THE SL'.NDAV OliliGOMAX, l'OlflLAAD, JULY V50," . 1019. HOUSE INDULGES III Zeal of Dry Leaders Starts Sportive Debate. CANNON, WARNS SOLONS school, and encouraging student to do research work. Ban on TTse of Cider at Home Could "ot Be Enforced, Declares .For mer Presiding Officer. WASHINGTON", July 19. Dry leaders in the house gave notice today that they would not permit any other meas ure t6 obstruct the prohibition enforce ment bill. Representative Baer, republican. North Liakota, who said he would not raise -his boys in a state where liquor was sold, declared that agitators who were, trying to do away with clgarets. tobacco, pickled peaches and the like, 1 were eoinsf too far. "Out west," he said, "there is a firm manufacturing near-beer which prints on the label of each bottle the warning not to mix yeast with the contents be cause that would make it intoxicating. Pretty soon these agitators will try to have congress prohibit the sale of yeast, and then we will have no bread." Rutins Precipitate I'proar. After the chair had ruled out ' an amendment by Representative Fitz gerald, democrat, of Massachusetts, which would have permitted a man to make wine and cider in his own home. Chairman Volstead tried to close de bate on tire pending section. An up roar followed. A dozen members, most of them on the democratic side, were on their feet clamoring for recognition. 'If we were to be throttled in this way. I make the point of no quorum." shouted Representative Clark, demo crat, Florida. An amendment to extend debate 15 minutes was adopted, ,57 to 33. which showed less than a quorum voting. Mr. Cannon Warns House. Former Speaker Cannon, who has stood with the prohibitionists, warned the house that it could not enforce a law which said a man could not make a barrel og cider at his own home or drink. It. The discussion got away from the bill after Representative Dennison, re publican, of Illinois, asked whether every liquid was a beverage. Representative Gard, democrat, Ohio, asked Representative Walsh, repub lican. Massochusetts, if Cape Cod clam chowder was food or a beverage. "It would be a beverage in Ohio," the Cape Cod representative replied. This was too much for Chkirman Volstead, ' and he had the house shut off debate. House Bent on Action. A fisrht to amend the provision wfitch would require physicians prescribing whisky to write on the prescription the patient's ailment, was led by Repre sentative Treadway, republican , of Massachusetts. He said it was ap parent that the house was bent on pass ing the bill, drastic provisions and all. but warned that the house was going too fu.K in requiring that a person's ailment be placed on record. The amendment was defeated, 62 to 39. LANE HOP DEAL IS CLOSED Bammitt Bros. Contract to Sell 800 0 Pounds at 50 Cents. Et'GEN'E, Or, July 19. (Special.) Kiifht thousand pounds of hops, the 1919 crop on the farm of Hammitt Brothers of Lane county, have been contracted for by T. A. Livesley & Co. at 50 cents a jiounil. according to an nouncement made by Hammitt Brothers yesterday. Hammitt Brothers, whose farm is In the Mohawk valley, hava 18 acres of hers this year and a normal yield on this field is IS. 000 pounds. Prospects are bright for ijarge yield. It is tfaid iio other Lane county grow ers have contracted for the sale of their 1919 hop crop. TACOMA FREED OF CLAIMS Power Company Assures City, It Will Care for Litigation. TACOMA, Wash., July 19. (Special.) Riparian righs on the LakerCush man power project will be cared for by George Tilden of tij Skokoralsh Power company, so that the city of Tacoma will not become Involved in litigation should the voters approve a $300,000 bond issue to buy the power site in Mason county. Mr. Tilden told Mayor Riddell today that ail claims filed by people below the proposed power site would be cared for by the company. Tacoma voters will decide on th. bond issue August 12. Interest on the bonds and the principal will be cleared away from earnings of the municipal light and: power department. OPERATORS E TO RESUME WORK Terms of Settlement Are Not Known, Here in Detail. RETROACTIVE PAY IS ISSUE Reports From International Offi cers Awaited With Mncb Inter est by Colonists. Continued From First Paxe. "MARTHA" ISNEXT OPERA Portland Association to Present Pleasing Number in November. The directors