t TTTE STTXDAT OREGOXTAN, rORTXANTJ, 3XXT 20, 1919. " 17 HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED BY NATIONALLY KNOWN MANUFACTUR ER OF COMMODITY FOR WHICH EVERY BUSINESS HOUSE IS POSSIBLE CUSTOMER. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF FERED AN AMBITIOUS. WIDE-AWAKE MAN. GIVE REFERENCES. AND AD RRESS MR. WHITE, lOfl GARRICK ELDU., CHICAGO. BOOKKEEPER. COMPETENT AND EXPERIENCED. ALSO Clerk with lome office experience. Must be quick to comprehend, willing and ac carate, but need not be a bookkeeper. State starting: wage and full particulars. L 423, Oregonian. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. RELIABLE SALESMEN, WITH CAR, NO INVEST MENT; BY LARGE EASTERN COM PANY; POSITION PERMANENT; LINE STAPLE AND A REPEATER; OUR FIELD MANAGER, WHO IS HERE. WILL, PROVE TO YOU YOUR COMPENSATION WILL B3 FROM $110 TO $35 A DAY BY WORKING WITH YOU ONE DAY, IF TCECESSARY. IN THIS FIELD. GIVE PHONE NUMBER. READ AD CARE FULLY. AV L'61. OR EG ON I AN. SALESMEN coining money selling' lots, easy payments, big boom district, head of the lakes. Join the ranks of the highest paid salesmen in the world real estate, fcend for book containing hundreds of orig inal, convincing arguments as to why real estate in the best and safest investment in the world. You are sure to succeed if you study this book. Principles can be applied to any line of salesmanship. Price 1. postpaid. Money back if not satisfied. William L. Tull. Dulnth, Minn. BALESM ANAGERS and agents to supply dealers and users with "Motor-Tone." Guaranteed to destroy carbon, save gas oline, increase mileage 30 to 50 per cent. Thousands of packages being sold every day. Every auto owner a prospect. Big gest lepeater on market, $50 to $75 week eiisily made. Our own selling plan gets you the business. The -'Motor-Tone" Co., manufacturers, Los Angeles Cal. A MAN to sil $500 to $."000 orders. Want salesman to sell to manufacturers and Jobbers a nationally known advertis ing campaign, consisting of window at tractions for every day in the year. No competition. Have orders that run into thousands of dollars. Unlimited field, -40 per cent commission. Give details of capa bility and experience. Landf ield-Kupfer. Polk & Dearborn sts., Chicago, 111. EALESMEN New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple, not a moving part, installed in 30 minutes, guaranteed to double your mile age and start in zero weather without heating or priming. 15-day free trial. Our St. Louis man sold 1400 in 6 months. Salt Lake City man made $1200 in one week. Write U. & J. Carburetor Co.. 605 W. Jack son blvd., Chicago. WA NTE T QUICK Advertising Salesmen . established line advertising signs and nov- enies. exclusive territory, expenses ad vanced, salary and commission, experience not essential. State age, height, weight, road or business pynpricnfc nnri u-i v thrp.- late business references. Stanf ord-Crowell ISO., J tnrin, X. Y. HAVE exclusive rights for Portland and three counties on easy-selling necessary tool for farms, mills, office buildings, ship yards, etc. If you have a Ford and $500 x can snow you sjuu a montti clear if you will work 6 hours a day. Have interests on coast that need all my attention. Call i.-y jq St., oetween 1 and 1, o-tt Sr. M. tiELL "Tire Armor" for auto tires, doubles mueage, matces all tires troubleproof, low in cost, easily applied and outlasts sev eral tires. Immense demand. Bie nrofitn. Men with selling ability net $100 to $300 weeniy. i ne Motor products Co., Inc Chicago. III. WANTED Salesman for Oregon to handle standard-make electric light bulbs; big money-maker; generous proposition.; side line if desired, but must handle energet ically; exclusive agency; headquarters r-ortiana; ortice and stock already estab lished. G 320, Oregonian. WE want a first-class salesman to solicit business for one of the biggest selling truck tires in this territory ; home everv night ; must be capable of selling to all classes of customers ; in answering state health, weight, age, experience and give references. L 424, Oregonian. SALESMAN for house-to-house campaign on vacuum e'eaners and wasning machines liberal commissions. Stubbs Electric Co. 6th and Pine sts. SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED. Something new, good seller, big com mission, choice territory, country or city; worth your investigation, bee Mr. Uuthrie, Ramapo Hotel. Sunday or Monday. Phone aia Broadway. EXPERIENCED salesman for silk and dressgoods, also domestic dept., one thor oughly familiar with both lines preferred. Apply JJ.r. camp, aimon s store. WANTED AGENTS. $500 PER month selling a pew patented fuel vaporizer, euaranteea to save up to per cent In sasollne; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford car; sold on money-back guarantee; one sample free. is trans ky vaporizer Co., Pukwana, S. D. MARVELOUS discovery. Motor Fuel. It means gas at 2c a gallon. Sold on monev back guarantee. Selling like wildfire Agents making as high as $50 a day. Writ quick tor territory. Agents supply House, rti4 Continental bank, Salt Lake City. $50 WEEKLY and up selling Mexican dia monds; exactly resemble genuine; same rainbow fire; stand tests: sell ax sight repeat ordt rs. Write quick for sample case offer free. Mexican Diamond lm porting Co.. 25o Las Cruces. New Mexico. EMMETT SCOTT'S and Kelly Miller's Negro War Histories outsell all; $40,000 sales last week : a irents wild over success: be: terms. Patriotic pictures. Express paid. riitner ouun iree. xiotn ouc. Aiuiiinin oo., Como bldg., Chicago. 1 11. TOU ARE wasting time If you are not mak ing 10 to $ 1K) daily : man or woman, start anywhere; materials rost you 7S cents, retail for $45. I made $22u one day, $1200 one month. CraycrofL Fresno, Cat. AGENTS Sell farmers. breeders, stock ra isers. Non - com pet ii ive product. Earn ings $200-y.M)0 month : $J"-$ ISO bonus. Honest, profttahle employment. Specialty Mfg. Association, Division 24$, Madison, Wis. AGENTS Wireless umbrellas. I'll pay hus tlers $2 an hour to take orders for this newest invention. No investment. Writ for live-style outfit. Parker Mfg. Co., 203 Wall st.. Davton. O. AGENTS -2 an hour selling guaranteed waterproof kitchen apron; needs no laundering-; sell to every home; dainty, durable, economical : big monev ; sample free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. 117 Bath St., Dayton. O. AGENTS make big money seiling extracts, perfumes, cold creams. face powders, spices. mei-Hcines : beautiful high-grade line: exclusive territory, sample soap free. t.arassian Co.. Dept. 141, St. Louis. Mo. AtK. TS Bj pay and f ree automobile in trovluoin?? wonderful new gasoline saver, punct ureproof, 5-vear snark oiurs and auto necessities: outfit free. L. BaUwey, fil station F. Louisville. Ky. AGENTS, $40 -$100 week Free sample's. Gold sign letters anyone can put on store windows. Big demand. Liberal offer to general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435 N. Clark. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED Interested In hirh- i-lass, reunb'e proposition; make rug monev taking orders for photo medallions. Write for full particulars to Pudiin Je Perry, Dept. 25. 360 Bowery, New York. AGENTS ROOc made selling collection sys tem, lea rn s n mtna n ri at h me. pav after you learn, tree trial. 112 Turk, San ranc.fco. AGENTS make big money; fast office sellers; particulars and samples free. The One Dip Pen Co.. 120 Daily Record )ldg., Taltimore. Md. AGENTS Spiral curtain rods sll easy in all homes; 100 per cent profit; particu lars free. Hub Specialty Co., Box 84S, Yakima. Wash. AGENTS wanted to sell our frill line of trees and shrubbery. Write us for terri tory. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY, Wai.RM. OR. AGENTS $1 an hour; newest kitchen tool; Every woman will use 20 times daily; Eisv seller; big profits; sample free. Thomas M:g. Co., 927 Bath st-, Layton. u. AGENTS Learn about the profits supplying perfume to families by addressing Leffler !t Co., 723 Walton. St. Louis. Mo. DISTRIBUTORS Salesmen, agents and can vassers fcr !tate. county and city. Tali or write Algrat Co. Gas-'O Bldir. WANTED A srents to sell Ppeedoline. Ca II !K2 N. W. Bank bldg. L. Ii. Jaynes & Co., Portland. O". AGENTS Send for our new selling plan, t35 weekly, no canvassing. The Varsity, 25d 7th st-. Oak land. Cal. AGENTS at once. Sell 5uc per month, hoe ltal tickets. 208 Corbett bids. WANTED AGETS. I WANT A MAN. A man who has enthusiasm and back bone and can stand up and say what he thinks, a man with vim and vigor. I want a man of clean habits, pleasing personality and of good address, to call on business and professional people. You must be over, 25 and under 45. To such a man the compensation Is unlimited; you maks as much or as little as you wish. I am willing to start you on our spe cial lead system by which the boys in New York, Philadelphia and Chicago are earning thousands annually. If you are interested and can meet these require ments, write, stating your experience, for appointment, BC 257. Oregonian. 200 PROFIT in 4 hours Made by O. V. Darling of Indiana selling Miracle Motor Gas; Dave Isom, Idaho, wires: "Ship 500 packages; made $82 yesterday.' Not fic tion, but absolute tact. Miracle Motor Gas Is new, scientific chemical discovery; 3c worth equals gallon gasoline; knocks out carbon ; guaranteed harmless. Proved by chemist's analysis. Used and indorsed throughout America; 300 per cent profit. Exclusive agency may mean your for tune. Don't be skeptical. Impossibilities of yesterday are today's realities. Investi gate and achieve success like Darling's. Write or wire without delay. Chas. iL Butler Co.. Toledo. O. PO WE RENE is equal to gasoline at 5c a gaiion; salesmen ana agents wantea; ex elusive territory granted. Powerens is guaranteed to be ha-rmless, to remove and prevent carbon, doubling the life of all gasoline motors, saving - repairs, adding snap, speed and power. An amount equal to 20 gallons of gasoline sent to any ad dress in the United States, charges pre paid, for $1. W. Porter Barnes. Santa Rosa. Cal., Dept. B-13. AGENTS Delicious soft drinks in concen trated form; always ready, just add water; economical: absolutely pure; every housewife wants them; 14 different kinds; enormous demand ; big summer sellers; money comes easy; 250 other popular priced fast selling household necessities; we furnish outfits; write today. American Products Co.. 196 American bldg., Cincin nati, O. OPPORTUNITY to make big profits on a small investment. wny spena me oesi part of your life working for others when a few hundred dollars will start you In a well-paying business of your own ? If you are looking for a business we have the best one on earth for you in selling the "Manning Gas Maker," 100 per cent profit. Call or write for prices and terms. H. W. Manning, 6 6th St., Portland, Or. AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Repair for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcaniza tion at a saving of over 8o0 per cent; put it on cold, it vulcanises itself in two minutes, and is guarantied to last the life of the tire or tube; seHs to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For partic ulars how to make big money and free sample, address Amazon Rubber Co., Phil adelphia. Pa., dept. 7tf. AGENTS Get in on the big money line. ho-ko Co. products sell last ana repeat often; full line of guaranteed toilet articles, soaps and household specialties: established demand; quality and co-operation is our policy; free sample case of fer; you make a start at once; profits from 1O0 to 140 per cent: exclusive terri tory. Write for particulars at once. HO-RO-CO.. 117 Locust St.. St. Louis. Mo. MAN in each town to refinish chandeliers. brass beds, automobiles by new metnoa, $10 daily without capital or experience; al! or spare time; every household, store and office possible customer: field un limited in this big money-making busi ness; write for free particulars and proofs. Gun metal Co., 33 Elm, Decatur, III. AGENTS Make big money selling White's Tri-Llgnts ior rora rear curxains. eiai Tri-Frames to hold glass lights in place of celluloid. Fit perfectly; easily at tached; meet real demand. Every Ford owner wants them. Over 60.000 sold. Bend $2.25 for sample set, and set our liberal proposition to agents. Auto. Vision Light Co.. box 1U38. Miami. Fia. OVEE ball gas guaranteed to save five times its cost in gasoline consumption, increase power and mileage and removes and pre vents carbon deposits; trial box with full Information as to agency for SI. ELECTRIC HOUSE & AUTO SUPPLY CO., 449 E. Burnside St. WE START you in business, furnishing everything: men and women opportunity to earn $30 to $100 weekly operating "'New System Specialty Candy Factories." home, anywhere; booklet free. Rags dale Co.. Box S. East Orange, J. MEN operating Sugar Puff Waffle Machines earn $3S to $70 daily. Machines priced $25 to $150 on trial. Talbot Mfg. Co.,, St. Louis, Mo. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE OLDS. WORTMAN ft KING STORE requires the services of experienced corset saleswomen: also experienced cashiers who understand National register system. Ap ply superintendent's office, ft to 10:30 A. M- THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services of experienced wart respes. Apply superintendent's office. 9 to 10:30 A. M. LIPMAN WOLFE & CO. require the serv ices of sn experienced office girl to work in receiving section of lunch room. Good salary to start. Permanent position. Apply superintendent's office between ft and 10:30 Monday morning. LIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. desires the serv Ices of an experienced saleslady for the sweater department, excellent salary to start. Anoly suDtrtntender.fi office be- tween ft and 10:30 Monday morning. 