The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 27, 1919, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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.virgin ISUHDS ARE
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Friendship of Inhabitants Is
: Already Aim.
Islanders Looking Forward 'With
: Great Hopes to Future Develop
ments in St. Thomas Harbor.
' ST. THOMAS, Virgin Islands. July 5.
t (Correspondence of the Associated
Press.) These islands have been ma
terially developed in some ways since
they were purchased by the United
States from Denmark less than two
years ago. Now that peace has come
the islanders are looking forward with
great hopes of further developments
In the future especially with regard
to the harbor of St. Thomas.
The islands are under the control of
the navy department and the adminis
tration of the naval officers and their
relations with the local legislature,
called the colonial council, have won
the friendship of the inhabitants. The
revenues of the islands are not suf
ficient to meet their requirements and
the navy department has appropriated
annually $00,000 for public works and
the general upkeep of affairs. Coupled
with the frequent visits of American
money by the forces stationed on the
Jslands, the naval authorities have en
deavored to give aid in every way.
Americanization Is Coins on.
Natives fill public positions where
possible and many are studying and
preparing for any other opportunities
-l... - rffaw Thn hnunitalR hflVfi
"been improved and remodeled by of
ficers of the navy medical corps and
the American Red Cross has provided
furniture ana iixtures. loung native
girls are being trained as nurses. A
Btart has been made in teaching useful
-professions to pupils of the public
schools. Better sanitary conditions and
h. proper water supply are being furn
ished. The present governor,' Admiral "W.
Oman, has held receptions to which all
classes have attended. The people
have American soda fountains and
restaurants and the national game of
.baseball has supplanted the English
game of cricket. There are three bands
composed solely of natives. War-time
prohibition is in force.
l.ivelv Interest Is Shown.
Generally the islanders are showing
s. lively interest in American Ideas and
customs. ISvidence of this is the en
thusiastic celebration of such national
.holidays as Decoration day and Inde
pendence day when the people join
with the authorities in patriotic ex
ercises such as saluting the flag, pa
rades and other celebrations unknown
here before.
The same laws and methods of gov
Verning the islands as under the Dan
ish regime still exist. Lack of change
-In this respect is attributed to the
war. There is some dissatisfaction and
agitation among local political as
pirants who want American laws and
customs to be extended to the islands.
More conservative men do not share
"in this agitation but trust that the
riecessary changes will be made in
time, when congress has decided what
form of government the islands shall
Honolulu Complains of Many Delays
in Paciric Service.
HONOLULU, T. H., July 14. (Spe
cial.) Talk of the possibility of a new
trans-Pacific cable has uncovered the
long-standing grievance of local stock
"brokers and business men against the
poor service of the present cable. A
few days ago the cable company an
nounced that owing to congestion of
business, commercial messages would
be delivered a day late. This limit in
creased to 30 hours, then to 36 hours,
and recently the messages have been
two and three days late.
The stock brokers and business men
will undoubtedly support any project
that will insure better and quicker
connection with the coast. Consider
able interest is felt locally in the state
ment that 13. P. Thomas, steel king,
would work for better trans-Pacific
on the Rhine." the class of 1899 has
offered $1000 as a prize.
Refusing to recognize the union or
to grant women equal pay for identical
work, the Columbia Graphophone com
pany has offered its striking employes
the 44-hour week with the same wages
as for the present 48-hour week.
Sweeping investigation of food prices
In every county in Ohio is requested In
a communication sent bjr Governor
James M. Cox to State Attorney-General
John G. Price. Grand Jury investi
gations are recommended.
Salaries of many assistant instructors
and some instructors at Harvard uni
versity are lower than wages paid to
street-car men, according to figures
made public.
A housing turvey of a block in East
Thirty-third streat. New York, made for
the state reconstruction commission,
shows one bathtub In 43 tenement
houses in which live 1700 persons. It
is tne property of a saloonkeeper, and
comparatively few of the other 481
families on the block have ever seen it.
Condensed News.
Fourteen senators and S4 deputies
from Alsace-Lorraine will sit in the
French parliament.
