TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 20. 1919. 17 WHISKY BOTTLE SALE J. Barleycorn, Who Robbed Poor, Now Is Benefactor. LIQUORS ARE DESTROYED Stock 61 Groceries Is Purchased by City Fund for Destitute Woman , and Three Orphans. John Barleycorn has come to the aid of the widow and the orphan, whose substance he used to steal in his day of prosperity. But he does it only after the strong- arm of the law has brought him to justice. The prohibition law provides-that contraband liquor must be destroyed, but makes no provision as to, what shall be done with the con tainers. Chief of Police Johnson is now selling the bottles to junk dealers, and the trunks and suitcases to second-hand dealers, and devoting the proceeds to charity. One of the items on the bill for expenditures from the fund last week was a stock of groceries for a destitute widow with three children. Imported Liquor Small. "During the war the proceeds of the sales were devoted to the war activities association. Lieutenant Thatcher's rec ords show that the fund supplied J350 to the Red Cross, and j50 each to the Salvation Army and the Knights of Co lumbus. Since California joined the dry states, police say the supply of liquor shipped Into Oregon has been negligible. Prac tically the only seizures were from men who brought the liquor home for their own use. Some of the devices used by boot leggers during the last wet days were so ingenious as to escape detection, even 'though officials had been "tipped off." 1 A' favorite scheme was for a woman to carry the beverage in rubber bags hung around her neck inside her clothing. Police had reports that some carried as much as eight gallons. But the women were not caught. Whisky Packed in OruKH. "Not for me," exclaimed a policeman when he Was asked last night if he had heard of the new scheme. "1 heard about it all right. But I passed 'em by. "It would be just my luck to stop some 'respectable fat woman, and then where'd I be? Let "em keep their booze." One- of the best devices, police say, was used by John Petro, who paid a fine of $150 last week for shipping in 24 quarts of whisky packed in the middle of six cases of oranges. Police declined to tell how they got on his trail. They say the- ingenuity of the plan lay -in the fact that even if a bottle broke, the scent of the oranges would likely prevent detection. Petro almost escaped conviction after his arrest. Police intended to hold him for federal authorities, but his attor neys demanded trial the morning after his arrest. Eye Kept on Suitcases. Patrolmen Schulpius and Corder, who had taken him into custody, had no notice of the trial. They were in bed asleep, and Municipal Judge Rossman, believing that the case had fallen down for lack of evidence, dismissed the charge of violating the prohibition or dinance whcih had been filed against Petro by mistake. The patrolmen won out by filing a Btate charge against Petro, and arrest ing him on a warrant. He paid his fine and was released. . Several policemen are on duty at the Union station almost constantly, shak ing trunks and suitcase's and listening for the gurgle of liquor. If a trunk eeems suspicious, they put it in a room to which no one except the baggage master has a key, and repair to head quarters for a search warrant. Liquor Taken From Trunk.. Armed with the warrant, police re turn and try to open the trunk with their own supply of keys. Professional bootleggers generally use trunks with complicated locks, however, and some times it is necessary to secure a lock smith to cut the rivets and remove the lock from the trunk. If police find they were mistaken in opening the baggage, they relock it in the presence of bag gagemen. Transfer companies report that some times trunks which contained liquor ar rive at their destination intact, but minus the contraband. Police say the liquor is stolen en route, and declare that they never ransack baggage ex cept in the presence of reliable wit nesses. One woman, who returned to Port land from a visit in California because her husband had influenza, brought a quart of whisky to cheer him up. The liquor was gone when her trunk was delivered. r the other night. There he" had often seen the ballet, but there now he found a new world. There was a ballet, to be sure, but this time it was a Russian ballet. But what surprised him most was that between each ballet the. ex cellent orchestra, conducted by a capi- ble Russian, played classical music and the audience sat still and listened to it. Very few people left their seats and the girls in the side rows did not ogle the young men in the stalls. There seemed to be no more connection be tween the performers and the audience than there usually is at a concert. It was not so in other days. The audience, too, surprised him. It was of. the thoughtful kind and more fashionably gowned than before the war. Nearly everyone, he observed, was in evening clothes, the women paying particular attention to the mode of the moment. A notice asked the audience to "smoke as little as possible." and. he remarked, there was no vocal evidence of the proximity of the bar. In a one-time music hall where a popular'actress was being featured and where the sallies, from the" stage, for merly were greeted with uproarious laughter, there was now nothing more apparent than good-humored tolerance. I suppose it is the -war," he said, "for it is certain the Londoner is taking his pleasures much more seriously than when I was last here." CAPTAIN F. S. SEVER HOME PORTLAND ATTORNEY WOUXD . ED DURING ARGOXXE FIGHT. . 