The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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Charge Between Washington
and California Held Unjust.
. 0- - : ' f
Dainty .New
Shoe Styles
All vacation need in shoes are easily supplied at this
store, whether you require sport, dress, street 6hoes
or dancing pumps. Below are illustrated a few of the
popular styles we are showing.
J. ,Vvi. I , , t
- . s .-
Growers of Perishable Fruits Testify
That Proposed Schedule Discrim
inates Against Districts. 1
Zvr-tei "-n- iwr-r D---t - :
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"Why the rate' from California to
Washington points on a carload of
apples, under the proposed perishable
freight tariff, should be $5 lower than
on a similar shipment of the same com
modity from Washington to California
points, was a question brought before
the interstate commerce commission
rate hearing in the federal court room
yesterday afternoon by E. S. Gill, sales
manager of the Seattle Produce asso
ciation. Mr. Gill pointed out the in
equality of apple charges as one ex
ample of unsatisfactory rates contained
in the proposed tariff, saying there
were other provisions that appeared
equally discriminatory.
The witness expressed the belief that
the rate from Washington into Cali
fornia should be lower, for the reason
that shipments move during a season
when no refrigeration is necessary,
whereas the California apples are
shipped north during the early summer
months when weather conditions de
mand refrigeration.
Inequality Is Alleged.
Potatoes grown in Washington, Mr.
Gill said, are given a proposed rate of
155 a car to California points, while
the charge for carload shipments of
California potatoes to Washington is
placed at 50 per car. Mr. Gill asked
why oranges should be shipped at the
same rate from Porterville as from
Kedlands, and why the rate from north
ern California should be the same as
from the southern, part of the state,
when cars from the latter district are
two to three days longer en route and
carried across the hottest part of the
state during that additional time.
In reply to questions Mr., Gill ad
mitted he would abide by the proposed
rate if it can be shown to his satisfac
tion it is based upon actual cost of
service. But he said he could not
understand how such could be the case,
with refrigeration of California prod
ucts necessary and no such service re
quired during the season when Wash
ington shipments are moving.
Burden on Housewife Opposed.
Mr. Gill took occasion to express his
views on any change in the tariffs that
will place an additional burden upon
the housewife, who will be obliged to
pay a higher price for the necessities
of life in case the freight rales on
those commodities are increased. He
taid the cry of "profiteering" has been
brought about through the steady in
crease in the cost of living, and that
while a woman, upon buying a pair of
shoes might complain about the price,
she would not take the shoe situation
fo seriously for the reason that such
purchases are made or.iy at intervals.
One bit of humor was injected into the
closing day of the examination, when
J. Curtis Robinson, representing the
Northwestern Fruit exchange, was
asked if new commodities seeking re
frigeration service would not put into
use those cars formerly "used for that
commodity called beer." The court ste
nographer evidently had forgotten the
term, for he called for a repetition,
amid laughter and an explanaton that
it was something people used to drink
on hot days.
Be-icing Charge Protested.
Mr. Robinson was contending against
the proposed rental of $5 for use of
refrigerator cars. He was asked if
such a charge would not prevent com
modities not entitled to use of such
cars from infringing upon perishables,
and replied that he believed the addi
tional charge should be levied upon the
commodities not entitled to such serv
ice rather than upon those that are
entitled to it. Beer cars, he said, might
not prove suitable for movement of
perishable freight,
R. L. Thompson, representing the
Salem-Kings Products company, en
tered a protest against a charge in
Portland for re-icing carload shipments
of loganberries from The Dalles and
consigned to Salem. He said he had
been informed that a charge of $4 or
$4.50 would be made for this service
in Portland, whether the car required
it or not, and did not believe it equi
table. Representatives of the railroad
administration explained that Mr.
Thompson evidently had been misin
formed on that point, as such charge
was not being made here. The witness
told of the service given by the Pa
cific Fruit Express in the handling of
loganberry shipments and expressed
the belief that present rates are am
ple, if not in excess of what the serv
. ice justifies. He said his company has
no objection to paying a reasonable
fee. which he thought should be based
upon cost, plus a reasonable profit.
Growers Complete Testimony.
During the afternoon the use of the
term "accessorial service" was resorted
to oy examining attorneys, and on
cross-examination several of the wit
nesses were asked to offer a definition.
Some succeeded fairly well, while
others admitted they could not give the
generally-accepted definition.
