The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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Question of Reservations
Troublesome One.
Administration Senators Are Confi
dent They Will Have Votes to Pass
Treaty Without Change.
000, with men bard to obtain. A rough
estimate would place the number of
men in the field at close to 3000.
Bernard M. Warner, former general
superintendent of the Spreckles com
panies, died at San Diego, Cat.. July 18.
He was born at Erie. Fa, February 14,
Captain Frederick Raynham, British
aviator whose Martinsyde biplane was
wrecked twice in two months in try
ing to start a trans-Atlantic flight, has
received orders to abandon further at
tempts and return to England.
An appeal and a warning against
American intervention are contained in
an open letter to President Wilson
printed in La Republic, a local Span
ish language newspaper published in
El Paso, Tex., signed by J. B. Trias,
once a general in the Mexican federal
army, now an expatriate here.
The jury in the case of John H. Ned
derman, former chief of police of Oak
land. CaL, charged with accepting
bribes, was discharged after the fore
man had announced agreement was im
possible. Nedderman wilt be tried on
another of 12 counts in the indictment
against him.
Limited Occupation of Rhine
land Held Most Secure.
WASHINGTON, July 19. Although
administration leaders both in execu
tive and senate circles discount the
possibility of President Wilson accept
ing any reservations in the ratifica
tion of the peace treaty and league of
nations, some republican senators who
have told the president in their con
ferences that a majority will favor in
terpretative reservations are discussing
what middle ground may be found upon
which the opposing forces may unite.
Administration senators continue firm
in their claim that they will have the
votes to pass the treaty without change,
consequently they do not care to dis
cuss what might happen if they failed
to muster them.
Meanwhile the republicans who favor
the league of nations idea but have
told the president reservations will
have to be made, are working on plans
which they feel will be acceptable.
It develops that if the president is
making any effort to sound out the en
tente powers on possible reservations,
as has been reported, none of the usual
channels of the entente embassies in
Washington are being used.
The discussions among the republi
cans seem to range around a tentative
eet of reservations which might be out
lined this way:
That nothing in Article 10 shall be
construed to obligate the United States
to enter war without & declaration of
war by congress;
That nothing in the covenant shall
In any way impair the Monroe doctrine
or curtail the nation's prerogative of
administering jt as a purely national
policy; and.
That it shall be understood that in ac
cepting the covenant the United States
does not subtract from its sovereign
right to determine purely domestic
problems, such as immigration and the
Additional Guarantees SooEkt.
These and other similar reservations,
designed to give additional guarantees
of the right of independent national ac
tion without vitiating the fabric of the-
league, might satisfy, it Is figured, a
considerable group of republican sena
tors who are favorable to some sort of
a, peace league.
At the same time, their sponsors ar
gue, the propositions thus put forward
do not run counter in any way to the
professed tenets of the administration.
The administration leaders declare these
propositions already are either set forth
with sufficient clearness in the present
covenant or else are the natural corol
laries of the league principles.
The objection to such reservations as
expressed from the administration point
of view is that they might necessitate
re-negotiation, encourage other nations
to make reservations, cause delav and
confusion and finally endanger the
whole league plan. President Wilson
is said, in talking with senators, to have
described the present political status
of Europe as a field In which it may
be very difficult to carry on such a re
negotiation. .,
Treaty Considered Contract.
To that end the administration forces
are determined to make a fight for
unreserved ratification. Senator Pitt
man of Nevada, democrat, of the for
eign relations committee, outlined this
position to the senate recently and will
speak on the legal aspects of reserva
tions next week. He takes the posi
tion that the treaty must be considered
in the light of a. contract, and that
not a word can be added or erased
without the consent of the other
Opposing that view, some of the re
publicans generally favorable to a
league take the stand that treaty pro
cedure is a less exact science than con
tract law. and that reservations merely
calculated to set forth the senate's in
terpretation of certain clauses could
De attacned without sending the cove
nant back and re-opening negotiations.
The possibility of securing the assent
to reservations by other powers be
forehand has been discussed between
republican and democrat senators, but
if any steps have been taken in that
direction it is without the knowledge
of some of those most interested in the
reservation problem.
In his conference with Senator Hitch
cock Mr. Wilson is known to have ex-
"-pressed strongly the feeling that it was
only necessary to clear up misunder
standings in order to reach a solution
of the senate situation. Some senators
interpreted this position, taken after
seeing seven republicans, as suggesting
that the president might have in mind
some definite plan to bring togeher the
administration senators and those re
publicans who are for interpretative
Such a plan would not appeal to the
group of republicans led by Senator
Borah, republican, Idaho, who advo
cates eliminating entirely some fea
tures which the president thinks vital.
