THE SUNDAY OREGON 1 AX, rOKTLAXD, JTTLY 27, 1919. 13 FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. REGISTERED HOLSTEINS AT PUBLIC AUCTION MONDAY. JULY 2S. U19. 60 head of registered i-iolsteins of the finest quality a:id highest production will sold at the Mapiewood larm. on the lower Jo!umbia lilghwav, 2 miita south of Scappoose. Sale begins 11 A. M. Bus leaves St. Charles hotel at 10 A. M.. pass ing farm. For catalogue address -C. L. Clinton, sales manager. 702 Spalding bldg. Phone Main lllti. Gue & Hughes, auc tioneers. WE HAVE just received a carload of good y ciing mares and geldings weighing trora tK0 to lfiuu Lj., 4 to years old, all stock broke, true to work: 2 setd of dou ble work harness; 2 sets of extra good sin gle harness; one eood saddle. If in need of a good, kind horse cail and inspect this stock .before buying. luO E. lith and Flan ders North. THREE young fresh cows, milking from 3 to 4 gallons per day, price from $65 to "; one heavy springer coming fresh soon, also a young small horse, harness and buggy, 2 wasons; will sell cheap. Phone Seliwood 717. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cows, young dairy or family; give three gallons milk per day, aiso good pony and cart wagons; will sell cheap. 510 Kerby su ; go to Mississippi and Russell st. LOCKY bay mare, 10 yrs. old, 75 lbs., fine condition (iron gray horse, 1050 lbs., work all around, good driver). Mitchell camel back, 1 -2 tons, covered express wagon. Cheap today. Tabor 41e. FARM wagon, excellent condition, broad tires, with detacnable springs, hood and gravel bed inc.uded. Price i4U. Inquire C. Si.ainer, 1 mile east of Beaverton, near Arrow station, on S. 1'. line. SLACK mare, 12 years oid, 1500 lbs.; abso lutely sound and gentle, with double set heavy harness for $150 cash. .See Jas Kelly, Sycamore station, Gresham car. line, or phone Seliwood 3o94. F. W. Hill. 150 CHOICE breeding ewes, cash or time, 120 coarse wooled and Shrop bucks; warn ed, pasture for aoout -OO sheep three months. E. H. livers, GSW E. tiltit St. N-, Portland. Tabor fci.J4. IKOTTING horse, harness and bugsy for Bale; no reasonable ofier reiused. For in formation see W. M. Neal, o 7 - liaw thorne. FOR SALE Nearly new wagons, used but a short time. Baker & Kinney. 7ul Wash iTigton st., Vancouver. Wash. I HAVE U horses, must sell 1. weight about lo00 lbs., mane me an offer. iiu4 Oak st.. Monday. FOR SALE $29.50 Reed sulky, good as new, half price for quick sale. Call at i:;au E. M;un. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANOS. PIANO BARGAINS Slightly used and second-hand piano. good standard makes to choose i" loin. Prices lowest i n the city and terins .-easonable. A number of good used pinnos under $2O0. Player pianos un der $300. Come in and see them. Lib erty bonds will be accepted at full cash Viilue plus accrued interest. R-ed French Piano Mfg. Co., 135 Washington st., cor ner 12 th. Broadway 750. AT A bona fide sacrifice of 240 to sell immediately, will let go the. most eiegarit mahogany Kimball upright; one of the finest in tht state, in perfect order, the very highest priced styie in genuine San Domingo mahogany made by this great factory, or wiil rent reasonably to ap preciative home. Se-" Oregon Eiiers Music House, upstairs Eiiers Music b'.ug. Entrance and elevators 2S7 Washington. "WEBER 8-note player piano, with fine election of music rolTs; Columbia phono graph, some fine imported records, com bination billiard and pool table, one ma hogany and one birdscye maple bedroom suite, some fine rugs and oil paintings i-heap for cash or short-time payments. Ph,ne Broadway 42l'S for appointment. M L'ST be d is posed of at onc. one of the very finest old-style Chickerings ; beautiful tone; CiLse in Rice condition; comes from one . of Oregon's foremost mansions; cost $1 075. can be had for $lu. see it at Eiiers. upstairs, entrance and elevators 7 Washington, between 5 1 h and 4th. L VERY fine (jrafonola, almost like new; compartment contains 3u very fine selec tions, both vocal and instrumental: also a lot of needles; owner wiil sell all ioi $40 cast i. or $45, payments 1 a week. St-e 3d floor Eiiers Music b:dg. Entrance 2.N7 Washington. below 5th St. Phone Main 1123. LOOK AT THIS! Beautiful mahogany cabinet phonograph, 42 inches high, jo inches deep and is Inches wide, durable 2-spring motor, com pares In size and tone to the higher priced machines; a limited number at 5U. EDWARDS COMPANY, Fifth and Oak. $175 , CASH lakes a beautiful used piano, good standard mane, good condition throughout. It will pay ;ou to look at this If you want a bargain. Liberty bonds accepted or reasonable terms given. Reed French Piano Aify. Co.. 435 Washington st.. corner 12th. Broadway 750. $150 GOLDEN oak Brunswick, very latent model, oval tonechamber, Ultona tune arm, 8 albums, and 20 records ; this machine has been ued a very short time as a demonstrator; guaranteed to be in first clats condition; special $127 cash. Vern 1,. Wengcr, 142 J 2d bt., (upstairs). PATHE $40. One of the regular $45 styles, with cover. Has seven good Put he records with it and was used le-ss than one month. See this at Foley & Van Dyke's popular phonograph dept.. across from First National Bank. A BEAUTIFUL slide trombone Conn ), silver plated, low pitch, in fine conuition, 'complete in case ; cost $'.1 . will take $45 for immediate ea le. See Mr. Le ajiwa at EiUTs, ,27 Washington st., just be low 5th. TV E have several good bargains in used pianos which it would pay the piano buyer to investigate before deciding on an investment: come in and see them. Soule Bros., Hiti Huh st., near Morrison. PLAYER PTAXO. Electric Peerless player at the price of a plain one. Fine ronditfon. Terms given. Sctbetimg-Lucas lluic Co., 125 4th st. CONN C, B-fiat and A cornet, high and tow pitch, complete in cusp; almost like new; for $40: worth double. See it a; Eiiers. 2S7 Washington St.. below 5 th. BEAUTIFUL parlor orcan, walnut case, ith large mirror above, in fine condi tion, for $45; $H down and J5 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3ju Alder. PIANO BARGAINS. Come In and see our usd rnno bargains. You can save money. Terms given. Sei-berling-Lucas Music Co , 1-5 4ili st. A VERY rine toned Estey organ, cost when nw $150, wiil be so id for $30 . per fee t condition. Call or phone Ei'.eis. Entrance 2 Washtr-gton s'. Main 1 12. . $3" VICTROLA. almost new. latest cabinet style, only $-io. $115 latest grafonola, auto stop and records perfect, only $75. Brok- rae Co.. 312 Worcester bide. UORAHT M ('ABLE and or her high-grade pianos ail sold 011 eay paymen's, vou can tave by seeing our pianos first. Foley & - V:tn Dyke. 10 Fifth St. F.LECTR IC-DRI V FN Gra fonola. ma hosanv rate, coft nw $150; priie this week $110; $15 down and $ 10 prr nvmth. Hyatt T.illtir.g Machine Co.. 3o Aldr. WE REPAIR and adjust f Ponographs properl". Phone Mam ius, Ei.ers Music bids. 2d floor. Entrance 2S7 Washington s'., below 5h. $150 CASH win buy a good usect piano which we accepted on a phonograph trade : this at Foley & Van Dyke's, piano dept . 