of the Portland Opera association. Mrs. Edward L. Thompson, president, have decided to present the von iotow operat "Martha." about the month of November. "Martha" is known as a light opera, but yet In the grand opera clasH. It has facility of expression. pleasing melodies, and graceful instrumentation. "Martha" is. wlh "Alessandro Stra della." the best known of all von Flo tow's compositions. He was born in Mecklnburg.. Germany, in 1813 and died in 18.? at Tarmstadt. Educated in France and Germany, he was Intendant at the court theater, in fcschwerin, in 1856. and was elected a member of the French ins'titute in 1SS4. MR. HOOVER'S RETURN SET Director of Relief tor Leave Europe When Harvest Abroad Knds. SEW TORK. July 19. Herbert Hoover, director-general of relief in Europe, will return to America as soon as the harvest abroad is com pleted, according to an announcement by the American relief administration today, telling of the arrival here of Mrs. Hoover and her youngest son, Allan, from California, preparatory to sailing Monday on the Imperator for France. Mr. Hoover, it .was said, also would make arrangements for continuing abroad the child welfare bureaus of the administration, which are credited with having saved the lives of 2,000,000 children. LUXURY TAX TO BE FOUGHT Marion County Commercial Organi zations Join Forces. SALEM, Or.. July 19. (Special.) Kliminatinf? he tax on fruit juices in order to remove a barrier which threat eiiH to menace the development of the industry will be urged by every com mercial body an Marion county, accord ingr to a resolution adopted by the Marion County Community federation. Action to repeal the tax will be taken through Oregon's , representatives in tonpresB. The Salem Commercial club hits also taken up the matter of installing uni form road signs in all parts of Marion county. T. K. McCroskey, secretary, has been selected to recommend the design of sign to be adopted. Three new communities joined the federation at the last meeting, includin g Silver ton. Aumsville and Scott s Mills. FOCH SAYS ENGLAND LAGS French Military Leader Pleads Pre paredness for War. LONDON, July 19. "The next time, England will be in the same position as the last time she will not bo ready and we will have to wait for her," is a statement made by Marshal Foch of France, to a correspondent of the Daily Mail, which prints an' interview with the commander in chief of the allied armies today. The marshal insists that T3reat Britain should maintain large reserves of military material, saying: "That is one of the obvious and In dispensable precautions V be taken." CONGRESS TO GRANT R"ANK Designation of Pershing and March Lett With President. WASHINGTON. July 19. Congress will recreate the permanent rank of general in the army and leave the designation of the officers to have that rank to President Wilson, subject to senate approval. Chairman Kahn of the house military committee said today in discussing the president's recom mendation that General Pershing and General March, chief of staff, be given that permanent rank. PROSSER VOTES SCHOOL Xo Dissenting Ballots In Bond Issue Election for Plan. PUOSSER. "Wash.. July 19. (Special.) The election calling for the issuance of $1500 in bonds for the erection of a school building six miles northwest of this city in the section better known as the Grandview pumping plant district, passed without a dissenting vote. Little interest was manifested, only 24 votes being cast. Work will be started at once so that the building will be ready for .occu pancy September I. The school will serve soiije 34 pupils residing in that section. pratnPI vlll f aal a.Ai.nan-tiu u 1 . ...":..." i In his telegram to the electrical workers Mr. Donovan advised member to return to work, with the assurance that if demands are not granted an other walkout may be arranged. Some of the workers expressed the view that latest developments will be found a ruse to get strikers back to work until such time as telephones pass out of government control, after which the companies will ba free to take such action ii theydeem proper. This view was not general among the men. The telephone employes, according to Instructions from San Francisco, are to return to work under the scale guaran teeing a minimum of IS per day for men and tit per week for