TIIE SUNDAY OREGOMAX. POETLAXD. JULY 27. 1919. 15 WARREHTOn WINS RATE CASE POINT injustice in Tariffs Admitted by Railway Officials. COST DIFFERENCES GIVEN -e Troni Spokane to Pugct i id Held 10 Per Cent Greater Than to Portland. The average road cost o? transporta tion be tween Spokane and Puget Sound ports is 10 per cent greater than the r..a1 cost of transportation between Juokane and Portland, and from I'f-ndleton it is 75 per cent more to I'uset Sound ports than to Portland, ording to the testimony of J- P. w;i, consulting engineer of the Ore gon public service commission. The Toad cost" of hauling traffic between trati'.e and a point 148 miles distant on the Oreat Northern, or between Se at vie and Beverly on the Milwaukee, 3 To miles, or between Tacoma and a point on the Northern Pacific between tunnyside and Yakima, 170 mites, is th 5ame as the cost of transportation between Wallula and Portland, a dis tance of 210 miles. These vital points concerning transportation cost were hih lights in testimony yesterday su if-rnoon. Warrenton Wins Point. Warrenton, with a present popula tion of about 650, situated on the Spo kane. Portland & Seattle railroad 5.8 miles west of Astoria, may be said to have won first blood in the cases be iv.z; heard before division No. 3 of the inr-'riuie commerce commission. In the first round of the contest in which A. J. Parrington, traffic expert for Warren ton, introduced the principal testimony on behalf of the municipality. Attorney C. A. Hart, on behalf of the railroad ad ministration, admitted that the com munity had struggled under an in justice in a differential of from 5 to 11 cents on freight between that point and transcontinental freight territory. But the burden was upon "Warrenton for never having before complained or asked for an adjustment of the rate, in the view of counsel and traffic of ficials of the railroads. Separate Action Brought. The Warrenton case is a separate paction brought by the city in an at tempt to secure the same rates en joyed by Astoria, and offers in justi fication the expenditures made in im provement of the Skipanon . river to permit the dispatch of ship cargoes, building of waterworks to supply do v mestic and commercial needs for a population of 24,000 people, and saw mills already established, with a pros pective large flouring mill. The War renton case occupied most of yesterday tn the hearings, but the last hour and a half of the afternoon session was en dowed with continuation of direct tes timony of Consulting Engineer J. P. Newell, chief witness in the case of the Oregon public service commission. Tes timony relating to cost of service was produced. Baal Declared Fair. The witness was obliged to devote tome time to explanations of the methods employed in order to take into account conditions and variations in the manner of accounting by the different railroads, in arriving at his conclusions. It was made clear that in very instance the same general formulas were used, but that where variations were essential because cer tain segregations of costs were not possible in one railroad as in the ex perience of another, he had used ai basis that would not be unfair to the i carriers. It was explained in rela- ! tion to the road cost tables that this was the cost of service, less the ter minal costs, which, presumably, would be practically the same for all the roads, and eaually to be borne in all movement. Hearing; Adjourned. The hearing adjourned to 10 o'clock A. M. Monday at 4:30 P. M. yesterday, to enable those participating to have some freedom for the week end. The commissioners have shown a disposi tion to make every possible concession in the effort to expedite the hearing. It is expected that Mr. Newell will be on the stand for more than an hour tomorrow on direct evidence, and the length -of the cross-examination can not be determined, but it is probable it will be postponed until a later date. The railroad administration has ex pressed the desire to have the evidence of J. r. Woodworth. traffic assistant to R. H. Aishton, northwestern regional director, introduced at Portland in the rate case. This testimony, it was in dicated. would require considerable time. Setiston May Transfer. Present plans are for a continuation f the session at Seattle Tuesday, but there is a possibility of a change in that programme, as the commission is desir ous of doing what will best serve the parties to tho case, and