106 Flfthst. VTILL exchange Erunawsck cabinet talking machine for good piano: give or take difference. Soule Bros. 166 10th st-, near Morrison. ALL the Ut-st dance records in Victor and Pathe a'. ways easy to demonstrate in our Phonograph dept. Foley & Van Dyke.s 10tJ Sih pt . PIANO WANTED "We pav cash. Seiberlmg-Lucas Music Co.. 12-5 4th st , Mam S5. BTEINWAY piano. oM style. $14S. This piar.o 1 in very god condition- Reed Frenrh Piano Mfe. Co.. 435 "Wah-ugton st. BA BY GRINDS Two s. lightly used tncfc at big reductions. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. 435 Washington .-T. Brop-l-vav 710. WE POLISH properly. Phone Mam 1123. Ei'.ers Mue:r b!ri? , 2d floor. En trance 27 Washington St., below 5th. WE TUNE pianos properly. Phone Main 1123. Eiiers Music b:dg., 2i floor. En trance 2S7 Washington, below 5th st. 6THOHEEH piano, plain mahogany case. nearlv new ; some snap. Seiberur.g-Luc-s Music Co.. 125 4th st. TTE REPAIR pianos proper'.y. 1123 or cai: Ei.ers. 21 floor. Washington, below 5 th. Phone Main Entrance 2.7 SLlvjHTLY used Victor ta'kinpr machine, $S0 model ; our price $50. Soule Bros., Iqt loth yt. WANTED- A piano from private party, good tone, pay all ca?h. Main 3m4. GUITARS, ukuleles, bsnios, etc G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14ft 6th. PIANO for sale. Call Bdwy. 4461 or East 47 To. EXTRA good five-octave organ, price $J5 Foley & Van Dyke. "WILL rent my piano to responsible party. Cail East 4776. PIANO Ludwig player, practically ; a great bargain. Tabor 7toP7. PIANO wanted at once, cash for reasonable bargain. Marshall 5709. LOW-PITCH buffet jazz saxophone, Woodlawn S3(i0. $35. FOR RENT Good piano. $3 per month: renter to paymovlng. AR 10. Oregonian. WILL STORE plnno for adults. Wiin. &67. use of same; 3 FOB SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SMALL table phonograph, oak cabi net, very good tone 9 6.00 Table phonograph, mahogany fin ish, beautirui tone; plays all rec ords; a barealn at 10.00 OUTING PHONOGRAPH. Take one with you when you go au tomg and canoeing, convenient to carry and the tone will please you 17.50 CABINET PHONOGRAPH. Come in and hear this beautiful phonograph and then we are sure you will agree with us that this phonograph at 559 is a most won derful phonograph bargain. BP-UN'S tVICK BARGAIN. Cabinet $150. On Brunswick pnono- graph, used short time 125.00 PATHE RECORDS. You will find all the latest selections here. EDWARDS COMPANY. Fifth and Oak Sts.. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE. VICTROLAS. VICTROLAS. AT CUT PRICES. $125 Victrola and 72 selections, com plete outfit for $115.00 $37.50 Victrola and 50 selections. total value $56.50. for . 32.50 $115 Victor and 20 selections for.... 20. uu Easy Terms. MISH FURNITURE COMPANY, laa-luu First SU TAI.KIXG MACHINE OWNERS. Something that you have been looking for. A record exchange. A place where you can tike the records you have grown tired of and by paying a reasonable ex change fee exchange them for brand new ones. Come in ,and let us play your fa vorite selection on the new Columbia record. We also hove a large stock of first-class used records at greatly re duced prices. You are welcome to come in and try them over.. VERS" L. WENOER. The Talking Machine Man. 14.'i,i st. (upstairs), near Alder. CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK. $100 Corrish parlor organ, cash.... 125 Chicago rottage organ, cash.. 27ft Small upright pianos 350 Emergen upright pianos, cash.. 825 Arlcn upright pianos, cash . iitt u-ehr imi iphf niaiiOfl. cash... .$ 23 . 35 65-75 . 5 . 140 21U 475 New stored upright pianos, cash 2f0 ti'o New Htoreu player pianos 3'.5 Pianos stored, bought and sold tor cash only. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 107 4th St. THIS IS A BUY. $90 CASH takes one of the 100 style Pathe machines and a numoer of good used Victor an1 Pathe records included; this machine is in a mahogany case and absolutely- iike new. being used - only two months. See this at Foley & Dyke's, across fro in Fi rst National Bank. g No Interest Charged on Phonographs. BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS. We have the Brunswick phonograph you want in size, finish and price at terms to suit your convenience without interest. Come in and make your selection now. EDWARDS COMPANY, Fifth and Oak. $15 OR 25 CASH, then $s or $10 monthly buys new improved pianos, and $5 or $10 In records purchased senus new improved J0. $32.50. $5u. fiO, $J0 or $115 phono graph to your home from the Scawaa Piano OoM 111 4th SL CABLE-NELSON upright pitno. in mahog any case; one of tiiu besi. mfckes in the country and In splendid condition; cost $45o new; this one $"J.iu: term. MISH FL'RX ITt'rl il CO., 1HS-190 Firt-t St. VICTOR RED SEAL RECORDS. Now is the opportune time to purchase your favorite selections by the great art ists; practically all Red Seal records re duced to half former price. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., o5u Alder. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ on .a new Victrola and rec ords; our proposition is the best. Sei bei l ug-Lucas Music Co.. 12o 4th at.. Main S550. m PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. $150 BruTiMwlck 6 mot. old). $118. $100 Columbia, like new, $9u. $75 VW-troia (m.sslon). $45. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill St. EDLSON AlIBERO LA, hornless type, oak ca.w, witn cabinet to maicn ana aoout loo records; a wonderful bargain for $rto; $15 down and $5 p-r month, Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. SEE the Mandel new model machines now on display for the first time in our phono graph department ; plays all records per lectiy, has ail-wood resonunt sound box. Fr!ey Van Dyke. luO Fift h at. OKAFONOLA GRAND, electrically operated. mahogany case tbuilt like a grant piano), cost new $500;. a bargain for $2ti5; $25 down and $15 per mumb. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3oO Alder. USED PIANOS, all in good condition, $200 up; KnaI.e Grand. $.Vo ; Clwekering up right, nearly new, $45; player planus. G F Johnson Piano Co., 1 4'J ttth. BRUNSWICK. mahogany case, in good condition, regular $32. 50 style for $21!. 5o; $7.50 down and $5 per mouth. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 35u Alder PHONOGRAPH records 50c, :i0c ; EdUon cylinder 25c; some bargain pianos, organ, phonographs for sale. -54 Market st., cor. Third. USED Edison Diamond DUc machine, ma hogany case, just like new. for $03; $10 iljwn and $10 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 30 Alder. FOR SALE A-l Becker Bros, piano, just like new ; b-aving city ; forced to sell at o:ice; wonderful opportunity. 