The exact extent of reservations favored
by senators led by Senator Lodge or
the foreign relations committee and
Senator Knox, republican of Pennsy!
vania. never has been definitely re
vealed. . .
The Shantung situation, which has
aroused a storm at senate protest, con
fidently is expected by some of the
president's recent callers to be the sub
ject soon of a White House declaration,
either in the form of a public statement
or a message to the senate. Some of
the republicans believe this declaration
will change the aspect of this situa
tion, though none has announced he
would support it.
The senate was not in session today
and the foreign relations committee
also took a rest in its preliminary
reading of the treaty text Both will
meet Monday. On Tuesday President
wnson is expected to see more re
publican senators at the White House.
The Hungarian soviet government
has appointed Wilhelm Bdehm. former
commander-in-chief of the Hungarian
army, minister to Vienna, after de
manding Austria's agreement to the
The most important medical expedi
tion ever organised to fight typhus
will leave in the next few days to try
to stamp out the disease in Poland and
to attempt to avert threatened epi
demics in central Europe this winter.
Colonel Harry R. Gilchrist will com
mand a group of -E50 American army
officers and volunteers, all sanitary
The cross of the Legion of Honor
has been presented to Edward L.
Hearn, general commissioner for Eu
rope of the Knights of Columbus; Sec
retary E. C. Carter of the Y. M. C A.
in France, and Director Davis of the
same organization; John Foster Dulles
of the American peace commission;
Hurting Ginn of the American treas
ury department and finance controller
of the American army In Europe, and
M Vlbbert. secretary of the American
union In Paris. -
Franklin-Bouillon Attacks
Government for Methods
ployed at Flame.
Boston Carmen and Company Fail to
Agree on 'Formation of Board.
BOSTON. July 19. Representatives
of the striking carmen and the trus
tees of the Boston Elevated Railway
company were unable to reach an
agreement yesterday upon a third mem
ber ol a local arbitration board to set
tle their controversy.
The officers of the carmen's nion
said that Acting Mayor Francis J. W.
Ford would be acceptable aa the neutral
member of the board, but as he had not
been named by Governor Coolldge, the
trustees would not agree to his serving.
ine trustees insist that the third mem
ber must be named by the governor.
Coloradoans Insist White Metal Is
Worth at Least $1.15 Onnce.
DENVER, Colo., July 19. A commit
tee of silver producers of 12 western
states, headed by Governor Emmet D.
Boyle of Nevada, will go to Washing
ton and .protest to Secretary of the
Treasury Carter Glass against negotia
tions the treasury department Is re
ported to be considering for disposal
of 100,000,000 ounces of silver to Eng
land for coinage purposes at $1 an
western producers will insist that
the contract price with England should
be not less than $1.15 an ounce.
Pytbians of Marsbfleld and Kortb
Bend -to Hold Joint Outing.
MARSHFIELD. Or., July 19. (Spe
cial.) Members of the Knights of
Pythias lodges of Marshfield and North
Bend, accompanied by their families.
will go to Allegany, 18 miles up Coos
river, tomorrow tor their annual outing.
All available steamboats and launches
on the bay have been engaged.
The day will be spent in dancing.
amusements and picnicking.
Condensed News.
Boniest ic.
The cost of firefighting in Montana
in June was tl.15.000 and in July $30.
German Saves Aviator.
LONDON. July 19. The air ministry
announced last night that Private
Bruckman. a German war prisoner, at
great risk to his own life, saved the
pilot of an airplane from the blazing
wreckage of a machine after it had
crashed at the Wiltshire airdrome.
American Vessel in Peril.
DEAL, England. July 19. The Amer
ican steamer Defiance, in attempting
to avoid a collision in the channel.
stranded In &t. Margaret's bay. The
vessel l In a dangerous position.
(Copyrifht by the New York World. Pub
lished by arrangement.)
PARIS, July 19. (Special cable.)
