14 TTTE STJXDAT OREGONIAX, rORTLAN"Dt JULY FOK SALE Machinery. WE WANT TO SELL. SEE US AND MAKE YOUR OWN PRICE. 1 66x18 Butt strap water leg boiler, 220 horsepower. 2 6'ixlfl Butt strap 100 horsepower. 1 Firebox boiler, 3." H. P.. on wheels. 1 Firebox boiler. fiO K. P. 1 2.10 H. P. firebox. 1 . H. P. Scotch marine, 150 lbs. gov ernment te.t. 1 5 H. P. Scotch marine. 1 fi'txl6 Tubular lap warn. 1 6xl4 Tubular lap Beam. 1 .".xl6 Tubular lap team. 2 3tixl(i Tubular lap eam. 1 b H. P. upright boiler. 1 12 H. P. upright boiler. 1 1 H. P. upright boiler. 1 8 H. P. upright engine. 1 10x13 engine. 1 so H. P. Chicago marine engine. 1 fl-ton trailer. 2 General .Electric motors, 5 and 10 H. P. Also other engines and pumps. One complete Jogging outfit, with, two donkey engines. H cteam deck winches, 8x8, new. 1 complete outfit for auto repair shop. Lathe, d rill press, emerv stand. i. fc R. MACHINERY CO., B03 Cerlinger Bidg. Main 8201. Miftcriluneo". ON HANI) FOR IMMEDIATE DKLIVERY. ROAD CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 1 No. 5 Austin KjTatory crusher. 1 No. 7Vj Austin gyratory crusher. 1 8x14 all steel jaw crusher. 1 f'hicaero paver, cap. -O-ft. 1 Rev paver, cap. IS-ft. 1 Ransom mixi.-r, cap. UO-ft. 1 Ransom mixer, cap. 10-ft. 1 Buffalo-Pitts 5-ton tandem roller. 1 T-tuf falo-Pitts 12-ton, rear wheels 18 in. 1 Monarch 12-ton, rear wheels 21 in. 1 Marion 2-yd. draer line excavator. 1 Bucyrus 2-yd. drag line excavator. 1 Monighan 2-yd. drag line excavator. 5 24-in. gauge dump cars. lOO ;;tt-in. gaue dump cars. 4 24-Iti. gauge Dinky locomotive. 6 iitj-ln. fiauKe Dinky locomotive. 1 Austin road crusher. 1 Model 61 Marion track shovel. 1 Model 40 Marion track -Hhovel. 1 Bucyrus 4.-ton traok shovel. 1 Marion 3 2-yd. revolving shovel. 1 SxlO hoisting eng. and derrick complete. 1 7x10 hoisting engine and derrick, com plete. 600 all steel camp bunks. Pile driver hammers, eras engines, pumps, tools. 1 complete car, bltulithic plant, 1700-yd. , capacity. LOCOMOTIVES CARS RAILS. 1 50-ton Shay, wood burner. 1 60-ton Heisler oil burner. 1 KS-ton Heitsler oil burner. ' 1 .1-ton, o-driver, low-wheel locomotive. Relay rails, 60. 40. 20-lb. Russell a.11 steel locking trucks. BOILEHd. 1 1O0-h. p. wet back marine boiler, 150 lbs. 1 HMk-h. p. firebox boiler. lOft lbs. 1 2."VO-h. p. firebox boiler. 160 lbs. a 30-h. p. firebox boiler. 100 lbs. 2 tiuxlti butt strap return tubular boilers. 1 66x16 butt strap return tubular boiler. 1 16x42 Bates Corliss engine. 1 Soo-h. p. National feed water heater. SPECIAL. 1 20-M capacity tie mill. $1800. Send us your inquiries for anything in Srn or woodworking machinery, log-Ring, sawmill, contractors' equipment, locomo tives, boilers, engines, crushers, steel rail. Cable and belting. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY. 52S Railwav Exchange Bldg. Main 1212 and A 242.1. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Tf vou ned any plumbing supplies pee the Northwestern Pipe Company before you let your contract, and we will save you money ; estimates given fro. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., Between Yamhill and Taylor. Phone Main 5631. 1S7 Front St. ONE .olid black walnut library table, $35; 3 Acorn 2-oven pas range in splendid con dition, $35; 1 bedroom carpet, excellent pattern, in good condition. $25; high-prade Flemish oak sectional bookcases, pictures and other furniture for sale. Call morn ings, 111 Laurelhurst ave. No phone. MOST everyone has been overcharged o fhpir 1eive! rv rennirine has been done un satisfactorily. Try us next time. We L'uanl against such errors. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. S"5 Wash, st., next door Majestic theater. f'H I LORKN'S BUBBLE BOOKS. We have just received a larpe shipment of the nonuiar "Bubble Books. conta in ing records with children's songs and -eeitati(ins recorded on them. Be sure to see these. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., a.0 Alder. I HAVE several diamonds that have been left with me liv outside oarties to be sold. You can buy them for 25 per cent less than the wholesale eost today. MILLER S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 3 ."5 Wash, st., next door Majestic theater. tUlSU.N CYLINDER INDESTRUCTIBLE IlEl 'ORDS. We carry full line of Edison cylinder reeordn. Send for catalogue. Three spe cial demonstrating rooms. Hyatt Taik ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. HOUSEHOLDER has following superfluous used articles for sale, very reasonable prices, electric washing machine, with ringer attachment. Superior furnace com plete, suitable for bungalow ; Ax minster rug !xl2; small andirons. Main 6.v0. " MOVING "pfcTL" RE SU PPLI KS. " ' Theater supplies of every description. We have fmnu machines at $50 and up. Write or call for information. GENERAL SUPPLY fc REPAIR CO.. 213 Fourth, near Salmon. Main. 2..1S. WHEN YOU GO CAMPING you really enjoy music Why not add to your pleasure with a Portable Vietrota or Grafonola? Easy payments. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. LARGE Edison Diamond Disc, mahogany case, used but very little, in perfect me chanical condition, for $1'.5; $25 down and $ 10 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $175 BRUNSWICK, just like new, mahog any ease, complete with albums and all accessories for $ 1 50 ; S25 down and $ 10 Pr month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Abler. AvTfYWINr YOUR PHONOGRAPH? See the new Motrola. winds your phono graph; costs praetically nothing to op erate. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE A fine assortment used band instruments, all kinds; can be had for less than ha! f pru e. account breaking up of band. Address AR :t:'.. Oregonian. GENUINE Webster piano, beautiful mahog any r:t se, with stool to ma teh. cost $ 150, for $225; $25 down and $10 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $100 GRAFONOLA. mahogany case, used but very little, for $75; $10 down and $7.50 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. DON'T throw away your graniteware or hot water hags; use Menders; by mail, postpaid, 25c. Randolph, the Mendet Man, 5104 SMh st. S. E. BEAUTIFUL walnut cas $100 Grafonola, practically new, sr; sin down. $..;0 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. WE MOVE and ship pianos properly. Phone Main 1123. Eiieis Music bhig., 2d floor. Entrance 27 Washington St.. below 5th. WOODS AW men Here's your chance, Stod-dard-Daytim 8-c Under auto; will make fine woodsaw or truck. Call Main 3U0. FOR SALE Milch goat: also one three- burner oil stove with oven and top: will trade. Randolph. 5104 8Sth sl S. E. TV O pair lady s high hiking boots, sizes about 4 and 41--B; also .-d. pe. French blue crepe meteor. Call East li'!0. CRAVENSTEIN apples for sale; just right lor pies ami apple sauce, come Monday 1513 East Morrison St.. near 5Mh. PRACTICALLY new Grafonola, $50 style. lor nu; J- uown ana s. per montn. livj Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. HERE'S your chance General electric D. C. motor, 1 -hor.Tpow er. Form A, 500 volts, speea . an .Main suu. ATTENTION. Sanitary jar caps for Mason jars, acid proot. do., .me. i ' -1 'n 1st st. 11KVOLV ING oven, slightly used. SO 1 i$ loa t. in good prder ready for delivery cheap. BF 3. Oregon tan. DIAMOND. $.175; perfect blue diamond. Tif fany rirs. only $225. Call 312 Worcester : j?..M omla y. W I l.D malla rd decoy ducks. $2 each, $5 per trio. . s. fanyder, independence. Or. R. F. D No. 2. A SMALT cast Iron used, While Tabo- WOl9. heating- stove, slight ly sewing machine, COMPUTING part cash Main 3u0. scale at a bargain; will take and balance groceries. Call S00-EGG Petalsma incubator for sale cheap or will trade, wnat have you.' Tabor S21 DIAMONDS one 1.40 carats. $.(; also one 1.20 carats. $3 no. BF 8. Oregonian. FOR SA LE A fully equi.ii'el bakery out fit with portable oven. .! Ssvler st. FOR SALE hipcord officer s suit, size 3: puttee, size 14. AVoodlawn 4015. TWO 50-horse boilers, in good condition, for sale. F. .1. W lreg fx Sons. Buxton. Or. PEACH plums lor sale. 1UH! interstate ave. Call Monday. 20 PLANK used Marshall 5945. for seats ; good as new FRUIT JARS and jelly gl tsses. 5045. DOUBLE copper coil gas water-heater, $10. tv.t t,. Ajroaaway. MIMEOGRAPH. Edison rotary. East . 205. 7. T-h-NT. 12x14, 5-foot falls. Tabor 5w FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PlUMBING FTXTTJRE3 PLUMBING SUPPLIES HOUSE HEATING MATERIALS IRON PIPE PEERLESS HIGH-GKADE TOILET? AND "SILENT KX1GHT" OOMBiNATION General Distributors WM. POWELL HIGH-GRADB VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES BOSTON -BELTING CO.'B MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. Showroom and salesroom 08-70-72 Front st. Portland. Oregon. STORE ANd'ofFICE FIXTURES? CONSISTING OF Showcases and wallcases. Large tables and counters, candy Jars. cash registers and safes. Scales, cheese cutters, meat slice rs. Roll-top desks, flat-top desks. Adding machines and typewriters. One large and one small icebox. Large gas range, cider press. Two soda fountains; also one 20-foot front and back bar. with largo mirror, work boards and sinks complete. GOODS SOLD ON EASY TERMS. HOCHF1 ELD BROS..M3 1st st. PIPE PIPE PIPE. '4. to 5-inch, black and galvanized, large stock on hand. It will pay you to see our stock before buying. Almost as good as new, from spruce division. Rails, boxes, shaft i-ng. pulleys, farmers and garden gates and tools. Ford truck and motor cycle for sale at a bargain. Crowbars, wedges, sledges, peavies. et. Stationary and marine engines, gasoline endues, from 1 to o-H. P. BIG BARGAINS. HAVE TO MOVE. Z ID ELL & CO.. 20S Front st- Marshall 1332. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, old for less; no agents employed; com plete line ot parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 1431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. li0 3d. Near Taylor St. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. Galvanized and black; new and second hand; from to 12-inch, from 1 to 10,000 feet; plumbing suppliw of all kinds; 5 foot bath for $25. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. Main 6.2.j. 26U-271 Front St. 25 DRoPHEAD sewing mac nines, complete with attachments. In good sewing order. $9 to $25; sewing machines rented $3 per montn; machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steen. li2 Grand av. B 2u7. East 23511. HAVE your diamonds reset into modern, up-to-date white gold mountings; a won derful selection to pick from. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash. st.,next door Majestic theater. BY BUYING Nbw'FOR THEFALL you save at least one-third of the retail price if we have your size on hand in a raincoat, topcoat or motorcoat at our wholesale stock room, 726 Morgan bldg. UNITED RUBBER CO., USED drop-head Singers, both round bob bin and long shuttle; White and New iiomes, from $lo to $22. Machines rent ed, $3 per month. Main ta33. 4th uL Singer store. 3U3 4th. GILLETTE razor, silvered case. like new: loose leaf ledger and transfer; set of China paints; laun Bible, nearly 300 years oid 2uo feet 4-inch wire tape at a bargain. rnone .cast oaoi. COMPLETE set (6 volumes). Century dic tionary, u-year-oia stamp collection ; geological collection : many choice Indian b ads and arrow points. AK 2. Orego- ian. OFFICE FURNITURE. FROM U. S. WAR DEPT., PRACTICAL LY NEW, OAK DESKS. CHAIRS AND TABLES. D. C. WAX, b8 FIRST. MAIN 46". 