00- Albina a e. , SMALL scond-hnnd Victor. Just the thing to take on your -ootiug, for to; o aown and $5 per month. Hyatt Talking Ha- cnine Co., 3oO Alder. KOHLER & CAMPBELL upright piano, apartment size, up-to-date model; will sell at half price for cash or some terms. Call 142 Broadway. WANTED Weber. Steinway or Knabe up right piano m exchange for new Columbia graionola and linie cash. AR 3, Orego- niati. $50 GRAFONOLA. oak case, in good con dition for $25; $5 down and $5 per month. Hyatt Talking .Machine to., dou Aiaer. PR1 VATE party wantu assortment of disc record.-, goc-a conamon ami reasonaoie. W oodlawn 56.0. YOUR piano or organ taken in full or prt pavment for iyii - type puonograpn Scnwan Pian3 Co., Ill 4:h at PAX A PHONE and case, good condition, 47.o it taken immeuiateiy. 1 oqq, u Panama bids. Marshall 3o4t. I i,i.'Y'OSl piano. Tike new, at a great re duction, win consider terms 10 responsi ble party. Call 14:: Broadway. PHONuGRA PHS and records ; here you get the records you want. G. F. Johnson Piar.o Co.. 140 6th. fo A RENT Behninc piano player for in def imte time, reason a me. cast oid Maple st., Ladd s Addition. virtHOLA with recorJe. $60. not a scratch on it. Seiberlin&-Lucas Music Co., 125 4;h st. Hil.l.ET A-. DAVIS PTANO Am leaving cliy, must sell at once, condition line new, 14 i.- K. F anuers. KENT A PiANu, most reasonable terms in Portland ; no squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Glibeit. 3P4 Yamh;.l st. REAL BARGAINS Good p'.ayer plane and music rolls . it interested call at once. itr.o Chapman. PTivo r-niv 11 - d few months, latest stvie. at'about H prica. Seiberlmg-Lucaa Musio Co , 125 4th st. FOR SALE A $350 piano for S275. Have to sell on account of leaving ton. AH jprfe g o n t a n. PIANO H alley Davis square, fine tone, on:y $yu; terms. 1230 teimonu Tabor Ion. b FOR your vacation a $25 or $35 Victor is just the thing. Foley & Van Dyke, lOti Fifth t. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTRUMENTS. SIE BERLIN G LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4TH ST. EDISON phonograph in good condition and cvlind-.-r records, cn.y $5.50. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 tith. COLUMBIA, disk phonograph with rec ords. $1 fine1 fcr camping. Seiberlins; Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. W ELLlivG TO N upright piano, oak case, good condition, S140, terms. Bush Lane Piano Co.. Broadway and Aider. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS WANTED. 12b FIRST. MAIN 44b5. TABOR 67bS. PIANOS tuned $3. George T. Peck. Tabor b574. Graduate New Eng. Conservatory. M$lu0 CASH or more pa.d for your upn-at p.anos ai ci.uow -w- j.u ia st. 1 PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT, as-l Yamhill St. PIANOS for rent. $4 month. Empire Trans fer Co.. 254 Broadway. Broaaway 155. WANTED Piano for storage or reasonable rent. Tabor 3123. EDISON PHONOGRAPH and 5 double rrrnrr.!. used 6 months. fl$5 E. 2"Jth N. PIANO for sale, $75. Phone Woodlawn iAil. GRAF., Princess style, 15 records. cifd condition. East 2501. PIANO ;or sale cheap for cash. Grand ave. Phone E. 3QQ. Bi Pet- riesa orchestra, first-class condi tion, for sale. 254 Market st- FOR SALE Fisher upright piano, mahog nv. $20. Mam 4672. VIOLIN, case and music stand, complete, $25. 329 Broadway. Main 3ol. EN ABE PIANO." MAIN U567. FOB SALaU Piaao, Organs svnd Musical Instruments. WE HAVE a beautiful oak case, genuine bungalow player-piano, the $d5 mode;, together with 4S music rolls and com ( binawon bench, all in every way like new. la to be sacrificed to raise money for formerly w;i-to-do family, which met with severe reerses; no reasonable offer refused, but must have at least --oo in cash or liberty bonds. Bring this ad with you or ask Mr. Sturgeon at Eiiers, upstairs, 27 Washington at., for Mrs. J. p. R.s piano. Phone Main WONDERFUL BARGAINS. $90 TP. TERMS. Steinway, beautiful tone, $90; $550 gen uine Reed Jk Sons, estab. 142. only $145; beautiful mahogany case. $525; fine Jew ett piano, plain mahogany, only $10O; good Hallet & Davis piano. $100. also fiehning plain mahogany Bush ee Lane, walnut, make offer. Brokerage Co.. the only place in the city for a real bargain ; we have hundreds of -pleased buyers. Cash, bonds or term, no interest. 312 Worcester bldg. i-AxlL meeting with misfortune has left us to Sel1 OBe of tn" very finest modern-style genuine Emersons; rich ma hogany case, cost $465; will take less than na.f actual value ; liberty bonds accepted, or will take payments $12 a month. Call upstairs Eiiers Music bldg. Entrance 27 Washington st.. between 5th and 4th. rnuue JiaiQ ilS. Furniture for Bale. $350 VALUE FOR $224.75. A very massive and -high-grade 3-piece tapestry suite, very slightly used, com prising davenport 7 feet In length, arm chair and rocker to match, all upholstered in excellent grade tapeotry of such won dertul no It colors and a pattern so de lightfully pretty that it will instantly ap peal to your good taste; it has Marshall spring cushions and Is as comfortable as a feather bed; new price $365. now $248.75, easy terms if more convenient. MISH FURNITURE COMPANY. 1&6-1UO First SL FURNITURE FACTS FROM CEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. Fact 1 5o,00o square feet of floor spare crammed with bargafiuf in ued and new furniture. Fact 2 We are out of the high-rent dis trict, and therefore we can sell cheaper than the big uptown stores. Fact 3 We sell on very easy term. Fact 4 W'e charge no Interest. Fact 5 We give you better service than any other t ifrnliureatore in town. Often we deliver a big houseful of good the same day as sold. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. ALL UNDER 1 ROOF MO BRANCH STORES. 185 FIRST ST. REMEMBER, 2 DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUWLIC MARKET. SEB THIS BEAUTIFUL SUITE IN OUR Wi.UOW TOMORROW. Four-piece CrorowetHan library suite Jn solid mahogany, ,bron antique finish, comprising large settee and 2 ciiaJrs with cane back and panels, the uphoisterlng Is a beautiful veiour in blue and silver gray colors and very fine quality; the handsome table has 25x42-lnch top with four cane panels; $250 value reduced to $1U8; if desired,, easy terms. MISH FURNITURE COMPANY, 1S&-1U0 First St. PROSPECTIVE BUYK IS, ATTENTION. ATTENTION. If you contemplate furnishing a home, let us figure wl:h you; our sal :nwn will consider it sv pleasure to ser.e ti. whether ready to buy nctvv oc ate-; we carry a complete line of new furniture, rugt, ranges ind fai ranges, as well u a great many ba.-rfalr.s In usee gjls; we will save you at 'test 25 per c-nt on the prices asked by the uptown t)ps and if desired give trr-j to suit yjur conven ience : see else where In this 1 aper for special bargains. MISH FURNITfRE CO., lSS-'t" First St. USED MAJESTIC RANGE, with fine K - inch coil, complete, set up and connected. $45. This is not a new range by any means, but it will outlast two new cheap Junky ranges and then be as good as it Is now. Easy terms. We have a great variety of lined ranges, all guaranteed, from $25 up. - We take your 01a range or gas range in exchange. Bal ance very easv terms. