The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 42

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COOK Ex-U. S. M. M. will take over en
tire management (including accountings
cooking, ordering and general care) of
email bachelor club or apartment at rea
sonable figure because he wants pome
Fpare time for study. Haa been particu
larly successful at this port of thing, hav
ing previously organized and originated,
the F. T. C. of S. F. for the pole pur
pose of surrounding himself with high
olass, clean-cut, congenial company. X
8H0. Oregonian.
PL'KCHASI.Vi; agent wants to connect with
la rge PortUnd firm, where shrewd buyer
or executi'e. up-to-the-minute man is
Heeded; at present employed with large
concern : can furnish Al reference. AK
410. Oregontan.
W'A NT ED Conneitione with a sound, pro
gressive concern by young married man li'.'
yearn of ace, several years sales, some
executive and considerable factory experi
ence: Alexander Hamilton student: Knows
Portland thoroughly. II F 10. Oreonian.
WANTED Management, salary basis. of
good up-to-date hotel or rooming house,
by man and wife, experienced, with cap
able ladv assistant. Cail B 1S43, or address
1 -0 K. 14th.
CARPKNTF.R contracts wanted for building
of alterations. Manny, Sellwood -4-1-
Bookkeeper, Stenograrhfr. Office.
BOO K K K E I'K R -C A S 1 II KU with 12 years' ex
perience, would like sim liar position of
trust and responsibility, or would like
several small s;s of books to take care
of: best of references. AJ 350. orego
nlan. I01Ni married man, at present cash ac
countant for larse corporation, desires
chance as cash accountant, asst. auditor
or with public accountants. BJ 11, Orego
ni;. CORHESl'OXPEN'T, stenoirrapher, well edu
cated, long business experience, able han
d'e important matters, own Initiative; de
sires opening in advertising, sales promo
tion department. X KM. Oregon ian.
BOiiKKEKFER. accountant, with public ac
counting experience, is open for position
iviih wholesale house or manufacturing
concern ; moderate salary; highest refer
ences. AK 47. Oregonian.
VJ RST-CLASS a rounti.nt will prepare fi
nancial sratements. open or close or keep
b'.oks requiring part time ; moderate
r-h.-ire. Tabor MQ4. t
AX HXPKRTKXOKD bookkeeper, employed
da vs wishes sma 11 set of books to keep
crtiiiigs. Marshall 104o, Sunday or after
6 P. M., weekdays.
EXi'KfUKNTKD bookkeeper and office man.
varied ex periene. stenocrapher. wlnhes to
connect with live concern. BC 0. Ore
gonian. (
LfMBKR office man. 10 years' experience
Jn ire'ieral office work and eHing whole
sale m cd retail. AV a 'J 1 , Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, competent, extensive expe-r!e-ic.
good penman. AJ ftp. Oregonian.
Soldiers and Sailor.
r.K(KXTl,Y returned oversea soldier de
tires situation. Previous to enlistment em
ploveo :s salesman bv large concern, cov
ered Oregon territory three year's. Would
accept place In wholesale - bouse where
there is chance for advancement- BJ 13.
g:nian. t
EXPERIENCE Houseman, janitor, fireman,
could handle night clerk, small hotel: un
derstand my business; must have living
wage. Main 7!7. or Y 4.r."i, Oregonian.
IJISCHARGED soldier wants position with
reliable concern; college graduate 4 years
electrical and mechanical construction ex
perience. AM 42. Oregonian.
KE 1 1 STE RED pharmacist recently returned
from overseas wants position, relief or
permanent. BJ 14. Oregonian.
JUST out of army, have had electrical and
mechanical experience. AO 4-6. Ore
WANTED Position in Christian home by
school girl to assist with housework,
to $2) per month. Call "Wood lawn 07o9
ELDERLY lady will go to Seaside for two
weeks and work for fare and room and
board in private home. AH 444, Orego
nian. REPINED elderly lady would jare for one
or two small children at beach: desires
expenses and some wages; references
gi n. Ca 1 1 Sol 1 wood 1M4L
TEACHER wants work for summer; would
teach backward child, tutor adult or care
for home in o v. ner's absence. All 435,
WOMAN will give services in exchange for
comfortable room in good location: good
typist, teacher and can. sew. AH 436,
A LADY of refinement cares for children
evenings or afternoonM; capable and ex
perienced with the aged and sick ; ref.
M arahall .'Ml.
LADY with experience in family hotel
wants position as manager in lipartm-mt
house; can give reference. K l'A2. Or.j
fron'm. YOl'NG lady with four years' office expe
rience desires position as assistant book
keeper, typist or bill clerk; reterences. 13 J.
8, iregonian.
WlU'l'tJ woman will do laundry, cleaning,
cooking, canning by the hour, also bundle
washing; good worker. 3ft E. -7th.
LADY wants housecleanlng and other work;
hour, day; sal is I action guaranteed. Wuod
la wn C..i(i.".
"WANTED Position as tutor or governess by
experienced teacher; good references. All
447, Oregonian.
WANTED Ry experienced lady elevator op
erator, t ion in hotel or business bids.
I 'hone Marshall 3u3.. Room 10.
COI.OREr young woman wm's steady
place Tuesday and Thursday; day work.
Woodla wn U2.
LADY of refinement wishes position man
aging apartment or rooming house. Phone
Maui 4n"Ji.
WIDOW lady wants 1 or 2 children to care
for in her own home; best of care; no other
children. BJ '.'3, Oregonian.
WANTED To cook for threshing crew,
eastern Oregon; state wages. Write or
wire Mrs. W. L. Craig. Independence. Or.
LADY with boy 3 wishes position cooking
on ranch or small -imp, state wages.
Y 47 f. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants day work,
preferably Albina. East -5-3. Mrs. Strat
ton. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Sellwood
WAN TED Day work, washing, cleaning,
ironing, for Friday and Saturday. .East
y un.
USE of apartmi-iits for attending small
apartment house by wife; husband em
ployed. Phone Mrs. Forcior. Main 5s tit;.
J A PAN ESE woman wants position to do
housework; can't speak English. BC IS,
Oregon ian.
IlOUN; voman with 3 children wishes place
to work for board and room; city or coun
t ry ; near school . Box 34, M each am. Or
KX FKR1ENOED moving picture pianist
wishes substitute work; suburban picture
stows. Tabor "04S.
WANTED Position as housekeeper in apart
ment house by experienced woman, or will
lease nice location. East P'Jti.
LADY wishes position as housekeeper for
apartment house. Phone Woodla wn 3ls4
or V" 4o5, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lady wou.d like position as
manager of hotel or apar:men; house;
best references. Call Main 51'4.
LAtY wants cooking for snnll ere v. men
where there is no other woman : have boj
1 years. 30ft Vi Third st.. K. T-:l.
WANTED I'osition by a lady cook or house
keeper, city or country. Telephone Broad
way 1 77.
IOUXG lady piano player wishes dance en
gagements, private homes a specialty.
Call Tabcr 2lft.
EXPERIEXC ED woman will slmonize cars
in your own garage; first-class work.
Tabor 27ftrt.
r and mend in g for bachelors and
women. Phone Marshall 42fti.
CURT A 1 N hand laundry.
A l.V'ft.
Broadway 3tt2,
YOUNG lady wants ironing, caring for chil
dren by day. East 461.
CAPA BLE woman wants work by day or
hour. King. Main 2443.
WOMAN would like position as housekeeper.
1 n7 Pag e strec t.
GIRL wants housework, would like place
with old couple. 2tl J- E. Morrison st.
POSITION as cashier or clerk in gro.. 5 yrs.
experience. Phone Wdln. 4-"3tl. ask for H.
WINDOWS and eeneral house cleaning
LACE curtains hand laundered by expert.
MEN", washing and mending done reasonable
402 4th st. Mar. Qoftff.
LACE curtains hand laundered by expert;
' ra:ie.t :or. ceinprea. oi:.
CA PA FtLE switchboard operator desires po
sition. Columbia 12.
WANTED Position In delicatessen or lunch
room, some experience. Sei 1 wood 3.".ft5.