1. SAl'-ES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana secona-nana. at right prices, bought. sota ana exenanea. NURRIS SAFE Sc LOCK CO.. 105 Second st, Phone Main 2045. APPAREL EXCHANGE ha ladies' suits, dresses, coats, party frocks, blouses, slight ly usee, goou sty is ana reasonable, la bor 225 LEAKY roof, eh! Very aggravating, indeed. Why not a permanent and comioruble roof ? We repair and Rubber Bond ail kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. SAFES FILING SAFES DIEBOl.D AGTS. .expert worit none. prices right. PACIFIC SCALE Ac laCPFLY COMPANY, 46 Front st. Broadway Ji66. ON E large refrigerator, suitable for delica lessen ; cost Situ new. sell for .0. Can be seen any time today or after. East Jt. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand, 1- to t-U installed: expert Duller repair ing, plumbing, supplies cheap. 2UJ Aaami Bt -d8. eoi& 5-G LLOX stroke outside gasoline pump, fine t rder a.nd cheap; also 7-gal. gasoline pump, standard make. Phone Tabor 404 or i rite 42Q4 27th ave. S. E.. Portland. PRINTING FOR LESS We are not members of any combination seeking to raise or control the price of pilnting: prompt service. Smith, printer. 2o4 Stark 1U WI LL sell at sacrifice store fixtures con testing of cash registers, showcases, wa,ll canes, coffee urn, eieclric tans. 24o Sec ond st.. Mum - 3 12. FOR SALE 100 acct. McCaskey register in good condition; cheap. Phone W oudiawn 202-S. Irving ton 1'ark Grocery, 3oth and Killingsworth. TAILOR'S Singer sowing machine for sale cheap or trade lor cash register. Rogers, Columbia 1027. BRAND-NEW butcher's counter case, all glass, sliding doors, for sale cheap. Broad way 2543. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoistina engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 'Z'. Stark st. GRAY wicker folding baby sulky, slightly used, l i. it. .cast a am st., near Bel mont. East 7401. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wall -cases, fixtures ; easy terms. W. J. yuigiey, 227 First. Main 53'JO. BE A L'Tl KL'L lady's w hite gold ring, set with three diamonds; never been worn; $35. Mam 5715. MARINE MEN, ATTENTION For Sale, a J. L. Hand sextant, like new; also one oct ant. Phone Wood I a wn COS. MALT, hops, caps, cappers, cider, pure fruit puncnes ana syrups tor parties, dances, etc. J. H. DeLacey, 2H3 Yamhill st. FOR SALE Fine range, almost new, $.".7. 4S.10 oOth ave.. . Jb. Mount Scott car. Tel. Tabor 2730. DELICIOUS crabs, clams, oysters, fresh dally. 126 First St., bet. Wash, and Alder Western Fish Co.. Marshall 51M9. MUSKRAT lined. Persian lamb collar, full length, cost $125. sell for less than 3 cost; good auto coat. Main 502. FoR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 24- hour day. $1, delivered anywhere. Wood lawn 1250. YuU can save money by having your clock repaired by I he Portland Clock Co. Broad wa 1561. We call and deliver. FOR SALE Cheap, rxl. 10-oz. tent; fold folding camp chairs. nig camp table; . 327 Main st. FO R SALE One large trunk In good con dition, 1 laxge, clean feather bed, 1 nice hair switch. 405 Williams ave. THREE riding habits, complete, sizes 3S, 40. 42, like new ; a bargain, phone week day." , Broadway 454 ; Sunday, Tabor 4211. DUCK HUNTERS Chance for 2 sportsmen to take interest in fine duck club, best 011 Sa.u vies island. X b44, Oregonian. FOR SALE Correspondence course In elec trical engineering. Lynch, Conradine hotel. BEAUTIFUL gowns and suit, slightly worn, ooiain uora smariiy aressea ladle. Main it 5 07 BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and-revolvers ail makes, cut a p. J. J. Beauregard, 702 Main st., Vancouver. Wash. SUITS to order on easy payments!! Unique Tailoring Co., lo4 Fourth st.. bet. Wash. and Stark. ELECTRIC vacuum claning In your hoiiie. 35c a rug. Call East 150.3. POSTAGE stamps for collectors bought and sold. 301 McKay bldg. Main 1004. F R I IT JARS AND J ELL Y GLASSES!! LESS THAN WHOLESALE. 125 1SX. NOW is the time for painting and hanging: get an estimate. Tabor 01 THREE roUtop desks. 2 man. roiltop desks, filing cabinets. Bushong & Co., Ml Park. FOR SALE Bicycle in good condition, new tires; price $15. 1610 Fremont st. VACUUM c.eaners sold, repaired, rented, changed, bought. Bentiey Co.. East 7 FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase 43 1st st.. near Ash. DIAMOND Vi karat, perfect sacrifice. $l0; cost $130. AG 12. Oregonian. HOLMES disappearing side pull bed. com p:eie. $25. Wdin. 24t4. FOK SALE About 70OO ft. second-hand lum ber at J 5 per M. East 4325. CoOK STOVE and dining room table Jt2 f"r both. 330 Kussett St. W. take DICKER baby buggy, good condition, $12 50 8115 07th ave. S. E-. Sunday A. M. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, shait 47t'J after 10 A. 51. Phone Mar- ALL-WOOL serge officer's uniform, size 37 new; cheap. Wilcox. East 5707. NON-KINK ABLE hose for sale. $5, 50-fooC 1 'i.'rt Macadam st. GENUINE alligator handbag, sixe IS, $17; a-ood sha.De: cost $45. AH 333. Orp ion . a n I ADDING machine In first-clan condition ; I l JlLJ bargain. Brdy. ll'.'S. 384 Stafk st. UAAIMLNN waxdrobe trunk. Tabor 5705. FOH 8 A LE. M lcel lavaeou. M. BARDE Sc SONS, INC. are Selling at Prices that Astonish. New and I'sd MILL LOGGING and HARDWARE SUPPLIES. While they last PIPE Black, Slightly Used and guaranteed like new. 1- inch 9c 1 -inch 12Hic 1 S-inch 15e 2- inch ........ -2c 2Va-inch 3Uc 3- inch 4oc 3 i-s -inch 55c 4- incb ..H5c 4 -inch ....... 