Appeal has been made to American
bankers for financial aid for Italy to
the extent of $1,000,000,000.
The Finnish Diet has elected Pro
fessor K. J. Stahlberg president of the
The Bulgarian peace delegation has
arrived at Paris.
The supreme council of the peace
conference has decided to send a com
munication to the Hungarian people,
advising them that if they eject the
Bela Kun government and Institute a
government with which the conference
can deal, the blockade will be lifted
and food provided.
The members of the patents section
of the international research conven
tion now meeting in Brussels Reached an
agreement on the establishment of an
International patent bureau for the
protection of Inventors.
A new credit of 1157,549,000 for
Prance was established Saturday by the
treasury, making a total of $3,010,026,
800 advanced to that country, and a
total of $9,615, 4U0.?J7 advanced to the
Plans approved by Secretary Daniels
'call for erection at Lakehurst, N. J., of
one of the laieect dirigible hangars in
the world. Construction will be started
Considerable progress on the senate
prohibition enforcement bill has been
Xnade by the judiciary sub-committee.
Pending action by congress toward a
permanent poiicy on dyestufs importa
tion, the war trade board will not issue
licenses permitting traffic in German
The senate judiciary committee has
tircun consideration of the mass of
testimony taken during the investiga
tion of the fitness of Attorney-General
A. Mitchell Palmer to hold office.
Democratic members of the house
war investigating committee today are
preparing the minorify report on the
Tccent inquiry into the. delay by the
war department in disposing of its
large surplus of army foodstuffs.
The special house committee to in
vestigate operations and expense of the
shipping board and emergency fleet
c orpora tion. appointed by Speaker Gil
let t, comprises Representatives "Walsh,
Massachusetts; Kelly. Michigan; Had
ley, Washington: Foster, Ohio, republi
cans, and Representatives Steele, Penn
sylvania, and Connally, Texas, demo-prats.
Mrs. Anna Gump, a widow, and four
children were suffocated in a fire in
their home in Milwaukee. "Wis. Two
other children were rescued.
The constitutionality of the recent
act granting woman suffrage in mu
nicipal and presidential elections in
Tennessee was upheld by the state su
preme court.
Ma jor-General Knoch H. Crqwder,
-who went to Cuba to draft new election
laws, will return to Washington Au
gust T. General Crowder has drafted
a- census law, an election law and a
statute controlling executive pardoning
V 1 1 f ii rlli or cfTrtrf ha hr.n rn H Viv
officers at Fort Leavenworth to put to
work the 2-00 prisoners who have been
under guard in tneir ceils since last
To obtain a new air for the Tale
anthem. "Bncht College years, which
now is sung to the tune of "The Watch
San Francisco Contrasted With Pa.
triotic Portland In Caring for
AVounded Service Men.
When 150 soldiers from overseas,
some armless, some legless, some
blind and others with a variety of in
juries, were feted at a banquet at the
Palace hotel in San Francisco last
Thursday and taken through San Fran
cisco on a sight-seeing trip, the work
of the Soldiers' Friend committee be
ban. Representatives of the Portland and
Seatle lodges of Elks are responsible
for the idea and its eventful beginning,
which is expected to become nation
wide through the efforts of all Elks
lodges in this country.
Julius J. Berg, exalted ruler of Port
land lodge and Geo. O. Brandenburg,
chairman of the Pep committee of the
Btate Elks association, were Portland's
representatives at the meeting at
which the organization was formed.
Mr. Brandenburg remnined in San
Francisco and attended the banquet
held for the wounded boys who were
receiving treatment at the Letterman
General hospital.
While Mr. Brandenburg was on San
Francisco he received word from the
Portland lodge that a position for one
of the boys was available and a young
man who could fill the job was found,
his discharge obtained and arrange
ments affected so that he will report
in Portland this week for his new
Incidentally, San Francisco Is
charged with lack of patriotic interest.
