The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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members of the congressional commit
tees on rivers and harbors. As long as
Captain Speier is here it is unnecessary
to figure on anyone as a. representative
of the Portland Chamber of Conmerce,
for he is doing more valuable work
than a regiment of ordinary men could
do for our community. His technical
knowledge of shipping conditions and
of the channel and harbor and the
Our' Store Closes at 1 P. M. on Wednesday During
the Hot Months of July and August
In Order That Our Employes May Enjoy & Weekly Half
Holiday. Co-operate With Us in This Movement by Arranging
to Do Your Shopping in the Forenoon on Wednesdays. '
Admiral Rodman's Armada on
. Way to West Coast.
S Seeing Power Is Producing Power
handling of vessels is of the greatest ;
value, and I am sure you agree with
me that these things are of vast Im
portance to us at the present time."
Special Showing and Sale of the
Prettiest of Summer Waists at
the Lowest Prices Ever- Asked!
Petrograd Executions Said, to Range
From 50 to 100 Daily.
Twenty thousand hostages are reported
to have been arrested in Petrograd In
the last three weeks and Petrosrad
newspapers publish almost daily lists
of from 60 to 100 persona who have
been executed for various reasons.
For First Time TT. S. Sea Force Is
Divided and Value of Canal
Is to Be Fully Tested.
Continued-From first Fare.)
The Pacific fleet was well on its way
tonight on the llrst leg of its long voy
age to the west coast- '
None of the pomp and ceremony
-which marked the departure of the
world - girdling- Atlantic fleet from
Hampton Roads In 1907 attended the
tailing today of the armada under Ad
miral Hugh Rodman. That is being
reserved for the entrance of the ehips
into the Golden Gate about the middle
of August, where President Wilson is
expected to review them.
The euperdreadnoughts and swift de
stroyers weighed anchor at 8:30 A- M.
and turned their prows seaward on a
voyage that is to furnish the first real
test of the Panama canal and carry to
the people of the Pacific seaboard the
first great fleet ashigned to their de
fense. Fifty Drufroyfrt In Line.
Swinging out of the capes, the fleet
turned southward in cruising forma
tion with the six superdreadnoughts.
which,- with two others, are to form
the backbone of the Pacific naval de-;
fense steaming within a triangular
screen made by 50 destroyers.
In that formation the ships will re
main until the end of the first leg of
the voyage at Colon.
The beginning of the voyage marks
an epoch in American naval history.
For the first time the fleet has been
divided, with exactly half of its power
assigned to guard the western seaboard.
For the first time also the strategic
value of the canal is to be fully tested
when Admiral Hugh Rodman moves
his armada through to Pacific waters.
Admiral Rodman had set 8:30 for the
Failing hour. He would tolerate no
delay; wait for no stragglers, his cap
tains were told with characteristic
force. The first sunbeams saw barges,
gigs and motor sailors hurrying on
last-minute errands. The roadstead
was busy with them. Below decks
stokers toiled and black smoke clouds
rose over the fleet.
All Ready for Voyage,
Gradually the stir died away. Boat
after boat was hoisted, dripping to its
chocks on deck. Nimble, barefooted,
jackies hastened to their tasks of lash
ing and making all shipshape aboard
. for the voyage.
Promptly at 8:30 a destroyer stole
slowly out from its place in line be
hind the battleships. A double string
of signal flags on the New Mexico,
where Admiral Rodman's four-starred
flag flapped lazily above the hooded
top of the tall cage mast, showed that
the order had been given to begin the
voyage. The destroyer swung toward
the sea, slipping smoothly 'down the
channel. Another followed and then
another, spaced at perfect intervals.
They formed a lane toward the sea.
drawn up in two columns.
First to leave her anchorage, the
flagship New Mexico circled slowly and
swung into the water lane between
the destroyers. On her heels came the
Mississippi. In order, the "Wyoming,
Arkansas, New York and Texas
steamed down the moving lane, the
tenders closed in behind and the whole
fleet moved off across the bay to the
Other Ship to Follow.
Formidable as the fleet looked steam
ing out on the voyage that will end for
some of the ships only after a call at
Honolulu in mid-Pacific, it represented
only part of Admiral Rodman's forces.
