED to pay down on a dandy littlo rooming house of the housekeeping order. cloco co journal bldg; clears e!5 month nnd pro vides homo; clean and complete .Ex clusively w ith J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. $100 NET PROFIT. 10 rooms .rent only $40, lease 1H years, - sleeping rooms, bal. all housekeeping; cry close in ; price $lHOO, $1230 down. This place is well furnished. See MRS. KELLER, . GEO. T. MOORE CO., loo. Yeon Bldg. 7.VROOM HOTEL $3000. BEST PLACE IN PORTLAND. Large lobby, transient location, rom . plctely furnished and making bi$ mcnev; In seven months you can hava all your money out. Exclusively, with J. BRIVK GODDARD, 502 COUCH BLDG. DANDY LITTLE PLACE. Nob Hill locution, 12 rooms, rent $40: steam heat, lease, nets $07 clear over all expanses, keeping two rooms for own use; line corner. Price $1050. all cash. See MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10i Yeon Bldg. 13 ROOMS $1350 TERMS. Includes $50O pin no and 15 rooms of good furniture; this place clears $83 monih; io ely yard and very close in ; first time offered. Exclusively m ith Goddard. 502 Couch bldg. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apt. and rooming houses with us. See MRS. KELLER. OEO. T. MOO Kid CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. 33 ROOM S Modern house; hot w ater heat. good furniture, close in; this is a bar Sain and can be bought for only $13'J. S-e Hedges. 282 Taylor st. 62-ROOM hotel, cood f urn I ture ; modem : 1 3 J'aCits: rent $l5o. 5-year lease; income $SOO. D'ri.e $7li. $h-0 canh. balance easy. Box 30;;. Mjou!a. Montana. EOOMINO-UOI'SK of 12 housekeeping rooms, completely furnished. Phone Main 471. fit 'TEL, 4o rooms and dining-room, good I usiness, close in. $1400; $5uu down. 345 I I o oil sr. M a 1 n t2 1 . t WANT to buy an apartment house; 1 have $ J, soil to pay down on one. Call Mar shall 727. E"L HMTl'RE of 11 housekeeping rooms for die. bargain, low rent, close in. W SOS, t r (tonin n $o BUYS an 1 1-room rooming and H. K. l-'.ace in god location. 2u9 AUsky bldg. 22 Hul'EKKEPINO rooms; trade for small e-e or for s.V 1 !3 West Park st. Owner. 8J.-R0OM H. K., good location. $1000. 209 AUsky bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, Hotels and Rooming Houses. MOuERX BRICK HOTEL. 8 well-furnished rooms, mostly with private bath, centrally located, west side, doing fine trant-icnt businebs; long lease, cheap rent; $0000 handler. - 33 ROOMS 33. In the heart of business section, city neat, hot and cold water, finest furniture in the city, good carpets; will make good lease; $25o will do business, balance $100 per month. 39 ROOMS. Strictly modern brick bnilding. well lo cated, nicely furnished, lease at $200 per month; price $4250, some terms, 54-ROOM HOTEL Beantiful brick building, strictly mod ern, all outside rooms, good furniture, beds and carpets, close-in location, lease, reasonable rent; $5000 handles this. 85-ROOM HOTEL Fine downtown location, modem brick, best of furnishings, good lease; $3500 does business. WASHINGTON ST. HOTEL. 00 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold wa ter, long lease, easy rent; $750t, some terms. TRANSIENT HOTEL. Modern 72-room brick building. fine lobby, a bargain at 16500, la netting $700 per month. APARTMENT HOUSE BARGAIN'S. 78-room apt. house, fine corner brick, no stores to heat, it is strictly modern and well furnished, west side, walking dis tance; $4000 handles this place, 22-ROOM APT. HOUSE. .nt 90 downtown location; price $2500, terms. 12 SINGLE SLEEPING ROOMS. Steam heat, running water, good car pets and furniture; $700 bandies, balance monthly. w SOME SNAPS. 1 have several small houses, from 6 to 16 rooms, all fairly well furnished and in all parts of city. F. RIERDON. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LEASEHOLDERS SERVICE CO. We respecfully request exclusive listings on hotel properties which the owners desire to sell. To a proposition of real merit we offer individual and energetic effort toward immediate results. At the present time we have a customer lor a hotel of 120 to 150 rooms. LEASEHOLDERS' SEPvVTCE CO Main 033. 624 Morgan bld. HOTT3LS AND ROOMING HOUSES. 170or0ma eootl furuitu; rent 5o; price 22 rooms on 14th at.; rent S75: price $2oo0. $ioooms n Sd Bt; rent 50; Prlce room on Wash, st.; rent $323; price $6200. 72 rooms. Wash. st cor. brick; lease; price $10,000. 41 rooms, Morrison st; rent $205; price $3650. 14 rooms. Glisan t.; rent $13; price $700. If you are in the market for hotel or rooming buuee, see - us. BUSINESS SERVICE. Main f707. 317 Henry BMg. POK SALE BY OWNER. Two beautiful buildings, one large fist for 4 families. 4 larpe rooms, bath and toilet in each apartment, and a modern 7-room homo next door; the flat has 1 rooms, large porches, all completely fur nished; full concrete basement under both buildings wit h separate rooms for each apartment ; best furnace. This property is close in, 8 minutes walk from post office, just off th best street in Port land. The buildings are as g6od as new and always rented; takes in $150 per month. The buildings couJd not be built for $1 ft, OOO. I am offering this property for the next 10 days for $1 1,500; better than 15 per cent, on your investment. AH 32. Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. 10 rooms, 7 rooms furnished, with, piano: rent $40; in Nob Hill. Price $900. ThU is a good buy. 22 rooms right downtown, best location, price $2500. 37 rooms, good location, on west side, price $:i500. Japanese will be accepted. 72 rooms. 8 bathe, dining-room; have 60 steady boarders. Price $4200. ATLAS BUSINESS AGO Y. & REALTY CO. 716 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 3315. 7S-ROOM HOTEL. 