EAtT Call up lo o'clock undaj ; dav
work all the time.
WANTED A position as manager of an
apartment-house. East 71 1.
llEIiART.E ladv wishes housework bv day.
Ca!I Woofl'swn 174 after IO A. M.
WILL do knitting, crocheting, tatting, etc
prices right. Woodlawn ii4t3.
k ot refinernent and education, capa
ble and experienced, wants position with
family going to beach or to California, as
traveling companion and helper, or to
"nn cniiaren sewing or nousetceep
"g; references given. P :S3. Oregonian.
"" l- ruucaipa woman, rona or enn
dren. wants position as mother's helper,
tutor or governess; good dressmaker:
would do some housework; willing to go to
" 1 -ierencea given. s 1 . Oregon ian.
M I DULE-AGED woman, good cook, desires
position an cook or housekeeper: has bov
of 14. Hell. 2671 Sundav. between 10
A. M. and 3 P. M.. or call at 4548 43d
st. S. E. .
CA PABLE girl wants position as reception
ist, preferably in physician or dentist's
office, some knowledge typewriting. Phone
Sellwood 1 l-'fift.
REFINED widow desires full charge of
respectable rooming or apartment hou?e
as housekeeper for gentleman; experl
enced. A H 446. Oregonian.
COLOR ED woman wants every Friday and
fjiturday; laundry ; good reference. East
ILL. take in plain sewing. Call Wood
lawn 24H1.
Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office.
EXPERT stenographer. years experience,
electrical and mechanical engineering and
legal work, wishes position of responsi
bility, where intelligence and conscien
tious work will be appreciated; J 30 per
week. AL 4o3. Oregonian.
ASSISTANT bookkeeper, young lady, good
penman, accurate at figures, speedy on
adding machine, clerical; ref. P 31W, Ore
g'n!an. GIRL desires stenographic or switchboard
work evenings and Saturday afternoons.
CmII Ka3t 5124 any time Sunday or even-
mi;- m 1 1 er o o clock.
POSITION warned by experienced Iomb-r
stenographer, can do checking and billing,
also take care of routine correspondence.
GIRL desires situation as receptionist: doc
tor's or dentist's office preferred; capable
typist; salary no object. BF W, Orego
nian. POSITION wanted in office by capable
young girl ; good typist; small salary.
Phone East 1147.
CASHIER wishes position. understands
bookkeeping. Writ or call 332 X. 20th
FIRST-CLASS secretarial position desired by
highly qualified. experienced business
worn a n, salary tl.'ift. C 5.'H. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as assistant bookkeeper
or cashier, experienced, good references.
AL Oregonian.
LiADY" wishes office position, good penman
and good at figures. Phone Apt. 3, Wdln.
BILLING, typing, stenographic or general
office position desired; experienced. JBJ
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes work
at home copying abstracts. addressing
EXPERIENCED B.K. and stenographer in
lumber and all com, lines. Main 2817.
BEGINNER'S stenographic position: have
had some office experience. East 3S0.
CAPABLE girl wants position, stenographic
and gen. office work. Sellwood 2423.
Dress matters.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking and remodeling;
special prices on tub frocks. 1120 Division.
Tabor S012.
DRESsi .MAKER wants work out by the dav,
2ftc per hour. and work guaranteed.
"Write W 354. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, 12 years in Port
land; reasonable prices; references. East
SEWING tlone, work guaranteed, reasonable
prices. Will go out or take in. Call
Wood lawn 5354.
WANTED Engagements by the day; expe
rienced in spits and gowns; do remodeling,
reasonable. Phone Bdwy. 1507.
PLAIN sewing, reasonable, satisfaction guar
anteed. Mrs. Kicholfeon, 12U Grand, avenue.
East 5 J 13.
DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy children's
clothing; prices reasonable, prompt serv
ice. 537 Montgomery.
LADY wants dressmaking for ladles
children. Tabor 332ti.
ANY kind of dressmaking, pri-es reasona
ble. Main 63o8. 62. North 27th.
DRESSMAKER-will go out by day! Phone
Hroa d way 2719.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. Bessie Daniels.
7:;n E. An keny. Phone East 2S21.
DRESSMAKING and remodeling, work guar
antee!. 1 a nor ohm.
SEWING at home, 4 per day. Reasonable by
Fir-re. Mar. 4400, apt. 34.
WORK guaranteed, price 1 eas-mahie. 42;l
Fast 7th and Morrison. Phone East 4n;i'.i.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, dresses $4 up,
work guaranteed. Mar. 207.S.
prire. Tabor 74s.
k, reasonable
UP-TO-DATE designing and dressmaking
at reasonable rates. Tabor SS4S.
WANTED Dressmaking, experienced dress
maker. Seilwood 31o7. 72 Brooklyn st.
Wty stay at home? Normal confinement
cases taken care of for less than one-half
x the usual charges; cases, including flrugs.
weeks' hospital cre, for JftO ; all ot her
bu ik leal cases taken under same cond it ion.
Phone Wood lawn or Main 7744 or ap
ply 72 Dekum bldg.
WOMAN to take charge of private hospital;
must have had practical experience in
nursing; must be able to prepare meals
anu take full charge; steady employment.
Apply Dr. O. W. Elliott, president. Pacific
Chiropractic coilege, corner Park and Yam
hill. Main 1014.
NURSE, quiet home in country, beautiful
surroundings, on fine auto road and car
line, solicits patients, muntal unfortunates,
confirmed invalids, elderiy. G res hani Or.,
R. A, box 111.
WANTED Practical nurse with some hos
pital training desires day nursing or can
01 children by the hour. Phone Tabor
TRAl NED nurse will take sick or con va
les ent at her own home, male or female,
best care, massage given. Tabor 02!).
MIDDLE-AGED nurse with hospital train
ing now ready for any kind of nursing
Tabor C.424.
REFINED, sympathetic, practical nurse, will
care for inval ids or convalescent; best
references. Phone East 410.I.
Correct diagnosing; best of medical at
tention and nursing. 734 Hawthorne ave.
MAN and wife (wife nurse) will care for
mental case in their home. P 307. Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED and capable nurse will care
for convalescent. Marshall 349.
PRACTICAL nurse desirea
ca fes. Sellwood 778.
con 1 moment
PRACTICAL nurse wants work. Woodlawn
NIGHT nurse from 11 to 5, $2. Phone Main
COMPETENT nurse, care illness, elderly, in
valid or convalescent. Marshall 2&b3.
A PRACTICAL nurse wishes position; would
leave city. A J 572, Oregonian.
RE KIN ED lady from the east would like
position as housekeeper for responsible
person; city preferred. AM 420, Orego-
RELIABLE woman desires housekeeping
where help is kept. Good cook, seamstress,
fond of children. Ida Dye, 101l 3d ave.,
Spokane. Wash.
LADY with two small girls wishes position
as housekeeper, good home more than
large wages. Address Lenta, Or., R, 3,
box 12K.
A LADY with 2 small boys wants a place
as housekeeper, no triflers need answer,
a home with mall wages. BJ U7, Orego
nian. RE EI NED widow will take care of gentle
man's home for use of sewing machine
and email wages In city; give description
and address or phone. K 4 Hi, Oregonian.
WANTED A place as housekeeper or cook.
by lady with little ooy 4 years ola; coun
t ry or city. Phone East --16 or call
BY EXPERIENCED woman, a position as
managing housekeeper or widower with,
children or invalid lady; best of references.
T 4li. Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper by refined, edu
cated lady whose son is a soldier ; bach
elor's or widower's home preferred; lirst
c'ass references. BC 4, Oregonian.
M1DDLE-AOED widow wants position as
house Keeper in rooming no use or lor el
derly couple. AM 416, Oregonian.
LADY with two children, S and 1'2, wants
housekeeping in city or country; steady
jolt. Al -., uregonian.
DESIRE position as housekeeper in widow
ers family ; good wages. AJ 571, Orego
nian. MIDDLE-ACED lady would like to take care
of old people, city or country; no travelers
neea app.y. h j-; r irsi si. noom 12.
