TnE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rORTLAXD, JULY 20, 1910. " n REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. 0 U BABY FA R M 55O0 ADJOINING LAURELHURST. Just east of Laurelhurst and north, of the "Ureen Gables," on E. 52d St., on a 75x 2.10 tract of land, is an unusually attrac tive, very modern, unusually well-buiit, tiistinctie type home, only 'ihb years oid; double constructed throughout; has music room, largs, light living room with artis tic fireplace, Kaded glass bookcases, very pretty dining room with leaded glass bur let, hard woood Moors, best white enamel plumbing fixtures, full Uutch kitchen in white, full cement basement with laundry trays, 3 light, airy bedrooms, electric lights and gas, all kinds of bearing fruit, berries and garden; on a paved street, witn ail liens paid. The house couid not be built today bhort of $45uu. This is a beau tit ul home and the total price is only $ooiiO and Includes the entire 70x200 feet of ground. Can arrange terms. We h-ive a very choice list of suburban homes and acreage and some exceptional bargains. All listings are appraised be fore offered for sale. See George P. Henry, with FRANK Li. McGt'IRE to buy; your home. Ablngton Building. Main 5150, Main 106S. Ofiice Open Evenings and Sundays. $4500 6-ROOM modern, HTassalo street. S 4,500 Fur., firepl., oak fir.; Laurelhurst. e.OUO Hazel Fern, b-room wonder, 5,750 Alameda, 85x100; a jewel. 8,000 Murray mead, close in, 7 rooms, 7.25U irvington, special, 8 rooms. It, Sou 0-room Laurelhurst snap. G.&OU Ladd's Add., S rooms, 4lxl28. 12.UU0 75xlOO, choicest 0-r. res., Irv. fc.750 irvington, 10-room, extra fine. 0,000 Irvington, 7-r., every con v. gar. 7,500 West side Col. 9-r., strictly mod. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington BMg. '35 Years in Portland." Alain 4803. $aG.U AT LAST :J050. Here is the bungalow you have been looking lor "The iueal of Your Dreams" ; & very pleasing, attractive, modern, typical bungalow ; very pleasing lines ; painted French gray ; ev ry convenience ; living room witli rirepiace. paneled dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen, hardwood Hours, white enamel plumbing, 2 light, airy uedrooms, lull cement basement, lur xi ace, paved street, beautiful shade trees. Terir.s. Autos at your service. Very pleased to show this and other homes at your convenience. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 515'J, Main 106S. Ofiice Open Evenings and Sundays. CERTAINLY YOU WILL LIKE THIS LOVELY NEW, WELL-BUILT HOME. Almost completed, in best part ot R. C. Park; 5 well-lighted rooms, large attic, cove ceiling and large plate-glass windows in both living and timing room, fine built in work ; exceptionally good plumbing. , woodwork finisched in ivory enamel; light Xixtures and window shades; $4750; terms. B. F. PON I REALTY CO., The Ideal Home Builders, 1230 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3S25. Office Open Sunday and Evenings. BEAUTI FUL NEW BUNG A L O W . Lovely living, fireplace and bookcases, large plate-glass window, real nice din In;, with different buifet. polished hard wood floors, old ivory and satin paper, lull Dutch kitchen. Pullman breaktast nook, 2 large and well-lighted bedrooms, bath and toilet, cement basement, nice lot. paved street paid. Just a lovely home. Onlv $soO, $500 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 203 Corbett bldg. Main 0015-A 2S15. FOR SLE 5-room bungalow; lot 50x100, in Woodstock, near 44th St., one block from streetcar: kitchen has "buill-ms and wood lilt, dining room walls paneled, plate rail, oeamed ceiling, colonade be tween dining and living room, has large attic, with space for two rooms; modern plumbing, gas and electric lights; price 2300; small payment down, balance down on easv terms. McClure & Schmauch Co., 3o"rt Ry. Ex. bldg. Res. phone Mar shall 1417. Phone Main 15o3. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over G0O photo graphs of homes for sale, arranged in aistricts; eer one has been appraised; 3u automobiles at your service; some won derful bargains. That is why we sold over 100 homes In May. SEE F R A N K. L. M cGU IRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 515t. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. XRVIXGTOirEXCEPTIONAL BUY. Consisting of bedrooms and sleeping porch, living room, large den. Dutch kitchen, garage, hard-surface ctreet, all paid, modern and complete in every de tail; only S5000; terms. J. ROBBINS, 3"1 Railway Exchange. Office. Main 7'Jol -.Residence. Tabor 5319. OPEN" FOR INSPECTION IN LAURELHURST Some brand-new ones. You can choose your own decorations. Fine location, close to park. 5 and 0-room bu-ngalows. Come out today. Keys at Laurelhurst Tract office. East 30th and Glisan, or phone for auto. Tabor :',43 :i ; even jngs. East 2 VERY CHEAP. BUT GOOD. 4-room cottage; electricity, gas, sink, toilet, on full-size corner lot, graded streets, sidewalks and curbs; $1K0, 5oj cash and assume $150 bonded assessments. Union ave. district. A H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S. HAWTHORNE. Beautiful, new, modern 6-room bunga low, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fire place, all built-in effects, finished in old ivorv and white enamel, garage, large lot. imp. in. East 41st and Mixter; $4500. terms. Geo. A. Ross, owner, 404 Ger linger bldg. MarshalWSOpen&unda Iqr s ALE 0-room house on lot 50xlO0 ; r.51 Roselawn ave., near 13th St.; price 1 acre with 4-room house, near Anabel citation; plenty of fruit and berries; price J25Hi; terms to suit. Inquire 441 22d st. N. MODERN 7-room house, sleeping porch, fur nace, cement basement, attic, built-in cab inets; builf by owner for home; newiy decorated, tinted and painted throughout: lot mxl00, all in lawn, rose bushes and shrubbery; 1 block from Fernwood school. T74 Schuyler st. OVLY P14O0; small payment down; more than one lot; 5-room old house. tVJth and ..irrrr,i ( Mount Tabor Heights. This Is a wonderful buy on account of location; will appeal to man who knows value. Mc Clure & Schmauch Co.. 3ot Ry. Ex. bids- C Main 15 Kes. pnone warsimn ' - . SUBURBAN home in southeast part of city, modern 11 -room residence, hot water heat ing svstem. 3 sleeping porches, garage, plenty of fruit and berries; ideal home for large familv With children; price SIO, 500. Parrtsh, Watkins & Co., 106 Second st. Phone Main 1044. t d.roOM house; fireplace, hardwood floors, parlor and dining room, cement basement, furnace: lot 73x1 OO; sightly location. Mt. Tabor district. Price $7500. Owner non resident. Scott Bozorth. 02 Spalding -bldg. $32."0. $1000 cash; prettiest home In Sunny side, 6 rooms, new hardwood floors, walls newlv painted throughout: full cement basement; thoroughly clean; light and airy 2 or E. 40th st. S., near Taor. glX-KOOM oungalow, harflwood floors, full cement basement, hot-water heat, all built-lns. including ice box; lot 60x100. 1 1&7 Omaha ave., between Kenton and St. Johns car lines; $4000. terms. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 3-room. mod ern fireplace, built-in effects, full cement basement, attic; East 44th, near Haw thorne. Phone Bert Morden, Main 7070, composing room. SOUTH PORTLAND. If you want to buy a house in south Portland call and see me. as I handle that property exclusively. 1000 up. John Singer. 420 Cham, of Com, bldg. IRVINGTON home 6-room colonial, full lot. all street improvements. East 11th, 4 b iocks from Broadway ; a bargain at $ ITtOO. part terms. Call owner. East 9S, or Woodiuwn 1:116. AS AM going eaft Immediately will dispose of fine property, close in. Belmont dis-t.