The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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Pact Cannot Be Finished for
Some Days Yet.
Britons and Allies March in
Triumphant Victory Parade.
Prayers Are Said In ETerjr Town
Little Five Xow Much . Concerned
Over Bolshevik Hungary Tur
key Also Serious Problem. -
and City of Dominions for Fallen
Heroes or World AVar.
(Copyright by the New York World.
Ilshea Dy arrangement.)
PARIS, July 19. (Special Cable.)
The tendency to drive, which is never far
away from the councils of the little five,
has set in again with, a vengeance at
the Quai d'Orsay. It was believed by
the American delegation that the Aus
trian treaty would ue finished today,
but that document still hangs fire, and
it certainly will no,t reach Dr. Renner,
the Austrian plenipotentiary, before
next week.
Neither the statesmen nor the mili
tary men can make upr their minds what
to do regarding bolshevik Hungary.
Russia is held up until the "views of
President Wilson can be flashed from
"W asnington. Proposed- plans will be
blocked if he disapproves, for no mat
ter how much the British and French
may approve of' a given policy, there
can be no :act'ion except" as' an inter
allied measure. .
As "for Turkey' and the complex
mosaic in Asia Minor, several " months
are likely , to pass' before ' even- the
groundwork for settlement can be-laid.
Vith the best wijl in the world the
allies must keep Turkey in suspense
until the position of the United States
nhaU be defined it respect to the query
w-hether the Ajnerican government will
consent to administer Armenia. Con
stantinople or other parts of the ex
Ottoman empire, under the league of
nations, or until the American, senate
.shall reject the treaty. Even ratifica
tion of the. treaty by the senate would
not imply acceptance of the mandatory
over Turkish provinces. .As an Amer
ican diplomat put it today, Turkey may
still be awaiting her fate when
Thankseriving conies around again.
The little five got a rude jolt today
when the matter of repatriating Ger
many's Russian prisoners of war was
laid before them. Since the armistice
these helpless soldiers have been fed
and clothed at the expense of the
llies. As there are 240.000 of them,
the expense is heavy and cannot be
borne indefinitely.. It is supposed the
jjajorfty of them have bolshevik lean
ings and so it would be unwise to ship
them back into Russia to reinforce
TrotzKy's rad army.
Pavins Operations Result In Cutting
Down of Touring.
HOOD RIVER, Or., July 19. (Spe
cial.) Recent announcements of pav
ing work on the Columbia -iver high
way between here and Cascade Locks,
according to local garage men. have
tended to cut traffic over the route to
less than half of that of a few weeks
ago. Motorists arrive here from the
east expecting to have to ship by boat
to Cascade Lrwks or to cross the Co
lumbia and tke the North Bank road
to the west. The garage men are
eager to get definite information as to
when the road will be blocked, if at
all, and when the contractors expect to
complete the 22 miles of paving.
Rumors have been current that the
paving between Cascade Locks and this
city will be completed before next
The best information obtainable fro
headquaretrs of the local engineers of
the state highway commission and
offices of contractors is that it will be
two or three weeks before construction
work will interfere materially with
traffic. The cutting of a new grade
between here and the top of Ruthton
hill may at any time temporarily block
traffic over the route. No inconven
iences, however, will result, for watch
men will at once be stationed at inter
sections to divert traffic through the
Belmont and Krankton districts.
Damage Done in Sixteen Hours Esti
mated at $120,000. .
ANCHORAGE. Alaska. June 11. (By
Mail.) Forest fires raging for 16 hours
along the Turnagain Arm did an esti
mated damage of $120,000 to material
accumulated by the Alaskan Engineer
ing commission for use in construction
of snowsheds on the government rail
road line to Seward. Twenty-eight
men mastered the fires after a hard
. The losses of the commission in
eluded over 1.000,000 feet of piling and
iimoer; nuge quantities of lumber; pil
me tr use in constructing the new
JocK at Anchorage: thousands of rail
roaa ties, ana approximately 250 cords
of fuel wood. The fire swept a path
from 70 feet to one mile in width and
over a distance of two miles, leaving
iv-pouiia sieei rails twisted and bent.
jv caoin and an old sawmill were de
stroyed. Winds of high velocity fanned
ine names which accomplished their
destruction quickly.
us-s or tne snowshed material will
be seriously felt by the commission
it is slid, as the piling represented the
cut of last winter and the choice of the
umoer along the right of way.
i rentier Rorrehetz Charces Renorts
Are Work or Propagandists.