HOUSEWORK, plain cooking. 1 60 day.
lOioO to 7::t: no cleaning, washing. AM
404. Oregonian.
WIDOW with son, 7, wishes position as
housekeeper, country or city. Phone East
MIDDLE-A OED woman wants house w ork 4
or 5 hours a day: no washlnr. Tabor 74ftT
; J A POSITION as housekeeper by refined lady
I Kith, daughter. liC i, Uiefiuxuao.
POSITION as housekeeper where 1 can have
my two girls 3 anu 5 years old with me;
will give mother'! love and care to motn
erles children or where mother is em
ployed during day, more for home than
wages; wri leave city. AF 14, Orego
r. ian.
WI Do W, experienced country housekeeper,
wants permanent poFltlon as houne-keepr
for widower or bachelor on farm near
good school: boys, and 5: will stay per
manently if satisfactorv : btate w ares and
particulars. Address l.V4 East Taylor sU
HOUSEKEEPER with tlrsi-c!ass rf.'erencu
and experience would like to obtain a po
sition In or out of town in A-1 hotel or
matron In a college. Room 10. Phone Mar
yla'l Olive Apt., 1 ftth and Morrtfon.
UNI NCI' M BE RED widow wis hep housekeep.
. ine for one or more gentlemen on ranch.
AN 30. Oregonian.
W'A N'TED A reliable girl to it wll ti
fteror.d work and care of two children at
beach: permanent place. Call mornings.
Broadway 1'.V4.
YOUNG lady wishes hotinewnrk; Is also a
good cook. S 2.". Oregonian.
TO LEASE or buy if terms mtltable. 1 to
aer.1 near cjty. from owner, east sid
preferred. S 14, Oregonian.
Information and
Jtentai Bureau.
Reliable up-to-date lists of der'rsble va
cant houses, apartments and flats with
definite information peralmnr to each.
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value In helping them 9 si
properly and quickly located.
Eightli Floor.
Wanted by young roupie for A u gust,
September. Must be furnished complete
ly and modern. In first-class neighbor
hood. Address Edgar Eastman,
RESPONSIBLE couple, no children, want to
rent unfurnished Irving ton or A lambda
Park house; lease for 1 year desired. Can
furnish ny references desired. Marshall
0U1S. oOti Yeun bidg.
A KINE modern residence, close In, fur
nished; upstairs rented for a month,
lower floor reserved for ourselvef; wife
leaving city so will sell furniture for $0o,
house can be made to pay for furniture in
a few months: this Is a snap. Sunday
phone Ea.t 7SK7, weekdays Main 6477.
FIVE or six room furnished house by man
and wife, must bo clean and reasonable,
t'refer private home, will guarantee to
keep place in excellent condition. Satis
factory references will be lurnished. AM
4l'3. Oregonian.
We have parties who want o or 6-room
modern bungalows; will pay $.15 to $4.1
and take year's lease. No trouble to you.
WANTED To rent, by responsible family,
an S-room houe. with all modern con
veniences, unfurnished preferred; garage,
lawn, garden, more than 1 lot: within 1
mile of Catholic sisters' school, in good
neighborhood. AR io7, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent or lease with privilege
of buying, 4-room house with water in and
electric lights; from to 1 acre of ground,
within city limits; must be a bargain. Ad
dress Mrs. Brooks, route 5, box Van
couver. Wash.
WANTED To ren t or 6-room furnished
bungalow with garage preferred; will fur
nish best of references and pay 6 mouths'
rent in advance if desired. Adams, Ta
bor 032."..
WANTED To rent, unfurnished, by respon
sible family of 2 adults, a bungalow with
garage, on Willamette Heights; will lease
for 2 years and pay rent quarterly In ad
vance. AK 47ft. Oregonian.
WANT to rent large, e at or went
side, for nice clean undertaking business,
eight or t-n rooms; good rent fur long
t-r 111 ; corner preierrea. AM 410, Orego-
WANTtD To lease, by responsible people
with small children, modern, we'l-fur-nished
house of 7 or S rooms, garage and
sleeping porch; best references. Phone
COUPLE want 4 or 5-room unfurnished mod
ern flat or small bungalow on or before
August 5. M ust be f condition.
Eaxt Sid. Tabor 450.
CLOS K-1 N Mil b urban plat-e of few acres,
modern bouse, clone to car line and on
p.i vtd road ; best of care by couple. AR
"..".", Or- gontan.
WANTED TO RENT 4 or S-room unfur
nished bungalow, young couple, no chil
dren; take possession Sept. 1 or 15. R
134. Oregonian.
5 OR 6-room furnished house, with garage
preferred; modern and good f urnisiiint;
only, good district ; one baby 1 7 months
old ; responsible party. East 4379.
WANTED To rent or 1 . a e tor 1 year
modern a or -ro0m Dungaiow witn ga
rage; can furnish nrst-class references. X
stilt. Ore gonlan.
FL'KMSiiKD house by middie-aged coup;
will rent for year; pay quarterly In ad
vance; financially responsible; references.
Call Marshall ::i'.t4.
5-ROOM bungalow with garage, no chil
dren. John A. Walter, of John A. Walter
Tire Co.. U'.M Ptark at., near 10th. l'hone
Rrnad way li.", ; call Monday.
FURNISHED or unfurnished modern six or
seven-room houe with garage, possession
not later than October 1; would lease; beat
of references. Phone East 7'J.
WANTED To rent small house on Portland
Heights, with option of buying. P U1.
SMALL, modern, furnished or unfurnished
house, 4 or 5 rooms; 2 In family. CaiJ
East 20'JS.
WANTED 0 or 6-room unfurnished houMe
or hat by August 10; responsible couple. AL
4.; . oregonian.
WANTED Bungalow to lease by August
22 ; good location ; references. Phone Ta
bor ..417.
LADY employed would like to rent V house
with respeciaDie party. so, oreso
WANTED 1 or 5-room furnished house
reliable couple with references. Call East
A FAMILY of three adults wants a or 6
room flat or house in good district; care
ful, reliable tenants. A it oo. oregonian
WANTED Modern furnished 7 or 8-room
house on Portland Heights: references.
Phone Broadway 411. room Wl.
SEPT 1. by family of 4 adulta. R-room
modern house in good condition. AR ti4.
WANTED At once, 3, 4 or 5-room furnished
or unfurnished house. Notify L. L, Woods,
154b Willamette tiva., or Columbia 7.
WANTED To rent small unfurnished bun
galow near good car line, moderate rent
adults. h-none aiain 1 -. 1.
5 OR C-ROOM unfurnished housa. in good
Tabor 5082.
T v ri rr c: nnv C I DT C nt an n nrl r. K a
room furnished house; references. Phone
lauor (.
WANTED 5-room furnished bungalow by
young couple, no cniluren. juain -ib.
W AN TED To rent, small furnished house.
Y 434. Oregonian.
WANTED Small furnished house or fiat by
couple with one chito. Last jjjs.
WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room furnished
house by August lt- 1 444. oregonian.
WANTED To rent 5-room furnished house;
adults. Sellwood .16(4.
Feptember 1. small modern unfurnished
apartment, with gas stove and bath: not
over 12 blocks from Oregonian bldg Prions
Mr. Fink. Main 7070. or Marshall 401.
WANT furnished 2-room apartment : walk
ing distance from 6th and Washington sts.
not over $SQ; permanent. AK 41, Ore
g on ian.
A YOL'NG counle will share a very attrac
live bungalow home with young lady or
married couple; rent reasonable. 801
Overlook bl vd.
fcEPT. 1 Want 5-rm. apt., 'J bedrooms, heat,
light, bath, etc ; man and wife, perma
nent; state iuii paruruian, wen iiue pre'
f erred. EC 10. OregoniarK
J3l-INES3 man. family of 4. wants perma
nently 5-room unfurnished flat or apart
ment, tves 1 ric tea cuirici, w ei iiac pre
f erred. Phone E. 644 S.
OR 3 rooms, unfurnished apartment, on
first or second fioor. close in on car line,
by two adulta. Address Box 43 J, Glad
stone. Or.