agreement by .the counsel would doubtless be ac ceded to as to the division of time. . Henry C. Hall, Winthrop M. Daniels and Joseph B. Eastman, the three mem bers of the interstate commerce com mission composing division No. 3 of the commission, who came to Portland to hear the evidence in the cases con nolidated as. the Portland rate case, and the Warrenton case, will ee the lower Columbia river this morning from the steamer Georgiana. The steamer i: due to leave the Alder-street dock at ' o'clock, and will make 14 stops at land ings on the way to Astoria, which should be reached about 1 o'clock P. M Breakfast and dinner will be served on the river steamer. B. K. Stone, chairman of the port of Astoria commission, is to meet the party at the dock and will have an automobile ready for a trip that will include the industrial district. Warren- ton and points within the limits of the port and may extend to a trip to Sea ide and beach poin ts. but will ret urn to Seaside in time to board the evening train for Portland. Warrenton Men Testify. So far as Warrenton is discriminated against by existing freight rates be tween that point and transcontmenta territory, the railroad administration i willing that the disparity shall be wiped Tut. but as to the portion of the inland empire blanketed in the Portland rat cae. the railroads will stand upon "th spirit of the order in the Astoria rat -case.'" I When the hearing before division No. j 3 of the interstate commerce rommis tion was resumed yesterday, the War renton case was called. O. B. Setters appeared as counsel for Warrenton. and A. J. Perrington was the first witness railed, testifying as to yrelgnt rates. Jean Barlow, a merchant and F. A. Wilson, mayor of Warrenton, were also witnet-ses. Mr. Perrington testified that Warren ton pays 11 cents more per 100 pounds than Astoria on shipments of fish to Missoula. That Aberdeen, 41 miles fur ther from Missoula than Warrenton. has the same rate as Astoria; that Ilwaco,.9 miles, and Nahcotta 21 miles greater distance, have the came rate as Astoria. It was also shown that in the matter of commodity rates between Warren ton and points in the Columbia river basin, there is a differential of 5 cents against Warrenton. In tho matter of grain rates, there is a higher charge of from xz to 5 cents to Warrenton. Mr. Barlow testified that Warrenton is located 5.S miles west of the passen ger depot at Astoria, and that Flavel. the Hill terminals, is within the cor porate limits of the town of Warren ton, and its station located less than two miles beyond the Warrenton depot, but with a freight rate about 2 cents higher. Mayor Wilson Identified a freight bill showing that $62 was paid for the movement of a carload of coal from Astoria to Warrenton. The coal had been shipped from Provo, Utah. C. A. Lawton, mayor of Hammond, testified as to the business, population and interest of that point In the rate issues. Higher Rate Defended. W. D. Skinner, traffic manager of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railroad and a member of the Portland district freight traffic committee, was put on the stand by the railroad administra tion. He held that so far as rates be tween Warrenton and points in the blanketed area of the inland empire are concerned, Warrenton should pay a higher rate. He declared Warrenton has no traffic by water. But because of the wider blanketing of lumber would concede that so far as lumber is concerned Warrenton might be entitled to the same rate as Atoria. Because of the maritime commerce of Astoria, wit- t ness did not oppose that point being included in coast group, but thought Warrenton suffered the same misfor tune of any community just outside the fringe of any grouping. He would be willing that fish take same rates as applied to Astoria. Mr. Skinner introduced an exhibit showing relationships of rates that are involved in the Warrenton case. Warrenton Rates Discussed. In cross-examination of W. T. Skin ner, the witness was asked by Attorney Setters if, when Warrenton constructs docks on the Skipanon river, he would then be willing to grant the same rates to Warrenton as to Astoria. Had the business men of Warrenton come to him and shown a reason for asking that rates be changed, he thought, it might have been adjusted. So far as witness knew, there was no disagreement as to the existing rates until this case was filed. No business was moving to call for the rates that