The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1919, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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1800 Visitors From Northwest
Points to Arrive.
Jobbers to Pay Traveling1 Expenses
of Heavy Purchasers, Though.
Plan Is Not for Profit.
TVith but one week left before Vic
tory Buyers' week will open in Port
land, the general committee in charge
'is putting the final toucnes on the most
elaborate programme of entertainment
which has ever been worked out for
a similar occasion here. A crowd of
buyers aggregating between 1800 and
2000 from all points in the northwest
is expected.
Buyers week this year will open
Monday, August 4, and close Saturday,
August 9. While there will be an al
most continuous programme for the
visitors, ample time will be given to
look over the great stocks of goods
which Portland jobbers and manufac
turers will display.
Under the arrangements of Buyers
week the traveling expenses of all buy
ers who visit Portland at that time will
be refunded by the Portland organiza
tion to all those who purchase here
$300 worth of goods' or more during
the week. The purpose of the event is
not to make money for the Portland
jobbers, as the expense of bringing
buyers from distant points not infre
quently equals amount of the purchase
made. However, in spreading the spirit
of co-operation between jobbers and
retailers and in establishing Portland
as the jobbing center of the Pacific
northwest the annual event has become
an unusual success.
Week to Be Boat
Visiting buyers will begin to arrive
Saturday and will continue to pour into
the city during the first several days
of the following week. Headquarters
will be established on the first floor
of the Oregon building and all visiting
buyers will be asked to register there,
and will be given tickets admitting
them to all the entertainment features
The programme which has been ten
tatively worked out includes a big re
ception at the Chamber of Commerce
Monday evening, a high jinks enter
tainment at the Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday evening, a general business
session Wednesday evening, with a
luncheon that noon under the direction
of the Portland Ad Club, luncheon at
the Henry Weinhard plant Thursday
noon and a big jollification at the
Oaks park Thursday night, luncheon at
the Swift & Co.'s plant Friday noon
with a banquet at the Chamber of
Commerce Friday night, and a sight
seeing trip for the visitors in automo
biles Saturday afternoon.
Committee In Picked. 9
The following compose the general
committee in charge of the programme
for buyers' week: Nathan Strauss,
David T. Honeyman, Frank A. Spencer,
A. H. Devers, A. J. Bale, W. H. Be
harrell, Paul DeHaas, George Law
rence Jr.. O. W. Mielke, F. M. Seller,
Henry J. Frank and E. N". Weinbaum.
The week promises to be an unusu
ally busy one for Portland, for in addi
tion to the buyers here for buyers'
week there will be visitors here for
four other important gatherings. The
National Editorial association will
meet here during the week, as will the
Oregon Pharmaceutical association, the
Oregon Retail Merchants' association
and the Northwest Furniture Dealers'
tribunals have executed in most cases
without trial over 1500 men.
One of these sufferers is Miss Milada
Taruskova, She Ijved in New York at
the beginning of the war with her
brother, Joseph Yarusek, who was one
of the untiring an tt-Austrian propa
gandists here. In February, 1917, she
was sent by Captain E. Vaska, chief of
the Czecho-Slova national committee, to
Bohemia, to take comforting messages
to the nation. She did not go far. At
the German-Swedish frontier at Sass
nitz an Austrian official asked her
whether she was the sister of Joseph
Tarusek of New York. Upon her an
swering yes he arrested her. She was
kept in jail 20 months, was sentenced
to death and freed only by the coming
of the revolution which set her whole
nation free.
The Austrian authorities never
learned the true nature of the messages
she was bringing nor any of her deeds.
When she was threatened that her
whoje family would be arrested should
she not disclose what Voska said to
her, she told them several inventions
of her own. . Although by this she
brought an end to the persecution of
her family, she received a death sen
tence, though her inventions were quite
harmless in regard to Austria and noth
ing else had been discovered against
her. There was no testimony against
her except that of a disorderly woman
who was placed in a cell by the police
authorities. The greatest proof of her
pro-ally sympathies was a postcard
which she wrote to her sister in No
vember, 1916.' There is a curious men
tion of this card in her act of accusa
tion, which she brought over to Ameri
ca. This is the quotation from that
"Following the example of sister
Herma, I, too, am going to work for
The word "aunt" would, according to
secret dictionary of her brother Joseph,
which was found in his wife's posses
sion, mean as much as 'Russia," but she
herself makes the statement that she
understood that word to mean all the
nations that had friendly dispositions
toward the Czecho-SIovak nation. More
was not necessary for the military tri
bunal and Milada Yaruskova was con
demned to death on June 24, 1918.