Although the attitude of the chamber
of deputies was rather opposed to the
government. Premier Clemenceau bad
little difficulty Ir convincing the for
eign affairs committee of that body
that his policy at the peace table was
superior to that of Marshal Foch. Un
til a late hour last evening the pre
mier was closeted with the members
of the foreign affairs committee at the
Palais Bourbon. He revealed with the
frankness characteristic of him on such
occasions the reasons why it was pref-
eraDie to adopt the principle of a lim
ited occupation of the Rhineland. nlui
a Franco-Anglo-American defensive al
liance, rather than hold out for the
permanent seizure of the Rhine brldge-, wnicn was so stronarlv sud-
ported by the inter-allied generalis
Maxliaom Security Bought.
"It was necessary to choose." the Tl
ger exclaimed, "and I chose that which
wouia give France the maximum of ae
The premier made it clear to hla au
oitors that the acceptance of Marshal
Foch's proposals bv the French nam
delegation would have committed the
republic to stand guardalone on tbe
Rhine with no assurances of future
help, should any emergency require it.
Irom Great Britain and the United
siates, DOtn ot which powers were
emphatically opposed to the marshal's
The demand of the foreign affairs
committee was formulated through
Henry Franklin-Bouillon, chairman of
the committee, for the text of Marshal
Foch's letters to Premier Clemenceau as
well ss for the stenographic record of
he marshal's remarks at the final se
cret meeting of the conference. This
demand was granted by Premier Clem
enceau after considerable debate. It is
probable that M. Franklin-Bouillon's
threat to have read from the rostrum
of the chamber of deputies the two let
ters, which set forth In detail Marshal
Foch's ideas of how France had been
protected on her eastern frontiors. In
fluenced M. Clemenceau considerably in
yielding this point.
Clel Refuses Demands.
He warned M. Henry Franklin-Bouillon
and his fellow committeemen that
the responsibility would rest with them
if anv improper use were maae or let
ters which are deemed confident. To
their further demand for the stenogra
phers' reports of the big four's delib
erations and other secret conference
discussions Premier Clemenceau replied
with a flat refusal. He said those doc
uments could be communicated only
with the consent of the other powers
concerned. He called to mind that
similar request by the foreign relations
committee of the United States senate
has not yet been approved by Presi
dent Wilson.
Commenting upon certain allegations
that Marshal Foch -had been treated
cavalierly and that his suggestion had
been ignored bv the allied statesmen,
Premier Clemenceau observed that the
marshal had enjoyed the fullest oppor
tunities to express his views either
verbally or in writing and that be had
done so on several occasions before the
council of four, the French cabinet and
the peace conference Itself.
Training: Period May Be Reduce.
The premier averred that the guaran
tees provided by the temporary occu
pation of the Knlneiana, tne aisarma
ment of Germany, by the defensive al
liances and other protective, measures
provided for in the treaty, would prob
ably permit a reduction in the period
of compulsory military service in
France. Two years' training instead o
three, he added, might be sufficient, bu
that was for the country to decide at
general election. "
While there is no doubt that th
foreign affairs committee, as a wholi
was favorably impressed by the Tiger'
utterances, which with the overtures
addressed to him, consumed thre
hours, much bitterness marked the
sitting. At one stage of it M. Frank
lln-Boulllon abruptly left the room
Always a Delight
Ye Oregon
fiOOL, spacious, clean
tiled this famous
Grill appeals to. those who
would dine in comfort.
Food the best, carefully pre
pared and faultlessly served;
atmosphere and environment
hospitable and refined.
Sunday Dinner
5:30 to 9, $1.25
Evening Orchestral Concert
Daily Table dHote Dinner
5:30 to 9, $1.25
Daily Noon Lunch
11 to 2, 50c
Broadway at Stark Street
Looking ttie WorM'
auare in tlie Face
requires self-confidence and assurance. Nothing will add
more to this quality than being properly dressed.
And CHESTERFIELD SUITS give you that air of
distinction that only well-tailored, properly styled
clothes give to the man a splendid assortment to se
lect from.
POLICY the customer can save from $5 to $10 on the
suit of clothes he buys here.
Suits With Suits Shown
by Other Stores for
$35 and $40
Suits With Suits Sold
by Other Stores for
$45 and $50
$50 .
Suits With Suits Sold
by Other Stores for
$55 and $60
This was during the first part of th
discussion on the proposed submis
sion to the committeemen of Marshal
Foch's letters. Besides In the middle
of his interrogation on the financial
clauses of the peace treaty. Louis
Martin, reporter-general of the Budget.
hotly denounced M. Clemenceau's per
sistent silence on certain aspects of
tbe situation.
Flasae Methods Attacked.