are now being asked for. Chief Examiner Thurtell asked whether he would admit that the same commodity rates applied to Astoria from the Inland Empire should be ap plied to Warrenton. Witness said he would not ; that Warrenton -does not ship commodities beyond shipping a case of canned goods or a jarof jam once in a while. Mr. Thurtell then asked as to class rates and Mr. Skinner said it seemed to him the same rule should apply as to commodity rates. He argued that to break down the rates at Warrenton would result in demands to break it down to the next point beyond. Aberdeen Traffic In by Sea. Commissioner Eastman asked whether Warrenton should not be on a parity with Aberdeen. The answer was that there might be some relative claims to an equality on soma rates, but that Aberdeen is a seaport with consid erable developed traffic. The commissioner also asked whether the present rates would not be a handicap to the establishment of new industries at Warrenton and he admit ted that it might. He reiterated, how ever, that it was his contention that if benefit of rates were extended outside of blanketed territory it would have a tendency to disturb rates in other places. In answer to Examiner Thurtell's question, Mr. Skinner said he had never agreed that it was proper to have given Astoria the same rate as that which had eisted to Portland. It had been brought out in earlier testimony of the witness that the dif ferential against Warrenton is ?S i car compared with Astoria. Traffic Manager Testifies. Frank W. Robinson, chairman of th Oregon district freight traffic com mittee and traffic manager of the Ore gon-Washington Railroad & Naviga tion lines, was then called by the rail road administration counsel. He testi fied that the Oregon-Washington has no joint class raes to arnenton. He would not say . to what might be he view of the committee regarding granting to Warrenton the same rates as to Astoria, saying it had not been before tlve committee. Mr. Robinson voiced his objection of he blanket rates as a stretching of the blanket that would cause it to spread other territory. He said it was not with relation to Ue one point in the application under consideration, but hat he viewed with concern extending the fringe of the blanket as fraught with danger of disturbing the rate structure. Railway Property Valuation t'nknovrn. Commissioner Eastman asked wit ness what the property is held for that is shown on the map as Oregon-Wash ington & Navigation terminals. Mr. Robinson said he was not familiar with the property, but thought it had been held a good many years. Attorney Spencer submitted that the property had been held many years, probably 10 years, and could not say at what valuation it is shown on the books. Counsels for Warrenton fjid not de sire to make oral argument or oner briefs, but reserves the right to make protest and file briefs within 30 days after receipt of the examiner's report on the case. It is usual to allow 20 davs, but because of distance and time transmission by mail the period for action was made 30 days in the cases under consideration. J. P. Newell, coneulting engineer, re umed direct testimony in the Oregon SENT FOR MOTHER TO COME AND HELP Mrs. Bennett Was So Run-down She Couldn't Do Her Work. Gains Fifteen Pounds Taking Tanlac "A medicine that will do as much for a person as Tanlac has done for me is certainly worth recommending to others," said Mrs. H. E. Basnett, of 579 Marion avenue, Sellwood district, Port land, Or., to a Tanlac representative, re cently. "About a year aso I commenced to suffer with stomach trouble," continued Mrs. Basnett. "I began losing my ap petite and didn't seem to relish a thins that I ate and most of the time it just looked like even the little I would eat lodged right in my stomach, soured and filled me up so badly with gas that I suffered with terrible cramps and felt sometimes like I could hardly get my breath. I was troubled a lot with a dull ache in the small of my back 2nd at times the muscles In my back pained me terribly whenever I so much as tried to stoop over, and I also suffered a good deal with bund, dizzy headaches, I al ways felt cold and chilly, even when near a fire, and I finally worried so much over my condition that I was al most a nervous wreck and couldn't sleep, well and many a time I would just lie awake for more than half the night in perfect misery, and I got so awfully weak and run-down after awhile that 