TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN". rORTLAM), JTXT 27. 1019. HELP WAMED-MALR Hell Uanteu salesmen. I0 VOU WANT TO EARN FROM $200 TO -tK per month selling Underwood fe "n-d-irwuod Mfrreos.-..pi photographs of tne grea t w orid war 7 Liberal commission to live-wire salesmen. Write for exclusive tcrritorv cur.trat. T" .id wood & Under wood. Inc., Dent. G19. 417 5th ave., New at ork. BALtSMAN WANTED "WE MAXUFAC- TURE THE WHIZ" BRAND UF AL'TO ilOBILK CHEMICAL. SPECIALTIES, SELLING DIRECT TO THE TRADE. HAVE OPENINGS FOR A ilAX WHU HAS HAD AT LEAST THREE YEARS' EuAD EXPERIENCE. AN EXCELLENT OPRORTL'-MTV f OR A MAN WHO CAN HANDLE A HIGH-CLASS LINE. ONLY THUst WITH CLEAR RECORD NEED ANSWER. PLEASE MAIL your AP PiC AT 1 ON AN D E A RL V IN TE It V I E W "WILL BE APPOINTED. R. M. HOL DINGS HEAD CO., MH AND L'PaHLli STREETS. "WANTED Tailoring- sa,i;S agents; big money from the start; opportunity of life time to get in your own business; we are the largest made-to-measure tailoring house in country, furnishing elaborate sample equipments, including 50u brand new woolens and we guarantee fullest satisfaction, perfect fit, beet workman hip or no tain; write for ilne and all accessories to be sent free and earn from 75 to $150 per week, stating whether you will travel or sell in your own town, bales Manager G. Mitchell, lock, box 4bo, Chicago. III. 1ALEPMA1C First -class man to sell to auto accessory and Ford dealers; good money and a big opportunity ; experience desir able, but not nacesEary. R. F. Moore, general sales agent Fort Pitt Betiding Co.. ox side, PitLsOurg, Pa. Wanted immediately. reliable salesman, with car. no invest MENT; BY LARGE EASTERN Cuil PAN Y; POSITION PERMANENT; LINE STAPLE AND A REPEATER; OCR FIELD MANAGER, WHO IS HERE. W ILL PROVE TO YOU YOUR COMPENSATION "WILL BE FROM $2M TO 3- A DAY B WORKING WITH YOU ONE DAY. 1 F NECESSARY. IN THIS FIELD. THIS AD. READS JUST WHAT IT STATES. GIVE PHONE NUMBER. READ AD. CAREFULLY. V 443. ORBGOXIAN. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. RELIABLE SALESMAN. WITH CAR, NO INVEST MENT; BY LARGE EASTERN COM PANY; POSITION PERMANENT; LINE STAPLE AND A REPEATER: OUR FIELD MANAGER. WHO IS HERE. "WILL PROVE TO YOU YOUR COMPENSATION "WILL BE FROM $20 TO $3." A DAY BY WORKING WITH YOU ONE DAY. IF NECESSARY, IN THIS FIELD. THIS AD. MEANS JUST WHAT IT STATES. GIVE PHONE NUMBER. READ AD. CAREFULLY. V 44jCREGONI AN". 10 TOWNSITE salesmen; new Industrial town; C. S. government fostering quart'-r million dollar structure; will employ 10"0 men ; company paid nearly two million dollars to labor past 18 months; moving plant; present equipment and nw work estimates $700. OuO ; industrial and resi dence work now going on; a1so!utely cer tain; can show you; advertising and lec ture campaign in advance of sale. Ad dress BJ 0. Oregonian. SHOE SALESMAN1. A real producer for state of Oregon to carry short line of real play shoes, plav oxfords and sandals A ul op- port nity to make from $3000 to 5imo year ly or more. Commission basis. Can be carried as a sideline, also stork proposi tion. Send full references in first letter. ConfidentiaL Box 311, 1308 Broadway. New York. SALESMAN or solictor on a permanent proposition, doing business all over the United States. Apply Dr. Parker, care of Kilhara Printing Stationery Co. WANTED AGENTS. SELL gasoline tonic tablets, save gasoline, prevent carbon, gasoline at 2c a gallon, selling like wildfire, every motorist a cus tomer. We put these tablets up under your own label; have agents work for you and make big profits. Get our prices. Chas. Burns Co., Depu Madison tit., Buffalo, K. Y. CONNECT with real money-makers; 300 spe cialty manufacturers advertise In Specialty Salesman, Magazine; 3ou eate propositions to select from ; chuck full inspirational selling talks by best salesmanship writers; exposes frauds, forces square deal ; l.'-i-pages, J 2 yearly, three months' trial 2.e. Robert Hicks, &33 Conio bldg., Ctiicago. GREAT auto Invention, just out. First tire chain improvement in 20 years, quick de tachable, non-skid chains, can be put on or taken off in a second, no jacks needed; every car owner buys on demonstration; $"0 to $.-0 profits daily. Sample by pre paid parcel post $1. Bear Mfg. Co., chain department. Rock Island, 111. EMMETT SCOTT'S and Kelly Miller's Negro War Histories outsell them all; f40,onu sales last week ; best terms ; patriotic pic tures free; express paid; either outfit free; both 50c; ba quick. Mullikin Co., Co mo bldg.. Chicago. 111. MIRACLE MOTOR GAS Amazes motorists, 3c worth equals gallon gasoline, elimin ates carbon; 3u0 per cent protlt. lsom, Idaho, wires: "Ship 500 packages. Made $70 yesterday." Chas. Butler Co., Iepr 43, Toledo, O. SELL Mexican diamonds In your spare time. Beautiful pocket sample case makes sales on sight. Have rainbow fire of genuine diamonds, fool experts, stand tests. Write today. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., Las Cruces, N. M. WE START you in business, furnishing ev erything; men and women, opportunity lifetime to earn J30 to $10u weekly oper ating our "New System Candy Factories,' home anywhere; booklet free. Rag.d.le Co., box S, East Oran ge, N. J. $-5o0 PER MONTH selling a new patented fuel vaporizer, , guaranteed to save up to 50 per cent in gasoline; 40 miles per gal lon made with Ford car. Sold on money back guarantee; one sample free. Stranaky Vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. D. AGENTS make big profits selling our ex tracts, perfumes, cold creams, face pow ders, spices, medicines, etc. Beautiful, high-grade line, exclusive territory; sam ple soap free. Lacassian Co., lept, 141, St. Loui3. Mo. MARVELOUS discovery. Motor Fuel. It means gas at 'Jo a gallon. Sold on money bark guarantee. Selling like wildfire Agents making as high as $.")0 a day. Writs quick for territory. Agents Supplv House, ftp 4 Continental Rank. Salt Lake Cit y . AGENTS Big pay and free automobile in troducing wonderful new gasoline saver, puncture-proof five-year spark plugs and auto necessities; outfit free. L. Ballwey, 621 Station F. Louisville, Ky. IOU ARE wastinjr time if you are nut mak ing $10 to $1K daily; man or woman, tart anywhere; materials cost you 78 cents, retail for 145. I made $220 one day, $1200 on month. Cray croft. Fresco. Cal. WANT 5 salesladies who have had experi ence in selling or who think they can sell repeatin sr household Item which has al ready splendid sale. Good salary. C 531, Oregonlan. AGENTS $40-5100 wek; free samp'es; gold sign-letters anyone can put on store win dows ; big demand ; iioeral offer to gen eral agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark. Chicago. AGENTS Best Ford shock absorber made, entirely new, nothing like it, quick seller, big profit, exclusive territory to live wires. Universal Shock Absorber & Mt'g. Co., Dept. PL, 2-26 Milwaukee, ave., Chicago. AGENTS 200 per cent profit wonderful little article, somthlng new, sells like wild fire; carry richt in pocket. Write at once for free sample. Albert Mills, p.neral mgr.. l'.il American bldg.. Cincinnati, o. AGENTS maklne $10 day selling Wo.