The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, Section One, Page 12, Image 12

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Check to Former County Pur
chasing Agent Produced;
Miss Elma - Haygard, - 23 years . old.
matron at the hospital, who left her
room after 9 P. M. Friday, and has not
reported for duty since. She Is . de
scribed as five feet three, inches tall,
weighing 128 pounds, dark complex
ioned, with dark , hair and eyes. The
hospital engaged Miss Haygard through
the Y. W. c. -A. on July 3. Her home is
at 868 Union avenue north, but at a late
hour yesterday her relatives had not
heard from her.
Explanation Is Promised if Permis
sion to Examine Company's
Books Is Granted.
On the wheel of an automobile owned
by William Davie, partner of County
Commissioner Holman in the firm of
avis & Holman. was found the miss
ing automobile tire yesterday, of whose
purchase Mr. Holman still disclaims
any knowledge, although it was billed
to Multnomah county", account "Mr.
Holman, room 200, Courthouse," and
paid or by a warrant on the county
C. A. Nelson, county purchasing agent
at the time of the transaction and an
appointee of Mr. Holman, was brought
into the investigation in disclosures .of
the county commissioner yesterday and
may be the subject of a 'grand jury
investigation which it is intimated will
be started Monday. Mr. Holman pro
duced a firm check of Davis & Holman
of the date of February 19. 1919, four
days after the tire had, passed from
the hands of the B. K. Goodrich tire
agency, made out to Mr. Nelson, per
sonally, for $44.60, the price of the cord
tire, deducting the usual discount al
lowed the county. . It was indorsed by
Mr. Nelson and cashed at the Hibernia
Mr. ielson Is Interrogated.
"Though I remember the purchase of
four tires by the .county for my ma
chine, which is used continually on
county business, I did not know any
thing about this other transaction""
said Mr. Holman yesterday. "When it
was called to my attention in a news
paper article this morning, I imme
diately telephoned Mr. Nelson to find
out what he knew about it. He assured
rue that Mr. Davis had paid him for
th- tire. 1 looked up the office records
and found the check to Mr. Nelson."
Neither County Treasurer Lewis nor
County Auditor Martin have any record
of the amount of $44.60 being paid over
to the county to cover the cost of the
tire, which was requisitioned on April
18, two months later. The Godrich tire
agency cashier asserted yesterday that
Mr. Nelson had never paid the money
to nis firm, the only payment received
being the county warrant for the pur
chase price.
Mr. Nelson said yesterday that he
was confident he could untangle affairs
if he was allowed to check the books
of the tire company. He was certain,
he said, that he had paid the Goodrich
people for the tire and that he could
explain alterations on his requisition.
The requisition coming from the of
fice of the purchasing agent April 18
called for three tires at ?44.bO each
instead of two tires as the orig
inal carbon copy shows to have been
the intent of the order signed by the
commissioners. The tire company num
ber on the voucher for the tire bought
in February had been roughly changed
in pencil to correspond with that of
the voucher of the tires purchased in
April, making it appear one transac
tion. Tire Located on Machine.
Mr. Martin asserted that when the
voucher was received from the tire con
cern in February, calling attention to
the purchase of a tire on the account of
Mr. Holman, that the voucher was
turned over to Mr. Nelson with the as
surance that the county could not be
held responsible for a personal bill in
curred by Mr. Holman. Mr. Martin did
not see the voucher again, he averred,
until it returned as included in the
requisition of April 18.
Mr. Holman declared that the matter
had never been brought to his atten
tion by Mr. Nelson nor by Mr. Martin.
The tire was discovered at 9 o'clock
yesterday morning in a garage at 6S Vz
First street on Mr. Davis' machine by
a deputy sheriff. It was confiscated
and brought to the courthouse, on the
order of Mr. Martin. Later it wa
returned on the advice of District At
torney Evans, who held that it was the
legal property of Mr. Davis, in spite of
the fact that the county paid for it
and any money turned over by Mr.
Davis has never reached county coffers.
Mr. Davis on Wedding Trip.
It is not an uncommon thing for
county officers or employes to obtain
the county discount on purchases from
some firms, but it is not often that the
discount is extended to persons not in
ait official connection with the county.
"The entire transaction was between
Mr. Davis and Mr. Nelson. 1 knew
nothing about it and had never told
Mr. Davis of the possibility of obtain
ing a discount by a purchase through
the county purchasing agent." affirmed
Mr. Holman. Mr. Davis is said to be
in New York at present on a wedding
The discount on a cord tire such as
was purchased for Mr. Davis cuts the
cost approximately $10 under the list
price. The tire was sold over the coun
ter to Mr. Davis, who signed the re
"In the five years of Mr. Nelson's
term as county purchasing agent.
never found any complaint to make
with the strict honesty of his reports
and correctness of his records." volun
teered Mr. Martin, who said last night
that Mr. Nelson had assured him that
he would be able to straighten out mat'
ters Monday to the entire satisfaction
of any investigating body, proving that
there was no misconduct on his part or
appropriation of funds.
Anto Parties Also Plan '. to Visit
Klamath Falls Convention.
