The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, Section One, Page 7, Image 7

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Presbyterian Synod Supports
Mandatory for United States.
Ttev. Mr. Handsaker Paints Picture
of Conditions and Says Pleas
for Medicines Are Many.
EUGENE, Or., July 19. (Special.)
The Presbyterian synod of Oregon,
through its pastors and other members,
was urged today to support President
"Wilson In any request he might make
to congress to have the United States
act as mandatory for the league of na
tions of Armenia. The appeal was made
by Rev. J. J. Handsaker of Portland,
atate director of Armenian relief, who
painted a terrible picture of conditions
prevailing today in the near east.
Rev. Mr. Handsaker read reports from
Armenia giving authenticated Instances
of cannibalism among the inhabitants,
reduced to the last extremity of starva
tion. Even in Constantinople, accord
ing to the speaker, conditions are such
that only a few weeks ago a radio mes
sage came asking for the largest possi
ble quantities of antitoxin for ty
phoid, typhus, diphtheria, smallpox and
Albany College Iasne Up Again.
The Albany college question came up
again today and the synod, after some
discussion, voted dqwn the . report of
the committee on education and col
leges asking for the appointment of a
committee of the board of trustees of
the college to work with the commit
tee on colleges and education of the
synod In considering the whole matter
of education in Oregon.
This action was held an unnecessary
reflection on Albany college by spokes
men for that institution, who com
plained that this attitude had handi
capped, and would continue to handi
cap the college.
Sunday School Low Alarm.
The synod after having listened to
the report of Rev. Allan McRea of
Clatskanie; on the alarming decrease in
the attendance of the Sunday schools
of the state, presented the following
recommendations which were adopted
by the synod yesterday:
That the attention of the pastors of thd
synod be called to this decrease in mem
bership in the Sunday schools and that they
shall bring these 'facts bslore their congre
gations. That posters be made and used urging and
encouraging a membership drive, with a
25 per cent increase as a goal.
That all superintendents of Sunday schools
be informed and ascertain if these losses
nave been in their own schools.
That a membership drive- be inaugurated
and held in September and October in con
formity with the new era plan.
That all attention shall be called to the
supreme importance of the young people's
work and careful provision be made for lt
. orsanization and. maintenance.
That the synod approve of the establish
ment of a summer conference for young
people's work under the supervision of the
department of religious education.
Oregon Council Sought.
That the synod leal representative on the
eTecuctive committee of the Oregon State
Sunday School association for the coming
year shall be Professor James F. Kwing of
That Regional Superintendent Ir. Forbes
tie authorized to confer with representatives
from other denominations In Oregon with a
view to the organization of a Sunday school
council of Oregon, where all problems of the
state be discussed and plans devised for the
close co-operation of forces.
Rev. Boudinot Seeley of Portland, su
perintendent of missions for Oregon, in
a report to the synod on home missions
shows that since March 1, 1919, Assist
ant Superintendent Amos has traveled
S092 miles, preached 35 sermons, de
livered five other addresses, conducted
one communion service, attended three
sessions of presbytery, held two annual
meetings, received 19 on certificate,
two on confession, baptized two. raised
$4500, visited six vacant fields and at
tended four conferences.
Chapter of Several Hundred Is Ex
pected and Delegates Will Be
Sent to State Meeting.
dent desired to Invade Idaho and to J
deliver an address in Boise.
Leaders of the two parties are some
what skeptical over the probable re
sult of such a visit. Most ef them are
inclined to the belief that it will not
accomplish the object sought, and thsy
are advising against It. Senator Borah,
they say, has made clear his stand in
Washington with reference to the
league of nations, to which ha is un
alterably opposed, and no pressure
brought la his home state will serve
to influence him.
When In Boise recently for a confer
ence with democratic leaders. Chairman
Cummlnu of the democratic national
committee made it clear that the rec
ord of the president on the league -of
nations and the treaty of Versailles
was to be the issue on which the demo
cratic party will stand In the next
campaign. In that sense both have
been made political issues, although the
general Impression seems to prevail in
this state that both questions are, or
should be, free from politics.
Republicans are divided on the issues
in Idaho. They do not desire to make
either the league or the treaty party
issues. They assert that both are of
such vital importance that no party or
state can afford to take a radical parti
san stand. They believe this will be
proved when the final vote Is taken on
ratification by congress.