Influx of Camouflaged German
Tradesmen Predicted.
Shark Killed in Hawaiian Waters
Weighs 2500 Pounds.
HONOLULU, T. H. Using the entire
carcass of a horse for bait, a Honolulu
sportsman went fishing recently in a
power boat and returned with a fish
weighing 2500 pounds and measuring
almost 20 feet from tip to tip, the larg
est shark killed in Hawaiian waters for
many years.
Shak fishing, or rather hunting, as it
is conducted in Hawaii is a thrilling
sport, not entirely lacking in danger
to the hunter. In fact, a death battle
with a harpooned shark, according to
big game hunters, is about as safe as a
midnight combat with a hungry tiger.
Sharks, in their death throes, have been
known to attack the boat and with
their powerful rows of serreted teeth
rip great sections from the sides.
The shark hunter first obtains a dead
horse, and if it has been dead a week
so much the better. The power boat
tows the carcass outside the harbor
and the hunt is on. Sharks, attracted
by the odor of the bait, gather in large
numbers and soon begin striking at
the carcass, ripping huge chunks of
flesh from it. At this stage the hunter
endeavors to work his boat near enough
to permit a shot with the harpoon.
Once securely harpooned a big shark
will fight for hours before succumbing.
Recently, in Hawaii, shark hunting
has been placed on a commercial basis
and the development of a big industry
is forecast. Shark fins are deemed a
shark meat has found a ready market.
The canning of shark meat is being
considered. Shark livers yield a valu
able oil.
Bulgarians, Austrian and Hans to
Re-establish Relations Upon
Ratification of Treaty.
Copyrlght by the New York World. Pub
lished by arrangement.
PARIS. July 26. (Special Cable.)
With the Bulgarian envoys quartered
in the sumptuous Chateau de Madrid,
just outside the fortifications, the Aus
trian delegates frequently though sur
reptitiously slipping in from St. Ger
mainto dinner and to the theater, and
the Germans preparing to reoccupy
their embassy in the Rue de Lille,
France's ancient enemies are gradually
gaining an unostentations foothold in
the French capital.
Baron von Lersner. chief of the Ger
man delegation at Versailles and the
presumptive charge d'affaires at Paris,
made a tour of inspection yesterday of
the palatial domicile in which, as sec
retary of Ambassador Baron von
Schoen, he spent the greater part of his
diplomatic career.
AmbaHsador to Come.
The embassy thus far is tenanted
only by four Berlin financial experts,
who are helping the officials of the
Bank of France to check up on the
German gold and other securities sur
rendered since the armistice. The am
bassador expects to move in from Ver
sailles as soon as the ratification of
the peace treaty by the French parlia
ment enables him to become Germany's
first post-war representative in France.
Meanwhile he and his colleague. Von
Dunker, have persuaded Colonel Henry,
head of the allied military mission
with the Germans, that no barm will
be done if they are permitted to enjoy
a square meal at some fashionable Pa
risian restaurant now and then. The
manager of the establishment at which
the German emissaries have dined more
than once pleaded that no mention be
made of that fact.
German May Predominate.
"My customers would be Indignant
at the presence of the boche among
them," he said, "but what would you
do? To bar them would be to create
a scandal, for they are here by permis
sion and under the protection of our
"For that matter, I venture to pre
dict there will be more boches in Paris
in a couple of months than there will
be of any other nationality, except,
may he, Americans and Knglish. They
will come here in shoals, camouflaged
as Swiss or Dutch, of course. Most of
them will have business reasons, but
many will come just to get good food
again, and how are we going to .stop
Sheriff, Deputies Organize Prospect
ing Trip; Are Rewarded by Kind
of Linquor Worth $4 0,00 0.
ELY, Nev, The romance surround
in the life of the miner ar.d prospector
or has frequently been responsible for
stories of mines which yeilded fortunes
in the precious metals and which sud
denly stopped production becouse of
loss of the ledge or vain carrying the
values. The "Black Mule" mine in
Spring valley, about 12 miles from
here, is one of tbcse mines which gave
up a fortune after having been aban
doned. The fortune, however, was not in
gold or silver or other precious metal,
but in liquor red liquor which now
commands price that is fast ap
proaching the figure per ton rate
that "high grade" -lsed to command
in Nevada's early mining camp history.
The "Black Mule" was a producer of
rich ore in the early days of White
Fine county mining activities. Every
rich slope and drift was worked-out,
however, and the shaft has been board
ed up for years. T man said to be a
resident of Uly recently imbined too
much and as a result talked too much.