The destroyers he took out with him
were but a quarter of those he com
manded. In reserve at Atlantic yards
the others await crews to man them.
The main base of the Pacific fleet
will be Puget Sound, Wash. That is
the destination of a majority of the
craft that sailed today and also of
ships of the supply and fuel train, of
the submarines, repair and mother
ships, of the six pre-dreadnoughts, four
big armored cruisers and seven light
cruisers, the mine planters and mine
layers and all the rest of the 200 vessels
assigned to Pacific waters. Other ele
ments of the fleet are moving individ
ually, day by day, toward their new
posts. Some will join the fleet en route.
After the main fleet has passed through
the canal, there will be a steady pro
cession through the great waterway
until all have assembled in the Pacific
The sailing of the great fleet today
marks a complete change in naval
policy, a change growing out of the de
feat of Germany in the great war. Not
while the German fleet existed nor
while German eyes were leveled covet
ously at the rich and undeveloped, re
sources of South and Central America
could American naval strength have
been divided.
The composition of the Pacific fleet
tells its own story. The three most
modern ships of the line in the navy.
the New Mexico, Idaho and Mississippi,
are headed west. The people, of the
western coast are to see for the first
time ships of this type and size.
Harbormaster Said to Be Getting Re
sults in Washington.
" A letter received yesterday by Presi
dent II. Li. Corbett of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce from Congress
man McArthur further confirms word
received here last week relative to the
work of Captain. John Speier, harbor
master of Portland, who has been in
Washington explaining Portland har
bor facilities to navy department of
ficials in view of the forthcoming visit
of the Pacific fleet. The letter urges
that Captain Speier bo retained in
Washington for some time to continue
his work. The message follows:
'"Captain Jacob Speier and I called
upon Secretary Daniels today and he
promised to send a portion of the Pa
cific fleet to Portland during ttie lat
ter part of August. We placed before
him facts and figures relative to the
depth of water at the bar and in the
Columbia river channel, and also told
him of the advantages of the Portland
harbor. We also gave this information
to the bureau of operations. I believe
we succeeded in correcting certain er
roneous opinions that existed relative
to our ctiannel and harbor facilities.
"I am very anxious to have Captain
Speier remain here for some time in
order to continue pressing matters be
fore the bureau of operation of the
navy department, for we do not want
any hitch in proceedings later on.
"Our harbor facilities have been per
sistently misrepresented by rival cities
on the Pacific coast and it is well to
have someone on the job who knows
the facts and can counteract the cam
paign of misrepresentation that has
been carried on.
captain ipeier can also be or very
great assistance in urging our claims
lor harbor improvements and the deep
ening of the Columbia river channel
before the board of army, engineers and
plies that have been dispatched from
Missoula, the headquarters of district
No. 1 of the national forest, and to ob
tain 50 men who are coming from
Butte and Great Falls.
The fire has been burning several
days. Several conflagrations have oc
curred in the Blackfoot country wfthin
the last two weeks. Mr. Byrne spent
Friday trying to head off the progress
of the flames. He soon found, how
ever, that the fire is very serious and
that all the timber of the Blackfoot,
considered among the best in Montana,
besides ranches, livestock and other
property, is threatened. He came to
Helena for help.
Helena) Sltnatloa Improves.
The situation shows improvement In
the Helena forest, saya Charles Mc
Harg Jr., the supervisor. The Beaver
creek fire is well under control, but
the Klkhorn blaze, east of the Missouri
river near Holter, is popping up again.
ihe Jim town fire, also in the Big
Belt mountains, across the river north
of Helena, is being contested success
fully and with no high winds there is
little danger of further spread of the
flames, says Mr. McHarg.
MISSOULA, Mont., July 19. Rapidly
spreading flames in the Coeur d'Alene
country covering many thousand acres
and new fires raging over large areas
of northern Idaho today were causing
much concern to forest service officials
of district No. 1, comprising western
Montana and northern Idaho.
All available men were sent from
Montana points and from Spokane to
day to combat the flames. Fires near
Henderson and St. Regis, Mont., were
blazing over unlimited territory, de
stroying everything in their path. .Near
Missoula the Swam creek fire was re
ported very dangerous and as having
done much damage.
Agitators- Hamper Kiaat.