WANTED ri.ngle apt. or flat, west side, not
over 30. Ca'.l after 5:"0 p. M. or before
12, Sunday, room 4o:. Brtwy. 1J.0
WANT to lease modern 6 or 7-room houa
WANTED Rooms, close In, west side, by
lady, suitable for ladies tailoring; per
manent. 6 years In one place; references
ex--hanged. W 3M, Oregonian.
LADY employed would like 3 or 4 unfur
nished rooms, respectable location, close
in. AN 37, Orconaan.
WANTED August 1 by middle-aged buMne
man. large, 100! wetl-f ur nished room with
bath or at lea.t runninr water, close to
the armory or in northeast section; If on
e a t aide must have enrage. A. E. Ncate.
B.iw y. 10. or Mar. 4:io. .
WANTED At once, three nicely lurnUbed
roms or apt., by three adults. Wood
la w n 22..
CLEAN, furnished room, good location; w 1!1
g've sericen in exchange for aine. AH
37, Oregonian.
CENTI.EM A N. Hebrew, w -ihe room with
reiin.ii people. k 1 IK, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Pv reliable nusiness man. room
and board In strictly pn ate faml-y. went
side, two meals a day; must have all
modern con eni-nc-jt; state price. AudrL-Mi
AM 4".-.. (irtrpT.iun.
YOl'Nt; buklnrtM man want a nice room anil
'1 mn' a l-y In private, refined hnmi
within walking distant e of bucinrni ac
tion; references If desired. V 4 OA orego-
SA1.KS.MA N, rlnKle. w ouM like larK
room and brea k fast In private f am v.
Cat hoi le. close in. Oive phone. S 1. Ore
gonian. W IDOW wants room and board for e'f and
two ;lls i anil 0 years where ;lr: can Int
cared for during day while mother w orka
AK nn-BuniHti.
TO UN i man w itths room and board with
prlate family; must be near Albina ave.
and north of Monroe st.: give telephone
number. K J04, Oregonian.
WANT good home for U-year-old girl, where
motner can Doarn ; no otner cniluren. au
dreB P 3'.. iregonian.
WIDOW will give small children the best of
board and care where parent m:v have
housekeeping rooms. - 1224 East Main st.
WANTED Room and board In the vicinity
01 Union ave. and uco st. 111 one .wt
74 45.
WANTED- Hoard and room for mn and 11-
yar-old daughter in mural place. A J
5d 5, Oregnniun.
V. A N T i.U Room and board with pii w ie
family, 'J men. '2 rooms, went side, c in.
A K . f tri-gonlan.
WANTED Room and board In private fam
ily by a working man. UK 1.1, oregonian.
PLACE to board baby 5 weeks, where It
can have best of care. R 1 1 , oregonian.
ROOM, breakfast and super in private
family. AR it. Oregonian.
Housekeeping Itooms.
WANT furnished 2-room apartment; walk
ing distance from tit n ana V ashincton st. ;
not over $J0; 'pennaiivnt. AK. 41. Ore
gonian. RiisinrH I'lsx-es.
WANTED To iear a building lOOxloO. two
fioors, or location for automobile busi
ness; west bide preferred, AN i!U, On-soman.
WANT to rent a 5 or 6-room apartment
house or flat ; must b- modem in e erv
respect and in a desirable district. Call
L. H, Morrison. Bd wy. -J5O6. or address
4ov t Washington st.
reasonable prices. Full Instructions fre.
Pike & O'Neill. "Tne hop With the Greta
Tile Front." Washington, bet. Broadway
and Park
FOR b;nt.
X-iimIlud Rooms.
2M 1 4th Street.
For business girls ami lady tourists.
The comrorts of home; 2 to $10 per
week. Mam 41 11.
A Moderate-Priced Motel of .Merit.
E.iyt Morrion and Sixth.
Hotel Clifford is the prm 1p.1l east -Ms
hotel and is a hotl of dignity and refine
ment. Dally rates $1.00 uy; two in luotn,
$l."."; wkly ratea. and up.
NORTON I A HOTEL. Portlands downtown
high-class family hotl; roo:ns en suite or
single, with or wUhout board, for famllle
ana business men and women. We kiv
you all the cuintorls of a home. Reason
able rates.
170 11th M., half bio. k I rorn Morrison
nt., clean, modern rooiim, contrail, locat
ed; transient. 1..'.0; wl:U bath, moiitu-
iv. .:"; with bath. :o.
FREE room register, tor young men; listing
rooms In all parts of the City; aiso in
Y. M. C. A. bldg-; shower oaths, tele
phones and club itiature. Ah oil, Ore
gonian A LA DY occupying a 4-room flat will rent
nic-:y furnished room with s!e-dng porr!.;
every convenience; use of kit-lien: giaau
ate ntir-e preferred; nt;r 2 carllnea; on
fast si !.'. close in. Y Or
427 S Alder sL, Conner 11th.
Eiegantiy I urn it bed. ci-ntral location,
el an and orderly. Rates by day or week
y.i TO " PER WEEK.
The (J-rUnd boiel. moiimn rooms. 20
Trinity Place, corner Wellington bcu
T.H h and .ot h. Main 1 Ui.'t.
4NSOMA, 14th and Washington With hot
and cold water and phone. Transient. 1
up; p-rmai-snt,$4 up. Private bathfc.
IAROE light airy room, with hot and cold
water; Urtu closet; 1.V Apt- F. 21U t.
lf.Th ;-nd Mnin.
WELL luriuMitu. uiuut.111 iiuui 1 0001 ior
couple, also desiraole room lor gentle
man; no better location In city. Main 1
CLKA N, pleasant, furnished attic ! -pi tig -room,
suitable for gentleman, w a. king
diMtanre. t Utti St.
CHOICB rooms in is rge home with beau
tiful grounds; references. t31 lioyt st.
Broadway bO.
FRoNT room with kit chunet ' for lik'ht
housekeeping. -0 month. o;i4 WiU.ains
' ave.
HiiTKh NO R R I-1. .ir3 W Alder Notice sum
mer rates; modern out si tie room, fit per
week up; with batn. come a:iq see.
T WO nicely f urnriHhed rooms; one has
piano; walking distance. Call at 3Ji 11m
Ht. oeiore l o ciock ounuay.
P-RIVATE residence; two furnished hou-
keeninsr rooms. Tele phone C .iliiS.
Knott St.. near Williams ave.
HOTEL OCKLEY, ilorrison st. a Tenth
Rates $1 p;r day up; weekly. $4 up; run
ning water, tree phone and bath.
PALACE HOTEL. 44 Waah. st. ; downtown
location, rexpectat-le and strictly modern,
attain h'at, rooms large, clean.
NICE, ciean. airy room. - blocks off Wash
ington st., per month. b0 Flanueri.
Cail 1 :30 until 0, apt. 21.
LADY occupying desirable room in leading
hotel wants to sublet. Reltrences. a
X V O plainly furnished rooms, gas, electric
li ghts. oatn a nu pauno. 00s ouuiuar bu
Woodiawn tiS7S.
PLEASANT sleeping room, bou-ekeeplag If
desired. jonnson st.
THE PENROSE 14 tt Grand ave., at Bel
mont; choice single rooms ior meo.
liUSHMARK hotc-U Soo1 Wash. lU, large,
clean, modern rooms. wee.a up.
SARGENT HOTEL, 271'. Grand ave.. . k.
apt. and sleeping rooms. East 2il.
HILLCREsT HOTEL Lath, phone; $22.0
month up; without bath. 16 up. 33 Waah,
Tic. $1.00 DAY; $2.5 week up, outside
room tt. Hotel Cadillac. Bd near Jefferson
FURNlisH ED sleeping rooms. $2 and up.
""o1 tfavier st.
TWO furnished sleeping rooms. 1-8 North
lbth. ttroauway -.
HOTEL MADRAS, Washington and
All conveniences, $4 and $5 week; $1 day.
NICELY furnished front room, phone, bath,
walking distance. Mamhall 3co.
ONE furnished room In modern flat, home
privileges. v eat noyi b.
SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms to let
at Taylor Grand Apta. 1. U Grand ave. s.
