The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 53

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thy Lee Abdrews. Master Henry Mltch-
11. Mrs. P. T. Buckley and the hostess.
Mrs. Charles Mathoit entertained
ith a prettily appointed luncheon
Tuesday in the gTlIl of the Hotel Port-
and. Covers were placed for 10 at a
table decorated In pink roses.
Mrs. F. A. Anderson was a hostess
Wednesday, when she entertained with
dinner party of six covers In tne grill
f the Hotel Portland.
'- ' f-i"
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i - rVl O cxorr more. Qjl
(Continued Krnm T'aKe 3.
artillery, und Henry C. Judd of Pen
dleton, who i.s the puest of the Dick
sons for a ehort tim. The guest list
included Elizabeth "Wissrins, Kather-
ine and Anna Wheeler, Klizabeth l
Haley, Orline Cameron, Marion Ver
etet, Mrs. JI. W. Dickson, Howard
iPeteriion, TloIrt Morrison, Harry
Stevens, Waiden Edwards, Russell
Ferguson, Harry Ivurtz, and the honor
Mrs. Glenn TI. Ticer (Anna Bell Craw
ford), is vi;:itintr in Portland for the
summer.. Lieutenant and Mrs. Ticer
have been living near Port Russell,
Wyo., where Mr. Ticer has been sta
tioned. Mrs Tii cr resided in Portland before
her marriage.
Miss Mabel Holmes of 765 East
Twenty-sixth street North, left Satur
day for a two weeks' trip, visitingr in
henttle and Tacoma, enroute to British
"oHlmbia. The time in British Co
lumbia will be srient iu motoring with
l party of friends.
Mrs. V. W. Dickson of Pendleton la In
Portland to spend the summer as the
house gruest of Mr. and Mrs. John Ross
The musical fete and bazaar which
was to have been priven Wednesday
eveninsr in the gardens surrounding
Miss Catlin's school haa been post
poned by the committee until the sec
ond week in Sepimber. The exact
date, will be announced later. The fete
will be given undr the auspices of
the Portland district of the Oregon
State Music Teachers' association for
the benefit of the music festival fund.
The affair will be an elaborate one.
Dancing and musical numbers, both in
side Miss Catlin's home and on the
lawn, are beins planned. Miss Amy
liudduck is chairman of the committee
in charge. She numbers among her
assistants Miss Martha Reynolds,
IVederick. W. Goodrich, Mrs. Henry
JIcQunde, H. A. Webber, Miss Wini
fred Forbes, Mrs". Carrie R. Keaumont,
Madame Lucie Valair. George Wilber
Reed, Daniel Wilson, Mrs. Clifford
ioore and others.
Teli!rhtful In ever? way wa the
dancine; party at the Portland Heights
club Monday ni;rht for which Miss
Mary Frances lsom was hostess in
honor of her niece. Miss Berenice Lan
ton, and of her brother and his bride,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. I,angton (Flora
Miller), who have recently come to
Portland from the bride's home in the
south, to make their home here. Jap
anese lanterns formed effective deco
rations. Miss lisom was assisted by her
house guest, Caroline Welch, of
Cleveland, who is visiting Miss lsom
for the summer. The guest list in
cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton T. Munger, Dr.
and Mrs. Harry Heal Tnrrey, Misses
Mary Gill, Dorothy Corbett, Louise
Linchicum, Anna Adams, Jean Skene,
Frances Page, Dorothy Cunningham,
Katherilte Macey, Elizabeth Ducey,
Anna Wheeler, Katherine Wheel
er. Elizabeth Haib-y. Elizabeth
Torrey. Dorothy Kerns, Marion
Whiteside, Cornelia Tevis, Virginia
Tevis, lvatherine Donald, Katherine
Laidlaw, Dorothy McGuire. Elizabeth
Bacon. Nancy Holt, Messrs Ernest
Tucker, Hunt Lewis, Robert Lewie,
Frederick Whiteside, Duncan Strong.
Robert Morrison. Alexander Morrison,
Charles Cook. Allard Hekemper, Ken
neth -Warrens. Orin Gamble. Harry
Stevens. Kenneth Mackenzie, Tom Mills,
James Piatt; Sherman Hall Jr., Edwin
Shea, Hughes Martin, Harry Pennell.
George Lawrence, Ben Reed and Ned
Mrs. H. S. Butterfield entertained
Thursday at a small and informal
luncheon at the Waverly Country club,
complimenting Mrs. Willard H. Ingels
of Oakland, who is returning this week
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to her California home after a visit
with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Sharon.
