The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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Terrible Stories Told by Ser
geant Beckman of New York.
Enlisted Man Beaten and Put In
Solitary Confinement Cuts Throat.
"Died From Other Causes."
ington, July 19. Terrible stories of
brutality 'practiced against United
States eoldiers by the American pro
vost marshal's force in France are told
In a letter laid before the house by
Representative Dallinger of Massachu
setts, and inserted in the Congressional
The letter is from James W. Beckman
of New York, a sergeant in the Amer
ican expeditionary forces, and an in
vestigation is to be made by the Gra
ham war investigation committee of the
charges it contains. In part the letter
"A most horrible incident was the
case of a soldier who could not speak
English very well, much less under
stand it thoroughly. He was struck
and beaten for not snapping to a minor
command. He cried. 'This is terrible.'
" 'We'll show you how terrible it is,'
Teplied those who were beating him,
and he was taken before the personnel
officer and two sergeants. A lieutenant
beat him again and put him in a cell
on bread and water. Evidently they
considered this too good for him, so he
was placed tn a pup tent for solitary
Soldier Cats Bis Throat.
"During the afternoon his quietness
was noticed, and when they went over
and tore his tent down he was lying on
his back with his throat cut. It was
about an hour before the ambulance ar
rived and the silent form borne off to
the hospital. And. thousands of miles
across the sea and land, perhaps there
awaited a gray-haired mother, with .a
service star in the window of her hur -fcle
home, who received word from the
war department that General Pershing
had reported her son among those who
died from other causes.' " ...
"As the chosen representatives of
100,000.000 free people," eaid Repre
sentative Dallinger, "we cannot sit idly
while stories of torture such as these
are told. They must be proven false
or true, and if true every officer and
every enlisted man who was in any
way responsible for such conditions,
either directly or indirectly lo blame,
must suffer a proper punishment. Dem
ocrat and republican must stand to
gether to institute such reforms in our
army and our war department that in
the future, if it be necessary, we .can
send our eons and loved ones away
again to fight for their country with
the assurance that each eoldier will be
treated as a free man until he is found
euilty by a proper court for an Infrac
tion of military law."
"Hnrd-Bolled Smith'' In Charge.
After describing the military prison
and the alleged inhuman conduct of the
guards, Mr. Beckman in his letter gives
many Instances of alleged cruelties. One
typical statement in the letter follows:
"Farm No. 2 was then run by com
pany K, 158th Infantry, of the 400th
division. Lieutenant Smith was the
officer in charge. This lieutenant was
known as 'Hard-Boiled Smith': in fact,
he boasted of it before the men when
giving special exhibitions of his crim
inal brutality.
"Farm No. 2 was a French farm out
side of Paris used by the American
army as a prison camp. There were
many stables, three-quarters of which
were used by the men of company K,
which numbered about 250 men; the
other quarter of the stables was used
for the prisoners, who sometimes num
bered as high as 1200 men. These men
were quartered in something like ten
stalls, each about the size of a two
horse stall, and a loft just above these
stalls. The overflow was put in pup
tents in a small yard. About 16 men
slept in a single stall. The unsanitary
conditions were frightful.
"When soldiers arrived at this farm
from the Paris prison they were taken,
two at a time, to an upper floor of the
building used by the company com
mander as. his headquarters. Here they
were thoroughly searched by two ser
geants in the presence of an officer.
If the personal belongings or money of
the me,n had been returned to them be
fore they; left the Paris prison they
were taken away from them here. A
big box was placed in the center of the
room. As the men's belongings were
taken from them they were tossed into
this box.
Lieutenant Hepstein sat beside the
box and immediately took charge of
anything that was valuable. Money
was thrown into the box, and there was
no way of identifying to whom it be
longed. In some cases the men were
Sriven receipts for their money, but in
others they were not. It all seemed to
depend upon the whim of the officer.
Brutality Is Horrible.
"It was a common thing to see a ser
geant knock a man down or beat him
upon the slightest provocation. One
morning as the men fell in line for
. breakfast one man was slightly out of
line. Sergeant Ball went up to him
and punched him in the face six times.
"One morning about 9 o'clock four
men were taken into one of the stalls
In the stable and beaten with black
jacks fdr 20. minutes. When they came
out the blood was streaming from their
faces and they were in a horrible con
dition. Lieutenant Hepstein, Sergeant
Ball, a duty sergeant of Conjpany K,
ISSth infantry, together with three gen
eral prisoners, entered the stall -with
these four men who were beaten up.