"When we reached the hospital," said
Mr. Brandenburg, "we found about 150
wounded men sitting on tfe lawn wait
ing to be taken to the hotel. Seven cars
was inadequate and as a result we
were forced to hire a number of sight
seeing busses. Had the appeal been
made in Portland we would have re
ceived twice as many cars as we asked
Mr. Brandenburg will outline the
plans of the Soldiers' Friend committee
to the delegates in attendance at the
annual convention of the Oregon State
Klks association in Klamath . Falls.
August 14. 15 and 16.
Attorney-General Sees Little Hope
for Change in Islands.
HONOLULU, T. H.. July 18. (Spe
cial.) The possibility of Hawaii becoming-
"wet" again that is, legally
"wet" is remote, indeed, according to
Harry Irwin, attorney-general for the
territory. A clause in the Sbeppard bill
under "which the islands became "bone
dry" provides that two years subse
quent to the signing of the treaty of
peace 20 per cent of the voters may pe
tition for a repeal of the measure.
Attorney-General Irwin believes that
the two-year clause became null and
void when three-fourths 'of the states
of the Union ratified the constitu
tional amendment for national prohibi
tion after the first of the year. There
is a possibility that Hawaii may become
wet to the extent or beer and lisrht
wine until the constitutional amend
ment goes into effect.
It has been reported that Prince J. K.
Kalantaniole, delegate Jo congress for
Hawaii, may ask congress to let down
the bars here from the time that the
wartime prohibition statue is discarded
until January 1 of next year.
Standing Timber Escapes Damage
by Forest Fires.
COTTAG13 GROVE, Or., July 26.
(Special.) With its some ::0,000. 000.000
feet of timber in tributary territory.
Cottage Grove has been peculiarly for
tunate thus far this year In regard to
forest fires. While destructive confla
grations have been raging elsewhere,
very little of the vast body of standing
timber in this section has been threat
ened. The only bad fire has been in the
Bohemia district, where every year
lightning sets the woods afire. Only
in the past day or two have the flames
reached the tops of the trees, which is
necessary before damage results. For
est Ranger Holderman has a crew of
35 men who are keeping the flames
under control.
Flames Pass Over.70 in Water,
Neck Deep.
Supply of Fighters Is Rapidly Being
Exhausted; Buildings In St.
Ignatius Are Destroyed.
MISSOULA, Mont., July 26. A crew
of nearly 70 men, fighting a fire in the
Selway forest last Thursday, wen
trapped by the flames and saved them
selves by leaping into a stream, where
they remained up to their necks until
the fire had passed.
One horse was lost and several badly
Injured, the saddles being burned from
their back. The men's camping equip
ment was destroyed.
HELENA, Mont., July 26. The Mon
tana state council of defense has is
sued an appeal for federal aid in fight
ing the forest fires, which, it is de
clared, have got beyond control In vari
ous parts of the state.
This action was taken at a meeting
of the council today. Telegrams were
sent last night by Governor 8. V. Stew
art to the commander of the western
division of the army at San Francisco
and to Washington asking if federal
troops could be sent in case of an
Governor Stewart also has tele
graphed the Montana delegation in
congress urging the members to co
operate with Governor D. W. Davis of
Idaho, who is in Washington endeav
oring to have troops sent to fight for
est fires in that state.
Ftrem Fnael by Wbdj.
Forestry officials, both government
and state, report that high winds the
last two days have fanned the forest
blazes to a strength which makes their
control by the present forces, tired out
by weeks of constant duty, problemat
ical. The appeal by the council of defense
Is directed to the war department and
asks that sufficient troops be sent to
cope with the situation.
MISSOULA. Mont.. July 2 Damage
of $45. .'50 was done by a fire that de
stroyed nine buildings at St. Ignatius
near here, todav. Th. -io.., ..
halted only when F. T. Crowe, project
cuS mccr ui me united states reclama
tion service, had turned into St. Igna
tius all the water available that runs
from the great reservoir nearby. With
this supply the fire fighters were able
to stop the flames.
Sew Fires Eibauit Labor.
With new fires snrinsrinir im
where and the supply of labor rapidly
..fc ,.ne xorest lire situation
In western Montana has reached a
stage where, according to statements
today, it excites serious alarm on the
part of forest service officials.