10 GIRLS, ages 1 to for wrapping de partment. Apply Employment Bureau, sixth floor. Meier & Frank Co. YOU WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG, we write music and guarantee publica tion. Submit poems on any subject. Met ropolitan Studios, dept. 539. U14 S. Mich ie:in. Chkaito. EXPERIENCED saleslady for washgoods department, also an Al saleslady for knit underwear, one thoroughly familiar with the work preferred. Apply Mr. Camp, Simon's store. HOTEL helper with soma experience boarding hotel, married or single; can room here or out; good pay. Grand-Ave. hotel. 334 Grand ave., 3 blocks south of Hawthorne. FIRST-CLASS cook for small boarding hotel. 2 meals; must be wining to worK ana com potent; J7." month, room and board; give phone number and address. Art ore gonian. WANTED Girl or young lady as bookkepr and general oinc. wotk. salary i iou per month: in answering state experience and last place of employment. R 645. Orego nian. EXPERIENCED bookkeepers. $100 to $12R; stenographers, $75 to $115; dictaphone operators, $80 to siuu. owl r4. w. .Bank bldg. HOTEL housekeeper, state hotels formerly employed in, length of service and wages expected; give pnone ana street address. AO 442. Oregonian. WANTED Girls for mangle and hand iron department; good wages: steady employ ment; experience not necessary. Yale Laundry. 5QQ E. Morrison. MIDDLE-AGED woman for general house work, country home: must be clean and honest : good home and wages. Inquire Mrs. Baldwin. IT'J lMtft st. w to II A. M WRITE photoplays. $2R-$SOO paid anyone for suitable ideas. Experience unnecessary complete outline free. Producers League. 231 St. Louis. WANTED Man and wife an manager for small apartment house. Rent ox apart ment for services. Call 301 Panama Bldg. WANTED Middle-aged woman to take charge or monrn no me in ciry ; no in un dry. little cooking: no objection one small chlM. J 18. Oregonian. W NTKD Girls to run power machines: also hand sewers. Apply Metropolitan Hat & Cap Mfg. Co.. 131V, 2d st. DISHWASHER for 5 y hours. Woman for 2 1-ours. call Monday, 501 Broadway, Tarn hill Bldg. LADY salesman wanted to handle spotlights, city and country. 206 Railway Exchange hldV Main 967 WANTED Girls to learn sorting: pleasant work; good wages: steady, employment. Yale Laundry. 500 E. Morrison. W WTED Experienced waitresses for Ice cronm pallor Columbia Beach. Phone Woodlawn 813 WANTED Girl to handle record stock; stenographic knowledge required. Wake field Music Co., 427 Washington atreet. A MIDDLE-AGED woman to assist with housework and caretaker of a convalescent. 705 Davis St., apt. 3 W WTED Girls for shirt line. Good wages; steady employment; experience not neces sary. Ya'.e Laundry. 000 E. Morrison. WANTED Lady wish, washer. 375 Washing ton st. WAITRESS for country hotel. Fare ad vanced. Mar. 314. R S2. Oregonian. DRK PS MAKER wants experienced help. 305 Fliedner bldg. WANT high school girl for light office work. Call 202 McKay bldg., bet. 8 and 10 today. WANTED First-class operator on dresses. 45o Washington, HELP WANTED FEMALE, SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SILK WAISTS, EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. WE HAVE A FIRST CLASS INSTRUCTOR WHO WILL, TEACH YOU TO MAKE WAISTS; NICEST. CLEANEST AND BEST PAYING WORK. WB PAY YOU WHILE LEARNING; GUARANTEED STEADY WORK ALL YEAR ROUND. APPLY BALLOfANU FACTURINO CO., 4TH AND COUCH. THE METER FRANK CO. requires the services of experienced millinery xrakers and saleswomen for the coming season; steady work for capable people Is as sured. Apply employment manager, sixth floor. LARGE local retail store has splendid po sition for an experienced woman to take charge of cansy dept. Must have execu tive ability and retail candy experience: excellent salary to start; eorrrmuntcate with box 747, stating age, experience and salary expected. THE MEIER A FRANK CO. require the services of an experienced saleswoman for the siik department. Apply employ ment bureau Oth floor. ME1EK dt FRANK CO, EXPERIENCED POWER MACHINE OP ERATOR WITH OUR ADVANCED I RICES CAN EARN $25 TO ISO WEEK LY AND EXTRA BONW, MAKING SILK WAISTS. APPLY MONDAY MORNING, 8 A. M., PREPARED TO GO TO WORK. HALL MANUFACTURING CO. 4TM AND COUCH. WANTED Experienced hemstitching op erator. Apply employment manager. 6th floor, Meier & Frank Co. CHEF cook wants woman partner who has had some experience in pastry work; must be willing to leave city; no money re quired; good wages paid. Write full par ticulars, Mtperience. at;e. etc R 70, Ore gonian. U. 8. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds women-girts. IS or over; permanent posi tions. $1000-$120O year; paid vacation; ex aminations everywhere coming; list posi tions free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 704 R. Rochester, N. Y. fW ANTED First-class designer and trim mer by Los Angeles millinery firm, good salary to right party, must have first class references. A pply Haas Millinery company, W5 South Broadway, Los Ange les. CaL GIRLS WANTED TO HELP AROUND SILK WAIST FACTORY; NICE. CLEAN STEADY WORK; GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. HALL MANU FACTURING CO., 4TH AND COUCH. WANTED 5 bright, capable ladies to travr! demonstrate and sell dealers ; 25 to (M per week; railroad fare paid; write at once. Goodrich Drug. Co., Dept. 82tt, Omaha, Neb. WOMEN'S Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headquarters. 2d and Oak sts., will furnish information. give protection and assistance fret to women and girls. Interviews confidential. EXPERIENCED stenographers, register with the Nolselets Typewriter C.. 4th and Oak sts. We have more positions than we can fill. Miss A. G. Crossiey, employ ment manager. GIRLS TO SEW ON BUTTONS. EXPERI BNCB NOT NECESSARY; GOOD PA AND STEADY WORK; OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT. HALL MANU FACTURING CO., 4TH AND COUCH. YOUNG woman, casuier, stenographer, must oe accurate and competent to meet pub lic pleasantly so as to win and hold trade. Salary from iS0 to $.100. AH 4ui, or gcnl?n. POSITION open with lares well-known firm; applicant must be well educated; not office work ; state education, expe rience and phon number. liC 51, Ore gonian. 5 YOUNG LADIES wanted for city and out oi iown. to introauce special subscription offer on Metropolitan and other maguzines. For appointment phone Mr. Rush. Hotel Multnomah. Sunday only. WANTED Jefferson high school girl U work ror board and room, away August wum to engage before going to begin in September. Phone Wocdlan 37U. 1040 fcj. :n north, or Woodl-iwn 5271. WANTED Young lady, assistant dancing it:;ii-ii;r, kqu saiary ana opportunity ti learn professional dancing. Call at De Honey's Dancing academy, 23d and Wash.; no attention given to phone message. WILL GIVE some middle-aged woman, that is worKing ana wants a good home, use of my furnished home, fur taking care of same. N a, Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper. German preferred. iUi isaiawin l rake st. Johns cur. go norm to bmerson st.. want . blocks north. fnone wooniawn ."12. EXPERIENCED millinery trimmers and makers wanted for positions in Warhlng- lon, Oregon and idano. Apply to Lowen gart & Co. WANTED Application from girls to work in wooa-wcrKing iactory at at. Jonna Steady work, and good wages. J 796. Ore gonian. W ANTED Names womm-Klrln. 