-it larw comer lot. can give terms and tiike' automobile, part payment. Address owner. T 424, Oregonian. lin.TXOMAH ST.. near E. 2Cth, 5-room bungalow with large sleeping porch, fur Ttare. fireplace, fine shade trees; lot OOx -hi- Siooo will handle: price $42.o. QODPARD & WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimate.. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main S31. Res phone Tabor 104. SALE cheap, if bought at once, four room modern tent house and garage, on 50x100 lot; fruit, berries and wainut trees. For part leu iars call Wood lawn 4MS3. IRVINGTON $.1600. 7 room, sun rootn. glass inclosed S. P., furage; lot 00x100; Broadway car. East " 41 'J- 1 LOT. small house, cheap; good location, 1 mite to Linnton, for $450. Owner, H. S. Prindi-I. Linn ton. Or. $J1K) CLEAN and nifty 5-room modern cot tage. 6t Fremont st. I-aquire at S01 Min nesota ave. SMALL HOUSE Fruit, rose garden. Royal Anne cherries. For sale, reasonable. rf Ta bor 152 ". 6-ROOM bungalow, furnished, near Wash ington high and Buck man schools. Owner, East 414S. g BUNGALOWS. 1 5-room and 1 6-room. just completed; Rose City Park. Call at 1406 Yeon bidg., or Main 122S. HAWTHORNE-RICHMOND DISTRICT. 6-room bungalow; oOxlOO; ail Improve ments paid; $2t00; terms. Main 5231. LOT 1. block 11, Mentone; large corner lot. 59th ave. and 99th st For immediate sale , ;0 caso. Owner, . o. box REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hu 2250 THE BIG BARGAIN $2250. OUT OK OUR UOO HOMES. 6 rooms; unusual ly pleasing bungalow lines, just like new ; very substantially built; living room extends across the en tire front. large fireplace. bookcases, built-in buffet, full white Uutch kitchen, good cement basement, 2 light, airy bed rooms and sleeping porch, white ename! plumbing, electric lights and gas; on ac count of extreme circumstances property is offered at this great sacrince price; va cant; terms. Have you ever been in our office and seen our display rooms, with over 6oo photographs of appraised homes for sale ? Arranged in districts, with price, terms and location under each house. Come in and look them over. Our offices are open every evening; 10 salesmen with automobiles to show you homes. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 5156. Main -1068. Ofrice Open .evenings and S'.ydays. IRVINGTON. 10-room. strictly modern, 73x100, cor ner, nice lawn and shrubbery ; old ivory finish in living, dining room, music room and breakfast room and kitchen : living room cove paneled beam celling, fireplace and bookcases; dining room cove and pan eled ceiling, massive seven-foot buffet with mirror and bevel plate doors; large break fast room with buffet; kitchen has tiled sink: 4 bedrooms, large, one smail, large closets, with bevel plate mirror dotrs, large bathroom with tiled floor. Boy n ton tubular furnace, finest electric fixtures in city, concrete garage with running water and electric lights, all free and clear of incumbrances ; $13,500; would cost $ lO.Oou to duplicate house today and lot is worth $.i00O ; you figure the value. Here is a bargain. Shown by appointment only. See Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 5th Street. Main OS 69. EAST YAMHILL PEPIDENCE. BUILT BY OWNER, NEVER OFFERED FOR SALE BEFORE: AN ATTRACTIVE MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH SLEEP ING PORCH : W KITE ENAMELED DUTCH KITCHEN; ALL UPSTAIRS IN WHITE ENAMEL: THREE BEDROOMS, ATTIC. BUILT-IN BOOKCASES AND CHINA CLOSET; FULL CEMENT BASE MENT: WELL LIGHTED: EXCELLENT FURNACE: FRUIT TREES. BERRIES AND FLOWERS EVERYTHING FOR A COMPLETE HOME. BEST CAR SERV ICE. SUNN YS IDE OR MT. TABOR. PRICE 7."0(i. SOME TERMS: NO AGENTS. PHONE EAST 1150 MONDAY. FINE HOME. WELL FURNISHED. Close in. right here in Sunnyside; walk ing distance; 8 larg rooms, full base ment and floored attic, fireplace and lur nace heat: modern bath, 2 toilets, lights and gas; extra good home: well furnished; big lot, fruit and flowers: one block to car; handy to school and high school ; paved street and city sewer: property is absolutelv free and clear of debt and is a snap for$5iOO, including furniture: ready for immediate housekeeping: any kind of reasonable terms will be accepted. If you want a good home, cheap, come right in; Monday my auto will be at your service to show vou. E. W. Hughes, 5U7 Journal bldg. Main 2838. ftiK.-.n l-N-T KI'AL HOME BARGAIN S1S50. On a full lot on E. 42d street, close to Woodstock car. is a G-room very substan tial, modern home; white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and gas; house like new You couldn't build this house today for $2SO0. Owner Is in Texas and has placed a remarkably low price on this property for quick sale. Don't fail to see this house. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BU V YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 515U. Main IOCS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. LARGE 10-room house on cholca corner, t-a.t Yflmhiii st. : lust the thing for a large family; hardwood floors, fireplace. mtirrpie basement. 2 toilets and oath immense sleeping porch, in fact every- thnf in nffessr.rv for home com fort. The owner Is an elderly lady whoJ must sell, and is offering the property . v, , ,.v. v nfft-e or the nr ra of SMjno. Th hnme alone could not be built for thin oricp. For particulars call al 404 Piatt bldg. KF.irTTFI'L HOME. Large, well improved corner with choice mature shrubbery. House modern in every -,n- hnthn four toilets, four lava- r..rifs' Mot water heat, tile fireplace, tile porch Artistic, substantial and complete. ,n,.hU r-ne This IfC npfhapg the VCfV best piece of residence property offered for sale in Portland today. Price J22.0O0. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. $400 ROSE CITY PARK. We art: anxious to show you this double constructed home of 7 rooms. It has oak f.oors. big living room with fireplace, paneled dinf.n room, Dutch kitchen, three bedrooms and bath, fuil basement with brick fruit room and wash trays; yes. the street paving is In and paid; pay only $.".oo down and take possession. Coe A. Mc Kenna & Co. Main 4022. b2 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. B I G SNAP FOR QUICK SALE. Good 5-room cottage with bath, toilet, lights and gas; neat and clean; hard-surface street; handy to car. school and Franklin high school; fine big lot, beauti fully shaded. Only $2O00; S0U0 cash, bal ance less Uian rent. Owner has position out of the city, and will give quick posses sion. See it Monday. It s a snap. E. W. Hugh es, 507 Journal bldg. Main 285S. NEAR SANDY BLVD.. ON 3STH STREET. $r,000 BUYS REAL HOME, $."i0U0. A strictly modern 7-room bungalow, ce ment basement, wash trays, very best of plumbing, oak floors, hot water furnace, fireplace, every built-in feat ure, double garage, lot 70x100. hard-surface sts. and sewer in and paid; faces east. Terms right. Rummell & Rummell. 274 Stark st. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, cove celling, hard wood floors, high-grad plumbing, newly tinted, built-in kitchen, conveniently ar ranged, good garage, street hard surfaced and paid; can give immediate possession; price 4o6."0. SOoo cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ' 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 6-ROOM house, 50x100 corner lot. fruit trees. 4 blocks from business center nwooa, iot alone Is worth $1000; price $1050, terms. Marshall 2307 after Sunday. $0U00. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. sO'Miu. 7 rooms, ana sleeping purta, vinasv. roomv and modern : large lot, just over street grade; hard-surfaced street; an up-to-date home: $1000 cash, balance to suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114, A 41 IS. $.VT0 WEST SIDE HOME Rooms and garage. SitxlUO lot, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace; full cement hamont nice vard : near Twenty-first and overton. W. G. Cox, 221 Failing Building. Main S3S3. s P. SHOPS. 5 roms. bath, cement basement, sewer connections; small payment down, very easy terms on balance; here is something unusual for $1750. See Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 3:h Street. Main 609. MODERN BUNGALOW. Furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors iAn,.aH otHr-- verv artistic and exceDtlon ally located. Price $3150; 13700 Including furniture. nrm H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. ARTISTIC bungalow, east front. 50x100 lot. nnAT- nw raraze. 5 rooms and con- veritable sleeping porch, paneled dining room, cement basement. uo cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37P7. TCT'TI.n NOW. If vou own a lot we will furnish the money and build for you. Terms li rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. 621 Morgan bldg. Main 2035. EAST SALMON, near 20th St.. 6-room house, modern, except naruw uuu could not be built for the price. $3boU terms. Tabor 1811, W. H, Sawtell. $200. 6-ROOM HOME. EASY TERMS. Kear Alberta carUne; will take you out in auto. See owner, room ti04 Piatt bldg., or phone Marshall 60J.. 7-ROOM modern house. Frances ave., $3000. R.rnAm house. S1100. S-room modern house, close In. $4500, terms to suit. WEST EN O ARP. R. 1. Worcester Bldg. i-iw ii.E 550 eauitv In 0-room plastered house, bath, pantry and basement: gas and electricity, chicken house, fruit trees and rood earden. 1 blocks from Montavilla car; price $2500. Phone owner. Tabor S0v. t-r.ii House 6 rooms, full basement, wash travs, iurnm.c. iiitj-.Dt, i " n.AVBmpni k all Taid. fine view location. E Stark, large fruit trees. A buy. Hart &10 Chamber of Commerce. Tel. Mar. loS5. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room bungalow K..iit a vears: corner lot; full basement eood garden. $200U. $GOO cash, balance small payments. Two blocks from R. C car. "SO E. Tilth, st. N. VESTSIDE BARGAIN FOR LABORMAN" 5-Room House at ii uvroau way m coid.) ftniv. 5u0 cash, rest like rent. room house North Portland $3200 on easy terms. r . r uens. -vj v, nam, oi om. 5-ROOM house, walking distance. Just east of the Broadway bridge, very valuable; will aell at J2200. $:;00 nh. $25 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N". W. Bank BldK- Main 37S7. 4-ROOM hous with bath, at Sellwood car. Owner at 5? 1535 E. 19th. H 4th it FOR SALE Equity in modern 5-room bun galow. Woodlawn 3820. sTx-ROOM house. Laurelhurst- Only $SS0O; terms. Prcau. lajbhaJl 40.8 before IX REAL ESTATE. For Sale .i.5UiJ WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. S J50 DO W N PER MONTH. 1 block from toa car, on 17th street, near Coiinan, we are authorized to offer for sale a j-room very attractive bunga low, which was built for a home and is unusually well built; large living room, soiid paneled dining room with built-in buflet, beamed ceiling, very convenient kitchen, good cement basement, laundry trays and a dandy furnace; 2 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, abundance of fruit, berries and flower ; street nens all paid. Vou can buy this house like rent ; only $350 down and the balance at t'SZ per montn, which includes the Interest; no mortgage to assume. The house has been rented lor $u per month. Will sell lur nlture If 'desired for -itfoo. SEE FRANK L. MctiUIRE TO BUY YOUrt HOME. Ablngton Building. Main Main 106S. Ortice Open Evenings and Sundays. MR. and Mrs. Horaeseeker, here xare some nice meuium-prlced homes which I have selected alter examining many offered for sale: NO. 1. Fine, modern (I-room residence; hard wood floors, furnace and fireplace, all modern conveniences. In Hose City Park, surrounded by good neighbors and In a very desirable district; only $4730. NO. 2. 5-room modern bungalow, south of Hawthorne, on Grant et., surrounded by fine bungalow homes and food neighbors; only $JoU0. NO. 8. 5-room cottage bungalow on 34th t., Sunnyside car service, close to stores, schools and churches, etc.; streets, sewer age and bard surface all paid for; for only 1 have many others from $2000 to $20,000 on which 1 can quota a homeseeker very reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HULBKOOK, 1M4-1M5 Panama Bldff. A SNAP! A SNAP! A SNAP WORTH WHILE! Close-in Sunnyside snap, S large rooms, full basement, bath, toilet, lights and gas, wood lift and laundry trays, small corner lot: paved street and city sewer; handy to two cariines, school and high school; is vacant, move rrght In; please allow me to Fay once more, this is a real snap for IJiO; IfiOO cash, balance like rent. Do not hesitate on this, come right in; my auto will be at your service to show you Mondav. E. W. Hughes, 507 Journal bldg. Main Hr8. $looo NEVER AGAIN $1600. Never srgain will you be able to con struct, houses as cheaply as before the war. Hore is a very substantial 5-ron n house as good as new; reception hall, liv ing room, dining room with buffet, kitch en, patent toilet, white enamel bath, elec tric lights, 2 light, airy bedrooms with closets. On Exeter street, near Lombard. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK. L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 0150. Main 1063 Ofiice Open Evenings and Sundays. FORCED SALE 3 new houses at Mult nomah; one a modern 3-room bungalow with large sleeping porch; another 4-room bungalow with all built-in conveniences; the third, a large modem bungalow with 4 -acre of ground, on macadamized county road. These places are all brand new, have just been completed. I have been compelled to tako them over ana am willing to sell them at very low figures to parties who are able to pay from 00 to 100O cash. Se owner at At Piatt bldg.. or at the real estate- office at Multnomah on Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. Cozy C-room Colonial home, located on a sightly corner lot ith west front na within one block of the Rose City Park car line; hardwood floors, beautiful living room across the entire front of house; old Ivory finish throughout; one bedroom and bath downstairs; new and thoroughly modern. THIS Is the best buy in Rose City and In a snap at $3000. See . L. Everson. with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, Ki Street. Main tt-OO. UUKELHURST-ISSM. This is one of the nicest homes in this beautiful section for the price; big living room with fireplace, dinine room with handsome buffet. Dutch kitchen, all built in conveniences: on the upper floor are 3 bedrooms, and bath, finished In white enamel, oak floors, fuil cement basement, hot air heating system. The price is t-'3-.0. terms S15" cash. Let us show you to morrow. Coe A. McKenna & Co.. Main 4522. b- 4th st. Board of Trade bidg. AN EXCEPTIONAL home, built by cablnet mnker for hi own home, the interior wood t. ail homl finished and hand rubbed. all joining and fitting done in a first-class manner. 7 large, light rooms; roses. 3 bearing fruit treea. berries. Rose City Park car; .Vu, terms. Let us show you this excellent home. JOHNSOX-r-ODSON CO.. S3 N. W. Bank Blag. Main 8TT. WALNUT PARK OPPORTUNITY. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, full con crete basement, furnace, fireplace, good hih m fixtures, extra toilet, full-sixe lot. hard-surface street: alley in rear ex- cellent location, convenient to car; 9ov terms to suit. A H BIRRELL CO.. 21T Northwestern Bank B'.dg. Marshall 4114. A 411. $3000 MT. TABOR II OM E $.iOOO- .h .