THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 27. 1919. 11 ROAD WORK IN CURRY S OUTSIDE AID County Bonds to Limit and Now Seems Helpless. HIGHWAY BASIS IS ROUGH trading of Six and On?-Half-MiIe Stretch to Cost $157,000. , Latent Resources Large. Crescent City into Josephine county. Oregon, and thence over the mountains to Grants Pass. The $400,000 is intended for the Grants Pass-Crescent City road, California end, but there is considerable sentiment in Crescent City to have the money put into the development of the road to the Curry county line, where more business can be originated. On the Grants Pass-Crescent City road, a mountain affair, sharp of surve, narrow and necessitating constant vigi lance, the grade is within reason, con sidering that an elevation of about 3000 feel is attained. The entire J400, 000 of California money can be used to advantage on it. In Oregon the road runs in part through a reserve and the government will soon let & contract for regrading Hayes hill for a distance of two miles. J.osephine county, on its own account, is also improving a- sec tion of the road, so that there is hope for the development of the 95 miles be tween Crescent City and the pass within a few years. But that doesn't help Curry county. MILLMAN FINED FOR FIRE GOVERNOR TO NAME. Y Colonel May, Lieutenant Wal lace, Captain Fisher, Chosen. FULL" AUTHORITY VESTED r "BY JOHN TV. KELLY. - GRANTS PASS, Or., July 26. (Spe teial.) Either the state highway com mission must spend a big sum of money to improve the one attenuated road in Curry county, or it Fhould not spend a. cent and leave that county to its fate. Curry county is a poor member of the family of Oregon counties. Save for the one road, which connects with Ban- don, in Coos county. Curry is isolated mo far as Oregon is concerned. Also it fs just as isolated as regards California There is one department store in Portland which has on its payroll more i people than there are in all the 149S j Biuarn miles of Curry county. Merchan- I disc in this fame department store Is valued more highly than the total as sessed valuation of taxable property in Curry county. Two-thirds of Curry County is in forest reserve, and while j this makes the county poverty-stricken! now. the time will come when Curry'a untapped tirnber will make it one of the .Richest counties in Oregon. j Road Job Costs J24.000 a Mile. ! There is in Curry county one road . Sob, under the direction of the high way commission, which covers a Stretch of 61" miles, and the contracts calls for ?157,00. When a road-grading- . Job costs some $24,000 a mile it gives an idea of the difficulties of construc tion. To inspect this work and gain a detailed idea of the road needs of Curry county, R. A. Booth, highway commissioner, and State Highway En pir.cer Nunn have traveled through the district from end to end. This par ticular contract is from Hubbard creek about 1 miles south of Port Orford to Brush creek. It is consid ered about the meanest part of the one jroad through the county. Curry county's one, lone road skirts along the coast. Inland there i noth ing but forests, mountains and wild grame. It is estimated that 25 per cent of the wild game of the Pacific coast, such as bear, cougar and deer, are in Carry county. Cougar are such raiders that several sheepmen have quit busi ness because of the depletion of flocks. This road begins at the Coos county line. In the north, and threads its way eround and over mountains, almost always within sight of the Pacific ocean, until it strikes Del Norte county. In California. Most of tne population f Curry is in the north and south ends, and these are thinly settled, so the paucity of people between the ends can be imagined. Coos BuiHlittfC Good Road. At present Coos county is making a jrood road to the Curry county line, for across the line in Curry are some of the finest dairies in the state, and the product of the dairies at Langlois, Icnrnark and Zurawalt are freighted out to Bandon. Curry county voted a $ys,000 road bond issue. , which is its limit. Half of this sum is to be ex pended north of Rogue river, near Coibin ridge (Arizona Inn), on a loca tion to be made by the state highway . commission, and money from the re maining half of the bonds will go on the road between Pistol river and Brookings, where the road at times attains an altitude of 2500 feet. The settlements at Elk creek. Sires and Euchre creek will be especially bene fitted by this southern development. Mr. Booth, after his inspection, ex pressed himself as favoring improve ment of the road from the Coos county line to Cold Beach, but stated that to develop properly it would require such a large sum that other ccunties would probably complain. Three hun dred thousand dollars is a rough esti mate for the development. Curry County erdfd Aid. It is impossible for Curry county to Jieip itself. The population is small. the property available for taxation Email, and the county has voted its limit for road bonds. It must have outside aid. This aid must come from the state or federal government. No other county in Oregon would be more blessed by the Roosevelt highway than Curry county. Meanwhile, the coast Jiiuhway on the state road map includes the county, so, eventually, the state will have to do more than it has done for the reliof of Curry county. A mil lion dollars will be spent for paving the Pacific highway throigh Marion county. Two-thirds of that eum would probably be required to build a stand ard state road through Curry, and that jrould provide only for grading. 