18 to 45, wicniug oecotne postuziice cierKa txini -meuce $1"U0. Answer immediately. AV 1 15, Oregonian. WANTED Competent girl to care for two small children; references required. A p ply Mrs. D H. Gearln. -Ah Cornell road. rnone iiain nvoi. WANTED 2 maids, 1 waitress. 1 upstairs maia. -ox ruin street, pnoue Mam A 4ti60. TEACHERS Splendid positions open lor ucaiiua , f i va tauciuuu, ex pent-nee tuj phone number.- AH 4 j. Oregonian. WANTED Waitress; must be experienced; good wage, room and hotel, 171 Lownsdale. board. Mallory WANTED Woman to do second work In kitchen for board and room lor sif and husband oollawn 32. WANTED WOMEN OVER 1 YEARS OF AGE TO WOKK. IN FACTORY. NICO LA I DOOR M r G. CO. WOOD LAWN 73fc JANITRESS. morning and evening work Apply superintendent Oregon bidg., oth and Oak. WOMEN for general housework on ranch : no washing; all modern conveniences. Box 2:h, aaco. Oregon. COMPETENT abstractor. experienced In probaie and court work. Union Abstract o. or Portland, Corbett bldg. WANTED Experienced help in all depart ments; good pay ; U. S. Laundry Co., 180 Grand ave. Hol'SEKEEPEK, modern home of widower; lipht duties; pleasant place. Tell it ail hist letter. N 71, Oregonian. ANY grl in need of a friend apply to th Salvation Army Rescue Home. 3l2 East loth U N.. or phone East 123. W ANTE I' GirW for factory. Call between 9 and 10 A. M., 105-107 Twelfth at, Celro Kola company. WOMAN cook for small county hotel; good home for elderly couple; permanent. Box 17. Gobie, Or. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted to work in soft drink place, $17 week. 135 luth street. GIRLS wanted for light factory work, good wages, steady work. Apply American Can Co.. 14th and Front sta. SALESLADY for ladies' ready-to-wear, per manent position. Apply between ii and 10 at Levitt's store, 4th and Wash. 2-liOOM furnished apt. in exchange for work in the care of an apt. house. Wood lawn 22QU. WANTED A graduate nurse, with surgical experience, for out-of-town hospital. A "6, Oregonian. WANTED Power machine operators, steady work. Apply Simmons Glove Mfg. Co., Phoenix bldg., 5th and Oak. ELDERLY lady to care for three boys. Room ana Doara ana wages. rt ma, Oregonian. GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co., o. jotn ana nonaaay. WANTED Good girl for serond work; good wages. TelL Sellwood 7b0. WOMEN P M. to help with cooking from 4 to 8 Main 734. BODY ironer at once; good wages and lunch. Multnomah Hotel laundry. WOMEN to do pantry work. Campbell Hill hotel. WANTED Finishers on custom pants. 547 Wash) pgton bid. Ai-k for Mr. Nathan. CHORUS GIRLS Hightst wages, long en-gi.g-emeiit-i;no trsvelirg. Casino theater. EXPERIENCED telephr.e operators may be ootaln-?d by calling Mom 12. A 26S7. W ANTE D Wa i trees. 201 N. 20th St. Chesterbury Hotel, BOOKKEEPER with knowledge of stenog. rap hy; Insurance office. A 3 .S7. O re g o r. i a n. GIRLS wanted. 92 Front su PorUand Paper Box Co., WOMAN wanted for reneral housework one day a meek. 13"4 E. Taylor st. EXPERIENCED makers and King A Co.. 144 Park at., city. WANTED Sales ladies: good money right party. 203 ldnor bldg. HOME for schoolgirl 11 years old. Wes.ey Elliott. Barr hotel. Portland. TWO housemaid! ; good wg ires, board and room. Sellwood Hospital, Seilwood 347. WANTED 1 waitress, 1 kitchen helper. Call Alarshali 1274, HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED CASHIER; GOOD SALARY TO RIGHT PARTY STATE AGE- AND PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. AC 733, ORE GONIAN. BOOKKEEPERS and clerks desiring to in crease their earning power by advancing to the grade of accountant will find ths Morton-Toy er "Bookkeeping and Account ing Principles" series, prepared and per sonally supervised by . Walter Morton. C. P. A., dean of the School of Commerce. University of Oregon, a complete and easily mastered cuurse for home study, which wtU enable them to qualify fr responsible accounting positions. Writs Morton-Toyer System. Boa Portland. Oregon. WANTED at one, stenographer and assist ant bookkeeper, discreet, intelligent worn sn with 8 to ft years' experience; automo bile, hardware or lumber preferred; must be a thorough and conscientious worker, quick and accurate at figures; permanent; $-50 per month, advancement a merited. Give full particulars; references, AE Oregonian. LIPMAN WOLFE A CO. require the eere lces of several girls between the ages of 14 and IS. for audiUng department; ei peritonea not necessary; permanent posi tions. Apply superintendent's oif ice, be tween ft and 10:30 Monday moramf. WANTED A bright, intelligent, reliable young lady, living at horns, for light office worK in reception room or music studio small mages to start; good position to work up. Call Monday morning, 610 Eilers Music bidg. WANTED Experienced dictaphone oper ators and stenographers to register for w ork at The Dictaphone. 4-0 Spalding bldg.; 2 permanent positions now open at iou per month, also temporary positions; machines for practice. WANT E D 6 well-dressed, experienced house-to-house lady demonstrators to join a crew to handle advertiatag out of town; we will show you how to make from 910 to 920 easily every day. Call 51u fillers Music bid;., Monday morning. WANTED Experienced lady bookkeeper and stenographer; must have thorough anowieuge or double entry; state axperi ence and give references; answer in own nanawnting. Ak 22, oregonian. WANTED at once Piano and violin teacher. gooa opening out of town near the m shore, good chance to maks good money during the summer: unlimited possibilities during winter months. t& 217. Oregonian. WANTED 2 Inexperienced girls, one Ironer, goou wages. Apply Oregon Lauaary Company. WANTED Six ladles for outdoor selling; la weekly salary and commission, with quick advancement; success certain; ex ceptional opportunity. Address immediate ly. J b'J3, Oregonian. LADIES (Catholic) In collection depart ment; good, steady position, salary, com mission and bonus. Experience not neces sary. Call 518 Yeon bidg., 8 to 9:30 A. M- 4.SU to o P. M. WANTED Dietitian; work not difficult. hours not long; willing to teach a strong, agreeable young woman routine details; eaiary $00. room and board. AJ 3t, Ore gonian. WANTED Two girls for combination cham bermaid and dining room work in modern hotel; wages $33 and board, lialch hotel, Dufur, Or. ACT and entertainers, musical comedy peo ple, all lines; chorus girls. Apply Art. Liaker. booking offices, open day and evening. 1 Henry' bldg. Main 3473. FIVE house-to-houpe demonstrators; good salary, o hours a day; also 4 tor road po sitions, expenses paid. Before 10 or after 3. 