Three new fires were reported to
day in the Lolo National forest, three
in the Missoula forest and 12 in the
Clearwater forest, while fires which
have been burning for weeks today
continued to threaten.
The joyiing of the Cold Creek 'fire
with the blaze coming down Long
Gulch Creek in the Lolo forest caused
a fire, which spread In three direc
tions at a dangerous pace, although It
was temporarily checked when it
reached tiie old Black Tail burn.
Control Lines Are Jumped.
The Hughes Creek fire in the Bitter
Root forest jumped the control lines
several times. Although the flames
are being held on the south side of the
creek this is one of the biggest fires of
the district and is considered very dan
gerous. The Running Creek fire has cleared
the .Salmon mountains, jumped into
Montana and now is burning over a
large area. Large crews are figimjig
tho Evaro fire and are holding the
blaze on the west side, although it is
spreading rapidly and Is considered
It was expected a complete fire line
vould be thrown around the dan
gerous Rattlesnake fire this after
noon. This fire has burned over 5000
The Cabinet reserve has two new
fires, the larger one 300 acres in ex
tent, one at Glidden Creek and another
at Blue Creek.
The Kaniksu forest has several fires
burning badly. The fire east of Elk
Citv in the Nes Perce forest is very
tad, with 115 men fighting it.
Official Casualty Report.
Steilacoom Fugitive Captured.
SALEM. Or.. July 26. (Special.)
Charles Haverst. who says that he es
caped from the Washington state hospi
tal at Steilacoom was picked up by the
officers at Brooks yesterday and
brought to the therifrs office here.
Haverst was examined by the Marion
county sanity board and committed to
the state hospital here.
Vancouver Accepts Invitation.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 26. (Spe
cial.) Grocers and butchers of this
city have accepted the invitation of the
grocers' association of Portland to at
tend the picnic which is to be held at
Bonneville August 6. Those going will
take trains from Portland. A pro
gramme has been arranged by the Port
land grocers and butchers.
Situation in Northern Idaho Is Con
sidered Improved.
SPOKAXE, July 26. With the ex
ception of a fire on Bear creek, near
Knaville, Idaho, which was burning
over 1300 acres, and perhaps two or
three other blazes, the forts fire situa
tion in northern Idaho continued to
show improvement today. Cool weather
was helping the fire fighters to hold
the flames in check, although high
winds were reported from several sec
tions. To te 150 men fighting the Bear
creek fire to keep it from turning back
on Enaville and the Coeur d'Alene val
ley, were added 50 more from here
today. Supervisor Ryan of the Pend
Oreille forest today expressed the hope
that within a few daya the big Pack
river fire might be halted, with con
tinued favorablo weather.
A fire in Stevens county, Washing
ton, southeast of Colvillc, today has
spread into Pend Oreille county and
was burning over an area of 30 square
miles. Although it Is in good timber,
il is moving: siowiy.
The fires in the tvaniksu forest were
burning slowly today and numerous
other fires In northern Idaho were re
ported under control.
ASHINGTON, July 26. The follow
ing casualties are reported:
Wounded, degree undetermined
TJurbink. Franlc.ln W. Cpl. , Jsalezn. Or.
Kearns. Ralph. Portland. Or.
Ttv! of wound ft
Blanchard. Clifford P.. Enundav, Wash.
Killed in action
Collins, J. Tunnetton. W. Vi.
Kolai-zzvnskl. Leo, Milwaukee. Wia. ,
Troychuk. .Mklia. .New York.
Died of woundj
lsenl'ers. J. t . Sst ). Catlett, Va.
Mane, H. M. (Cpl.). Pedalla. Jlo.
fcnderlin. .'.. tttburs;. Fa.
FoucaulL. H. M Baraga, Mich.
Jonef". B. R-. Conneraville. Ind.
Stewart. W. r. K.. Newport. R. I.
Allen. AUa, Bloomfield. Ind.