I nfurnWhed Kooms.
i ROOMS, private bath, entire -d floor,
private entrance; gas elec. lights and
water free), $ltt.."0; west side, 12 min. out
on Fulton canine; lovely nver view. 12SJi
LARi?E living room, kitcben and bedroom,
pantry and toilet, lights, gas and water
furnished; fine view of city. 411U 47th ave.
S. E. Rhone n-ii. 'i.
BEFORE renting see large unfurnished
"Fnrnlsbed -too ma to rrlTSite Fanally.
IRVINGTON. beautifully furnished room.
fireplace, snower oatn. aiso i;-tp,Df porcu.
ONE large front room suitable for 2 or 3
men. 1 niocK iroin iiorary. .11 inn st
COOK plea!ant room for gentleman. 410
Salmon; near library.
FURNISHED room for rent. 109 Blandena
st. Wdln.
CLEAN furnished room, gentlemen, 54 North
loth, near wsn. iower xioor.
FURNISH ED rooms, modern conveniences.
r. coucn street. rteu i ina 1. Apt.
FL'RN ISHKD room, convenient for a ship
yard woraer. -u at.
NICELY furnished front sep:ng room, with
bath; use ot Kitcner ...-j -.. An.
SINGLE front H K. rooms for woman. 910
per mo. 1 on l.stn st
DESIRABLE room in apt.. c!oe n. reason
ah.e. Marshall 1. ;(OS Ith
CLEAN room. bath, phor.s. nice hos- close
!-, $$ per oiu.ili, v.i 1.2 '-a gt-
f urn Kited Rooms in PtiTate Family.
MB. large front room with private lava
tory and d rering room In a beautiful
home, mil itiAdrrn conveniences. larK ver
anda and grounds, w et side, walking dis
l nee. Marshall 401.
LAItttK front room with hxeakfapt. suitable
for one or two gentlemen; a very comfort
able, homelike pit-e, within walking div
tnnce; m!mo a, w el L-ve nt ll t e.l bu-innt
room. 41 Clay st. Main
Cl.KAN. refined young man wants congenial
room mate in modern, well-furnished room.
Piano; (U'.O per month. 414 Salmon. Main
Folt KENT 1 Urse room and sleeping
p-ipch w ith lumilrjr and kit. ben -rlv -
11- sen. in apartment house. BJ 3. Ore
gor tan.
TvV'J or one nice furnls-fied bdroom In
private f,irrillv; no oh lidren : lad or men
w ho work preferred. OoO l M.aslss.ppi
ae.. cr. Monroe t.
NICE, cle.-in furniKhrd room with bath and
home privilege- m private fnmlly. three
blo ks I'l'-dtiiont car barn. CU of ter 10
A M. 1.1 i-:.Kt Chun h utreet.
KINK, larxe front room, well ftirnishet : mod
ern, new house, with piano; lo-minuie
rtl llawtborre car. 04 K. UJd. near
liawthorne. I'hne Eat t-d.
NICE, comfortable, north front room, on
east sile. walking 0 la nee. rean me
rnt. 1 ali at otiu L. Aiuer it. or pbotis
K i-t 7 7.
Nh KI.V furnished rom. hot water heat.
w ti 1 stance. per month, break
fast and dinner if desired, toot Hawthorne
a e. East 7 7 17.
FOR RENT In private family. Urge, clean
front room. nu-ly iurniihen. w tin pore a,
ll tin and bath. On 2 car Hues. 123W E.
loth st.
H.ilEK EEPING apt. for 2 or 3 employed
young iad U- , la rge double sleeping - room.
Eivervlew. near t tie hi !. 1 minuMs to
center. 1 ." per mo. Mar. -SG-U
YOU N 5 lady with room In priate
ana kite hen privileges, aeairra rnr.geni.ti
ro.imm ie. Have piano. Marshall b-id.
corner 2l'nl and lioyt.
Wit. I. rent plean-nt sleeping room in re-
fU.ed widow 'm home, w ct sine, wnlklng
iiftance. Call mornings. .".o Johnson.
LAKciK pleaoant room with board. 2 lionets.
wtt ftidc. walking distance. i'hone Jdain
lurnished room, private family, for
gentleman. tiJ'. Ptt grove st. roaa w ay
7".1 . Walking diet a me.
NEVVLY furnlshecl room In private family.
rep rate entrance. 341 .a. iu per
n 1 - n : h .
liiii SKKKKl'I.N'ci and sleeping rooms for
rent reasonable. East o 1 1. 44 1 am-
471 TAYLOR ST. Clean, pleasant, nicely
furnihed rooms for rent In private fam
ily. Inquire from Mar. 44'iO.
NEATLY furnished sleeping room, u&e bath
phone, piano, home conveniences. v
Mamhall t-t- Main 1U7U.
ROOM for a respectable young men in p i-
ate home near shipyard. JuJ coroott.
N. and S. Portland cars.
ATTRACTIVE front alcove room, rlose in.
h Jl table for two. o- N. -0th, near ash.
Main ti'i'.
NEAT room for one or two neoule of re
bnement In small family at C4 .Market ; u
rrlve; F'onlnnd Heights car. Main ti.".l.
FHONT rooms; hot water heat, private lava
tories, every home comiort; breaa.asi i
you wish. Mnln 42'M't.
N ICE cool room in private home,;
distance. 1 block rroni car. reaeonaDie.
i42 Celmont. East
3 PINE, eiean rooms with kitchen prUlleea
in b-auti!ul bungalow nnme to conaenial
couple, no chi''lren. 2'.i Kerby st.
1 LA R 1 E, w H-furri lnhed room for 2 , also
plnule rooms: rnodTii. warning amun.e
7o:, Kvervlt st. Main V.2ft.
NICELY furnished room in private famil
for gentlemen, is roin. walk to renter ot
city li5 E :-t N. Phone C1CW.
NICE, airy room In a real home, one ran
have home rom:orta, in a quiet neisnoor
li..od. Tabor 10S.
2 NP'EL,Y lurni?bd. laree. airy rooms wllh
I I M .ft, cio.-e 10 xj. aim o. wi i'
Ph. me c 2'.. .
LAH'IK. airy room on first floor, with pri
vate lavatory, bu t lanuers. roa away
. PER month, room for man with own
hlir.ketr. a nice nome. 1 t r. st.
LA K ; E. inorttrn room, w alklnir oistance. V
Vnik from ia-imr. .Main ..t..1
A FEW pleaHMiit rleepinc rooma, Kemlemen
preferred, cioxn in. l'hone unwy.
NICELY furnished rooms at 404 Clay at-. 4
minutes wiiiK irom postoiiice.
CO u front room for boy. $2.-0 weekly.
.;.- llth st.
WELL-I'I.'HNISIIEl rMm, rinse in. cant
-nle. C'-ntlemnn preierrea. r..t M3.
- 1 .00111 for K-n 1 U man in nice home. Mar.
r.4 l.m rriia. nr.r ami Waah.
KL KNISHKU front room In private family,
ff-.:iiTi hen . 21U K. 1-th St.
PLEASANT room in suburban collate. Sell-
Md His.
A IiKSIRAUI.K room, suitable for a eiLlie
ni:in in a cjuit home. Mar.
T Wo nice rooms. Kood home, choice central
locndon. near ciut. .Main J-11.
ONE larRe sleeping room, ptenllenian pre-
fcrrert, weal HKie. r,t4 1 ourn, Apt. 1
O.N hi iurninh'd housekeeping: room. 211 llth
vt. Aiuit.-.
Kmiiii With Hoard.
741 Washington.
23d and Hoyt
Residence Hotel, iwnencan Plan.
Excellent Uinins Room Service.
On Car Line, Near cisrsgt.
Reasonable Rates.
Permanent, or Tra uent.
Yol'N laly detdren conaenial roommate
to ko In Mrxt-class hotel, either Aukui or
firl September; referencea. AK 4-3. Ore-
Ri oM8 and board In exceptionally fine
home; excellent table, all conveniences of
hotel, combined with real home; anown
by appointment only. East 80VJ.
ROOM and board for men. home style cak
ing ; rate are reasonable. Grand Ave.
hotel. :;4 Grand ave., ii biocka south Haw
thorne ave.
