THE SUXDAT OREG ONIAN", PO II TT, VXD , TTJXT 20, 1919. ll v Tv r J --f.nTHV. - - U f -vy )t . :;.: v,. " Aft 1 ,1 . .-S CT'-.ts a- -'.in f 9 Hk.. ' - - . V. V . Vr-r " ; If ; . ".' '" : -- tr- 1) r '-' t vv . ; : y M' " 1 M my . - v- v - X ' s- ftM ' V T- ----- , V-.' - 'l? f t- yi xv ' Ja r 7. i; r,w. v-'- 4 oVg m. graduate Miss work. She Is Spnce' school. Mr. Betts is the only non of Mr. and Mrs. C. waiter Betts of Buffalo. He saw service for more than a year at the Mexican border as a member of a New York cavalry regiment, but an In Jury received In service prevented him from going overseas. He was trans ferred to the spruce division and sta tioned at Vancouver and Portland. " No date has been set for the wedding. The young couple will make their home In Buffalo, where Mr. Betts Is in busi ness with his father, who is president of the Betts Lumber company. Many affairs will be given for the bride-elect and her fiance. Among those of the past week was the dinner dance for which Miss Rhoda Rumelin was hostess at her home Wednesday evening. Covers were laid for 28 at tables made attractive with sweet peas a nyarangeaa. Miss Sara McCully wfll entertain In formally this evening with a supper party at her home, 221 West Park street. The guest list will Include Mr. and Mrs. Alan Green. Mr. and Mrs. Cur tis Bailey. Miss Ruth Teal. Miss Rhoda Rumelin. Scott Redfield, Merle Camp bell and Walter Betts. Society folks are looking forward with pleasure to the programme to be given Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett at Dunthorpe. Miss Katherlne Ialdlaw. who has studied for two summers at the Deni shawn school, will dance and Miss Mil lie Schloth, assisted by ber young pu pils, will give an exhibition of practl cnl anil fancy swimming. A even- piec orehevtrs, directed by Oeorge Jef fries, will play for Miss Laldlaw. who will dance the following numbers: The Hryad. selections from the Parthenon, the Nautch Uirl of the Denars. Bluetts and Prlmavera The swimming exhi bition will Include diving and life saving by Miss Schloth's clever young pupils. The charming gardens of the Corbett home will form an attractive back ground for Mtas Laidlaw's dancing. Her costumes will be unusually artistic and since she has studied under excel lent masters, her work will be a treat. The large pool, bordered with trees, will be an ideal place for the swim ming stunts. Dorothy Perkins rosea and lacy greenery formed a beauttrul back ground for the bridal party at the wedding Monday evening of Miss Louise Caswell and ale Hinkle of Hermiston. The wedding was solemnised In the beautiful gardens of the Caswell borne on Overton street at t o'clock, the Rev. John H. Boyd officiating. An orchestra directed by Harry Parsons, gave a de lightful musical programme while the guests were assembling. The bride was gowned In white satin adorned with rare lace. Her long veil of white net was caught with orange blossoms. Her bouquet was a shower of white orchids. Mrs. Harold Hanford was matron of honor and Miss Florence Hinkle was maid of honor. The brides maids were Miss Elisabeth Boyd. Miss Lenore McGregor and Miss Dorothy Sanford. All were gowned In frocks of pink georgette with large pink tulle hats and carried arm bouquets of pink sweet peas. Edwin Caswell, brother of the bride, was best man. A reception followed the ceremony. Presiding at the prettily appointed tables were Mrs. Frank Wellington Gilbert of New Haven. Conn.; Mrs. J. R. Coffee. Jr.. Mrs. Eld on Furnish, Mrs. Gray Edith Olds) and Mrs. Albert Berni. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Caswell. She has been an enthualastlo worker In patriotic and philanthropic work and was stationed for several months during the war period In the surgeon-general's nurses' camp at Camp Lewis. She attended the Portland academy and later Miss Wheeler's school in Providence. R. I. She took two years' work at the Uni versity of California and completed her college work at Reed college. Mr. Hinkle la also a Reed college student. After attending the Presidio he was stationed at Camp Lewis. After their wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle will make their home In Hermiston. Announcement was made the - past! week ef ttte engagement of Miss Hen rietta Margaret Langpaap of San Fran cisco to Lieutenant Loyal R. Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Allen of Tigard. Or. The wedding will be solemnised In San Francisco, July Z. Lieutenant Allen Is a graduate of Lincoln high school. He was In the battle of Amiens, was severely wounded shortly after wards and has been at the Letterman general hospital of Kan Franclsoo since his return to the states In March. m m m An engagement which came as a de lightful surprise to her many friends was that of Miss Margaret Marvin and Addison Knapp, announced yesterday afternoon at a tea for which Mrs. Gus tavo Bruere was hostess at ber home, 2 North Twenty-fourth street. Miss Marvtn, an attractive girl of the younger set. Is a favorite socially. She is a graduate of Portland academy and has r work. Shs Is and Mrs. E. L. been Interested In w the daughter of Mr. Marvin. Mr. Knapp la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Knapp. He entered training school at Columbia university. New York, and was resdy to sail for overseas when the armistice was signed. The young people will live la Portland, where Mr. Knapp will be la business with his father at the Penin sula Lumber V Shipbuilding company. The date of the marriage has not been decided. At the tea yesterday afternoon Mm. Bruere's home was attractive with scar let gladlolaa. Lavender, yellow and pink in pastel shades formed the dec orations at the prettily-appointed tables in the dining room. Miss Flor ence Knapp and Mrs. Albert r-oMred. They were aslird by Mies SUMMER FURS Tfce Twr Iatret Creatine la ruk loMkl Fan for Saamamerw rciUUKR Maaafaetnrer and I ma sorter, 141 BROADWAY, . 2)40 ALDER. Seats, wet Ceraer ef Bread way sai Alder. M. PATT 11 tnk Came Ids- Stwaww see Aleae. - J- -25V er THE announcements of the engage ments of three Portland girls of prominent families this week, and a large number of weddings, with many more scheduled for the month are bringing July to the fore as a wedding month to run a close second to June. The engagements, chief of which was that of Miss Ruth Teal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nathan Teal, to Carle ton Walter Betts of Buffalo. N. Y., came as a genuine surprise and created a pleasant thrill in the social world. Entertaining still continues to be largely informal, with the younger set receiving the most attention in the mat ter of dinner dances, luncheons and week-end parties for brides-elect and house guests from out of town. Benefit teas snd entertainments are also receiving their share of attention. Society is much interested at present in the programme of dancing and swim ming to be given at the countrv home of Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett Tuesday In the late afternoon. The warm weather the first of the week hurried many to the seashore and mountains, or at least to their country homes. Those who eonld not leave early in the week are seeking resorts this week end. cottages are being opened at all the beaches and many are the gay house parties which are being planned. a Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nathan Teal an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Josephine, to Carleton Walter Betts of Buffalo. N. Y., Tuesday afternoon. The news was made known at a luncheon for a few of Miss Teal's intimate friends. Covers were placed for Mrs. Alan Green, Mra Cameron Squires. Mra Curtis Bailey, Mrs. Nancy Zan Scott, Mra Rheade Ireland, Miss Rhoda Rumelin, Miss Helen Honeyman, Miss Katherlne Hart. Miss Sara Mc Cully, Mrs. Teal and Miss Teal. Later Outing and Sport Suits must be measured cor rectly, fitted correctly, finished correctly, or they will lack in that style that is essential. Visit this establish- 4. ;r . j : iu. incut, ti. juu ucaue uie latest ideas. rtORWAW-BRor. Tailor! to Mo and xr Kgrthwl4rai Kak Rid f f r In the afternoon about 25 friends were Invited in for tea. Miss Teal Is one of the attractive and popular Portland maids. She has trav eled widely with her parents, and has Just recently returned with her mother from a trip east. She has taken an active part 1n all philanthropic and war Continuation of Blouse Sale Latest models in GEORGETTE AND CREPE CREST BLOUSES Lace trimmed and plain tai lored styles. Some with eol larless necks, others with round and square necks ; some have tuxedo collars. These Blouses are sent us by America's foremost blouse manufacturer for a very spe cial sale. We ' have marked them at the extremely low price of $6.95 Colors: Flesh, white, maize, navy, black, coral and Nile. See Our Windows Come Early 75 if si. HCi..,t l - "rui 34M Marrtsoa and tke Waist Saoa, C. K. Berg. Vlce-Prea. aad Mgr. F. W. PATT & GO. Ladles Tailor sett a. Ctwu, Waists. HOW IJT HEW LOCATIO. fiOO-7 Broadway Blds Marshall 443, Stunning Silk Sports Suits Youthfully attractive models, cleverly designed to give grace and distinction to the lovely wearers. They are fashioned of crisp taffeta, shimmering satin, cool khaki. Semi-tailored and novelty styles, whichever you prefer. As for colors, there are tan, rose, black, green, navy, white a shade for each individual taste. Many warm days are yet in store, when summer gaieties will demand a clever sports costume. These suits were priced up to $49.50. Special $29.50 BLOUSES in Ram bow Hues Given a few yards of crepe, a bit of dainty lace, a touch of hand embroidery, coupled with the designer's art the result is a smart blouse for milady's adornment. $3.50 and Up Few people pay cash credit is so convenient. Open a charge account with tts. One especially appealing model of delicate orchid Georgette, has a tucked vestee,collar'and unique cuffs edged with narrow, fancy braid. Moderately priced at $7 JO Washington Street at Tenth