40 baths, furniture and equipment In Al condition, fireproof building, very cen trally located, large ground-lloor lobby, long leae, cheap rent. Northwestern heat. Thia hotel has cleared net over $10,000 the pa&t year; full all the time, high-class permanent people. Best hotel buy in Port land. $10,000 cash will give you possession, small balance very easy term. AO 443, Oregonian. WORKING MAN'S HOTEL. About 20 miles up Columbia river (factory town), corner lot. building com pletely equipped. Operating with more burfinesq than can take care of. For building and all $4000; cash down SIOOO. balance mortgage back on property. Pee J. Malone at McClure &. Schmauch Co. 306 Ry. Ex. bldg. HOTEL and 1; acre at Me nam a. Marlon county. Oregon ; 2 railroads under con struction now ; private water works; hot water heating piant; modern plumbing; 19 rooms; some furniture; excellent oppor tunity to make money on value of prop erty and operation of hotel ; price rea sonable and easy terms. Apply Page & Pge. attorneys. Salem, Or. IF TOTJ WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business Hotei. Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE 6c CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ROOMS H. K., modern, furniture and location the best; a bargain for cash. 16 rooms, sleeping, good location, terms: 20 room, H. K. big money-maker, sickness forces sale; 6-room, well furnished flat, modern in every way. a -eal home, be sides 'nice income, can be had on terms: all west side. Thomson. 515 Henrv bldg. FURNISH fcD hotel, dining room, kitchen, office; water in all rooms; a large house, frame barn and garage, situated on 3 lots, business section of & growing town In Oregon. Will trade for acreage near Portland, or sell for cash. Thorn-son. 516 Henry bldg. 26 ROOMS 26. Brick bnilding on Washington st.; cheap rent with lease: clears $183 a month; if sold at once. $1800; $700 will handle PETERS, 13 N. 5th St. "Wa Pay Cash for Chattel Mta. FURNITURE and lease of 10-room houee for sale. Close In on west aide. Rooms rented, more than pay house expense. Fine location for" boarding house. Will give terms. AM 273, Oregonian. 20 ROOMS 20. Heart of city, always full, fair furni ture, for $650: terms. PETERS, 15 N. 5th St. "We , Pay Cash for Chattel Mtgi. 25 ROOMS all furnished; all rooms filled; rent reasonable ; brick bnilding; easy terms, part payment. Call at Bank of Kenton. Woodlawn 4711. WILL the party who gave man ride in ma chine from Willbrldge on July 23 please leave lunch pail that was lett In car at H?3 Lovejoy. with janitor? HOTEL 73 rooms, all furnished : hot and cold water in rooms ; a good district ; din ing room in connection and soft drinks; ren t reasonable. AR 14, Ore soman. 3. -ROOM rooming house, modern brick, low rent, good furniture; can be bouht right. Call 103b West Park st. Wehs & Ander son. 50-ROOM rooming house, modem, well lo cated, good furniture, low rent; price $S5O0, terms; bargain. Call 103 West Park st. Wells & Anderson. HAVE -buyers waiting-. If you want to sell your apartment -or rooming house, list w it h Thomson, 215 Henry bldg. Main 4!i m FOR LEASE for number of years, apartment house containing 42 apts.. all rented, on west side; mut give good security. A K 1Q. Oregonian. A DANDY. IS rooms, all H. K., nice yard, garden and chicken yard, roses, near ship yard. $75 mo. over all expenses; 2 rooms fVr self. $12O0. Main 2266. FOR. SALE By owner. 29 furnished house keeping rooms, electric light, rent $.10; money maker. $150O; terms to responsible party. 372 S First St.. cor. Montgomery. 14-Rt oM housekeeping house, well fur nished, closa in on west side; this Is a good buy. Call 163 V "West Park St. Wells &. Anderson. FURNITURE of 7-room f!at. good location, rent $2-: bargain; yours for $323. Call 16-t 4 West Park st. FOR SALE Furnished hotel, Oregon coast town ; drilling for oil on both sides of town. Address box 7, Waldport, Or. 9-ROOM hour e. well furnished, rent $33: H. K. apts.. income .besides good home. AM 40O. Oregonian. FOR best bargains in rooming or apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th St. HAVE $600 to pay down on roomluc house; want to buy at once. AJ 336. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotel and Rooming liouvrs. PACIFIC AGENCY", INC, Suite 014 to 51U betland Aildf. Marshall 3tfJ. $10,000 Has 56 rooms, strictly modern hotel, with a hign-ciass pal: ull age, located In a district Lhai is always guoa; a nne. well-appearing v-atury brick butiaing clear ing $jUO a month straight througn; low rent, with an excel lent iease. Owner wants larger place. Act Quick on this. $ S.500 Here Is absolutely one of the best buys on tne market today. A 32 room. elaborately furnished house, located in the best hotel district In town; building is in excellent shape and looks as good as the best; owner has made consider able money out of this piaco and is now looking for a larger place. m Proiii has never gone below $50il per month. Patronized from an A-l class. Rent und expenses are low, with a tine leae.Xhis won't last long. Hurry ! $ 6,500 This modern 40-room hotel Is be ing put on the market this week at the low price ot $G3uo. The rent im very reasonable and a good lease can o secured. Lo cated on Morrison street. In a fine hotel district. Celanng $400 - per month. Look this up. $ 5,000 One of the best hotels In St. 4 Johns; has 3o rooms, well fur nished, with a good paying dining room in connection. The owner has cleared $300 a month every month in the year, but is getting old. so wishes to retire. Th price includes building, lot. fix tures and all furnishings. Some lucky person Is going to get this Quick. $4,500 A 40-room apartment house In a good location, doing a tine busi ness and is netting the owner an average ot $200 month. The fur niture and furnishings are- in ex cel e n t condition and could not be bought now at double the price asked. The extremely low rent of $125 is secured by a long lease. This Is a fine buy tor bomeone. Hurry and get busy on this. $ 4,500 Look at this! A 150-room hotel with a large dining room, lo cated in a good lumber and ship building district. A five-story 4 modern brick building with an -excellent (ease. Never has cleared less than $300 a month. The owner wants a rest and is mak ing this & sacriuce. Get in on this early. We have on our lists many fine buys In hotels, apartment houses and housekeep ing rooms, for $:;00 up to $13.0u0. It you are on the market for any of these a visit to our office will be to your advantage. See us before buying, as our lists are well kept up and will prove satisfactory. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. -Suite 514 to 519 S wet land Bldg. Marshall 50 SO. ATTRACTIVE HOTEL OP PORTUNITY FOR SMALL INVESTMENT The Leaseholders Ferrice company presents for the consideration of interested buyers a modern transient hotel in the heart of Port land's business section. It contains approximate ly IOO rooms and Is paying a little better than $looO per month net. It ! our policy to offer for sale only such properties as will bear the most rigid investigation from all angles and we believe the one we ar here o'fering Is the best value or. the Portia id market today. This Is an exclusive , listing and we can give im mediate possession at $12, OuO, some terms. Full details at our office. LEASEHOLDERS' SERVICE CO. Main 2033. 624 Morgan bldg. iti-ROOM HOTEL AND GOOD PAYING RESTAURANT. Situated at end of Kenton car line; best location in city for this class of place. En tire 26 rooms completely furnished, and restaurant well equipped and doing first class business. Idtral opportunity fur man and wife who understand running Work ingman's hotel. No trouble to keep the rooms rented: rent for building very cheap; can secure lease. Price of whole business very cheap, or either restaurant or roomtng-house will be sold Heparately; must have at least $500 cash. Owner has best of ressons for sell ing and place must be sold at once. Call Monday after 9 A. M., Woodlawn 4711, or come out and look the place over. Take Kenton car to end of line and in quire at Bank of Kenton. This is a real opportunity, and if in terested you had better look Into this at once, as place sure to be sold at once. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. 2J rooms, steam heat, electric lights, corner brick bldg.; location is close in on the west side; this place Is very nicely furnished and clears about $200 per month. Price $3200, $1600 cash. 14 rooms, rent $40, ctose in west side; furnace heat, well furnished ; clears $89 above expenses. Price $1300, $700 handles. 11 rooms, close in west side location, rent $30; good furniture; good rugs. Price reduced from $800 to $600 for Quick sale, bnap. 7 rooms, rent $27. SO. electric lights; close to 12th and Market: nice, homelike place. Price $450. SEE MR. BOWDEN, E. O. Magoon. 431 Chamber of Com. bldg. WANT BUSINESS OPENLNO. Have high -class client with years of business experience and ample finances to handle good business openintf. Informa tion confidential. Other clients with from $10O0 to $5000 lookmg for business openings. Have Greek with $2000 wanting -interest in fruit stand or other bus in ess. See O. V. BADLET. with J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. TO LEASE. 150-ROOM NEW HIGH-CLASS HOTEL. Win build for a reliable tenant a high class residential hotel In the heart of the city. The location Is free from congested traffic and street car tracks. About 5 blocks from Wash, and Broadway sts. Ap plicants must have sufficient capital to secure lease and furnish the bul.dlng. A. J. DE- FOREST &. CO.. 820-321 Henry Bldg. Main 269a LITTLE MONEY-MAKER, Fine white preased brick, corner bund ing, automatic elevator. Northwestern heat. 56 rooms, 17 private baths; nets about $500 month: price $6200, $3600 cash. This is your chance to gel into the hotel business. See MRS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 10O7 Yeon Bldg. NIFTY HOTEL, 54 rooms, beautifully . furnished; 7 baths: making big money: never on mar ket before; clean as wax; price $14,0uO: will take liberty bonds or city Improved property up to 17000. balance caa. See MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., IOO 7 Yeon Bldg. 20 ROOMS VERY FINE $1750, Modern house and splendid furnishings; three baths, two sleeping porches; can arrange terms; clears better thin $100 per month. Exclusively wi:h Goddard, 02 Couch bldg. Wl LL. buy a rooming or apartment bouse on a payment of $1 200 to $16O0 cash. Have other property that I could put tn as part payment Write giving all particu lars and price to P. O. box 631. 8 ROOMS and several kitchenettes; good residence, five minutes to postofftce; low rent : attractive income; $630. See Hedges. 22 Taylor st. FURNITURE and lease of 39 -room hotel, steam heat, good business: leaving on ac count of health. 313 V Wash. st. Phone 31S. Vancouver, Wash. APT. HOUSE WANTED $3000 to $4000; In good location and paying: would like to give 63-acre farm and some cash. See Mr Austin. 410 Henry Bldg. Main 1743. 9 Rooms, beds, tables, chairs, carpets, etc N early new ratine. $60O; house not for rent. Bdwy. 3150. FOR SALE Small rooming hou?e, well fur nished, and kitchen. Apply 528 Bond Su. Astoria, Or. FOR SALE or trade. International hotei, 100 rooms, office, dinin room, kitchen on ground floor: rent reasonable. 72 X. 3i t. FOR SALE 12-room hou.-e. all good furni ture. Some terms. 213 Went Park. WANT to buy apartment house, about 30 or 40 apartments. R I2S. Oregonian. 00-ROOM hotel. $3000. 204 Alisky bldg. BUS1NESS OPPORTUNITIES. Motels and Rooming Houses. A. J. DE FOREST A CO.. $20-321 Henry Bldg. Mala 2690. BUY ERS ATTENTION. If you wish to buy a hotel, rooming or apt.-house and haven't sutrictent capital, see us; we will heip finance any cood proposition If purchased through our of nee. SPECIAL BARGAINS. IOO-ROOM APT.-HOTSE. Centrally located, modern In every re spect; 35 apartments. 2s and Us: all have private bstn and phone; rent $350 a month; 5-ycar lease; first -class carpets, hardwood furniture; price $i000. part time. 67 ROOMS AND APARTMENTS. West side, class A building, with eleva tor, private baths and phones; rent $300; 3-year lease; all furnished throughout; price $5500. $2500 down, balance to suit. 56-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Close in, A-l brick building, contains 34 apartments: rent $.T0O; price $5230; $2300 down, balance easy monthly payments. SMALL HOTEL 38 ROOMS, Centrally located, modern brick, well furnished; rent $200: price right if ail cash. If you have $3000, see this. 36 ROOMS A SNAP. Neat as a pin, beautiful rooms, modern brick building, good location; rent only $150. with lease: clears over $:t0O a month net; good carpets and furniture;, price $4000. BOARDING HOURE. 