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. ALL UNDER 1 ROuF NO BRANCH STORES. 185 FIRST ST. REMEMBER. 2 DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. SLIGHTLY used overstf'el tapesiry dav enport, massive ana atrr:n'0 in appear ance, special spring? :om - ruction In back seat and arms, designed to give the max imum amount of comfo.t; Mars rail spring cushions as soft as lei; tier pillows, up holstered in high-grade t3 pus try of very pleasing colors and pt'.:t n. Why p.iy il5o for a new one. v hen this one can be had for only $87.50. cash or terms? MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S8-1 First St. BARGAIN. $25 brass bed, $35 B. M. O. E. 35-lh. silk-floss mattress and $14 all-steel spring, the whole outfit for $4D.$0. Terms. MISH FURNITURE COMPANY, lb a-100 First St. BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM SUITE AT REDUCED PRICE. A very charming ivory bedroom juit In the popular Adams design, comprising a handsome bed, large dresr an-I chif fonier, with 22x25 and lix22-m.-n Fret-rh plate mirrors and a very uretty dressing table with triplicate mirror; regular $ 135. 75, red uced to $ 1 Ofl. 75 ; ejsy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-19U Fi-t St. FOLDING BEOS AT BARGAIN PRICES. Very handsome upright f'ld:'nff bed, quarter-sawed oa with lfcjtlO Fent h plate mirror: a splendid buy at $32,541; another oak upright bed with 1ar;e plate mirror for $22-:i; also oak loldinj bd. in good condition, for $11.5ti; eanv terinn. 5IISH FURNITURE CO., lSS-lf0 First St. GAS WATER HEATERS. Let us show you the JUL gus water heater: we claim there Is none better and the price is only $22.50 installed , satis faction guaranteed or money refunded; easy term.i. MISH FURNITFTtE CO. 1KS-190 First El FINE mahogany and birdseye maple bed room fcuae. rugs, oil paintings, pool table, genuine Weber S-note player-piano, w'th music rolls. Columbia graphonola, with finest Imported records, none like them in Oregon. Phone Broadway 2i:S for ap pointment. LARGE Grafonola, mahogany case. In excel lent condition, cost new $250. for $UJO; $25 down and $15 per month- Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Aldsr. WILTON rug, stair carrot,-hall seat "and mirror, brass bed, library table, good din ing room set, wicker chair and rocker. 34S Lincoln. Mar. 3S5o. A KIMBALL organ; wiH take $20. good tone; everything Jn nice shape; cost new $5. See it at Eiiers. 2d fieor Eiiers Music bldg.. 2S7 Washington St.. below 5.h. MAHOGANY case $100 Brunswick, used but very littie. perfect mechanical condition, for $95; $10 down and 7.50 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder FOR SALE Bookcase, solid oak. dark fin ish, adjustable shelves, beveled French mirror; good looking: also window sh&dea and fixtures. 611 E. Madison st., near 16 h. MAHOGANY case Edison Diamond Dl7c, style B 60, in first-class condition for ?60; $10 down and $5 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 35f Alder. $75 OAS RANGE. Bucks double action, only ued short time, $40; can be seen at Cen tral iransier vo-. eta St., -ion day or alter. Main 7575. NEW type $125 Grafonola, golden oak case. Just like rw. $1'K; $15 down and $10 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 50 Aldsr. feECTIONAL bookcases. Chinese sea s;ra?s stand and chair, oil stove Call Tabor 53 Sunday morning- or week cays. AN ELEGANT mandolin and case, cost new $47.50; can be had at $25 at Ei.ers, iS7 Washington st.. below 5 th. A GOOD Edison phonograph and 100 rec . ordi, all different, for $&. Hyatt Talking IF YOU want to lease a grood 12-roomed house in -Couch addition, look this over. H5 wetland bldg. A GOOD co-k stove with cells and some other furniture. Phone Columbia 45 Sun day or Monday. ONE sanitary couch, five joints of terra c?rta, for sale-- 1170 E. YamhilL Tabor 777 ROTARY White sewing machine, with So-Ezelec motor. $50. Woodlawn, 3351. DINING- tables, 2 Iron beds, chiffonier and chairs, cheap. 8&1 E. 3&th sL Tabor 521. 2-ROOM spts. for rent, furniture for sale. Main 41. Apt. 1. $320 DINING-ROOM set, almost new, $160. Wood.awn 1615. BARGAIN Oak rocker, leather tat and back. Call Monday, 410 3 Wasco st. 3-PIECE mahogany set. 0x12 Axralnster rug, other things. Main 34. THREE roller-top desks for sale. Inquire Supt. Stock Exchange bids. FOR feALfi. Furniture for Sale. USED COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA. In polisned oak case, record alburn and 2i good Tecori., fur $37. 5u ; eay terms. USED CABINET LO ROPHONE. In mahogany case, a 0i inacume. for 24.5U. USED B UNG ALOW CABINET T A LKIN G MACHINE. IN MAHOGANY CAM:. Plays any make of Lai disc records without change of neetlle or attachment. $05, Agents for Patbe phonograph and rec ords. Easy terms, no luteret. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG SI ORE. ALL UNDER ONE HOOF. NO BRANCH STORES. 1S5 FIRST ST. REMEMBER, 2 DOuRS FROM YAM . HILL PUBLIC MARKET. . FOR SALE QUICK 542 REX AVE. TAKE bELLWooD CAR. Articles Our Price. 1 large dresser, oak $17. 5u 1 medium uresser, oak 15. oh 1 medium chiffonier, oak 14 i'0 1 book case and writing desk 1 iron bed, springs and mattress... 7.5t 2 rocking chairs, oak each 4 w) 1 library table 4.m 1 heating stove 1J.5U 1 dining table, oak. 3 leaves 10 i) 1 stand table, oak 11.50 1 kitchen table ..... 2.5o 3 dining-room chairs, oak.... each 2.25 ft kitchen chairs each 1.5 1 sewing machine 5. no iPEClAL THIS WEEK. BRAND-NEW R -.-. $37.50. As we have only a limited number of these ranges it will be to your interest to come early and inspect them. W'e aiso have several latest designs Axminsier and velvet rugs, good a new. for much less than the coat of new. Brand-new library tables, medium size, nicely fin ished, this week 6. 5- Brand-new gas water heaters. copper Coils, this We-k only $11. b5. Gas ranges, ail style and makes, at very reduced prU-ea. DON'T MISS THEsti BARGAINS. LEVIN HDWRE. A FLKN. Cu.. 21 Front st. WALNUT BEDROOM SET. VERY SPEClAU Consists of colonial bed. triple-mirror dressing table and handsome cniffunler. all perfectly matched; a good coli iriug and a ftv.e guaranteed cottun flt maun-ki in beautiful blue art tick. $13.; complete; $-5 caan and $2.50 a. meek places this ele gant st in your home. No interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STOKE. ALL UNDER ONE RfKK. NO BRANCH STORKS. 1S5 FIRST ST. - REMEMBER. 2 uuuKS FROM YAM HILL PUBLIC MARKET. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LH.sS. Iron beds $1.75 ai.d up Spring l oo and up Mattresses 1.5u and up Dressers 7-5o and up Chair .75 up Dining tsbles 3-no and up Center tables ................ .75 and up Cook stoves $W.M Kockrrt i.5u O W L Fl RN ITL RE CO. . 166-16 1st St.. nesr Morrison st. DRESSER, chiffonier and rx.Kr in yu- lefea ouk witn iurge oral UrVf mir rors; 04-lncn dining table and six leather upholstered chairs In quartered oak; rug xeet long: eiectnc wcuum c.rune.', Sew smail rugs and othr house ho:u ar ticles; everything of ens.lent taaj.i'.y snd cunaltlon; like new. 613 Ladd v. East OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS KuK LESS. Don t surrer. from your kitchen stove heat ; we ha e a tartee assort nit-nt of p:ates rrotn - eucn and a. so a Iik-; assortment of gas rangts. m ;th low and high ovens from $14. look these over and sa mon-y. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 10-1 1st St.. near Morrison sL LA ROE selection In used 0x12 ruga In up-to-date designs, $7.5n ard up. STAR Fl RNITURE CO "THE TORE OF BARGAINS." FIRST ST. M VIS .VWM. 204 1st st. Main I. FURNITURE CHEAP. Several pieces of umalled for furniture to be soid next week for repairs. Multno mah Furniture Coy Est G1UU. 5ll UNION NO. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FuR LE.-S. Large assortment of rot new and second-hand, $1.5o up; it jwiil pay ou to look them over. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 133-1 ffS 1st st.. near 5Iorrison st. DIVING TABLE and chairs, library" table, book rack, baby's brans bed complete, sew ing machine, cooking u tens! 1m, Jars ; no dealers. K715 44th ac. ML Scott to Kern park. 3 blocks north. ORGAN, 20; three-quarter bed. complete, $7.50 ; TQrklxh bath cabinet, beater, baby buggy, sowing rocker. $5 each; drop-leaf table. $3 50; rocking horse aud sled, $1.25 each; owner leaving Oregon. Q22b k2d sL Tabor iS7. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FH LESS. A largo selection of used rugs, from S and up, in f ibex, grass, Brussels and Ax minster. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 1 04-158 1st St., near Morrison m. DINING table, H-ft. extension. rounl poUv tal; speclnl for Momlav. nly tU to. STAR FURNITURE CO.. "THE STORE OF BARGAINS." 2h4 FIRST ST. MAIN 5fl4. 2(4 1st st. Mn In 5O04. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Solid oak davenport, almost new. with pad; cost you about 55 new, our special sale price $3b; an exceptional bargain. OWL FURNITURE CO. 1V1-148 1st st.. near Morrison. NEW $22 galvanised Iron bath tub for $12 . in medlcoipgy. 10 books. I volume, s.i 50 lantern, red globe. $1 : 3 Ingemoll watchs each 75c; 1 dozen gas mantles. $1.50; pt Mason jars. !nc; quart. Use; half g-t.ion. $1.25. 1 1111 E. Sherman. A LARGE assortment of library thi, new and used ; see our special at $! 5u; look over our bargains before buying. OWL FURNITURE CO.. ltJB-ltiS 1st mt near Morrison st. DROP-HEAD sewlne; machine, in good con ditio; special. 81 2.50. -TAR FURNITURE CO.. "THE STORE OF BARGAINS 204 FIRSTST; MAINao6$ DON'T sacrifice your furniture If going e-st or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fire proof storage. C M. Oisen Transfer & Storage Co.. 24S Pine st. 4-FURNER Jewel gas range. 1-lnch side oven, with broiler. In perfect condition; why pay $65?. Our sa:e price $1 J.50. OWL FURNITURE CO.. 166-16S 1st st., near Morrison st. BEAUTIFUL Ivory dressing table; special price. $0 75. STAR FURNITURE CO . "THE STORE OF BARGAINS." ?M FIRST ST. MAIN OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LKiSS. Genuine leather overstuffed rocker, a $45 value, for $-'7 SO. OWL FURNITURE CO. 16q-16jlst SL. near Morrison. FIRST-CLASS furniture of 5-room bung low; will sell at half price. Call Tat-or 5"i..8. 7r7 E. "fth st. N . 1 b'ock norn of Ssniy. Call Sunday after 6 P. M. aaa any time week days. OWL FURNITURE CO. ELLS FOR LE;? c:ijht.v damaged 2-lnt-h continued post beds; prices, greatly reduced to $9 b5. OWL FURNITURE CO, 133-1 1st st. nesr Morrison s A. B. S: DE-OVEN gas range, r'.aas door, f 'rat-class condition. $25. Cooa sto e. $ 50 and up. Cro'n Furniture Co.. 1st st. A. B. GAS rsnge. glass oven, g-od as new; Morris chsir. adjustable dress form and rew clothes wringer. No dea.ers. Phone Sell. 1855 FOR SALE Large aide-even grs ran tee, seif llghter, rood condition, $:t5; also wood ranre. $15- Call Sat. 2 to 4 or Sunday from IP to 12- 454 Umatilla ave . Pellwoj. LEAVING city, have solid oak buffet, china closet, dining table, writing desk, wood and coal stove and Herrlc rerrtgers tor for sal. 3 JO E. 44th st. Taoor 3 7w: 6-HOLE Royal Quality ranee, coal or 00 a. and water cot': special at $15 fWt. OWL FURNITURE CO . 136-1 3S 1st St.. r.ea r M or r. son. FURNITURE for sale: almost new. 435 Toon SL S. E.. 5 blocks south of Ml. Scott cir, rasr of house on rth it. FOR SALE Heavy solid oak dining set, Jacobean tab and 6 chairs. Pnone East - 353. FOR SALE 2 rugs. Pxl2. snd 2 rail ' rugs to match: a:s several small allr.c rugs. East 5254. OAK FURNITURE Leather upholstered rockers, dining set. kitcuen tab.e. iw;t machine. 430 Knott sl No dealers. trnR PALE Oriental rugs, bookcases, da v en port, teak wood Tho and cnairs. Mor ns chair. jisin to..-. FOR SALE Finger sewing machine, fur niture; must be sold at once. 1213 Gay at. FURNITURE for sale, complete bedroom set. carpet. Kltcnen aiove a r x f a range, etc, Cail 4S9 E- Ankeny. or phone East e0i. OFFICE equipment and furniture for sa.e. 403 Spalding OAK daver.pcrt. leather trtmmed, full slse. Call Woodlawn 170 FOR SALE Desks and chair. See engineer Henry bldg. HIGM-GR ADE bedstead, a bargain. Broad way 4g4. no dealers. FU R NITURB for sal, drive. 744 .Montgomery FOR SALE. t urniture for Sale. NOTE THE PRICES ON EDWARDS EXCHANGE URN ITU KE. Velour-.:pho;.-ter'd box couch tth ha. k that drop down to make big $ 8-75 Waxol-oak arm rocgers mlth genuine leauier-uphoistercd auto coahion "at 14.75 ilai-.'Kiny settee, velour-upholstered f-t 875 Goiu.-n-oak dining table with round ped-tal 175 Feautifut oak sideboards, $22. .VI and 3-.50 Com !t nation bookcae and writing d--k .. 19.75 Foti:i mantle beds. 0o and U.75 Goldet po.ish. ovacnurror dresaers at $14 50 and 19.75 Large an chiffonier (no mirror. 12. 50) Leautilul ivory enamel prncea dres&er 21 75 Green denim-covered couch......... '..; Yeiour-uphoUtered couch 12.75 Six-htue ;ej(-bse rar.grt 52-54) tahinci4ae Monarch ranges, priced at $c.5o and 8150 Vacuum carpet sweep r. $3 and.... 3.75 EDWARDS COMPANY, Filth and oak Sts. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE EASY TERMS WITHOUT PAYING INTEREST. FREE. NO CHARGE. GRATIS. A $lo set of guaranteed Viko aluminum ware, consist. ng of b-quart teakettle, dou ble rice boikr. Up saucepan acd perco lator. WHERE? AT GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. HOW? WITH EVERY BUCK'S UNION MADE RANGE THIS WEEK. VERY SPECIAL -hole rHtllaued top. sanitary bane. Buck's Horns Pride range, com p.ete, set up and ll; is hnncsome st of aluminum for $7ti.5j; lo own and 2 a eek. No interest. We take your old ra-uge or gas range la ex Chanct. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE ItIG MORE. ALL UNDER ONE RO F. NO BRANCH STuRES. 1S5 FIRST ST. REMEMBER. 2 D00RS FROM TAM- KILL PUHLIC MAKKET. YOU REAP THE BENEFIT OF THIS EN S A T 1 ON A Lt OF FE R. We purchased a closed -out Ptocle of brs-nd-ne w fieirct Windsor steel ranges at a price which enables us to pass them on to you at ! than wholesale price. These ranges will answer the purpose to your uimnnt e-atiffactlon; body Is made oC smooth, hammered steel, lined witn an t-eto. six !-lncli lids; well ventilated ftre hx, with dun. ex K'rat- and extra heavy ; 20-lnch oven, guaranteed to take perl--clly ; a neat, plain. el at tractive x range at the aj-tonlsmng price of IJU.75. a:id rcmfiuber. they are brand new. Come waile they iaxt. EASY TERMS. MISU FURNITl'RE COMPANY, Iss-ltfO First bL OVERSTUFFED TAPESTRY DAVENPORT with ihrrfl loo I'Ukhioni. The tap- try is of fine grade in t ho beautiful gre-n and brown floral d-sin o much in de- 11 and. And the price is ridiculously low omy n; .-u. ana you ran pay lor it in e.iy we.-K.y Ins:atl rr.ent and have the use of it while you pay. Alo another In blue figured denim, Une cushion, spring back and edge, for $t5. You can buy this at the ra:- of 3" onti a day. No Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORK. ALL UNDER 1 ROOF NO BRANCH ST KES 15 FIRST ST. REMEMBER. - IkwI'.S FROM YAMHILL IJJiJLIC M ARRET. KfTOHKN heater, 2-hole. polished top. cost $ t.t 0u. for 815; !xli Pigelow A am Inst e rut:, cost ti5. :or $ white -r..mel drt,er, cot $27 5o. for $17.50 ; jr ista flniMi. fo )I ouarter-s.iwed Oak library Lible. cjt f27.5", for $15. 4 solid oak nm- :n noa. s at; chair. cot 8- .. for $2 each; so).t qutrtrrrtl oak ro kr. ru $15. fur $.5; b.s; fmumt .rather Mrrl chair, curt $45. for J5: tnixbot.m? let rula. CK,t $115 and about $25 wort It of record, for $lnO; all same as bis, ua a few weeks; house too smell. J. Macketicie. end of Park Rose carline. cor. Snn!- boulevard and Kyn iv., Sunday before ti p. M. SLIGHTLY USED WILLI M AND MARY DINING SET. ror.ili of solid oak extension table and 4 chairs to match, upholstered in genuine !ea t lier ; abso.utel v same mi new; bui the set; cry easy terms ht lr.tert. UEVLUT FURNITURE COMPANY. THE iEIG STORE. ALL UNDER ONE KOK. NO BRANCH 1S5 FIRST T REM EM PER. 2 I'OORS FROM YAM 11 1 LL PUBLIC MARKET. MALLEABLE RANGE FOR f5. Monarch malleable range with A-hck poashed top and pin water front, it every bit a Rood as new and can be had for $-" inflated: a new one uould coal uu 115, easy terms. MISH Ft'RNITl'RB COMPANY, l&a-luu First sl I'SKf) DINING ROOM SET. conslMtitig of solid 0:1 k quro dining t k hi-. 5 har1 wood chain and a olld oa il' toar l. This Is a Kood set. slightly old fashioned, but fine for a country home or ranch, and you can buy the complete set for ;: 1 .vi. i.nsv terniH tr usirca. ULVtHTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, TH K Hit; STORE. ALL UNDER 1 ROoF NO BRANCH ST RES. iir, h'i KsT st REMEMBER. 2 I'oKS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. HERE IS SOME FINE BUY: .1-piece no! M -oak library suite, compris ing a line mi"lon nefign. uorary au. lth arm rha'r and rocker, upholstered in liroA-i cliae leather; complete suite lor f- 5, tTm;". MISH FURNITURE COMPANY, lha-lJ0 First SL ATT K NT ION. aosrt me nt houne tenants Beautiful nu riered rak wi rrirobe. long, .!(! ff'usrt bnnkcaae. writing derk and folding bod in rear; cost originally $175, as good ps new, for S-VY STANDARD FUKNITURE CO.-, First, r-rr. imhin FOR SALF M-isic cabinet, bl.tck walnut. $15, voith 5; b-iby rah. great bargain. $.'0: high c!!r. $T: b:iby bed. good one. J5: electric mmp, $7.5'; sewing msetiine. $J: cr'ii be seen gundtv morning or any time Mondsv and Tuesday. 4 E. 4'.ttl U N.. Tabor 4.Vi3. TWO 8-3x10-6 body Brussels rugs, good ron- o it ion. 3i eacn ; tlio some ;u Ktonu hand r-ig. f-hesp. STANDARD FURNITURE CO.. 10 Flvst pt.. cor. '"Ysmhl'l. FOR SALE Lsrre dining room tsble. renter table. 3 ockers. drwr. pedestel. brnss jardiniere, rug 0x12. lswnmower. Call at 1020 E. loth st. N.. aftir Sunday. VERY SPECIAL PPO-LTNOLFUM 43e per ouare yard. The kind we sell regularly for $1 vard. Only 3 rolls. 1 pattern only, and tfc' we' only OEU'RTZ FURNITURE CO., lv First Street. REAL P ARGAIN Moving Inro burgs low. friave no further use for the follow. n: $.".o bu". $-'; bioiease. douoie dcors. $1S; hall mrrror $7.50 hs!l snd stair fve',vet eerpet. $12 P7 MsT.ory a-e. Phie Wood: a wn 1707; no dara. k p range, side oven. god condttinn. ax5. also Vulcan gas range, white enameled for $i'' fc TANDARD FURNITURE CO.. 1 '-1 ft 1 Firs, c -r. Yamh::' FOR E ALE at a bargain if taken at once. rs range, roll -top desk, dresser, bed. rrtrgs. wss"-tand. oak centsr-?t:. g'ss pur.rh bow) and .t't. 5h E. 57th at. N Phone Tb.r l3. FUFNITT'RE FOR SALE Dax-enport. ro:n plf.. he-i, Vulnn g ran 1. gas plat, beating stove, Ruud water heater. 3 chairs, one rocker, dresser and 3 carpets. Cail Fast 3773. iRoomi furniturs for sa!. elecrrlr llgh'a. g. basemert. large yard. Rents $ rr.onrh. s-j brent 3 rooms upstairs $ 1 5 mrtn'h. r!ose in. eXfi G' isan. near 21 su r-er-ot Mrtrriwn car. Main 146- TUti wirVer chairs. 1 rocker. 1 Ubrarv tab' ar.d 2 rug, suitable for phyalran s or den tist's recrrtlon room. Ca! bev ft A . M. and 1 P. M. ilocm 4M. Broadway bldg. SINGER e:r.g marhlne w.h e;-tr:c. nnotcr attached in perfect condition, drop head, special MTday. $37 50 Standard Furni ture Co.. lo lsr. cor Yamh.'l WILL ELL 5 rooms, new furniturs. 2 lot. rarden. rome chickns. fnr S-'J.". 2-3 cah. si. terms. A?trse-ive bungalow; rent $22; e:oe to 2 splend.d schools. Sell r.".5.1. AN YON wanting good. cin I jrnttur. gas ra-se sr.d k;:".sn things, call at room '.:. Goodr.ough bldg.; am selling eve ryth:r.gc heap for cash. FOR- SALE Combination wood and gas rang', good as new, $60; also Spanish leather couch. $12. Fast 1953. 3" Large rugs, cost $S3 each. ant $10 t. $f$ fucb. C an and good. 422S East Burn- side street. FoUR beautiful nieces of soMd-oak furniture lor sa.e: 1 riunet. 1 1' n o:ninf laote, 4( library table awd leather uphol aterfd Morris ehs.r. Mar. 4171. call Mon. STOVES and furniture. Call Sun. fifter rt. 43 E. Couch; acd v. 1 SPANISH leather ds.Yer.port. 1 single bed, 1 oak cirvsser. East C142. DINING room furn ture. library table, girl's wheel. Tabcr52'j:j. . FURNITURE ft rooms for sale. 90 E.lSth a tree L FOR 8 ALE. Furntrore for Sale. MONTH-ENI CI.EAN-l'P SALE. WM. CAPSPV Ar SON FIRST AND WASHINGTON STREETS. "A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE" Fme hotel ra nice, t wo overs, all In fOOJ frtni) Hhin: vilu, S . IX' Good be,i springs, all :n-, from... ." l 0004 so.ld oak bu:riJ 1 " j Large vnrdnH- trunks, vsiue H. . P liia-n oak rommouro, value $7.... '2 N . 