WASHINGTON, July 19. A campaign
by Hungarian. Austrian and Bulgarian
propagandists to mislead American
public opinion as to conditions in the
Balkans is charged in a cablegram
lroih -Premier Koroshets of the king
dom of the. Serbs. Croats and Slovenes,
made public tonight by that govern
ment's information bureau here. r '
Among the stories declared mislead
ing or entirely false are reports of an
. attempt. On the prince regent's life at
Belgrade, bloody combats in ' southern
Montenegro and internal troubles in
Bosnia. The premier declares an at
tempt , is. being made "to rouse public
opinion in America against Serbia;' and
'to mlsLead the Jugo-Slavs living in the
Vntted States . and to induce them to
make jirotests." . '
Banker's Brother Dies.
CENTRALTA. Wash.. July 19. CSpe-rtaL-Vr-Guy
Dann. only brother of A. U.
Dann. vice-president of the Centralia
State hank, died yesterday in Port
Angeles. The body will be brought to
Centralis for interment. Mr. Dann was
49 years of age and had been a resident
of Washington 10 years. In addition
to his brother he Is survived by his
widow, mother. Mrs. F. A. Dann of this
city, and one son, Frank.
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Soldier Dead in His Division Given
Honorable Burial Regardless of j
Shellfire or Teutons-
NEW YORK, July 19. Major Thomas
J. Dickson, senior combat chaplain on,
the American front in the great world i
war, arrived this weex on the United 1
States steamer Mount Vernon. He went
of the trth field artillery the regiment
that fired the. first shot. He wears all
the battle etars of the immortal 1st
division. He also served with nine
other divisions.
Major Dickson lost three orderlies at
the front. He had his horses shot five
different times and was twice ordered
off the battle field on account of the
great danger to which he was volun
tarily exposfng himself. Three times
he was officially offered relief from the
front and declined it. He remained at
the front until the last shot was fired
and crossed the Rhine with the first
American troops. He ran a machine
gun during the battle of Verdun.
Major Dickson was cited in general
orders-' for distinguished conduct in ex
posing himself to heavy shell fire in
burying the dead during battle. He
disregarded his personal safety and in
sisted on rendering his dead every
honor possible. (
Chaplain Dickson conducted almost
daily funerals for months. The French
would bring great masses of flowers
and render every honor possible. One
private had the same military honors
as a colonel and the dead usually placed
to rest under a canopy of flowers. Amer
ican soldiers were deeply moved by the
sympathetic regard of the French sol
diers and civilians. They were usually
present in great numbers and almost
daily expressed their gratitude and
sympathy in music, songs and flowers.
Major Dickson has been assigned to
the 1st field artillery at Fort Sill. Okla
Record Attendance at Fall Term Is
Predicted Improvements on
Campus Noted.
dict. Or.. July 19.(Special.) Rev.
Father Thomas Meier, president ul
Mount Angel college, returned yester
day from a trip -to St. Louis and Chi
cago. He .left the college in June and
attended the national education meet
ing held In St. Louis. After- spending
a week in St. Louis he left to attend
the first United .States Benedictine
meeting, which was held in Chicago.
Father Meier has been president of
Mount, Angel college for the past two
years. ' He said he believed that Mount
Angel college will have a record-break
ing attendance during the coming year.
The president of the college was
much . pleased with the improvement
made in the college library.
?rays Harbor Expects . to Know
Prospects Within 30 Days.
ABERDEEN, Wash., July 19. (Spe
cial.) Within less than 30 days Grays
Harbor will know considerable of its
oil possibilities. The Standard Oil com
pany of California, after a four days'
shutdown, will resume drilling Monday
in a hole that already Is 1 1 5 feet deep.
Drilling stopped to permit the shutting
off of surface water.
It is estimated that this well will be
1000 feet deep before the middle of
August. At this depth it is believed
indications will be found.
Two other companies are proposing
to drill in the Olympic peninsula within
the next 30 days. The Far West,
financed by local capital, has obtained
the holdings of the Jefferson Oil com.
pany In Jefferson county. The King
Oil company already has its equipment
Ion the ground in Jefferson county, and
its manager, F. A. Leonard, who has
gone to the wells, said this week before
leaving that erection of the .derrick
wan in progress.
Machinery of the Jefferson OH com
pany, .which went bankrupt several
years ago after it had drilled a, well
:iUOb Ieet deeP 18 8tm on ino ground in
, jeuerson county, anu win oe usea oy
the Far West company, which proposes
tn rnnflmiA HrillinE- in- t h ' nlri hole.
(from which the casing- was not re-
w w ' '
Norman Applegate, Arrested in Ta-
coma, Held to Grand Jury.
Norman Applrgate, a sailor, was
bound over to the grand jury yester
day after a hearing In the municipal
court on a charpe of forgery. The com
plainant was Mrs. Iora B. Shreve. of
the Savon hotel, who said he had given
her a forged check for $-0.
Deputy -Ilstrlct Attorney. Deich said
yesterday that under the name of Har
old Watson. Applegate had been bound
over to the grand jury on a statutory
charge in May. He was Indicted and
paroled to Gus Mower, his atUbrney, Mr.