144 Firwt fL Ku DAK PRINTER WANTED: MUST BE FIRST-CLASS. NORTHWESTERN PHO TO CO., 1IU4 HIPPODROME THEATER HI, DO. WANTED Experienced operators on hem stitching machine; state experience and site; top wages, permanent position. Apply Mrs. tieutt, .VJ E. i:h St., Eugene, Or. WA NT ED Experienced markers and dis tributers, also reeuers and folders, alau inexperienced help wanted. National Laundry Co.. E. sth and Clay sts. WANTED BERRY PICKERS. Close to Portland, 6c car fare; will take you to and from car; room for few more carpp-TS. Pnone Tabor eu. Al DiCiAPHONE for sales manager larg wr.tf.c-tle house; state age, experience. gi e 24:t. references and salary wanted, be Oregonian. W ANTED Experienced stenographer, one with bookkeeping Knowledge. tate ex perience and bKlnntng salary expected. AK 47 1, Oregonian. WANTED Young woman to asslat In off i work. Superior lnt-ll.Kence more enaential than experience. Salary . 4U monthly to start. K 10, OregoniaiK WANTED By wholesale grocery house, Al filing cierK to operate the Remington Wnhl machlrw! stale age. experience and refer-n'-es. S 71. Orevonlan. WANTED Young woman interested in die tetics and anxious to learn: inuft be strong and agreeable; work not difficult, sur roundings pleasant. AM 2!J. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER for small ranch. Call 2 P. M. Sunday Henry Mdg. fur Interview at 41 WANTED Refined, efficient woman as k itch tin helper; very pleasant surround ings. AL 2 . 7, Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer, one who has had experience In law office, Fearey Bros., bOti Dekum bldg. EXPERIENTF.D MILLINERY MAKERS. EMPORIUM, 12d SIXTH ST. WANTED Practical nurse for sanitarium work at once. Between 23 and 35 years old. Apply 115 East l")th. cor. Alder. WANTED Capable energetic women for genial, remunerative employment; all or sparn time. AK 470. Oregonian. THE Florence Crtttenton Home Is ready li help any girl in distress. Wii E. UUsan. M V. ar. Ea.-t 31tf. V ANT til Girl for general housework. Phone Main 1540 or apply to D 427, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED custom shirt makers, vkKgcH fJU per week. Jacobs Shirt Co., Kal-iRh bldg.. 827 Wsshlngton St. EXPERIENCED man or woman, floor man ager fur lunch room. Coffee Cup Lunch Room, 138 Park st. (ilHL.S and wumen who can run electric machines to mane ladles' hats. Paris Hal ,l f k. 'o-. T Ajd r st. OIK L.S aud women who know how to run power machines. Paris Hat Mfg. Cu, ai7 Alder. WANTED Sunday school teacher for per manent position; write for personal In terview, box AG 17, Oregonian. YOUNG girl wanted; steady job, good wages, beat opportunity. tee John Glison. G. O Watermelon Garden, Columbia Beach. AN elderly lady to care for 2 children whils mother works. Call Monday morning. 614 East Hancock. East iL2di. LUNCH ROOM waitress; experience not necessary if willing to learn. Union Depot Restaurant. WILL give music lessons for few hours l!ht housework. Main 8018. WANTED Typist; one familiar with short story work; give pricea. H 555, Oragonian. WANTED Experienced makers. Apply at Bon Ton Mlillnery, 3d and Morrison. WANTED Experienced alteration lady. Ap ply at Bon Ton Millinery, 3d and, Morrison. MUSICIANS wanted, amateurs for large or chestra. Practice work. P 344 Oregonian. WANTED To go to the beach, a girl for s:eneralhousework,Sellwood 2935. WANTED Dining-room grirL 1751 Derby at. Phone Woodlawn 2115. WANT ED Chambermaid. Phone Woodlawn 2915. 1751 Derby at. A LADY to sell toilet articles, or as partner with other lady. V 42S, Oregonian. v AN TED Chambermaid, tel. Netherlands ho- ANTED Experienced millinery maker. Tifft's Hat Shop. 126 Tenth street. SCHOOL girl or one to do light housework, 10 to 7 P. M. Sundays off. 5Q4 E. 40th N. WANTED A young schoolgirl to take care of little bo. Mar. 2840. WANTED Girl tor root beer stand. 26 N. oth sU, Sunday before 1 o'clock. GIRL to assist with light housework. Call Tabor 5".'1. FIVE women to work at lunchroom. 133 Park sL the Coffee Cup GOOD home for girl. 14 to 16 y particulars can t.a wa. A WOMAN to keep house for 2. N. M V car. SOI E. 77th ELDERLY WOMAN or widow with child, for kitchen work, 264 Main st. HAVE 2-ton truck and trailer, want haul ing contract. P 34S, Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper: no objection to one child. 20 N. loth St. GOOD opportunity for two ladies to help In hair work. 40T Lumber Exchange. WAITRESS wanted. 4Q4 E. Morrison. MAKERS wanted. 83 Alder. WANTED A cook, X5 rriu" fTEXF WANTED FKMALK. WANTED. Toung women With typing expsrtenra preferred, btwMa la and SO years, for offlc positions with advancement ; xcellsnt opportunity to learn telegraphy. Apply to Chlff Operator. Western Union. Fifth Floor Worcester BMg- Third and Oak. LADIES $-4 a week selling guaranteed hosiery in spar time. ntggest sener ok the Mtaoo, Mrs. L. Hill ld $2 worth first evening. Writ for terms- Guar anteed Hosiery Co., 4427 Post fit-. Dayton. Ohio. V an ted Do me lira. GOOD girl or woman to assist , In general housework in modern country borne. 1 miles from Priaeville. No children under 14 to rare for. Eiectrlr lights, hot and cold water and all modern convenience. Permanent employment with good wags to right applicant- Foreigner preferred Fare paid. Write at once to H. ti. Cram 4t lne. Prlneville, Oregon. WANTED Lady for light housework in family of three aduus; vry modern home and p)a.nt surroundings and goed wages. Dealre n lady willing to go to beach for short time. 623 Overton at., phone A 334. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman to help with general housework: attractive country home, no children, no heavy wash ing. Mrs. C W. Thorns s. R. A box 111. irhtm, Or. HOUSEKEEPER wanted on farm near Port land; work not heavy ; lady with little girl preferred; state m age expected. Ad dress route 1. box eH, Troutdeie. Ore iron. k WOMAN for general housework In th country, small family. plant home. Ap ply for particulars at 46o Market st, aJain 14.3. WANTED Housekeeper, nice home to ruht party No objections to one or two small chilciren. Addreaa box 7 IS. Central a. Wash. - FIKST-CLASS cook for modern country home; no second work, wages $40; refer ences required: would coniaer with one child. AO 44 d. oregonian. GIRL who wants a Permanent Discs: m u be willing to spend August with the family at tne oeacn. liii at (U4 otn su . or phone East 22'-1t. GIRL to assist with light housework; good home, room and board; wages. Tabor 2.2. MAID for cooking and housework, no laun dry. 2u miles out, wages $li per week. 2-ti Aide- t. WAN ED German girl for cooking and housework; good mages; Catholic pre ferred. TlO Klsnders st. W A NTE to Girl for general housework ; small family snd agreeable place to work. Call today. Il.'-H E. Yamhill St.. cor. 8'Jth. WANTED Lady to do house work a.nd care tor Invalid, not sick; family of two; 10. Tabor TUld. 33 East 4'd st. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and care of 2 children; good home and wages. Tabor lt. 10OO Hawthorne ave. WANTED Elderly woman or woman with baby to assist with light housework, good homo. N 4o. Oregonian. WANTED Girl for general- housework, no objection to married woman. Phone Main 261 4. 