The Rattlesnake fire, northeast of
Missoula, which has burned over be
tween 4000 and 5000 acres, is being
checked, though serious fears are en
tertained concerning it because of labor
troubles. Forest service officials said
today that agitators have invaded the
camps in this district, and that two
dozen men quit their jobs this morning,
laying down their tools as the flames
were rushing through the woods on
their heels. It was said they demanded
14 hours' pay for 12 hours' work.
Forest service officials are endeavor
ing to locate the principal instigators
of the trouble, it was said, and. will ar
rest and prosecute them under federal
statutes if successful. Unless the work
of the alleged agitators is checked,
they said, and the men held on their
jobs, it is feared the fire cannot be
The Henderson fire, in western Mon
tana, has already covered 11,000 acres
and there is said to be no prospect of
stopping it, as the flames have crossed
the divide into Mullan Gulch and are
steadily creeping northward through
the brush and new forests planted a
few years ago by the forest service in
that region.
The Gold Creek fire, which surrounds
St. Regis on the north and south side
of the river, is said to be the most
serious in the district, threatening
ranches and small towns in the vicin
ity. It will be exceedingly difficult to
control, it was declared, on account of
its having jumped the river. It covers
six sections of land south of the river
and five sections north of the stream,
about 7000 acres in alL The flames are
raging over a two-mile front. It is
planned to make a stand against this
fire from Dry creek tomorrow. Super
visor White of the Olo forest said.
Jfew Fires Are Reported.
Sligrht headway is being made against
the Nigger gulch blaze, according to
reports received today, while the Rock
creek fire, reported yestrday, was
caught immediately and is now under
control. Numerous small fires have
been reported during the last week in
the Lolo forest, coming so rapidly that
it is impossible to place crews on all
of them.
Eighty men were sent into the Ash
ley lake fire, in the Blackfoot forest,
tocfay. This is the largest blaze in that
district. Spreading northward over a
mile front, the Landers Ford fire is
causing much trouble in the Blackfoot
forest, while in the Flathead forest the
Sullivan creek fires, spread over two
forks of the stream by high winds dur
ing the night, are covering a great
A new fire in the Selway forest all
but destroyed a fire-fighters' camp, the
crew being engaged in a desperate bat
tle before it was saved. The first had
been thought under control, but was
fanned to life by the high winds and
rushed 30 miles over the mountain in
less than an hour.
A novel development of the day was
the discovery of a band of sheep be.
longing to the Northwest Sheep com
pany of Portland, Or., which was re
ported destroyed two days ago. The
heep were caught between two fires.
abandoned by their herders and left to
their "fate. Efforts later to find them
were fruitless, but today a rancher re
ported that a large part of the band
had been found sale, though tun
dreds had been lost.
HELENA. Mont.. July 19. Eighteen
thousand sheep and 700 cattle grazing
tn the national forest near Flesher in
the Big Blackfoot country are threat
ened by a forest fire near Landers
Fork, which has already burned over
1000 acres of the best state timber
lands and which is now within a mile
of the federal reserve. All the timber
of the Blackfoot, ranches and livestock
are endangered.
The Sun river fire north of Gilman
has covered several thousand acres
of timber and is considered unusually
EVERETT, Wash.. July 19. Property
in the vicinity of Silver Lake is still
in danger, owing to brush fires which
continued to burn today. Observers say
the result will be serious if the wind
should happen to change.
Force of 35 Men Builds Trails and
Watches for Fire.
EUGENE, Or., July 19. (SpeciaL)
No fires have yet occurred in the Cas
cade national forest this summer, ac
cording to Robert S. Wallace, acting
supervisor, with neadquarters in Eu
gene. Several small blazes have start
ed in the Siuslaw forest, but have not
been allowed to spread.
Acting Supervisor Wallace said S
men are at work in the Cascade forest
watching Xoj lire and buiidins trail,
J Oar Ophthalmoscope and Retinoid cope is one of the
most scientific eye-testing: instruments in the world.
With it we can detect error of vision instantly.
J In order to be a producer one must function effi
ciently in every faculty. - In these days of hard eye
work the help of good glasses is necessary to a large
majority between school age and the meridian of life.