Deich says. Before his release police
nay they discovered that Applegate
had no right to his sailor's uniform,
which was taken away from him at
the county jail.
The man is also charged with passing
forged checks on W. 11. Phillips. 1095
East Seventeenth street north. $10; SI
Rich. Sixth and Washington streets, $10,
and K. K. Seaton. 1095 Kast Seventeenth
street north, $10. Applegate was ar
rested in Tacoma." Wash. He was again
In uniform at the time of his arrest.
Cascade Avenue Site Picked for Xew
HOOD RIVER. Or, July 19. (Spe
cial.) Although the protest of business
men is practically unanimous against
use of the Cascade-avenue site for
new postoffice home, the opposition
may be unavailing, according to a tele
gram received by remonstrp.tors from
Itepresentative Slnnott. Mr. Slnnott.
whose assistance was sought by tele
grams from merchants, visited the first
assistant postmaster-general, who
learned that a bid from C. A. Cass, who
offered to erect a new office home, had
already been accepted. The proposed
site. Mr. Sinnott telegraphed, had the
approval of a postoffice inspector and
Postmaster Reavis is quoted as stating
that it was acceptable.
Mr. Reavis. who has been severely
criticised following the Slnnott mes
sage, however, denies having made any
recommendation of the site.
Eastern Men Visit Timber Lands
Xear Marshfield.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. July 19. (Spe
cial.) The visit of several large eastern
timber holders, wh own property on
Coos river, has started ruirfors of a
new sawmill to be located somewhere
on Coos bay The timbermen, Isaac
Lincoln of Aberdeen. S. D.; C. K. Floete.
C. E. Lennan and J. C. Hill, from the
middle west, while here inspected some
of their holdings for sites or logging
camps and delivery systems.
The boom in lumber demand, accord
ing to one of the visitors, is sufficient
encouragement to owners of standing
timber to consider operating.
"Victory" Dinner Is Feature at Vic-
toria, B. C, Session.
VICTORIA. B. C, July 19. Friday's
sessions gt the Interstate Realty con
vention were mostly taken up with ad
dresses by Canadian' and 'American
members of the association. Among
today's speakers were N. M. Apple of
Uwistown, Mont., on the subject of
"Farm Trade," and Lorcn H. Bower of
Hoquiam. Wash., on "Fraternal Co-op.
A "victory" dinner, at which Briga
dier-General R. P. Clark of the Cana
dian army spoke, ended today's activ
Phone your want ajs to The Orego-nian.-
Main -1010. A.60S5,
LONDON, Jmlr 1- Hy AmwI
mtr Prm.) nM Marahal sir D..(lu
Hal waa takes III aa ha ta ke re-
day.- Slaajr kaa aorle4Lhat KleU Mar.
aha! Mala; lookrd 111 while rtdlag at tae
fceaa of his aaeau .
LONDON". July 19. Land, sea and air
forces' of the British . empire and her
allies, were represented today in the
triumphant victory parade to mark the
return of peace.
Several million persons watched the
gorgeous spectacle. When the British
contingents came In sight the applause
became a great roar, above which could
be heard at times the shrill voices of
women. The patriotic fervor had Its
climax In the great demonstration
along Pall, Mall and about the pavilion
before Buckingham palace, where King
George, Queen Mary, Premier Lloyd
George, the cabinet ministers, the
American ambassador. John W. Davis,
and other diplomats reviewed the pa
rade. Jnbllee Greatest Blaee 1R07.
General Pershing, leading the Amer
ican forces, was given a hearty recep
tion. So also was marshal Foch and
the French and the other allied lead
ers and their contingents.
London has not witnessed such a cel
ebration since the late Queen Vic
toria's diamond jubilee In 1897. Buck
ingham palace was decorated on its
exterior for the first time in its his
tory. Huge flags of the allies floated
from the upper windows and a wide
streamer of purple and gold stretched
across the facade. The royal pavilion,
erected close to the Victoria memorial
monument, added color to the atrlklng
King George, from his seat on the
scarlet dais, had a clear view through
a colonnade of ornate white pylons
reaching for more than a half mile to
the admiralty arch. The troops marched
past the reviewing stand to the music
of dozens of military bands.
Amerlcaaa Lead Froceaalom.
The Americans led the procession. It
was 12:30 when they came marching
with springy step and smart precision.
As the Americans' approached the stand
King George and all others, including
Queen Mary, the aged queen mother.
Alexandria, and Princess Mary, arose.
The king, in the uniform of a field
marshal, kept his hand to his visor In
rigid salute until General Pershing, sit
ting on his horse like a cavalryman, had
passed. The American troops won com
pliments on their formation, 'i ne bayo
nets of many were decorted with flow
ers and Union Jacks.