Like the rumors of a mining "strike"
the talk spread and with it the
"values" that were rumored. Then
came rumors of the location of the new
These rumors -reached the ears of
Sheriff W. S. Knslow, and with several
deputies he started on a "'prospect
ing" trip. The old workings of the
"Black Mule" were explored and from
drifts, slopes, tunnels, inclines and
levels from which the rich ore had
been exhausted were taken something
like 4"0 cases of whisky. Further ex
plorations resulted in the location of
000 pint bottles of whisky hidden
around the grass roots in the im
mediate vicinity.
The "strike" in the mine is said to
have netted something like J 40. 000
"botleg" values, but it has not caused
a stampede, as such a find would have
done a few years ago. Men who have
tramped over the same ground with
out finding even a "color have not
even approached the scene of the new
"strike." They seem to not desire to
show any familiarity with the sec
Reports have it, that it was not
genuine "strike" but only the exploita
tion of a "salted" mine.
Berlin Syndicates Plan to Establish
Colonies in Argentine.
BUENOS AIRES. Frederick Mayntz-
usen. a member of a special mission
f the German government to the Ar-
gntine government, says that eyndi
cates have been capitalized in Berlin
for the purpose of establishir. z German
Wonies in Arg-entina and promote
trade relations. Those intending to
roceed from Germany to Argentina
will be selected and instructed, and
will locate where directed by the Ar
gentine government. He adds:
"The German government will pre-
ent the exodus of radical elements and
stablish propaganda centers at Bue
nos Aires, as well as in Germany.
where Argentina is looked upon as a
land of promis- for the Germans."
As soon as the blockade is lifted.
according to the commissioner, Ger
many will begin the exportation to
South America of drugs, paints and
dyes. Locomotives are now ready for
export, and toys and textiles soon will
be. He 6ays:
I calculate that within two years
the allies will have replaced the ship
ping that was sunk, assuring an abun
dance of Lotto. us and cheap freights.
Germany, likewise. In two years ex
pects to put out trans-Atlantic steam
ers of 26.000 to 28,000 tons, with a
speed of 22 knots. I predict an inter
esting epoch for Argentina."
Most of the German capital formerlv
employed in South Africa, the commis
sioner asserts, will b transferred to
Argentina. A feature of the coloniza-
on will be the selection and prepara
o of workmen to take up residence
1 various fixed zones in Argentina.
this will assure activities in all Indus
tries and will prevent eegregated Ger
man colonies.
Association Formed by People In
terned by Austrian:?.
NEW YORK. An original association
has lately been formed in Czecho-Slov-akia,
composed of persons who have
been imprisoned or interned in Austria
during the Hapsburg rule on accoun
of their work for national freedom or
their sympathies with the allies. There
are about 5500 of these people, and in
addition over 20.000 have been deported
and otherwise persecuted. The military
Britain Plans Repatriation or Ger
man War Captives.
LONDON, July 26. British plans for
repatriation of German prisoners of
war are complete. These plans are sub
ject to arrangements to be made by the
joint prisoners' commission to meet in
Up to July 23, prisoners held in Great
Britain numbered 4,604. This number
included 170 army airmen. 290S sailors,
14 naval airmen, 4306 civilian aliens.
The majority of the sick and badly
wounded have been sent home. Among
those recently returned were Captain
Karl von Mueller, commander of the
cruiser Kmden, Admiral von Reuter,
who was held prisoner to answer for
the sinking of the German fleet at
Scapa Flow, and a son of Admiral von
Twenty-six thousand prisoners are
engaged in agricultural pursuits and
7000 are employed by the military au
thorities tilling trenches. They are paid
up to two pence an hour, the same as
British soldiers.
Phonographs and records almost given away. Take them along for camping, or
to the ranch or seaside. Later on turn them back to us at price paid toward
payment of latest Edison or other fine phonographs.
We close out this week the following slightly used Victrola
Type Phonographs and records, all in good playable con
dition :
Original price $75.23, with 30 selections (vocal and in
strumental) all for ; S50
Original price $60, including 20 selections (vocal and
instrumental) S40
Original price over $100 (cabinet contains more than
50 selections, including MacCormack, Lauder and one
Galli Curci) all for S60
One elegant mahogany $120 model, almost like new (no
records) now only S65
Two fancy mahogany $85 styles (no records), cannot
be told from new, reduced S30
Excellent Edison Phonographs, indestructible cylinder
records :
One instrument with 18 i-ecords, SIC?