The person over 50 who can do without glasses very
probably has never done the work most people want to
3 Thompson service is not a half-hearted service we
go all the way. We start by giving your eyes the most
thorough and scientific examination possible. Then,
after we have consulted your wishes in the matter of
style we proceed to turn out a complete pair of glasses
made to the measure of your needs and requirments.
This individual service is what makes the Thompson
Optical Institute the standard for all comparisons in
eyeglass service.
I Complete lens-grinding factory on premises.
Thompson Optical Institute
Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped,
Exclusive Optical Establishment.
209-10-11 Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison
SINCE 1908
Wonderfully Attractive
Styles to Select From
At $1.19
At $1.45
At $2.45 up
To $13.95
fJAn extensive almost unlimited variety of styles and materials to select from dainty, cool Waists
for warm days others elaborately trimmed for evening wear others in sport styles, and scores of
individual models all from regular stock lines and all of unusual merit at the prices quoted for this sale.
This is your best opportunity to get one or more fashionable Waists at a worthwhile saving don't miss it.
Commercial Club and Portland Club
to Co-operate In Promoting
Resorts for Tourists.
ik-lah piveb nr. Julv 19. (Spe
cial.) A joint meeting of members of
. n .i -a a Jk n H UnAd River
me roruKiiu v
Commercial club here last night be
came In a measure an event 01 joum
cation over the announcement that
earlv construction work will begin on
the Mount Hood Loop highway, passing
around the east base of the mow peak
.i ir A niva, v,Hv And
ana conneciius . . . . . j
th Columbia River highway with the
old Barlow road.
Last night's meeting was canea lor
. . . ...lino- an interest
uie purpwoo --
In a chain of resort hotels along the
line of the Loop road. Marshall N.
Dana,- W. o. JvirKpairica uw
Vincent, representing the d club.
spoke. . .
Speakers said the Mount Hood loop
will make the upper Hood River valley
and the east base of the peak a para
dise for tourists.
A committee, composed of President
C. W. McCullagh of the Hood River
uommercidi ciuu - - . . --
president of the Hood River Game Pro
tective association, ana mreo umci
men. will be appointed to co-operate
with the Ad club to promote plans for
extensive resorts.
Homer A. -Rogers, rounoer 01 noum
Hood lodge and a pioner booster for the
loop nignway. w
of the district traversed by the pro-
posea iurei an .i y
Established 190
1 1 mj ft'-''::j'"a
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
nlan. Main 7070. A
Oregon Woman Acknowledges
Her Indebtedness to ur.
Williams Pink Pills for
Her Health.
"When a woman has been anemic a
large part of her life and has finally
found a remedy that restores her
strength and happiness. I think it her
duty to tell others what Has neipeo
her." saya Mrs. Clara Winters, of R. I.
t. box 443. Milwaukie. Or.
"I had suffered from anemia as long
as I can rememDer. sne says. ana
some time ago I began to feel run
down. 1 lost ambition for my work
and was tired all the time. or days
tn succession I would nt care about
eating and wh;n I ate a good meal my
stomach was upset and 1 sultered irom
headaches and waa very nervous.
"My mother read about Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills in a newspaper and
she Insisted that I try them. I pro
cured a box and a few days after start
ing the treatment my appetite improv
ed and then gradually I regained my
strength. My color is much better now
and I am ambitious and active. I owe
my health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
and have told many of my friends
abottt the remedy.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists, or direct from the Dr.
Williams Medicine Co.. Schenectady,
N. i., at 6" cents per box, six boxes
for Si.S. postpaid, on receipt of price.
Write for the free booklets onmervoua
disorders and "What to Kat and How
to JiaX, Adv. .
' of the
YOU will be delighted with
the rare beauty of our
display, rich in color and
The purchase of one of
these fine Oriental Rugs at
today's prices can hardly prove
otherwise than a sound invest
ment. Future importations
will be higher in price.
You can make reservations
now for delivery later.
Cartozian Bros.
Washington at Tenth
Guarantees la 8 Leaaoaa.
I.arilra 1M.
Geatlemea S&.OO.