-.d's War History with peace terms; agent wno made $ir00 in five months sliotvs ou how. War Book Society, Gil .Last 16th ave.. Pen ver. Co'.o. BOOK asent wanted to take over my supply of "History of the World War." bv Franci A. March. Will sell very ch'ea; ; l.;g money-maker. Call at 1442 Garfuid ave. EARNEST, live agents for entirelv n-w proposition, high class, ready filer and very large profits. Call after lo A., M. Monday, 327 Plttock blk. MEN operating Suar Puff Waffle Machines earn 1 35 to $70 daily ; machines $25 to $150, on trial. Talbot Mfg. Co., St. Louis Mo. AGENTS One cent Invented In postal card brings you clean, honest employment prop osition worth $75 to $10o a week. S;ie ciaity Mfg. Assoc.. piv. 24$. Madison, Wis. MEN Shaving made E. Z. with our safety razor: send 50c to E. Z. Ra-.ar Co.. -37 Railway Exchange, and wa wm send one by return mail, postpaid. AGENTS MAKE BIG MONEY Fast office sellers, fine profits, particulars and sam ples free. The One Pip Pen Co., 120 Pally Record btdg., Baltimore. Md. AGENTS wanted to sell our TuV. line of trees and ehrubberv. Write us for terri tory SALEM NURSERY COMPANY. SALEM. OR. AGENTS Send for our new sell in er plan. $;i5 weekly; no canvassing. The Varsity 25g 7th st.. Oakland. Cal. AGENTS wanted to sell good line of snecial- tles to merchants; uod profit. (ioJ-olO fcutfhajiaa bida. W A VTE D A GENTS. COUNTY managers for Oregon to sell and demonstrate the "Premier" kerosene burn er for cook and beating stoves and fur naces, the latest, most simple and most scientific oil burner made, will not car bonize, fits any stove, easily and quickly installed, no parts to replace, clean or re p tir. For information and demonstra tion call on or writ Harry Me-sslar, state . manager, 69 y N. Sixth St., Port land, Or. A G EXTS $1000 per month for you in auto accessory business; strongest line, newest inventions, highest quality, lowest prices, orders assured, no capital required, we back you; national advertising campaign positive, creates enormous demand. Write today for amazing, original features that assure success and real mosey. Allied Manufacturers Corporation, Dept. IbO. 3 S- Dearborn St., Chicago, III. AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Repair for tires and tubes, supersedes vulcaniza tion at a saving of over hM per cent; put it on cold, vulcanizes itselL- in tw minutes, and Is guaranteed to last the life of the tire or tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For partic ulars how to make big money and fres sample, address Amazon Rubber Co., Phil adelphia, deA 7'j. AGENTS Get In on th big money Ilne. Ho-Ro Co. products sell fast and repeat often , f uil line of guaranteed toilet articles, soaps and household specialties; established uemand; quality and co-operation is our policy; free sample case of fer; you mak- a start at once; profits from 100 to 140 per cent: exclusive terri tory. Write lor particulars at once. HO-RO-CO.. 117 Locust st., St. Louis. Mo. THE WEST COAST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HAS A GENERAL AGENCY OPENING IN EASTERN OREGON FOR THE RIGHT MAN; CONTRACT DIRECT WITH HOME OFFICE. LIBERAL FIRST YEAR AND RENEWAL. COMMISSIONS. INQUIRIES TREATED AS CONFIDEN TIAL ADDRESS 70. GASCO BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON. MAN in each town to refinish chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method ; $10 dally without capital or experience; all or spare time; every household, store and office possible customer; field un limited in this big money-making busi ness; wriie for free particulars and proofs. Ounmctai "o . 33 Elm, Decatur, 111. AGENTS at once. Sell 3oc per month hos pital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. requires the services of an experienced saleswoman for window shade department, night jani tresses; 10 girls between 16 and 18 years for wrappers. Appiy employment man ager, Bti. floor, Meier A Frank Co. THE OLDS, WORTMAM A KTNG STORE requires the services of experienced cash iers, familiar with National cash register system ; alno experienced operators f or beauty parlors. Apply superintendent's office, 9 to 10:30 A. M. THE METER A FRANK COMPANY requires t he services of i experienced sal eswomen for crockery department. Apply em ployment bureau, tith floor. Meier A Frank Co. GIRL for general office work and to assist in dentist's oif ice. Prefer one with some experience. Reply in own handwriting stating age, experience if any, salary de sired. Only such repUea will receive an swers. A. M. 'Ht Oregonlan- WANTED First-class saleslady for gen eral dry goods and fancy goods, must have several t-ars experience, prefer one v. ho h;is h.id medium town experience-; salary 75 to $S5 per month. D. M. Nay beiger, McMinnville Or. STEADY salaried position open in Portland for young lady. Portland resident, to ad vertise by calling on home for eastern firm. Experience not essential. Monday, 9 to 11. 21U Commercial Club bldg., FLUh and Oak. GIRL to do cooking and general housework for small family of adult., out-nf-tiwn, good wages. Telephone Marshall 61 7 Sun day or Main 0123 Monday; abk for Mr. Beoch. WA NT ED Teacher, who can handle ad vanced piano and beginners on violin, out of town: permant nt position; (rood chance to make money. Y 477, Orego nian. WANTED Middle-aged practical nurse to care for nervous lady able to be up and around and to assist in light housework ; good wages to nw'-it p.rtioii, atbi.e experi ence and wages desired. AN 4, Oregon i an. FIRST-CLASS stenographer in wholesale house, must be last and accurate; do not reply unless thoroughly experienced ; give age and references. W 3."u, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, apply in own hand writing, stating ag, experience, reforem e and salary expected. BJ 5, Oregonlan. WANTED Housekeeper for widowr w.th two children, boy 6. girl 5: a home for right party. Stella, 1 want you. &JL-rt Hawthorne avc. J. J. D. WANTED Woman for dining room work ; married woman preferred ; good wages. Apply 511 N. 21at. oril Bank hotel, Hdwv. 272fl. WANTED Girls to work at power machines and do hand sewing; experience not neces sary. Apply at Metropolitan Help Co., i:n u 2i st. WANTED For motion pictures. artist's model ; prefer young lady w ith or wit h out experience; mukt be graceful. Y 44'J, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced saleslady want ed; permanent position; long experience necessary. Call from 9 to 12. Hoffman Milling-- Co.. 367 Morrison. WANTED1 Girl for housework, large room and bath ; best wages; no washing; last girl staved three years, one before five years. 