The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1919, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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    FORTIAJTD, JULY 37, 1919.
-Charge Purchases
Made Tomorrow and Balance of
., Month Go On
August Bills Dated
September 1
Great Sale of 35c
Percales 25c
Full 36 inches wide. Finely serviceable
quality percales in an excellent assortment of
patterns on light and dark grounds. The regu
lar 35c quality, on sale, at, yard, 25c.
Meier Frank's: Second Floor.
Our 35c Madras
Shirtings 25c
32 inches wide. Excellent quality madras
shirtings in a great diversity of effective pat
terns and colors. Regularly 35c For the Co
operative Sales, yard, 25c
Meier tc Frank's: Second Floor.
Former Meier &
Frank Employes
desiring to assist us during the Co-operative
Sales which begin tomorrow please report to
Employment Manager, Sixth Floor, at 8:30
A. M. tomorrow morning ready to go to work.
The- Qjualit V Sto fjs- or- Portland
riflK. SLxthtTforrtaofv Alder SCO.
With the Inauguration of Meier & Frank's
r, is "operating jointly
force before which all ob-
knvarying reward.
the spirit of this store
fiing -public.
rected to curb rising costs
b down so far as the great
IP action and the will to
nsible for that great se-
!ar planned to BRING
in the territory and for
d we might add, with-
s success.
' Frank'
ng of the greatest number
)f which they stand in
hich good merchandise
ough the savings m many
aced not so much on them
nd seasonable nature of
k of this season's merchan-
mnently adapted to pa-
e Co-operative Sales.
e joins.
s have been arranged
rons have filled in and
shown below suggest-
o advertise. This, so
we have done.
b the great buying oppor-
Co-operative Sales is ex
ally for their immediate
rements for months ahead.
) A. M. COME!
Us to Advertise?
it and bring or mail this
t convenience.
O. 7-27-19
blicity. Sixth Floor.
seeing an advertisement
By Request
D00 Yards
0 yards
n the' Co-
.u de soie,
1 in the
.25, $2.50
6 Co-operative Sales: Main Floor.
Because of a Maker's Clearaway This Co-operative Sale
$2.50--$3.00--$3.50 Silks
2000 yards all new never shown before.
Beautiful soft silks in satin and foulard finishes,
many copies of a famous unstiffened taffeta.
Large coin spots, small nondescript patterns, jac
quard figures and allover designs. Some plain silks
A wide variety of colors taupe, green, rose, sand,
brown, blue, black and black-and-white effects.
Suitable for dresses, linings, blouses, kimonos and
38, 40 and 42 inches wide.
Meier tc Frank's Co-operative Sales: Second Floor.
SPECIAL! By Request
Long and Short Silk Gloves
The short gloves are in two-clasp styles. Wanted shades
of mastic, mode, pongee, tan, gray, brown, white and black.
Plain and fancy embroidered backs..
The long gloves are shown in white, pongee, brown, pink,
sKy ana disck. croicen line oi sizes not every size in
each color. x
All are famous makes. All are first quality,
most remarkable values at pair 63c.
All are the
Meier Frank's Co-operative Sales: Main Floor.
T r
Women's "Munsing"
Union Suits
"By request," 250 Munsing fine
ribbed light weight cotton union
suits in low neck, sleeveless, tight
knee style. Neck and arm holes
are finished with bands. Sizes 34
to 38 suit $1.25 or 2 suits for $2.
Sizes 40 to 44 suit $1.50 or 2 suits
6 Women's
Vests $1
1200 women's fine ribbed light weight
lisle vests in low neck, sleeveless style.
Slightly imperfect garments in regular
and extra sizes. While any remain
6 for $1.
Meier tc Frank's Co-operative Sales:
Main i- loor.
SPECIAL! By Request
Pure Silk Hose
FIRST QUALITY pure thread silk full
fashioned and seamless stockings in fancy
stripe effects navy, green, lavender, black
and white combinations, also black-and-white
and black-and-yellow.
Women's All-Silk Hose 82
EXTRA Women's drop-stitch seamless all-silk
hose in black only. Sizes to 10.
Mercerized Lisle Hose $1
Women's full-fashioned mercerized lisle stockings
in black, white, Cordovan, field mouse, African
brown, nickel and piping rock. All sizes. 3 pairs $2.75.
Meier & Frank's Co-operative Sales: Main Floor.
Women's Pumps, Oxfords $4.45
335 pairs of women's pumps and
oxfords broken lines taken from
regular stock and reduced for the
Co-operative Sales.
A large assortment of styles and
leathers tan kid and black patent
leather oxfords, patent and black
pumps, white buckskin pumps,
bronze kid slippers, gray and white
kid shoes with filet tops. Broken
No phone orders, no approvals,
no exchanges.
Meier tc Frank's Co-operative Sales: Third Floor.