73 rooms, located In Industrial district; rent only $75; price $3600. RENT $23 lO ROOMS. Well furnished, close in; 6 rooms rented pay all expense and some pront; price 01 furnishings $650. 447 5th st. K LEG ANT HOME. Best of carpets and furniture: Nob Hill district; 16 beautiful rooms, some with hardwood floors; rent $63, income $20; $16O0 handles. SNAP FOR WOMAN ALONE. 1 7-room h. k. place: steam heat and hot water furnished by the landlord: all llnht rooms, with elegant furniture and carpets; rent $0O; $16oo handles It. DOWN-TOWN LOCATION. 14 rooms, h. k.: good furniture, corner; rent $45, net income $75. ? WHY WORRY T t When yon need capital, want a partner ct wish to sell your business, we can heip you. Give us a cull. WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES, .T. DE FOREST ft CO, 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2630. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOLStS. 76-room hotel, up to date, brick build ing, working man's district; 3-year s very low rent; $6000 will handle, baiance on lime. 7 3-room hotel on Morrison street; fpr year lease, very low rents; price $.000. easy terms. CO-room house, wen furnished, on th street, south of Yamhill, one 'and ha.f years lease, very cheap rent; $1000 hand the property. On Second street, south of Morrison. rooms, flrirt-class brwk; attractive a ac count of low renLs and location. 70 rooms, bote!, on Stark street: well fumijmed. 3 years' lease; rents are now one-half what hotel would rent for; $.000 gets possession, balance on time. T5 rooms on 6th street, for business and attraction we cannot offer any better; S7OO0 hande this hotel. KRBD W. N E WELT. ORFCON" INVESTMENT AV M O R TO A O E CO. 220-21-22 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Marshall 23. 120-ROOM modern brick apartment. Be-t west side corner. Hardwood floors, private bsleonles, etc. Extra-well furnished. Clears $450 per month. Price $S30O. Terms. A3 -room modern brick, corner apart ment. Rent $250. Leae. Completely fur nished and In fine condition. Clears $45 per mo. Price $7CM0. Term. 03-room apartment. Modem brick tur ner. Easy walking distance. R"t Lease, income $1200 per mo. Price $10,000. Terms, . , Manv other. All slses and prices. YATES REALTY CO. 249 4th st. GROCERY STORE SNAP. Doing $60 Day Cah Bujdnea, SELL LESS THAN INVOICE. Here's a real snap. Present owner On experienced doing fine business: experi enced grocerymsn can easily do $100 a rtav. Iocated on good business corner, close lr. n Misalssippl-ave. carllne: rent for store and living-rooms only $23: good clean, new stock; stork and fixtures will in voice about $21oo. If you're looking for a real bargain, this Is It. Owner leaving city. See MrCormlc, 418 Fenton bldg., for full Information. 20 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM S-j CLOSE IN. Good Income, finest location, good fur niture; $1600; terms. Main 5231. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS OF THE EASTERN OREGON LIVESTOCK COMPANY. Pursuant to the terms of the trust deed or mortgage executed by the Esstern Or egon Livestock company to the Security Saving A Trust Company and C. F. Ad . m. irnviM Dated the 15th day of Jan uary, l'.Utf. notice is hereby given that , there will be a meeting of the bondholders of the said Ksstern Oregon uvhiock com pany on Monday, August 4, 11UU. at the hour of 3 o'clock P. M., at the office of the Security Havings & Trust Company. In the city of Portland. Or., for the pur pose of electing a bondholders' committee of three bondholders of the Eastern Ore- Fon Livestock company who reside in ortland. Or. SECURITY SAVINGS & TRUST CO.. TRUSTEE. By R. O. Jubltx. Secretary. WANTED. Parties to build apartment houses at Nam pa, Idaho, the natural commercial center of Southwestern Idaho, Including Malheur county, Oregon. We need several apartment houses, for which contract for sale of same can be made upon comple tion, or lease for same aigned for occu pancy. Nam pa is now enjoying one of the most active building periods In Its ca reer. Ample sites for these apartment houses are now provided In good location. NEIL COMMISSION COMPANY, NAM PA, IDAHO, Proposals Invited. NOTICE Is hereby given that pursuant to an order and license of sale, duly made by the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Jackson, in the matter of the estate of Charles I. Schieffetln, deceased, dated July lo. 1019. I will, on and after August 11. 1019. sell at private sale for cash, either separately or In gross, ss msy appear most advantageous to me. the fol lowing described real property, to wit: Lot 10. block 6. Irvington. an addition to the city of Portland, in Multnomah county, Oregon. Lot 10. Block SS. of Irvington. an ad dition to the city of Portland, in Multno mah county. Oregon. Lot 18, block 6, of E van ton, an ad dition to the city of Portland, in Multno mah county, Oregon. Also lot 4 in block 3 of Lumiden'i ad dition to the city of Med ford, in Jackson county, Oregon. Said sale will be made subject to the confirmation of the above-named court ROSE C. 8CH1EKFKLIN. Executrix of the Estate of Charles L. Sehief felin. deceased. IN THE District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. No. 6057. In the matter of W. C. Cameron, bankrupt. The undersigned, trustee in bankruptcy of the above entitled estate, will receive sealed bids at his office at 740 Morgan building, Portland, Or., until noon on Wed n esday, July SO, 1919, for the following personal property: One hun dred shares of the capital stock of the Kenwood laod company, an Ore gon corporation, of the par value of $100 each. Bids must be accompanied by certified check for 10 per cent ot the amount bid. All bids subject to the ap proval of the court. R. L. S A BIN. Trustee In Bankruptcy. Portland. Or. July 24. 