3 Mi luih si For businoss a-irls a .id tu
d'-nn; nasonable rates. Marshall 1251.
ROOM and board for buaineas girls, af
modern convenient! a. walking distance, $4
per week.. Ea-it 4732- 12 E. 7th st
PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board,
excellent table; close lu. 3 Mi M.uigomery.
n-ar West Park.
American plan hotel; desirable rooma:
ex cedent table; meals served translenta.
ROOM and board, home cook ins: special rate
to couples, uranaieni meauk 01 lith iu
SLEEPING porch, breakfast, dinner. .
Room With Board In I'riT-te Family.
VERY desirable room, well venj.liated. well
furnlsned ; w ith board ; for gtent.eman;
waikir. (c distance. 0o4 Hoyt L li road -
way 1
R00M and board for 2 young ladle em
Dloved; private home; piano: waikinr dia
t.incp; home priviiegea. 4oa Market au
Phone Main Zi2a.
WIDOW lady wanta children 3 to 12 years
to board, room ana care for In private
home. RIk house and large play ground.
1504 E. Taylor street.
W AN "1 EL To ren l 6-room house on or near
R. C. car line by 1st of August; reason-
:t ble rent. E. 4uu.
R om w ith board for 1 or 2 nenilemen.
mall family. No other boarders. Home
like, w. rr ana Miu none Mar. i,
CU I LlJREN to board In a private home,
:tC lia.sey, near Union ave. Phone East
KOoM and board, private family. Catholic
young men preferred; walking dia la ace.
4 bth iu N.
kVrMSHKI) room and board, twin beds,
ut-e of piano. 717 Hoducy ave. Phone
East bSi:2.
WANTE D L 1 1 1 i e girl ; brat home care; no
other childrrn. Cail Woodlawn 40TU.
FU RN Ir tt EU H. K. rooms. adulta omy.
Hroaiway SiJ. 54 Everett.
hooii and board la private family. 360
WILL take ood care of children by day
or week, reasonable. tl N. 14th st.
h"V RN lSii Ei room, with or without brcai.
faat; cioae in. Broadway 7.
APT., three or four rooms and bain, large.
light rooms. !.:' Russell st.
LARiK front room, suitable for 2. 3b4 Co
lumbia t.t. Main 24.
KuOM with breakfast and dinner, in a
pleasant home. 4 .".' E. 14th at. N.
OuuU boarl and room for two; home privl
'.egeit. :t 4t Columbia st.
NICELY furnish d room with board, near
Broadway Bridge. 4oe Benton.
H.WK a pleasant room to rent wllh boau;
ri'! t-e tiii"n.Mr. Tabor 4.ld.
LAii'j.-; ront room for 2. with board: home
rr!v:fM 74l Ir;ng St. Main 1 W.
VVANTELt Two young ladles employed;
room and board If desired. 4M Clay st.
RO.;iM and Hoard for 3 adults. 2 meals a
day. in Alameda. Woodlawn &7-t.
I PRIVATE boar.ilnx. room and bowXd bear
I aiiir. r. out s u
Rooios Who private Family.
WILL board, ciot he. sew. buy ohooltool
ror little irl 7 to in; no othr chi:i-ei
n-w home . 4 JO ; best of references, AN
Wul'l.D lika two or three people to b'ir.l:
very cloe in; 44 ti. Broad ay. Jr
shall 4ii.
Fnraihed Apartments.
Fifth and Columbia t-eeta
Ftve minutes' w:k to Me:er Ac Frank's
store ; emk1 tnrroun.1 in ks, it rtct : y m) e r n,
2 and ;-rTora furnished p;i . all ou:id.
with Fr-ni h rJ)Mir and ta orv.
Teltt and TaUr.
t modern lurnibcU apartment oe
the k'Acitio roat.
t'f 'iaiilro In Connection.
Walk'ng dltjitirc. Hrfrr-it.
fl3 TO $H J-r.Him houKekeepliiK ap-n-menia;
hot. -iiJ water. t-jin. h-at. eio
trt 1 ! y, phone : an) one 1 1.0k itis; ( r rlin
horn- convenient will fiyl if.- r.ghL
2: S N. 1 7ih at Hroao. w ay 'JH 2
N I" 'ELY f urn;sh J tfont ap.tMx j.i;
"- kln diMtanre to lui iii .l:nru l.
K.ani'.rrs. 1'.!! tetw en 1 " A. M.
and .. p. !.. und.y or MunUay. No
m:.i. re n .
N 1CEL Y furnlaKad S-rootn e iart merit.
no extra ih.irif for iri;te thone and
I:chia; adults only. Lincoin Apta. Main
7 1 1. 4t h and Lincoln sts.
THR EE -room furnlahed apt., pn v ate ba: h.
rent IJu. water and plierie, eaay
walkiiic AUulta. E at 1 1 - Xrotu 2 to
5 IV M
2H lut h N.jir Tay.or St.
Coniolete.y furnianed 5-room apartment;
,!I kuikIi rooms , top f 00 r . rr n t $7
YOl'Nr, lady baa pr:ui-nt in liwthunta
apartments (S b.ot m from Vh;nijoni.
tj share with lady etnp.oyed. M-rsn-t.!
47 eenin k a. or M uriha.i 2 1 tl y a.
ONE i-ro-m furnished apartment. .1 bed
rnu, per mo., a'so ini;i- housek p
It'K rooms and sleep. rouma. HI 2 ' ,
Haw t fiot r.e.
414 E Coueh. nud rn 3-rnoni corner
apartment. alo nlde apartment. Wala,init
dtsi;in-e. li!o.
4-KM"M furnished apartment on 1'oit.and
H"iC li ts un t tl Sept em lr I : hiriim.l
floors, piano. Phono Main lh13. jdonuay.
Main 341
204 Porter t.. Khipyardii; 2 -room apta.
completely f urniaiieu, nou.i. Jkiaia
y "RXISMEh apart ment for rmi for two
moll l us ; all 111 dt-rn c"n ven :encef ; p n
fiii away on vacation. Call Marshal
siile. 2 and 3 -room, clean and netiy lur
n.hed apartments.
WANTED Two conpenfal young: lailirs to
share attractive apartment. reasonable.
Minhall 1.M.
2-ROoM furnished apartnient. modern. Irv
ine ton district. 41i E. 12U au N. Eaat
3 ROOMS, priate bath and telephone, by
week or month. Leonce Apta,, lti .Norm
.d st. 3iaisiiau .o.
TO SUBLET 2 -room furnished. Brown
apartments, month or longer; references.
Marshal! .'.7.V1.
THE PEN ROE. 141 Grind ave.. at Belmont.
Three-roon. tpirtment, completely lur
nished. East 464tt.
KINGSBURY APTS., IS Visim ave. Nicely
furnished 3-room apt. with ouUside bal
cony. Call Main 3p3.
FURNITURE of fine --room front apt. for
sale and apt. for rent, w-pker fuiiu'ure.
nice location. Bargain. Ma:.-haI1 7.
BEAUMONT A i'TS. Compn-te.y (ui ti nned
-room aparinieti-s S.t-i. inc.uding i.rihuw
17 17th tt.. ni-ar Yamhill.
MODERN apt.. living-room. kitchenette,
bath, tele plume. J.i.'. . 3 rooms. $ W. o4l
14th st.. cor. Market ; adu.ts
FLORENCE APTS.. ;ta llTii.
S-room apartment; a.50 4-room furnished
fat with slegpir. x por c h.
LAl'Y wishea to share her 3-roim apr:ment
with con Ren ml iady . w :uow pi ef er reu.
V 44.", r -j onlin.
Cool- oa three-room furn.hli-J Brnrtmcil.
w.i.klnsr diJtunce :7t E. Lroa-iway. cor.
Wheeser. r-ast .17.
THRRB-ROhM apts. with bath, toil-l and
dieitiK room. '7.5o to flu. l'hone Et
li. J.n k.4n a pta.
ONE and 2 -r 00 m furnished aoirtmentn; alo
houM-k ee p 1 r. s roo rn in in o 1 r n a pa r 1 111 e n t.
w a . king iliMa nee. Eact 2:.