The third meeting of Governor Davis'
cabinet has been held and most satis
factory progress reported to the chief
executive of the state. "It was the
meet successful conference held by the
cabinet since the establishment of
the new form of state government,"
said Governor Davis. "Constructive
and analytical reports were submitted
by the various commissioners and the
fact that the state is taking progres
sive steps under the new system is ap
parent on the face of the results so
far obtained."
Outstanding among the reports sub
mitted were those of Commissioner
Bowerman of the department of finance.
Commissioner Elmer of the department
of public Investments, Secretary of
State Jones of the department of law
enforcement. Commissioner Gibson of
the department of commerce and Com
missioner Swendsen of the department
of reclamation, together with State
Treasurer John W. Eagleson, who,
though not a cabinet member, is direct
ly allied with the cabinet.
Commissioner Bowerman issued a
second warning to the people of the
state not to be coaxed Into exchanging
their liberty bonds for other securities.
Commissioner of Law Knforcement
Jonea reported that 400 cases of whisky
and several automobiles used in con
veying the contraband had been seized
for violation of the prohibition laws.
Many arrests were made and the fear
of conviction driven home to those en
gaged in the illicit traffic He is also
head of the fish and game department
and his report showed that $4000 in
receipts have been taken in so far this
year, more than during the correspond
ing period two years ago.
-The report of Commissioner Gibson
of the department of commerce showed
that there are 138 state banks In Idaho
and during the past six months he re
fused charters for banks to 24 appli
cants because the respective fields In
which it was proposed to locate them
are now amply covered.
It was shown by - Commissioner
Swendsen that the present laws of the
state are inadequate for the policing of
the streams and lakes and to supervise
an equitable distribution of water dur
ing a short season like the present one.
Commissioner Elmer showed that the
farm mortgages of the state are not in
good condition, while Commissioner
Hall said construction of the new cap-
itol wings is to start shortly.
Ratification Suffrage Amend
ment Deemed Important.
The Personal W nting
.$50.00 With Regular Case
VANCOUVER. Wash., July 19'. (Spe
cial.) A resolution requesting the fed
eral government to deport all foreign
ers who had turned in their citizenship
papers to evade the draft, and those,
whether naturalized or not, who caused
trouble during the war. was unanimous
ly adopted at the meeting of ex-soldiers
held in the Salvation Army auditorium
last night. The secretary was in
structed to send a copy of the resolu
tion to congress.
Due to another engagement, Dow
Walker, of Portland, who was to have
addressed the meeting, was unable to
be present. In his place. Attorney Beck-
. with, secretary of the Portland chapter
of the American Legion, and Barge E.
Leonard, of Portland, treasurer of the
state organization, talked to the newest
veterans. Committees on by-laws and
constitution and membership were ap
pointed. Cedric Miller and Dr. J. B.
Blair are the chairmen of the two com
mittees. Refreshments and smokes
were served by members of the Salva
tion Army.
The local organization is to be known
as the Smith-Reynolds chapter of the
American Legion, honoring Arthur
Smith and Emery Reynolds, who were
killed in action. A charter has been ap
plied for and the organization expects
to enlist 250 or 300 members, sufficient
to entitle the organization to five dele-
Kates to me state convention in Seattle
in Oeober.
Xew Couer D'Alene Schedle Is Put
Into Effect.
SPOKANE. Wash.. July 19. (Special.)
Wages of miners in the toeur d'Alene
were raised todr.y to 15.25 a day. All
companies have agreed to the new
schedule, which will take effect July
1. This action Is the result of the
general and continued high prices. It
applies to all the miners working foi
the big companies of the district- Some
time ago the owners cut the price of
labor $1 a day, expecting a decline In
the cost of living. Later they advanced
the price 50 cents, and the advance an
nounced at Wallace today is another 50
Representative Johnson Urges Pay
ment of Insurance to Sailor Who
Disappeared With. Cyclops.
WASHINGTON. July 19. (Special.)
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt desires an
extra session of the Oregon legislature
to ratify the woman's suffrage amend
ment to the national constitution. Sen
ator Charles L. McNary of Oregon, to
whom Mrs. Catt has made an appeal to
have an extra session called. Is of ex
actly the same mind.
