The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 56

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AVIATION ('twas evefe" Taoi)
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One of the V. !., by Slater Washburn.
Houghton. Mifflia company, Boston.
The initials "Y, I." mean "Yankee
tflvision" that came from New England
and went to France to help whip the
Hun and succeeded.
The modest book that is now under
review impresses by its naturalness,
readable charm and graphic ability to
portray the actual battle scenes lived
by members of a battery of American
Mr. Washburn started as corporal of
the 101st field artillery of the 26th di
vision and left France after taking part
In the battle of Chateau-Thierry to re
turn to this country as an instructor.
Later, he was appointed lieutenant. He
writes also with- plenty of enjoyable
humor. His book bears this inscription:
"To the boys of C battery, 101st field
battery, 26th division, who fought and
died for the great cause, and who now
lie buried beneath the soil of France,
far from home, yet near in spirit to
those whose privilege it was "to serve
with them.' The narrative of service
related by our author begins in April,
1917. and lasts until August, 1918.
The chapter heads are: Boxford to
France; training at Camp Coetquidan;
moving to the front; our first sector
Chemin Des Dames; join the artillery
and walk; in the Toul sector: our loyal
friend and cootie; at the first corps
school Gondecourt; back to the front;
bound for Paris; and, Cha'teau-Thierry
and the second Mama. Lively descrip
tions are given of fun alrmg the march,
with mutual chaff between cannoneers
and drivers of artillery horses.
Enthusiastic commendation is award
ed by our author to Salvation Army
workers met with near the battlefront-
Wm set out for the town of Mandrel.
whore we heard there were baths ir
operation. Ir was nearly noon when we ar
rived there and we at once eousht some
thing to eat. There it was that we re
ceived one of the most striking- examples
of the good work done by the Salvation
Army. We found their canteen located in
the cellar of what had formerly been
houM, but what was now nothing more than
a pile of debris. Shelled beyond all ap
pearance to a building, it presented the ap
7tarance of a large pile of stones and rock a
The room as In led with men in khaki
practically every branch of the service was
represented there. At the other end of the
room was a counter, made up of old pack
lng boxes, and a field range, where th
boys were being supplied with food and
1 was interested, and sitting down near
the atove, listened to the conversation of
the man who waa cooking. He greeted
each boy, as he filed by, cheerful and
amiMng; he gave every one of them some
thing to laugh at and what was bette
something to eat. Him and eggs, sau
aagea. bread end crackers, with a cup of
fc.o& coffee comprised Um menu. One. lad
The late Second Lieutenant Ten-
Bant Chriatopher).
Inauired the price before clvlne the order,
evidently tearing that hi, aupply of cen
times might not prove adequate to the de
"What, are you broke?" waa the reply.
followed by a reluctant admission that AO
centimes ten cents or thereabouts in United
state! represented all his worldly roods.
"It's free to you. then." was the response.
and the boy passed on. Those who could
Pay. did. Those who could not. got what
they wanted, free of charge. Needless to
say, there were none of those boys who
would take advantage of this man's gener
osity. He played the game with them and
they in turn with him. Can anyone fail to
understand why It is that the Salvation
Army has made good in France, not alone
where the sun shines and shells are con
spicuous for their absence, but rather where
the mud is deepest, and the "whizz bangs"
snd gas are selections rendered hourly by
me oncnes .'
I will never forget a "top" sergeant who,
after we had landed In New Tork. was tak
ing th air on Fifth avenue one afternoon.
rie had 5 cents and a great appetitite
extremely poor combination. He descried
a Salvation Army girl standing on a comer,
seeking contributions. Her luck evidently
had been poor, as comparatively few coins
adorned the small dipper. My friend slipped
his hand in his pocket, and tossing a 5-cent
piece into the box. remarked: "Well. boys.
there goes my last nickel." It was a great
tribute rendered to a great organization.
A Stop at Suzanne's, by Greayer Clover.
George ii. xoran company. New Tork City.