1 ron bertst eadc. good as n w - from. . 2.50 j Vjuart ered oak folding bed w;th mirror top 17 Quartered oak dinlrr chairs, low as. 2 NO , G.s ranre in perfet f condition 17 50 1 Several good cookstoves and ranges, all In first-c.a.ts condition, 2".on . Golden OJk sideboard, perial at.... 1.50 Buffet, golden oak finish, mirror top 14.75 Larse quant lty libra ry tables, ex tension tables, to clear at specnl low prices for this week only. YOUR CRFPTT Ifl GOon. WV. GADSNY S-NS. FIRST AND WASHINGTON. DINING TABLES AND CHAIRS FOR LESS. Just arrived, a carload of tab' t-om the Lents Table Co., Nashv.Ke. Mich Iran. These tables have CO superior. Lry one is constructed of so'.:d eastern wh'.:e ok and the worknianhip i.l bear tt.e closest inspection. e have them in :ea from 4J-lnch to 54-tnth. 6 or e-foo; extension, round, square or octagon pcti estals. a' so the popular Wii ::am . n.i Mry. and as low as $17.75. As a i'.it pecial . e also offr soitd oak d:r.:ri chaira with genuine Spanish leather seats at 14 each. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO. 11'JO FIRST lT. BUCKS UNION MADE COMBINATION RANGE. Rake In the oven with coal, wool and gaa. Save space and expense. Only 1 stove to clenn. Warm kitchen in wmer. Cool In summer. We h-we a splendid model, the Triole' for $110 and th.s w- we are Coins; to try and -:! 5 of them. A a a p-cial tnd u, "nii-nt f -r this w k only, with earh But. K' combination ran Be e will Kive free a $10 set of Viko guar anteed aluminum, coir.pritluc an 6-uuart lea kettle, rice tolit r. lipped -ut e pan and percolator. Esy tern.s. We take iour oid range or Caa ranse lu fictunu. very ea"- A year to pay. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG SVoRE. ALL UNDER 1 R"- F NO BRANCH ST 'P. ES : 1S5 F!R f ST. REMEMBER. 2 tinuKS FROM YAMHILL PL BLIC MAKKET. Wll.ToN rug. lSCO't ; large oak drrrr, six-hul range. b-d and p: inK- L. SJd st. Poultry. WE SOLD over While Leghorts beb chicks to satiaLed cuatoxners Janu ary 1. Buy chicks now and sell fall and winter broLers at fancy prices; pullets i 1 maae fine early spring avers. Price par loo: Jw , C14; AuauL li- Safe axrlx al of full count live suarmnteed. The Pioneer Ixaicnery. 4uj 4tu u, pa Lai qn a. Cai. THE LfHR FARM. A sruarantaed pro::t to al? purchaaers of W. L- hrvvder and W L. f a. owners of luu hens or more. Writ us iwr particular. THE LVHR FARM. R, 3. IiOa 25S. Lenta. Or. BABY CHICKS. R. I. Reds. iiarre4 l.ovks and White Let horns, iaat hatch Ju.y 24 and Au- . K. MAGUIRE. 7!7 Offfon St. E. 101. FoR SALE 24 rabbit. K'.enmli, liclKan at Ne Za,tnd. 1 rierr.h and 1 N-w Vaiand buca. (: lea;ns: city. UJjl 45t.n vf. ti. E . and t4ta i . ANCoNAS Thoroughbred a-"ln to kcrels ir k&ie rhetp it taacn at once. C ItJj Tl- E. 4th st N. LA V 1NG WHITE LEGHORN each. R I. Keds. 4 J each, is Kotte City car. orrjoa su. FuK SALE rntiuul, beauti:ul W.i.; horn rooster; a w h:. if rr:tMf. Wn..d:a n car. in E. 24 at. X. WANTED Iihi Barred Hock pu.iets not undr A months old: Ute prU e. A. Mowtlcu bauf.i, Le.-its sta K. 3. Lox NINE lay in hens. 2U it. I. K. ,hki.;-. months o.U: a ,o 7 White L- r. o : ua weeks old. at a bargain. tv1. 1 GOLDEN pheaiit ei: ta tr sa.e. W :;or. .144 iia e ai., at Aom :.; ouui iik to buy 2 or more suiting Lantam hena. NEW chicken houie and 24 layins; hi.a, a.l or $.;i. 'a!l Siiilay. 7 Kcrv a.. OLD AND YOUNG CHU'KENS. l'.5' E. TA V LOR log, Ksvbbtla. liLrda. Pet Mock. OR WOOD KENNELS. Boston terrier at stud: t-ni.! t !-n Pilot II. eight 11 lbs A. K. C. 2m'-h2: f.'e $1V Do not fnii to see this e;uMy littie toy doc out of Champlou stock. Bosiou puppies for sale. 1 am now prepared to board a limited number i-f am it il u,.;- MHS. WILLIAM J. SMITH. Phono F.;st 5m;. .174 Hu?siCo t. FOR SALE 7 beautiful Alaskan Ppitz pup pies; the father and mot her fairly edu cated as shpw dog ; these puppies are 2 months old. beaut. iuI to lok al and ptay lul and kind among- chu'ircn. i'hu'ie Tabor ol4 or Marshall 2u7. ItAlSr: KAtblTa KOK MEAT We have Belgians. Nt Zealand Flemish Giant a Et'jtiisn Ixp Ears aid Wnue a.agilsn. an sges and sizes, utility stock as well as laocy pure-bred. Write lor prices aaa cala.osue. Routledge toeed Jk a lorai CO, 145 btcood st.-. Port. and Or. UP-TO-DATE and thorough! v equipped rabuitry. a niney-maktr for one v. ho can speud a Uw hours daby; about 10 breeding does, bucks and young stock ; hutches for all; sell or trade, what have you - Phone tiellood 717 or TaUor 2-'iT4. FO K A L K P rro t . Pa name. and large brass cage, 135; singer, canary, 1 o ftma.l cages ant) large breeding cko $!. l'honc A -'-74 or call st 647 litol al.. Couth Portia ml. roc in 41. A I H fclDALE, thorouKhbred. 2 cra old. . i and po erf u. ; w .. 1 protect '--j -se; ' a ui home ; no better watch dog. 5b-' tils' et 8. E.. 1 b.ocK south MiLard ave. loJtc 'o-.:rtock ir. BELGIAN hares and Flemish Giant, thoioussnbteds, 6 mo. old. line bret-drrv chc a p. E. OTtn N., near bandy, tel. C 1414. SEVERAL beautiful, finely marked. fluff, thoroughbred pemian kitten, wii sscri fice. as I am leaving city. Phone bell mood 1246- BARGAIN Three breeding des. 1 buck. 16 fr-wees-old thorounhtired He.gian Here. 2.Y including hutches. 134U Division tt, 1 Dor f4'!' FOR ttALE 10 rabbits. New Zealand. Bel gian. Flemish Cant. Full-b:ooae.d stock, o d and yourg; must sell at ones. App.y H.",4 E 3th N. BEAUTIFl'L slns-ers, our.g snd old. S5 and up. golden opera and St. Adrehurg. a.o rij,.-, all sfer hoinday, 45J0 5Uth S- E. Tabor 7316- ML Scott cr. FOR SALE Freer h poodle male pup. five montha eld. JnQuira at Cenral Put'er s'ore. 5 E- 4th snd limhlil s Mi:n 156. ask for Mr. McKeyr.otla. 1HOROVGHPRED New Cealand Fed rab bits lor sale or ex-hange lor milk g aL or cow, pay cash Tatxr 754R. FOR SALE St. Anareasbe-g roller ar.d brass cage : 2 female a. .3 Washington t Call More ay. Mar. 454'. StHVlCUti registered Orange and F 1 ve Persian. Kittens for sa,. Main 5450. Hill da.e. Or.. Pox 22. FOR SALE Boston Terrier p"P from te?t blood Lues in America ltars.ey. Caa Grove. Or. Phone Oak Grove. L-i J 6 LEATHER osk dltiir.g room rhi :rs, 01 k ex. tauie. 1 large 6-ho.e rauge. nearly n. ciep. 151 F ror.t at. FOR SALE Colch pup. & months od. beau tiful nr.achin dog. Call Tabor 4.50. SlT ANT'REASBURG roller, trainer; sl&o your.g s'nger and female. Mar. 1474 sr-KKDWAY KF-NNELS. new. c en. airy ;ll bosxd your dcg. Itoor l.a. FOR SALE Besutlfui whit Persian kitten. East Sunday evenir.g or Mot day. FOR SALE Beauti.'ul parrot with cage. 427 Schu.r. A BLUE male Persian kitten, strong and hea.thy; ipw price. Sej. j.T. t MALE bird dog s months o;L 4 E. 27th nt. Apply afier 5 P. M. YELLOW-HEAD parrot and cage. good tfi.Ker. ;:jiF.ri Jt.,tu Mar.5S.X ST. AN D RE AS b ERG s.r.gers. $3 50; feraaJe, atV. Taior 517. J7 c. 41st st. FoR bALi er'. -K bolts. Cali 24u Mou:om- ON E pair ped. greed Fmh Giant rabbits ior le cheap. Tabor 1777. lw THOROUGH BRED Flerrtah G.ant rabb.ts 0- f.ct Phone Mi'n 4."ii. Al P EDALE dog. S month s. 10. lu; 31th st. north. Wooc.a n tlfi. THOROt'OHBRED young shepherd Tabor 474. Laonches and Boat. FOR SALE GaiK line launch, A-l condition, for 1 ieaaurs and fldhing. Phone Colum bia ?5 20-FOOT new motor boat hull, cheap. Stan dard Boathous.! Madison 4W lauarlifs sad bo!. 1.