75c 5- lnch Hw- 6- inch $1.25 8-inch $1.75 10-inch $2 25 12-inch $3.Ui Pipe fittings of all kinds. Get our prices wulck. WIRE ROPE No. 1 quality " (Our Specialty) AM sizes from ,-inch to 2-inch New 30 and Zfo OFF LIST USED Guaranteed 90 New 1 ' -inch 1 -inch lH-inch 1 Vs-inch U -inch 2c 25c 3c 3 5c 55c 2-lnch 75c Special: On pieces under 100 feet of the above 00 Wire Rope, we offer an Extra lO'e discount 'on the above prices. LOGGING BLOCKS S carloads of Mallory, Washington, Stew art, Willamette. Gilchrist, Smith & Wat son and other standard makes, from high lead to trip blocks. FOR ALL PURPOSES. NEW IMV.fc OFF LIST USED IO OFF LIST Yon cannot afford to pass this bargain fn Logging Blocks! HUNDREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS in Rlmonds Royal Chinook Crosscut SAWS New and used. AXES Sagers, Marswells, etc.. all stand ard makes, with and without handles. PEAVIES and CANTHOOKS With hick ory handles. PULLEYS Steel, Jroo and wood split and solid. SHOVELS 3( carloads: new and used; long and 'short handles; all guaran teed stock. SHELF HARDWARE All that the sprues corporation had Is on our shelves. MANILA ROPK Full and broken colls; all sizes; jiew and used. And almostl.ooO,uoo other bargains. SEE BARDE FIRST FOR ANYTHING. IT WILL PAY YOU. M. BARDE & SONS. INC. The House of a Million Bargains, FRONT AND MAIN STS., PORTLAND, OR. CENTRAL South America employment oppor tunities. Kjez in touch with them. Send 50 cents, coin or meney order, for list of cor porations and individuals employing Amer icans. This and other information ue-sc-ribing actual conditions, salaries, work ing conditions, how to secure employment, etc.. Is contained In a copyrighted booklet compiled from actual experience of many years In Latin America. Special informa tion lf not in booklet) furnished, free to purchasers. C. & S. A. Service Co.. P. O. box 1S6. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE Cord wood saw, Briggs wood -saw attachment, attach in five minutes to any Ford car. read y to suw cord wood as good as any other saw on the market; will not hurt the maciine In the le,M ; for sale for $110. Call at 728 Lexington after 6 o'clock, city. SPLENDID SERVICE AND A PLEASING PRICE. Jewelry repairing, watch repairing. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS, 355 Wash. St., next door Majestic theater. ATTRACTIVE old Ivory baby carriagecot $55. iell for $25; heating otove and plje, complete, used mos., $12.50 ; large li brary lamp, 5; lawn mower, $2. Phone Sell wood 3650. FOR SALE American account register, holds Km accounts; meat ulicer, cheese cutter, showcases, and electric plate; must sell to raise money. 23U Wash. "THE OLYMPIC OIL RECORD." published at Hoquiam, Wash.; weekly de velopments for entire district. Send for sample copies. GR A FLEX SPECIAL with Car Tessar F 4.5 for sale; It. B. nrl Leiss 0-in. 3 U x2 : tfie nnest equipment In the world; new. 1; 36o. Oregon ian. NEW 1-5 II. P. single-phase electric motor, emery-wheel stand with 2 emerv wh-els; bargain. S. W. onrom, 737 K. Taylor st., phone East 315. TH STU RgTs collapsible baby buggy, $17; baby corral, $4; baby walker. $l..o; baby swing. 50c. After Sunday, 175ti E. Glisan or Tabor 5ol5. FOR SALE My crop of apples In orchard, For Information wrlt or call after 4:'.C P. M. week days; home Sunday. 030 Mis sissippi ave. CUTTER roll top desk, sanitary. Inrse. good condition, also revolving chair; $45. worth $05 : Monday, 101 Broadway, Marshall LARGE auraucaria exciia (Norfolk Island pine), suitable for hotel lobby or club; reasonable; a;so two tubs water lilies. P- 3(il. (irecnnl.in. FOR SALE Second-hand. 1 wicker suitcase. 1 leather, filled with man's wearing ap parel, shirts, sixe 14 Vi- AL 457. orego- ii i a n. COMPETE Ediphone equipment, 2 dictating, 1 transcribing, shaving machine, a-1 con dition; service guaranteed ; bargain for quick sale. Phi Hips, 515 Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE Linoleum, almost new. 12x31 feet; paneled fencing. 44 inrhri high. 54 feet long. Phone Broadwnv 35 S3. ReHidence phnne Woodlawn 3214, after 8 P. M. FOR SALE $15 fine white Leghorn hat, untrlmmed; sacrifice for $7.5o. Phone D 1350. IOO-LB ICEBOX and electric mixer for w.da fountain. Wood.awn 3203. 30S West Russet t. 1 B Jtl DG E Beach range, 1 Stewart coal heater and other household goods. Call Monday. 4n. V.. 5th st. Tabor 520H. CHILD'S combination hlghchair and rocker, bed. mattress and bathtub; leaving city. Tabo r7 431'. 2 1 "5 E. Y amliill. FOR SALE 54-lnrh flat top desk, dsk chair and No. 7 Oliver typewriter. Phone East 8751. FULL-SIZE wallets for carrying discharge papers from the United States service. Port land Lent her Co., 2Jtf Washington st. FOR SALE Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine; tailor model ; or will trade for a Singer. Main 7397. SECOND-HAND mfrrors and mirror cases at a bargain. Jacob Miller Barber Sup ply Co.. 232 3d st. FoR SALE Gymnasium ladder and stall bars, or will trade for typewriter. Call at 124 E. 20th st. FOR SA LE Garland range with gas at tachment ; excellent condition; $5o. Call Wood la wn 453. A FRENCH gray wicker perambulator; re versible gear; good condition. ' Phone Tabor 51 . TRADE. 8-in. cut glass bowl, value $20 for dresser or rug. Mrs. D. P. Phelan, 1305 Borthwick sL WHITE enamel Princess dresser, $20. Call Monday, 304 Goodnough Bldg. 5 th and Yamh 1 1 1 street. FOR SALE National cash register, as good as new. 441 22d St. N. CHILD'S good sulky 535 Yamhill st. Call before 1 P. M CHEAP Medical electric battery or trade, what have you? 221 13th st.. Glen. GRAFLEX3A. 3 xS'4 with I. C Tessar 5x7 lense: S5. Address BJ 10, Oregonian. LETTER PRESS for sale cheap. AN 8, Ore gonian. FOR SALE A hair switch, price J15, color auburn, call 110 t;. otn st. ri. LARGE roller-top dark oak desk; price $30, if taken at once. 633 Washington it FoR SALE All-wool fluff rug. 0x12, nearly new. lanor ci. i.uu Aiameoa. 50 CORD fir wood. 30 miles out. 4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. RUBBER tired wicker baby cab, excellent condition. 3S7 E. 57th st. N. FOR SALE Sulky and other baby things. Call Main 11211. 0x10 TENT for sale at 480 Union ave., or 30O Kussell bL WOODSAW for sale cheap for cash. Shaver st. FOR SALE Black sdk dress, siz 40. 29 N. lotu STU RG1S go-cart, excellent Condition, Woodiawn 223 on Monday. $10. :ut FT. chicken wire. 1O00 fL lumber. Tabor 5220. 9.7 Hawthorne. FOR SALE One 8-foot fhowcase. good as new. one floor postcard rack. 113 2d st. G-HOl.E range, with coils, good condition, cheap. 315 Morris. LADY'S stunning tailor-made suit, brown and white check, size 3S. Tabor 225. 