1 couldn't do my hftueswork and had to send for my mother to come and help me. I was certainly bad off and noth ing I took in the way of medicines and treatments did me a particle of good, in fact. I seemed to get worse all the time instead of better. "I then got to reading about Tanlac and what it was doing for others that seemed to be suffering like I was, so my husband decided that it might help me some and I began taking it, and to day 1 am certainly feeling like a differ ent person altogether. My appetite has come back to me and nothing I eat gives me a, particle of trouble after wards, because my stomach now feels as well as it ever did. All that pain I had in my back is gone completely and can now do all my housework, even the washing, without a bit of trouble. I have aetually gained about 15 pounds in weight and am certainly very grate ful to Tanlac for what it has done for me. I have told my friends about my experience with Tanlac and am only too glad to tell anyone what I think about it." Tanlac is sold In Portland by the Owl Drug company. Adv. Portland Agents for McCall Patterns "TffEfSroj?E7?fA t Saves ytuMoNE Men's Knit Bathing Suits 98c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.25 and up to $4.50 Now is the time to buy your own bathing suit at minimum cost. Swimming suits of cotton and fine wool in athletic style, me dium and heavy weights, good colors, plain or trimmed with contrasting colors. Prompt Attention Given to Mail Orders 7fffiD&lfaSffNj7UN'SrS. Henry J. Ditter, Mgr. 4Mter Women's Fine Bathing 3L Suits 98c, $1.95, $3.45 and up to $6.95 A special clearance offering of attractive bathing suits. One-piece swimming models in wool mixtures and cottons, round and V neck models. Neatly trimmed in contrasting colors. Copen, purple, green, orange, navy and oxford, others in combinations of Copen and green, rose and green. - XV Sheets, 81x90 Inches, $1.59 PRICED AT A SAVING Yes, a saving: worth a special trip, down town just to buy sheets. Well-made, long-wearing; unbleached, seamless sheets. Seamless Sheets $1.75 Each Tom, size 81x99 inches. Made of pood quality bleached sheeting;, Tine finish with regulation three and ona-inch hems. public service commission action of the consolidated 'Portland rate cases. and was on the stand during the last part of the afternoon session. Fur ther explanation of the methods used in determining cost of service, in tabu lations of the distribution over the lines of the actual cost is revealed by the annual reports of the railroad to the Oregon commission. Service Costs Are Shown. Witness testified that he had at tempted to work out the costs of serv ice on the various railroads over the Cascades. The same methods were used in compiling data concerning th cost of moving traffic on the northern ines that had been used on the Oregon- Washington. Use of the same basis of analysis for arriving at unit cost was employed throughout, but the engineer did not have access to as complete detail information from the auditing departments of the northern lines a of the Oregon road. This was due to inability, because of time limitations. to go to fet. Paul to secure tne data from general offices of the roads. Exhibit No. Ill, cost of service on the Northern Pacific, in which higher terminal and distance, and lower re sistance and excess train service costs was shown in direct freight cost as compared with the Oregon-Washington, was also inspected. The Northern Pacific expended less ill 1917 than the Oregon-Washington! for locomotive repairs ly about one third, but on the other hand spent more for freight car repair. This was brought out to explain that in all cases the attempt had been to adopt the fairest method of estimating every item and with design not to be unjust to the railroads. Profile of Roads Inhibited. Exhibit No. 112 of the public service commission is a profile of the Great Northern. Milwaukee and Northern Pa cific railroads between Spokane and Seattle, and of the North Bank and Oregon-Washington lines between Spo kane and Portland. Witness described the profiles and denned the physical features of the routes. Heavy grades shown on the main line of the Oregon-Washington in another exhibit are not within terri tory covered by the line in the profile. A map was uced showing a line of equal road cost points to cither Port land or seatue. In the district east of the line road cost is less to Portland, and west thereof the