TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTtANU, JTTLT 27, 1919. UNION Hi! RALLY I TO FOIL REDS' PLAN PICTURE OF PORTLAND BABY INSPIRES FRIEND AND FOE. 14 r - - s w i I t I I I ill ii 11 j jj r . -t w - . . i i J. & M ;abor Council on Thursday to 1 Determine Policy. RADICALS DESIRE PRESS Ten 'nelojrnte?, Stirred by Report, i Docitlc to riik Conservative for Xcxt President. Threat mod capture of the Portland Centra I Labor I'onncil by the "reds" of . the L'ou n i I of Workers, bailors and I Soldiers has stirred up the conserva tive union im-n. The election next ; 'Thursday will determine the policy of the cent ra I body a.nd a large attend ance of delegates is predicted. Following the declaration by C. M. ' Ttynerson, editor of the Oregon Labor Press, that thf radicals were plotting to seize control of the Central Labor Council and obtain the Oregon Labor Press for propaganda, purposes came at tivity on the part of the conservative element. I'fiiially the conferva t ive delegates , ar.' not regular attendants, but the dcle Katcs who arc known to be radical are promptly on hand and ready to spread propaganda. stated a labor leader yesterday. The conservatives are la rge ly in the majority, but un less they participate in the election , the "reds" may muster enough votes to put through their programme. Stir tauHfil in Labor Circles. The charge made by Mr. Ryncrson sjtirrcd labor circles yesterday. One union has called a special meeting to direct its group of delegates to vote ajpainst the "red" ticket. C. A. Strick land of the shipbuilders is the candi date of the radicals for president of the Central Labor Council against Harry Anderson of the bricklayers, who is serving his second year, and Joe Thorn ton, now of the retail clerks, is slated to oppose William Kimsey of the typo graphical union, for vice-president. Klection of Strickland and Thornton, it is pointed out, would enable the radicals to obtain control of the Ore Ktm Labor Press. All members of unions receive this paper, and control of the mfficial organ by the "reds" would enable them to plant their prop aganda in the home of every union member. Floyd Hyde, official lecturenaJ of the soviet, is said to be slated for editor of the paper if the radicals cap ture the Portland Central Labor Coun cil next Thursday night. Anderson Gains Support. When the announcement was made of ' the programme of .the Council of Work ers, Soldiers and Sailors, the conserva tive clement in organized labor was shocked into action. Ten delegates who have been opposed to Harry An derson held a meeting Friday night and decided to give him their undivided support, contending that the issue is one of principles rather than person alities. It has been the custom of .some delegates to neglect meetings of the central body. All delegates will be advised to he in attendance at the com ing election. As one labor leader explained, the end desired by the radicals and the conservatives is identical, but the two groups differ as to the best method of attaining the result. The conservatives ; favor an orderly process, while the 'reds," according to a letter purporting to be signed by Charles Saunders, as secretary-treasurer of the soviet, is , revolutionary, but hopes that unneces sary bloodshed will be avoided. NEGRESS BITES OFFICERS BOS1U RANDALL RCXS AMCCR AND DEFIES POLICE. Charge of Drunkenness and Disor derly Conduct Is Made Against Colored Prisoner. Three policemen were bitten about " the hands and arms late yesterday while they were arresting Rosie Ran dall, .a negress. who had run amuck . ith a butcher knife at Fourteenth and ;1ishii streets. The casualties oc curred after police had seized the worn- 1 a n and were disarming her. Mrs. Randall's neighbors complained that she had obtained a revolver and had threatened to kill two other roirffses whom she suspected of inti- : n i a i-y with her h u s band. When po 1 ice arrived on the .scene Mrs. Randall had -barred herself in her houee and threat ened to kill anyone who entered. Patrolmen unlocked a back door and got into the building while others of the party kept Mrs. Randall's attention- The woman behaved like a maniac, . running around the house with the "knife in her hand and threatening to commit euicide if anyone touched her. Seizins: a favorable opportunity, po- 1ie grabbed her hands. Unable to stab, she fastened her teeth in the arm of Pa trolnian Nelson, who kept his grip u p lil the wo ma n had been manacled. Meantime the hnd also bitten Patrolmen Thorpe and Abbott. Police carried her bodily to the patrol automobile and took her to police headquarters. She t i charged with being drunk and dis orderly. 