SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 10 Editorial, Society and Summer Resorts VOL. XXXVIII. PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 1919. NO. 29. D We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Don't Overlook This Cash Saving on the Money You Spend Stamp Books Redeemed on Third Floor Coolmor Porch Shades, Lawn Seats, Couch Hammocks, Porch Chairs, Grass Rugs, 3d Floor Kodaks, Baby Carriages, Sand T oys, 4th Floor Trunks. Suitcases and Bags on Third Floor Women's Handkerchiefs Special 10c Each Main Floor Manufacturer's odd lot of Women's and Children's Handkerchiefs priced for quick clean-up. i ine quality material. Colored borders and corners; 15c values. Special 10c CITY AND OUT-OF-TOWN MAIL ORDERS FILLED AND FORWARDED SAME DAY AS RECEIVED The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods PORTLAND AGENCY FOR GOSSARD AND NEMO BIEN JOLIE CORSETS' DEPT. ON SECOND FLOOR' Women's Chiffon Veils Special 98c Each Mmin Floor At the Veiling: Counter Monday we offer a limited number of women's high-grade Chiffon Veils at above low price. Plain QQ and fancy borders; good colors. Special Women's Dresses 2 Notable Sales Start Monday r Suit Prices Are Lowered READ! In going through our suit stocks . we have come across many lines that have sold down to one or two of a kind. These must be closed out promptly and in order to accomplish this we have cut prices to the lowest level of the season. Women's Suits $22.49 This lot contains suits of serge, wool ve lour, poplins, wool jersey, homespun and ?in-stripe suitings. Many braid trimmed others have fancy vestees, collars and cuffs. Small to large sizes. COO 1Q Specially priced for Monday ijAAttV Women's Suits $34.98 3v Ch arming New Blouses Second Floor Dainty Waists of Georgette Crepe, in all the pretty colors and combinations. Others ox rich silk laces, nets, crepe de chine, wash satins, tub silks and pongee. Great assortment of the season's best styles. Priced S5.00 to $32.50 LINGERIE WAISTS of cool sheer voiles, organdies, lawns, linens and madras. Priced 1.75 to $15.00 PEPLUM BLOUSES in exquisite styles and colorings. Some are yarn embroidered in oriental effects. Prices range $10.00 up to $45.00 Underselling Household Supplies A Special July Event This week's offering in the Aisle of Cottons will be of special interest to all women who have charge of the family expenditures, for the sav ings are roost unusual. Limited space permits mention of but a few of the many bargains to be had. Visit the department early Monday. Mercerized Table Cloths $1.58 2x2-Yard Cloths at $2.48 Beautiful High-class Suits in tailored and novelty styles. Plaited, b raid trimmed and embroidered models with fancy vestees, collars and QQI QQ cuffs. Many tailored styles tBO'iwO Main Floor Mercerized Cotton Ta ble Cloths in a choice assortment of all around patterns. Qt CO Size 58x58 inches. Sale Di-.JO Main Floor Mercerized Cotton Ta "ble Cloths beautiful rich satin finish. Size 2x2 yard. (JO AQ On sale Monday at only 3xO Sheeting's Specially Priced Bleached Sheeting of good heavy grade; 54 inches wide for single bed. Priced very special for A On this week, at the yard; only PILLOW CASING of the very best makes at special low prices. 42-Inch Casing at, the yard 300 45-Inch Casing at, the yard 38 COTTON BATTS extra large size for full size comforters. Wool finish and pure white. J?0 Cfl Priced very special at COMFORT PRINTS, 36 inches wide. Good patterns and OC colors. Special, the yard. J 35c White Outing Flannel 250 72x98-Inch Bed Spreads at $3.95 Main Floor Full size Bed Spreads with seal- (PO Qf? loped edge, cut corners. Priced very special at DO7tJ BIRDSEYE Diaper Cloth, hemmed, ready for u se; 27x54-inch size. $3.25 grade. Special $2.50 a dozen. SKIRT PATTERNS of embroidered white rtt flannel; pretty patterns; good quality. Each D-LJv Longcloth, 10-Yard Pieces at $2.00 Main Floor Fine, sheer quality Longcloth CJO f( 27 inches wide. Put up in 10-yard pieces; at 0iVl HAWAIIAN CLOTH water-shed finish. Best for outing skirts, dresses, etc. Priced, the yard COLORED LINENS, 36 inches wide; for C"i OCT handkerchiefs and waists. Special, the yard t3J-0J 65c Garden Hose Reduced Third Floor You will save consid erable by coming to this store for your Garden Hose, for our prices are invariably lower than elsewhere. 