200 HOMESITES OBTAINED HUGHES ESTATE HOLDINGS IN IRVINGTON TO BE SOLD. Selling: Agency for Residence Prop, erty Obtained by Firm of Hitter, Lowe & Co. The selling agency for the holdings vi me tins u. Hughes estate in Irv ington. comprising 200 home sites in this choice residential section, have been obtained by Kitter. Lowe' & Co Announcement has been made by this firm that these sites, which include a number of fine building locations in full block sizi-s, will be put on the market at once. E. T. Lowe is making arrangements tor me marketing or the nronertv. The lots are in their natural state, with fir trees and evergreen shrubbery in eouudance. it is understood that under the sell ing contract these lots will be put up iui uiiiiiruwie saie at reduction in prices and on comparatively easv terms. Several high-class residences are under construction now in this locality. The prices for the property will in clude paving and street and sewer work, the deeds to be free from any improvement incumbrance. CHANGES SEEN IN LONDON Audiences in Theaters and Music Halls Seem Different. LONDON. June 2-1. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) American who have not been in London since the beginning of hostilities, but who are no where in large numbers, are nndinic many changes in the city and Its insti tutions. Particularly is this true of the theaters and music halls, where other days they enjoyed the audience as much as they did the programme. One American went to the Alhambra Ten Months of Active Service In i France and Belgium With 91st' Division Experienced.; . ' Captain Frank S. ' Sever "' has re turned 'to Portland after ten months of active 'service in France and Bel gium, with the 91st division. He en tered the military service in' May,' 1917, r . . . ....................t ! . . A i fihMrrfi"1H IMWK . f Captain Frank . IjCvcr, wna re cently returned from service. received 'his commission at the first officers' training camp at the Presidio and was assigned to the 363d infantry. He commanded company I,of that Regi ment ' during its training period. through the St.M,ihiel campaign when the regiment was in . reserve, and in the Meuse-Argonne offensive, where he was wounded before Eclisefontaine last September. After returning to his regiment from the hospital he accompanied it to Bel gium, where during the Ypres-Lys of fensive Captain Sever took command of the third battalion of the 363d in fantry when the battalion commander was wounded. He retained command of the battalion during the remainder of the campaign. It was this battalion which made the flank attack on the eft of the Spitaalsbosschen October 31, for which the division was cited in orders by the French corps commander. In the attack Captain Sever's battalion pushed forward to the high ground be tween the Lys and the Scheldt, where they had to maintain themselves for 18 hours before the troops on their right could come and establish connection. In this day's fighting the battalion captured four pieces of artillery, 15 machine guns and 41 . prisoners, for which Captain Sever was decorated by the Belgian government. Captain Sever returned to the United States in command of the'battalion and was mustered out at the Presidio. After being mustered out the men of Captain Sever's former company presented him with a watch, of which he says,. "It is worth' all the other decorations in the world, for It was given by. the best qualified judges." Captain Sever has resumed the prac tice of law as member of the firm of Sever & Cooke. Rabbits Become Serious Menace. PENDLETON'. Or!. July 19. (Special.) Damage by rabbits to alfalfa in the western section of the county will have the first attention of Umatilla county's new county agent. The , rabbits have increased till they are said to be a seri ous menace. Rabbit-tight fences ap pear to be of rio effect. Summer pois oning will be tried.' . SWISS l'DEPEDECE DAY M ILL BE CELEBRATED. i: I & ! ' I'-1 c I f r I ' ( ' :f :i ..f It 1 4 " . fera,,,-inr,i.i , A. : jL'j&L.Lzl A. Iveller. president lalted shuii Societies. The Portland Swiss Athletic . club will hold a Swiss independ- ence day celebration and musical festival on Sunday, July 27. at Crystal Lake park: - The public is Invited. Henry E. Maginn will speak, his subject being "Ire- J land, Switzerland and, America." f For probably the first time Port- t land will have a chance to see some real Swiss Alpine wrestling contests ( and to hear yodeling f songs by Swiss experts in that t line. Races, bowling and dancing have been arranged for the pleas- ure of visitors. VV J? tiitr means' i!tf?Flt rHI Jbe interested xn tills reair semiannual C-I206 Finest quality - medium dark brown kid Pump, turn sole, mood LXV heel. Reg' ular price $10 reduced to These shoe offerings are worth" more than mere passing interest. Not only will the prices demand instant recog nition, but the shoes themselves repre sent the very.best to be had independ able footwear. We want to lay stress on the timeliness of these economies and the importance of taking advantage of them at once. The sale starts TO MORROW morning, 9 O'CLOCK. 