710 West Main st. Main 30i. WANTED 10 experienced cafeteria girls. A pplv 301 Park apts., cor. Park and H.rrion St., between 2 and 4 P. M. Sun- Lty. ROOM and board with suitable pay for girl u-Vi a will in hnuwork mornlTicn and evenlnes: can be free for other work from ; ( A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Phone Ma In 3t. WRITE PHOT( 'PLAYS $25 to $30O paid anyone for suitable ideas; experience un necessary; complete outline free. Pro ducers League. 231. St. Louis. AM ERIC AN. widower, 34. child 3. own home, close in, wishes housekeeper: give age and full particulars in first, letter. BC 2. Oregonlan. WANTED For spare time; earn while learning: shorthand or vaudeville course given free; learn at home, 112 Turk. San Francisco. WANTED Girls to learn laundry, work; steady positions; food wages. Portland Laundry Co. CAruse 2 or 3 clever young women on live w ire selling proposition. 437 Railway x- change bldg. SALESWOMAN to handle real estate and business chances; my offer is attractive, confidential. BD 501. Oregonlan WANTED Good typist, experienced In ab stract work. Western Abstract Co., 513 Chamber of Commerce. A N elderly woman to take care of two children while mother works; good home.! lti E. 2th st. N. ; Alberta car. WANTED Woman to atstut with house work and light cookinp. ; no Sunday work. Call 275 N. 2 2d ; no phone calls FI liST-CLASS waitress; good pay. W ith room and board. Alexandra Court. 53 Ella st. WANTED A woman to live with an elder v woman at La Center. Wash. Phone East 2UQ. or ca'l 7i2 E. Flanders. MUSICIANS wanted; amateurs for large orchestra ; practice work. S 2S. Orego- W A 1 T R ESS and head waitress wanted at niot Butte Inn, Bend. Or. Wages $35 and .-,! Call 714 Couch bldg. WANTED Chambermaid, Carleton hotel, at 14th and Washington sts. WANTED Pr-.-ssniaker to sew by day. Phone A 2530. CHAMBERMAID, thoroughly expert; need. Oft II Morris Hotel. Broadway 1270. MILLINERY makers, apply 410 Lumbar Ex change Bldg 2d and Stark. MILLINERY trimmer and makera Lumber Exchange bid g. 2d and Staxk. PIAXIST Suburban picture show, $3 week ly. Y 463. Oregonlan. WANTED Housekeeper for single man. W 3tiJ. Oregonian TYPIST, half day, permanent; state salary expected. BJ la, Oregonian. BERRY pickers wanted, close to Portland, tic car fare. Phone Tabor S20. PARTY to care for small apartment house for rent of apartment. W 3fi9, Oregonlan. MILLINERY maker, $16 per week to start; advance In pay if competent. 3s5 Alder st. EXPERIENCED hemstitch operator wanted at once: good wages. 3S4 Morrison. GIRL to help make and dress dolls. Quick, p!ain sewing. Room 304 Royal Annex. MOTHER'S helper, reasonable wages, home to right party. Call Tabor 42S8. WOMAN to do family washing. 155 Graham, naax Union. HEIP WANTED FEMALE. BODT TRONER WANTED. AMERICA? UUXDRI. 140 E. THIRD ST. .NORTH. THE METER a FRANK CO. requires the services of experienced millinery r akers and saleswomen for the coming season; steady work for capable people Is as sured. Apply employment manager, sixth floor. LIBERAL BONUS PAID. Experienced 2-needle operators on over alls; also girl to put sleeves In coats, and other girls to piece sleeves and join shirts. Come In and let us exp.ain our bonus system to you. We close Saturday after noons, lit. Hood Factory. 233 Couch st. THE MEIER FRANK CO. require the services of an experienced saleswoman for the silk department. Apply employ ment bureau, otn floor, ME1EU A FRANJC CO. EXPERIENCED corset alteration operators. must operate power machines. Apply employment bureau, sixth floor, Meier Frank Co, NEAT, attractive young woman, able to meet public to help In physician's office In small town near coast; chance to learn nursing and good prospects for suitable party; give phune number, age, experience, photo and minimum salary to begin with. A 373, Ore gonlan. U. 8. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds women-Kiris. IS or over; permanent posi tions. $10UO-$12OO year; paid vacation; ex aminations everywhere coming; list poni ttens free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute. DepC 704 K. Rochester. N. Y. GIRLS wanted, have permanent positions, 1 girl to do dampen skirts, 1 girl to pin cur tains and X girl to operate clothes press; experience not necessary, wages $13 to $14. Crystal Laundry Co., E. 21st and bandy. Rose City car. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. require the serv ices of several experienced millinery makers; permanent positions. Apply at superintendent's office. YOUNG lady, with some experience in of fice work; must be quick and accurate at figures and with use of typewriter; should possess some knowledge of doubie entry bookkeeping. Apply at once. Ideal Tea Co., 711 Union ave. N. POSITION open with larva well-known firm , applicant must be well educated; not office work; state education, expe rience and phone number. BC 8L Ore gonlan. WA NTE D 5 bright, capable ladles to trav e I demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $."0 per week ; railroad fare paid ; write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Depu Omaha, Neb. WuU&NS Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headquarters. 2d and Oak sts.. will furnish informs tlon. gtv protection and era. stance f re to woinss and girls. Interviews confidential. uMED Housekeeper, widower with one child; take St. Johns car, get off at Emerald st., walk down 2 blocks nort n. Adam Sepirh, 3to Baldwin St.. by Penln su.a schoolhouse. WANTED Six ladles for outdoor selling. $18 weekly salary and commi.lon, with quirk advancement; success certain; exceptional opportunity. Address immediately, J 603, Ore onian. WANTED M iddle-agd lady for cook on bridtce gang ; can ue man and wife, man to work in crew; cook's pay $o0 per month f'r crew of lo to 14 men. Address Gus C. Carlson. Sixth ave. sta. Tacoma. Wash- LADY prewar wanted, one who understand prt-ing lad ten and men's garment; very highest wages paid to rlKht party. Fort land Cleaning Works, 41st and Sandy road. EXPERIENCED millinery makers wanted: high saiary. all- ear position to capable workers. Apply Muller 4c Raan Co. of Washington. 1513 6th ave., Seattle. Wash. EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers anj makers wanted for positions In Warning ton, Oregon and luaho. Apjdy to Loweo gart A Co. AN EXPERIENCED DRUG HILLING CLERK FOR SUBSTITUTE WOR K KoK THE MONTH OF AUGUST. C LA R K E . WOODWARD DRUG CO. WANT EL Application from girls to work In wood-working factory at fat. Johns Steady work and good wages. J 79 d. Ore ccnun. PIANIST wanted to demonstrate shet mubtc; must te good sight reader: sieauy work. 324 Washington si- Remick bong frh op. WANTED -Thoroughly experienced multi graph operator; a.o capable of handling mailing list. Good salary to right party. Apply Hazi-lwooii, Front and Ar.keny. WANTED Experienced salesladies and trimmers at English Millinery, 341 Morri son fct,; no others need appiy. r WANTED Names women-girla 1 to 45, wlsning become postoffice clerks. Com mence $1"0C Ans er Immediately. A V 1 15. Oregonlan. WANTED Girls for mangle and hand -Iron dwf.artmer.t, experience not nceFsary. GuoU w agt-s. steauy w ork. Yale Laundry, 5M East Morritton. WANTED Experienced girl for shirt line. Good wage, stead v employment. Yale Laundry, Ouu East Morrison. TEACH KtlS Splendid positions open tor vacation, give education, experience and phone number. AH 470. oregonlan. EXPERIL1NCED forelady for dress and apron factory. Kaufman Mfg. Co., 1540 Broadway. Tacoma, Wash. FIRST-CLASS makers and trimmers. Apply immediately for poaiLion. Long seaaon, good salary Muller A. Raas Co. GIRL with good experience In charge filing department; state all particular a A 3S4, Oregonian. ONE experienced power machine operator wanfd. Theo. Bergman Shoe Mig. Co., U21 Thurraan at. EXP. bookkeepers. $100 to $125; stenogra phers, $75 to $115; dictaphone operators. $su to $J00. 