Growers completed their side of the
rase shortly after the noon recess, tal-
lowing which the carriers presented
several witnesses in rebuttal, covering
points on which objections had been
entered. Among these was R. Colby
uearnoorn, general manager of the Pa
cific Fruit Express, with headquarters
In Chicago, who dealt with ice costs
and meltage, told of experiments con
ducted by his company and government
agents on the southern route, and test
fled that the cost of maintaining re
frigerator service over the southern
route was smaller than over the north
ern lines.
Proposed Tariff Criticised.
J. u. Plette, manager of the Yakima
Valley Traffic & Credit association, was
recalled at the morning session, giving
further testimony upon heater service
as furnished to patrons of his associa
tion. James McCabe. representing the
w enaicnee v ruit exchange, and H. S.
C.rowl, secretary of the Wenatchee
Produce company, also took the stand to
point out discrepancies they considered
existed in the proposed tariff. A. R.
Currie. representing the Ryan Fruit
company of Seattle, testified in con
necnon wiin sn.pment ot bananas, re
tarded as the -iost perishable of all
mmotities handled He said the
charge for messenger service from New
Orleans to the northwest was $15 per
ear. and estimated the actual cost of
sucn service to be J9.85 per car.
Hearing to Resume Wednesday,
J-o'icwing rebuttal testimony, the
Hearing was adjourned by L. R. Mar
shall, examiner for the interstate com
merce commission, to Wednesday, July
23. when the investigation will bo con
tinued in Denver. The Portland hear
ing opened Wednesday morninir. and
during the four days numerous exhibits
and an unusual array of statistics bear
irg on perishable rates in the north
west were introduced for, entry into
No more will the wily prune evade the dining-room table or the mess halls of the army by hiding on the ground
and escaping the hand of the careless prune picker. Arthur Hedeen, 856 Colonial avenue, has perfected a device which
should prove a boon to prune growers in the saving of labor and fruit. The principle of the Invention is very simple.
and it can be operated easily by one man. The machine is placed under a tree, encircling it by means of a slot ar
rangement. The instant the tree is shaken the prunes roll down the inclined sides into a box through a hole in the
center. The prune gatherer is made in
The machine will eliminate all the
during rainy weatner. aiucn rruit wm De savea wnicn is isuany stepped on.
Mr. Hedeen is associated in the production of the prune gatherer with C. AV.
vising the building of the new models.
the record which will be reviewed by J
the interstate commerce commission.
The object of the examination was
to obtain views of shippers lelailve to
the proposed tariff whicfl is a consoli
dation and unification, of all existing
tariffs on all roads under control of
the United Stages railroad administra
tion. It was explained nt the opening
of the hearing by C. E. B-sll of the rail
road administration that the division
of traffic believes there should be uni
formity of transportation rules and
regulations, so far as possible, to those
commodities grown in different sec
tions and sold in competition in the
same markets.
Howling Combination of Farce and
Comedy Assured Shriners.
Shrine headquarters in the Gasco
building yesterday were offered a com
plete show free of charge.
The offer came . from Campbell M.
Voorhees, potentate of Aladdin temple.
Columbus, O., and the piay that the
Shriners will put on will be "Aladdlns
Lamp," a howling combination of farce
and musical comeay. xne piay win oe
rewritten especially to fit Portland, and
wtll be participated in by the famous
chorus of Aladdin temple singers, their
patrol and band.
Potentate w. J. ttormann expects io
secure a local tneater ior ine use oi
the Ohioans and give them every assist
ance in staging the great production.
Aladdin .brings its own stage settings,
carload of trappings Deing useo. in
producing the play.
Three Iiewis County Spouses Seek
Single Blessedness.
PHEHALIS. Wash.. July 19. fSpe-
cial.) Three divorce cases are before
the superior court: Mary vs. Jacob
Schneider. John J. vs. Cora Carey and
Beulah vs. Oliver Bain.
The Schneiders were married in Au
gust. 1912. in Oregon. They have two
children, one 7 and the other o years
The Careys were married in isovem-
ber. 1900, in Centralia. Plalntirr is u
years of age and asks custody of two
children. 17 and 16 years old.
The Bains were married in Tlnsman.
Ark., in July, 1909. Four cnnaren. agea
4. 7 and 9 years are the resun. lean
ness, shirtlessness. aruriKcnrioa uu
finally desertion are set up in the wife's
Prominent New lorker to bpena
Vacation at His Orchard Home.
Hnnn RIVER. Or.. July 19. (Spe
cial.) F. X. Arens, prominent wew
York City vocal director, arrivea yes
terday for a vacation at his middle
valley orchard place. Mr. Arens is re
covering from a neat strone ounereu
while crossing the middle west.
His two sons. Captain winirea a.