1 006 Patent colt . lace Oxford, plain toe, black celluloid, covered Wood LXy hecL Regular price $8.50 reduced to New Styles Excellent Materials Great Varieties Quick Service Wonderful Savings Satisfaction Assured D-1005 Patent coll tongue Pump, one of our best num bers; medium turn sole, celluloid covered LXV heeL Regular price f 1 0 reduced to 1825 Plain toe Oxford, of best grade while canvas, with turn sole and LXV heel. Regu lar price $6.50 reduced to A-1868 White rigncloth military heel sport Pump. Regular price $6.50 reduced to 1913 An attractive Pump, with tongue and black enamel buckle, in while canvas. Regular price $5.00 reduced o Liberal reductions on many lines of mens shoes ' and on all men's oxfords. All broken lines in children's high shoes and complete lines of white shoes and oxfords included in this sale. Sole Agent for Dr.' A. Reed Cushion Shoe for Men Lot Angeles San Francisco Agent for the NetlUton ' Shoe the Best for Men Portland Largest Retailer of Shoes West of Chicago 380 Washington Street 308 Washington Street 270 Washington Street 270 Morrison Street MINING CONCERNS SUED STOCKHOLDER ASKS ACCOUNT ING OF IIl'CE SUM. Revival of Tears of Litigation In volving Almeda Companies Be gan in Federal Court. Another revival of the several years of litigation Involving rival stockhold ers and directors of the Almeda Mines company and the Almeda Consolidated Mines company via started in the fed eral court yesterday when George Y. Drew, a stockholder, brought suit against other stockholders, directors and state officials for a complete ac counting of all affair of the two con cerns. The amount involved runs high into the millions. The plaintiff-asks yhat -the -federal court nullify all legal proceedings which have been instituted and are now pending in the circuit court of Jo sephine county. He asks also that the entire property Involved in the litiga tion be awarded to the Almeda Con solidated Mines company and against the Almeda Mines company. The plain tiff charges various of the directors and stockholders with fraud and decep tion, and alleges that the earlier litiga tion dating several years back wss started as a means by which they could procure control of the property. The same litigation has been before the federal court on former occasions. It sleo has been in the courts of Jo sephine and Douglas counties and In the Multnomah county circuit court. Streetcar Men to Picnic. The annual picnic of the Portland Street Car Men's union will bs held at Columbia beach Saturday, July 26. ac cording to announcement made yester day by the committee in charge. Ath letics and water events of all kinds wilt-be staged, and merchandise, prizes valued at $300 will bs awarded the win ners. Two concerts will be given by the street car men's band, while four baseball teams, representing the vari ous divisions, will play. The picnic will continue throughout the day. with dancing continuing until midnight. BOND BUYERS OFFER PLAN Pasco Bnslnesa Men Asked to Take Stock lo Insure Payment. PASCO. Wash- July 19. Special ) Bond buyers who sre negotiating for ths bonds of the Franklin county Irrigation district say If Pasco business men. through the Pasco Savings &. Invest ment compsny. will subscribe :0.000 as stock in that company to Insure ths water assessments on the land under the district, the deal for the purchase of the bonds 'would be completed. This ths chamber of commerce has undertaken to put over, and It Is be lieved the bonds will be sold soon. Read The Oregonian classified ads. "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN "Barer Tablets of Aspirin" to be g.a alne must bs marked wlta taa sa-t.ty -bayer Cross. Always buy as broken Bayer package welco contains proper directions to aaVely relieve Head ache. Toothache. iaracbe. Neuralgia. Colds and paia. Handy tin boxes ot U tablets cost but a few cents sr. drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceuuacideslex oX baucyucaciev Adv. CATARRH ts bov sarlly overcome by using an antiseptic oil spray, which ab sorbs and dislodges the hard web like mucous membrane of throat sr.d nose Julck rell.f Is always ob tained by using the MrKenxis Ca tarrh Spray. The price complete, with special atomiser, is only 11.00. We pay the postage on this and all other drug orders. LAUE-DAYIS DRUG CO. Trass Etsrrts, Dept. 3. . fwrtlaad. Oregeaw For Headache Ouicker Than Tablets S. i f vt mi.,, i r n .. 1 -4 14 WW U i. 1,L. 1r. , , a 4