1 nt ernes at the Emergency . hospital sterilized the wounds on the policemen. No firearms were found in the woman's house. MM & THRKK-ir.AR.OI.D EDRA MORTON ATVO SKETCH MADE OF HER BV GERMAN PRISONER IX FRANCE. France and Germany have found a point in common in their admiration for the beautiful face of a Portland baby, little Edra Morton, aired 3 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilarley Morton, 463 Marguerite avenue. When George F. Gardiner, a friend of the family, went overseas with the 23d engineers he carried In his pocket a picture of this charming tot. A French artist happened to see It and obtained permission to use It as a model for Cupid in a painting which he was working on. The painting, when completed, attracted much favorable comment In Paris, according to an enthusiastic letter from the French painter to the child's mother. Later a well-known German artist, Franz Pollncr. in a prison camp at Bordeaux, begged the use of the picture for a child study. This work Is said to have been on exhibition in Germany after the armistice. Meanwhile the parents of the little Oregon beauty have been besieged by artists, illustrators and mov!ns;-plctur directors for a share of the charm which has inspired the brushes of European painters. NOTED PSYCHIST COMING FREDERICK L. RAWSON" EXPECT ED TO VISIT PORTLAND. AUTO DRIVERS CAUTIOUS Scuttle Renins "Safety Week" to Re el nee Motor Accidents. SKATThK, "Wash., July 26. Automo bile drivers in Seattle tonipht were "watchine: their step' with special cau tion, as today marked the beginning: of "safety week" here, inaugurated by the careful drivers club and backed by the city authorities and all organizations ha vine: to do with traffic problems. Red and white stickers attached to w ind h ield s of automobiles bore the messape. "let s drive carefully. Simi lar placards have been widely posted on thoroughfares. Motion picture films and various other arrangements have been made to bring th lesson of "safety first home to automobile d rivers during the week and v Is" to the public forced to walk. Hnre Is Killed by Lightning. S.M.KM, Or.. July 26. (Special.) Purine a storm near Oak creek Thurs day nipht a horse on the Theodore Ktolk farm was killed by lig-htninsr. The liphtninc; also hit several trees, as well as resulting in other damage. The problem solved by a modern ker osene oil burner. Before ordering: your winter's supply of fuel see this burner being demonstrated at 145 Grand ave. near Morrison). Can be installed in any furnace, ranpe or stove without al terations to above appliances. Agents w aii ted.. Adv. Metaphysician of World Fame Will Leave London Home August 16 for Trip to United Stales. Announcement that Frederick L. Raw son, who in a decade has leaped into fame as one of the world's foremost metaphysicians will visit Portland dur ing September and is expected to arouse such interest in metaphysical and re ligious circles as would a visit from few other living investigators of psychic phenomena and laws. Word has just been received by A. C. Going, of the Going Investment com pany, that Mr. Rawson plans to leave his home in London for the United States August 16 and that his itinerary in this country will include Portland. The coming visitor has attracted world-wide attention because of the fact that from being one of the pioneer electrical engineers and experts of Kngland he was led to switch his pow ers of investigation and experimenta tion to the psychic and spiritual fields, with results reputed nothing short of marvelous. Simply as a man of science he was led by London newspapers to investigate for them reputed cases of mental 'healing. The investigation not only converted Rawson to unqualified belief in healing by means of prayer, but resulted in his establishing a mam moth institution where his discoveries are practiced. Rawson established a staff of prac titioners, operating according to his instructions, and