The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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Sulkies, Orioles and
Baby Carriages
Our 1919 stocks of baby carriages, collapsi
ble sulkies and oriole go-baskets are most com
plete. We have a variety of styles, sizes and
finishes. Moderate prices.
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor.
Complete Stocks of
Summer Goods
Now is? the (time to select your summer
goods. while our stocks are new and complete.
We have hammocks, couch hammocks, porch
swings, tents, etc., at lowest prices.
Meier & Franks: Fifth Floor.
See Also Back Page
This Section, for Additional
News of the
July Clearance Sales
The . "Ideal" Fireless
Cook Stove
will save a large part of your kitchen fuel
bill. You can bake, roast, "boil or stew food in
the Ideal just as you would "on a range and
without the range's waste of heat.
Meier & Frank's: Basement.
r rUy3tjcLK.-Mjiiloi, ll i ata.
of Homefftamlslhiiii
ll 11 f l ft i
SOME folks spend the summer away from the. city, but the number is small com
pared with those who content themselves with occasional excursions and a two or
three weeks' vacation. It is highly important that everything possible be provided
to make the city home cool and comfortable in appearance and in reality. Windows
and doors should be well screened. Summer furniture should be used on the porch and
in the living room. . : . . .
A SUMMER rug makes a pleasing addition to the porch furnishing and lessens the
housework if substituted for the winter rugs indoors. You may need cretonnes
for cushions and draperies. You will find all these and all the other summer
home furnishings at MEIER & FRANK'S. During the July Clearance Sales there will
be many special values obtainable in quality furnishings for summer homes. Read and
profit by the following:.
July Clearance Sale of
2000 Pieces Wm. A. Rogers
Silver Plated Ware
The pieces in this extraordinary clearance sale of Wm. A.
Rogers silver-plated ware are all offered at LESS THAN
PRESENT WHOLESALE COST. Included are dessert
spoons, table spoons, soup spoons, medium forks and knives,
sugar shells, butter knives, etc. ...
Meier & Frank's: Center Aisle. Main Floor.
The Universal Combination
is really two complete ranges at the
price of one. A complete gas range
for quick service . on hot days. . A
complete wood and coal range for
superb baking results, abundance of
hot water and warmth in the kitchen.
Fuels may be used separately or at
the same time as desired. No trouble
to change 'from one fuel to the
other a twist of the wrist does it
Large, roomy firebox" fitted with
six pipe coils and gas kindler. Large,
roomy baking 'oven. Four top gas
burners and simmer. Come in and
see the Universal Combination to
morrow, . '" '
Continuing Our Great
July Sale of Curtains
Pair $1.00, $1.65,
$2.15, $3.95
We began this sale with 1000 pairs of high quality curtains
divided into four groups, and although buying has been brisk
there is still a good selection. Our buyer secured these cur
tains in a very special purchase if bought in the regular way
they would be marked at just about twice our sale prices.
Excellent Scrim and Marquisette
curtains in a wide variety of pleasing trimming effects lace edges and
insertions, also hemstitched curtains. Come early for best selection, $1.
Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Special July Sale of
Goodyear" Garden
Syphon Refrigerators conserve
food to the highest degree. The
Syphon system produces a rapid
circulation of dry air, the spe
cially constructed drain carries
off odors along with the meltage,
the one-piece porcelain lining with
full rounded corners permits of
instant thorough cleansing, the
Flaxlinum insulation maintains
very low temperature with mini
mum ice consumption. We have
many styles and sizes of Bohn
Syphon Refrigerators.
Make Your Own
Terms in Reason
T it' X&?i .' :
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
Goodyear high-grade guaranteed
garden hose, complete with coup
lings and adjustable spray nozzle.
25 and 50-foot lengths. Very spe
cially priced for the July Sales:
"Plover" Hose
Plover black, moulded, rubber hose that
will not kink and with ordinary care will
last for several years.
$5.75 Plover hose, -inch, 25-foot
length $.". 18
$10.25 Plover hose, -inch, 50-foot
length $9.21
$6.75 Plover hose, -inch, 25-foot
length $6.07
$12.50 Plover hose, -inch, 50-foot
length $11.21
"Pelican" Hose
Pelican corrugated moulded rub
ber hose.