Covers were placed for eight-
Mrs. Tom H. Beverley of Portland
Heights has as her house guest Mrs.
D. S. Terry of Los Angeles, who will be
with her for a month. Mrs. Terry, who
is SO years old, has traveled widely
throughout this and foreign countries
Mrs. Beverley will be hostess at a
luncheon and tea on Thursday in her
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clark had as their
house guests the past week Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Lane of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs.
Lane left Portland Friday morning.
They were entertained informally with
motor trips and other affairs. Mr. and
Mrs. Clark were hosts at a small din
ner for them at the Waverly Country
club Tuesday evening.
Mida Darlene Kimball of Salt Lake,
who has been the house guest the
past week of Mrs. Max H. Houser, is
now visiting Mrs. Chester. Murphy, Mrs.
Murphy entertained in her honor with
an informal luncheon Friday. Covers
were laid for eight.
Miss Mamie Helen Flynn and her
brother, James Flynn, have given up
their home on Eighteenth street ow
ing to the death of their mother and
have taken apartments at the Multno
mah hotel. The Flynn home will be
used by the Japanese government for
the Japanese consulate.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kerr were hosts
at a dinner given Wednesday evening
in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Edgar P. Hill
of New York, who are visiting in Port
land. Dr. Hill was formerly pastor of
the First Presbyterian church here. At
the table, decorated with Dorothy Per
kins roses, were seated. Dr. and Mrs.
Hill, Judge and Mrs. Wallace. McCam
ant. Dr. and Mrs. C. R.,Templeton, Mr.
and Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Patullo, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strong,
Dr. and Mrs. Hunter Wells, Mr. and
Mrs. George Lawrence, Miss Isabel
Kerr, Miss Ella Stephens, Miss Mar
garet Templeton, Miss Vida- Nichols,
Dr. Angela Ford Warren, Dr. David
Kerr, Dr. A. F. Nichols and the hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Farrell and their
daughter Helen, accompanied by Mrs.
Max H. Houser, have left for a trip to
Tacoma and Vancouver, B. C. They
will attend the coming-out party on
Wednesday evening of Miss Margaret
Stewart, daughter of Major-General
J. A. Stewart, at Vancouver, B. C.
m . m
Miss Virginia McDonough, who has
been attending school in the east and
is now at home, is being welcomed by
her many friends, who are entertaining
delightfully for her and for her house
guest. Miss Frances Brunson of East
Orange, N. J. Mrs. J. Sherman O'Gor
man was hostess at a luncheon party
at the Waverley Country club on
Thursday. Covers were placed for 12.
Miss Dorothy Strowbridee entertained
at tea in their honor and many motor
parties and informal affairs have been
given for them during the past week.
Miss Rosa B. Parrott. head of the
English department at Oregon Normal
school, was the honor guests at a lunch
eon last week in the dormitory of the
college. Miss Parrott is severing her
connection with the normal school this
year to take up work in New York City.
Covers were laid for 25 guests. Presi
dent Ackerman acted as toastmaster
and Mr. Gentle. Miss Mcintosh and Miss
Parrott responded to toasts. The lunch
eon was given under the direction of
Miss Todd and Miss Taylor.
Mrs. J. B. Ettinger was hostess at a
tea and dance on Tuesday honoring
her nouse guests irom fnuaaeipma
her mother, Mrs. Warren H. Ander
son; her sister. Miss Elisabeth J. An
derson, and Miss Mary E. Logan. One
hundred and fifty invitations were Is
sued for the tea. Receiving with the
hostess and the honor guests were
Mrs. A. J. Stewart. Mrs. T. W. Watts
and Mrs. W. H. Cullens. Assisting in
the dining room were Mrs. W. J. Hof
mann. Mrs. Edwin Robison, Mrs. J. E.
Burham, Mrs. Emma Stewart, Miss
Dorothy ketscham, Miss Pauline Bick
Miss Ruth Houghton of Chicago, Miss
Janice Parker and the hostess' daugh
ters, the Misses Elizabeth, Janet and
Dorothy Ettinger. The orchestra which
played during the afternoon was re
tained for the evening's dancing, which
about 50 enjoyed.
Mrs. Loyal B. Steams entertained
with a dancing party Tuesday evening
at her home. 190 King street, in honor
of her granddaughter. Miss Mary Helen
bpauiding. About 30 young persons
enjoyed Mrs. Stearns' hospitality.