this has grown to number 150 workers, occupying offices at 90 Regent street, London. Patients numbered by the hundreds are treated daily and stories of marvelous cures are commonplace there. His research was begun only in 1910. when the London TJaily Mail engaged him to make a professional examina tion into mental healing processes. At that time Rawson knew nothing of mental or occult processes. Before he concluded his investigation he had rec ords of such healing processes all over the world and it required a 740-page book to record his findings and the laws he believed he had discovered;. Rawson has also won considerable note as a seer, many of his predictions rela tive to the world war having seemingly been fulfilled. not improbable that within a few years a hen will be produced that will have a setting of eggs ready for business when it emerges from the original shell. The record made by the Hands pul lets, which laid at three months, 27 days, has been reduced six days by pul lets, also of the White Leghorn strain, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Miller. They did their first peeping March 17 and their first cackling July 10, a period of three months and three weeks. The Hands, however, have not failed to figure in the poultry news during the month, for it is reported that Roy Hands has been induced to part with three dozen of his record-breaking hens at 94? the dozen. CLACKAMAS CLUB FORMED DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY" PLAX Or ORGAXIZATIOX. Cottage Grove Is Becoming Famous for Pullets. 1 ;prc-I.a j in c Record Redueel l7 Six nays, 'ow Three Month and Three 'Weeks. COTTAGE GROVE. Or.. July 26. Spe cial.) If Cottage Grove poultry raisers keep reducing the time between the day a chicken is hatched to the day it starts to lay. some seem to think it IV F-. I. I. - K !V O V N roRTI. D VOM. I'ASSKS AWAl. n , . I - : - f , i i, t t I : t " . h 2 j 1 , - i-ir"-,ivir m.ii rim iinifftinf 4 Directors Arc Selected to Represent Various Districts of County Under Plan Adopted. Organization of the Eastern Clacka mas Community club was effected Fri day evening: at the Estacada hotel, when a large body of citizens from that section met with W. W. Williams, su perintendent of schools; Georgre Quayle, secretary of the Oregon state chamber of commerce: Mrs. Winnie Braden, state exhibit agent, and George B. Weatherby of Estacada. The club was organized for the purpose of carrying on develop ment activities in that section. Mr. Quayle presented a plan of or ganization and by-laws, which was udopted. whereby the community will be subdivided according to school dis tricts. Directors from each district were elected as follows: Estacada. H. C. Stevens. George M. Warwick; Garfield. Mrs. A. Bodkin: Cur rinsville. Charles Kitchen; Eagle Creek. A. C. Cogswell: Barton, Hal Gibson; Springwater, George Lawrence; Viola, Mrs. Watson: Logan, Mrs. A. A. Allen; l"odge, E. W. Jochimsen; Elwood. Mrs. Delia Valen; Dover, Ralph Deshazer; Douglas. Mrs. Gibson; Highland. Mrs. I Jessie Mayficld. H. C. Stevens was elected temporary president and R. C. Deming. temporary secretary. Every resident of the com munity present signed up for member ship and an enrollment of 600 is ex pected shortly. ORPHANS ENTITLED TO PAY Money to Be Taid if Fathers Accept ed Compensation Act, Is Ruling. SALEM. Or., July 26. (Special.) Children made orphans by the acciden tal death of their fathers who elected to take advantage of the workmen's compensation act are entitled to com pensation until they reach the age of 18 years, according to a legal opinion rendered today by Attorney-General George M. Brown at the request of the state industrial accident commission. The opinion was asked in a case in which a father was killed, leaving three orphaned daughters. At the time of the father's death he was subject to the benefits of the compensation act. ' m lnu-k . v Mrs. Joseph A. Levy died Fri- day night at St. Vincent's hospi- tal after submitting to two major operations. She was the wife of Joseph A. Levy. Portland retail J shoe dealer. She was widely , known in the city for her char- itable activities. Mrs. Levy was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Senosky arid the sister of Mrs. J Bessie Weinstein and Count Mau rice ana Louis senosKy. the