One instrument with 32 records, S212
One instrument with 19 records S12S
Special exchange privilege, free use. Any of the above
Edison and other instruments will be accepted any time
within one year from date of sale toward the payment of
the genuine Diamond Point Edison Tone Re-creation instru
ments or other modern phonographs.
Easy terms of payment pay a couple of dollars each week.
Sale starts tomorrow, Monday, at 10 A. M., third
floor Eilers Music Building, entrance 287 Washing
ton between Fifth and Fourth streets.
NOTE Illustration does not do justice to the many beau
tiful and strictly modern styles of machines in this sale.
Propaganda, Politics, Lack or Vision
and Underestimation of the
Enemy to Blame.
ROME. July 26. (By the Associated
Press.) The findings of the govern
ment commission appointed to inquire
Into the Caporetto disaster in October,
1917. where the Italian line was broken
by the great Austro-German attack,
were published here today.
The commission's report attributed
the Italian defeat to three sets of
causes, which were:
First, to the powerful Influence of
unfavorable propaganda which seri
ously affected the morale of the Italian
Second, political meddling with mili
tary plans.
Third, the military's lack of vision,
necessary in modern warfare, under
estimation of the enemy forces and lack
of preparation and material.
General Benato Kosso. who com
manded a part of the Italian line on
the Isonzo, was acquitted by a court
martial in March. 1919 of the Italian
military authorities who are said to
have sent him In charge of a guard to
their legal rights or give them legal
aid or defense as the case may be, pro
viding, however, that said public at
torney shall not engage in prosecuting
or defending matters of a criminal na
ture nor 1 nthe conduct of divorces
or annulment suits, but shall continue
his services to matters of a civil na
ture." Requests for relief are varied and
cover all classes of civil litigation.
Many former soldiers and sailors have
called for aid.
The trust was not established pri
marily as a charity. The only charges,
however, are for filing and other costs.
A stipulation in the terms of the foun
dation show that it was planned to
"help him who helps himself." The
will says:
"I hereby subscribe to the view that
persons who have saved a little money
or other property, and who are in dan
ger of losing it. are more worthy of
help to preserve what they have laid
by, than persons who have not had the
foresight or self-control to lay by sav
ings." Lieutenant Mitchell's mother. Mra
Austin W. Mitchell, has enlarged the
scope of her son's legacy by supplying
funds for the maintenance of an of -Ice
in a centrally located building.
Stenographic. telephone and other
service has also been furnished.
Whitacre was apponited May 5 to
serve one year, successive appointments
to be made by the bar association for
one year periods.
American Red Cro.-s Physicains and
Narics Suppress Epidemic.
SALON'IKI The typhus epidemics at
Kavabla. Monastir. I'skub, leskovatz.
and some other smaller places in south
ern Serbia now are believed to be
checked, say Red Cross reports re
ceived here.
At all these points small typhus hos
pitals have been set up under the di
rection of American physicians and
nurses. Disinfecting stations have been
established and In them thousands of
refugees and soldiers are cleansed.
Serbian officials have thanked the
the epidemics, both of smallpox ' and
The food supply of hundreds of thou
sands of Serbs who have returned to
their homes in L'skub. Monastir, Plrot
and Guevgcli is now believed to havi
passed th critical stage as the Ameri
can Food administration has shipped,
large quantities of flour to those places
and the grain harvests are reported to
be fairly fcood.
The lied Cross is taking steps to in
rure the permanency of its institutional
established in Serbia, particularly th
Salcof Cavalry Horses Protested.
KL, PASO. Tex. Cavalry officers at
Fort Hliss have unofficially protested:
against the selling of 4"0 cavalry,
horses to the Mexican government for
mounting cavalry troops in pursuit of
Villa rebel bands. Officers who have,
been In Mexico with various expedl
tinna .rrt the Mexican federal or
rebel soldier has little or no regard
for his mount, rides it hard, takes no
care of the animal and permits It to
uecumo taaoip sore, acauire hoof rnt
Ped Cross for its help In suppresstngand other equine disease
Thoscin Arrears With Prrmlnm
May Be Reinstated.
xv A8HISUTOX. There are about 2.
50.000 soldiers, sailors and marine
discharged from the service who are
ciisiuic insurance ana wnose prem
iums are payable to the war-risk in
surance Bureau or the treasury depart
mem. x ii(je3 mi in me service pay
their premiums through officers in the
service witn wmcn they are connected
It is estimated by wark-risk bureau
officials that about 00 per cent of the
men discharged are more or less in
arrears in their premiums, but this does
not mean that their insurance has
lapsed. Under the liberal ruling of the
treasury department in regard to
lapses, holders of policies have from
three to nine months in which to make
good their arrears. As less than eight
months have elapsed since the armi
stice,, most of those discharged who
may have become in arrears still have
a chance for reinstatement.