The difference, however, la that Sen
ator McNary does not believe that he
should undertake to suggest to Oover- i
nor Olcott of Oregon that a special ses
sion be called. He has the fullest con
fidence in Governor Olcott's judgment
and believes that the Oregon governor
is competent to pass on the question
and decide a course without outside advice.
Relatives of Gail Hamilton Stsinher-
ger of Toledo, Lewis county. Washing
ton, who disappeared with the collier
Cyclops, which went so mysteriously
from sight more than a year ago. may
receive insurance, although there is r.o
record that he ever applied for a gov
ernment policy. Representative Albert
Johnson of Washington Introduced a
bill to pay the relatives of young Stein
berger insurance on the theory that he
may have' arplied while at sea anti
that the papers were lost with the
boat. The bureau of war risk insurance
has come forward with a recommenda
tion that The Johnson bill bo widened
to cover all men who died in tUo war
without Insurance protection.
An investigation has been ordered
with the view to appointing a post
master at Kings Valley. Or. There are
two candidates for postmaster at Oren
co. On, with the probability that Nina
Barton will be appointed. The other
candidate Is Henry V. Meade. The
chances favor the woman candidate be
cause she has a recommendation.
Inquiries as to when men enlisted
under the war emergency act and now
serving in Siberia will be released con
tinue to come in from Oregon. Senator
Chamberlain has been prodding the
war department for some time to ex
pedite replacements, but the depart
ment seems unable to give definite as
surance as to how soon Oregon mothers
and fathers may expect their boys
home. A letter from the department In
the last few days says that effort is
being made to obtain enlistments for
service In Siberia and that the boys
will be sent home as soon as possible.
An examination will be held at Bend.
Or., September 24, at which applicants
for postmaster at Redmond will have
an opportunity to qualify for appoint
ment. Pensions have been granted in Ore
gon as follows: Magdalena Unger.
Mount Angel. $25: Dora B. Leach, Port
land, $12; Anna Good, Salem. $12.
Here it is for you to see.
Examine, to operate your
Prisoner Who Escaped Assigned to
Penitentiary Flax Crew.
SALEM. Or.. July 19. (Special.)
Clyde J. ("Red") Rupert, recently re
turned here from Brawley, CaL. to
serve the remainder of his sentence on
a charge of stealing $19,500 worth of
liberty bonds from the Northwestern
National bank of Portland, has been
put in stripes and Is now employed in
the penitentiary flax crew.
" Rupert escaped from the state lime
plant at Gold Hill on March 15 and
two weeks ago was picked up by the
federal officers in California.
IV folded, for carrying in
two story bag
Order Yours Now
Voathfnl Marvels Appear in London
Due to Psychology of War.
LONDON, June 28.. (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) Infant prodi
gies are being discovered in England
almost daily. Some connect .this with
the psychology of the war. One of the
youthful marvels is Pamela Blanco, a
U-year-old girl artist, whose draw
ings were given the place of, honor in
an exhibition at one of the principal
Lnndon galleries. Critics dealt with
them quite seriously and said that the
work was suggestive of Botticelli and
some of the other old masters. Pamela
is an Italian girl who was born in Eng
land and never bad taken any drawtna
Ronnie Routledge. 4 years old, little
more than a baby, whose parents
know nothing of music, has enjoyed
six months of tuition on the violin. At
the Grimsby College of Violinists re
cently he outranked 43 competitors,
most of them in the 20s. and scored 119
points in a possible 120. Professor
Danton describes him as a miracle.
Little Bobbie Day, aged 7, of Brigh
ton, son of a motor mechanic has won
derful powers of clairvoyance, accord
ing to the Weekly Dispatch. Blindfold
ed, he described a number of articles.
These Included a treasury note (giving
its color, numbers and writlns on the
back), the color and texture of a piece
of fabric he had never seen, the correct
answer to a complicated sum in mental
arithmetic and figures written down at
After five minutes test he com
plained of feeling Icy cold. "I Just see
little pictures and I Just say them," la
Bobble's explanation.
Boston Investigator Says Europe's
. Fnture Hinges on Food.
LYONS, France, July 19. Edward A.
Fllene of Boston, director of commerce
f the United States and chairman of
the finance committee of the league to
enforce peace, who has been In Europe
since April studying post-war economic
problems and arranging for the visit of
a business mission from France, Eng
land. Italy and Belgium to the United
States next fs.ll to deal with the Indus- 1
trial rehabilitation of Europe, has is
sued a statement outlining bis view on
the situation in Europe.