1 ort Orford cdar, which appears Tike cheese and cuts as easily, grows no, where else on earth except in the rort Orford otiadrangle. This cedar, eone of w hich was iiped for a I rplane ' St'k'iri "li'Mi of spruce, is cut into lm- jnensc railroad ties. Some of these ties eventually are used on roadbeds, but many of the ties chopped out by: the settlers are worked up into fur- 1 Tiiture with a good road, these ties could be trucked out to Bendon, Co quit le or Myrtle point, but now they axe. slung in a, cradle and shot down over a cable which runs from a high cliff to a rock in the open harbor. Vessels anchor under the steel thread and picU. off the cradles of ties. A port has been organized at Port Or ford and a $20,000 wharf will be built, but this only emphasizes the need of a eui tabic land highway. t-'lfthlnic Chief Occupation. At Gold Beach, the only county seat In the state which is not incorporated there isn't an incorporated town in Curry Judge YV. A. Wood conferred with Commissioner Booth and Engineer Nunn. Time was when there were 2000 persons at Gold Beach, whose chief oc cupation was trying to extract gold from the black sands, but now there are but a handful of residents, most of whom make a living fishing for or against the edderburn company, which owns all the land on both sides of the lower reaches of the Rogue river. This stream is like some women beautiful, but whose beauty is spoiled by a bad mouth. Between Gold Beach and Brookings the lone road ventures along the edge of the ocean, with not a foot to spare. The wonder is that there are not more accidents. Under the most favorable conditions it is a 10-miles-an-hour road, but top speed for safety is five miles. South of Brookings, a saw to ill town there is a good road to the California line. In this section are the only red woods in Oregon. It is a good road on to Crescent City. Cal., which is the southern market for Curry county. Just r as Bandon, in Coos county, is in the north. California May Seek. Business. The object of Commissioner Booth In crossing the line was to confer with California highway representatives. In the recent road bond election In Cal Ifornia $400,000 was set aside for road work north of Crescent City to the Oregon line. The tourist route la from DONKEY EXGINE WITHOUT SPARK ARRESTER CAUSE. Forestry and State Officials Are Cooperating- in Efforts' to Pre vent Blazes. MEDFORD, Or., July 26. (Special.) As a result of an investigation by an official of the United States forest service, W. W. Salsig of the Salsig Lumber company, operating up Ander son creek, pleaded guilty to a charge of operating a donkey engine on forest land without an adequate spark arrest er. The fire started by the engine spread over about 300 acres. Mr. Salsig was fined $25 and costs today by Justice Taylor. A determined effort is being maae oy the forest service, in co-operation with state officials, to reduce the number of fires by . prosecuting all cases of negligence. During the past five years in Oregon there have been an average of 2000 fires each year. Between 65 and 75 pe cent have been avoidable. Incendii ism has averaged about 50U for each of the five years, or slightly more than four daily for the four months of the fire .season. The care less camper Is second. The men burn ing brush and slashing without a per mit ranks third. About 200,000 acres within the national forests of the state were burned over during 1918, while the loss to private timber interests out side of the forests was 1,107,743,000. BIG FORECLOSURE FILED i WESTOVER COMPAXY DEFEND ANT IX COURT ACTION. Clearing of Title to Terrace Property and Settlement of All Claims Held Object of Suit. Foreclosure of a $300,000 mortgage on the Westover Terrace holdings, val ued at $800,000, is sought in a suit filed in the circuit court yesterday by the Title & Trust company and John F. Daly against the Westover com pscny, Lewis-Wiley Hydraulic company and International Realty Association of Oregon. The Westover company, it appears, issued bonds totaling 300.000 in Oc tober of 1913. -which were secured by the Title & Trust company, which re ceived a trust deed and mortgage to the property on the heights west of Portland, dated October 18, 1913. Of those bonds, it is asserted that $232,000 are still outstanding. The plaintiffs contend that payments have not been made on the bonds and demand interest at 6 per cent from April, 191S; 2500 as attorneys' fees and 2500 as trustees' fees. The action is to clear up the title to the property and settle all claims, say the attorneys. Elimination of Factional Differences Expected to Resnlt Through Adoption of Nevr Plan. SALEM. Or., July 2fi. (Special.) Colonel John L. May of Portland. Lieu tenant Paul B. Wallace of Salem and Captain Ben S. Fisher