Beginners' classes start Monday and
Thursday evenings. Advanced class
Tuesday 8 to 11:30. Plenty of partners
and practice. iSo embarrassment. Sepa
rate step room and extra teachers for
backward pupils. My latest book, de
scribing all dances, ballroom etiquette,
etc.. free for pupils. We have large
and eelect classes, and the social fea
ture alone Is worth double the price.
Private lessons all hours. Call after
noon or evening. Learn from profes.
slonal dancers in the leading school.
.uain itjt.
See McDoogall
Aaeata fer
C G. Conn Band Instruments
Bead for Catalocaea.
325 Alder St, Portland
Cork Tilings and
202 Broadway, Near Taylor
Capes and Dolmans on Sale at $18.00
Half Price and Less!
JTJ Choice from our entire stock at this attractive price reduction to insure immediate clearance. In
eluded arc all fashionable materials and colors with navy blue predominating.
Surprising Values
New Novelty Silks
$1.25 Yd.
Taffetas, Louissencs
and Messalines at
(TT Beautiful high-grade Novelties in light and dark colorings par
ticularl pleasing are the new styles in plaids and stripes. You
have choice from many exclusive patterns in Taffetas Louisserics
and Messalines. It is a showing that every woman will enjoy
and few women will care to miss. Values are really remarkable at
the above sale price.
Another Fine Lot
Fancy Voiles
On Special op V J
Sale at ...ZDC I Q.
Also Dimities, Dress Ging
hams and Percales
fj. In our popular Wash Goods
Section we have arranged a
timely and important sale of the
season's most desirable Wash
Goods. Dainty Voiles Dimities
Dress Ginghams and Percales.
All at 25e a yard.
Summer Laces at 25c a Yard
(J An assortment so extensive and so varied that
every taste may be suited Narrow Venise Edges
Net Top Laces Imitation Crochet Laces Piatt
Val Laces 84-Inch Shadow AJlover Laces, etc all
priced for this sale at 25 a yard..
New Embroideries 35c Yard
fl Dainty New Embroideries especially desirable for
the trimming and making of summer garments;
9 to 12 and 17-inch widths in Skirtings Edges and
Flouncings of fine Swiss, Cambric and Longcioth.
All priced for this sale at 3oC a yard.
White Canvas
For Children
Sizes l 'to 5 at 99d
Sizes sya to 8 at $1.19
Women's White
Shoes at $3.35
Broken Lines
Cf Fashionable high-cut models
in most all sizes and widths;
every pair a bargain at the
above price.
A Special Sale of Women's
Envelope Chemise, Petticoats
In More Than
Thirty Styles at
(J Crisp, snowy undermuslins with trimmings of beautiful laces and
embroideries all made with plenty of fullness. More than thirty
different styles to 6elect from at this sale and only 98 TO PAY.
Men's Athletic Union Suits at S1.00 to $1.75
Men's Balbrirrrran Shirts and Drawers at S1.00
Men's Jersey Ribbed Union Suits at. .$1.50 to $2.50
Boys' Blouses, all styles, at $1.00 to $1.50
Stare Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P.M.
Demonstrated at Our
Salesroom, 69 Sixth St
More than half the labor of
housekeeping is due to the prepa
ration and cooking of food. It
would be worth your while to save
yourself a large portion of that
labor and lighten the rest
wouldn't it?
Designed especially for use in
Cook Stoves. Ranges and Heating
Stoves. Can be installed in two
minutes by any inexperienced per
son. So simple a child can operate
it. Flame can be regulated at any
heat desired. No soot. NO SMOKE
Asreate waa-t4 evvi f nlm, na II
eas-Hal BrfTMirf, See tally factory
e aao ae t ra, l la a.
m m
Price complete outfit with 8-itallon
tank and all neressary flttincs. (30:
mail orders solicited: send i with
order, balance C O. r. express, with
privilege of lamination at express
H. W. Manning
69 Sixth Street, Portland. Or.
aV - ami tT I KM
America's Greatest Beverage
'TpHERE is health and strength
in every cold bottle of Luxus,
besides the finer delight from its
exquisite appeal to your taste. Has
just the snap youll like.
la original H -ounce Browa Bottles
at Fountains, Cafe and Restaurants.
Any Grocer will supply your borne.
Portland, Oregon
ur j
Phone Your Want Ads to The
. Oregonian. Main 7070 A 6095