-at in of Mt. Tabor. 1 block from the car. adjoining the park. Is a very substantial 5-room mouern nume large lot. Easy terms. SEE B FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abinrton Building. Main 515i. Main IOCS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HAWTHORNE. 5 rooms, modern except hardwood floors, cement basement, good lot. nice lawn, r imnrni'mnti in and rld for: two blocks to car; .,0. wlMCh T loss than cost of. houe; easy tern S THE FKI?D A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 ith StreeL Main 063. X3 lOO FOR A REAL HOMELIKE ($500 CASH iom of t rooms. HMixlOO, fine garden. i-nii rhlrkin house, close school, three blks. to Mt. Tabor car, in Strawberry Dale add'n. Must see It to ap preciate the attractive features. Mitchell & Rippey, 32f-2 Henry xnug. .ia CLOE IN on the east side, hard-surfaced .treAt modem 7-room house, price $250. This Is a most excellent uj. instructed to sell it for a non-resident client by reason of his urgent need of money. If you can pay part cash. I can arrange balance on mortgage. See me for particulars at my office. 4Q4 Piatt bldg. .-i-Tt sii.E 7-room residence, iuii cement one in large hall upstairs, one In Hying room; large lot. fruit trees, vegetables, flowers, lawn: Bancoft Heights, fine view r Terwllllger boulevard. 1041 Third St.. call after 2 P. M. -ROOM BUNGALOW, S 2 ... EASY TERMS. htnr if a from Montavilla canine -ui tUa vou out in auto. See owner. 004 Piatt b'.dg.. or phone Marshall 0Q2.'i. eiil, cii ,k 4-room house, gooa nasemem, AUKir p irniH roriirr iui ..- v.rH earden spot, fruit trees and t - w. Tabor district. Tak Montavilla car. 273 E. 5hth and Hassalo N, All for $1500; easy terms. nv rvwvF.R 14:io0. Groveland Park, beau rlfullv altttniea. one u I Ul IV iic on paved street, modern 0-room bungalow fiortm. furnace, fireplace, old ivnrv finish, rarage. 41( E. 54th st. ; also new 6-room house in Irvington. Tabor 24.0. ROSE CITY PARK. ciT.ruim modern bungalow, furnace, fire place cement basement, built-in features, just refinlshed outside and in. Bargain :7.SO: terms. Owner 641 E. 40th st. X. Tabor 4750. SIX-ROOM house, 1 1-5 acres, 2 miles from City limits on eieciric nnr. v--"i. ,-o hifhttnv: chicken house and runs. ii K-rinir fruit trees: lovely valley view. saoon J. K. Cole, owner. B 303 L Care Underwood Typewriter company. D AND V furnished 3-room home. 1 block to car. on 5xl"0 lot. Including garden on adjoining lot, 300 chicks, bath, toilet, laun dry trays, nsui-n.. '"'v' t JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. X. W. Bank BMg. Main S'S-j i-nn SAI.K RY OWNER. A -room house and 4 lots; lots 40120 niontv of fruit and grapes; price $5on $H"O0 down, balance three years at 0 per cent. i'"in ag. IMMEDIATE possession 6-room nw. mod' prn home : east ide, close in, near car line and good school; streets paved: no assessments: will take 5uo down, balance month! v. See Atrhlson. 4M4 Piatt Diag. LADD'S ADDITION Modern, well construct ed colonial nome. ewnrru -,"liuii -..a.nnahT flKUlV: WOUld Consider FX change for improved acreage desirably lo cated, t-ast MAKE application now for the kind of home vou want, giving location, price and trms desired : buy from owner, applications filled fast as possible. 416 Stock Exch. bldg.. Main 327Q. ei-vvvsiOK'S best bargain. S2100. with $ rHO down : very good and clean 7-room house. 34 th street near Belmont, house wnrth much more than this. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont, week phone Tabor 210. MUST sacrifice. $10 equity, mod. 6-room one block Laurelhurst; lot 50x1 all Improvements In and paid; worth $45tO. Owner. 2S- I ayior at. MoDEKX h-room house. loixIo. 17 good fruit trees, beautifully situated and view. Call evenings or Sundays, corner itn an Skidmore. by owner. Phone Woodlawn 20s MOl'F.UX BUNGALOW HAWTHORN E. ixlt.Mt: c'.os in; close to car; improve ments paid: s.t2QO, terms. Alain 5231. L$y5o Bl is goon a-room, ptasterea hou? part ii, uni" iv - i'imi. v. ' Jrh St. S. E. Take Mt. Scott car FOR SA LE 4 lots. "S-room houw, lights, bath, fruit ann merries. Aaarea box 1 Castle Rock, Wash. LOVELY home near Mount Tabor with rnnms. den. sleeping porch and doub! garage. Owner at 1779 Division sL Terms. KEAI. ESTATE. For tale A REGULAR HOME. A 6-room housi with 3 lots near Colum bia Park, right on 8t Johns car line; large rooms, lull cement basement. Dutch kitchen, modern throughout, large porches, vines, shade trees, lawn, beariug fruit trt-es, garden, good barn, chicken houses and runs, fine garage, paved streets and sidewalks, ail ci-ar ; a Country home In the city for $4.'hm, Jloxt rush. WAVKKLY SNAP. 6-room, 2-story house, very nicely ar ranged, reception hall, some bulll-ins, full cement basement with furnace, wash trays, large porches, lawn, flowers and fruit trees, paved streets; only $3UuO, flooo cash. READ THIS OVER. 6-room modern bungalow on Cleveland ve.. between kid more and iiolng. all on one floor, nicely arranged. 2 bedrooms with bath between, a well-built house, lull ce ment basement, lawn and roses, paved streets and sidewalks, clear of all Incum brances; $21oo, fiuoo cash. Ask Kruger. Open Sunday afternoons. a. j. De forest a Co., 820-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2600. $ 2 SOtl U N USUAL B AR G A I N J a 00. Just h block from SL Johns car on Gay street is an attractive 5-room bungalow ; white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, good cement basement. This alone Is a snap, but there is also Included at this price a neat 3-room comfortable cot tage with patent toilet, sink and gas that the old folks could live tn or it could be rented for about $8 per month. This is an exceptional barcain. Let us show you this today. Phone us what time it would be convenient fi- you to go and we win have a machine pall at the house for you. If this is not what you are looking for. we have over 60 w listed for sale and can help you locate a home that you are looking for. SEE FRANK L. McCCTRE TO BUY YOU K HOME, Ablngton Building. Main MOtt. Main 106S. Office Open Lvenings and Sundays. BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. ROSE CITY PARK BAKU A IN. Very attractive, modern home, six rooms and sleeping porch, interior newly dec oratea tnrougnoui ana reaay ior imme diate occupancy; full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all bullt-ins. Dutch kitchen. 50x100 lot on paved street. A high -class borne In every particular, worth $55h, but offered for immediate sale Dy owner at i4mju; terms it necessary. See this today at 422 East 4Mh st. North. Owner there all day today. call Tabor 3038 lor appointment week d a y s. INE MODERN BUNGALOW HOME. 7 ROOMS. 1 SLEEPINO PORCH. FRONT AND SIDE P RCHE8, LIYINQ ROOM WITH FIREPLACE. DINING ROOM WITH BEAUTIUL BUILT-IN BUFFET LIBRARY BOOK CASES, WITH ART CLASS DOORS. HEAVY HARDWOOD FLOORS IN ALL 3 LIVING ROOMS AND FRENCH DOORS FROM LIBRARY TO PORCH: GKOUND 75xl'0 WITH LAWN AND SHRUBBERY: ROSE CITY. ON CAHL1NK: SEE THIS: IT IS DIFFER ENT: NO AGENTS WANTED; OWNER LEA VINO TOWN. PHONE TABOR 8619 AFTER SUNDAY. 