1 ORIOLE basket snd reed sulky, both in good condition. Tabor 6491. LA ROE wicker baby buggy, good as new, $0, was $65. Wdln. 447. SEW1 XG"M A CHI NE" Standard d fop head. $7 5'. 907 Tillamook. MEN'S and ladles' bicycles. $5 snd up at 5t9 Ml! waukie street. FUR maU Fitch cape. Will sell res Tabor 756. 6-HOLE RANGE. MARSHALL 45L FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. RAVE $100. By buying your used car from us. The ears listed below are car that have been traded in as part payment on new Chevro let sold by um. For this reason we have been very careful In selecting cars that are In the best of condition mechanically. When buying a uied car from us you save mney. a we are not in the uned car business but derive our profits from new car sa'es. thereby saving you the usual commission made on used cars. Remember, these cars are offered: for sate by the Chevrolet agents and will be found as represented, 1017 Chevrolet roadster. The mechanics! condition of this car Is perfect. Tires are In frrxt-clasn condition. Upholstering is m. little worn but the top Is In excellent con dition. Worth $525 easily. THIS "RELIABLE HENRY" climbs the hill in front of Multnomah rtub on high. Mechanically, it couldn't be bet ter. Just the car or commercial and pleasure Jaunts. Has been partially re built. Tires excellent, top and upholster ing good, shock absorbers, doub.e braes In front w heels, electric lights, doubls Ure rack on rear. Yours for only $375. OUR SPECIAL. A 111S Chevrolet touring. This ear Just came out of the paint shop Thursday. Mo tor is in excellent shape and clean. Tires are good. A sacrifice at $000. 19H Chevrolet touring. Paint In this car is a little dull. Upholstering, cushions ana top practically new. Tires are excellent. Motor runs like new. See It to appreciate it. $tt5. BITICK LIGHT SIX. This Is a late model car. Has been used only on city streets as a demonstrator by real estate man. Paint In excellent con dition, also top, cushions and upholstering. Tires practically new. These cars are scarce and it is a sacrifice at $1250. 1018 Chevrolet touring. Original paint as good as new. Bumper, dash light, spot light, oversize steering wneei. brand new spare tire and other extras, $725. 1918 Chevrolet. 5 -pass. This Is a car at a giveaway price. Just been painted, mechan ically, it couldn't be better; extra tires and 4 good ones: top and cushions excel lent, spotlight, $025. FIELD MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Couch. Bdwy. 240. A 191 S BUICK LIGHT SIX A BARGAIN. Run less than 4ooo mi:es and car not yet 6 months old ; good tiro equipment. 3 of tham cord; $5 double Hoover tira rack, bumper, spot light, door curtains open with doors, plate-glass rear lighis In new $'5 pantasote top; car In very fine con dition; looks and runs like new; a new Buick costs, bara of all extras and with fabric tires, $1740; you can buy this one for $1450. Sue it; a snap? I'll say mo. Call Montgomery, Phone Broadway 1130, at Howard Auto Co., Bulck distributors. USED RADIATORS, for all makes of cara All our radiators are carefully gone vsr and made tight before sold. BChNE.VS & MARTIN". 15 Lb and Aider sis. VELIE SIX, like new; a bargain. CAR Y, 522 Alder St. Broadway 2402 TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE. Open evenings and Sundays. Coodyear cord tires Tor Fords, $24.55. Autborixed Willard sas station. UNION AVE. TIKE A BATTERY SHOP, 4SH Union ave. N.. cor. Sacramento. Phone East 13.3. 1914 CADILLAC This ear Is In perfect shape; 5 tires. Can be bought cheap. Musi be seen to be a p prec I a t ed . AUTO- SALES CO.. UT11 AND COUCH. FORD OWNERS. Ford miS net os rcha rg-d, better than new, start easy, belter lights, save gas. etc. We please you or refund money; Fordoes per's 2 M Fit O N T. CO R. J E F F E RS O N. 1917 STUDEBAKER. This car has good tire, upholsierttig like new. This is tii bt-ft buy in I "or 1 .and. AUTO SALES CO.. UTH AND COUCH. ALL kinds of hlgh-rrade auto finishes snd vtrnlilici at popular prl-a at the Mll.LLR PAINT c WaI.LI'AI EK CO.. 172 Firel st. Call on us for Information belura you paint that car. Caiw.lue, gtees. oLs. Mia ttea. FOR SALE By owner. 4 arm Clarke county land, 12 nuien N. K. of uneouver good soil, easy to clear. $25ot. or will hp ply aa first payment on Portland bungalow. must be good location. Addrex P. O. I 317. city. 1912 CADI LLAC touring; very fine car for the money. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. HUDSON St'l'KU. 101. used privately. perfect condition good tire; will sell at $-000. with term, or consider uma ier car In trade, balance terms. 30 Grand n ve. N'rt h. near Burn side. 1912 CADILLAC New tires, good painL Will take TTiHiI car in trade. CARV, 522 Alder St. Broadway 12492. 1013 CHANDLER. 5 cord tires. 7-pass., in perfect condi tion; looks like new. would take louge In trade. unce j TABOR 5202. 402 E. 4 1 ST. N. VELIE SIX LATE MODE I. In fine condition . sacrifice for $950. This Is a snap; might consider Liking in light car. r". i.lster. ;ti Alder at. MAXWELL bug. new torpedo body, good tires, fine mechanical condition, will fell at $550 and give some terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, looks like new, good tire?, condition guaranteed, will -eil at $775 and give ttrms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, aiiea; ws wreck a.i makes of cars and seil their pa rts at half price. David Hudes Co North Broadway and Flanders. CHALMERS touring, 7 pa., in fine condi tion, good tires, ued privately, will racrl fice and give terms. i0 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CHEVROLET. 1017, touring. In good me chanical condition, must tell, a bargain at $575 tome terms. 