General Pershing dismounted ISO
yards beyond the king's stand and re
turned to It. where he was greeiea oy
all. He stood with King George during
the remainder of the review...
Peace was celebrated today, not only
In London, but In every part of the
vast dominions over which floats the
ITn ion Jack. '
Everywhere the returned heroes oi
the war were honored. Those who did
not return from the battlefields, how
ever, were not forgotten. In every
town and city there were prayers lor
the fallen.
Work of Dr. Relmcr-it Talent Ex
periment Station Praised by
State Officials.
GRANTS PASS. Or., July 19. (Spe
cial.) President J. W. Kerr of Oregon
Agricultural college; Walter M. Pierce
and wife. Ial Grande: Jefferson Myers
and wife, Portland; George M. Corn
wall, published of the Timberman. and
Mrs. Cornwall. Portland: J. K. Weath
erford and wife. Albany, and Addison
Bennett were- in the city today. They
represent the board of regents of Ore
gon Agricultural college, ana are jusi
completing a trip of Inspection of the
seven experimental stations in tne
state, and have already traveled about
12' miles. -
They speak very highly of the work
of Dr. Relmer of the Talent station,
which has been of much value to the
pear growers. Dr. Relmer had expected
to leave today for San Francisco to sail
for China on an investigation trip, but
was unable to do bo, as his passports
had not arrived.
Mr. Cornwall, in commenting on the
forest fire situation, said he tele
graphed to H. S. Graves, head of the
United States forestry department, re
questing that he ask the war depart
ment for troops to be used in helping
to extinguish the forest fires in Idaho
and Montana as was done with such
success a few years ago.
Artificial Leg Factories Established.
BUCHAREST, July 19 Artificial leg
factories have been established under
American auspices in Bucharest. Bel
grade and Athens. In these workshops
the latest models of American legs are
made for the war wounded under the
direction of American workmen. In
all Roumanla. Serbia and Greece na
tive workmen are being taught the
latest American methods of manufac
Pendleton to Have Spring Water.
PENDLETON, Or.. July 19. (Special.)
By the first of August at the latest
Pendleton will be entirely independent
from the river for its water supply, as
a new pipe line is being laid to Chapllsh
We now have a complete line of all
makes of typewriters.
Machines for Rent Also
Send for Price List.
The Wholesale
Typewriter Co., Inc.
321 Washington St, Near Sixth
,) l
will determine the merit of claims advanced by makers
of various pianos, hence, as a matter of fairness to your
self you should. carefully examine and weigh the state
ment made concerning; the TONE, DURABILITY,
ITY of the maker or dealer who bids for your patronag-e.
before you purchase a piano, as it may mean the differ
ence between a lifetime of satisfaction or regret. Today
men cannot build a better piano than the BUSH and .
LANE and we are prepared to prove this asser' "on. As
makers, we sell to the public direct, hence the lower price.
Our One Price policy protects equally the expei; or inex- ,
perienced buyer. We sell our own product exclusively
on most liberal terms of payment.
Bush and Lane Building, Broadway at Alder.
"Famed for Diamonds"
ARONSONS has become famed for diamonds rot
alone because of the definite high standard of
quality for which the name stands, but also because of
the fairness of price and wealth and variety of display.
We recommend diamond buying at our existing prices.
$25. $50. $75.
We will accept orders for the style H
Knabe Baby Grand i
during the July piano sale, subject to fall delivery, at the j
present price of J
Even though the price on this style advances, we guarantee
delivery at the present price. Terms. s
I,. J
A&Z!& zr. . . i
Diamond Values
$100. $125. $150
Clidsiincfton Street at Brvad hy
1 1-
of J Merit Only"
r"- i mm' "- " '
The Palace Beautiful
"Where Home Comforts Abound"
If you enjoy Good Meals com
bined with Prompt. Courteous
Service, Reasonable Prices,
Pleasant Surroundings and En
trancing Music, our S1.25 Din
ners Served in the Gold Room
will appeal to you.
ERIC V. HAUSER, President.
A. B. CAMPBELL, Manaeer.
A convenient, eajoyati
home for the Seattle vli
ttor. Location excep
tionally convenient to
trans port at ton and to
wholesale and shopping
districts. Keflned eocial
entertainment evening;
one of Pacific Coi.t't
(atnoui cafes.
rz : s
openayourvacazion in. .
rife I IHUm
Oa Oury Street, Jrirt off Union Biruare,
cloie to TerTttnn( worth while. Good
accommodation! from $1.60 op. Breakfast
35o and 60c (Snndaya 75c). Xnneh 60c
Sinner fl (Sundays S1.25). Municipal
car line paeaee Uio door. Stewart A3 o tor
ns meets principal trains and atoamera.
Phcme Your Want Ads to
Main 7070 "A 6093