37.0. HAWTHORNE CAR. Extra nice and extra well bollt 6-room fcungalow. with hardwood floors: 5 rooms downstairs and 1 up: large II vine; room, with bookcases and fireplace, dlnlnc-room. with extra nice buffet and fiae elect rio fixtures: Dutch kitchen in white enamel; 2 corner bedrooms and bathroom, with heavy porcelain fixtures ; full cement basement, piped for furnace; corner lot. Terms. J. L. KARNOPP CO., 310 I?y Exch. bids. Main 6?!V COLUMBIA PARK. LOOK 304l BELOW VALUE LOOK. My beautiful 5-room bungalow home, with its furnishing. Is offered for sale for $3MM, on very reasonable terms; 1mh w ill handle, balance of $2-O0 on monthly Installments of $25. It you are lookinc for a furnished home of this size, you will regret passing this one up. Homes like this are not on the market every day. as one look will convince. Phone Sunday only between 11 o'clock and S. Columbia 19. AN 20, Oregonlan. EAST SIDE SACRIFICE. NEAR BENSON POLYTECHNIC. Here Is a eood 6-room hous, completely furnished with good oak furniture, also fine piano, nice corner lot, several good bearing fruit trees, lawn and good garden, paved street in and paid, short distance to Rose City car; Immediate possession can be had ; price $3000, $0uO cash bal ance easy terms. C. A. WARRTNER, RITTER, LOWE 4c CO., 201-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bldg. Sl.-.OO PIEDMONT DISTRICT :iiUO. On Roselawn tvnuo, clove to Union. Is a very substantial, attractive home on a paved street; large living room with fire place, solid panel-d dining room with 6 foot buflet. Dutch kitchen and other bullt-ins; lull cement busument and laun dry trays. Terms. SEE FRANK. L. McOUIRE TO BUY YOl'H HOME. Abinrton Building. Main .'.l.'.ti. Main 1065. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. ONLY $3150 for a 5-room bungalow. Just completed, ready to move Into. This bun galow is modern and up to date, lias full cement basement and fireplace. The lot alone is worth the money. The bungalow you cannot build for less than 25h. This is on Ulbbs street, practically In the cen ter of the city on the west side; IOO In cash will handle, with easy monthly pay ments. M. J. Clohessy, Ablngton bldg. NIFTIEST IN THE CITY. 5 rooms and den, finished in old Ivory, hardwood floors. French doors. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, floored attic, full lot. nice lawn. shrubbery, garage, hard-surface streets In ana paid, all lor i-u. easy terms. C. A. WARRINEK. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. AN IDEAL LOCATION. tfir.0i( A LA M EDA PA RK $0300. A strictly modern 7-room house, plate glass windows and oak floors throughout. Furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, cement basement, wash trays, every built-in con venience, fine Kara if e. full lot. hard-sur face st. in and paid. Terms. Rummell A Rummell, 274 Stark st. A. JOB GOES WITH THIS HOME! A thoroughly modern 6-room bungalow located at Orcnco. Oregon, 14 miles from Portland, In a thriving community near Hlllsboro. This home can be bought on easy terms and purchaser can obtain good position In nursery. See F. L. EVERSON. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 rth Street. Main 08tf. BRAZES ST. BUY. First-class location. 5 rooms and seep ing porch, furnace, fireplace, etc.. hard surface sts. In and paid, one block from car; price HoOO. terms. C. A. WAR RINER. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' HAWTHORNE." Buy from owner, save commission. At tractive, modern, double-constructed five room bungalow, with full cement basement and large attic; aajoimng terrace mtsieaa Inc. ulenty of room for a garage, lot 4Ux lou; price S3000. Tabor 57. 1246 East Harrison. ft ISO FIRST payment, buys partially fin Ished home in irvington fam. very cnoice lot. 50x100. 2 blocks to car: has east front. choice shrubbery, roses, trees, etc.; price ftSOO for Immediate sale. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8"T. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Just finished. 5 rooms and breakfast al cove, fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace. and attic, usual built-in features; terms; will be open today from 2 to a: located a 327 East 42d st.. 14 blocks south ot Haw thome car. Owner. 6;0 Lovejoy st. ALAMEDA PARK. We have two good residences tn Ala meda Park or an entirely airrerent type one at $5750 and the other at ftOoOO. De nt1 unon ion. tiOODA R D A W IEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. OWNER will sell his mrn S-room house. Irvington. no enrumorance. ail improve' ments: csjih Sl."rio, balance on time ; or wilt take small suburban house, H acre or more In part payment; will not assume. Phone East t;!Mtt. DRIVE BY 005 E. 2 1ST. N. 6-room bungalow, full basement, paneled dining room, modern plumbing : paving paid. Ent front. Jrire s:ii.u. sooo, cash. EDW ARD A. BROW N CO.. 3on Railway Exchange bidg. Main C03 FOR SALE CHEAP Hne, large 7-room home, excel lent aisi rici. mouern. vara xl50. covered with choice fruit and foliage, street hardsurfared. cement walks, sewer, property unincumbered, on car line: S3750. tr or saie oy o nvx. u . viriunian. VODERS home of 8 rooms, sleeping porch. large grounds, a flrst-iass home In best rrt of Irvington, ftin.OitO. Another Irving inn home. Just a trifle smaller. In best of condition. 7500. See me for good homes. L. v. sioore. 4ii noara or Trade, SELLWOOD car barn snap; modern 2 rooms. sleeping porcn ana nainroom, lot mxiiiu, all kinus oi irun tree ana smail iruit summer house, court with grape vin woodshed :bargatn. 91350 cash. Call 1765 E. 11th st. Street and sidewalk In. JoO0 NEW 5-RM. MD. liL'NOALoW. TERMS. "Ret ween ML Scott and Woodstock ca tines; So lOo lot. with, bearing fruit trees and plenty of berries. :ito ch. -5 mo. snd int. Owner. 4m)5 41t ave. S. E. A DANDY. goxno- S-Joom bungalow, bath, full base ment. fine lawn, all kinds of ihrubi and rosea cash, balance S2 per mo. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 87S7. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAIN. TERMS. NEAR EAST C LI SAX. J. L. KARN'O'PP A CO.. 819 RAILWAY EX, BLDO. MAIN" 75. BEAUMONT :i00. Fast 43d. near Fremont. 7-room. 1 H rrtorv bungalow; lot 50 inn. Price $n', GOODARD WIEDRICK, 242 STARK. ST, REAL ESTATE. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. UN E, 24TII NORTH. EAST FRONT. Real modern w-roum stucco house; large panor across entire iroot ot huute, pret:y fireplace, all finished In white enamel and manogftny, hardwood floors, dining room. den. kitchen. 4 large bedrooms, extra large ciosets, buLt-tn wardroOe. Sleeping poich. 2 baths. This house constructed by a contractor lor his own home and you can be assured that it Is the last word In refinements and conven iences. The price is, reduced from lor quick salt. A real bargain. C. It. WOODWARD. RITTER. LOWE A CO, 201-a-i-7 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON HOME, EAST FRONT. 100x150. on 2."th. between Tillamook and Thompson ; 11 -room modern, finished In oak, white enamel and mahogany, colonial style. We will not atte.npi to convey to you the beauty of the con struction and convenience of this prop erty, you will have to see It to get the real value. The price for Immediate saie is 22..vO, snd cannot be d up Ilea tod lor ana here near the price. c. h. woodward. RITTER, LOWE tft CO, S01-3-3-7 Board ot Trade bids. BEAUTIFUL LAt'RELHCRST BUNGALOW. 8 rooms, targe living room, dining room, kitchen, library, - bedrooms, bath and toilet on first floor; bedroom, lavatory and toilet on second floor; large, beauti ful fireplace on llrst lloor; spacious bil liard pariur m Ith fireplace in basement; hardwood floors and plate glass throuch out; specially line garape. with full equip ment of lights, water and gasoline tank; 2 lots; beautiful view of park and lake. The price Is $12,500, atm cannot oe duplicated-1 or anywhere near the price asked. C. 11. WOODWARD, ' RITTER. LOWE & CO, 2ol-:i-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WEIDLER-FTREET RESIDENCE CORNER 75xlo 10 beautilul rooms, finished In Ivory and white enamel; living room with fire place, cove ceiling in living room and dining room, paneied dining room, music room and den. breakfast room. Hied sink, large bathroom, flush tub and pedestal lavatory, 4 bedrooms upstairs, enclosed sleeping or eUig room, finished attic, finished plastered oasemcnt. laundry tub. New Bovnton tubular furnace, garase. Price ftli,5oo. worth 15.'" easy. C. H. WOODWARD, RITTER, LOWE A CO, 201--5-7 Board of Trade b'.dg. KOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Ground luOxl5u. 10 large rooms and -large sleeping porches. 