$5.75 Pelican Hose, -inch, 25
foot length $5.18
$10.25 Pelican hose, -inch, 50
foot length $0.23
$6.75 Pelican hose, -inch, 25
foot length $0.07
$12.50 Pelican hose, -inch, 50
foot length $11.23
"Tortoise" Hose
Tortoise five ply rubber hose.
$4.50 Tortoise hose, -inch, 25
foot length $4.03
$8.25 Tortoise hose, -inch 50
foot length $7.43
$5.50 Tortoise hose, -inch, 25
foot length $4.93
$9.75 Tortoise hose, -inch, 50
foot length $8.77
"Trout" Hose
Dependable quality Trout cotton
$4.50 Trout hose, -inch, 25-foot
length, $4.03.
$8.25 Trout hose, Vi-inch, 50-foot
length, $7.43.
$5.50 Trout hose, -inch, 25-foot
length, $4.93.
$9.75 Trout hose, -inch, 50-foot
length, $8.77.
Hose Reel S1.93
Special sale of steel hose reels
that hold 50 feet of 34 -inch hose.
Electric Fans
We have a good assortment of
the well-known Westinghouse elec
tric fans ranging in price from
$11.03 to $38.80.
Meier tc Frank's: Basement. (Mail Orders Filled.)
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A Clearance Sale of Rugs
The prices in this July Clearance Sale of rugs are in many instances less
than it would cost us to go into the market and buy these qualities today. Very
special prices will be in effect this week on two grades of grass rugs, wool ana
fiber rugs, rag rugs, seamless-Brussels rugs, seamless velvet rugs and high
grade Axminster rugs. Seven big lots as follows:
Lot 1
Imported Grass Rugs
$2.50 Rugs, 3.0x6.0 feet $1.05
$7.50 Rugs, 6.0x9.0 feet $o.S5
$12.00 Rugs, 8.0x10.0 feet $.:
$14.00 Rugs, 9.0x12.0 feet $9.8o
Lot 3
Wool and Fiber Rugs
$12.00 Rugs, 6.0x9.0 feet $9.75
Lot 2
Best American Grass Rugs
$8.00 Rugs, 4.6x7.6 feet $(.95
$11.00 Rugs, 6.0x9.0 feet $9.35
$15.00 Rugs, 8.0x10.0 feet SI 2.75
$16.50 Rugs, 9.0x12.0 feet $14.S5
$16.50 Rugs, 6.3x10.6 feet.
$18.00 Tlugs, 9.0x12.0 feet.
Seamless Brussels Rugs
$12.00 Rugs, 4.6x7.6 feet
$17.50 Rugs, 6.0x9.0 feet
$25.00 Rugs, 7.6x9.0 feet
$27.50 Rugs, 8.3x10.6 feet
$27.50 Rugs, 9.0x12.0 feet
$32.50 Rugs, 9.0x12.0 feet
. . .$9.75
Lot 1
Plain Rag Rugs with White Border
$6.00 Rugs, 4.0x7.0 feet $4.75
10.00 Rugs, 6.0x9.0 feet $8.35
$16.50 Rugs, 8.0x10.0 feet
$20.00 Rugs, 9.0x12.0 feet ....
Lot 6
Seamless Velvet
$25.00 Rugs, 6.0x9.0 feet
$27.50 Rugs, 7.6x9.0 feet
$32.50 Rugs, 7.6x9.0 feet
$40.00 Rugs, 9.0x12.0 feet
$47.50 Rugs, 9.0x12.0 feet
Lot 7
Axminster Rugs Note Size Range
$15.00 Rugs 4.6x 6.6
$17.50 Rugs 4.6x 6.6
$20.00 Rugs 4.6x 7.6
$25.00 Rugs 6.0x 9.0
$27.50 Rugs 6.0x 9.0
$32.50 Rugs 6.9x 9.0
$27.50 Rugs 7.6x 9.0
$30.00 Rugs 7.6x 9.0
feet $13.ft5
feet $15.75
feet $17.35
feet $21.35
feet $22.5
feet $25.75
feet $22.5
feet $24.75
$32.50 Rugs 7.6x 9.0
$35.00 Rugs 8.3x10.6
42.50 Rugs 8.3x10.6
.$47.50 Rugs 8.3x10.6
$50.00 Rugs 8.3x10.6
$40.00 Rugs 9.0x12.0
$42.50 Rugs 9.0x12.0
$45.00 Rugs 9.0x12.0
Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor.
feet $25.75
feet $27.5(
feet 8:U .."
feet $39.75
feet .S 12.75
feet $29.75
feet $33.H5
feet $30. 75
(Mail Orders Filled.)