1919. PETITION for sealed bids for bunding school house, 28x44, In Dlst. No. 10. Clack amas Co., Or. For specifications and fur ther Information call at Sunt Calavan's office, Oregon City, Or., or H. O. Newell. Molalla, Or. Bids closed Aug. ft, 1919. MIDDLE-AGED Isdy wishes to go east with elderly people or children to help bear expenses. Call Wood lawn 514, Miscellaneous, I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but myself. Slgned Ray C. Cowan. TOST AND FOUND. Wl LL party who found brlndle bulldog bearing license No, 3143 kindly phone Woodlawn 3133? LOST Wednesday, imall circular brooch, d.amond and pear t a. Reward g;veo. Tabor 553. LOST Money; finder give phone No. or ad dress and will describe; reward. W 33, Oregonian. LOST Fourt h of July, pair costs ; rosary beads set in gold. Woodlawn 1703. Re- w-ard. LOST On Tuesday, an ivory rose pendant on gold chain: valued as keepsake; ward. Finder please call Main 2h5. LOST On Friday, c. E. stick pitT Finder ret urn to Oregonian, Reward. LOST Eastern Star pin. name J. B. Lee on ba--k. Reward. S72 Brooklyn st. LOST On Market, package containing silk underwear. Reward. Call Main 2o. LOST One pair lad v's tortolne-sheii nose glasses. Finder call Fell wood 695. Lost :ol;ie dog answering to name of Rover In Mt. Tabor. Tabor 4472. FOUND A p:n, Cail Tabor 2763. LOST AND FOUND. THE fo;iowif artlc:s hvc been found on cars of th fort:j.nd Kai'way. Lis tit A. 1 Pwer Co,. Ju'y .3: 4 puriti. pin. 2 v gloves, book, coat, 2 waxs, overalls, suit- I e, 8 paeksi?t. 7 lunch Ooiw. V unr brel.as. Owners may oolaltt property all 1st and Aider. I LOST or stolen, boat named Naughty Bw. 27 ft. long and 6-fu bain. painted white w ith black water line and blac k guard rail. Installed with an overland mo'.or. Finder pi-ao notify BD 4L6 oreguaiaa, and receive reward, LOST One surgeon's black grip aud one tan Ciothes grip, from istucVon few car oa Park, near Washington. Kew.rd Dr. John ttcagall. tK)L Stevens blJg. Main 4iTO. FOUND July 3, Columbia, highway, below Rainier, purse: owocr uiav ha same by M-ntlfylng purse. J. M. Phllbrook, Boa eh. Wash. LOST From auto. Monday, on west slda north of Washington, pair men's low b' ft shoes newiy half-soied ; reward. Phone Main 1 5Q 1 . JWO so fit cushions snd an ivory hand mir ror: owner can obtain property by de scribing article and paying for this ad. R 130. Oregonian. LOST July 15, on Broadway or Morrison street, small b!ack inside purse contain ing imail chsn Re and w edu in ft nng ; re ward. Phone it. Thiers. Bro.tdway 1 16. LOST From 411 Montgomery st.. canary, dark crested head with buld spot, dark whig. eliow body and, white tali. Phone Main 4i'.5. Reward. LOST A diamond ring with initials on inside "T. E. K. to M. H. K." Lost on Cist. bet. Braxce and Alameda. Return to 3.11 E. 63 d st. Reward. FOUND Red Durham calf. 6 weeks old. July 23. at l2-ml!e post near Burlington. Owner kindly communicate with John Schmidt, route 2. Linn ton. LOST Two $J0 bills, either on Castie. Ma rion, Monroe sts., or Williams ave. Finder plt-se return to 1010 E. 17th N. Suitable reward. LOST Traveler's checkbook. Usued from SL Paul. Address Anlua E. Andrew. Y. W. C. A. LOST Lady's black hand purse, containing keys tied on ribbon; ItuUer notify AH 443. Oregonian. FOUND Young man's overcoat and g.ovcs on Capital high ay, about J une 21. Ad drewa C. W. West, Oswfjfo, Or. LOST Cinnamon-colored fox fur; p'.ease return to 003 E. 62d st. N- Reward, Tahor 1264. MAN'S gn.d Welt ham 17-jewel w a ten and b.ack silk fob. on Jacobs estate, E. Stark. Reward. Tabor 577. LADY'S small silver Elgin watch, either on Woodstock or Klrhmnrd car; valued as Keepsake. Call Tabor 1777. LOST Somewhere, a bumn of kri; about ' on ring. Kinder pac call Tbor Vtj LoST Pure w ith $16 7S arid Chine laun dry check. Phone Haft MM.H. Reward. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. Jf you must sIl jour liberty or 1ctor7 bonds, sell to us. I f you n buy more liberty or lctory bond, buy from ua. We buy and sell liberty and ictory Ion0i at the market. YOU " A N NOT DO BET TER YOU MAT DU WuHSE. on haturday, July 26. we paid the fol lowing price for Untied States govern ment liberty and victory bon-is. whieh were the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued Interest: N. Y. Market. Interest. Total. AS $''' 30 $ .4 j $ ti'.i :j 1st 4S 1M ! .4S ;. 2d 4s fv; jv .m fki.ii 1st 4 Us tl '. to 4 1 id 4lm :4 . 1I(J 3'I ' !'j U 1...7 !,:.! 4Th 4;S t'3 1.22 9.. 12 Vi tory 3s .... I" t ,7t li.57 Victory 4t .... w. .;o iii5 In purchasing liberty and victory bonds we deduct f ro - n the bo e pr)f-o 5 T c on a 150 bond and $2.." on a $ltK bond. In sei; 1 n g 1 1 bert y and victory bonis w e charge the New York market prue plus the accrued interest. Ask about the Morris Brothers plan. Burglar and fireproof safe deposit boxes for rent. MORRIS BROTHER'. ISO. The Premier Munflpw I Bond Home. Morris Mldc., :ot-ail t;irk e-u Between 5th snd Or h. Phone Brdwy 151. Lib'd ofr C5 T'sri LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues) Bought and Cold. Before buying or selling Set our quotations. E. U DEYEREAUX A COMPANY. Government snd Municipal Bonds. R7 fctxth Street. Between fetark and Oak. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. NEW TORK EXCHANGE QUOTATIONS WITH INTEREST ADDiiD SATURDAY AS FOLLOWS: FIRST S4. $ !.! I SECOND 4,i 94 40 THIRD 4"r P 54 FOURTH It5. 10 FIFTH 4"c IOO. 7 "WE WILL PAY YOU THE MARKET PRICE FOR YOUR BONDS. WE LOAN Mr ON THE FACE VALUE AT 7-t INTEREST FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY, STOCKS A Mr I'.ONDS. 231 TT. S. NATIONAL RANK. BLDO. -OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PATD FYR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOAN ON LIBERTY BONDS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF UR CYN BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. PEE E. BURKITT. V RESIDENT, OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO. tiV2 SELLING BLDG. 2D FLOOR). CORNER UTH AND ALpEK STS. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVXtt REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDO. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BONDS, W. 8. 8, or to make PAYMENTS on BONDS, 7. V-b Casco Bldg.. Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MURTON CO. BONDS AND MORTGAGES. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO. 284 OAK ST. MAR. 7A. LI KE RT Y BONDS of the 4th issue will bring 9 IOI. 19 for each tlOO bond, to apply cm any piano or phonograph In our store. We ac cept any bonds at full face value plus accrued interest. Reed French Piano Co.. 4:i5 Washington st., corner 12th. PATENTS 2 new Inventions for sale. Port land Patent Co.. 014 Commonwealth bldg. H d w y . 1 : C Aftli psld for mortgages ar.d sellers" con tracts on real estate In Washington or Ore gon. II. E. Noble. 316 Lumi'ir men's bid g. $2000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent, on first --laa security. Gordon Mortgage Co.. CC1 Cham ber of Commerce. CASH paid for sl.ers" contracts under $00, Marshall 41. :s. Money to Loan oaKeml Estate. MORTGAGE LOAN3 made on lmproed city property; prompt action: no delays. PORTLAND TRUST CO.. OF OREGON. Northwestern Ba nt bldg. TO LOAN. 5mj. ilixH. 11543 and up on real estate, at 6 to 7 per cent. George X. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. f30O. MOO, $500. $750. J10OO and up at lowest rates: quirk action. Fred W. German Co., 742 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6443. $5O0 OCX. II iOO $ 1 7 0O S 2 5 ( tO, f 3000. F. H. DBSHUN, 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, ft per cent up. F. Fucna, 420 Cham, of Com. SEE OREGON" INV" A MORTGAGE CO, 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. aI 1L Harding. SI2 Railway Exchange. J 500 10 .iho on iinproxed real estate; no rommlfi'inn, Main 3752. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. K. K." Baxter, 7u4 Spa. ding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. I LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 40S Seluog bldg. j FINANCIAL Money to Loan oi Real F-stete. OUR installment plan Is the beet and surest method of peeing a loan. S3 2 sd per montb for S6 months, or $21 24 per month lor SO months, or $15.1T for io months pays av $luoo loan and, in terest. Ot:ier amounts In proportion. W'e loan on Improved city properly. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVIN ; 3 A- LOAN ASSN.. 24J Stark at.. Portland, Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6U to 7 per cent toe five YOU MAY PAY $luo or any amount oa principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us lor lowest interest rates on buainess property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Pbor.e Main 2541. 1S24-2U Yeon bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates om WU.amette valley farms. No commission. No delava, LEVERKAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. fe? Sixth at., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS en real estate security; tor amouet from $500 up on improved city or fax 10. prop- ny'THK LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett Bldg. M. 6913. A 2S13. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privilege. A. II- B1RKELL CO.. SIT Northwestern Bejik building. Marshall 4114. A.411S. MORTGAGE LCAN3. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. $U PER CENT, PEH CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO, Corbett bl d g. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved farm and city property; favorable repaying prtvi Ictees; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO- LTD AO Piatt bldg. Main 5371. X CAN handle your loans. me about your building loans; quick action and lowest rates. C. J. Johnson. JU Henry bidg. $J0O. I4O0. $5o0. J50. $750. $1000 AND UP; lowest rates, quick action. Gordon Mort g$eCo,, t31 Cham, of Com, Main 1370. $100,000 TO LOAN on farms! No delays, ne red tspe. no publicity Willamette Yaxley Mortgage Loan Co.. Aurora, Or. $20,000 TO LOAN tn sums to suit; building loans. iowt rates. W. G. Beck, 2.1-"1 I- ailing bldg. Phone Main S407. $75.(i PRIVATE money to loan: w iil divide 52Q H.qry bldg. Marshall 6S. $; 'lo loan on city property. Pcdersen, I WeM Killings wort h ave $jm TO loan on one or two good houses BV 14. Oregonian. Money to Lose Chattels and SeJariee. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAf ASSN. Phone, Broadway 910. 4 Stark Street, Near 10th. Leans on diamond a watches, victrolae. P'ano. kodaks, shotguns, f urnitare. musi eel lcstrutueaia and anything oi value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OP PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and county warrants cashed res face talue. CARRIE MYERff-HERRMAX Manager. DO TOTJ NEED MONET? We make a specialty of leans oa a o to rn obi es, furniture, victroaa. etc fceurity left in your p o as ion. femeit weekly or monthly payments. A I -SO I-eana mads to salaried peopfe. Rates reafor.ablc. Private office. All business cor.ft.irr.tia!. PuKTLVND LOAN CO. f Licensed), . Third and Washington Sts. SA.aoT prkum Bdg. Marshall 32ML eALAKY. LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LO A N MONEY oa short notice to salaried or working men en their own notea Weekly, semi, monthly or monthly payments. Each tranj.-iln strictly corfidentia! NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc. ithout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 21 Failing Bldg. ANTED A good piano or play er-piane prefer standard make: if reasonable will pay a1) caah. See J. E Sturgeon 2d f.oor E tiers Music bldg., 2S7 Washington t. Phone Main 112-1. WILL PA $150 for good upright piano or p.uyer-pisno: write whet make, how eld snd where it can be seen. Address AC 2H. Oregonian. I LoAN money on good pianos or will buy outright for cash ; Instrument must be ful'y psld for. Address AJ 5 SO. Orego- n in. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rtes; ail articles held a year; established s nee 1SS. Dan Marx. 2S3 Wash in g lo n. GEO. HARVEY loans money on household goods. Legal rites. Tabor SSOd. svoaita vTanteO. $1200 OR UP TO !4 on half acre, with -new bungalow;, gas and city conveniences: Capitol Hi l ; 5c fare: hard surfaced street; fruit, berries and garden: $ JO00 valuation, will pay T per cent semt-sn-nuwlly. John Ferguson. Cerllnger bldg. I.4AN.4 W AKTPn fTTr.O at "t choice city property. IjooO at 7 choice city property. $15,000 at cho:ce city property. OTIS C. BECK. S?5" HTirr bldg. Marshall pS. $275. 3 YEARS. 8 per cent, small house. 1 lot. $5o. 2 years. per cent, 4 lots. 5.".o. .t years. S per cent, small house, 4 lota. Fred W. German Co., 702 Chamber of Com merce bldg. LOAN wanted to pay off $3500 mortgage, 7 ' V . on l-room house In Irvington: hard surface sireet and sewers In snd paid for, have !.". so want $-000 at 6. AK 1 1. Oresonian. $:;. 00 WANTED, west side 7-room house, lot Sox 1 7o; the property has been my home s:x years and am now buying- it; 7 per cent interest and no brokerage. AL 44u, Oregonian $o".oo WANTED on three reidences. South Portland; 3 years. T pr cent; 5 years. H per cent; city Hens psld to date; value $soH; no commissions. Main 810. W A NT $ 4,1 . 0OO at 6 per cent on close-in west sde business property; ample value nd Incime: will not pay brokerage. AR 52. Oregonlnn. WANTED To borrow about $2oOO; will pay 2 per cent per month and give firt-ciass boo k s ccoun t s as secur 1 1 y. Y 450. Ore -gonlan. I WANT ?."5oo at 7 per cent on fiat build ing worth $A500: building good condition, bringing good rent; I want quick action. R 12l. Oregonian. $17M1. THREE years, 6 per cent, on $5000 residence property, corner. Herman Moel ter. 1023 Gaso bldg. Main 14S0. WANTED To borrow $2500 tnr 3 years oft $25.ooo home: will pay d or OH; bo bonus R 1. Oregonian. $2500 at t per cent, building loan: close In e-aflt side lot; repayments monthly. Mala HIM 7. $150 ON CLEAR property worth $4000, in stallments or straight mortgage, BJ bJ oreenninn. SHOULD like to borrow $4O00 or $5000 at AS per rent for S or 5 years: good security. No brrkerage. AK 7. Oregonian. WANTED $ldf0. $1700 end $lSo on new 5 and ft-room bungalows. O. W. Bryan ROO Chamber of Commerce. $1250 W ANTED from private party, on 7 rmra. bath and plastered house. Phone Woodlawn 5372. ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTT. $ 1 50O. $ 1 "0, $ 1 7 50. $ 200O. $.1500. r. H. D Es H uX. 15 Cham, of Com. FIdr. WANT $250. give chattel mortgage on $ TOO prayer piano, one year. Y 44.'. Oregonian. W A N TED $2000 from private party on 43tM modern residence. P M. Oregonian. X Joov7 per cen t on 7-room residenr-e un der con s t ru etion. A I a m ed a. E as t 53 WANTED $1700. 7'r. new bungalow. Irvington. C. J. Jhniwn. 313 Henry bldg. WANTED To borrow $1 S 0O oa income pro pert r. AN 3. Oregonian. SEK OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. ARCHITECT Would the young gentleman v ho was In the Hatelwood restaurant Monday evening, July 21, and looking over some blueprints communicate with the young Isdy he met there? Address G. Robinson. Clackamas, or. SONG writers. Let me publish them for -oj. Don't send them east. L. W. Lewis, 1 25 4t h st.. pub: latere of the new bit. "-KHOR ASS AN " KAM-I-DA grows hair on bald beaas. for sale at Roberts Bros, and ell f lrstr?ass drug stores and at 427 Filed ner bldg. Guaranteed. GRA DU ATE chiropodist, manicurist : super fluous hair permanently removed ; face and s -a.p specialist : la dice, gentlemen. C10 Bush & Ijine bidg. B. NOLAN. 6 years with Ci? a. Wortman A Kli.g. Hairdresalnr parlor, 526 I'lttock b!o-k. Broadway 4.V7. EXPERIENCED driver wishes to drive car to California, Woodlawn rrnsoxAt, GET WF.I.L, FREE. FREE, FTtEH Ery day, from IS A M. to 4 r. M . and evenings on Monday. Wednesday snd F.i oav. from 7 to S. and Sundays from 1$ to 1 2 THOUSANDS OF ST"FFFRERS WHO HAVE FAILED 5 r"f n any other way are Invited to investigate Chiropractic methods. whl-- are permaaentiy curing bund.-sua e e- 1 cay. THE BEST OF CHIROFRAClwd 111 .w DIAGNOSTICIANS wiii tnoroughly examie ye. fnake n ssjfi of Jur case and direct your treatments WIIHOL": ANT COT TO YOU ' WHATEVER. -wS ,R?FRACTiC lh f ana modern science of curing and prevent ing R:seaee. 'PSACT,C w'" WnnuI'.r ear. nca itn returna Pn''SJ:"- b-nK.i,VT,K TREATMENTS msv also be fa?ult "L bulldln y members of the Pi Mfi.?thfr UJ or m practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Comer of park and YamhilL Tel Main I014. r. - HOSPITAL ru.n.BKl,on wlth Ce Will band's ?rt;tOW "nt ia most reasonable ela il FiJ to ,how ht Chiropractie ca Address all communications te IR, O. W. ELLIOTT. President. m WHY? Wbv do trie lawyers practice lew, wA ,'cher" t(-h at school? vny does an actor please the crowds In acting like a f owl ? hT 4t parsons preach to you wA tn "loon m nd his bsr? do the footpad bold vou up And pollcemcu wear a star? Why are some In business? Why do some people wed? WJ1 nave me undertakers That live off ait he dead? hy do the dally papers Ask you to advertise? "-y..do m ncn in dealings Tell you a lot of lies? The dollar mark has ruled the word fcince man has ruled creation. wK h" been the ehh and flow 01 almost e cry nation. In TTrnr to that dollar mark Remember, you'll save mere WAIST SL IT' COAT' RES3 ANT At the" PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. -'5 l'i:tok Biook. IOO PtK t KM CHIROPRACTIC 8TSTKV . Vk. J Ucl"hon-. Marleay bldg. Portland; . ,,r,ctor of P-ience. a pst ams w..k 1 ? PCr r"nt chprartie spenal.at. JTLJl n,ht testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the oest. gtso from western end local patierre having unfortunateiy h.d less than loo per cent chiropractic elsewhere, with ef course corresponding dLsappointment la Oe aea relief. MV.nd ornn re fully satisfied with my loo per cent chiropractic pv.loeonnv. ir..rr1ni'1,ind unoor skill demon strated in consultation examinations: eav careful adjustments, rates