WILL sub-let my tw-o-rooni ap.rinent. well
fnrniMied. 3 months or; cluae in,
f.t ... referrncc. S 4. Orifcuni.uu
K li RE N T Kurnifherf ;'-rrom ment.
ft nit, llcht nnl r.tan; w..K:dk i:Isijikc,
S2: 1 limi'k south ajh. oi ti at.
ONE two-room front apartment, modern,
including piano. iiushmark. Jw Wash-
ir.cion at.
2 ANU 3 ROOMS: pnvu.e btli. Albert
a p s . . MPS M ppl a e.
KNG ALBERT apa-rtments. 2 and 3 rooms
strictly mouern. 1 1 1 h and Mon'.Konici y.
tURNISHEI J -roo in apt., modern, phone.
baih. 347 Hall at. Ma.n ;i7i.-..
ONE room and kitchenette, walking dis
tance. .Mill, near uroidM
Mt'DKKX. c:ean. --room apt,
3. Hawthorne.
BOZANTA-iPTs", J hW N. 13d
apartmentK. furuhed.
at 1 be liuia.
. and 4-room
PORTNOMAH. 4 rooms, hardwood floors,
walking distance; adulta. -vhj E-at lJtb-
t R It r.N T M ouern J-rooiu apartmcuL 0i
out h t.. apt. 4.
3-liuUM lurnished apt, ant AU
K n;ckfrbocker aj'tK. Main l.i-'n.
PENINSULA APTS.. 1135 Albina e Con
creto bldg., 2 and S-room apta. Wdln. l.i'
COMPLETE apartment. 13: concxete bl-g.
Union ave. and KiUingw ertjh.
BaGOaOB and furniture movinc; phone
nro way 401 Alert irnsier. 411 l mi
THE OKOVER 1 and --room (urn:sned h. k.
Mpii it orover st. ii.tin to.,.
WANTEl Refined business woman to share
loe.v apartment, rloae m. west side. i-2.
THREE rooms for two months. Y.king
utstance. cnone c- 4ko. west siue.
WANTED Refined, congrenial girl to ai'.are
pt. w nee.oon nn x.
UUBHUUK APTS.. Ea-t Tib and YahUl
Tw o-roomapt. Eaj-t 4Qu.
TWO and three-room li. K. apartments. 4&0
tVay. Main .. 7.
3-ROoM turn. shed apartment, auuii uuiy.
1 rionipson ap:s.. nit q on roe.
2-ROOM apartment. mly furnished. 21
1 ot n st.. cor. Salmon.
FL'KM.HEU 3 and .-room aparitneuia. 014
Jeliersoa St.. o.
Mf'DKRX 3-room furniehed apartment. Only
n. -.'v- s. -1st sl.
S-KuuM apartment; on. tungte rjotiu
Phoae Marshall 3.1L :4 Lucr -tia st.
LARiiE apartment with wash tray for rent
cheap. 114 sl.
MOLERN 2-room furnished apartment, 41&.
mnner Apti.. tiay au. near 11m.
MODERN apta.. Egst 7th and Taylor. East 44.
3-ROOM furnished apartment. Call East 31.1S.
tnf urnlahed Apartment.
FOR RENT Ground fioor a part menu 3
rooms and bath and entrance hail; ,'ort
E. 5oth at. N.. corner Sandy bivd; $2Q
p?r month. see Mr. tneent at Ir'ort.and
Trust -o.. th ana Morrison.
MoLERN upper and low r .'room Uatit;
furnace, large porches. 14tf ave.
K-INciSBl RY" APTS.. lh Vista ave. One 3
room unfurniahed apt. with outide bai-
cony lor rent August 1. Main a?3.
UNFURNISHED apartments. 3 rooms. 64
Thurman. near illi. Aiarsnail 4.t-l.
Furnished or I'nfurniahed Apartments.
FOR RENT Kurnlflied or unf urnij-he.t apt
at 743 Hoyt. near -3d. A1m furnished
s ! ee p 1 n g roo ins.
FURNISHED or unfurnished apt. liou
Broadway ;tMi.
ROOM fl5.&0: kk. electric ltchti. bath
screen, ri-ht on Jiiverview- (Kultonl car.
West sloe, 1- minute out. 1 ortett
MOUERN 4-room lower flt. 1 2 -t 1 1 ti
at. S. ; adults only. Inquire No. lu E. 14U-
S Vacant Aug. 1.
TWO 3-room flats Sunnyalde dist. Near
Modern. A. H. ItlKltEl.L CO. 27 S.
Bank Building. Mar. 4114. A 41 lv
MODERN S-room upper f!at. furnace,
piace. sleeping por h ; a a ul ts. Cor.
and Cherry. inquire Ross.
4-R K M FLAT Adu US on; . rent
103 - Ma l;ory, near Albert 1 si
after 1 o'clock Sunday.
h o R KI2NT Exceptlors:.y attractle 3-room
fat. unfurnished, clvse In ; adulta. Ewat
4 v It 3-RooM modem 27 E. l-tb st. N.
Ca:i East 733.
20 NICE, clean A-room fiat. 00 r. 18ih aad
lat itummde.
4- iu f ?at. 3 b.o ks from east end of
H road way bridge. Last 4 -V
UNFUKN1STI ED 4-roin uppr f.a:. private
bath. 4'.7 (oiumDll st. Main 303.
I 4-R"'OM
fiat and B x1 bain, f 1 j. i-ioum.
tu cioM 1-. . vlu ana 1 amhi.i.
lia.l, ,:vir.(-room with ftrvp.ace. dining? -room,
pa n-.r-d w a in-co: inc. buffet, bed
room. ndintt knehen. bsemenC
w .n r r - 1 n . aduii W T 1 Ieie.
"SKK TllK YKl.l.OW S1-;N.
THREE or 4 room, modern, raa and e'.ee
tru.v. aToe in kit ben. 3 blocks south of
1. S inJ. 1 to A P. M.. phone -lar
1 -' . q jr;ne w trk. Main 74.
N It ' (! . r:.rr f t of 6 roLnva for Tnu n a
-l'. furniture f rr a :e : t w o rooms
r-rit 1 out: 1 nun. wjt'k from town. CaV
V i. av 27 before A P. M
J-ii. upp-r . eas, e.ectnc licht als
.-r.o:n ! W I . : .ams-ve. car. Phons
t:.-t 4i;
-r. -m upr- r flat
t-r'.iBe. F.xnx
blocks from
frarniartvl rtata.
LO'tAIs. 1 furn;hed; laxg-e. ovrttokinj
r: v r . f nmt i. a . ni. e nei c torhoo.i
t.tke Fu;n.n ar to corner Mtra I3
r a, a;i U lo 12 A. M.. or 4;30 t
7 P. M.
.V.l pvrttrt t.. cxr. I'atton rd.: CC to poft is then to end of Terra-
i:ive. ptitn; 4 well fur. rooma. piano
nt.-e rnv.ini!i anl vl'tr.
'Pi'Klt larice a'eepir.g p.r-h. uir.:n
rtn. lame room. bath, kacnenette , r,
ri ; l.iren. K. Mam. beiw ern Ud n
'.'l"t. Hawthorne car.
1- I N K :.V ft.rni.-hrd. clean. strl tly modern
.-r-on flat. 2 large jM-r hea. cloae malklne
leamiful lawn ai.d view. 34?
Km.. t".li:i. near Vnion.
1 fur-nahel fiat. walVln- dis:ana
t"2 ."'t iiir;in1inr mater and rmnv
i of
ca; t .ce. 4!s K. ir.e. near Ttr.amook
FINE, comp'eiely furnished ' - roo in f,at.
s e-p-ns porh. firrp.jire. private entrance
upper corner. Tnhr cars Tahor 31 hi
o M o,l ern 5 -room
Commerx ial ; with
flat, furnished. 9p1-j
garage. Wdln. is;
H K 1 ' f '. .1 1 or fnui I house, w est aide..
e in. win buy all or part furniture. R
Nl"i.l.Y r.imiird, modern 3-room flat; has
f ti ep are. ior-h. piano, etc ; rent 4
moi.tii ; adults onl . 'all 441 llth st.