Sale of 35c 75c
"By request" we offer 1200 boxes of sta
tionery and correspondence cards regularly
35c to 75c at, box, 23c White, pink, buff,
blue, lavender, etc Regular-and long shaped
envelopes. Extra special values.
Meier tc Frank's: Main Floor.
Sale of Beaded
47 inches long and from 2 to 4 strands of
beads braided together, finished with tas
sels. Anyone who knows the price of beads
will understand the unusualness of these
pretty neck chains at $1.95. Turquoise, ce
rise and aqua marine green, plain or com
bined with white. Limited number.
Meier tc Frank's: Main Floor.
Great Sale of Hair
In this lot are shell casque combs, hair
pins, back combs and tuck combs set with
brilliants in a great number of styles. For
the Co-operative Sales we offer 600 of these
hair ornaments at 40c
Meier tc Frank's: Main Floor.
Doz. Snow White
Toilet Paper
Regularly sold at 10c roll. High-grade
crepe toilet paper at this special price for 3
days only. Roll 8c or 12 rolls 89c
Meier Frank's: Main Floor.
Women's Lawn
17c-20c values. Women's Irish hand-embroidered
handkerchiefs on fine sheer and
closely-woven Shamrock lawn. A great va
riety of pleasing patterns. White and colors.
Kerchiefs 5 c
Women's and misses' sheer lawn handker
chiefs in one-corner embroidered designs.
White and colors. Narrow, turned and Si
inch hemstitched hems. 8c-10c values.
Meier tc Frank's: Main Floor.
Sale of 500 Yards
18 -inch Madeira embroideries. 27-inch
lawn flouncings with ruffled and scalloped
edges. 36-inch batiste and lawn dress em
broideries in white and colored dots.
Camisole Points 19c
25c to 35c values. 4 to 5-inch camisole
lace points combined with beading Piatt
Val and Point de Paris designs.
Meier Frank's: Main Floor.
Child's Stamped
Pique Hats
Children's pique hats stamped for em
broidery in attractive designs. Also baby
pillows, special at 39c Carriage robes to
match baby pillows, special 50c
Meier tc Frank's: Second Floor.
SPECIAL! By Request
A Sale of 3600 Men's
New Ties--rfl
JUL 6 for $5.50
For this Co-operative Sale we duplicate
the values in our wonderful Bale of four
weeks ago and the previous sale was ad
mittedly productive of the best tie values
of the year. .
$1.50-$2-$2.50 Values
High quality imported and domestic
silks fashion these new ties, which evi
dence consummate skill and critical work
manship in their making.
A marvelous variety of patterns and col
orings many of the kinds that will be in
demand for fall.
At $1 each or 6 for $5.50 a man should
go the limit.
Meier & Frank's Co-operative Sales: Main Floor.
SPECIAL! By Request
A Baby's Layette of 75
Finished Pieces $38.50
Every article the sort that mothers will find thoroughly practical and
daintily sweet and baby-like. Here are the 75 pieces that make up this
splendid layette remember, all the little garments are FINISHED:
2 dainty slips of soft nainsook, 3
dresses of nainsook, 2 Gertrudes of
nainsook, 2 scalloped flannel Ger
trudes, 3 scalloped flannelette
rowns, 2 scalloped flannelette wrap
pers, 2 bibs, 2 wash cloths, 2 small
bath towels, X large bath square, i
yard Kleinert's rubber sheeting, 1
quilted pad, 1 wool mixed double
blanket, 1 wrapping blanke 3 pairs
woolen stockings with aiik heels
and toes, 3. merino vests, 8 V'anta
binders, 12 Daisy cloth binders, 24
Red Star diapers, 70 pieces in all.
Mso included are the following arti
cles: Tube white vaseline, bottle
rweet oil, package boracic powder, 1
box talcum, 1 cake castile soap.
All the little dresses and wrappers and shirts are of the materials that mothers
usually choose. Styles are simple and trimmed only with a narrow edge of lace or
pink and blue stitching. Every garment is complete. Mothers do not need to put a
single stitch in them.
A truly remarkable value this 75-piece completely finished layette
at $38.50.
Meier & Frank's Co-operative Sales: Second Floor.
1 $1.49 lS
SPECIAL! By Request
Leather Bags, Purses $1.49
Hundreds of new real leather handbags and purses at this excep
tionally low price tomorrow. The assortment embraces an immense va
riety of styles and sizes ranging from the 6-inch back-strap purse to
the 9-inch shopping bags. Some are leather lined and others are lined
with moire silk. All hand bags are fitted with coin purse and mirror.
Some have safety catches. A few are in colors. The purses are fitted
with mirror and have several compartments for coins.
Five styles sketched.
Meier tc Frank's Co-operative Sales: Mitin Floor.