girls, which scale became effective June IS, and was an nounced here the day the operators left their switchboards. Electrical workers art not informed as to re-classification of men, they said yesterday, but said they were satisfied the reclassifi cation, would not cause any of their number to work for less than per day. General Confidence Felt. The fact that the two western" dele gates to the Washington conference had been ordered to stop off at Spring field. III., en route has led to the belief here that retroactive pay and other de mands are assured. That the feeling of the workers Is prevalent in other quarters is shown by a letter from W. K. Woodward, chairman . of the state conciliation board, to Governor Olcott. expressing thanks for prompt action taken in re sponse to appeals made by the board. It says:' "Thanks are due you fofyour very prompt action in the matter of the telephone strike. The morning paper brings news of a form of adjustment which. If true, does not in any way ap peal to my persona V conception of the rights of the men and women who are out. However, resumption of work, even under unsatisfactory conditions, may lead to later and better consideration." Owine to the sudden turn of events. the mass meeting that was to have been held in central library hall last night was postponed Indefinitely. BEND'S HELLO .GIRLS STRIKE Force Quits While Talk or Settle, nient Is Discussed. BEND. Or.. July 19. (Special.) De mandiug a minimum wage of $2 a day for apprentices, with a $4-a-day wage at the end of two years' training, to gether with stipulations for a six-day week, telephone operators at the Bend exchange left their switchboards at 6 o'clock last night, and service in Bend was paralyzed all night and today. The strike was called following the arrival of Miss Klnora Hlldabrand. or ganizer from The Dalles. In regard to reports in Portland papers that the coast strike, of which the Bend walk out is a part, is virtually over. Miss Hildebrand declared that no attention would bJ paid to any reports other than those coming from union head quarters in Portland. Miss Irene Roney, president of the union, in presenting the case of the striking operators, said that they were asking for nothing but a living wage. Belllnghain Girls Hesitate. BELLI NO HAM, Wash.. July 19. Striking telephone company electricians and operators here received official no tice this morning from International officers at San Francisco to report at work Monday morning at 8 o'clock. Telegrams were sent to the interna tional officers asking for more par ticulars. No decision . -s been reached by the local workers as to whether they will follow the instructions received. BANKRUPTCY PAPERS FILED Tacoma ex-Banker Gives Liabilities of $55,000; Assets of $12,377. TACOMA, Wash., July 19. (Special.) W. H. Pringle. former manager of the Scandinavian-American bank. Tacoma, filed a voluntary petittion of bank ruptcy in the federal court here today. Mfs liabilities are given as $55,000, In cluding secured claims of $12,230; un secured claims of $24,550. and accom modation paper of $18,900. His total assets are given as $12. 377.21, including real estate, $5700; household goods. $500; debits due on open account, $300: stocks and bonds, $500: insurance policies. $1980. and property claimed to be exempted, 53.396.7S. HARVARD LEADERS PICKED A. L. Mills and H. L. Corbctt to Manage Campaign for l unds. The Harvard endowment fund coi mittee has appointed for the Oregon division of her campaign for upwards of $10,000,000 two joint chairmen to manage the big fall drive in this sec tion of the country . They are Abbot L. Mills and Henry L. Corbett of Port land. Mr. Mills graduated from Har vard in 1881 and Mr. Corbett in 1903. Throughout the country. Harvard's alumni are being: organized to assist in the work of raising the fund which will be used in increasing the salaries of the teaching and administrative staffs, in " improving her equipment. Widen in if the scope of her professional HOUSEWIVES ARE ROUSED Legislation on Living Costs Pre ferred to Inquiries. WASHINGTON, July 19. Housewives are rather "fed up" with congressional investigations of the high cost of liv ing and would prefer enactment of remedial legislation. -Miss Jessie Haver, legislative representative of the Na tional Consumers' league, wrote