Arens and R. W. Arens, are now out ot
service. The latter is wun nis wue in
New York City, while captain Arens
is in Texas, having been placed on me
reserve list.
Mrs. Arens, well Known in i-omana
social circles, remains In New lorK
City, but may come to Hood River later
in the season. A third son, Eggmont
Arens, is in magazine work in the
Steady Progress Made on Hood
River-Mosier Extension of Road.
HOOD RIVER ,Or July 19. (Spe
cial.) Steady progress is being made
by crews on the hooq itiver-iuosier ex
tension of the Columbia river highway.
The shorter of the twin tunnels two
miles this side of Mosier has been bored
and the hard-rock men have cut their
way for about 15 feet into the longer, a
bore of 240 feet, with two open win
dows. The shorter tunnel is 65 feet
'The most difficult work on the six
mile link is three-quarters of a mile
on each side of the two tunnels, which
are only 60 feet apart, and steam
shovels, working from bcth ends, have
encountered hard construction.
Alkali in Shampoos
Bad for Washing Hair
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali, which is very
injurious, as it dries the scalp and
makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is Mulsified
cocoanut oil shampoo, for 'this is pure
and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap
and beats anything else all to pieces.
Vou can get this at any dr-ig store, and
a few ounces will last the whole family
for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in. about a teaspoonful is all
that Is required. It makes an abun
dance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses
thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The
hair dries quickly and evenly, and is
soft, fresh-looking, bright, fluffy, wavy
and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens
and takes out every particle of dust,
dirt and dandruff. Adv.
five sections and can be readily taken
trouble caused by having pickers gather
Two Women Complain That Spouses
Object to Being 'Tied Down' and
Refuse to Mend Their Ways.
While Alfreda Marie Foster, with
tears and sobs, sought for hours some
expression of love and affection from
her husband. Robert H. Foster, a city
fireman, he would smoke, apparently
oblivious of her presence, she com
plains in a suit for divorce filed yes
terday. She also declares that he re
fused to quit his job and take day work
at better pay and that he always In
sisted on paying rent instead of put
ting his money in a home.
Anna E. Borter declares that while
she was combing her hair on the porch
of their home one day in 1917. her hus
band. Christian Borter, dragged her by
the hair into their home and beat and
knocked her down. While she was suf
fering from a nervous breakdown as
the result of this treatment, she avers
her husband had her committed to the
insane asylum, from which she was
paroled in June, 1918. and finally dis
charged 'n February. 1919.
George Alexander McUachlan told his
wife. Vivian May McLichlan, in no un
certain terms that he did as he pleased
before he was married and did not pro
pose to mend his ways in that regard
after marriage, she complains in a suit
filed yesterday.
Edward Miller liked to "step out" and
disliked being "tied down" by a wife.
declares Mrs. Violet Miller, In her suit,
for separation.
Other divorce suits filed yesterday
were: Hazel E. Kromer against Thad
deus Kromer. desertion; Julia C. Mears
against James J. Mears; B. Dorothy
Garrison against Charles F. Garrison,
cruelty: Nettie M. Grigsby against
Clarence W. Grigsby. desertion: Andrew
Caughey against Ethle'en Caughey. cru
elty, and Arthur D. Emery against
Jennie Emery, cruelty.
Registration Card Identifies Dead as
Joseph M. Hopnacki of Detroit.
KELSO. Wash.. July 19. (Special.)
Edward Blake, or Joseph M. Hopnacki,
an Austrian, who had worked on the
railroad crew laying track here,
drowned last evening while swimming
in the Coweeman river. He apparently
was a good swimmer and had crossed
the river and returned. His compan
ions were horrified to see him go down
suddenly. He was within a few feet
of the bank, but they were unable to
rescue him. The body was recovered.
. Blake, as he gave his name when he
went to work, was a man of about 25
years. He registered for the draft at
Detroit. Mich., and his classification
card gives him the name of Joseph M.
Hopnacki. Nothing is known of him
except what can be rleaned from his
A Diamond
to satisfy every feminine
heart must be a rare and
beautiful stone. It is just such
a stone that you will find at
Special Diamond
Engagement Rings
at $25, $50 and $100 never
fail to please. The settings
of these stones are exception
ally lovely. Many are in the
artistic filigree settings in
white gold or platinum. We
are always glad to make xxp
settings to conform to your
own ideas.
Jacoby's Lucky
Wedding Rings
when the happy time comes
for you to purchase one.
-"" '
down or set ud.
the prunes from the ground, especially
Harris, 566 Delay street, who is super
personal papers. He has been in this
country about 12 years and had worked
on several jobs from Idaho to the coast
in the past few weeks.