was 35 years of age and leaves two little children. Clara Vivian, aged 5, and Robert, aged 3. Mrs. Levy was confined to the hospital for two weeks prior to her death. The funeral will be held at 2:30 M. M. today from Holman'a undertaking parlors. WIVES MUST LEARN CIVICS Xo Husband Will Become Citizen Til! Wife Cnn Too, Roles Court. SEATTLE. Wash., July 26. By a court ruling made today by Superior Judge A. E. Frater. wives of applicants for citizenship papers hereafter will be required to inform themselves as to the American government and submit their qualifications at the time their husbands appear. Both must pass the examination be fore either or both are admitted to citizenship. Several eastern courts, it is said, have adopted this rule. WHY SOCIETY WOMEN WASH THEIR OWN HAIR They do. not because It is a fad, but because they wish to obtain the great est possible hair beauty and be sure they are not using anything harmful. They have found that in washing the hair it is never wise to use a make shift, but is always advisable to use a preparation made for shampooing only. Many of our friends say they get the best results from a simple home-made canthrox mixture. You can use this at a cost of about 3 cents a shampoo by getting some canthrox from your drug gist and dissolving a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water. This makes enough shampoo liquid to apply to all the hair instead of just the top of the head, as with most preparations. Dandruff, ex cess oil and dirt are dissolved and en tirely disappear in the rinsing water. Your hair will be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than It is. Its luster and softness will also delight you. PHONES BEING CONNECTED HOME AUTOMATIC AXD PACIFIC SYSTEMS TO IXTERCHAXGE. Recent Strike of Electrical Workers Cause of Some Delay Few Ex changes Amalgamated. Work of completing the physical con nectlon of systems of the old Home Telephone companay and the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph company in Portland, to give interchange of service. Is progressing rapidly, accord ing to officials of the Pacific company. The recent strike of the electrical workers dedayed the work of consoli dation, it is said, although already a few private branch exchanges have been amalgamated. ' "The work of effecting the consoli dation is a huge one." said W. J. Phil lips, commercial superintendent of the company. "We are rushing the work as rapidly as possible, but as yet only a few private exchanges have been amal gamated. Others will follow, but gen eral consolidation will not be effected for a few months, at least." Under the system of consolidation already effected subscribers of the old Home phone automatic system are en abled to obtain numbers on the Pacific exchange by turning the number 7 on the dial, which signals the central on the automatic system, to whom' the Pacific number' Is given and the con nection made. On the Pacific system the automatic number Is obtained by the usual method of giving the desired number to "central." btaiger s S fcTAt1' u 292 wninK'' Street vrrA JtS Between Fourth and Fifth - r4 Shoes For Men Appealingly Attractive : in their femininity are the models shown at this store, whether intended for formal, street, sport, : or afternoon wear. In order to train some idea of their charm, we illustrate a few distinctive styles, ' though the new fall footwear is constantlyarriving. A Patent or dull calf pump, built on long, slender lines In Colonial style. Self-covered mili tary heela and hand-! I turned soles vl I A white canvas pump with a fang vamp and elf-covered Louis heel. A mighty a-o o d-PC Tft looking ahoe.. .. Very charming Colonial pump In patent leather. Notice the French heel, long slender vamp t I and hand-turned aolevl I Every smart woman has a place In her wardrobe for uch a high boot mn this laced one shown In white canvas. Sensi- e7 ble walking heel. ...VI Same style In whlteetn nirbuck and pearl call vlU Our Children's Shop During the years that children are developing so fast, their shoes are extremely important, be cause they can permanently shape or mis-shape their feet. Brine the youngsters to this store where expert service is employed, and only good makes of shoes sold. v-:- CI SUFFRAGE HOPE IS FIVE LEGISLATORS AGREE TO HOLD