The Cromwellian Dining Suite
Round extension table with gatelegs, 48
inches across, extending to 6 feet, $56.50.
Sideboard with metal drawer pulls, velvet
lined silver drawers, 54 inches long, priced
$58.00. . .
Serving table, 32 inches long, priced ?18.
Is Specially Planned for
Homes of Moderate Size
This tpe of suite is called "Crom
wellian" because it is not so ornate as
the carved Jacobean furniture of the
same period yet it bears a striking re
semblance to the Jacobean style.
Made of carefully selected northern
birch in rich dull mahogany finish. The
birch is so hard that it really looks like
mahogany and will wear quite as well.
Come in and see the "Cromwellian"
suite tomorrow. The table is illustrated.
Other pieces in the suite are sideboard,
serving table, china closet, arm chairs
and side chairs.
Separate Pieces Moderately
Priced as Follows:
China Closet with three shelves and dou
ble doors, 38 inches long, priced $48.00.
Arm chairs, with tapestry seats, each
priced $19.00. . '
Side chairs,
priced $14.50.
with tapestry seats, each
Odd Lots of Furniture at Clearance Prices
Meier Sc. Frank': Eighth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)
The "Eldredge" Two -Spool
Rotary Sewing Machines have no bobbins
to wind. They are the only modern up-to-date
sewing machines that sew directly from
two spools of thread one above, the other
below. Eldredge sewing machines are guar
anteed for ten years, but with ordinary
usage they will last a lifetime. If desired
pay only
$1 Down $1 Week
Your old machine taken as part payment.
Special Prices on Used Machines
Come Here for
"Model" Dress Forms
Model dress forms are self-locking and self
adjusting. They may be adjusted to any desired
size. Buy your dress form at MEIER &. FRANK'S
and pay for the same while using it. If desired
pay only
$1 Down 50c Week
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.(Mail Orders Fil!t
Seven Grocery Specials
Pork and Beans, in tomato
sauce. No. 2 cans,
dozen SI. 85 can.. IDC
Red Salmon, fancy pack. No.
i flat cans, dozen r r
S2.25 can ZUC
Cove Oysters, fine quality. No.
1 cans, dozen Sl.CO.1 "T
3 cans 50 can. J. C
Rice, fancy head,
lbs. SI lb
Citrus Powder, large pack
ages, dozen S3. 15
three packages
Matches, fine quality,
5 boxes
Crystal White Soap, box of
100 bars SG ter
Meiers: Frank's: Ninth Floor.
(Mail Order Filled.)
Higli-Grade Table Linens .
The following numbers have been recently received in our
70-inch all-linen table damask in a good variety of patterns, yard $2.50,
$2.75, $3, $3.50 and $3.75.
Mercerized cotton damask, 64 to 72 inches wide, yard 75c, $1, $1.25,
$1.50 and $1.75.
Plain and fancy huck toweling, 15, 18, 20 and 22 inches wide,
good variety of patterns, yard 50c to $1.
SPECIAL: $5.00 cloths, .60x60 inches, S3.98. ? 6.00 nap
kins to match, 22x22 inches, dozen S4.98.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.)
Portable Phonographs
Youll want a portable phonograph for your vacation, for canoeing, for
outing trips, etc We have the various styles and sizes in portable
If desired you can MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS IX REASOX. .
Outfit S33.50
Outfit consists of the Victrola as
illustrated at right, in oak finish,
20 selections (ten 10-inch D. D. 86c
records of your own choosing), rec
ord album and 300 steel needles.
This Grafonola
Outfit S 41.00
Outfit consists of the Grafonola
as illustrated at left, in mahogany
or oak, 20 selections (ten 10-inch
D. D. 85c records of your own
choosing), record album and 300
steel needles. .
Meier Sc Frank': Sixth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.)