209 loth, near Taylor, west side. WANTED A young schoolgirl to assist in light housework. Call Tabor or 430 E. 9th st. N. RC csr. WANTED Competent girl for general house work:, small xaxmiy, gooa wages. in l Everett St. EXPERIENCED second girl; small family, good wages. 634 Kearney it Marshall 8070. WANTED Efficient housekeeper. 8-hour service, pleasant n part ment, private bath, references. East J121. QIRL wanted for general housework ; good wages, no washing. MtS Heights Terrace. Portland Heights. Main 3222. CHAMBERMAID, one that is experienced In first-class hotel work; good wages and a permanent position. Conradlne hotel. w a nted Housekeeper for family of 2 wagei 2 per month; no washing. 80 East 10th North. maid for second work or seamstress wanted In private family; references required. Call Main o-w. WANTED Experienced cook m'here second maid la employed. Mrs. F. H- Page, o!4 Jackfon. r'ortianu neignta. L COOK for a family; no other work i quired. Apply to Mrs. t-hsviia. 62S Haw thorne see. Phone East 17. HOl'fiEKEPi-JR wanted, one with poio: fice experience. Good home. Small town. AV 2 4. Oreg oiilan. i r sm.i a m.E eirl to take care of babv after noons, in Portland, and go to beach for A weeks. Call Marshall ll'J. WANTED Experienced second ro-ui; small family, good agea. Call tellwood 9tf3 or 4) fc. ttl St. RELIABLE girl to assist with care of year old baby from 10 until P. M. Marsnall aaio. OIHL for general housework. Phone Ta bor 82ML WANTED Good girl for general housework will pay best of wages. 21 Ainsworth ave. WANTED Good cook : small family good watcH Call Sellwood ft'.'S or 40 E- 24th St. GIRL to aasist with general housework. Overton. WANTED Housekeeper. Good home more thrn wagea. A V -SJ. urepmnn. EXPERIENCED second girl, good aa.ary. Call Tabor 5479. WANTED Girl to assist with general house work, evenings free. 3M loth st. WAITRESS, from 6 to 8 P. M. hotel. Campbell WANTED Toung girl to assist ltb house work In good noma, taoor iwon. WOMAN under 30 to to keep house for man and two children. A Oregonian. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Hotel Morris. Ca'J in person. tilKL for general housework. 4 In family. 7hII Ewt vi it. WAITRESS wanted. University Club. 6th and JeffTon. HELP WANTED MALE OR FFMA1.K 10O HOP PICKERS s WANTED. MALE OR FEMALE. To pick 40 acres of fine hops as there la in the vallev: ground perfectly clean no weed a All clod mashed snd smooth Yard close to camp ground. As fine a ramp ground as there is In the stale. Three driven wells and the best of water. Plenty of wood ail cut In stovewood length. Also plenty of straw put in tne tents tor oei dinir. There will either be a store on the rrnnnd nr a srnod arocerv wagon one. day. Also fresh bread daly. Cood hall for any kind of amusements. win naui i Dickers to and from trains free. Will pi f Vis trnrw nrlee for nicking. TiO mat te w hat it la I'll be at the St. Charles hotel on Tuesday, the 22d of July, to registe and make arrangements for transport a n tUm v.ril T FI JonCf. 417 S Commercial st., Salem. Or. Phone No. 013. WEAVERS. AND RPTWERS WANTED. Steady work; 48-hour week; good wagea Apply .fur nana wooien muis, COMPETENT bookkeeper wanted who can 0-n up a modern set or docks to mee every need oi our ia t-arrci nour uuu 60.000 bushel grain elevator here. Qnde nrant -nnriiti..n. ind camr It on sue cesatully; state pay desired. Central Ore gon Milling Co-MilIU9r U. 8. GOVERNMENT wants riunarens men, w omen. 18 cr over; permanent pear po sitions, ywr. j-aiu uuu examinations everywhere coming; list po Write Immediately. Frank' lln Institute. Dept. 377 R, Rochester. N. Y ivivTRn Mn and wife to work on ranch good pav and steady job: good house, free rent; must have your own furniture; a good home in a goon piece. e- manager Jseger Apts.. 701 Washington st. WEAVERS WANTED GnOP PAT. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. WANTED Solicitors, ladles and men. offera good pay, 93 to 19 per aiy. ausw coniiiiiB- ion. Call and investigate. Room lu9 Panama bldg. d and Alder. RAILWAY mall clerk examinations August oi. ii lrwi.tiAnn vear: aamnle aue.tuoni froe. Franklin Ir-Utute, Dept. 376 R, Rochester. N. Y. uMVTEn f tstrile-aared Connie to do fe hra. work a day tor apartment and some wsgea 314 5th st.. Harrison court. EIGHT or 10 raspberry pickers wsnted by W. s. Brown at Jenne station. G res ham car line, at 5 cents per pound. WANTED Peopi as members fr mot..in picture company; send photo, BF 3, Om gonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper to keep set of books evenings or few hours during the day. BC 24u. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper to work fore norSha. C Oregonian. EDUCATIONAL. rR, DELORT Concentration breathing reconstruction. 40 lftth aL, Portland Heights. Main 746L TATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free registration. Mam 6J74- Broadway bidg. F-DCCAT10 AL. C S. MERCHANT MARINE. Opportunity Is presented experienced meg to ac ure FREE TRAINING in preparation for license examinations as DECK OrFTCERS and ENGINEERS at schools ef the I. P Shipping Board. KRhB COURSE IN NAVIGATION, six hki, f;ts for third mate s i.-tne or high er; open to men of two years' deck expe rience, ooaan or coast w in, or eo.ul valvnt In fthrtea or on lake. Cay or wound. FRKK COURSE IN MARINE ENGIN REKlxa. one month, f 1 1 for third awit snt engineers' license, open to m'n of me chanical and engineering eyperience, in cluding o emotive and tat:onery engin eers, machinists on marine engines, gradu ates of technlt-al echoos and marine wiiers mid water tender. Navigation hoola st Seattle nad Port land. Engineer' w boot at Vnl ve rutty of Washington. Seattle Arply to W. J Gran;b. 4m Kiec:rtc building. 7th and Olive, Seattle. Waxh. BE A PocTOa OF CHIROPRACTIC The chtropract'c profession offers the most unjiul opportunities of any fled In the w.-rid today. Know about its great opportun:ties be Tore deciding your career, or If you are dissatuned in your present posltlnn In life or its earnng capacity Is not what you would like it to be. investi gate the great opportunities offered li t.:ls greatest, of all nrolfHloni CiiIRO PR ACTIO. A moat exceptional oppor tunity to study Chiropractic snd to become a Chiropractic pbsit;ian is ottered at this time by our coLege. both daj -a night courses. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Chiropractic physicians needed In the United Slates . today to lurtntT ths de mands of the millions who have turned to this great method of he ing their lus. lNVKSTluAlk. Augmented Curriou.um. Able Faculty. Clinical Facilities L nexellea. For particulars address Dr. Oscar Elliott, president. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and lam hi 11. Main 1014. Portland, Or. Van cannot learn an part o this pre feaslon tnrouga corresponaence. ARE TOt AMBITIOUS? Do you wish to Increase your esmlng cspacity, or are you satisfied with tne rut Learn to operate and repair automobiles, auto trucks aud tractors. The pay is big and the dt-mand for men is greater than the supply in this field. You can qualify yourseii through a short course of prac tical instruction under expert at HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 7o7 Hawthorne ave. at K- 2Utn. Branch office, 124 N. 6th at, near Union Depot. ARB YOU commercially Inclined ? If why not get into the advertising game and cet In r.cht T This is tne le crowded. fuBtesi growing and best paid of all commercial fields. I- S. t. training, nlus exierierce. w ill enable you to com mand from SO to (Iimju a weea. Many local and national advertising campaigns are beinc Dlsnned and executed by I. C S. students. Lt us t-li you about them. See H. F. Woodbesd. Ul Hroadway, Monday U A. M. to 9 P. M. Hal tou mechanically inclined? Leara trade. Learn auto, tractor, truck and air plane business, b:g pay. wonderfu; oppor tunnies. Learn by Sweeney system prac tica: instruction in w er as . Army scbool now ooen to you: same instructors, euuip- ment and inetnous used in iraiuing .'nn)0 soldier mechanics for Governmrnt- Writ for big free catalogue: te,l wno.e story. bweeney auto School. Department 2L b.:ncy uu..ii4ns. Kansas lid, wo. VCk"ATUNA1. TRAINING. Opportunity for ambitious young men anu women wno wsni i oveup nei earning ability. The Northwestern Cor respondent schools are ottering ipi eumnw-r cuuri at reduced rates unde the Muapkta of the Tani.er-Gilman scl. in uun unry and buoiness letter w rilin fail or phone W. ti. Cooper, suite Ooo. l'anama blg. us In MQj. EA RN BIG M ONE Y in the euto and tractor business; learn In few weeks by our stem of tract leal In at ruction. Ail modern ejupiuent Kx pvrt ibftructora tree J 00 tranter scholar' shio olf.r now oueu. Kid board rouin wlii.e learning. Wr.ie for tree oata lugue. National Automotive i'iivKil, boutii Figuerua. Los Angeiea Cal HAttTHOKNt; AUTO bCUOOU 461 Hawthorn Ave. Automobiles, true a, tractors. Ignition and starter work. v ulcanlzlcg and treading Special summer rates. Dag and evening CiSaaea. Itib' tiCHuuL THAT TEACHES TOO TO Uosa THE JOH, LEARN AUTOS AND TH ACTORS. rlVE bAU' t LEE TRIAL. PAY TL'ITJuN WHEN SATIFIED. We teach Auto. T rector. Gss Englr snd Auto Eiec'.r.cal Work BIG lOO-pAGw CATALOGUE 1'kcti. Address Adcox Auto a Tractor t houi. Dept. K. Union ave. aa Wiico St.. Portland, or. Phone East 74 4. POSITIONS ASSURED. L KKY ;ladlaie uF Business College. Port tana. Enroll an: tune. Telesrapuy, atetiugi aphy. banking, bookkeepina. se re larval. r ree ciioa. oUNG men and women may develop their lal ni alotig artisuc lines tj- a bo mo stuu training ccur wuh ihc aitaute -' -professional designer. Federal fc-cht.o of lMaigning and Cartooning, &uite V6 Pan ama bldg. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Toung men and women wanted. Call 219 Railwa EkCharge bidg. pi-ndld oppor tuulty to learn a weii-paid prc:-sion. r ree booklet. Railway Telegrapu Institute. MOHLE It" BARBER COLLEb E pays you while learnu.g. gives ou a set of tool. positions wutra Send (or cata logue. 34 Hurnauio st. Broadway 171. GOOD lectures and spiritual mesaga by Mrs. Persia v u.son iioorc at 4ii iioi.a day ave.. Sundas std Thursdays al 8 p. M. Free-will oflenng. Eat &"34.. DECKEK'S'UL'SINESS COLLEGE. Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer, all otner moa. business couik. L'a. nlnht school. A.ibky bidg., Jd and Mor. Main a4. liNPERT shorthand instructions, bu.-ine4 Knclisb and lelterw rilinf. reasonable terms. Mtet Itlppey. Eat -1'16. PORT LAND BA R BE R COLL E 1 E t eac h ea trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; po sition guaranteed. .34 Couch sL MEN; WOMEN-Utrn barber trade, free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 3:i Madi&on st. ROCKY-MOU 4 TAIN T EAC H ERS "AGENCY. Frank K. Weils, rx-twL Stale SupL, mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers piaced promptly. "EAST PlDECOMMERClAL SCHOOL Miss Bucket private school; individual instruction. 12 y Grand ave. East 4-' 7. MRS. HANNUMS during summer. shorthand school open East 3obO. 23U Tillamook a tree U TEACHER3wanied; registration free. Inter- Mouiitain West Service, luc.,ogden. Utah. TEACHING poltion, free registration. Main 43i. Fish Teachers' Agency. Journal b.dg. MISS MATTING LYS Shorthand. Typewrit ing school; $6 mo-2ol 14th. Main ai. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary, lai broaty. SITfATIONS WANTED-MALE. ELDERLY" man wants work as vegetable man or d.tn washer. A 3 Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS MECHANICAL TRAFTS MAN DESIRES PoS 1T1QN. M Al N 8133 WELL DIGGER Wells, cesspools, ceptic tanks. Hillsdale. Or. Main JAPANESE wants posiLon to do cooking; country pref-rred. 4 JU. oregonian. NEAT young man wants any kind of worl Sunday mornings. AF 11. O-egonian. CARPENTER contracts for new work or al terations. Manny, sellwood 2421. HAVE your reshingttng done before the wet weather. Marshall ui. WANTED Job as truck driver In city. Any machine M 3:, Oregonian. COOKS, man and wife, want position, camp or country hotel. P 347 Oregonian. FOR EM AN carpenter wants position. Best of references. Phone Wdln. 1. WINDvW trimmer a"d show card writer wisties position. P S43 Oregonian. EXPERIENCED meat cutter wants posi tion. Apply I 843. Oregonian. SHINGLERS When you want done, call Woo-Law-n ISA. res bin g ling A-l Salesman w lahes good line. P 34, Ore gonian. TOUNG man attendir.it schorl will work for room and board. Phone Kt 7443. DRUGGIST Graduate, registered, good ex perience. Phone Tabor .H-S. PA I NT I NO. tln'mg by contract by reliable man. Ma in e51. LoY with tucl ta Job. East eTl. FOR expert tree cutting call Max. 1A SITUATION WANTED MAIlt AUTOMOTIVE BPECIALXSTT. AMBITIOUS. ENERGETIC, EXPERIENCED EXECUTIVE ABILITY. Oool) I'fcH&O.NAUIT, - 10 years active and practical associa tion wr.h luf automotive tmaine, ban 1 1 in g both pauer and commercial ejuipmeut. Fully conversant with all branch., front mechanics tA merchandising. Including sale, both wholesale and retail. Seek a permanent association with a real liv oritmiAUon, where mere is an opportunity ior brains, experience and ax pert knowledge, luieUigenuy directed. Am associated ertth a euroeeafu! dealer sh.p in a p-pu.ar line of cars and truck, but for snip: reason am compelled U consider a ccansje, Address communlcatloaa Grand Junction, Colo. to box 13. ANTE l- a I am traveling throughout tne atate of Oregon, ca.ang upon the larm ers and business men. wouid like to carry some good ee.ang article as a sMe tine. tviuet ;tr.g to a.; to the trade preferred, or sortie good line tl advertising. Can ' give refTvuv-ea What bate you to oi ler? State r-rp sltlon and aa.ary first let tor. Andrea No. 44 J K, ath sC, Fort land. Or. EXPERIENCE married man w ants wors od a dsiry. nas one small cnild: must have a separate furnished house and be within a reasonable distance of