Delightful sketch ea. including letters
written principally by an American
collee-e lad who joined the French
camion convoy, carry. 187 ammunition
and food supplies to the French
trenches, and who, after he had joined
the American aviation corps, met death
when his plane felL Service and cour
age are reflected from these storied
The Iron Hunter, by Chase S. Osborne. Il
lustrated. The Alacmillan Co., itew torn
Brave, stalwart and true. Just like
the honest ring of a blacksmith's ham
mer, is this "The Iron Hunter," unveiling-
the busy life of Chase S. Osborn,
afterward Governor of Michigan.
The future governor was born in the
year I860, In Indiana, and his wonder
ful life of brave self-help reads like a
romance. He is of old-fashioned Amer
ican lineage, and has lived and lives the
life of a western man. His father's
family, in our author's early boyhood.
passed from comparative ease and
near-luxury to near-privation. C. S.
Osborn became a newsboy who was
hired because he was a natural fighter.
The boy whose Job was vacant had lost
it because he allowed other boys not
only to "lick" him. but to steal his
newspapers. Procuring a revolver,
young Chase got his papers, was set
upon by the rival gang, but when he
shot into them, they fled in terror and
left him master. He was educated at
Purdue university, but admits that
there was not muYh organization or
grading, or he surely would not have
been admitted.
Securing a job soliciting subscrip
tions on the staff of the Wisconsin
Signal. Chase entered the "newspaper
game." Afterward Chase became a real
"honest-to-goodness reporter on the
Milwaukee Wisconsin at J12 per week.
May 7,-1881, our hero married. He was
21 and his wife 18 years old. He re
lates on page 81 that he gave his bride
a five-cent bouquet from the German
market, paid the preacher 82 down and
$3 on the installment plan, and paid his
tailor fr his wedding suit on the same
financial plan.
His friend Colonel J. A. Watrous ad
vised our hero to go to lawless, frontier.
wild Florence. Wis., and start a re
form newspaper. The town was "wide
open." Gamblers, bad men generally,
and lawless gangs that laughed at au
thority, ruled the place. Osborn
launched his newspaper, attacked the
lawless ones who did their best to kill
him. but didn't succeed. He "licked"
them. Some were put in-Jail and others
ran away. Florence actually became
Fascinated by the natural beauty
of the town of Sault Salnte Marie.
Osborn chose it as a home for life, he
says on page 102. Along with his chum
Mel Hoyt. Osborn bought the Sault
News newspaper, and they not only
ran out competitors but made money.
psborn entered politics. . H, was ear
tered - as a republican candidate for
governor, but lost out In the conven
tion. On page 144 he states he had a
fortune of 8250,000. Then it was that
he determined to devote his life to
public service.
On page 274. it is related that Mr.
Osborn was elected rwvernor of Michi
gan by a vote of 88.270. In 1810 he
was again elected by a vote of 202.803.
with He man s receiving a vote of
Well done. Governor Osborn! Your
life is an inspiration to all others, not
to win perhaps as much money as you
have honestly 'made (although honor
able gain is good), but to have as high
ideals and to work as hard and as
The Veet-Porket Lawyer. Flynn Publishing
-company. Chicago.
On special principles, it pays in the
end to consult a lawyer when trouble
threatens. But there are dosens of
puzzling legal questions that arise that
can be settled by a friend who Is well
Informed. Such a friend and an in
expensive one.' Is this valuable book.
It has reached the dignity of a second
edition, and is now improved and en
larged. It Is written in clearly-ex
pressed, understandable- English, and
arranged in such a manner that the
information presented is accesible.
"The Vest Pocket Lawyer." 250 pages.
Is a time and money-saver yet the
advice is frankly given that if you
need the services of a specialist, to
take your case to a good lawyer, and
save money that otherwise you might
The contents are:
Trade acceptances, contracts, quasi con
tracts, agency torts, aomestlo relations,
criminal law. personal property, landlord
and tenant, wills, real estate, real-estate
mortgages, chattel mortgages, evidence, ne
gotiable Instruments, confession, pleading.
common-law pleading, equity pleading, code
pleading, practice, constitutional law, part
nership. corporations. Judgments, attach
mente, garnishments, executions, bankruptcy.
constitution ot tne unitea btates.