SESSION", DECLARATION. Meeting of Multnomah 'Representa tives to Discuss Issues Is Set for August 5. With the Multnomah delegation of ahe legislature getting behind the rati fication campaign which Portland suf fragists have Ftarted on behalf of the federal suffrage amendment to the constitution, success Is assured, accord ing to Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, state chair man of the ratification committee. "We knew that the men of Oregon were with us." she said. "When the governor told irs he would call an extra cession of the legislature to ratify suf frage if the legislature asked him to and if the legislators would serve wijthout expense, we knew the men of the state would respond." The first five legislators to communi cate with the women's ratification committee were Senators A. W. Orion, Gus C. Moser and W. W. Banks, Repre sentatives Oscar W. Home and Eugene Bmith.- Senator Banks immediately proposed that the Multnomah delega tion meet in committee to discuss the suffrage ratification and communicate with the governor. The 21 members of Multnomah county will meet Tues day, August 5, the earliest date when all members could be at liberty. These members have communicated with many representatives In other coun ties, who will possibly attend the conference. McARTHUR ASKS SESSION Governor Olcolt Receives Request From Congressman. SALEM, Or.. July 26. (Special.) Ursent request that Governor Olcott call a special session of the Orrjron legislature for the purpose of ratifying the national suffrage amendment to the constitution was received at the ex ecutive offices today in a telegram from Representative McArthur. under Wash ington date line. "I have telegraphed the president of the senate and speaker of the house to use their influence with members to waive salary and mileage." continued the telegram. "Oregon has been a leader In all pro prcnttlvf mat tern and ! would like to see the state ratify the amendment at the earliest possible moment." In reply to the telegram Governor Ol cott sent to Mr. McArthur a copy of the answer given to a committee of Oregon puf f ra gist who ws I Ted upon him at the capitol Thursday. On that occasion the governor made it plain that he would refuse to call the law makers together unless they made written request and agreed to meet without coft to the state. as.4):oi i 1 i his Hotel pV offers no special induce ments to summer guests. It does not have to, for solid comfort and excellent meals are features of it the year round. And yet its wide porches and green courtyard give it a charm for transient or per manent guests. Sunday Dinner Special Music $1.25 Business Men's Lunch BM m Each Week Day, 60c . iJ . -M.. 4-:-. ' - ' '.-". '- - .' " ii f r ; ' 1 v-sv"? ?'v. 10 -v!;v:vV'.-'3 NOW OPEN Montrose Park 4S Minute Fran Broadwmy" Nw a.mutmnt rvwrt on th roiumhlt hlrhway, two miles bt?rn4 Troutd!. FIf -N 1 PC. BATH ! NO. DA NCI N. Brine your laach and ty all day. Kichteen arra of beautiful trea ni shadr nook a. On-quar-tr mil of aandr beach and water clear as crystal. BEAITIFIL LARGE DANCING PAVILION Dancing ha turd ay and BbimIbt rONTKSSIONR FOR REN'T Apply Rir-r'er Pancing Academy. Hroadway 33X 1'ark may be leased for private and club affair. Portiaiidliotel TeichrrdW.CMId3,Manai- Use M A B and keep your refrigerator clean and sanitary. Si iM Mab takes the work out of housework. i I IAID O' CLOVER BUTTER derives its first goodness from the rich cream used in its making. Your assurance of purity is in our careful pasteurization our guarantee to you that every ounce of this delightful butter is absolutely pure. Careful housewives are daily recognizing the superiority of Maid o' Clover Butter The pureness, daintiness and fragrance of this appetizinpr food appeals alike to children and grown folk. Delicate tastes are easily ap peased with the select quality of MAID O' CLOVER BUTTER. MAID O CLOVER BUTTER is made under spotlessly clean and sanitary conditions pure air and sunlight touch every nook and corner of our immense creameries. Use MAID O CLOVER BUTTER because of its NATURAL PURENESS because of its un surpassed taste, color and fragrance. Ask vour grocer for MAID O CLOVER BUTTER he gets it fresh every day. Certainly "Mutual Ice Cream Is the Cream of Creams" Mutual Creamerg Company -4 Adv.