A guard with a rifle on his shoulder
stood at the door. After the men came
out Lieutenant Hepstein and another
stood in the door examining their fists.
The men were taken over to wash off
the blood, and one man, a little weaker
than the others, lingered behind. Ser
geant Ball punched him in the ear from
behind and kicked him into line with
the other hree. These men were put
on bread and water.
"The incidents that I have related in
this letter I can substantiate in an offi
cial report from the inspector-general
of the army corps to general head
quarters, American expeditionary forces,
and represent only a few of the atroci
ties committed at these places.
"Newly returned soldiers, whom 1
know personally, and on whom I rely.
lniorm me mat conditions I have de
scribed giill exist and that there seems
to have been no improvements.
l'irst Post-War Baby Born In Kheinis
PARIS. July 19. Little Catherine
Victoire Boudian has achieved renown
by being the first baby born in Rheims
since the armistice. The American
Red Cross has taken a lively interest
in "the" Rheims baby, whose Kodmother
Is Miss Catherine Biddle Porter of
Philadelphia. Thanks to material corn
forth supplied without stint by her
American friends, the "victory" baby
is tnriving.
The newest KirsHbaum
designs are here in
cluding distinctive
waist-line and double
breasted suits. . , .
Copyright, 1919, A. B. Kirschbaum Company
For Style, Quality and
Value all three '
Tailored At The Sign
Of The Cherry Tree
A NOTED staff of designers
with all their genius cen
tered upon one purpose
STYLE! A skillful corps of
workers with but one ideal be
fore them QUALITY ! Scien
tific clothes-making equipment,
waste-free methods which insure
Kirschbaum Clothes in
the new summer models.
Phegley 8C Cavender
European Housekeeper Is Paying
More at Retail Than the
Women of America.
NEW TORK, July ?9. Herbert Hoov
er, director-general 'of relief has cabled
the American relief- administration. 43
Broadway, that the European house
keeper is paying- more for sugar than
her American sisters whose anxious
eyes are turned toward the canning
season. In England sugar at retail Is
14 cents a pound, in France 15 cents,
Italy, 16 cents, and Switzerland, 12 2-3
cents per pound.
Discussing recent reports of a pos
sible future sugar shortage and the in
creased buying which resulted, those
conversant with the sugar situation
point out that there will be no sugar
shortage in this country, if hoarding
and hysterical buying are avoided. The
most serious problem In the present
sugar situation is one of distribution
and this is being solved rapidly.
During the last five weeks there has
been a great increase in purchases of
the manufacturers and housewives,
brought about, no doubt, by newspaper
reports encouraging people to buy
sugar. The invisible supply was de
pleted and naturally, with this great in
crease in buying, the refiners were not
able to cope with the situation. A simi-
ar situation could happen at any time.
That is, 1f people would hold off buying
for a given period and then all buy at
once it would result inevitably in con
ditions similar to the one we are facing.
By "invisible supply is meant the re
serve stocks in the hands of manufac
turers, jobbers, retailers and even the
This shortage can be developed at any
time by hysterical buying and hoarding.
and can be avoided if the consumers
confine themselves to their normal pur
chases. "Wholesale grocers can aid
greatly in this situation by having their
salesmen explain matters to the retail
ers and request the retailers in turn to
explain conditions to the housewives, at
the Bame time counseling the house
wives to purchase in normal quantities.
ing his pacification of the state of More--Jos.
culminating in the death of Zapata.
He has not openly pronounced himself a 4
candidate, out has issued several let
ters in which he challenged statements
credited to General Obregon and in one
asked the latter to sign a pact with
him that, in any event, the decision at
the polls would be final. General Obre
gon as yet has not replied.
It is rumored in the capital that sev
eral generals now in the field have
presidential ambitions.
Kl Heraldo de Mexico, a newcomer
in the journalistic field here, is attempt
ing to unite the various factions In
Mexico into one political party which,
agreeing in matters of governmental
policy, shall determine upon a candi
date and elect him.
To date none of the leading newspa
pers of the capital has publicly pledged
its support to any avowed or potential
Although Presidential Election Is
Year Away Alignments Forming.
MEXICO CITY, July 1. (Correspond
ence of, the Associated Press.) Al
though the presidential election in
Mexico is not scheduled to be held un
til July of next year, political align
ments are taking form.