301 N.W. Bankbldg. EXPERIENCED a la carte wattresa; salary $37.50, room and meals. Hotel Marion. Salem, Or. STENOGRAPHER, permanent position; good salary; state experience. A 3 b 8. Orego nian. GIRL over 22, sufficient experience to as sume responsibility in who.esaie line; an swer fully. A 3So, Oregonlan. TH E Florence Crittenton Home Is ready t help any girl In distress. Uuj E. lillsaa M. V. car. East 31U. WANTED Girls to operate spinning ma chines. Apply Portland Cordage Co.. 14 th and Northrup sts. EX P. bookkeepers, $100 to $125; stenogra phers, $75 to $115; dictaphone operators, $S0 to $100. 3u 1 N. W. Bank bl d g. WANTED An Al woman cook for first class restaurant. Write Bungalow Res taurant, Kainier, Or. WANTED Girl experienced In delicatessen and lunch counter work. Mast's Delicates sen, 623 Washington sU W AN T E D-Ref In ed el d erl y woman forI I gh t housework, one who appreciates good home. Mrs. Lowe, Main 700. WANTED Woman for kitchen work; eld erly woman preferred: good wages. Hotel Rive rv lew. Rainier, Or. ANY g'rl in need of a friend apply to th- Salvation Army Rescue Home. 302 East 15th st. N., or phooe East 123. GIRLS wanted for light factory work, good wages, steady work. Apply American Can Co . 14th and Front sta STENOGRAPHER. $S3; typist, clerk. $50. AH 451. Oregonian. $65; fi: WANTED Main 57 good cook. LnstltutionaL Call WANTED Dining room girl. 1731 Derby st. fnone uu.n WANTED Dishwasher. 284 Washington st v nuc j,uu-u. WANTED A cook, at the Patton Ho ma. wooaiawn iiw WANTED LadV tor housework In family ana care oi . m i o i a n. r- a coin is. HELP wanted for sewing. S6 Wash. St.. n.im z ' naaimt iteca. WANTED Waitress. Campbell Hill hotel, 23d and Hoyt. PANTS finisher wanted, steftdy work and good pay. 546 Washington bldg. WOMAN to do light housekeeping for wid ower. 317 Russell sL. mornings. CHORUS GIRLS High st wge. long en g igementa: no travelirg. Caaino theater. EXPERIENCED telephone operator may be ootind by callma Main 102. A 23-S7. MILLINERY makers wanted. West Mil linery. 363 Aider. WANTED Experienced lady clothes ironer Lace House Laundry. 650 Washington. COMPETENT woman In vicinity of WiT over terrace for day work. Marsha?! 17.Y $18 PER WEEK for experienced hemstitch opera lor. i uu, iwum tv, WANTED Sewers on pants: girls to learn pay while learning. 547 Washington bldg. GIRLS wanted for all depirtmentn. Vugan Candy Co.. East 11th and Flanderw WANTED A lady barber. No. 6. xTd att. HFLP WAXTFn FEMAI.B. GIRLS FOR FACTORY.. APPLY JIOVDAT. T;3U A. M. PAOlFff! COAST BISCUIT CO., 12TH AND DAV Id. ONE experienced saleslady In corset dept. cxpenenrea casnier inspector: must oe familiar with National can register sys tem. Two stork srlrls for ladies cloak and suit department. Several mark Fin between the arx of ! and 18. Apply Superintendent s office, be tween and lo Monday morning. Ltp man, Wolfe A Co. V ANTED By the Vlmedta company, cap able business woman, over 30, aa local, district or traveling manager; salary oi commission: prefer one having experience in selling hlfch-claas home treatment to women. Address The Vlmedia Co.. Kan sas r itv. Mo. THE EMPORITM requires the services of experiences saleswomen in the cloak and suit departments; also flrst-clasn makers in the mil I inery department. Emporium. Inquire morning. 126 6th st. WANTED Cook for family In apartment houe, must be very clean, competent and excellent cook. Do not apply unless you are A-l wtth best references; no washing, no window and co porches; can sleep home. Call Mar. 4472 mornings between s and 11 onlv. THE PALMER-WILSON CO.. Ellensburg. wain., require experienced woman for dry goods and ready-to-wear dept.; applicants should state experience, give age, reTer ences, state whether married or single, name last employer and reason for leav Ing. Permanent place for right woman. BILLING CLERK Neat. Intelligent young woman to do billing on L C. Smith type writer; also some filing; must be quick and accurate at figures; if you want a permanent position answer at once; give full particulars, AL 4S, Oregonlan. MI LiLE-AGED woman to take homestead and keep house for man on adjoining claim; must be fairly good cook; no ob jection to young child. Will pay all ex penses and fair wage, AL 447. Ore iron! an. STENOGRAPHER AND OFFICE ASSIST A NT. Must have at least 2 . or S years ex perience in either machinery logging or mill supplies, permanent position. Apply M. BnM Pons. 240 Front st. ASST. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer ac customed to handling detail work; woman 25 to 35 : neat and rapid typist ; good t figures, who want permanent work : $" per month to stsrt ; give full particulars, rfcrenra AL 40, Oregonian. TEACHER wanted for rural tiool. Cal". salnry $lrtn. board $20. Rural teacher for Nevada. $100. Rural. Arizona, 1K. Pa -ciflc Teachers' agency, 637 Monadnock bldg.. Pnn Krarrl.Q, Cal. EXPERIENCED saleswoman 'op stationery department exrellent opening: experi enced dishwasher, and many other posi tions optn to women and girls. Apply 51" Oregon bldg. CUSTOM shlrtmpker. thoroughly experi enced: wae"i $ per weK. jarors unirt Co.. Raleigh bldg., 327 Washington il KXI'KKIFNCKD woman stenographer fot law and ral estate office. Call Monday, hetween 12 snd 1. Don't come unlexn you r.- experienced and efficient. 404 Piatt bldg. FFR OPERATOR, experienced, wanted. high eat sal a ry. atealy ern i I " ment. N . M. Ungar, furrier, cor. Broadway and Alder st. HOTTE KEEPER wanted by a rentleman to look afer a small modem bungalow, thte Is nn excllent opporirltv for a capable, rrflne! woman of atout RO, thin n not a Tvanfs position. BJ 7. Oregonlan. POSITION open with large WFll-known firm; nnpLJcant must be ve! eiucat--d not offu e work : itate edirwtton. expe rience nnd phone number. HG 11. Ore r-n'Hn. FUR OPERATOR, erperjeneed. wanted: high est salary: steady employment. . St. Ungar, furrier, cor. Broadway and Alder st. WANTED By pwlowmnnairer large whi" houe, A-l wtenogra ph,er who Is w il ling to ue dictaphone prt of the time. ttte sge. exper:r.. e. references and aal srv wanted. f Oregonian. GIRL or woman, general hounework, good cook, family two. go home n'gnta goon wag Phone Monday Main 2476. or call 2 ! H Lew's bldg. M T fDI.E-AGED women for wool eor'lng: no heavy work: easy to l-arn; good wagem Oregon Wool jcouring Mills, Kenton Sta tion. Tnke Mississippi car. FIRST-CLASS cook for small boarding ho tel; mum be competent and willing to work. Grand Ave. Hotel, 33 4 Grand ave., S Mocks south of Hawthorne. CLEAR-HEADED home woman, over R", for responsible position: must be or good ap pearance and absolutely reliable; not of fice work. P SH. Oregnntan. TWO furnished housekplng rooms for woman and daughter, or woman. In exchanre for a couide hours' dally service. 