Avery. C. E.. Benton. III.
taeheer, Kred, Janeavnle. Minn.
relaney. J. J., New York.
flretinser. K. R-, Klltworth Station. O,
Itunl. K. H.. ,tohn!onvll le. N. Y.
FeyJortli. VY K.. Florence tilatlon. 111.
SHcox. .1. L.. Debusk. Va.
Woipwoda, Thomas. Chicago. 111.
Died from accident
Ptansfieid. J. W. .-st.). North Aus'iMa. S. C.
.1rhnn, P. J. Opl., Boston. Masa.
iiulicu, 1. J. (Cpl. J. Milton. Wia.
Mathews. C. B. (Cpl.). Bridgeport. O.
Maurone. Albert (Wag;.), Philadelphia. Pa.
Birkett. G. R. Waahlniom. 111.
Vecerka, Frank. Oxford, la.
Waiera, W. K.. Warren. O.
Lovely, John. Srrmcuao. N. T.
Brown. G. L. Clarkavlllo. Ark.
Fltll. L. R.. Stanley. Wla.
Glbblo. I. B.. Palmyra. Pa.
Norman. Caeaar. Meriwether. S. C.
Connor. J. P.. Brldarewatar. Masa.
Cordova. F. J.. Chunleia, N. I.
Everett, J. E., Forest Grove. Mont
Frederick. H. C. Berarlnsdale, Fa,
Havron, W. A., Panama. 111.
Simons, W. M Teasue. Tax.
Werta. O. A., Shelbyvllla, la.
Died f dlawe
Brown. John (Cpl ). Caaer. III.
Groothnla. Klaaa, Grand Raplda. Mich.
Haya, Chartee ft.. Hardatown. Kr,
Perraault. Joaeph. Quebec. Canada.
Leo. Jim Boy. Wfnnaboro. Tax.
Martin, Georare H, Chlcase.
RrtnrnM to airir fBrevioaaalv aaamrtol !
ktll-d Im action)
Sa-rrinston. Georzo. Sacramento. Cal.
Iled ( prevloualr repsrtset died of
Pokorny. Charles, Stiver I.aka. Ulna.
I'Pton. Wllllm. Philadelphia.
Wllaon. L.. MayavlUa. Kr.
Killed In action previously reported
Maaalon, Chrtatoa Z.. New Terk.
Roekwell. W. F.. Rockwell Sprints. N. T.
Pled of dlaes (previously reported
Gary. Enrana Tt . Abbeville. F. C.
Killed In aMtJon 1 prevaooftljr reported
wounded, dee-reo undetermined!
Colaran. Bernard F., New York.
Warner, Iceland J., Hooeton, Tex.
Killed ia action (previously reported
Brown. Edward F., Toman. Wla.
Cheeton. Galloway G.. Annapolla. aid.
filed of wonndrj (previously reported mlet.
OXeaiT, Patrick. Butte. Mont.
Rlcketa. Ulya E Mmdlaon. Ind.
THed of wounds (nrorttkaaadr fwnertea
Thorpe, W. TT. Sst). Cheater. Pa.
rrd (previously reported killed In ac
tion) Schmltt. Edwin L. Lt., Milwaukee. Wla.
Gautrea. Robert 1 (8irt., Jeaneretre. lju
Returned to duty ( previously reported died
of woondn)
Weerln. Erik O., Kordlngro. Sweden.
Killed la action (previously reported
Layton. Laurence (Lt), Georgetown. Del.
Baker. Silas W. (Cpl.l, Camo, Tex.
Petereon. Frederick, New Palts, N. T.
Wilbur. Bryan W St. Paul, Minn.
Sky Rocket Cost of Living Regarded
as Most Pressing Problem.
Breaking Point ared.
NEW YORK. July 28. Price-fixing
commissions by the government ars the
only remedy for profiteering in the ne
cessities of life, in the opinion of Will-
lam Harmon Black, formerly vice
chairman of the war labor board, who
sailed today for England and France.