and. fitullv re sults Tenth year in ih.s city. Term al adjustments $15. Phone. r ! l or wma FOURTH AND WASHINGTON. New Home. r,7 East Si In. on .t DIATHFRMIA. wih proper equipment and properly applied. Is one of the beat ir.odali ties known in electro; herapeutica. Its ue la sucrsisful in all inflamed sore eoadi. tione and no pan of the bodv i too re mote to be reached w tin almost mathe tnatleal preelsion. For this reason sore ovaries, uterus, prostrate g.snd. biadcer Stomach, bowels. lier. kidneys, lungs, loin is to fine, any pert of the body caa be reached snd the sore pert healed Tu berculous joints ana cancerous conditions sre no exceptions if taken in time. If suffering ironi soreness in any part of the body, come In acd have this tucthrd of .t1men' Pifiried. Dr. H, A. PhiUlps. a 0 Broadway bldg. A eUlTA RLE reward w i.i be pad fr le return of coeck. notes, deeds and pr;ate papers taken from the safe cracked a: Glenw ood Wednesday nigh t. Jui v en 4 absolute no questions asked, Murray e F:tigera:d. Glen wood. Waah RHKl M ATISM, lumbago. snatica, gut, neuritis, high blood pressure, constipation, liver snd kidoey troubles ail suci ea f uli v t re a fed by sc entinc methods that rrmox'e the cauee. Brown Hjropathic lnsiliute. Stevens bdg. Main ?ft.:0. ANYONE deirlng to take either a pleas ure or business trip In euto going to Bend, possibly Crater Lake, starting about Aug. 1, at a very reasonable rate, would make a fine vacation trip, address AR 6ti2. ore gonian. ALL the latest remeaiea sold at toe Clam snsoo Drug Co. -on Worr.son st. ht. Charles Hutel corner. At tins drugstore you get just what yott ca.I for. We have ne substitutes. MA RGAKET M. HUMMER. Co to your mother while there la yet time. This wi.f appear Wednesdays and tundas until yoa w rite. Auntie, .-sit Lake City. WANTED, by Robert Hamilton. 7a Gran ville si. ancouvtrr, B. C. the adurcas of my brother, John; formerly lied al 0 Tl!:a mook at.. Port Tan d. or. STILLWELL Kplrituallj-t Church, M 3d st. Sunday. 3 aud 8 V. M.. and everv night In the week. P. M. Lectures and mes sages. Admission free. MT. RAINIER auto trip; will lea e Portland Aug. 2; have room in my machine for one or two rongenlMl people, sharing expenses. A K 14. Oregontan. ERlKSON's white snield maternity home for unfortunate girls; no publicity: babies placed in Christian homes. Address 7 i E. 7 2d st. N. 1'hone C 127J. DR. RUTH OLKScx. 552 Washington bldg Swedish massM ge. elect ri ity. exercises, steam, rheumatism, constipation; 12 years experience. Main t34. $1 WILL get both fevt ftxea up good at Dr. Eaton's, the CH IUoPjjDIST. w ho doesn't hurt you: 5 years here; exam. free. Giooe theater bidg- lHh endWash. Bdwy. 2 2 4. HONOR BRIGHT" THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. Does grow hsir. Write or call 600 Union ave. '.. for positive proof. WANT to adopt a healthy baby boy from one day to few weeks' old; de.rk ej es snd hair preferred : good home, beet of cere X 82S. oregonian. MUS. pTKv fc.N H. 5 years Portland's re nowned teacher of palmistry and crystal gazing : has crystals for sale: a:so her book "Palmistry Made Easy." o75 Taylor. MKb. M. U LAMAR. 25 5TH fiT. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instruction tn the theory of health, suc cess snd harmony. ARE you troubled with asthma, catarrh, lumbago, general debility? If so. try our wonderful inlet ray treatments. 2 us Fleldner budding. FEB VET & H ANNE BUT. leading wig and toupe makes, finest stock human hair goods, halrdresstiig. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 34'J Alder. Main Mel. JoHN ENT tood news for you. Communi cate with bos L. oregonian office, 74J Market St.. San Francisco. EXPERIENCED chauffeur. familiar with trip, w tahes to drive party to California for his epensea Phone East 8u;X UR A DU ATE nurse treats lumbago. etc Hours 2 to A. or by appointment. Phoae Main 1049. Office T.Os-c Third st. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by muitlp.e needle methods, indorsed by phy sicisna 504 S wetland Mdg. 5th st WasH. IF VERS E. Ci AK K wit. write but uncle, L. Mason. 9 W. th at., Duiuth. k.oa, money for you from mother. TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or ne par: $1 If cured. Remedy sent on trial. bu perbs Co.. W a '.4. Baltimore, Md. U PKRKLL'Ot'S hlr. moles, warts removed by 10 r.eedies method; tr:al tree. Jos:e Km ley. 14 Bush a? Lane bldg. Matn A56. IVERSON po.aon oak cure relieves at o:u. Call at the I mperlal Hotel barber snup. Woodlawn 105 REV. MRS J. C SCHuHI. spiritual adviser, 15 E 15th st. N . cor. Burnjiide. guetmn meeting Tuea.. Thurs.. b P. M. Est 3iM. GOITRE, enlarged, gianaa. cure youraalf per manently. A. K. biraciiaa. Route it, hn.f bora. Oregoa LJi ELNA fioKENSEN. 5s Panama b.dg. I ru g . ess tr.et hods, Stomach. kldne a. rheumatism, constipation, etc Main 5tt. DR. NEl-SON cures corns, buntors, 'ingrow ing oatis without pain, consultation free; very reasonab.e. 5a Dekuin bidg. suPtil A B S 1 p, spiritual adviser. l'C-0 t;oounotig ii bag. Question meetings Tues days snd Fridays. & P. M. Marsha:! 25uJ. MM r C RE N ELL r e . 1 e ve s 1 1 c b in g sea 1 p dandruf f : face massage, moles ttmouA C:.u F. ledger bidg. BEiT Ham bath, yi brat: on. e:ectric ev chlropiwetie 1 ally. t. i.rrti iw- 215 hsriUnd bldg. Main 17t5. IX'taN'T Tom, Dl .-k or Marry pay you I t-e terecK. co I lections. Dckum bldg. RL PTUKE CAN P-E CURED w ,:hout an op eratlon. Free booklet. P. O box 1 1 PILES CAN BE Ct K ED althuut operation; l.nd for fr book.et. p. O. box ll-i. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Bairn ef Figs. 4 E. 3ad. Sell wood 22 1 3m oming a. GERTRUl'K DAN'l El-t. superfluous bir, minrunng.facf, sralp-JJ Fiiedner blrtg MAT ANDREWS. phrenoiogHt. card "read -Ing. JVrk st. Main 7 5 4 WANTED IVe-nt address of l.iliian Ryser. Important. Address AJ 5t7. Oregonian. El SEND lodak. book and my father's WS'.let. E MADAME JKkNETTE. learner of paimstr. Zora Hotel, apt. 15. cor. f'.h and Morrison. WANT to sccsmpany partv lo California by auto.. Mrs. Woolcy, Main 6oJ.