6-'3 E. Ankeny. YOUNG LADTES. Catholic, excellent outside selling positions: estr. congenial work : advancement. Call 518 Yeon bldg., be tween R-0 and 4-1. WANTED Six ladles for outdoor selling. $1S week ly salary and rornml-ln. with quick advancement: urrf.i certain: ex- t er- Ion - I op port unity. J Ore cor. Inn. WANTED Hemstitcher operator: wares $16 to $18 per week. The McCreery Mfg. Co.. f.OO Roval bldg. WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers: out of town. 307 Bumslde. Broadway 2r.o. WANTED Neat and attractive young lady as dental assistant; give nge. references and phone number. A M 46, Oregonian. MILLINKRY TRIMMER for out-of-town prr. position. Apply Bradshaw Bros., Royal b!dg. WANTEI A woman to do second work in s boarding house for room nnd board for self and husband. Wdln. 3727. WAITRESS for beach hotel, one accustomed to American plan preferred. Call Bdwy. 1 ISO. TOVVO woman operator for private switch board. Apply M0 Oregon bldg., early Mon day morning. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Neth erlands hotel, 1261 13th st.; phone Bdwy. 017. STENOGRAP HER and office assistant wanted. Apply 419 Lumbermen bldg., Monday. WANTED Waitr-e. must bo experienced, good wags. rom and board. Mallory hotel. 171 T.owndale A NEAT-APPEARING ladv to keep house for widower and little boy. AR 18. Ore-r-onlan. WANTED Elderly lady for companion and light housework. W. L. Brannon, 4o36 ft2d st. S. E. Tabor 7249. GIRL for tailor shop, one who speaks Ital ian and English. Albert Cosentlnl. 1763 prhv et.. Kenton Stalon. MARRIF.D or single lady for kitchen help er and rook supper. Grand Ave. Hotel, 334 Grand avenue. WANTED Several young ladles with book -keeping or office experience. Apply 3"i2 Oak at., eighth floor. SEAMSTRESS for cutting snd making shirts. Art Embroidery Co.. 6-3S Morgas Mdr. WANTED Housekeeper, under 35. on farm AM 414. Oregonian. BRIGHT stenographer and M around off!c gf rl. Monday momln g. 4Q7 Dekum bldg WANTED Experienced finisher anJ help ers on gowna 3Q2 N. W. Bank bldg;. EXPERIENCED grl to do hand sewing Mt Hood Factory. 233 Couch st. COUNTER girl wanted; no Sunday wora. Damascus Lunch. 14 Broadway. WANTED Woman for housework, go home nights Tabor 6.V 1135 l!mont st. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Apply at Port land hotel, room 250. RETAIL stationery saleslady wanted; men tlon silary desired. V 4M. Oregonian. WANTED Flrst-clss waitresa Austin's r"ae. Punnyside. Wash. WANTED Dishwasher. 1731 Derby eL phn-o Wood awn 2'.'13. WANTED Chambermaid. 1751 Derby st V-:nn Wood : n 2P15. CHAMBERMAID. Fa'-lrh. 243 W. 6 hours' Park. daily. Mra WANTED New York Milliner des!ra an experienced maker. Call 24S 8d st. ASSISTANT skirt maker to he!p on ladles sKtrts. ?. eiss. i"t n st "INlsHER to mnk mnke flrst-rlass button holes; F Weiss. 12SH 10th st. good p. V A NT ED Cook for board In g house: plain cooking: 2 meaig a cay. B'll Savter st I LADY prenser wanted. Portland Cleaning J works. 41st and Sandy road. EXPERIENCED saleslady for Jewelry store. WANTED Cook. 284 Washington St., White Lunch. WANTED One- graduated nurse. Whin otOwoa Hospital, Wait Salmon, Waah. HELP WAVrrp EE MALE, THOROLM H LY experienced comptometer operator in wholesale hous. one familiar Ith stenoicrapniQ ork preferred, steady position ; give age. references and sa.ary expected. W 357, Oregonlan. -Doa WANTED Competent young woman as houseaeeper for working tr.ia and $ chil dren; someone with musical aoility ard fund of rm.dren preferred: pleasant p.at-e in country; $0 per month, fare ad vanced: no objection to crn.d; p'.eese give panic clara Write box 131. Or.and. Cal. EXPERIENCED girl or woman for cooking and to he.p with general bousewora on ranch; must like children: modern con. conveniences, washing done by pocr; good wages to a pn n who wUhe :ra.iy position. Box 40, liiUsboro. Oregon, rou.s No. i. GIRL to assist with housework and In the care of two children-; mut be willing to go to the beach for a month: a good home tor a good girl. 5o2 East 26th sU Nona. Kant 222U. SCHOOL girl to assist with hounrwork: good room.' fine home, steady position. $15 to $.o per month, west side. Phone Broadway 2JX WANT an experienced second maid. S in family, 3 in nelp. good wages; references required, fall between 2 ar.d 4 and 6 and 8. 722 Park ave. Phone Main 2V03. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, family of 4; good cook no washing; Sun days free; gn j ages; references. Tabor w:. B 1;1W. W74 E. Taylor. Call room inia. WANTED A woman to do cooking for 2 months at Seaside; small family, modern cottage on board watk; all convenience. Phone Mrs. MoKinney. Tabor 20u7. WANTED Maid for general housework; small fami.y; private aud sitting room; pleasant surroundings. 121 Fairfax Ter race, f none oi:n l. EXPERIENCED cook for general down stairs work; family of three adults; no w aching. References required. Phone WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORK. N E W BUNGALOW. 3 I N FAM ILY; GOOD WAGES. CALL ilAuT 547, WANTED Girl of some experience for gen eral housework. lamily of ; 6-rwom Douse. Aisin ooiu. EXPERIENCED girl of 16, housework help er, Urm homo, $40; rvurenctw. Write All4.0, Oregonian. COMPETENT cook and second maid for family of two; west side Phone Broaa- H V I or Call tiT, A Jnhr., WANTED An experienced wallreaa, pri vate family. Apply Miss Failing, aoi bin L Phone Matu 2146, or A 4ooo. WAN TED Ex periem ed girl for general housework, no upstairs work, no launury Alain ttitu. COMPETENT girl for general houjtwork; family of o adu.ts; go'1 room, good ..K-s. 44.". E. l.-.ta st. N. GiKL for cooking and don w stairs work; must have city references- w ages vit. Telephone Muln B0.4 mo ninga COOKING and housework a few- ml I e out. $2.jO par iay, refereocea Write V 4 73, Oregonian. WANT young woman to do fu.ml y nyi dining room work for self and husband room and board. 412 N. 19th st. WANTED Second girl In private family; relerencea required. Call 421 Vista ave. t-none Alain eJU. WANTED Capab.t woman or girl for gen eral housework; $C per month. Wwod- WANTED Experienced second girl to with children. Phone Marsiia.l 1So7. i.e:'. rojd, near Lnvjoy. WANTED Maid to do houeework and as- M-t in cooKing, family of two. Appiy 7.1 Hoyt ml. WoMAN in do washing day a week, weal side V ANTED Expet U n- rd and housework 3 Main 7317. girl for general i.