50-Ft. Molded Hose. $13.50 Third Floor Superior quality Black Rubber Hose with seamless inner tube. Made to stand high pressure and to give best of service; 50-foot length, -inch size. J- O eri Priced in this sale, only D J-O.tlU r Agency for One-Minute Washers 'THE MODERN washing device for modern, Twentieth Century folk, is the One-Minute Washer. An efficient, electric mechanism that will do a week's washing with as little fuss and worry as starting an automobile with an electric starting device. Come to the Housewares Section, Third Floor, and see the One-Minute in operation. Down $2 a Week puts a One-Minute Washer in your home. It will pay for itself while doing your washing. Investigate. $2 Headquarters for Canning Needs 'They Bake Better' Poll' I 1 Jewel Gas Ranges You will be anxious to own a Jewel when you learn of its gas economy and never - equaled baking ability. You will like the Ebonite, easy - to-clean finish, the sanitary white enamel equipment, the extra large cooking top, the high leg con struction r-all of which combine in making the Jewel the ideal gas range Easy Payment Plan, if desired. "They Bake Better" Department, 3d Floor An expert who knows the fine points about putting up fruits and vegetables is here to give you the benefit of her wide experience as to best methods of canning. CONSULT HER! Economy Jars Economy Jars, Pints, a dozen $1.80 Economy Jars, Quarts, a dozen $1.40 Economy Jars, 'fc-Gals., dozen $1.80 Kerr Jars KERR WIDE MOUTH MASON JARS Pints priced, the dozen, at only Sl.JiO Wide Mouth Jars, Quarts, doz. $1.40 Wide Mouth Jars, -Gals., at $1.80 MASON JARS with porcelain lined caps pints, the dozen $1.00 Quart Mason Jars, dozen $1.10 SURE SEAL Glass Top Jars: Pint size priced, a dozen $1.25 Quart size priced, a dozen $1.35 -GaL Mason Jars, dozen $1.40 -Gal. size priced, a dozen $1.75 Sale of Refrigerators Buy Now and Save! AUTOMATIC Refrigerators with white enameled provision chamber; 50-pound ice ca- QQQ QQ pacity; side icing. Priced special at wOO.IO HIGH-GRADE Refrigerators, side icing style with white enameled provision chamber; 50- QOO CA pound ice capacity. Priced special at 0iiJU Wash Boilers $2.59 Third Floor No. 8 size Wash Boilers with long wearing metallic bottom and stationary hook han dles. Don't fail to get one of these good CO fTQ boilers. Priced very special for Monday tDiJ! Second Floor Here is good news for the many women who have not as yet bought their summer dresses good news, because it tells of a great opportunity to choose from more than 200 beauti ful frocks at phenomenally low prices. Silk Dresses $29.95 Second Floor This group of Dresses is made up of various lines selling heretofore at much higher prices. There are smart models for street and business wear in the season's most at tractive styles also novelty styles for dress-up occasions. There are dresses with ruffled trimmed skirts and tunic skirts embroidered dresses and also straight - line dresses. Black, navy, tan, gray and henna. On QOQ special sale Monday; only JU Silk Dresses $34.95 Second Floor Beautiful Dresses of high-grade foulard silks, taffeta silks and Georgette crepe, in black and a splendid assortment of the mosv' de sirable colors. Dainty ruffled effects with wide crush girdles, others with fancy vestee fronts or trimmed with narrow plaiting. Charming styles, beaded and embroidered in dainty col ors, with fancy collars. QQfl QC Priced very special, at OOrr7J 1 Kigali ' Silk Petticoats $4.49 to $12.95 Second Floor Within the above prices you may choose from literally hundreds of Petticoats in all the most desirable styles, with tucked, plaited, corded, ruffled or plain flounces. Taffeta, messaline, silk jersey or jersey with taffeta flounces. Black and all wanted colors. Sale of SampleNeckwear At Price Main Floor The woman who appreciates dainty neckwear, will find this a remarkable opportunity to choose from hundreds of high- class Collars, Sets and Vests in the very new est styles, at a clear saving of half. Manufac turer's samples, and many pieces from our own stock. Georgette crepe, organdie, net, and other materials. SHOP EARLY IN THE DAY! NewRuffled Vestings Main Floor Many women have been asking for these and we are pleased to announce their arrival. Used extensively for making dainty vests. White and cream. New Ruffled Net Flouncings Lace Department Ideal for sum mer frocks. We have an excel lent assortment of these new flouncings, $2.50 to $3.05 yard. Laces 3c Yard Lace Department Odd lines of dainty Val Laces, Edges and In sertions in assorted patterns. O 5c to 10c grades the yard Ol Model Grocery Fourth Floor Experienced telephone clerks at your service, 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Auto deliveries to Vancouver on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Canned Goods Reduced