Miss Sue Truby arrived home Tues
day after a month's visit at Seaside
the guest of Mrs. W. H. Korell (Alice
Among the delightful visitors In
Portland recently was Miss Elizabeth
Langdon, who was the house guest of
airs. hi. w. Langdon. Many affairs
were given in her honor, the last of
which was a farewell luncheon given
by Mrs. Langdon. Covers were laid for
Mrs. Edgar B. Piper. Mrs. Charles E.
Wolverton, Mrs. C. R. Templeton. Mrs-
w. u. Peacock. Mrs. Moule. Mrs. George
rwevins, Mrs. Rowland Boscow. Mrs.
Dickson. Miss Irvine and the hostess.
Miss Irvine is a Wooster college
graduate and a cousin of Dr. Charles
F. Wishart.
Mrs. Alex Sterrett was hostess on
Thursday. July 10. for the members
of her club at her home in Irvington.
Sweet peas and smilax centered the
luncheon table at which covers were
laid for Mrs. W. G. Tucker. Mrs. Wal
lace Morrin, Mrs. Lewis Johnson, Mrs.
Frank Sterrett, Mrs. Paul Daniel. Mrs.
William Hodecker. Mrs. Dale Slusher of
Pendleton and the hostess.
Mrs. Alfred Millard (Shlrlev East.
ham), who visited her mother. Mrs.
Parker F. Morey. for a few days, re
turned to her home in. Seattle early in
me .weeK.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Vincent returned
the past week from a five weeks' trip
to the east. They visited and were
entertained In Chicago. Washington.
Atlantic City. New York, Philadelphia,
Niagara raws, wniiamsport. Pa.. De
troit and at Lapeer. Mich. En route
home, they stopped at Banff and Lake
Louise in the Canadian Rockies and at
v ancouver and v ictoria.
Mrs. Jacob Feldman left Wednesday
ior i. t-aui, wnere she will loin he
husband, who has just arrived in New
York after two years' service In Lon
donas judge advocate for United States
troops. He went over with the old 3d
Oregon. They will visit In St. Paul
before coming west by way of Yellow
stone park. Mrs. Feldman has been
one of the most active workers in th
Red Cross canteen, in which she was
commissioned a lieutenant.
Sir. and Mrs. Jackson R. Myers, who
have been visiting Mrs. John Gill,' left
last Sunday tor California for an in
definite stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Withrow of
705 Davis street have as their house
guests Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Close o
Chicago, and on Tuesday Mrs. Withrow
entertained with an informal luncheon
at the Hotel Portland in honor of Mrs.
Close, the guests Including several old
friends of both the honor guest an
the hostess. The table was tastefully
aecoratea in summer blossoms and foli
age, and covers were placed for Mrs.
Close, Mrs. Henry Mitchell of Memphis,
Tenn.; Mrs. Fordyce Wood. Mrs. Harry
Hopkins. Mrs. Andrews of Illinois. Mrs.
F. C Stettler, Miss Janet Stettler. Doro
At the Willamette Heights home of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Diamond, last
Thursday night, a dancing party was
tendered the choir members of Trinity
Episcopal church, the hostesses on this
occasion being Miss Ruth Diamond and
Miss Alice Metzler. Community sing-
ng was enjoyed, led by Fred A.
Brainerd at the piano. Mrs. Donald
Lamont and Mrs. Joseph Macqueen cut
the ices and the event was marked by
true Trinity church enjoyablity. The
uests Included: Dr. and Mrs. A. A.
Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamont.
Mrs. Roberto Corruccinl, Mrs. Gabriel
Pullin. Mies Ruth Grant, Mr. and Mrs.
nd Miss Jean Imogen Macqueen. Miss
Etchbaum. Miss Beatrice Lash. Mrs. D.
H. Diamond. Miss Caroline Clark. Miss
Elsie Holllng. Miss Evelyn Wood. Miss
G. Hunt. Miss Dorothy M. Diamond, w.
Tapp. Charles H. Rogers. E. V. Orde
man. Frederick T. Crowther and Ben
Lovick. Rev. T. F. Bowen. rector of
St. Michael's and All Angels' Episcopal
hurch. and Mrs. Bowen. were also to
have been present, but were prevented
by work in their own parish.
HOOD RIVER. Or, July 19. (Spe-
lal. ) Mrs. Martha A. Riddell, who was
born in Nebraska in 1847 while her
parents were en route to Oregon with
a wagon train, on last Sunday was
the honor guest at a family reunion
t the summer home of her son. H. H.