-t &7'4. GIRL for general houMork; no wa-hing. 1 101 E. Burumde L Call Tator 50.i. WANTED A g-rl for general housework :i n 1 1 family. Oa It 7.i ' Kearr.c y. WAN TED Girl for lie tit houec wurk ; no waann.g. Small fjm.i). Tabor 7.'.4 WANT EI ;irl to a iFt with house wou, Finan lamily, $ JU. odiaw a 2437. GIKL lor houcew-ork, good home and wages; permanent. lt7 E. 7m u N. WAN TE I N urae girl for 2 children, may go l.oii.e ni . tt. ;,ti Marahatl au Wanted go-m cook ; small rmu-. good Mwag.-a. C all teilw ood 93 or 4J1 E. -4ta SU WANTED Voung .rl to aaal.it with h--i -work; no v.sri:ng. r.o nmMiir. Mmr. 4. WANTKi iirl to go to b-M.n to t c-re of 3-i4r-old bb girl Piione Lni 7-47. WANTED Woman lo work for room aid oard night and morning. Cii Taoor 43. WOMAN lo cook and do houaewnrk. chll dreiK ."." M.tiUcn ave.. Scuwuod car. WANTED Woman to do pialu cook tag. Call Tsbor 4'1"3. WANTED School girl to assist w.th wo: for room and botd. Call E. 1219 bunUa W ANT E D Girl or woman for general housework; wges $.0. Marshall l;a. W ANTED Housemaid to go to Gearharl for A tig ust. M a rstiail 322. W A N i ED A n ex perienced housemaid. ! ra. Helen Ladd Corbett. Telephone Main Itmi, SPAN LSI I lessons. 4U A. laky blJg.. Thud and MorriMn sts. INEXPERIENCED girl for counter work, $2 day and board. H hra. 05 N. 6th St. WANTED Reliable girl for second girL Main 32. 7'.'J Northrup SU HELP WANTED MALE OR 1T.MALK. HOP PICKErtS WANTED. T. A. Lives e ac Co. ards, near Ssiem and Independence. Or. W furnish tenia tables, stools, wood, water, straw for oeua and oaKet to pica In. There ts a store, cvaknouxt, butcl.er ihup and dancehaii ou the itrouttda At l0c per box. you maMe big money and hae the outing. Register at I's N. 4th su. or phone A liHtl ana gel reservations made lor accommodailoi.a A for Guy t:ruzan. room 2n, Hi iioic WE will soon be ready to sl:n up hop pickers for our Independence yard; so arrange your vacation to begin on or about epiember 1st. Our former Pickers are klna.y asked to conie again, and w- shall be happy to have you lio us then. EID G. BACK. 80H First St.. Portland. Or. WEAVERS. A.Nu FPINNER3 WANTED. Steady work; 4H-nour week; good wages Apply Portland Woolen Mill. U- 8. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds roc-n. women, 1? er over; permanent peace po sitions. $1000-$12i)0 year; paid vacation; examination everywhere coming; hat po aitions iree. Write Immediately. Frana lln InstiLute. Dept. 377 R. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Good all-around white cook and waitress for restaurant; steady, year around pla-; wagea $140 to $loO month; married, middle-aged people preferred ; send ri ferences; must know their busi ness. Foutch's Restaurant, Rose burg. ur. Wlt'E-AWAKB men and women to Intro duce magazines ; subscriptions offer good money, bee Frederick. Euiaon Hotel, boon and after ft P. M. WEAVERS WANTED GOOD PAT. OREGON C! r Y WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. WANTED Middie-aged man and wl.'e w ith no children to care lor man partly paralysed; four acres in farm, one cow and one horse. Phone Woodlawn 641. RAILWAY mail clerk examinations August 23; $1 loO-siriOO year; sample questions frr-e. Franklin Institute, Dept. 474 K. Roches ter. N. Y. WANTED Member for company for pro duction of motion plcturea W 31, Oregonian. WANT good lyric writer for song puLl:h li.g business; must be good siult. i 4U7, Ore g on la u. LiNuTVPE operator, man or woman, week ly ; city of 7uuu, In W aahlngin. stcauy place. A V 31 . Ortgon.an. WANTED Promoter and alo salesman, male or female, at once at 734 Haw thorne avenue. W.NTEI Al once, teacher who can teaca pi:ino and violin, out of town. Phone 444J. aM, for Mr. n ky . EX PER1ENCED presaer on ladies' dr ; w omiD preferred ; b-st w ages paid. tal b :y. lo'.M. Wardr.jt.e I e Works. WAN TED Marker and sorter, lop wages paid to right party. AP 102. Orr-oniau. EDICATIONAL MEN. W OMEN Learn barber trad fr; wages while learning: po::;on guaranteed. Oregon Barber Col.ege. 2-3 Madison SU AsT SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Mis Bucket's private school, individual Instruction. 123 Grand ava Last42 7 li"RS. HANNTWS shorthand school open during summer. East &&6u. 2oo Tiitmook st'eei. TEACHING position, free registration. Ma n 4.i3. Fiak Ttctert" Agenf y. Journal b.dg. PRIVATE If aeons In English and arith metic. Tabor !i6. MISS MATTIVGLT"8 Fhorthand. TypewrlU ing school$6 mo. 2J4th. Main TH E International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. HlBroadway. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency rVee reoLruoa, MAia 64 Bxoada ay eikLg. tPlTATIOAL BE A tv-cToa or CHIROPRACTIC. Tn chtropracfc prcresainn effr te most unjuai oportuni-. :e of any fl e.d In th wcrid :odav. Know about Its great epportutiiun be:o.- deoiaing your career, or if you are diesattsed in your present position In ll e or l.s earnng capacity is not what you would Ilk it to be investi gate in crat opportunities oftTrred IS 1 Ms greatest of al pro'esaions CR IRo PR AC 1 iC. A mot exceptional oppor tunity to study Chiropractic and to beonie s Chiropractic physician Is err red at t&s linn by our col.ege. both day and big at counwa ONE HUNDRED THOfS AND ChlropracMc ph si nan needed In th Cm ted Kate today to supply th de mands of tn mil ion a who have tunt$ t this grew.; method : hea r.g (Lair Lis. 1NV EhTIG ATE. An gm en ted Curricu.um. Ab1 Facalty, C. In i cat KaclUUes I'otiCeUed. For particulars address Ur, Oscar W. Elliott. p.-eaulenU PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLKOB. Park and Yamhill. Mstn 1014. Portland. Or. You cannot learn any part of this pre ssion through correspndenca HEMPHILL'S TPADE SCHOOLS. TNC 7u7 Hawthorne avenue. Portland, Oregon. A PCHOOL OF Automobile and Tractor Err'nerlng. Wherein there s at'So ute re.laM.ity. Advanced, practical, efficient. KARN Pl" MONET tn the auto and tractor business: learn In few week by our system of practical In struction. AH modern equlpmenu Ex pert Instructor Fre $30 tractor scholar smip offer now open. Earn board and room whii learning. Write for fre cat, logue. National Automotive School, bis 6out hF' g u tro a. Los An g eiea CaL HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL 461 Hawthorne Ave, Automobile, trucks, tractors. Ignition and starter work. Vulcanizing and re treading. Special summer rate. Day and evening claaaea THE tiClK-oL THAT TEACHES TOU TO BOSS THE JOB. LEARN AUTOS AND TKACTOR3. FIVE DAYS" r KES TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. W teach Auto. Tractor. Gas Engine snd Auto Electr.ca! Work RIG lO0-f AUS CATALOGUE FREE. Addreas Adcox Auto Tractor School. Depu K. L nlon k. aad Wasco su. Portland, or. Phone East ?443 POSITIONS ASSURED. EVERY GRADUATE OF HERN K.E-WALKER Famines Co..ge. Portend. Enroll any time. Telecraphy. stenography, banking, bookkeeping. s'cretar:al. Free catalogue. GooD lectures and spiritual messages by M ra. Pers;s Wi,.ion More at 412 Hoi la -rijjr ave. on Sundas nd Thursdays s t S P. M ; free-w m of ferine. phone Las: 5."4. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Yodng men and women wanted Call S1K Railway Exchange bl.g. Splendid opror tunlty to learn a well-paid profession. Fre booklet. Rat. way Telegraph I nstt'.ute. SPAN IS 11 gent. em an lil exchange Fpan.sh lessons f r p. a no In struct ions ; references ex hanjred; in answer gv pnone. N 10, 'regonian DECKER'S HI SINE.-S COLLEGE. Ty pew r 1 ; m g. boik p:nc, com ptomter. a!l other ma. hsir.i course L-ay. night scnoci. A.lsky bltig.. d aj:d Mor. M:n MOHLKR BARRKR COLLEGE psya you while learning, give you a set of ii.t: pMtii.tih fcu:M. end for catalog, phone Hdwj. 1731, 54 Iiurnld St. PR. DEL 'KY Cone recon st rue 1 ln 4 " H- gt.ts. N!aln T4l. iteration, farea: (.ir. g. UlU sL. Portland R K Y MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGENCY. Kr.n K. Wertoa ex-at. Man Pupi., mcr. N.W. bar.k ;tg. Tea, tier pl.-T.c-d promptly. poTlTLAND RA rHEIt COLLEGE t-aclie trade In week, pit T w ht Earning, po- si'.'tn guaranteed. J4 Couch st. SITUATION" WANTKI) MALE. M Ec 11 AN 1CA L itg.n-er. experienced a ttune, d'iicner. factory r!!jri nry and stitpa. wants ern.an nt position wun r ha nee for advancement. K Ll. Orego nian. WANTEi A permanent home on farm near Portland for rood. t Ikv. to hr.p with rtiora and tbt w or a for t oard and n.iih- Ca 1 idw. li. or addrea 14U N. loth st. MAN w-Jtn large pet experience buying, in s per t it. g and shipping lun ter w in-a po riti'in w-tn good Urm w !.i n has car and carfco i.ini.cni. Can Klv bt of refer -n,. aL. Oregultian. WANTl-I Iy middle aged man with fam i.y. a permanent position in rc.iabie w hoe sa.e house; have ha 1 1! years' experience Irom snipping, r- r in to e.,inc. st of refrenre. James Leany. Pbone labor V7&. MAN and w lfi go an w her on g'.nlc. uo anything, rapa.ie. rctt-able. 14 jcars ri perieucv rui.uu. liur. lormaii a nl reach w ork. Write Rox 3. San Lleg-. C vl ItoY. 1, d-sires home on farm, clean place: can milK and ilne team. until nooi. becin then board and cioUea liF 16, oregonlan. HAVE two-ton truck. with or without trailer. Wtil equipped for any kind of hauniig. Want couiracL K ll'J. Ore g.'nl;n. WANTED Apartment house to manage and do me Jan. tor work. I under xt-iud a li w ood and coal stoam beat botlera Ala 4'.H. Oregonlan. Fl UN ITU RE made, retired and uphol stered ; all kinua of Iiii-f-r.n.g ai.d pan. tin our sp-cialiy. Call Tabor t406 and get service. J AN 1 T1"1 R Thoroughly ex perlenced. used to any kind of fuel; make minor repairs; hav tools; want position. W o6J. ore- ro-iian. WaNTEI situation ss engineer, have had experience with stationary locomotives; also oil burners of differnt ty pea o o. Oregonian. WAN Tell Position aa chauffeur for pri vate family: can do .. minor rep.tir wrk ar.d give best of references. Call Km at 3'4 and ask for A. L. Hrown. FARMER want position for coining fa.;, ton years experience managing large farms, either share or salary ; Al refer encea. Y 40O. Oregonian. A RSTR ACTORS. Do you nevd an t-xpcrinced and reliable abstractor 7 W 3S4. Oregon tan. A HKIHHT boy. 1 years oid. wants a place to work; good ho-ne and kind treatment appreciated. Y 4.16. C'regor.ian. WANT A position as niht watchman: c.a give good references. Julius Johnson. HrosdwaySClJ MAN. free bbrn, of lawful age and well rec ommended, would like ! i.nun Job; state salary. W 3oS. Oregonian. IF YOC have painting to do, see Kdm ouslon, JI.-.4 Hawthorne ave. Cail East 33s. We act r--ults. EX PERI ENCED woman wlchs w ashing or Ironing, wun litt le cleaning. Call any time. Marshall 767. F1R.-T-CLASS ail-round baker s-ks posi tion; country preferred; state watres paid In first letter. AN 15. Oregonian. LOGGERS If you are lokolng for a woods foreman why not get one it. at knows the game? HJ 17. Oregonian. STEADY, experienced married man w ants position, grocery or garage of lice, S o, Orcgomsn. KELI A RLE man w ith buying and selling experience d. aires steady position. Eat 41H7. HIGH-CLASS sa.esman with car w.sh-s to connect with firm doing business loc:.y rr on r"ad. R i'. fregonian. YOUNG MAN. 2t. wants lo learn trade In machine shop, garage or w hat have i ou to offer? A K. 4i". oregonian. LNI -RSITV graduate, aned 26. dcslrea a position with an American concern In China BK 7. t-regonlan. EXPERIENCED milker sr.d farm nan 4 w ants work : dairy or farm. Box H. F. D. 2. Rarr.es Road. Portland. Or. MAN and wife want small camp: good cooks and mangrrs A K 3. Orcg-man. MILKER, experienced, open for position, .. to SO com. . ?4 Co'um ti a st. LATH ING promptly c m, country work s srecialtv. E-ist 1'.6. 46 E. 7th st. N OaI.I-UAITH, the p. inter We hang paper r'rht .'!e up. C;vll Wjod!awn 141 .'E painting, reasonable prices, good -or. Tabc.r aO'.I. BwY 14 wants Job on farm. Address Mil. waukle. Or., box POSITION, by mi-id i-ed man. as Janitor or w a ; c h rr. an. tee . ; w ood 3 71 6. DP UGGIaT wishes RC lrt. Oregonlan a permanent poailion. SITUATION wanted bv experienced cigar clerk Addrea A rl l-"a. oregonian. FIRST-CLASS all around baker wants $o- ai t ion. . vrriviiiio. A GOD patnier and kal-omlnr wish work. Phone ood .aw n 6'ow. PLI'MrTnG expert Repair any r!omblnf, very reasonable. McCu r dy. g e :L 1 1 25 BAKER, experienced bench hand, wants Job. A K 4J. Oregonian. MARRIED man want ett-a ly Job on farm. First class chicken man. Y 474. Oregonian. gTilNGLERS-When you want rehlng;ing dona Call Woodlawn WANTED Job as watchman or stable man. Call Main 16. AM 4J4. Oregonlan. GARDENER and grass cutter. Call $ A. M. F at 3S. - WALL tinting, oallwued 241. rTr.T10 WANTFO MALE. I TOU have contract that requires a tru.-a and driver, w furcih you with both. Our t ru.- department i prepare! us Pc our coutrac t lor oil. tri'ck rrrr MAM. FY Al TO . 11th and oak at liuraaid. li road way SIT. iKr-CLASS dainovan. Danish, s.ngle, $ sars or age. gx mi.ker. i rt m rais ing cu.nvted cropa daira posiiion oa dairy ard h.-- farm wh.cn can b ranted, la Tor !or caan r aha re Don't answer this ad. uni-M yoj ar in need of s mor onrh y axverienred man with lots of a:iv bliivn t ?n aneaa and with exceptional sit. iy m this tina Am not a.'raid of a run-d.