-1 Mi 1 v r. er T:h t-at hull. $M. 10-1 l Fr.-. standard marine englnsb - V w . . ".e. fri.HJ. - ti. i siaada; d marine- engine. -II. P 4-orU marine engine, nearly : p'.eie. ...'.!. :. 1tj be. ia snj marine engines of 1 u anted aaa lor sale. e-e us y a rd . Vi-glnia st Mar. 25. MOTOR C NOE. Am lcnving loan. lil sell my Oldion csr.oe. vt;(i K 11. rude motor, in A-l ron ditun:. i.h full can:p:nff equipment, at a M' hiu-f. c".il. dent phone, standard Hat li-.u-. vr-t e id Iwwthcrne bridge, ie t - en 1.' snd 4 P. M. Sundaj-. u--! c-uiMT. -i'l-li. p. motor. In beautl 1,1 1 i-i-apv. .'-p;n accommoda:ions lr eiX p.vj.i-; u loneta. rmall fli.av. bvst coi't i.i 1 rilico for wnl com i.ler autom..hiTe in . part pav men t ; would :naKe a lice outn:de trawLng t-otta Z'-toich. 11 N. Jd street, corner Ghsan. A BAR: A IN Lau.n- h 2H feet. 4.8 bsam. nu r liMv, Bu'.ld ox c.utch. elect no l:r!-.ts. e:c ; worm dou d .1 y . Sel . ood t tf people; prl re $ 1 Phone evening and Sun 771. FR TOUR LAUNCH OR CANOE. Luy a r.ew fji or 155 Victrola. It ada pleaaare to cur outn.K. $5 rtown and $& Icr month. Hyatt Taiklxut Machine Ox, ONE moior'.Nt at Orion City, 5 -horse -power. Mi-ninu enmne, 15 mu per hour, fl.'Ht, : 1 trade lor modern houseboat. JiiHure 4J.J ater su. Oregon City. MOTOR BOAT tcr sa or tradT marked J. 4, miMctd at Stan lard boat house under Kawthoruo bruise. Caa morniLfs, Tabor 7'. FOR SALE. LAUNCH REX. $100. :!i tKe liberty bonds. $ee ile Ke;ine. .siancj.rd Poat House, foot of Lawihorr.e Lr;Jife. west sije. L-KoOT rut.a! per hour. $. Knrlne "o.. Wod liJJ. out, fully equipped, 1,5 mtlea hi; al?-o fruiwr. Ray' a Gaa loot of W oodard a e. $Wli- o-H. P.. 4-OVL MARINE ennrine. $65; 20 li. !.. 4-c wirh i0fh msKneto. 8t; rt H P. reers ssr. Last 17u5. LAlN"H. 1'2 feci, S -b-o r e po w e r . Faro enti H. T. rr.asnrtft, Apply Dredger Tuslslin ' S :n.ur.l K -!!ioum-. I'AlUiAiN iiouwt'OiL 4 rortis ardbaih bOA",Ucl.-i: in sod condition, will sccotn m,iate 14 -foot boat; no reasons Me oXier ft ' 1- K oo. urcponun. A T T tt Ai'T 1 V E r -r 00 m houseboat, a ana $:.. mut se.i at once, loq.uirs) No. 1 ' 'a n- : ii.oorajte. Folt SALE UinruJe twin row boat motor. )r!ek(. .or.i.Lioa. never uiea. 1&8 AiAdi- w a n t y. Ilillr.l 1- .-J, uboaL. furnished or unfur. , :aie i.xt and loweat Caah price. 0:r CA.Not. f-r s-Mc. " ili be ready about Tuea- dy; $ l E. 21il. 1 i. 'LLIN-; boat for sale, fu.;y q tupped. 'AT on e a 1! t el terms or wiil trade. L e: Is- r T. LAUNCii sale, lu gdwd runoinar l--J. Corbel t Ft'R SALE 7 5-II. 1 strsm tug. AppJ t"pt. o..aj-?.epperd. St- Re. ens. Or. E INLUI E Spor son motor canoe, f .nrt C .v,;oc4 5446. 2-K i 'M fco'.:h(NI. n !-- furnished, at FoR S A LE 1 Peterborough canoe, outfit "a. $.s5. UroSi'.-a ay 25t:w5. 5-i.coM hv uee boat, practically new. with .i -:i Cirvcii.fiivf j. je II. 417. T iru Hi KLX7 A Kerr, .r.g ton . spec. a. rate to s:u Oei.ta. C - or tew hrm;tiion now im n.c ..att ce : 1 wry. terms. Retu- l:.gton T t e writer twir.paoy. JLAKANTL I I ' factory r-u.;i t pe writ era. ALL MAkc. a . a on moi. t hly pay inert ta; s-n.l lor pru i.t Tb Who esa.e T pe- r.ter Cra . re:si! depi, 8i'l Wash. st. $1-5 Li'-To-DATE TYPEWRITER in per fect lor..tion. as good as new. $45. Cl-S t" 1 st. T a lor t.;7. LATEST .1 1 .. irr. e.t.n. nt, Century d.ctionar exchange for typewriter. 2 NEW. rei'u; rates. p. : t, seconh-risnd enta s at cut Co. i.;i ;ark su Main Ho;. ALL mikn typewritem rented and repaired. Oreson Tfeanter Co. 4 5:a Main REitUILT licwr:uTg and supp les. Corona E W. Pese Co. 110 Sixth St. LATE No. 11. Le:n . t.gton. uid very lutie. Ai.yttM; oiler. K loj. Qrcsronian. NO 5 l'nJ.-r(K)d typewriter; a bars: a in. iol Olol-e I'.cc. 1 NEW Remitigtoa, No. 10. apt 4- 207 14th SL. Machinery. FOR SALE. One filer and a to we:L ft. banc saw, head rig. complete with four 12-inch saws. NORTH PORTULND BOX CCf, t North Portland. Or. MACHINERY FOR SALE, 3 SO H. P. G. E. motors. 2 H. P. G. D. motor. 2 lti 11. P. G. E. motors, 4 5 H. P. G. E motors. I A '1 .in cen;err rank i'x 1 2 Steam 1 Frie eenrercrank 0x12 steam, engine. 1 i;i"s6" Fames 1st he. 1 ""x 1 6" Nen- 1U en 1st he. 1 s.Mith Bend Gap lathe. 24x13x3. 2 1' ' ('h.nnpn drill presses. 1 Kort;r.d Curtis air comp rwssor. 1 11" W ratlnghou.e air pump, locom) TP v pe. 1 7"10' double drum donkey nginav 2 H H P. xetticsl boilers. 1 M-:on 7o.on steam a hovel. 2 a L'e tank. 12-ton locomotives. 1 12" C"-ereiit Jointer. 1 Cresrer.t tijtirg tab! handsaw. Lot g'ng t i"--ks. ire rope, steel rails ror.rrete mixers, contractors' supplies, mi- C COAST STEEL A SfAR INERT CO. ;.o First ,'reft. Portland. Oregon. MACH1NFRY FOR SALE. 1 5 h. p. V. C motor. 1 1 h p A C motor. 1 h. p. A. C. rrotor. 1 5 h. p Kane gas bolder. 1 1-ton irjc it w:th dump tor 4 1-ton rpeed fhsa hoisis. 1 band re saw. 2 rtL portaM sawmills In grtock. 1 15 h. p. R- T bo:ler. 1 4 Mower r-tm. 1 32-irch ty S saw 4-1rh edgwr. 1 eV irch bv 4 saw stub lever edger. 1 x 'T N - 24 wood planer, E. M 1 54-inch bar.d rttw. A1; n st'""k for lrr. Tied '.ate ariPTre. PACIFIC ENGTNEEKING V EQLIF M ENT CO . 3: 1st fct Portland. Or. FOR SALE 1 '.4-rh by ?4-fee. 1 tubular bo:..., .4-m:a by 14 feet, l :-i:i?h saw. 1 ir.c n a .vs. 1 7 erf-re 1 uh r-.a.-ntne. 1 lath bo 1 : r l '.ath cliffip aad trimmer. 1 inter- -f or al t-.m reg.sTsr. OREC-CN hu MFj. CO. 1144 Mcadam St.. Po't lard. Or. 1 1115 Wii. amette roadr donksy. fHxll W i.l a n.eits yardcr donkev. I ivi'xlJ Worth: ngtoa t'odr nters fir rU IT. P . .Oi.14? Gnrdner pu-?!T. THE J. E MARTIN" CXX.. M First M-. Portland. O-egoa. CNE r-Vhorsepcmer Taylor firebox "hol er on .h.t.: con- pra?lvs'.y new; com -p-e w :h a . firings. EichL steam di k m .r.cfces. i. new. half pnc. G. es R. Msc r.ery 0. NO 1 AUI 1 h ree r:.UN A TATLOR sawmUL --.nrh c.rcalax saws. I:,V r'm 13 H. P. motor. ? i r. 1 -.rl R. 5'' LuT.bermeris b eg FOR Al.E One Vaughn draasaw and coi-ip.te cutrit for cutting wood, can g cor't.sct fo cutting say amount of wood, t'a! 1 se, 1 c-d 14S-. SaXLN s'roke outside pump, fir.e orcer ana cheap, also 1-gal. gaso.ln rum- standard mska. Phone Tator 454 S. E.. Portland. LI iH-PKESSl RE pumps; 1500 to rrt al- Mrl'cuii'.l Co.. 27 Secvnd sL 00'I. M'V A 3-horsepower electric motor, with rf.frtM.n. in od rfnfilUJO; $S5. Tb Morcst.t.if l'res. '.'-' 1st St. g x 1 1 WU.LAMETTE donkey ard equip ment. ckh ar.d terms, cheap, 4o3 Lavrra L: Eal C-'-S- gTICXKR. a-iiif h. good condition, si; ie r- ri c e. V 4". Ore go n isn. WNTKP To rent. Sl-bowron'f-. or larg er, engine and boiler. W Ortg oixA. ' . f