today to Representative Tinkham of Massa chusetts, who has introduced a bill ap propriating $:t0,000 for a nation-wide inquiry into living costs. PUBLIC OF ROME WARNED Order During Impending- Strike Must Be Maintained. ROME. July 19. (By the Associated PrpK, instructions concerning Dubllc order must be carried out scrupulously and with firmness. The government will not show In dulgence to transgressors and will hold weakness as a guilt, says a circular let ter sent by Premier Nilti to all the pre fects in the kingdom, concerning the general strike which has been called for July 20 and 21. Ottawa Strike Settled. OTTAWA, Ont.. July 19. The Ottawa street-car strike was settled yester day and the cars will be running on normnl schedule todsv. Kpworlli Meeting Closes. SEATTLE. July 19. The Beventh an nual Epworth league institute of the Puget Sound conference will close at Redondo tomorrow. PIANO Good Used Pianos Kingsbury (oak) $250 Kimball (oak) S285 Hardman (mahogany) $365 Sohmer (mahogany) Francis Bacon (mahogany) ... .J?;J25 Used Victrola; $113 style; now. .$100 Every One Fully Guaranteed. All Good Values. PIANOS PLAYERS VICTROLAS GaFJoffittONPlANoCOy 14 Sixth, brt. Alder Morrison. Cheney Phonograph.. Plnycr Plana RAls IN THE SUN ALL DAY SUFFER NO SUNBURN IF TOD have yielded to the lure of the outdoors and you find, after a day spent in the sun. that your skin is sore and tender, simply apply Santi septio Lotion and relief will be Instant. Sunburn, windburn and tan have no terrors for the man or the woman who uses Santiseptic Lotion. Stay outdoors in the hot sun as much as you please; Santiseptic will give you protection and rtilie'f; it is the secret of many an un spoiled complexion alter a season spent iu tlio mountains or at tne seaskvre. Santiseptic is equally efficacious in those other annoyances incident to the summer season oak or ivy poisoning, the bites or stings of fleas, mosquitoes and other insects, both as a preventive and as a remedy. Santiseptic should be included In the necessities carried on every outing trip. Santiseptic, is easily procured at most drug and de partment "tores. If you cannot secure it. send B0 cents, with dealer's name. iuu x.bencott Laboratories, Port tor a fuU-aixe bottle, post paid. Adv. You Cannot Intentionally Overlook This Outfit! Three Rooms Full Choicely Selected TOUR a Wmt m 1 Amip4 t DWARDS X . tnZ Pit Trar IsclvMssl ILL CASH n Ij Cenveetenee e la. P - - - Ven tercet Char- -4KXT TO TOTR bomb mr edw ON THE lA PAYMENT O LIVING ROOM: Library Table with quarter - sawed top, book racks, with underneath ehelf and roundtng-arm rocker on left side of Illus tration are aa drawn. Arm chair and the other rocker have been replaced by two rockers which are really better than those illustrated. four pieces aa displayed DINING ROOM: $56.85 A Solid Osk Table with 44-Inch top that opens to sis feet, has square barrel pedes (a! and spread legs similar to Illustration, t'halrs have three slat backs and securelv braced box seats of gratnsd oak finished to match table. Seven pieces aa mentioned '$57.50 BEDROOM: Vive pieces of dainty ftnow-rialc. XClilte Enamel or Luetered Old Ivory Identically as outlined in the t'.lnatration to your left. Mirrors are of bubbleless dear plate. Bed Is full sis. with .nameled wide side mils. Vanity Chatr has reeular height low back, lor your consideration at $79-80 Ed mi de Altsssfi Tfn Yesterday. O night la t-n tne P-lrfn-armt Wtiln lunm a "nah Flee Cleanly. Fifty -Pound Felted Cotton Sleepwell Mattresses at Edwards' $18.75, $23.50, $29.50 $5 Cash $1 Week No Interest They're mad. according to Oregon's Sanitary Bed ding Law. too! The illustration shows exactly how Sleepwell Mat tresses are built. Yea. layer upon layer then secure ly tufted, lesving so chance for the cotton to shift or lump. Try a Sleepwell for 0 nlirhts. and If it lumps or shifts, send it back Edwards will give you a new mattress or refund your money. t. 1 i .m't - . Ten, alae and remt-ItJM Refrigerators! $29.75 $33.75 $3525 $38.50 $41.50 $4550 3 Cama. VI Weak, Hat latanwi Heavy oak ease, with pone-lotd-liae. food oompartroenta and galvanised 1c container. lnsid. walls ar. lined with. non-conaucting ie-t or cnac: ooel sheathing, which form, an airtight compartment. Se 'em in th. Kifth-etreet window. You'll realise then why your refrigerator should come trom Edwards. My Orarteiwsl rtll (Mfnu Alms It heat One ef Kelwardn CleoeJy Woven Hammocks When Theae Kind ef Piles Prevail $650, $7.95, $855 41 SAVFl 111 II Time, Ul - Labor. 