"Just as the safety of the world dur
ing the war depended upon great mili
tary leaders." he said, "it now depends,
to a great extent, on bankers first and
then on business men who possess the
vision, will and energy to make food
and raw materials accessible to Europe
at auch prices that the massea will have
work and enough to eat and thus not
become the prey of those Irresponsible
and theoretical leaders who are en-
Dixie Weaves
for Comfort
This hot weather malces you
wish for cooler clothes.
A Dixie Weave Suit is like a
cool sea breeze or an electric fan.
Part of our service is to see that
you get comfort; the other part is
to see that you get style and satis
faction. Hart Schaffner & Marx
Dixie Weaves
give you more of the things you
want than any other Summer
clothes we know of.
Sizes and styles for everybody.
$40, $45 and up
Sam'l Rosenblatt
& Co.
Copyrtt 1919 Hart Schiiraer & Man
The Men's Store for
Quality and Service
Gasco BIdg.
Fifth and Alder
Summer Comfort in
Breezy Shirts
and Neckwear
New arrivals in-Silk
Shirts, Collars
to match $10.
deavorlng to Russianlse all Europe.
Mr. Fllene. who recently visited oc
cupied and unoccupied Germany, said
he returned to France convinced that
bolshevtsm was a real peril, feeding on
unemployment and high prices. Mr.
Fllene urged that foodstuffs and large
credits be given Europe from the
United States.
Phone yrur want ads to The Orego-
nlan. Main 7070. A 05.
327 Washington Street
Established 1S8S
J5 f
r - - - - , . . . ..... , .. t
BUT rftOM OWNER. Selling on account of change In buetneaa. Strictly
modem. rooms. 9x18 glassed-in sleeping porch, hot-water heat, hard
wood floors, full basement, beautiful grounds; In fact, an Ideal home.
Will sell at verv low price if sold at one. See U at E. th st- North,
on corner of Ftanton. Inquire at premises or phone residence. Tabor
8174 or Main 7370
Alleged Liquor Violator Caught.
ALBANY, Or., July 19. (Special.)
Lawrence Prine, of Crabtree, was ar
rested this afternoon on a charge of
manufacturing liquor after Sheriff Ken
dall located 9S quarts of home-made
been on his ranch last night. The case
was continued .until Monday. The
sheriff found 12 gallons in brew and
50 quarts bottled in an outbuilding
which apparently Prine used exclu
sively for the manufacture of beer.
Prine asserted, he made it for his own
use but reports had reached the sheriff
that he had been disposing of his
Wilson Signs Appropriation BUI.
WASHINGTON. July 19. The $613.
000,000 sundry civil appropriation bill,
revised by congress to meet his ob
jections, was signed today by Presi
dent Wilson.
6. H. Teen stamps for eas
Rolman Fuel Co.. Main 3S3. A Ilil
Blockwood. short' slabwood. Rook
Sprinsr and Utah coal: sawdust- Adv.
Chief Executive Believed Unable to
Change Sentiment on League
of Nations Issue.
BOISE, Idaho. July 19. (Special.)
The report received here from Wash
ington to the effect that President
Wilson might include Idaho In his pro
posed Itinerary over the country, dur
ing which he will speak in defense of
the leasrue of nations, was received
with mingled interest and amusement.
This is the home state of Senator W. E.
Borsh, who is leading in the fight
against the covenant, and because of
at fact it was given out the presi-
and keep your refrigerator clean
and sanitary.
wwum IT
ipso S
Mab takes the work out of
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I l'- ''Jf ' V- '". ', .'-"J ' ; V ' ) . ...II : knife Into his tender f I
1 ' J 1 ,.- ' : - '"'V. .-.; ;" i ! sensibilities his modesty was 1
I-""" if ''2 . ' ' " . ' V V a h oc k ed beyond identification. I j
If ': ." ' ' ', -,' f -" ' ' sV ' ' V i- " W. turning a face that was acar- X r'
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P , I 9 - ' ' .- vM '- !'-, ','yV , '" . . "'. V young man" closed one eye and J
:;Y-'-VS,tr,'"i',i7t . V ' -5V W Heavens! The creature winked -
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.M-a-&r ' I Harold Lloyd C
TTfTTfl ft? -'' ' 1 "Spring Fever" ! I
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