The newspaper Excelsior, in a re
cent issue, reviewing the political sit
uation, declared that a canvass of the
governors of the various states showed
these chiefs to have the following
preferences: Ten for General Alvaro
Obregon. five for General Pablo Gon
zales, one for Luis Cabrera, secretary
of the treasury, one for Aguirre Ber
langa. secretary of the interior, one for
a civilian candidate as yet unnamed
and seven undecided. These varied se
lections give some hint, at least, as to
what men are being considered for the
General Obregon at present is not In
active army service, being encaged in
private business in Sonora. General
Gom.Ies is at the head of government
forces in the state of Oaxaca, follow-
Branch Plant at Corvallls, to Cost
940,000, Soon Will Be Ready
for Operation.
BROWNSVILLE, Or.. July 19. (Spe
cial.) One of the most nourishing can
neries In the state Is located at Browns
ville. It is owned and controlled large
ly by two. Portland men H. A. Lewis.
head of the Russellvllle Nursery com
pany of Portland, and C. r. Minton,
well-known livestock owner and fan
cier. The former is the president of
the company, the latter a director. Mr.
Minton is in charge of the Multnomah
county fair, which is to be held at
Gresham, September 15 to 20.
The last few years the cannery at
Brownsville has been prosperous. Ad
ditions to the building were made and
modern machinery installed. The vol
ume of business was so large that the
company decided to build a cannery at
a The Corvallls branch will soon be
ready for use. It cost $40,000. The
building is 80 feet wide and 250 feet
long:. The main offices of the Browns
ville cannery are now located at Cor
vallls. Manager Ira Hutchins is In
charge. The new plant has contracted
for about 40 acres of beans this sea
son and these will be canned at Cor
vallis. The Brownsville branch this season
has handled cherries, loganberries and
raspberries. The following figures
show receipts for this season up to
July 12:
Berri.-s Pound..
Loganberries ....................... 54,479
Raspberries 40,73
Royal Anne ........................ 46.791
Black 4.17.
Bins a.ou
We Stand for More and Better Homes
Homes Made Hospitably Homelike
Summer Furniture
For Beach, Home, Porch
or Garden
Seasonable summer furniture of
unusual appeal . is now . displayed
here in a great variety.
Included in Our Ex
quisite Display You
JVill Find
Reed Chairs, Rockers, Tables, Chaise Longues, Bird Cages,- Ferneries,
etc, in Old Ivory and Frosted Brown; Willow Chairs and Rockers,
and a very host of other charming pieces that will brighten up their
surroundings, no matter where they are placed.
The better home the home where you love
to be must be furnished for all-the-year-round
comfort cozy and snug in cool wea
ther airy and comfortable when summer
suns shine down. You can obtain this all-season
charm in your home through selecting1
the proper furnishings. Let Jenning's have
the pleasure of helping you to get the most
delightful possible effects at your preferred
A Sale of -Rugs!
$40 Saxony Axminsters $32.50
83x10.6 Size.
Really an opportunity for some economical rug buying! You would
hardly expect to find a longer-wearing rug than one of these.. The pile
is long and heavy the colors happily chosen.. On sale during this week
only, at reduced prices.
nMii mn
Auto Robes Only $9.75
These are in high plaids and plain colors. Their regular price is $14.50.
This week we will make a drive on them at the above price, and wager
with ourselves that there will be .
not one left on Saturday night!
All-wool yarns. Exceptional quality. . .
The New Summer Ideas
in Drapery and
Upholstery Fabrics
Refreshing1 environment is very es- -sential
to summer comfort in the
home. The correct use of properly
selected hangings and tHe effective
cushioning of the seating pieces in
summery tones do more to trans
form the atmosphere of the home
than can be accomplished with equal
expenditure in any other direction.
The new cretonnes 6hown at Jen
ning's are particularly attractive
and desirable for summer use. They
are produced in a multitude of
beautiful color effects, and they
are almost unlimited in decorative
possibilities. They are reasonably
I A I Ins. Jii
Exquisite Bedroom Furniture
We have many handsome Period designs as well as the Mission and
the Colonir.l, and the modern examples of design. Choose one of these
perfectly matched suites and let your waking eyes rest upon dainty
ivory enamel, or upon the darker mahogany or walnut. Our showing
is wonderfully varied, and our prices are moderate. Our liberal
credit terms, if you desire.
Own one of these splendid black,, tan or brown leather companions
Here in any 6ize and style
Filet Net
Summer Sale
and let it acquire a collection of labels!
you may desire, becomingly priced.
The Environment for Dining
' Here you will see suite after suite of rich brown mahogany, of
handsome walnut, or of sturdy democratic oak furniture that will
make your dining room what it should be a place of comfort and
good cheer. Select a suite to meet your taste and we will promptly
install it in your home.