30 Gland ave. North, near Burnside. FORD delivery, full panel body, good tires, in fine running condition, a bargain at $550, terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring. 1918. in fine condi tion, good tires, w ill bacrifice; $725 w itn terms. o0 Grand ave. North, near Burn side GET YOUR CAR PA'INTED. We do high-grade work and save you money. Auio Enameling Works, 75 Union av. N. 101S STUDEBAKER. 4-cyl., 7-passenger car in bent of condition; will sacrifice for $s50 account of leaving city. J. C. All-n. 346 E. 17th st., Portland. Phone East S413 OVERLAN D model fe3, 5-pap. touring, fac tory paint, extra accessories $15o, fine running order. See owner, 5u34 5iKh ave nue S. E. CHALMERS touring. 1U1S. in line condition; a ba rgain at $14" mi. with terms: consider smaller car In trade, balance terms. 0 Grand nve. North, near Burnside. 1017 CHALMERS -Mechanically perfect; s bargain. 404 DAVIS. 1017 HUPMoBILE, 5 good tirs; car In good running order; can be teen at 12 E. 27th st. N East 0090. 1917 HUDSON supT six, perfect condition, new tires, extra tire and snot light; must he sold at once. Woodiawn 809. FoRD touring. 1918. In good condition, evtra tires and tubes. $..no. Jlaynes. 3oo Jeffer- IS OLDS MO BILE touring; 5 Royal core tires. A snap. 404 DAVIS. LATE 1!17 Maxwell louring; new tires, newly painted. In excellent condition ; s bargain at $'i50. 314 6th St. OVERLAND chummy roadster, electric lights and starter; a ral bargain at $.15. 4 DAVIS. DANDY Ford for sale. $450. Ceil Main st. 11S BUICK. $1250. 5 cord tires. Call 392i E. 11th sfter 5 P. M. ROADSTER for North 6th st. ale. by owner. $250. 20 Vi $25 CASH. Overland touring, good tires; It runs good: some snap. 2Q Front at. $15 SMALL car. roadster livery, in goodorder. 32 or light de Front st. $70O BUYS 191 Maxwell touring car. re. painted snd overhauled. Call East 1962. HAYNES touring: s real bargain. 44 DAVIS. NEW FORD, cheap, only driven s few miles; must sacrifice. AK 473. Oregonian. BA RGAI N for cash. 1917 sevea-passengsr btudebaker. wootuavn J-:l -AUTOMOBILES. H1S OLDS MOB ILK. In perfect shape. 1 his car Is just like new. Has brand new cord tires all around. 1 spare. bumper, epot light, etc.. and hs Just had a paint job that beats the origi nal paint. Thi car is a big bargain at $ 1 V5u. Call W. A. Graham at either of the phone numbers fur appointment Bd w jr. 3j1. Bdwy. 1234 or Woodiawn $i4- GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS. One llUS Haynes Six, 7-passenger. One llGtS lirant Six. 5-pawtenger. One I'.HU Old. 8-cyl, 7-psenger. One i:i; Scripps-Booth. cyl.. 5-paasenger. One i:JH Chevrolet Baby Grand, ft-pass. One 1W1H Chevrolet 4-im, ft-paMengtr. One J1IH Butclt four. S-pansenger. Una 1HUJ lihf, slx-cyl. 7-paasenger. One HG4 Chalmers roadster. 2-paasenger. One 101U Scripps- Booth roadMer. 2-pus. One IP 14 Cadillac four, 7 -passenger. We can give ou the right price and right terms on any of the above cars, ail in fine shape. Sew Rico or Berryman, with J. H. GRAHAM. 101 Tenth St., Cor. stark. Broadway 3231. PACKARD SIX touring car. excellent con- union ; o euro tires; win consider traue or terms. Leave phone number. Call R. A Wilson. Multnomah hotel. Also want to ouy Pierce "48." OVERLAND LIGHT DELIVERY. 1917 model 75-B, good tires, electric lights and starter; this little car Is In fine shape, will make a dandy car for a trip acrons the country; price $5u0, terms i.uu casn, balance a montn. P. H. DUNN. 1652 E. 13th St. (Sell wood). Phone Scllwood 1393. FORD 1914 FORD. The cushions are worn, but for pulling or going 1 will put this car against any Ford on earth : price $35u, terms, $175 cash, balance 2o per month. P H. DUNN. 1052 E. 13th St., phone Sell wood 1392. I6-VALVE STUTZ. 4-PASSENGER. Smart appearance, condition through out Al ; for immediate cash sals; no trades; will sacrifice. AUTOKEST GARAGE. STUTZ DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON, TENTH AND SALMON. ONE Overland touring car. One Ford touring car. One Bulck bug. One Case touring car. One Mitchell bug. . f 'ne Studebaker six. PELLWuOD GARAGE. E. 17th st. Se i 1 wood 2379. LIBERTY SIX. newly painted; will guar antee this car; $15on. GARY, 522 Alder SL Broadway 2402. MR. MOTOR MAN; Are bu using Speedoline T Would you go out of your way to buy gas at 121- eta? Speedoline does thin. More power and no carbon. Sample fre. I.. B. Jayaea, 9o3 MUST have cash at once. To a man who w ants a bug out or the Ford class w til sell my Mercler bug st a Ford price; low dollar: if taken in the next 4 hours, $275. Sunny Hide Garage, 34 th and Tay lor. Tabor PI IV MUST have money, will sell my .-piif njtr lludMin touring, good condition.- for $3 7 A. linod tiren, new gears and transmission, good running order. vVtll consider motor- ryele mm part payment. 1031 H. Main. Tabor 4i0v 1917 CHEVROLET Demountable rims, good tires; $45ii. CARY, 522 Alder SL Broadway 2492. OAKLAND roadoter, bumper, motometer, tpot light, driven 4immj miles. 5 near!) tie w tires, tire cover; the best buy is tow n. 44 DAVIS. OVEKLAND light tour, a car a woman can drive. km-s lor $0"o; terms If desired; in good shape. Hoe it before buying. Sun ixide l a rage. 34ih and Ta lor. Tabor t u s. LATE MDEL 1PGE. ORIGINAL PAINT, LIKE N E W; GOOD Tl RES. GOOD EX 1KVS; BEST BUY UNDER $1000 IN PORTLAND. CAR FTORED AT F ASH luN GARAGE. ASK Foil M. S. TAYLOK OVERLAND CHUM MT ROADSTER, good "carV, 522 Alder SL Broadway 2492. FoRD owners. I-et us repair your car; know how; our treatment and prices are light and w guarantee a. I work. 2MI FRONT ST.. COR. JEFFERSON. nig fetock. USED CARS. Prices Right. . . CO. No misrepresentation. . . . MOTOR . . CAR COVET ST! D E HAKKH roadot. r. 11 IS in perfect rondlt ion ; good tirea; worth $1 loxi; will ,-i-rim e at $175 and give terms or con sider trsde smaller car. balance terms. iiO Irani ave. N.. near Burnside. 1914 OVERLAND touring. Just the thing foi real service; good serice; good tires. AUTO SALES CO.. 9T11 AND COUCH. ESSEX. 