1 -KoeL Yonll Enter the LmIu ef and AnnreWnte the Conven ience mt the VESTA Economy Com bination rmi BLK - sF.RViri; v t a KCOVOUT OM THK : O V V K 1 K . T L Y tltl TtHMS OK $20 Cash 3 Week. No Interest. Takes your old range aa part payment, too. Yea, It has a 4-hol. wood or coal polished top. (-burner gas polished top. 18x18 wood or coal baking oven. 18x14 gas baking oven. White enamel splashers. Plain nickel trimmings. Gas fire kindler. Illtutrate -Witt. TVa HmTHm (y fteltlM, f 133 13 CASH. S3JM WtEK, SO IMbRKJT. Joy Rvery Rene Every Day ef the Week All the Year Rennd I ALL artists. ALL Instru mental selection. ALL solo ists. ALL orchestra. ALL bands. ALL duryre records. ALL the populifr songs of trie day. in a word, ALL the music of the world, without restriction, will be at lOlB IOMMA.ND. - Fum4vOtk. Waxed Oak or Mahoaany. whlrh? fed wards baa tbem alL "nnn) 1 I 4 Sf-'i-j fc bm is. it The Kind of Living and Dining-Room Rugs You'll Like 9j0x12.0 Seamless Brussels Rugs $34.75 9.0 x!2j0-Foot Axminster Rugs With Dignity nnd Chnraeter. $44.50 S3 CASH. $1 WKfcK. NO HTtUKST. The first Impression of your home is usually a lasting on. That's why Kdwardft advises the living-room rug st iasi oespeak your a-ood taste and cultured judgment. After looking over the vast assortment of rugs displayed, these Axmlnxters were ihosen. not only for their quality but for the many beautiful patterns Ld wards has. . U MJIfcW -rTf z--r";:'-ti Sl-l'-Ul frowns, mixed rorta. greens, i blues and old . ll ' Ciil''Th'- r'v5i'-H1 TO" neaignn that will blend harmoniously J- g SXt:fXt- iif'i L wl,h P- mn1 " ""'shea In dining JA'jt r-f 'l s.StTpiliS ''""J' na insures long wear as sV.- -- --! ' well a. lasting appearance. Ed- s ' ' " ':TZ-- " ,sT'r' - v .;.".'rf;'r",'-0--' wards recommends Brussels for Li US l a- it, Tr-jJjyrr y.:.o.-7 vi i I XO INTEREST. see them goIu,n tan. and your dining room 'cause they are so easily kept cjesn. II II ORIGINAL PATENTED 'V SPIPELESS D I s p layed on the Main Floor. Stop in and look It over. Before FURNACE ZXTIJZLZ BEHOLD, YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AS GOLD SKIKCT 0E HIMULK PIKCK OR A HOl'SEKlLli , IT-S-EASY-TO-PAY-THK-EDWARDS-WAx a neD ntofTO adit 0 JtST TWO BLOCKS XORTH OP WAS HIliTO M. It wonld nnivly he a for nn suuiait dnyt rent If 7 en had This Crystal Electric Washer and Wringer Cet It Prn Kdwnrda en Trrns eif IS Cash, as Week. Me Interest. Better put off your washing till Tuesday. l-e the Crystal Bier trie Washer and Wringer do the work. The wash - tub and hand - wringer drudgery, together with backaches, will soon be a tbing of the past. Sure. Edwards demonstr atea the Crystal, -tstep In tomorrow. f . - Jw A ' Vh !?' ANNOUNCEMENT Dr.E.C.Rossman, expert plate maker,has opened offices in the Journal building, where he will de vote his time exclusively to the making and fitting of artificial denture. Latest methods of impress sion taking and articulating of teeth employed that- guarantee perfect fit and comfort. The very latest and best in - artificial teeth. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. E. C. Rossman Denture Specialist THIRD FLOOR JOURNAL BUILDING Better Dentistry Without Pain Peer of pain Is one -of the chief reasons for nealect of teeth. Many people become positively 111 worrying about future dental operations; others are 111 after operations, due to shock and exhaustion on account of pain. Tills can all be avoided by means of rrerve blocking (the method advo cated by leading authorities). For example, by two simple injections we are enabled to extract, crown, fill or treat for pyorrhea all teeth In the entire lower Jaw with perfect comfort. By eliminating palm from pyor rhea, (the scourge that causes the loss of more than half the teeth that are lost) can be successfully treated, cavities properly prepared, teeth can be ground for crowns without killing nerves; thus giving our patients tjelter dentistry and comfort. We give special attention to nerve blocking, sanitary crown and bridge work and pyorrhea. so charge: roR coxmltatiox. Drs. C. Hartley, E. J. KiesenrJaM& J. R. Marshall THIRD FLOOR. JOURNAL DLUU. .