-wn larzn. Address IV Ore gor.un. POSITlov ant: experienced window trimmer, card wr.ter and advertising man, at present en-.p toyed, desires to make a Chang, ir.akri own back grounds; prefer a my of over lO.ouo. In cr gon or Wash ?' n; references furn:?1!. Address) C. W. Pauuion, Greeley, Co.o. PROPERTY OWNTRS. ATTENTION. I spec, : :r In ail kinds of roof painting and repairing, clean olf tnoaa. repair around cmmi.vy, cnt pipes and gutters, put oo a good waterproof paint on store b . d r. or c a ra g mo! For re i iabie wor caii C. Etioa., Wood. awn fro Refer ences galore. ft ers la Poruand. AU work guaranteed. WANTED Position by salesman of i.5 years' experience In merchandising In sll branchea if th businfo; la opeu for posi tion: would prefer clothing or gents' fur niahtnsra, or would consider traveliug for rei:Kh; house; can fuxu-ah A-l r2roao Y4.lv OreKoniati. Bl ex-bua.ne-s man. pomtlon where experi ence, acumen, character and loyalt y wl.l be appreciated and rewarded; greatest ex perience In food products: executive work, or as.atant to buer or departmental head pre e i re ; "money back" If not wallafao tory. W hat have you? P SSrt. Oregonian, MARK. ED man. sge 37. axperienced time keeper, rai.r.tad or other coasiracnon; not partiru:ar w here camp Is loca:ed If liv ing avommoJationi lor self and wife are furnished ; Miiry no ob ect ; can report about Aug. lu and can ren.-Un permanent; r-:crer.ce. a 11 4i3. Urfpnian WANTED Position by salesman of 25 years experience In mercnandiMng in ail branches of the buslne-; la open tor posi tion; w ouid prerer ciot hing or gen ta fur mhtng. or would connJ--r traveling for reiiab. house; can luruiah Al rfruacaa, Y 4 .i. orv so n I a n. YoUNG man. marr.ed, age 3. weil veraej in general friutng. ait-k raising. seeKS ngg"rnent ua v .irking ran.'h manager of b :ineM man's property w her h:s at tempt n 'not b given for the welfare of Wi'fcon. P. o. box 2.u7. Portland. LA r'E Ri ENCED machine shop foreman de sire p. -silt Vn aa superintendent or fore man of tool maklne department r resu lar machine or lotti; li eara' experience; b-s: ..f references P otLv Oregouian. or E, M. ii. F.. 1M7 E. Oak St.. city. LAUNDRY MAN. ,.'4 years experience "as super, nni;int, foreman, rnu f al dcprtir.faia. desres perianer.L position In city ; re-.'aren.ea Addr.ss AM 41J, Or-R,ir.:an. SX-jltlhOliANT. long expertem. van'.i like po !irn, clothing or gpn:' furnish lM r rred WI at havo y,.u open f' r f.r.-t- lni!i man? Lest of refere&cea W .-ref ons.-n. WANTKD Popit'.on s general o.'fice asist snt for lumber mili, to.inki to loo 0"o ca t aclt rr ifrr d . have had ard and mnl raperiet.ee av wcii aa kuoWK Ogs oi good o.'iir mthoOs, a 1 j. AV ore k"-t an. &A1.KS MANAGER of Rochester CorpratloR ilir- pom - ion with lort.nd coii.pa ny. "o :j: pa r.r w h n h p.c a pr-jnturu U poia er v n . cha raiter uil ea Lutive ability can trin neiiotiarii.i.a by riding a let t r a : rrwcj to lo x 7'. Gc-nvac o, N. V. MAN witn selling s wint woife. we. I eel :,t relc-rences. t- r-.oe work. i AK 4T7. ore inla M;:ry and Ford roauater arua.ntet In cn. ex r.o tii'jc .ion to r.oua ia.ary ana coxis.t-.iu. EXPERIENCED lumber off'c man desires pas 'son. ra:. or cargo, besi of reference. X Ms, Oi-;oi.ian. cTfATV KK LR Tag -d 2 iTn'. ar rird7ar' ex -1-e r .n( e. -niim p-s.t :n .a port .an 4 w i ti tiT-...) or cor.tetn tht wn, rc.gi,:e aui..ty aud coticicut.oancsa Y 44a. or goT;ln. MARi:iEI man. 31 erw old. . ara exp-rl'-nce mai erer ml store. I'uVer of grocerie. . s.res roU-n in Jor.i.j ter ritory, tn.a.l ton prelcrred. 1 X c re n ,e given. A .'.. Oregon. an. ii A l.t 1 m.iu wants tvo-itn-n as sawyer on tie mill in re.h of st h-ol, w ife good co . I under st and mac h.ni-Ty of all k !:.- a and am a f-gur. Anawer at once. AR 4. -econ m. MAN and w f e. both gocd carrp cooka. hav been handaag lare car.ipa w ouid ta small can. p. Age J6. no children. All . ".!. t r-cm.;an. LA N i ' A P hZ grUrtier and care taker want steady paa.tlon on r.slJ ice or gentle man's uuir home; Al ufenmcet. Y o J. ACT1 E man of with thorouch knowl- ecg of frulis and prluce wolie.- fonnrc t:ou with growing concern where expe rience ) pentlJil lUi .'". urctor'nn. WANTED by young man and w f-. a f.rat c .a arartment house to lo.k alter; firt-c'a macnanic on a:; i:na. t IL C r r a o r. ; - n. YOUNG married man seeks position driving cr or tru.k w i-.-r- aiead.pcas Si. J re haM.ity are requ.ied. exper.eac and ref erences. A L 4 -J. . -rcgos-an. WANTLD 1'osltion caretaker of r al home; m 11-1 .e-aged gen t .enian, bui.n'M sM.tty ; urrouna . n cs considered mor than wages. AK 4. Or cnr.:.ir KAKM-R and gardener, married, experi enced, rellab'e wants work on ranch. c.ipl'l of taking fuil charge. X Or- gon la n. YOU NG man. expert driver, want stea.S v jM.it ion. private family, or with ttlisUle firm. Can car for machine. AR 19 ore- VV ANTED Petition by automobile mechan ic in Portland, about Sept. 16. driving or repairing cara R- E, Lee, ML aurum. Iowa. A GcD a.l around cock ; dinner, past r or sh.rt orders, good meat cutir; wile as xar.ri'M. wishes i-osmoa. c.ty or coua- t ; v W". M , Jf'i' rson st. MAN and wife, caretakers: city or country-, w tfe ce..cht cook, handy man. K t' CH E K. ro and sec o ml. wishes a place In or out Of City. Wiiiiama ave. Cai. East G"'ot ENERGETIC young mau. 21. dei-ires pal. tion In whoaie hiun with good future. ii. tVcord, ta.-t S717. EX PE Rl ENCED snleati.an w an; pos.t-on with te.iauie firm, aaiary and tommlMioa p.-eterred. AL -7 Lor tion.an. (TJ"Ni man desires position with hard are. e.ectrical oi auto firm lo learn buaiuoaa Rcfs. Co'um b:a 3''-. Fl RsT-CLASS structural oral tsman of long experience, wants position auout bpU lat. Ad iress V 44i. Ort'fOiuan. CHAUFFEUR Japanese experienced, good driver, wishes steady position as private chau'feu r. AL 1 M . O ron ian. YoUNG man, truck driver with car. wants position aa auto or truck drlvr. 'rL Wdin. 276, 2."'- Mouroe aL MAN. age 4o. wants posiTlon a fireman or engineer: n.ny take oilier work. Address p o. Hox 37irt. city. EXPERIENCED bank clerk desires position in country bank; good ralcreucea, Ali 4JS. oncgonian. HAVE 1-ton relia rt;e. fast-moving auto truck. Would iike to do our urayiug. r.onai. HJ t:-,,Tfi:oni':, CAl.PENTER. cvmei.t or br.c. work wanted; good and vjuick worn dona AJ 6tf. orego u . in. YOUNG married man want steady position m grocery cierk or s.-metnu g .uiiliar; two er exper.ence, Ta ior 7 W. HAVE one-ton reilable. faat-mov ing auto truck: wotnd like to do your draitg; loa onr.e RJ Oregonian. CARPENTER, cen.ent or brick work want ed. gt-o4 and tiaica work dona AJ Ow, 1KT ar.d exnd coons would llae jb In van. p. l- eara' exp.nenca W 32L Or- - '-neral contracts on houae-buildi.ig- I'laria and ape, . f. cat Ions given f ..-? r d. CsU st 6-'2t yJd st. S. E. city. JAi'ANKSE wnts half day's Work or bighl. l. ITCK"! -art Al CARiLNTi.il wants work, cay work pr:rr-d. LJ L orgonian. KoH repaired, snmgied or tarred, all work guaranteed Eal 34!.L CE M EN T Ca.i va- r xs. Rroa ay PLACE AS DRIVER, care for car; ri.able. Al CARPENTER wants work day wora prTerrd. J e l. urfon:aa. PLUM RING xpert. repair any plumb! ncl very reaonaid. McCurUy. S.L llu. cNTtvA' lull and buLdar. repair mi. A ar warn, vol Ji SHINGLING, old roof torn off. work guar anteed Tnfr 17'V. CAHPLN7ER bul da and r-mode.a cheap Ly cor.:'fl. Woodlawn I CAhFENTr.it, Al mechanic; r-moU.i&g T new ra. TaWr vm. 0 4