1919, touring, only run 2 TOO miles, leaving town snd must sell, will consider smaller car in trade, any reasonable terms on balance. 3" Grand ave. North, near Burnside. LIGHT FIX CHALMERS touring car. Fins ptlnt. good tires. CARY, 522 Aider SL Broadway 2492. 1917 FORD roadster. In dandy shape. AUTO SALES. CO.. OTH AND COUCH, MARION 5-pafenger touring car, good me chanical condition: will make real dem onstration; 4 new tires. Snap buy at $3UO. Phone Last 7 TOO. CHALMERS for sale. No. 1 engine, self - t;i rter with lots of extras; 1911. In ex cellent condition. $375. Call 194 E. 27th. evenings nfter t:.tu. WlNTuX 6 roadster, a classy-looking car, with lots of power and speed ; electric lights; $35n. Piedmont Garage, Albina ave., near Killings worth. 1918 SUPER-SIX HUDSON. 6 cord tires. CARY, 522 Alder SL Broadway 2492. DODGE. 1918, Sedan, just like new, only run a few thousand miles, extra wheel and tire, a good buy at $1750. some terms. 30 tirand ave. North, near Burnside. ON account sickness must dispose of ft passenger Studeoaker. all electric equipped, new $75 storage batter?', newly pointed, fine tires, snap at $550. 434 Mill sL Phone Main 4013. BARGAIN at $500 In 1917 Ford, extra equip ment, tires all around Sox3 H. non-skid, never punctured, all in excellent condition. 8 6, Oregonian. OA KLAND 6." 5-passenger, brand new tires, Al mechanically; a "humdinger"; $'5. 4M DAVIS. 1918 MITCHELL LIGHT SIX. In Al condition, new cord tires on rear, good spare tire and spotlight, newly paint ed. 530 Alder. 1918 FORD sedan, used very little, excellent condition: price $75; will give terms. See W. E. GlMon. 430 Railway Exchange bldg.. or call Main 455. BUG Maxwell. 1917, torpedo body, newly painted, besfof condition; a snap at $525, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn el. le. CHALMERS light 6 touring 6, good car. per fect mechanically, for sale by owner, I1O50. terms. Woodiawn 3173. LATE 1916 Cadll'.ac 8, 5 good cord tires; per fect mechanically. 4'4 DAVIS. lb IK STUDEBAKER 4. a bargain at S525. will take fresh cow. Grann Harmon. Bor Inc. Or. 8 speedster d tires, wire perfect condition, new wheels; a bargain. 36 Third su 1917 CH UM M T roadster. ( Saxon for sal at a reasonable price. City Garage, eS loth st. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS, ranging from $275 to $5no. 404 DAVIS. FORD. 1918 model: 6 tires. 4 new: electric spot and tall lights: $100 extras: $450 cash. Phone Sell. e7. &41 K. u FO KD touring car. cost $14on wth equip ment attached, will tak $0O cash. 2Mt Front st. STUDEBAKER Six. runabout. In perfect condition, good tires; will sail at $975. witk tTms. su urapo ave. near uurniiaa. 1916 CHEVROLET, practicably new, $7ftU eve is is. FOB 8ALC FOB SALE ArTOMOrtlLES. A-1 AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO. LEAD I NO USED CAR DEALERS. We have the largest assortments of light weight used cars In the city. 1914 Ford touring. In Al shape, lots of extra, new oversise tires, de mountable rims. etc. $450 $100 down balance monthly. 19HI Chevrolet tourtnf, fins runatnar condition; looks Ilk new car 4S5 $ I5o down, balance monthly. 1915 Overland touring, new paint: runs fine; a snap 404 Easy terms. 19HI Ohsvroiet roadster; tra tire a dandy; ex- Easy terms. 1914 Maxwell touring car. repainted: runs and looks like new car 550 Easy terms. 1917 Chevrolet tourlnr. good shape throughout ; demountable rims and new tires 575 Easy terms. Cadillac bug. completely overhauled; a rrackerjack 3-50 Terms. $150 down. 1914 Hupmoblle, tn good shape ...... 850 Easy terms. 1919 Oakland lisrht six sedsn. In ex cellent shape. W0 per cent new.... 1050 Easy terms. 1914 Overland sedsn. fine condition: this Is a grand buy S5C Terms to suit. 1914 Chevrolet baby grand roadster, wire wheels; a very clsssy car; fins for Isdy 650 Easy terms. Locomobile light model roadster, a ear of class; ready to start any w Were. . 625 Easy terms. Detroiter roadster, all new tires: for quick sale. 300 $loO down, balance easy. 1913 Overland roadster. good condi- tlon 423 Terms to suit. Marion. 5-pass,. In the best of shape: elect, starter, seat co v rs and good tirea 4oe $150 down, balance easy. Every 'car In our establishment Is In ready-to-go shape. Call In and give them the once over before buymg. We roaks long, eaay terms. Open Sundays and Evenings. A-1 AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO. 525 ALDER ST. FORD BUGS. FORD BUGS. FORD BUGS. FORD BUGS. FORD BUGS. Assemble your ow n chassis, we will furnish the parts at bargaJn price. Hurry: Only a zew leit- AUTO CONSTRUCTION CO.. 3d and GRsan Sis. DON'T MISS THIS SALE. COME. SEE FOR YOURSELF. CARS AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU. 1914 Hudson super, lit IK Sc rtpps-Booth. J'.tlH Oakland sis. Ul Willys six. I'.Mtt Elgin six. 1915 Chevrolet touring, ism Chevrolet roadster. 1U1H Ford sedan. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. USED CARS. We have decided to clean up our used car stock. First come, first served. Motto, "Hvrr nurrhaifr a booster. 191 H Peerless 7-paasenger. beautiful cherry red. cord tires, cax like new, big reduction. 191 h Velio 7-passenger, this car almost new. 191H Veils Thoroughly overhauled, new tires. 1917 Veils Also brand new tires. 1114 Veils Snap at 4tm. 1913 Veil Snap at $325. 1918 Oakland 6 First-lass shape Series 3 Franklin overhauled $-VL 19IO Cadillac Delivery body $200. 1916 Overland H. 5 -puss. Open evenings and Sunday. D. C. WARKKN Mo TOR CAR CO 58 N. 23d. Main 70. TOUR ATTENTION. PLEASE. 1917 Ford roadsters: snao Price. 1918 Ford sedan: fine condition: cheap, it IK Chevrolet roadsters ; like new car. 1918 Dodge sedan; a fine car: fit for any one. 1918 Liberty light 6; can't tell from new. 1918 Kissel lOO-pL 6; used short ttms as demonstrator: two tops and wlndhleld. no finer car in Port land; liberal discount. TERMS TO SUIT. WILLIAM U HUGH SON COM PANT. 6fl N. Broadway at Davis. Bdwy. 321. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. 1918 CHANDLER CHUMMY. Wire w heels, w ll h paint any color desired: carries same guarantee as new car $1500. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 514 Alder SL - Broadway 494. FOR BALE By owner. Bulck light six. in perfect condition; this car has been run a little over ll.ooO miles on payment; please do not answer If you are looking for junkv . Phone E. 3277. REMOVAL SALE. Visit the big bargain sale at the Used Oar Exchange, 627 Washington iU 5-PASSENGER Overiand. fully equipped with bumper, spout gni, nc. uro in nmi clasa condition, owner leaving city and must sell quickly: price $750. Phous .own r at Tabor 7074. PACKARD Twin Six. 7-passenger. newlyre- Xlnlshefl. st a Bargain price. 191b Oakisnd six. o per cent new. SEE WHITE. 421 Burnside st. Bdwy. 521. 1917 CHEVROLET, mechanically perfect; "P- 404 DAVIS. WILLYS-KNIGHT SI tourlnic; l...;k like t.-rm 30 Uriind ivf. N.. nrar Uum.ide. UAKMON S. 1 mod. I; la Al .hap, for Mi. private owner. 1&4- M.cdam t. Phone Mrhll HftS. BRING your cr tod.y ind net y.ur money tomorrow. Our name IB .peed, .od we rnr. here to .ty. 4 Ivl t. MAXWELL romdeter. In beet of condition, rood tire, will .ell at 6T1 and a-ive term. 30 lirmnd ave. North, pear Burnndt. KlR bALlS at a barraln. Oakland tourtnv c.r Owner leavit.c town, must b aold at once. 4H W. fihun et. BL'ICK Bear Cat roadster, on. of th. mil. kind. $:.l. DAVIS. MAXWELL tourlnr;. 11M7. In perfect condi tion, rood tlrea. a .nap at with t.rma. SO Grand le. North. nr Burnildt. hitmobVle "roadsteh: riir.. no more NO l.KSS SKE AT ioii MACADAM ST.. OR MAT-SHALL 1" fr'uK BALE One o-paaa. auto, newly palht .d and overhauled; Al ahapa. rnoa .... V SEE U8 for qul-k reautta and fair 'prleea w hav. customer, waltin, for aimoar any make of car. 404 Lavi. at. BARC.AIN IN" 101 CHALJIEhS 1X. RI SS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TADOK .io. 1U17 BVICK road.ter. K cord tlrea; a doctor'r car. kept In oendjr ahepe. ' 414 DAVIS. FORD t4.M. rr.ad.ter. etra aqulpment. Prlo. 102 avUUnsaworth. K. I'lnier. Wdln. KOKD tourlnr: 'i30: overhaul; rood utm; m dealer.. 2k4 13th au -AUTOMOBILES, LIGHT BUICK SIX, 191 S. ROADSTER. It's In fins condition and Is a real bar gain for some lucky purchaser. And be sides this to choose from there's a Chan dler, light Mitchell six. Cole 8 club road ster. Cole aeio-elght. T-passenger. Velle. Maxwell. Steama-Knlght, Reo six. and Hudson super-six. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. AIJER AT 1TH. IK TOU want a rood usal car at lh rtKht price, coma look the., over. 1 1914 Ftord. new body. 1 191T Ford. fin. condition. 1 1914 Hupmoblle. mechanically 1 19IT Maxwell that la a dandy. 1 191S Chevrolet, in perfect ahapa. THIS 13 ONLY A FEW Or" THEM. SMITH AUTO CO.. Tark and Couch. COVET MOTOR CAR CO.. 1917 KORD roadster. Ilk. new; lota extra equipment 4H3 19l COLE ElOHT. in flrt-cla me- chanlcal condition, newly painted.. 1S7A 191B CAmi.I.AC EIGHT tourlnr: a rood buy at 17&4 IBIS rHAI.MPRS PIX. In rood condi tion throushout a wonderful buy at 1914 CADILLAC. In rood .hap... MM 191.1 STfDEBAKER: .lectrlc lirhta and starter 4- Open Evenlnra and Sundaya. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. Waahlnrton St. at -1st. Mala 644. YOU WILL FIND BIO VALUES IN THESE. Cherolel roadster at .............. .S62S Maxwell roadster at Iort chummy at 87. Frudehaker tourlnr at t Chevrolet tourltur at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15TH AND WASHINGTON STS. 191 CHANPLKR; wood wbeela. trpere lire. tnoiomfCr, cloc-k. cigar lighter. This car carries new car guarantee; TWIV STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 514 Alder tfu Broadway 494. 1917 BRIS'-OK. 4-pass.. In splendid condi tion. $1". down. i:ls studebaker touring car. stood as new. $:t .wn. Oidwnobile touring car. In splendid con dition; g.Md tirci: 7 04i. (ine-ton G. M. C. truck. fVirt. 1!17 1-ton Ford attsrhment. $4V. 54 J ALU Kit. BKOADWAV 17CS. DON'T MISS IT. Removal sale of wed cars at the Used Car Lxcbangj. 7 Wasblngton st. MAXWELL JR.. 2-cyllnder rosdster; all good tires ; make s good csr for boy snd man to run to work with: tW: worth double. A-1 AUTO WORKS PAINTINO CO 6Ui A1LEH 1ST. 191ft HPDSON super six. new paint Jon, wire wheels, a car right mechanically. 4o4 DAVIS. FOR SALE by priva passenger Mitchell. i imhi Fsnt 30M. party, late 191S 7 Fi rat -class condition Bl'irK in good condition. Can r-e used as delivery. S3ou. S170 cash. Phone Mar shall 191. . lia PAIGE SPEEDSTER. PPORT MODEL. Cord tires. - extras, mfhanically perfect. 44 DAVIS. RED bug. muft bs sold at once, as owner is leaving city: will sacrifice. 50 N. utb. Phone M . in I'Oft. ltl7 PA PIE. good condition mechanically and olhrr ls-; rfl- H'WK; for demon stration call Marshall 2.U.7. 11 s MAX W F.I.I. tourlnr Txrfct condition : ftr.o cash la lanes monthly. Call Moo d:.V. ll'.h St FoKD delivery car. very good condition. J. t;oodell. expressman, stand 4th and Taylor ltO FOKD leurinf car. perfect condition; fj.Mi cnh baiauce as desired. Wsgnon, nth st. lWltf BKlSCOfc A new car cheap. 4H DAVIS. MAKMON bug In good condition. 2 new cord tires. 112" Front st. For jsai.k ovrrlanp. model o, f7.0. CALL fc-ELLWQOP S43. BA Ki.AlN. 1'JlT light six Buick. 66 East 37fh t 117 SAXON . good conflltlon. 4 DA VI S. no niso l'S7. l19 OMnmobile six. ssvms ss new. Ownr. Tabor 941. lit IC K. light six. Is In dandy shspe. 191 4 M A X W E LL: tie w tires, gocd paint. t norouf h; y ovrhsuled. Tabor 2.'S2. BAROAIV In Maxwell touring car. runs and looks like new. Call Mar. 1 BJ. apt- 4X. 1114 CADILLAC Al mechanically; bargain 44 DAVIS. SCRIPPS-BOOTH. earlv 191. ram sal arfM mis at a sacrifice. Mar. 2s. 191 hTT iSlT Chalmers touring car. runs and lookn like ?ew. fall T-hor SLIOHTl.Y used tires. $3 to $1S urh. ui csr.tsed. ?Nc. tirs rpir1ng. ?Q7 Msdts 1916 BABY SAXES'. V 404 DAVIS.