He declared that even men who in
tended to be fair had been forced into
exactions not warranted by the situa
"The pressing problem." he said, "is
the skyrocket cost of living. It is all
paid by the ultimate consumer. The
country believes that nearly everybody
who can Is profiteering. Nearly every
man is raising the price of everything
he sells. If nothing is dona to check
this abnormal Inflation in prices, the
stage will finally be reached where
there will be a breaking point to re
lieve the tension."
Suggesting the remedy of price-fix
ing commissions, Mr. Black said as far
as the power of the government to cre
ate such commission was concerned,
I'the supreme court which read 'the
rule of reason' Into the Sherman act
could read fair prices Into a decision
which would validate an act creating
a price-fixing commission."
He pointed out that the war labor
board had fgixed the prices of labor
and that the price of wheat had been
fixed and maintained that there was
no difference In principle in his plan.
If the federal government was found
not to have jurisdiction over prices of
production within the states, Mr. Black
propose dthat each commonwealth ap
point a commission to regulate prices
within its borders.
As to the composition of such com
missions. Mr. Btack held that the unor
ganized consumer should be represent
ed, "especially that part of the con
sumers who do not produce and who
have most bitterly felt the pinch." He
suggested that each commission should
be composed of a laborer, a capitalist.
a railroad man. a steamship avian, a
farmer or miner, a manufacturer and
a consumer and should Include one
woman member.
Mr. Black did not say whether he
had submitted his plan to the presl
Office FoFiniitTuiire
Rainbow Tints
Pink, Bine, Buff, Lavender,
White. 24 sheets and 24 en
velopes to match 23? per box.
5 boxes for $1.
Wauna Linen Tints
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Photo Phil Says:
Vacation Days are Kodak Days
' and he can finish what your
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Remember our SxlO Black and
White Enlargement from your
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Let's get acquainted.
Ladies' Silk Hand Bags in
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Typewriter Shock
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Some Vacation Reading
Take books with you on your
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This new novel, by one who is
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-IN SECRET" $1.50
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A wonderful adventure story
Read it and you will find it one
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tdventures you have had for
by Elinor Flyn $1.50
A startling and unique romance
of English high society. Some
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the plot is clever, and the char
acters entertainingly drawn.
By Randall Parrish
A strange case of murder and
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Stella Donovan, reporter on the
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Will flelp Our
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Mail Orders Filled Promptly
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Kodak Expert
The J. K. GILL CO.
Booksellers, Stationers, Office Outfitters.
Third and Alder Streets
Bolshevist Warning Issued.
SOUTH BEND. Wash.. July 2. (Spe
cial.) Very Reverend . Hanley, vicar
general of the dlocesa of Seattle. In an
address before the South Bend Com
mercial club this week.-warned arainst
tha bolahevlst movement that was at
tempting to sweep away democracy
and substitute for it the doctrine of
Fire Precautions Taken.
SOUTH BEND, Wash.. July S. (Spe
cial.) To prevent a repetition of the
threatening fire of last Sunday, Toke
land has taken steps to further protect
the fire area, raakinir it a heavy pen
alty to build camp fires where It will
have oontact with the drlftwooa.
ever heard
of a genuine
Pearl Necklace
for $10?
The perfect gift for the baby,
the girl, the young lady, the
The Add-a-pear! NedJao con
sists of s group of genuins Pesrls
strung on silk and inserted in a
fine gold neck-chain, with provi
sion to add a pearl as occasion
demands. The most fsscinaring
Pearls as an investment
The ssam amount htnstad in parU
and deposited in batiic fen years ago.
aroold trxi.y show tha nasi la a a.
mere pronreble bwshbmbc. This will
aawars Be cnie.
Come m ana 19 as axe lain
this oats gift loea
334 Washington
Marriages to Be Prohibited by Army
Order Even After Treaty Is
Ratified, Is Report.
COBLENZ, July 26. (By tne Asso
ciated Press.) Reports of marriages
between American soldiers and CJerman
girls have been received at headquar
ters from various parts of the occupied
area durlna- the past few days, but as
yet no charges have been filed against
any of the men. It Is believed most
of the marriages were due to misunder
standings regarding the anti-f raternl
satlon regulations.