The Covenanter, by William H. Taft. George
W. Wlckersham, A. Lawrence Lowell and
Henry W. Taft. Doubleday, Page eV Co.,
Garden City. N. T.
Here we have a learned and well
arranged American exposition of the
covenant of the league of nations.
book of 188 pages, that will educate all
lay disputants. The letters in this
series were published recently day by
day in a number of newspapers in this
country. It is convenient to meet with
these papers in a bound volume and
to refer to them when occasion war'
rants It.
Problems ef Pemne. From the Holy Alliance
to tbe League of Nations, by Gugleilmo
Ferrero. Ci. P. Putnam's bona. New Tork
The distinguished Italian historian,
Gugllelmo Ferrers, possesses the gift
to present dry historical data in at
tractive form and with fresh originality
this country to become familiar with
public questions, and to know what ed
ucated Americans like to read.
One notable chapter is addressed: "To
the American People," and in It the
reader meets with a true h and b-across -the-sea.
brotherhood spirit. The book
is up-to-date.
Other chapter heads are: "The French
Revolution and the Austrian Empire."
"The League and the Peace of the Dyn
asties, 1815-1848." "Tbe Revolution of
1848." "The Great Surprise." "The Ger
manic Triumph 1848-1870." The Ger
man Peace." and "From the Holy Al
liance to the League of Nations."
The Gboat Town. Lnndy, by Colonel Charles
A. Lunay. The i- our Sena company, Boston.
The fates for some men weave a life
That burns and breaks their hearts In strife.
Ana eacn within Its given sphere
Must fight for all that he holds dear.
So begins this stirring, somber poem
which depicts the easy-come, easy-go
days when gold was found in and near
the mining town of Lundy. in the heart
of the Sierra mountains. Now. Lundy
fbday is a deserted town, a wreck of Its
former golden prosperity. The author
has cleverly portrayed the life described.
Tbe Hen nt Worst, by Ernest Cobb. Illustrat
ed. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New Tork City.
With 35 illustrations, this sensible
and practical book on hen keeping,
henhouses, choice of breed, hatching,
feed, poultry diseases, egg production,
etc, ought to have a large bale.
The Tress maker, by Helen Fltzeerald
Banders. 81. fto. The Coonhill Co.. Boston.
A wonderful romance of southern
ideals, picturing the adventures of the
aristocratic family of Fitsmaurtce of
Vicksburg, Miss., and ending in Cali
fornia at the period of the Spanish
American war.
Film Flickers.
(Continued From Page 4.
Handbook of T?ar Facta and Pence Prob
lems, by Arthur L. Frnthlngham. Com
mittee on organised education. National
Security league. New York City.
In the compass of 258 pages we are
presented with a mass of facts and
figures relating to the late war a lit
tle book thnt will be useful to public
speakers and also to school teachers.
So much In demand has been this pub
lication that It has reached its 266tb
Letters to Teachers, by Hartley B. Alex
ander. The Open Court Publishing com
pany, Chicago.
Twenty-two papers or essays, in
formingly and ably written, on educa
tional topics of tbe recent day. Several
of these papers were printed originally
in the Nebraska State Journal, and
refer specially to Nebraska matters.
Christopher, by lr Oliver Lodge. George
H. Doran Co.. New Tork City.
A review of the life of this gallant
and young Welsh officer, George Chris
topher eSorocol d'Tennant who was
killed In the war In France, appeared
of expression. He has lived enough in in The Oregonlan of July 11.
rcle in support of Florence Reed in
her latest picture "The Woman Under
Oath." has been enraged for the lead
ing role in the "Teeth of the Tiger." the
seo,uel to Arsene Luotn.