Riddell at Moffatt creek on the Colum
bia river highway AH of her seven
children and 14 grandchildren were
present for the pleasant event.
Mrs. Riddell's family and the late
Mrs. Eliza Spaulding, a survivor of
the Whitman massacre, were very close
friends. Mrs. Spaulding, following the
laughter at the Washington mission.
remained for a while at the Hamilton
home In the Willamette valley.
Mrs. Riddell and her daughter. Miss
Elizabeth Riddell. have been living for
a number of years at Long Beach. Cal.
She will visit for several months In the
Hood River valley this summer.
Those who attended the reunion Sun
day were: Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Riddell
nd family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Lage and children of Pine Grove,
Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Parrish of HcFar
land. Cal.: Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Jenkins
and children of Hood River. Miss Elii
beth Riddell of Long Beach; Mr. and
Mrs C. W. Riddell and children of Port
land, and George X. Riddell 'of Port
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Rudig enter
tained with a swimming party and
supper Tuesday evening at their coon
ry home on the Willamette In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hill. '
The Do Drop Inn club will give
garden party Saturday afternoon and
evening at the home of Mrs. F. A.
Douty. 1441 Belmont street, for the
benefit of the Armenian relief fund.
Booths of amusement will be scattered
on the lawn and entertainment will be
provided In a musical programme and
aesthetic dancing. Refreshments will
be served. Miss A. Anderson and Rob
ert Crane will sing. Miss Roberta Bab-
bidge. and her students will dance
Myrtle Jacobsen and Mrs. G. M. Hall
will give readings. Mrs. Shrader will
rive a cornet solo. Miss Hazel Bab
bidge and Vivian Lory also will play.
Accompanists for the evening will be
Miss liulda Faust and Miss Virginia
Owens. Patrons and patronesses will
be Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy. Mrs.
O. Bants. Mrs. A. H. Averill, Mrs. J,
V. Faust, Mrs. J. C Hare. Mr. and Mrs.
M. D. Owens. Mrs. N. F. Johnson and
Mrs. F. A. Douty.
It oh In son-II mrii in Y.
A pretty wedding was that of Miss
Cora Marie Harding, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Harding, and LeRoy
Robinson, which took place Wednesday
evening. July 9, at 8 o'clock at the
bride's home In Westmoreland. Rev.
John E. Fee officiated in the pres
enoe of a large number of relatives
and friends. A delightful musical pro
gramme preceded the ceremony. Mrs.
Marion Moore gave several cornet
selections of old-fashioned songs. Mrs.
Frederick Bolich gave some violin
numbers and Miss Alice Mae Phelp
sang "Beloved, It Is Morn." Mrs. John
E. Fee played several piano solos and
Mrs. F. W. Edwards Jr. played the
wedding march.
The rooms were beautifully deco.
rated In summer flowers and palms.
The bride was charming in a white
satin gown, elaborated with silver lace.
Her long veil was held in place with
orange blossoms. She carried a showe
bouquet of bridal roses and lavender
sweet peas. Miss Jessamine Harding
was maid of honor. She wore a gown
of shell pink tricolette and carried
large arm bouquet of pink sw-eet peas.
Horton Robinson, brother of the bride
groom, acted as best man.
Following the wedding a buffet sup
per was served. The Misses ray
Robinson. Mary Klopfenstein and Mrs.
Ray Stanton assisted in the dining
room. Miss Margaret Harding presided
at the punch bowl.
After an extended trip. Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson will make their home in
this city.
Miss Luclle Anna Hamlin and Rod
ney Maurice Whitmore were married
at 2:30 o clock Thursday, July 3. at in
home of the brides parents. Air. ana
Mrs. W. F. Hamlin, in Corvallis. Dr.
J. R- N. Bell officiated, using the rin
service. Only the immediate members
of the family of the bridal couple were
present. Syringa and ferns formed the
decorations In the living room, where
the ceremony was performed, and red
ramblers were used In the dining room.
The bride was gowned In a suit of olive
sand cloth and wore a large picture
hat- Her flowers were a corsage o
Cecil Brunner roses. A buffet suppe
was served following the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore left at once by
automobile, en route to Yellowston
park, where they will pass two-months.
They will return to Corvallis for
short time. The bride was graduated
from the Oregon Agricultural college
school of music in 1918. Mr. V hltmor
is a son of S. C. Whitmore. of Mayneld.