2 baths. 4 L!T" places, 0 lavatories, cement put c he. lhis Is one of the llneet homea In the city ! Portland and will have to be seen to be appreciated. We cannot describe the beau ty and grandeur of this plate by mere words. Lai us show yju and then you will understand. Tae price Is 22.uo0, and worta more. . . C H. WOODWARD. RITTER, LOW E A CO, 201--5-7 Board of Ttade bldg. PIEDMONT RESIDENCE. UAKF1ELD AVE. liioli CLASS. 12 rooms, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, full cement basement, furnace. ground luoxluo corner, garage, lawn, shrubbery. This is sn exceptional buy and m sav so when ou see iL Price 1 cash and balance like rnl if de sired. j j WOODWARD. RITTER, IOWE CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. LATRELRrRST HOME E ili'T H . N E A R A N K E.N Y. 8 larir rooms and sleeping porch, par lor l;x-0. fireplace, furnace. enamel finish of exceptional Q cn.' large dining room, screened-in porch, l bath toilets. A very stylish place. Price ft 11.00. Worth much more. II WOODWARD, RITTER, LOW E A CO -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 201-3-5 TJTN'ns HEIGHT. MAYWOOD DRIVE. 10 larze spacious rooms. 1 otn. Ilard psr.or and dance hall, flrep.aces ind furnace heating system, fine vlew of entire city, high and clean, free 'm noise, dust and unsightly surroundings, wi cannot tell you .ui this on PPr. so let us show you. PM e s.-.wu. so r H'WOODWAR1, RITTER, LOW E & 0 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 4 REAL HOUSE BARGAINS. B rooms, Brooklyn district. 1 1 .00. 5 rooms, Waverly district. $4Ao 6 rooms, Columbia Park district . 7 rooms. Walnut Park district, If vou are in the market lor a bouse this fa a good list to look up. The second one is right up to the minute owner moving east. We stand ready to prove that any house in this list is 25 below Us actual value. See Mr. Brown, with Neilan & Parkhill, 21J Lumbermeus t-ltlj?., .tin anu ami w. Only 12950 for a brand-new bungalow, lust completed, nobody has ever lived In iL This bungalow is located In the cen ter ot the city on the west side, on Kelly street, with a commanding view of the river. It Is on hard-surface streets, all Improvements In and paid for. The bun galow is modern and up to date u" cement basement and fireplace; 500 in cash, with easy monthly payments. M. J. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT HOME. - O W 1. Modern from A to Z and In the beauty spot of the district. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, very attractive yard, east front, ga rage, paved at. In and paid; price 05u0, WATCH OUR ADS. WE OET RESULTS C. A. WARRINER. ritter, Lowe & co., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. ROSSMERE HOME. $4750 will buy a thoroughly modem and attractive home in Rossmere; hardwood floors throughout, large living and dining room, with beautiful DtilU-ln buffet; three sleeping rooms on first floor, hne large attic, garage, beautiful lawn, pretty shade trees. This would make an excellent home and Is cheap. Terms. See F. L. Everson. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPA.Ni, 104 5: h Street. Main 0'.. XjtlT HAWTHORNE DISTRICT ft3. Very substantial, attractive, modern 6 room home; fu.l cement basement, furnace white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. 3 light, airy bedrooms; vacant; Im mediate possession. E. Taylor, near lth. Stl2 FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 5151. Main 1088. Of? ice Open Evenings and Sundays. NOW VACANT. g420r BIO BUY $4200. T rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, hard-sur-face st. in and paid, lot 122 feet deep, aarage. terms. East Salmon, near J6lh si. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & O, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. Good 4-room cottage, sewer, water, light, gas, bath, toilet, hard-surfaced street paid, trees, shrubbery, basement. 1 blocks to car. lot &CxlOM: price only 23lK. $000 cash, balance to suit. JOIiNSON-TODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 77. I R VINO TO N 1 1 0 .WW. Between 22d snd 24th, 8 -room residence, moat modern type arrangement and fin ish, evervthing in aptte-pie order; 4 bed rooms and sleeping porch, large grounds, an unusual opportunity. OODOAKU & WIEURICK. 243 Stark Pt. C LOS E-l N HOM E ft 2HOO. A I'l-ronm bungalow, m Al condition, vnnd bnaement- bath, etc.: 5-ml0 corner. beautiful lawn, fruit and berrlea streets and sewer In and paid. r.aa:em terms. tt. W. iILL. Rummell A Rummell. 2H Stark st. IKlVE BY E. DAVIS. R room a newly painted and decorated. full eement basement. furnace. street paved: 4 bearing fruit trees; V block to car; -n .". rfn EDWARD A. PROWV CO. 303 Railway Exchange blda Mstn 23 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 4 years old. two lo'.s. Improved streets, two diocks oi car; lots of fruit trees. berri s of !! chicken house and run. nice location. .mk), hair rah. balance easy. Mortgage due; must sell. E. Adams. 50T Cham, of Com. bU!g. Marsha!! 2-73. M L'RRAYMEAD ft:.oo. Near K, 24th, lot &4xlfM, strictly mod em residence, 8 rooms with hot water heat. GOODARD WIEDRICK, 24S Stark Ft IB V1N.JT N S-rom modern home, hard wood floors, good location. S40OO. 6n3 E. 23d st. N. WANTEL Htuses end small acreage; have rusf-mers waiting. WES rfcNOAl'.P. R. 1. Worcester R'flg. IjTihi MODERN H-room cot t.ige. w a; king din-ante, east aide. Mc Far land, G02 Yeon b:.ig. IRVINGTON. strictly modern S-room. be tw eea Knott and Braxce. Owner. East 6112 A FI NE 4-room bungalow In Eugene, fin water, new houM, cheap. 7 71 W llllams gvc fortiand. REAL ESTATE. l or Sale Hu EAST tiLE. E. 12th at. N-. near Stanton it, ft-room house: four bedrooms frond fioor. two bedrooma third floor, usual bathrooms, living, dining rooms, butit-ln bulfet. alo other convenience, finished in mahog any, plate g.ass windows, French g as doors opening to "living room, also w hue enamel sun parlors, double garage, fuil basement, furnace, etc. ; second t ioor fin ished in white; price ftawO; mortgage at 7 per cent. WEST SIDE. ftOxlOO lot and modern 10-room house; house now leased for one year at $W per month; location near St. Helens road and Thurman at. : this is a nice, clean prop erty; price S750U, ft25oo caafe. Nine-room modern house on Harrison St., near St. Helen's Hall, aiao to pre paratory school; four bedrooms, maid's room, up-to-date baio and toilet, sleeping porch, reception hall, living room, dining room. den. fireplace, hardwood floors, pantry, kitchen, fuil basement; furnace, stone bulkhead; lot SOxloo. hard-surfaced street; fine view; price IS500; terms. Nearly one acre and 4-room bungalow, E. 2d and O-W. R, A N. Co. right of way; price $32iK; cash 7oo. balance mortgage at per cent, payabl at a month. Four-room bungalow, 80x100 lot. Md and E, Burnside sia; located in Montavilla district : price $-ikwj, haif cash, baiance mortgage at 7 per cent. Seven-room brick house, some frame; ry nice proposition; lot oOxltxi; la Lents district; price 2250; cash l0o0. CLOSE-IN WEST SIDE HOME. Attractive price and location, Broadway. ner Mill st. ; lot Itoxiuo. commodious house, eight rooms, four bedrooms, can be Increased to five; two hatha, living, dining, music rooms, large kitchen, fuil basement, garage; hot water heat; hard wood floors; price S12.500. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 3.00 WILL HANDLE. Seven-room houe and sleeping porch, living room, with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, closets, full bas xIUOl IuI1ce in rage, corner, bVs In the vicinity of loth snd Montgomery sts. . AoxIOO lot. Improvements In excellent condition. Income sm) per month; good location for iirhp . J , house; approximately 12 spsrtment houses In surrounding district; very attractive FRED W. NEWELL. T5on,. lmnrovnient A Mortgage Co., 2JO-221-222 Chimbfr of Commerce. Marshall 205. LAURFT.HI'MST 11 , m c- Most beautiful large living room, flre- iMne pointa oik iioors and In old Ivory. rW iors leading out to pergola la Dining room la In old Ivory, trimmed In mahogany, with solid mahogany bufUt, pol shed oak floors, Dutch kitchen, with real breakfast ro- m . polished oak floors. Three lovely bedrooms and nlrs sleep ing porch, bath and toilet, ail curly maple polished floors, alt finished in Fu;l cement basement. Al furnace: 50x 1"U lot: paved street all nal.l- Ham la car. This u mopt beautiful home and a spienaiu nuv. s,..o cnh the Lawrence co . ?QT fnrhett bTdg. Main :15-A 2S13. fei M I'LICI T Y, BE A IT Y. I NDI VI DUALITY .11 A It K THIS LAVRELHURST BUNGALOW. Original cost over 9I1.ihh; price for 7 timjm oniyi locatea near the park on a commanding corner lot 100UK): de signed br a leading architect; the ftnent of materials and finish: 8 beautiful rooms on one floor; hot. water heat, tiled bath room, art in tic fireplace, hardwood floors w nome oi cnarm snl tavte; owner must raine S.Iihmi n the next 7 da vs. henre this unprece.l-nte1 sacrifice: as an invest ment ou can make a clran 91m0 in V0 aaa. Minwn ry appointment only. MacINN ES A I'RATT. 4H Roar.! of Trade bldg. Main 8". I.AlHKl.HfHST COWlAb .-MK). Six rooms and sleeping porch, white enamel throughout, hard w ood floors, full cement banem. nt. thoroughly modern and up-to-the-minute In every re.pecl. A beau tiful home hot h outside and In. Ow ner mut sell and has set the price for a - turn. j n apivnriuTmv to ruy teautlful home In au exclusive district for leas than the price of an ordtnarv one in a cheaer district. We will not have this long, sna It JntereMe.t. act quick. Tertna J. K. J r.Lr r. Ct.. 204 Stark St., near Third. Main ,tt02. Main SS14. Branch office, ivoth and Sandy. ' opt-n Sunday. A RARE llME INVESTMENT. ow .M.ike t his arge, new home pay or use. 1 . v i.trge. light rooms, three rooms, den and reception hul on firs: f ;.wr. three l;trae bed rooms, steeping porch ar.d bath on second floor: three .arce bedrooms on third floor. Walkti.g distance. ..K will handle this and the rent from rooms will more than pay balance. See this now. as it will be gone Monday Sunday call East or T.ibor J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exchange BMg. Main THM. ARTISTIC. S TI N N 1 N rt IH.Nli ALU W S:tONl TERMS S300U. I0 77lh Su S. E., Corner 61st Ave. Six of the eight rooms of this 14 story copy oungalow are on first floor. conveniently arranged : electric light fix tures, gas, walls recently tinted, sna clous front porch, garafre. corner lot imix m w ieei. inruoDery ana flowers: oti block from car; this 1 a charming home. l VI LICK. IF YOU WANT THIS. Take Mt. Scott car to 77th sl Owner occupies premises. Fhone Tabor 723. lot,0 INLSCAL HOME BARGAIN lrt0 On E. 7Jd street, 1 block from Glisan streai. i;maten on a ooxiuu lot. is an room suuatantial home; white enamel plumbing, electric lichts kbm Kvailahie good cement basement, 2 bedrooms on the lower lloor and 3 on the upper. This is an unuauai oargain. can arrange terms FRANK L. McGlTRE To HI V YOl'H H"ME. Ablngton Building. Main 3K.;. Main 10GS Ufrice Upon Lvenlnpi and Sundays. IN LAL'KELHL'RST A six-room bungalow, clone to car. Io cs ted on a 30x imi lot. with a full con crete garage. This bungalow has an ex ceptlonally large living-room and very inrge Pert rooms, in tact, its one or th most commodious bungalows in La u ret hurst tract. Hardwood floors snd every thing modern, l-et me show it to vou Mr. Brow n. 270 S fctark it. Mala 17uu. t-.vemng Tenor ft'.i. ROSE CITY FARE Bl'NGALO W. 4tHM An absolutely modern 5-room bun galow in this beautiful district a s bargain. A large, light breakfas: room commanding a view of Mr un Hood is a feature. It also has a lrge floored attic. This will be Inspection. Sunday call East 244 or Tabor L Term. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 2Q Ry. Exchange Bidg. Main 10M HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. JCST WHAT YOf WANT. A brand-new well-built little home, liv ing room, bedrrm. kitchen, bathroom and Inclosed back porch, good bacement. cor ner lot; SJuo cash takes possession; price 1 sou. C A. WARRINER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 2"1 -3-S-7 Board of Trade BMg. f oo ROOM B V NO A LOW ft Jm k. A 5-room. strictly modern bungalow, oak rioors. lurnace. fi rep. ace. SH built-in fca tures. cabinet kitchen. good basement, laundry truvn, rr.irror in hail, new lino leum, shanrs and fixtures. I-ot S"xl20 fee' Fruit and berries and well-kept lawn. 3 down. bal. per rannfh. lnrlun ing Intel est. RiinimcM Rumnie. fr 274 S'ark st. MCRRYMEAD. Beautiful Colonial. N rooms and garage. corner lot- nice la wn. so. end la locatl this place must he seen tn he appreciated an inspection wui surprise you: show by appointment ; prices IIO.irhJ. See Ferernon. THE FRED A. JACOBS COM PA NT, ll .: h Sl reel. Main NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. 127 W A -room bunpaiow in good district, near a car lines, nose to grvod hir snd grade scholia. scant, rea for occupancy. Esy terms. Sunda call Tatr K'-'-l or Kaat 2341. J. A. WICK MAX CO. ?04 Ry. Exchange R (; K. Main 1004 IF YOl e r rxpec 1 to live in lrv lr.g:on you inouui Rrcure your lot now. se!!ng th remaining portion st low price snd stt raciu e terma over to pic irom. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-a-.-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. FINE IRVINOTuN Ho.ME F J R IJ70O. H rooms, con ven !ent ly sr ranged a light, built-in buffet, hi crh-grade nluml inje. good location, lot ftiou cas Wl.l bsnuie. hnlsince 'ike rent. JOHNSC N-lo!SON CO. N . W . Bank B'dg. Main S?7 A SNAP. Near Pltlmoni rararns. 6 rooms, ground f .o.r. east front, c lose to car; fruit worth mu h more. Fhort time en.y. 17m: a wonderful buy; csh. Ensene I'llmtr. 112 i.;uii;worth ave. I'hune Wood la w n 1 2''. fTf."Hi T.-ROoM cotiaire. lot 40xlrt(.i. im provements psid: will give you a rhance ty g t a home. Terms $1."iO cash, ha .ance $ U a month with 7 per cent interest. SEE J. V. McKENNA. BeTmont snd E. Hl:h. Taor 10T LAURELHURST HOME snh Corner lot. 1n iwi. 6-room bungalow, all utreet Improverr er t In snd paid. OoLDAKD av XMtL'KlCa, 213 Slara BU REAL ESTATE- I or rtaU Ho MR. WdRKIXUMAV 10 IH.W.N, l'KK MONTH. 4-room houw. tarn, fruit and garden. 3 Ploow from Aluerta st., crmenl ideaka; tarn inrpevted nd paed lur keeping a cow and chickeua, lvci lot ovxloxk. f2XI POWX, 91 PER MONTH. - room house, im i;.vt lAtn si N.. 3 Mocks from Alberta tt.. basement, ga rage, chicaen hiusew, fruit trees losc.-d ith spplea. grow mg garden, lot .Vx !.. cement sidvwaias o ner. go out and talk with 2O0 DOWN. $20 PER MONTH. Brand-new S-room plastered cottage, lot Jkxlw. 