Repairs Made at Gladstone Park
Immediate repair of the auditorium
at Gladstone Chautauqua, in which ses
sions are now being held, was promised
by Secretary Bsattie of the Willamette
Valley Chautauqua association, follow
ing an Investigation made of the build
ing by W. C. Knighton, chairman of the
state board of architectural examiners.
and H. E. Plummer. city building in
The Investigation, which was re
quested by Governor Olcott. disclosed
the fact that the building was not en
tirely safe to the public under present
conditions. The top chord of the truss
which supports the roof of the audi
torium has buckled. Mr. Plummer as
serfs, and braces must be placed to
support the building.
Work on the repair of the bulldlni
was instituted Saturday morning. Im
mediately following the investigation.
according to Mr. Plummer.
Artisans to Celebrate Picnic.
Liberty assembly No. 2SS, now the
largest association of United Artisans.
wU celebrate the success of Its recent
membership campaign by running a
special train to Estacada park on La
bor day, taking along its baseball team,
drill team and 500 enthusiastic boosters
to take part In sports and prepare for
visitors on that day. A special meet
Ing for members and friends will be
held Wednesday evening at the hall
East Sixth and Alder streets, at which
a full attendance is expected. There
will be an orchestra to furnish dance
music and everyone Interested In the
order Is asked to attend.
Blackberries Abundant In Cowlits.
KELSO. Wash.. July 19 (Special.)
The wild blackberry crop of Cowllts
county hills and logged off lands has
been one of the most abundant in years,
and hundreds of pickers are out daily.
It is nothing unusual for a single picker
to gather five or six gallons of the fruit
in a few hours.
at Finleys
' " ;
1 'wains : :-n
every family served is the
aim that
Finley Institution so successfuL
No worthy family has ever been
denied a fitting funeral.
J. P. Finley & Son
Progressive Funeral Directors
Montgomery at Fifth
XWvifcT-L I T Tialntlly finished Is
V-sSS. IJ 1 n ' wh't canvas
WL is pump with Its long
fcav " vamp and slender
" fe5 " J-i'Siryr self - covered Louis
' :i I IW-fcr Vf beet -04.
frf -Tk to bring j
Letter Sent to Mayor Will Be In
troduced at Next Council
Meeting for Action.
Investigation by the city council of
Increases in the price of commodities
In common use Is urged In a letter ad
dressed to Mayor Baker by Professor
A. A. Knowlton of Reed college. Pro
fessor Knowlton does not allege that
the producers and distributors are In
creasing prices unfairly, but says that
the suspicion held by the average per
son that prices do not bear a reasonable
relation with the cost of production la
the cause of much social unrest.
Professor Knowlton In his letter calls
attention to the proposed Increase In
the price of bread, the Increased cost
of ice snd milk and the organisation of
the producers and distributors for self
protection, with the consumers unor
ganised and at the mercy of the pro
ducers and the distributors.
The suggestion offered In the letter
are now receiving consideration by
Mayor Baker, who Incidentally states
that he plans on making an indepen
dent Investigation to ascertain, if pos
fm' ' . ' f" '"T
K: . ... j
r . - J ! s.S :
satisfaction to
has made the
A This is a particularly Milady will
attractive pump, in I , this Colonial p
either patent or dull patent leather.
patent leather,
Colonial style.
Bunea by a
vamp. French
and hand-turned
It has self-covered
military heels and
hand - turned soles.
DA stylish high
boot in white.
walking heel.
bame style In
nubuck. and
'calf. 10.00.
The Juvenile Shop
Two charming models for children are shown in the
illustration; they give a faint idea of the careful way
in which we fit little undeveloped feet. It will pay you
ir kiddies here.
sible, if Illegal combines exist la Port
land. It is probable that th letter sub
mitted to Mayor Baker will be trans
mitted to the city council next Wednes
day snd that as a result n thorough
ifi ill
For any kind of bread;
Stands in favor
For its flavor
A most delightful spread.
For bread and cake and tart;
So good to eat.
Rich, pure, and sweet,
The proof of cubist art.
From mountain meadow cream;
Its goodness lends
Such ideal blends,
A fairy food twould seem.
Order it today;
Each morn it's shipt
On ice that's chipt.
Thru routed no delay.
This minute "phone the store,
"Jim, please send over
My Maid O Clover."
Once tried, youH order more.
Mutual Creamerg Compamj
pump in
investigation will be conducted under
the authority of the council.
Deposits of tungsten or have beet
discovered in Corea and mines are be-
inc opened
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