district is sub divided into districts within which traffic could he moved ' to Seattle or Tacoma. as indicated by arrows, at a coet as cheap as it could be . moved from Walulu to Portland. Muslinr, 25c at A 86 - i n c h muslin of superior quality one of the best -known brands, underpriced at 2."e yard. Muslins at 18c Unbleached muslins, one yard wide. A good medium weight muslin. Very special at, the yard, 18?. Pillow Cases 25c Each Sire 42x36 inches. Made of splen did quality muslin. Less than to day's wholesale cost. Hemstitched Pillow Cases 50 EACH 42x36 inches; of extra quality, soft bleached muslin. Crash Toweling 10c Yard Bleached and unbleached towel ing, with colored borders. A good fabric for hand or dish towels. White Gabardine Suiting Special 75c Yard New fancy weaves in cotton gabardine new wash skirts. -the ideal fabric for smart White and Colored Crepes Special 35c Yard This Plisse crepe is most suitable for underwear. Only 500 yards on Monday of this lingerie crepe, underpriced at 3."f a yard. 245 Yards White Voile To Sell at 29c Yard 40-inch white voile; perfect in weave and finish for dresses, waists and blouses. White Embroidered Voiles Very Special 98c Yard 40 inches wide. An excellent quality voile, in many neatly embroid ered designs. Regular $1.50 value. Monday only at 08 e the yard. Corded Voiles 59c 40-Inch Corded Voiles, in pink, rose, light blue, copen and white. Can be made giving the French tucking effects. Two Hosiery Specials WOMEN'S FINE LACE STOCKINGS SPE CIALLY PRICED $1.00 PAIR A splendid showing of fine lace stockings in beautiful patterns. In black and white. Boys' Hose 50c and 65c Boy Scout hose in heavy or fine ribbed styles. Reinforced heel and toe. Extra good values. Palm Beach Cloth Special 39c Yard 32-inch Palm Beach cloth fine for smocks and dresses in light blue, copen, green and laven der. Regular 50c value. Corsets $1.95 Pink brocaded corsets, nice summer weight with graduated stays. Medium bust, four sup porters. Also white corsets, priced at $1.9o. Undermuslins Women's Muslin Skirts with deep flounces of embroidery and inser tions, some trimmed with lace, all have under ruffle. Spe- 29 Women's Gowns of soft nainsook, beautifully embroidered or lace trimming-, slip-over style. rf Special at J) 1 o VANCOUVER KATES ARE AIRED Washington City Hacks Portland at Interstate Commerce Hearing. VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 2. (Spe. oial.) Vancouver and Clarke county In terests were at the bat yesterday in the PORTLAND MAN INVENTS CRUDE OIL BURNER. rate case which la beinff heard In Port-! land by the members of the interstate commerce commission. On behalf of the city, county. Port of Vancouver and Commercial club, W. J. Kinney was on the stand, his testimony being to the ef fect that grcosrraphlcally and physically, and as to distances frort Columbia river basin points. Astoria and Pufcet sound, for all practical purposes this city was situated similarly to Portland. He also gave evidence as to the city's transpor tation facilities. Vancouver and Clarke county inter ests are contending; that being simi larly situated as Portland, they are en titled to the same rates as the latter tv. All the evidence inirooucca w if of Portland was adoptea Dy me ."ancouver and Clarke county Interests. Attnmevs W. K. Tales, for the county. A. I. Miller, representing- the port. E. N. Uivermore, Tor tne commercial emu W. C. Bates for the city, have been taking turns attending the hearing. NURSE HOME FROM FRANCE Martha Randall to Rejoin omen s Protective Bureau. Miss Martha Randall, formerly nurse in the women s protective Dureau. re- urned to Portland Friday, and will (o back to work August 1 in ner ante bellum position. She has Just recovered from Illness which confined her to the hospital at Fort Sheridan. Miss Randall volunteered for service with base hospital 4. ana went, to KranceVvith that unit. Sh joined an other hospital overseas, and stayed aft er her own unit returned. Sugar Stocks Soar. HONOLULU. T. H., July IS. (Spe- al. Honolulu Is experiencing boom In sugar stocks. Dividend-paying took has lumped to new levels in tne past week. The practical certainty that sugar will continue high In 1S20 and the returning confidence In local busi ness world are the reasons ascribed for the sudden boom. HEiT-PRODVCINO DKYIfK. WHICH rflJl!HEt (ili.lBOM OIL A!n WATER BY OVEl, PROCESS. A crude oil burner, which he declares will heat a stove at a cost of less than one-half rent per hour, is the invention with which J. K. HaRtcerty. 