'Slim- rieta, one of the property men
at the Norma Talmadge studio, caused
considerable excitement the other day
by an expense account he turned In. It
read: "Fourteen bananas and five bags
of peanuts. 76e" As Dietz's lunches are
not paid by the company, the cashier
screwed her brows In puzzled amaze
ment. Then the story came out. It
seems that while Norma was fn Florida
last week, taking scenes near Miami,
for a deserted Island, which figures In
"By Right o( Conquest." she used two
marmosets in the picture and Diets was
the only one who remembered that Ihe
monkey actors were hired, and that
along with studio-civilisation, they had
lost the art of finding their own food
on a motion picture "barren Island"!
o e
Constance Talmadre has gone to
Washington with several of the mem
bers of her company, to make exteriors
for her first First National picture.
"The , Temperamental Wife." Several
scenes ot tne capitoi win be used in
this picture, and special permission was
obtained to photograph interiors of one
cf the cabinet member's offices.
Irving Berlin has dedicated his new
est song, "The New Moon.'' to Norma
Talmadse, the m-isle havlni? been In
spired by the star's photodrama of the
same name. Mr. Berlin will use this
song as one of the numbers of one of
his forthcoming musical comedy pro
ductions. e e e
The Indications are that the pack
horses and steep mountain trails that
have been associated with the Bruce
pictures In the past are to be replaced
next seascr. with new backgrounds as
a letter received In New York from him
recently was written on the deck of the
J5-ton schooner "La Viajera" some
where in the Gulf of Georgia, British
Columbia bound ,'ron Seattle to Skag
way. via "the Inside channel." Tbe "La
Viajera." which means in Spanish "The
Lady Wanderer." is 75 feet, In length
and was built in 1907 to compete in a
race to Honolulu. It carries 3600 feet
of canvas and an auxiliary engine of
25 horsepower, ideal equipment for a
"scenic shooting" party.
A dispatch from overseas brings the
news that Harhert Brenon is now in
Turin. Italy, with his star. Marie Doro,
and supporting cast, using picturesque
locations In the sunny clime as the
backgrounds for scenes In tha second
of the Doro-Brenon series.
e P
' "Daddy Long Legs." featuring Mary
Pickford. bids fair to be one of tho
rriitMt monev makers in the hiatorv
of the motion picture business. Up to
date the gross receipts on this produo.
tlon have been 875O.O00. The picture
was sold to the First National Exhibi
tors' Circuit for (250,000 and unques
tionably is the best Investment they
ever made. It is not Improbable thai
bi-fore its usefulness Is outlived "Daddy
Long Legs" will have netted its own
ers several million dollars.
Immediately following the comple
tion of his production of "in Old Ken
lucky." Marshall Ncllan will leave for
a hurried trip to Lomlon. He goes
upon the invitation of Sir William.
Jury, England's leading film magnate.
It is expected that during his stay Mr.
Ncllan will make arrangements for the
slowing ff bis special attractions In
the theaters controlled by Sir William.
He has been forewarned by the noble
gentleman that he will be expected to
make geveral speeches.
e o e
"Back Stage" is the last Paramount
comedy "Fatly" Arbuckle will make in
his Glendale. Cal., studios for as soon
as- It is completed he will transfer bag
and baggage to his new plant in Culver
City, a near neighbor of the Thomas H.
Ince buildings
Now la the Time to Get Rid of These
L'gly Spots.
There's do longer the slightest need
of feeling ashamed of your freckles,
as Othlne double strength Is guar
anteed to remove these homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of Othlne dou
ble strength from any druggist and
apply a little of It night and morning
and you should soon see that even the
worst, freckles have begun to disap
pear, while the lighter ones have van
ished entirely. It Is seldom that more
than an ounce la needed to completely
clear the skin and gain s beautiful,
clear complexion
Be sure to ask for the double strength
Othine as this is sold under guarantee
of money back If it fails to remove
freckles. Adv.
This Will Remove
Hair or Fuzzy Growths
(Toilet Tips)
A safe, certain method for ridding the
skin of ugly, hairy growths Is as fol
lows: Mix a paste with some powdered
delatene and water, apply to hairy sur
face about 3 minutes, then rub off.
wash the skin and the hairs are gone.
This Is entirely harmless and seldom
requires repeating, but to avoid disap
pointment It Is advisable to sen thsat
you get genuine r"-' tsfti