4 blocks from Kenton car. ce ment sidewalks, level lot. our chance to get a home. Ass; Kruger. open unlajr alternoona A- J. De FOREST A CO.. Henry B.Jg. Main W 1 LEAL Ill VCA.' nv ih .xji.- .,... L'wner in Laliiornia authorlse-d us let OfTr" Dungsiow; has very artistic lines; on uoai avenue, on a wondtrrul sightly io cs u on. surrounded by besuti:ul hr trees; large front porch, reception ball. ltlc room with fireplace, bul l-ln writing dv and bookcases, solid paneled dining room itn p.ate rail, artistic buffet. wsite Lu:ch kitchen. 2 light, airy bcurocma with large c.oseta. sleeping porch, full cement ba-ment, laundry trays snd furnace; c.ose to Mt, Tabor car. Can arrange terma No mortgage or street liens la iMum, SEE ' FRANK U McGT'IRE TO HI" Y YOflt HOM E. Ablngton Building. Main M.'.ti, Main 10S t' tue tpen Eeclngs and Sucdavt. KENTON INDI STR1AL CENTER ONE MILK NEARER BY NEW BOLLKVARD. Opening new factorv sites on Columbia, slouch iy the citv of I'ortland. BL1LD1NO 1.ARUKST STtK'K tAVlLiOX IN t.MTKD STATES. w are th center of this new activity with two car lines. J Modern bwoalows. 45 HOI SKS. 1.AKCK LOTS. FRUIT. ETC BEST TERMS IN THE CITY. I'RICES ARE K1C.HT. If the-e do not suit, w a ul build ou a littl houff. pay like rent. A. C McUONALD, 21 W. Lombard SL Wood'awn 273. Take St. Johns car. rice open Sunday and evenings. FOR SALE, "-room bungalow, lights, bath, toilet, rsa hot snd cold water; basement, fine lnwn and roses; chicken house and vard. Only 1 block from carline. Price t-iov. Take 2.u cash, balance to suit. 3-room cottage Ml Scott district; nice ly painted snd lu splendid repair: fine lawn and shade trees: chicken house: walks and curb In: lot Auxluo; entire property only ;WV See this. Client lives In ilie east and must sell. See W. W. J 'RDAN. with, F. E TAYLOR CO.. Inside Property Dealers. Ground Floor Henry bide. WALNUT PARK. Beautiful, modern semi-bungalow. recep tlon ha. I, llrtiig room, dining room, den. kitchen and toilet downstair. S bedroomt. bath and sleeping iorch upstairs: full ce ment basement, furnace and laundry trav has bui.l-m buflet, plate-glas window! pais pantry and arUMuiiv finished rounded ceilings: beautilul lawn and shrubtery: prlc fA7AO. eav terms. Hae several other homes In this mont excluiv residential dii-trlct. A pleasure to show ou. open Suuday afternoons. Ask Krugrr. A. J. De FOREST A CO.. 82Q-S21 Henry Bldg. Main 2tK. 11 A V E Y OU SOME MONEY TO INVEST? ia mn investment that will bring you big interest: A 10-room house. 6 rooms down and 4 up: fireplace, 2 basements, laundry trays; house now rented for HO month. y. The arrangements are such ou could live in one part snd easily rent the other for monthly. This home Is in fine condlilon, located near Portsmouth school on St. Johns car line. The price Is 34tO. with only I0OO dow a. This place is worth S4;oo. Se, it todsv Coe A. Mc Kenna A Co. S2 4th su Board ot Trade h.dg Main 4 .'.22. Open evenings OO0. LA TR EL Hr R ST, r 1 ' w .- t, k. MorERN HOMK. PPLE.VTJIO LOCATION. S ROOMS. 100-FT. FR tXTACE 116 LAPDINNtTON COURT. TABoR S2S4, 1To0 KENTON DISTRICT 17o0. Hera is a very neat 4-n,jm modern bun galow, like new; white Dutch kitchen, e.ectnc lights snd gss. 6-plece set ot w hits enamel plumbing fixtures ; on Montana avenue, near l'i-kum; very easy terms. W have many ot her bargains like this. Over oh photoKraph.1 In our office or homes fur sale. Autom-bt:es st vour service, ScE Fit A .V K L. McC.l IRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Mnln MOrt. Mats St'.S ofncaOpon Evcnlncs and SunOara. CLOSE TO BROADWAY BK1IE. SACRIFICE. Ground ftOxiao with 2 good houses, one S-room and one 6. hard-surface sts. In and paid; price for all only f53tu, or will sell separately; term. This is a real snap lor someone. C. A. WARRTNER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 2QI-B-.V7 Board of Trsde BMg. MT. TAIloR BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Sjt Bui one of the classiest .'room bun pt.i lows In the city of Portland. It has furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace and all sorts of bullt-ins. The view enn't b beat. Let us show you this. Sunday csll Tabor or Em 2T.44 Emh- terms. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exchange B.dg. Main 10ft. NON-RESIDENT OWNER will sacrifice this modern 0-room house In Mt Tabor: hardwood floors, fireplace. Boynton furnace; improved streets, mag nificent view; a rral home w-here you can enjoy life for S31T5; verv easv terms. Mac INN ES A PRATT. 41S Board of Trade bldg. Main 8. IRVINGTON. Between E. 14th and E, 2ltn. Tillamook and Fremont, lots 12H to 2o00. Over 200 to pick from. All improvements in and paid. RITTER. LOWE A CO . 2nl-3-.".-7 lioard of Trade B!dg. HAWTHORN K. ;;:K, 12;0 CASH, balance monni, o rooms and sleeping porch, breakfast alcove, bookcases, buffet, fire place, hardwood f ioors, paneled dining room, cement basement. 1 block; to car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 V. W. Bank Bltig- Main 37T. 5-ROOM cottage, a i moat modern : large ce ment basement. fuil attic, lot 54x1 2.". Street and sewer paid : valuation .iitl, but as I am gome east will lake f-liuO. liberal terms. SEE J P. McKENNA. Re'rnont snd E. "0: h. Tabor 64I3. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 5-room bungalow- with hsrdwood floors In living and dining-room. Lot 50x100. Oarage Close to car and on paved street. Price. Including everything, IS 750. with terms. Mr. Brown, 27u S frtark. su Main 17oo; evenlnigs Tabor 59. IRVINGTON. If you are goingto buy a future home Ite. let lis show you Irvingtoa. We have over 2. lots to pick from. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 2Q1-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg- $2SX MT. TABOR S2SOO. Cowy. modern bungalow; near park and handy to car; i00 cash, monthly pay menu MarlNNES A PRATT. 413 Board of Trade bldg. Main S- OWNER Montavilla rargain. Lot 100x117. fine garden and berries. 7-room plastered houe. fuil cement basement, near car line; fl.l'Ni mortgage, can run long time; want ttHKi for my equity. 2022 East Couch st. Tabor 131. ST. JOHNS. Modern new bungalow. $2S7S. Fee owner at IO04 S. Leonard, near Buchanan. on block north of lombard . 34 dow n, $;tl a month. Stop paying rent. BEFORE buying your lot. see Irvlrgton, We have over 2tm to pick from. The choicest resident 1. ! section of the citv. HITTER. LOWE A CO . 2oi-;-:.-7 Board of Trade Btdg. ' IRVINGTON. -room residence with pavement paid, garsce. price IS.'h. terms I.Vhi down iil'DARDt WIEDRICK. 23 Stark St. 1 HAVE a nice six-room home, lot 7."x1ot. w Inch I w ill sell very reason Me Came snd see IL Ira Lv Martin. 741'j b3d ae- S K H Al. dwelling, on E. pine et . 6 rwm ea-h: 2-story, rented at present: wsikH c c iPtance F'r terms scM ra ow ner. li a st. Phone Kswt HoUSE. 14xr. kitchen 1 2xlS cheap. 'n h-a blvd. and Sheppard sU. at car barn. (r.r. BARGAIN Beautiful 7-rnom bunealo ovm lo"Kin rlT in W a verl-igh Hic hts : f .r.e dwirh 1. I'it'l Phone owner. SM:. S7. Folt SALE Just completed. mwlTn s-rmo:n bunsalow snd sirsr, 1 1 T kZ. Anken v. near l-aureinurgt 1'ark. I'hone Eat 7.V"i ij ;imi ,V1:OOM, comfortable cottage in Creeton; close to car. reasonable terma E.i!T t.i2J. $j:,twi MODERN lurB'w. garage, rof.-a. r'Tn-T. pa vcJ at p ; v cry ha nrf onie horn ; simi ca-h. McFarland. 'J Yeon bi.Ig. -I.i m M Jinuw for saie. cheap, near lents ln-iutre 1 ' lu ell Vatiey road. Phune STfi ICTLY nunlern S-room home lu Irv ir.g mn. Inquire own.r. Mi 4th t. ' CoTTAC-E bungalow. 3 lota, bargain. Mali 372 M- W2 Yen b!ig rt H'H'MS. modem, near Snndv tlvd pave4 street; easy terms. East 632.