school: wife w-ouid ct for other hired be.p; give full Information in first letter. V 4e, Ore gonian. SALES ENGINEER EXECUTIVE. Enercrtic. resource! ut, eight years' field -and office cxper.ence. construction work, large eastern firms; college graduate, de sires permanent locsti-u In northwest. T. C P.. M10 Larch wood ave, P hi Lade 1 phla. P. SALTS MAN AG FR of Rochester corporation fl-i res a posiiion wltn A'ortland company. Companies which place a premium upon servu. iharacttr and executive ability ran begin negotiations by sending a let ter addressed to Box 7i. Get.eeu, N. Y. WANTED Posit ion on ranch ; I am handy with to .a. can make repairs; can run auto and keep same In repair; no bad habits; Seventb-Dky Adventist; mlddte aited man and wife In good health, Al Oregonian. WORK of any kind by young married man. various mercantile experience. Inside and outsiue: n-.eci.anicaliy inclined: can drive car, not atra:d of real work; good habits, honest and steady; well recommended. N fa. Oresonisn. A MAN experienced in auto accessories. hardware, machinery snd other anea who Is no, too old and quick to learn, wants a position; honest, steady end reliable; good references, want work and lots of it- N 6L Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER, thor oughly capable, banking, real estate, lurn bT experience, desires connection good firm; exec Leu I relcrencea, J 30, Orege n:.n. NOTICE TO AUTO OWNERS. E Xpert repairman will come to your garage. Prices reasonable; all work guar anteed. Phono Sellwood 609. A 3t4. Ore gonian. A-l CARPENTER contracts, new or old work: get my f igurea I save you money and worry: nouse raising and concrete. Marshall 1226 or A 16 . evenings or please leave number. MR. TRUCK OWNER Wou.dn't it be good business to put a husky driver, who can keep a mach.ne In tip-top shape, on that new truck, so as to keep It that way ? Heavy Truck Driver, R PI. Oregonian. STEADY married man wants position as janitor or watchman In an apartment houfre where room can be furnished; have S years' experience in that kind of work. Address P. O. Lliyah, 7 Irving st MAN with laree past experience buying. Inspecting and shipping of timber wishes position witn good Iirm which has car and cargo ahipme:.ta. Can give beat of ref erence. R i7, Oregonian. MAN with experience as general office manager, ewt aicountant. paymaster and credit and collection manager, wants po- mon. L MT, Op gor.ian. POSITION as watchman or janitor, day or ntght; mechanically inclined; garage pre ferred. Phone o-ilwood lsOA. r . w . . Fleck. 4Vh ave S. E. M1LDLE-AGED man would like to have ork in tne forenoon: experienced in clerkship and other lines; relerenoos. 1 413. Oregonian. WAN TED A poiiuoti Ly man snd wife, running a ranch, with house all furnished; am a No. 1 dairyman snd farmer, with a llfe-t ime experience. R S. oregonian. YOUNG man. -3 merried. wishes position in city as fmekeeper or pa roll cera. or something similar, references. BF 6, Ore gonian. i BY a middie-ared coupe, a small p. a re to care for la city or out of town. Phone Main 7 -.'3. or call at 270 Sixth at. Can give best referenceg. EXPERT bookkeeper with large business experience dee-ires position, adaptable and. hard worker; lair stenographer. AO 44U, Oregonian. TOUNG man who has hsd six years' ex-perl-nce wants a position as chautfenr. tiood mechanic, can furnish f . rst -.iaas refren. e CU room 5o i . M. C A. , FIRST-CLASS hotel chef wants place whero elfictency. Kunxmr and reliabil ty will be a p predated and paid for. AK. 7. Ore gonian. - NoTl E Leach hute.a. rel ab han5y man w n :s job, inside or out. AN SO. Ore gonian. FOREIGN China painter wants position; has lu v ears' experience. Call Aul4 4lh si. S. K. KfclNT" 1 i-room bee-h cottage, locat or! the rtdge, near beaview. uuo, .mii Main n'ij Mrs. T. Trsutrr.an. MAKK1ED MAN with fanuiy wants steady job on rsnca. expenencea; cn.caens pre ferred. N 6S OrrBonlan. POSIT I' JN as traffic manager of commercial or industrial concern. t.iper;ence ana rei erences on a ppoin t ment, A 70. Oregonian. TlMEKEEPKK Experienced in construction p vrou a no aistr. nuiion wor ; gooa rwier enoes; re. .able. Address A 37. Oregonian. AN experienced traveling man with best references ana ror a. w lanea u anve one. or two sslejMnen. Main S..mj CHEF. Iirtt-clasa meat and pastry, want position in or out ox city a. .x. ore g in i an. FIRST-CLASS chauffeur. 27 years old. de al' es po.;un . can and want to do my own re pairing. AH 4QQ. oregonian. A BOY. 13. wants a place to go to school and do chore for room and board. Mrs. Porlane. nr. 13th st N-. Portland. Or. VlUNG marr.ed man wants position al grocery clerk or something similar; t' ye.'trs ex p. prefer esst side. Tabor TOt7 VfcHY c A PA RLE young man with beat of references wishes in drive car for private partv. Call East H74. WANTED Bv boy, a position to learn auto mobile trarte: can give references. Phone Marshall 333. TAYLOR'S express, light hauling of all klnda done reasonable; stand First and Wash Ington atreeta Phone Main 44 5, WANTED Position as shoe salesman la city or outMde: best of references. A, A. Lar sen. 21 East 86th st. WILL repair your car In your garage or at my place, low ratoa. call me day or night, private car, a.so tow you in. Sell. 1146. Al CHEF and waitress want position in or out of city ; beat reference. AH 4oQ. Ore gon : a n. AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Experienced parts man wsnts Job: excellent recommen dations. N .Ni. oregonian. Yol'NG married man wants position; will start at bottom and w org up for good wages; references. E liltf. Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR wants private driving, am good mechanic and can take 'cere of your car. N AS. Oregonian. SCREENS made to order; oid screens re paired; satisfaction guaranteed. Call East -7;. 1 S." G nd ae. SHiNGLERS FOR R ESHI NGLING BY CON TRACT OR THOUSAND. MARSHALL 1072. , t WANTED Posit ion aa night watchman; c a n operate dyna mo. N 17. Ore g on;an. RC"-"S repaired, shingled or tarred; svll work guar.tnteed. East S4B1. AUTOMOBILE mechanic wants truck of private driving. E 218. Oregonian. WANTED By elderly gentleman, position as companion; references. N 73, Oregonian. SHIPPING or stock clerk, experienced and well recorr.menoed. N So. Oregon:an. tiA V E 5-passer.ger car snd services : want sr-adv posit. on. Fast 14'J, Gay lord. SITUATION WANT K D M an and w:f as cooks in camp. Phone Woodlaa-n 4u2U. ' MAN wants day work, any kind: ha nay, nest, good worker. HQ4 Madison st. PAINTING rvofa of all kin.ls. Power. Palater. MTl'rrtM.lt ave.. Sellwood. PLUMBING expert Rspair any piumb.na. very reasonabie. McCurdy, SelL 11S5. Al'TO driver, stesdy and reliable, truck or tourtr.g : refs, R Cregonian. WANTED jsnitor expert Reed rood POSITION" ss private chnuffur. married; care for own ear. J 27. 'onln. B 0 K K EE PE R. com pete:, t. extensive, ex prlerce. god penmnn. AK 47 2, Oregnntsn. A NTED Job aa watchman. Call Mala L leu2.