Pansy 35c 35c 45c 15c 15c Salmon, Palace Car or brands specially priced for Monday 2 cans for Monopole Brand Canned Shrimps; special, 2 cans Preferred Stock Canned Corn; special, 2 cans for S t a n d a r d Tomatoes; priced special; the can Iowa Canned Corn; a dozen, $1.75; the can at Summer Furniture Special Showing Dept., 4th Floor Reed Rockers $10.50 up to $15.00 Reed Chairs and Rockers upholstered in dainty cretonnes $15.75 to $:i5.00 Reed Tables, priced $9.50 to $30.50 Tea Wagons; latest style $20 to $:JO Reed Upholstered Davenports $72.50 Reed Bird Cages and Stands $21.50 $12.50 Fern Stands Special, $9.95 Fourth Floor-"-We have a limited num ber of these left, so get your order in early as possible. Reed Stand with metal inset. Oak finish. Regu- QQ Q K lar $12.50 values. Special at 5 OMEN'S STORE Sale of Men's Panamas $5.50 Grade $3.15 $7.50 Grade $5.65 Main Floor Monday morning you may pick from our entire stock of Men's Panama Hats at special low prices. Lines are somewhat broken, but there is still good choosing. All $5.50 Panama Hats $3.15 All $6.50 Panama Hats $4.S5 All $7.50 Panama Hats $5.05 S. & H. Stamps with purchases. Men's Soft White Shirts $1.15 50c Wash Ties 3 for $1 Main Floor Men's Sport Shirts of soft, white mercerized mate rial styled with French cuffs. Plain white only. If these 6hirts were to be purchased today we could not sell them un- Q- " J? der$2.50. All sizes; at OJ..AJ Men's $2.00 Night Shirts $1.69 Main Floor Men's Wash Ties at a special low price Monday and Tuesday. These are of splendid quality, and excellent Q f( 50c values sale. 3 for wl.UU Men's Athletic Underwear in every wanted kind and style. Prices range $1.00 up to $5.0O -Men's Outing Togs- Main Floor Men's and young men's Camp and Outing Clothea and furnishings in complete as sortments at popular prices. Supply your needs now and save. Khaki Shirts $1.50 to $0.50 Khaki IltU priced at $1.00 Outing Caps $2.00 to $3.50 Men's Hose at 25c to $1.25 Bathing Suits $1.50-$7.50 Khaki Norfolk CoaU $3.00 Khaki Pants to match $3.00 Duxbak and Kamp-It Norfolk Coats, Hunting Coats, Long Pants and Riding Pants, all sizes AT POPULAR TRICES. $15 to $35 Trimmed Hats Monday Yi Price "yHE MILLINERY SALONS announce for Mon- day and Tuesday a mid-season clean-up sale of Trimmed Hats at just half regular prices. This in cludes all of our finest models, ranging in price $15.00 up to $35.00. Beautiful light hats in leg horns. Georgette crepes, etc., also black and colors. $15.00 Hats $ 7.50 $17.50 Hats $ 8.75 $20.00 Hats S10.00 $22.50 Hats $11.25 $25.00 Hats $12.50 $27.50Hats $13.73 $30.00 Hats S15.00 $35.00 Hats $17.50 New Sport Hats Special $5 Second F I o o r Women's and Misses' Sport and Outing Hats 150 of them ready Monday morning. Panama brims with the new ribbon crowns. Banded Sailors and Flower - trimmed QfT Oft Hats. $7.50 to $10.00 values 30UU I. I L Basement Millinery Trimmed Hats at $2.69 Sport Hats, Special at $1.00 Basement Women's and Misses' Trimmed Hats in tailored and dressy effects. White, two - tone and various other colors. Medium Hats for matrons. Small Hats and Large Hats. Values in this lot up to $1.98. Your QO ?Q choice Monday, only OuOU Basemen t Imitation Panama Sport Hats trimtned with ribbon and finished with colored bind ing of hemp. On sale Q1 ff Monday in Basement at 3JUU Children's Play Hats in khaki color. Just the thing for FCflf vacation wear. Special at OUl Don't Buy an Electric Cleaner Until You See the Sweeper-Vac You can clean your home in a fifth of the time it takes you now with a broom and dust pan. Clean it without raising dust; clean it more thoroughly and without strain on your own strength when you have an Electric Sweeper-Vac this wonderful machine sweeps up every thread, Bucks up every speck of dust from the floors without wear or harm draws Easy Pay Plan $2 Down $2 a Week every particle of foreign matter from the fabric of upholstering, out of draperies or bedding, from furniture, cabinets and radiators. FREE DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR OWN HOME. r Curtain Scrims 19c Yard Third Floor Fancy Cur tain Scrims in attractive patterns. Grade well worth' 25c. Priced 1 Q special, the yard Art Cretonnes in a large assortment of pretty patterns. OQ Special, the yard 0C Curtain Marquisette in many dainty patterns. Priced special for JQ Monday, the yard xOC Beautiful Chests of Red Cedar 3 Attractive Styles Marked at Special Low Prices Made of Genuine Tennessee Red Cedar Highly Polished and Mothproof. iO 'n! n I ill iOI o D o JO 'Ol I. n iii 5 lO Oi D 'Ol Ol D oc30r locaol 'ocao