of Marshfield will be appointed members of an ar- ory board to have full charge under the general staff of the national guard of the maintenance of all armories throughout the state, according to an announcement made by Governor Ol- cott this afternoon. Colonel May, when retiring from the office'of adjutant-general, recommend ed the creation of such a board and his suggestion met with the Immediate ap proval of Conrad Stafrin, present adjutant-general. The general staff of the nattnal guard, at its recent monthly meeting, joined in the recommenda tions of the two adjutant-generals, as serting that the nurpose of the board is to outline and maintain a definite pol icy regarding the maintenance and use of armories throughout the state. It is also proposed that the board shall superintend the finances of each ar mory, to the end that each may be made self-supporting, or as nearly so as pos sible. The selection of Colonel May. Lieu tenant Wallace and Captain Fisher by the governor has the approval of the adjutant-general's office. Persons close to the armory situation In Oregon be lieve the creation of the new board will not only do away with many fac tional differences regarding their oper ation, but will provide means whereby they can be maintained and Improved by private revenue rather than at state expense. Contracting Company Files Articles. SALEM, Or.. July 25. (Special.) Articles of Incorporation have been filed here by the Western Contracting Company. The incorporators are C. H. Knowles. Bradley A. Ewers and A. H. Smith. The capital stock is 5000 and the purpose of the company is to trans act a general contracting business. Headquarters will be established in Portland. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070. A 6095. HAWAIIAN GUARD HAS HOPE Regular Army Officer W aui d Ji Under Command. HONOLULU, T. H., July 26. (Spe cial.) Major-General Charles G. Mor ton, U. S. A., commanding" the Ha waiian department, desires and ie plan ning a bigger and better natjonal guard for Hawaii. He is now negotiating with Washington, r. C, for arrange ments, which, if perfected, will bring the militia under his command. This will solve the problem which has been one of considerable anxiety since the Hawaiian territorial legisla ture practically cut the national guard off its appropriation bills. Layton Cooperage Company fCOOPERACEYl) ) )J H COMPANY I f JT rt wsrea t.: i ' J POITUND j 'izp The Dinner Bountiful SUNDAY dinner at Ye Oregon Grill delights and satisfies. The finest of foods are prepared and served i n a manner which leaves nothing to be desired. Welcome today to this cool, cleanly grill where you may dine at your leisure. Sunday Dinner 5:30 to 9; $125 Orchestral Concert Week-Day Dinner. 5:30 to 9; $125 Music and Dancing We serve every weekday an appetizing noon lunch from 11 to 2 at 50c. You will find this a most de lightful place for your mid day meal. Ye Oregon Grill BROADWAY AT STARK Our kegs are made of the best assorted white oak, it's what we call grain alcohol stock. The wood contains no sap and it don't have to be parrafine lined inside. We have all sizes in stock and our prices are right. Office 327 Water Street Phone Main 3147 DON'T ORDER WOOD OR COAL TILL YOU HAVE SEEN THE MANNING GAS MAKER Demonstrated at Oar Salesroom, 69 Sixth St. More than half the labor of housekeeping is due to the prepa ration and cooking: of food. It would be worth your while to save yourself a large portion of that labor and lighten the rest wouldn't it? Designed especially for use in Cook Stoves, Ranges and Heating Stoves. Can be installed in two minutes by any inexperienced per son. So simple a child can operate it. Flame can be regulated at any heat desired. No soot. NO SMOKE. A jr f w. t r a (rrrrwtfre. Snail capital eeeaear'T. See daily faclery drmoutntfoB. Price complete outfit with 8-gallon tank and all neceasary fittings, $30; mail orders solicited: send $5 with order, balance C. O. E. express, with privilege of examination at express office. SEE DAILT DEMONSTRATION H. W. Manning INVENTOR AND MANUFACTURER 69 Sixth Street, Portland, Or. Powers Featuring the Most Wonderful Line of Artistic Reed and Willow Furniture Ever Displayed Here A Big Collection of Beautiful Pieces in Frosted Brown and Ivory. Coverings in the Newest Cretonnes and Other Fabrics There is no more daintily at tractive furniture for sum mer than reed and willow, and it affiliates so well with the bright-colored cretonnes now in evidence for draperies, cushions and table covers. It seems strange that we do not use reed and willow more for tables, desks, settees and lamps than we do, for it is attractive, comes in different finishes, is light to move, and easily taken care of. A room furnished in reed or willow has a simple, homelike ap pearance that appeals to everyone entering it. Restful Arm Chairs and Rockers Chaise Couches Tables Davenports Stools Seating Pieces in Wide ings to Match Any Variety of Cover Color Scheme of Sewing Tables Desks Lamps Settees Rooms Where This Furniture Is Adopted Bird Cages r Three Period Patterns in Oak Dining Tables Decidedly Underpriced These tables coma In 45 and 48-inch tops, snd you may