Where the insured has paid no prem
iums since discharge and the time is
less than three months, he will be re
instated on application regardless of
the condition of his health. If the time
is more than three months and less
than nine months the insured, to obtain
reinstatement, must state that he is in
as good health at; at date of discharge
and pay past due premiums, but n
medical examination is required.
English Art Authority AVas Presi
dent of Royal Academy.
LONDON, July 26. The death is an
nounced of Sir Edward John Poynter,
president of the Royal academy.
Born in Paris in 1848, Edward John
Poynter became one of England's great
painters and authorities on art.
One of his sons, Hugh E. Poynter,
married Miss Mary Oickinson. daughter
of Charles M. Oickinson, American con-sul-general-at-large
at Constantinople.
British Ambassador lo Washington
Is Difficult to Choose.
LONDON. July 26. The Associated
Press is informed that the government
has not yet arranged for the appoint
ment of an ambassador to Washington,
but hopes soon to be able to make an
"The post is an exceptionally diffi
cult one to fill," said the informant,
"and though we have a number of
qualified men, they are in almost every
instance unable to leave the country
just now."
Head The Oreeonian classified ads.
Attorney Appointed Vnder Whitacre
Trust Makes Report.
SAN DIEGO, Cal. In a report made
by P. A. Whitacre. recently appointed
by the San Diego bar association as
public legal aid, the attorney shows
that during the two months the office
has been in existence he had received
more than 125 calls for advice.
The office of public defender was es
tablished to conform to the provisions
of a legacy left by Lieuttnant Dewltt
C. Mitchell, who died while in the
military service of the United States.
Lieutenant Dewltt C. Mitchell before
entering the service was an attorney
in this city. Control of the legacq
and disbursement of funds thereby
provided was left to the San Diego bar
Few of the cases submitted to the
public defender have been carried to
the courts, an amicable settlement hav
ing been arranged wherever possibl.
Persons applying for relief or de
fense who are found to be attempting
to usurp privaleges to which they are
not entitled are sent elsewhere. The
public defender has had little of this
to contend with, however, according
to his report, "and no trepidation need
be felt by the worthy applicant.
The trust stipulates that:
"All persons who shall apply to said
public attorney for his aid and as
sistance and who shall appear to him
to be in need of an attorney, shall be
eneficiaries of this trust, and said pub'
lie attorney shall prosecute or defend
From 2 to 300 Horsepower
For Trolling Boats, Work Boats orFleasure
We Are Distributors for Viva of the Largest Gaa Engine Manufacturers
in the United States.
Imre Kira'lfy Leaves Fortune.
LONDON. It is learned that Imre
Kiralfy. organizer of pageants and
spectacular plays, who died at Brighton
April 2S. left a fortune of J2.000.000.
It is stated that he realized a total re
turn of $22,750,000 from the colossal
pageants he produced mostly in Amer
ica and abroad. One pageant shown at
the world's fair at Chicago brought
in about a million dollars. A statement
issued here says this is the largest
total of receipts in the history of the
opera, drama, spectacle and pageantry.
Prompt Delivery of
EemBiii in rimennni'i Supplies. Flshtnsr Tack In. Ntttlat. 1
Cordage. MeMahon's Trolling Spoons, Hyde and Columbian Propeller
Wheels, Mmne and Electrical Supplies, K. W. Coils and Magneto.
Mail Orders Pilled Get Our Prices.
211 Morrison St, Portland, Or.
The most
delightful motor
trip in the Northwest
336 Miles Over the Pacific Highway
A Vacation Run A Week-End Trip
Plan to Take
This Run Dttriw;
Passing; through all the coast centers wonderful scenic
views all along the road.
Spend all the time you can at Vancouver-it's worth it.
Hundreds of miles of good auto highways Marine Drive
North Shore Drive Stanley Park Drive through the
South Fraser Valley to Harrison Hot Springs.
Unsurpassed scenic wonders within view of center of city
Capilano Canyon Stanley Park English Bay Miles of
sandy bathing beaches.
For literature on Vancouver and its attractions
maps or any desired information address
R. DAVISON, Publicity Director,
Vancouver Exhibition Ass'n
402 Pender St., West Vancouver, B. C
Vancouver Exhibition Sept. 8-13
Vancouver's Gala Week. Magnificent
display of British Columbia's natural
and industrial resources.