372 Kast Clay street. Is planning to combat the high c-ost of livinB. The device burns a combination Ras produced from crude oil and water, oxygen from the water mixing with a carbonaceous gas from the crude oil. The secret of the process lis-in the manner in which the hydrogen Is handled. Tne burner Is claimed to be abso lutely fool-proof, as this (rrade o( oil will not burn without water aa an agent. The weisht of the device it less lhan( four pounds. In installing the heater two tanks are placed 20 inches above the stove, one containing oil, the other water, and connected by valves to a system of pipes in the stove. To start the fire a match and a small piece of paper are used. Then a little oil is turned on and later a small quantity of water is added. In SO seconds a carbonaceous g-sa is created from the oil and in turn an oxygen gas Is formed from the water. Both gases mix in the stove, where they have been created by heat and chemical action. This combination gas Ignites and burns freely, giving an Intense heat, which can be regulated by valves. Mr. Haggerty has applied for four patents to cover the various processes of the apparatus, which is being manufactured at the Phoenix Iron works of this city, making it a distinctly Oregon product. CZAR'S MURDERERS LISTED Moscow Paper Ends Rumor That ex- Monarch Is Still Alive. (Copyright by the New York World. Pub- LONDON. July 26. (Special Cable.) A dispatch to the Daily News from Copenhagen says the Journal Pravda In Moscow puts an end to the rumor that the ex-crar Is still alive and hid den In aome far-away monastery. The Pravda publishes a secret report dated March 19 last by the committee of. senators giving the names of 1 persons who helped In the murder. BOY SCOUTS TO BE FILMED simmer Activities Will Be Recorded in Motion Pictures. SPOKANE, Wash., July I. Activi ties of Spokane's Boy Scouts at their summer camp at Twin Lakes, in Idaho, are to be recorded in motion pictures, to be used for Boy Scout propaganda purposes. It was announced today. Later it is planned to take further pictures of Boy Scoit activities nere for the same purpose, it wa stated. TITLE TO CAMP ACCEPTED Site of Military Post Given by Pierce County. TACOMA. July 2. The United States government today officially accepted title to Camp Lewis from this county, according to word from the county's attorney In Washington. D. C The dis patch said the title covers the largest numbers of acres ever presented as an outright gift to the government. 62.000 acres being included. Title to the land has been passed by the examining department of the war department by a board of review com posed of lawyers, by the Judge advo- tnd by Secretary of papers, declared to cate of the army AVar Baker. The have been the most voluminous exam ined In any similar case, were found correct and were accepted without one revision. The atmosphere of Zululand Is clear that It is xaid objects can be seen by starlight at a distance of cven miles. L!l it IM 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 II I IH 1 1 1 II i 1 1 1 1 UtHI It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 U Ml II 1 1 1 1 1 1 HH I HI M 1 1 II 1 1 II UH 1 1 11 1 1 til I H 1 1 IMHI WANTED Permanent positions open for office and "warehouse men with implement experi ence in large wholesale house paying good salaries. State experience and reference in first letter. Address AK 4S0.Oregonian. Have You $25 or $25,000? Two Sure Shots in the Industrial Line One in the Speculative Xine so good that fifteen business men of Portland subscribed $7750 in Five Minutes July 24, 1919 . 275 Pine Street, Portland . Corner. Fourth and Pine Streets niltllMIIIII)llltllllllllllllltl)MHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllMlllllllllllltlMIHIIIIIIMIIIIIIHmili East Eighth and Clay Sts. Does Four Kinds of Laundry No. 1 High-grade, hand-finished work. No. 2 Rough dry at 7c per It). All flat pieces nicely ironed arrd all starch pieces starched ready to iron. No. 3 Economy family wash "at 5c per lb. All flat pieces ironed and wearing apparel dried in vacuum dryers. No starch. No. 4 Wet wash. 15 lbs. for 6oc Monday, Tuesday and . Wednesday. 15 lbs. for 60c Thursday. Friday and Saturday. 23 drivers waiting for your phone call. East 491 B 2822 Every man in Tortland who is particular about his collars should try our new collar work.