have a choice of Irs; and pedestal bat-ex. William and Mary pattern, favored In so many homes. Come in tomorrow and make your selection the prices are advan tageous. Extension Table With 46-inchTop.. en special 3o4.5U Extension Table With Extension Table With 48-in. Topry n 48in. Top, . -SPECIAL00.70 SPECIALOHtb.iO , This Large Overstuffed Rocker A Big Special Value at $29175 tzs Yv this Urge and I S Complete your living room wit usual value with its deep spring seat, wins; T7e V ) f7 F back and covering of high-grade Imitation Span- UJt " lh leather. A good looking chair and a restful Credit Powers Headquarters for Baby Goods $106.75 Three-Piece Ivory Enamel Chamber Suite At the SPECIAL $t Jb BBSS 86.75 FILL SI'.K DK.D, DRESSER. tlllH O.MtK. The charm of ivory enamel furni ture Is patent to even the casual ob server, for It is so fresh and dainty that It Is the thina- for the bed room where we have light colore and pretty hangings. This is a very at tractive suite of three pieces, and emphatically worth purchasing at this price. Sold Separately, the Priees of the Various IMecee Are as Kollowai $36.75 Bed for --$2930 $370 Dresser - $30.75 $32J50 Chiffonier $26 0 $390 There Are Many Features of the New A-B Cadillac Gas Range That Make It the Best Range by Far We recommend thfs range for the small bungalow, flat, apartment, since it takes little space, and yet has four burners for cooking. The finish Is black enamel, except for the white panel door of the oven. The clean-out tray and broiler are so easy to keep clean, being of white porcelain. Also has interchangeable oven. For cooking satisfaction and convenience we know of no better range at Its price. The Price of the A-B Cadillac Gas Range Is Only $o9.50 Was Originally Built to Sell for $52. s A Very Interesting Showing of Floor and Table Lamps In Both Metal & Wood An attractive lamp H(Ms much to the pIM.tiure of a home, be in a; at once an ornament and useful. It seems a pity to be without one or more when Powers has o many beautiful ones to chooco from, and they can be houjtht on eay credit terms. Call In and see them. btnationn, ball or porch S45 POWERS for RUGS of Every Size and Every Dependable Make Use Your Credit Tf you are coinc to nerd a rue fr any room of the houe, me advlne you to look over our bis axfiortment. with splendid va riety of patterns to choose from. There are all sorts or coior com and every kind of rug eultable for living; room, bedroom. f HP J 8w mm m for 9x12 AXMINSTER RUGS Pay $5 Down$l Week That ever-dependable rug. the Axmlnster, Is shown here In six different patterns, and unusually pood colorings. Simple, unobtrusive rugs thst v. ill adapt themsclvcb to the home atmosphere. $39.50 for 9x12 VELVET RUGS " Pay $4 Down$l Week These are lovMr rues in soft, harmonious shades; choice of four pat terns, all small dei-lgns. They are seamless and of good quality. You'll Like the New JAPANESE RAG RUGS ,-i iirht-wlrht men that look extremely well with summer fur- .i.hincs.' Another splendid feature is their cleanliness. l'ictorial or floral borders, plain or pattern centers. This BED DAVENPORT at $54.75 Is a Most Interesting Value f!r;r'!;iii;M' Use Your One of the best values we can of fer Is this useful piece of furniture. It is of good con structlon and built on simple, plain lines. Up holstered in Span ish leather ette. rushioned seat and bark. A bed daven port solves the problem of the a u e m t In anart- , t- fnent or smnll cottace. and saves the i.oace I rrZl that a bed would lake, since It provides a tu" comfortable couch for the living room. lllll'IMIIIIIIIIIII III! II 11 llnul 1V iU'WHIU1!!!''!! Ill U ! IM : ;vyf .1! - - 1 l I Two Splendid Values in Arm Rockers Auto -Seat Patterns MB ft II 'm r Resralarlr PrieH at 13.75. Special $10.?0 These rockers are made from select ed oak etock. and are built substantially. They have deep spring seats upholstered In Spanish leatherette. Very good for all-round home use. An op portunity to add to the furnishings of the living room at little expenditure. Use Your Credit Music When You Want It & as You Want It With This Victrola VI Outfit Consisting of a Handsome Victrola, Double-Door Record Cabinet, and Five Ten-Inch Double-Faced Records No family can afford r.ot to have a phonograph, to be deprived of all the pleasure that such an Instrument bring into the home. Think of the enjoyment of being brought Into touch with all the big things in the musical world. The young people will stay home evenings If they can dance to the music of a phonograph. Terms $5 Cash, $1 Week '''' ' r -THSbw' i f Drive Away the Dread of Washday With a Laundry Queen Electric Machine Any woman who wants to be released from the dreadful rub. rub. nab of washday should Induce her hubby to purche one of these splendid power-driven wasning macnines. 11 not oniy wjnea every sort of article, from heavy blankets to li-ht garment, but it rinses them. too. It is well made, mechanlcallv. and. with even reasonable care, the rollers should last five years. Better investigate at once. Use Your Credit Those Building or Remodeling Homes of Six to Eight Rooms Should Investigate the A-B PIPELESS FURNACE AT POWERS YAMMIU,