A week before the treaty waa signed,
several of the chaplains through a mis
understanding, informed the soldiers
that marrlaices were permissible as
soon as the Uermans accepted the peace
terms. Officers say that a number of
marriages took place before this belief
was corrected by a special order from
headquarters calling attention of of
ficers and men to the fact that until
the United States ratified the treaty
Germany and America technically were
at war and the regulation prohibiting
fraternisation was still In force.
At headquarters It Is said that even
nffr the l"nlted Stale, rxtlfirs the
treaty marriages with German girls
will ba prohibited by an army order.
ing at the time ha married Mrs. Frank
lin last September, is to bs returned
to Vancouver by federal officers for
prosecution, according to statements
made by army officers at Vancouver
Franklin was recently arrested at
Jacksonville, 1-la.
Ei-Officcr in Sprnre Division to Be
Returned to Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 26. (Epe- I A Berkshire, Mass.. farmer set up n
claL) Ivan R. Franklin, formerly a I scarecrow in his cornfield, near the
lieutenant in the spruce production j railroad, and the trainmen pelted It
division stationed at Aberdeen, who is J hard with chunks of coal that tha farm
chargeal by Mrs. Zera Franklin of Port- er got more than two tons of coal
lend with having hard snother wife llv- out of it.
Whin Romi Comfort . ,
J" Abound
F FoHlMd Oreffo
Th Mnltnomih
to malntato rv!co that
la superior at pr !? that
are moderate. With tn
luxuriounly (vrnlibid
rooms, ihr ball room
ppacioun merman i n floor
and lobby, it combines un
usual fnrimtea for both
bom comfort And aouia4
Hiti y t r 1 6 oar
f amoa fj de lave dinner
ertel la too Gold room?
Erie V. Baoier, Pres.
A. B. Campbell. Msr.
Buy Quality in Footwear
At No Higher Price
The makes of shoes we carry are all standard. There is per
mitted no deterioration in quality during the present period of
higher prices.
Compare our footwear and. onr prices with others and yoi
will discover that we ask no more for quality shoes than is asked
many places for shoes greatly inferior both in quality and in
We own our own buildings. We pay no rent. We can afford
to sell and do sell for less!
Women's Summer Footwear
Women's White Reignskin Lace Sport
Shoes with white Cuban heels; a smart shoe.
Women's Smoked Horsehide Lace Sport
Shoes; belting leather soles; military heels.
' Women's Patent Colt Pumps; Eemi-Colonial
Parkway model; Louis XJV heels, Light welt
soles; a dressy street model.
Women's Midnight Blue French Kid Pumps;
hand-turn soles; Louis
XIV heels; a Tery fash
ionable model
i 1 i
Spend your vacation in
Oa Gsary Street. )nst off Unlea Scntue.
close Ve everythinc worth walla. Good
accommodation! from 91-60 up. Breakfast
35 asd 60s (Sundays 75c), Lunch 60c.
Dinner 91 (Sundays S1.25). Municipal
Una suaita ihm A nnr. atarwart. Motor
I Bos neets principal grains and steamers.
mm e .
convenient, eaiarabla
home for the Seattle vis
itor, location excep
tionally convenient to
trans portation and to
wholesale and shopptna
districts. Refined social
entertainment aveninca;
one of Pacific Coast's
famous cafes.
Summer Footwear for Men
129 Tenth Su, BeU Washington and Aider
l - .1 rWasjn
jL- O sr w S
Americas Greatest Beverage
the distinctively new soft drink
that makes lasting friends every
where. Refreshes and satisfies be
cause of its wholesome, nutritive
qualities. The rich, appetizing
flavor appeals to natural taste.
Luxus has just the snap you'll likelj
la original 12-oonce Brows. Bottles .
at Fountains:, Cafes and Restaurants, i
Any Grocer will supply your home.
9d iKf ?Uel4 e-vaLafc. aj.fl."
' ZHMtrikmf-4
Portland, Oregon
ee.i fcarnV. raufsaaanWa tm ssWfa arfaWae e
a.atzM or aaua, 4reaasau lauaiatr Vee.