NICELY furmhed nodern 4-room flat. cUse
in. 1 mo- k irom car. 4b Vi Knott at. ln
nuire for t. 4.HS.
l;o... urnmhwl rtL Telepnone Woh1
lawn 4:4. i'a.l Mr. Brown. Near Jeder
s-.n r ik h n'hool,
3 R'MMS. hiMwood floors, tiled bath. flre
pta-e, s ev..:nir porch. C-i i 1 Monday, 31
c.irnn. ao.. H.twhome oar.
iK'hKU.V 6-rnom furnished lower f;au
port h and yard ; fine location, west side
('all h.At-t '.Ms..
T'1 fumihhed 4 -room upper Lat. .u
1 - ' ' 'Sin ave.
LA K 1
asnt. T-room furnished lowe
. Salmon: adults on'y.
ioii KENT Furnmhed flat. A rooms and
"p.rg porch; rent t$l. Et
H K S T -
v-rnoni furniahed lower flat
r nio.
K. ltth.
-I:hm furniahed fat for rent. 'all o-'l
ThM-man Sunday a l day, to 9 evenings.
KR RENT Modern furnished fiat. 109 E.
.Mam street.
COSY two-room furnished fist, close in:
r ery onvenience. 344 S Benton L
Housekeeping Kooms,
N1'E ;en airy two-room sunt of com
pletely furnished housekeeping rooms. $3
per w eek ; phone, bath, light, etc, pro
vtde) fre, "The Freeport." 30 Larr a. U-e,
ce-rn-T 1: olladay. East AH 7.
THE C VI'ILI.AC. .'id near Jefremon. 4 week
m fur- vliH II W .ilf-K- .m-.!-. II V"
r-ni!s f 1: :o up. Including baths, hot a-
r m all hour." ete. Save carfare.
$t'. A MONTH UP Cien. furnished house-k-pt!.g
room. laundry; hot and coid
water. cir.c lights. es. steam heat,
ph. ne Landican. 4ol Vancouver ave.
GIVE nout-KCeping rooms in exchange for
taking are vma.l apartment house, right
(tir married lady or widow- with daugh-
tT employed. W 3S. Orgoni,n.
it M furr;hed houiekeeping suite, clean
ar.t. deiratt!e. lis. weat side; walking
fi -stance. 4o College at.
Tv t li 1 STS w ill save hotel bills by occupy-
in one 01 our c.ean. at:ractie nouseKeep
it. J ui:s; central, quiet. i'47S At h St.
LA Kit E f rnt auite of housee-p ving roams.
A week; lovely location. Wo Chapman
st.; tms is ngtit. Mar-hall lvIv
2 t.AKt.E front hou5-keeping rooms; run-n-nt;
water and range; rt asonabie. il
ll h
Jiiij ALT A VISTA J-moin H. K. apta.
.u -i ft week. r44 PetTj-grove St., cor.
loth. Pbot.c It road way 3A40.
TM KlU:AVKR,"l 2i iTiniT Marsha.:; 1X up
p'-r iuo.-.:!i, furn.snd 11. K.. rooms, inciud
Ir.if e e.-. ! i c h t s. hot water, a as range.
2-H i M f umij-hecl hou Keepinc apartment,
ai-o :nni" housekeeping aartmect fur
n tned jn 7 S I'm-.
J-i;ouM a im rt ment s. s' iik ie rooms. hot
w ater a.w a, bat ha. laundrs. b.A Flan
d . rs? :.
1 SINGLE h. k. or sleeplns room, light and
a.ry, ery convenient; $12. 447 Ath st- V
FRESHLY caned llhl houaek-epln- roixni
for rent: heap r. rt; under new manasre-n-nt.
at lij-. First st.
Fl'KMHEl housekeeplnr auite. central
lo. -;ti n. west eiue; o week. Call Mara
- '" M.rria v.
R Oil for rent, housekeeping and butc h-
ir.K quarters. reasonab.e rate. -0
Irani! .-e . Hefler House.
NIFTY i:-r.ii. suite, new. running water,
iower f oor; like an apartment. Marshall
4 1
TR U N KS. HAo"',AOK. delivered In down
town d i.trict for 2c ; checks called lor.
Auto St ic-. phone EAST 6434.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, walking
d Maine. AI llatriMiu. Phone A 1759
over efher phone.
Cor- E. Mh and E. M on lKn Completely
furnished 1 and 2 -room H. K. apta. -
2 KODMS. basement. molern. dry and clean;
K.-nt lemen preferred. 4 L6 Mill U Main
Kl'itM.-HKU housekeeping rooms; modern.
Main ."4 41.i Mill st.
BLSHMAKK. itiS Wash. St.. one and tv
room moJem apta. cihse In.
BAGGAGE and furniture moving ; phone
Proa dway 41. Alert Transfer. 4114 Stark.
$14 GETS two r. e w : y decoi at ed. cosy k.
mot. Wl.!!arr.s ave.
TWi H. K. rooms, furnished, near Good
Samaritan Hospital. Phone Mar. frSftft,
3-P-COM housekeeping apt.
64 Gll5n. corner 21st.
MarehgJl 197.
FCRN1SHKI and ut. furniahed housekeeping
rooins. .MO F 1 ; nders
Fl'RNISHEI H. K. rooms. 23 Washing-
ton. cor. ;d.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, cheap rent. i6l
K-nott at., rear WILiams ave.
TWO nice front IL K. rooms; large yard. 2
bl.x-ka off Waah. IQ9 Uaxls.
MODEHN housekeeplnsj apts. and ssplng
roms. Commercial Hotel, 4JK Wasn. sL
FURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping
rooms; reasonable rates. IStf W. Park.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooma. 730 ta
vier t
HOI'S E KFKl'I NO rooms, reasonable, S00
Couch sl, block of f 16th. Washington.
Housekeeping Room !n Private Family.
FOR RENT 3. 4 or 5 rooms, furnished
for housekeeping. In modern borne. Ee
. 1147 alter 11 A. M- Sunday; between 10
and 5 weekday a.
TWO light housekeeping rooms, fine yard
with pre tlv land tea pe; 2 blocks from
Proadway car. 31 E. 8th N. Call East
LIVING room and kitchen; clean, walking
distance; light, phone, bath. Marshal
TWO n-at. clean, light housekeeping rooms
modern home, ase of piano, furnace heat
Nob liill dtsirlct. Main 31 S7.
NICE, clean, houseke-plng rooma close In.
on Wet Side: --room suite, ground floor
per mo , aiso single rooms.
IWo it 3 furnisiied housekeeping roams
gas, hath: rt-ssonaPle. tUZ rYonL
TtY rooma. well furnished for li. .; eiec
ItKhTa. ba.h. I"-.: E. toth.
NICE, large, --room suite, eleeping porch
!.c ard. FJO mo. r'7 1st.
CLEAN f lrt floor 3 -roo 11 f u nshed apart
ment: fine car service. Wmkiihwd 4
FO R R K N T f u rn 1 h ed h ou e k - - pi 144
rooms, no children, l'hone Tabor 5d&.
K l;MiitD housekeeping rixunv adult a ave. or: n. corner urt4. ay
i cl.HA N rurr,ii)'l h. k. rooms, t-7 1 bur-
Ot y.S lr tnnpection, 2 and 3-room gulte
ollne:. . a' 1 conveniences. 471 Cta
hcl Sr.kKtl'lNO rofnn for rent. 73 Mich
lean ave . ofi ween I'fica ana irtaaaL
Fi ii. h. k. rooma. private family;. IS Fast
?Th st rhcn gepwood 117 or Fast m.w
1 w f i.rnihd housekeeping mmi, a1et
rietchtorhood. prkte lamliy. fc. rgva.
rm for lift U ouae keeping. 1UC
N. -1st. HnJy .oT.
2 liTTTV. K- EPIVi; r--ma. neatly furmlaed
7 1 1 v : . ror, Salmon.
I 1 KK'NT rooms, s.entng Prch
1 kitchen. - ...a- jsaia iv,