"Tou have only to question me." tbi
premier retorted. "I shall reply. I
have hidden nothlnr from those of
your colleagues .who have called upon
me. As chief of the government It Is
my business to negotiate treaties, it
Is up to parliament to pass upon It. I
have done my duty. It is for you to do
yours now." '
'No longer do tbe soldiers or franc
appear to Italian eyes as allies, but as
enemies who are seeking to prevent
the Italians from realizing their na
tional aspirations. On could not dream
of a more incoherent policy than that
of France toward Italy.
So Henry Franklin-Bouillon writes
in a vehement article in Le Matin. In
which he takes the French govern
ment to task for the methods It has
employed at Flume. M. Henry Frank-
lln-Boulllon has lust returned xrora a
visit to Rome.
France Asked te Take Lead.
"Franc." he said, "is the one country
which should not make herself the po
liceman of the Adriatic. Out of that
role has com thts paradoxical situa
tion: America was unlea: hed from the
Adriatic crisis through President Wll.
son's letter. But America nas taken
car not to send a single soldier to
Flume, while we have, because of our
unfortunate inspiration to establish
base there while supporting in that
rea-ion all the consequences of Presi
dent Wilson's act. Already this hi
-t too manv dead, and tomorrow it
mat in our Italian alliance."
In his article Franklin-Bouillon de
mands that France propose forthwith
to Italy the creation of a I-atln bloc,
which with Roumanla. Portugal and
nihiv SDain. could offer a solid front
to the always menacing German bloc
Coos Coal Mine Developed.
SALEM. Or.. July 1. 8peciaL)
senator Walter B. Jones, of Lan
county,' passed a few hours at the cap .nriav. conferring with Governor Ol-
cott and other state officials. Mr. Jones
Is Interested in th development of the
Riverton coal mining properties In Coos
Mimiv. and already tne property is pro
ducing approximately 25 tons of coal
dally. The operating concern Is known
as the G. W. John company, and Im
provements to the properties estimating I
an outlay or iiu.uuu are unuer wjr.
Portland Sailor Missing.
n.n TCdear Serine-. 1180 Wilbur
Save 7 Discount
On Furnishings and Hats when your purchase amounts to $4.00 or more con
tract goods excepted.
street, was listed as missing from his
post In Bremerton navy-yard in records
filed at police headquarters yesterday.
Officials say that if the sailor falls to
appear for duty by July 21 he will be
sought as a deserter.
Maaamas to Scale Mount Hood.
HOOD RIVER. Or, July 1. Mount
Hood will attract numerous Hood Rtver
vacationists tomorrow. Members of
parties, equal In number probably to
the 25 Mazamas who will seal th
north side of the peak. Journeyed to
the snowline tonight. Th Mazamas,
sfter going to the terminus of the
Mount Hood rail line by special rail
auto, ramped at Parkdale last night
nnd hiked the 12-mlle distance to
Cloud Cap Inn today. A message said
all are in fine shape for an early start
tomorrow. After th ascent the Ma
saniss will take a special train at
Parkdale at 10 o clock tomorrow night.
They will camp here and take a
o'clock O. - W. R-
N. train Monday
Rldrefleld to Hear Demonstrator.
RIDGEFIF.LrfWssh, Jnlr I. Sp
clal.) Mrs. H. D. Stow, county demon
strator, will address the women of
Kldgefleld and vicinity at th Commer
cial club rooms Saturday afternoon,
July 2. Sh will demonstrate th us
of th home-mad flreless cooker and
th home-made fruit drier.
"W wish to expr9 our thanks to thi
many who attended the funeral aerv
Ices of our wtfe and mother and for th
many beautiful floral pieces.
Phone your want ads to Th Orego
nian. Main 70T0. A 0i.
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X v( There's a lot of pj
Ji ' '. .1 -f hJ difference in frt
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3 ' I 4 II he didn't lot f.
I J J t.t w" faUnful f-
S ? i? C"3 th on h I?
r ,!. -4 - -V - -v- ' . .. MO - ; 0 S ,
I - - - - isTi n-' -' - " rr
-.T - -a-
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5 at th Wur- 4
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iX cone ert every
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irons, e x p rem
appreciation and
pleaaura at Mr.
fXf Tearua magnlf
' Iceat music
v- fr..r ir irv "V;
Tdy at 1 era
Eg pnanBallet.
The Mlc Harp.
M 1 o d y is
Fl a y d with
t: remark
able harp ac
c o m p a nlment
played with
American Pa -troU
i . i,