The Master
They stand silent in our Washington-street
window today, awaiting
only the touch of your hand to peal
forth in song or in a golden har
mony of sweet sounds. They are
the sisters three, whose mission it
is to bring good cheer
The Columbia,
The Widdicomb,
The Windsor
Call in tomorrow at our Phono
graph Department and tell us which
one we shall send to your home. A
very small payment down, with
easy monthly payments, will fill
your home with music.
these little Columbia Grafonolaa
with 5 double-disc records for
your boating trips. 25
$5.00 Down $1,00 a Week
The Cedar Chest and
Its Treasures
What a delight to the feminine taste is one
of these spicy, sweet-smelling chests of
cedar! And what a world of dainty things
feminine they can hold within their capa
cious depths! Coats, furs,
lingerie, and the thousand
and one things the modem
woman finds essential. We
show dozens of new arrivals
on our balcony floor priced
$26 to $65
Dainty curtains in white, cream
and beige; six lines have been
selected for selling at lower
prices for. this week. Stocks are
fairly heavy, yet we would coun
sel early selections.
$2.00 Curtains; pair $1.35
(2.65 Curtains; pair $1.K5
$3.25 Curtains; pair $2.25
$3.75 Curtains; pair $2.50
$3.95 Curtains; pair $2.05
$4.75 Curtains; pair $3.25 priced, and sold on easy terms.
Upholstered Bed
Displayed in the Corner
An absolute necessity for the small
home or apartment with the oc
casional guest. Closed, they are
simply handsome davenports one
turn, and they open into luxurious,
restful beds. Made of fine woods
and upholstered in rich tapestries,
damasks and velours. Moderately
would alter the present primary law so
that an elector would be obliged to de
clare his party affiliation before vot
lnir. and ao that candidates for state
and national offices would be chosen In
convention, delegates to which would
be elected In the primary. The other
would legalise 12-round boxing; bouts,
under supervision of. a state commis
sion. Much Interest has been aroused over
the state concerning; the primary mea
aura esDecially. -with considerable op
position evident among; the members of
all parties. Advocates of the measure
declare It will prevent the nomination
as a party candidate for any office of j
a person not actually a member of that
party. ,
Japan to Build Submarines.
TOKIO. July 19. Japan will make
serious efforts to Improve her navy by
building- seven submarines of 1000 ton.
earn. Several CJ.rm.n submarine.
have fallen to Japan as a result of the
peac arrangements and are expected
soon to arrive In Japanese ports.
Vocational Training Promoted.
BOZEMAN. Mont.. July 19. Regional
directors of vocational education In
Montana will meet hero W.dnes-iMt Ion of the syst.m
day to discuss operation of the Smith,
Hutches act for the promotion of vo
cational training. I'nder a law paase&
by the last legislature, the six school
districts of the first class in this slat,
must conduct part time night schools
and give vocational Instruction. Irepa-
raiions are being made for the Inaial-
Proposition T."p to Alter Present' Pri
mary Law.
HELENA. Mont., July 19. Registra
tion for the special election of Septem
ber 2, next, at which two referendum
measures are to be voted upon by the
people, closed today throughout the
One of the measures tp be submitted
We have the following;
makes and sizes of shop
worn and new tires which
may be purchased at sub
stantial reductions, some
even below cost :
1 35x5
1 35x5
2 35x5
3 36x4V2
1 34x412
2 33x4
4 33x4
6 82x3 12
18 32x312
10 32x312
28 32x312
8 32x3 y2
K. S. Driving
Goodyear plain.
Diamond Rib
Goodrich Q. D.
Rib Cords.
U. S. Nobby ":
Republic plain
Goodrich plain.
Firestone N. S.
U. S. plain.
Republic Stag-
Republic plain.
Firestone plain.
Covey Motor Car Co.
- 1
,. H m ,m JT!'"..",,""M" """ ' 1 ' r - 1 .ir, 'n j f. ,Mlt l " . " ..
The owner of this home In Laurelhurst has formed new business connections requiring; a vrolnnged absence
from Portland, and for this reason this place Is for Kale. The property whs bought, the houi-e built and tlia
grounds improved prior to the high war prices and at a much lower figirre than duplication could be mude
now. Everything about the place has been kept In first-class condition. The house has Iwelve rooms and ttio
grounds embrace five lota. The owner will sll the house and five lota, or the house and four lots, or tho
house and two lots. The owner occupies the place and will show it by appointment. Telephone Tabor 3345 or
call a: 1150 East Flanders street, corner of East 3th street.