Pa., and is a graduate of an eastern
college. He was taking special work at
Oregon Agricultural college at the time
of his enlistment in the navy.
Miss Rose Helen German and Owen
P. Hollenbeck were married Saturday
evening, July 12, at the home of he
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. German
The ceremony was performed on th
veranda under a bower of roses. Th
bride, who was given in marriage by
her father, wore a gown of white satin,
embellished with silver lace. She car
ried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses
and white sweet peas. Miss Velma
Goulty attended her as bridesmaid and
Charles Curtin was best man. Mr. and
Mrs. Hollenbeck left for a short trip
to Washington and British Columbia
and will be at home to their friends
after August 1 at 437 East Thirty
fourth street.
Miss Betsy Jeanette Anderson of
Willow River, Minn., and Ramon W.
Moore of this city were married June
26 In Willow River anu arrived the
past we k in Portland, where they
will make their home. Rev. J. E. Wil
son of Hinckley. Minn, read the serv
ice in the Episcopal church. Miss
Martha Schmidt was bridesmaid and
Jack Wadley was best man. The young
eroxo (freaTrv
couple came west by way of the Cana
dian Rockies, stopping at pojnts of in
terest. The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. B. Anderson Wadley. and Mr.
Moore, who is a railroad man. Is the
son of Mr. zMd Mrs. F. W. Moore of this
At a quiet wedding Wednesday morn
ing at 8 o'clock. Miss Mary Fitzpatrick
became the brid of William E. Carty
at St. Cecilia's church in Beaverton.
Rev. Father ONcil officiated. The
bride was gowned In white taffeta
combined with georgette and carried
Ophelia ros-'s and white sweet peas.
Miss Jennie Fitzpatrick. bridesmaid.
wore a frock of pale green taffeta.
with georgette, and carried pink sweet
peas. Vincent Fitzpatrick was best
man. A wedding breakfast at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Fitzpatrick. followed the
ceremony. The young couple left Im
mediately on a trip to Seattle. They
will make their borne in Rldgefield,
Wash.. Mr. Cartys home.
Miss Leona Little of 317 East Forty
seventh street was married to Walter
T. Novak at the home of the bride
groom's parents, on Capital hill. Thurs
day evening. July 10, at 8 o'clock. Rev.
Byron J. Clark of the First United
Brethren church - officiated. A dinner
followed the ceremony.
A simple and quiet wedding was that
of Miss Laura Benton and Dr. Leslie
W. Gatchell, solemnized at the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. Wilma Wag
goner, in Lebanon, on the afternoon of
Wednesday. July 16. Dr. J. R N. Bell
of Corvallis. who.officlated at the mar
riage of the bride's parents, read the
service In the presence of relatives and
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a few close friends. .Mrs. Charles
Adams of Cottage Grove played the
wedding march. The bride wore her
golng-away gown of dark blue taffeta
with a modish bat of the same shade.
She carried an arm bouquet of pink
sweet peas. The bride Is the daughter
of Mrs. Wilma Waggoner and the late
George A. Waggoner, and is a well
known teacher. She Is a graduate of
the Oregon Agricultural college. Dr.
Gatchell Is a graduate of the Los An
geles Medical School of Optometry and
Opthomology. Dr. and Mrs. Gatchell
will make their home in Bend.
On July 15 at 10 A. M.. at the resi
dence of Mrs. Frances M. Harvev. Rose
City Park. Clara Mae Highland and
waiter J. Herbert were united In mar
riage by Rev. John Boyd. Mrs. Herbert
Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Highland and a former Oregon Agri
cultural college student and member
of Alphi Chi Omega sorority. Mr. Her
bert Is a graduate of Stanford univer
sity and a young business man of North
Yakima. Only a few close relatives and
friends were present at the wedding
ceremony. After luncheon at the Mult
nomah hotel the couple left on the fol
lowing 1 o'clock train for Victoria. B.
C. thence motoring to Rainier park,
spending several days In Paradise val
ley and Lake Chelan, returning to
North Yakima, which will be their per
manent home. Mrs. R. Wardall. sister
of the groom, came from Seattle to at
tend the wedding.
Miss Ella O'Neill of McGill, Nev, and
William R. Canton of Medford were
married Saturday. June 12. The wed
ding took place at St. Mary's cathedral
at 8 o'clock mass. Rev. Father Camp
bell officiated. 7ne Atkinson and
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