MARSHFIELD, . Or., July 19. (Spe
cial.) Members of the "Marshf Ield lodge
of Elks are planning participation in
the state convention at Klamath Falls,
August 14-16. From two to four Full
man cars will be chartered and used
by the Elks during their stop at Klam
ath Falls. This plan has been adopted
to help relieve the lodging situation,
which is expected to be somewhat un
certain during the convention. About
20 automobile parties also are planning
to make the trip from various portions
of the county.
J. W. Hildebrand. W. G. Chandler and
Frank D. Cohan, members of the stunts
committee, expect to .present a number
of original entertainment features dur-
Coal to Cost $1 a Ton More
Than Last Year; Wood Up.
Dealers Report Comparatively Small
Quantities Laid Away in Base
nients for Winter
The winter supply of fuel, which
Portland, residents already are begin
ning to lay away in their basements,
will cost an average of $1 more for
each ton of coal and a similar amount
... . . ... ' JULY 12. . '-
ft s
sustained by high military authority.
For a long time he had been a figure
of considerable prominence in army
affairs and was commander of two of
the divisions that helped defeat the
Germany army.
General Erwln's expression most fre
quently is a smiling one and his men
declare he is one of that tribe of ."smil
ing fighters" whom it is the part of
discretion not to arouse.
From his graduation from the United
States military academy in 1880 until
he assumed command of the 7th cav
alry on the Mexican border in 1914
there was little In his career to at
tract wide interest in civilian circles.
In the army, however, his work was
well and widely known and his pro
motions were rapid. He held various
posts usually with cavalry regiments
but including details in the inspector
general's and adjutant general's de
partments. In 1883 he was an honor
graduate of the .infantry and cavalry
school. -
His arrival on the border in 1916
afforded General Erwln his first oppor
tunity. He was second In command
under Colonel George Dodd. of border
fame, who led the cavalry brigade of
General Pershing's punitive expedition
command. Colonel Dodd. recommending
him for an appointment as a brigadier
general, wrote. "For gallant, coolness
and marked activity in the fight with
Villas command at Guerrero. Mexico.
March 29, 1916, and for most commend
able energy displayed as second In
command on the long and difficult
marches I recommend, etc.." and added
closing: "favorable consideration of
this recommendation Is strongly urged."
when the United states recognised
that a state of war existed with Ger
many, the. then colonel early was given
brigadier-general s commission. He
remained with the s2d division for a
few months, then organised the 6th
division, he went overseas In command
of this division, but after signing
of the armistice was transferred to
command the 92d division, with which
he returned to the United States. Last
March he assumed command of the bor
der district.
EUGENE, Or.. July 19. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Toran of this city
celebrated the 60th anniversary of their wedding Saturday, July 12. The
family reunion was held' at their residence , at Tenth ivenue West and Olive
street.. Children and grandchildren' assembled and partook , of a picnic lunch
on the lawn. -
Mr. and Mrs. Yoran were married at Manheim Center, N. T., and came to
Eugene with their family in January, 1883, living here continuously since. Mr.
Yoran has been prominent in state politics and the family has been foremost in
various activities of the city and community.
The reunion was attended by . the .following children: Colonel George O.
Yoran, William C. Yoran, Darwin E. Yoran and Mrs. C. A. E. Whitten and
families. .
ng the gathering. The Marshfield
odge will challenge any Elks'-baseball
earns , in the, state, and- expects to play
one or two games. at the convention.
600 'Folk Make Merry and Follow
AYater-Sports Contest.
CENT R ALIA, Wash., July 19. Spe-
lal.) Approximately 1500 Centralians
last night attended, a community pic-
ic held at Riverside Park under the
auspices of the War Camp Community
Service. In addition to individual
families that took their own dinners.
bountiful cafeteria lunch- was serTed
for returned service men and men with-
ut families.
Following" the dinner a concert was
rendered by the Centralia band and
water sports were held in the Skookum-
huck river, cash prizes being awarded
the winners. . i V .
Formal .Ceremony , of " Pendleton's
X'ew Financial Institution 'Held.
PENDLETON. Or!, July 19. (Special.)
The Inland Empire bank, which start
ed business here, last Saturday, will
have its .formal opening tonight. Num
bers of bankers from the cities of the
northwest will be visitors.
Officers of the new bank are J. W.
Maloney. president: C. E. Wailes. vice-
president and cashier; Leland Tolman.
assistant cashier; Douglas Belts, second
ice-president; Alfred Schneiter. Frank
Gritman. Manuel Pedro, W. M. Blakley.
A. W. Kugg and H. J. Taylor, directors.
Baby Girl Arrives at Commissioner
Bigelow's Home.
City Commissioner Bigelow appeared
late at his office yesterday morninff.
His face, however, was wreathed with
smiles and cigars were banded to all
The reason was a seven-pound girl,
who appeared at the Bigelow '.ome at
o'clock Saturday morning1. The
Bigelow family was too busy admir
ing the bit of humanity yesterday to
designate her future name, which will
be decided upon when the excitement
which now prevails has abated. Mr,
Bieelow reports that all concerned are
well and happy, r
W aide mar Lind on Visit.
Waldemar Lind, recently a conductor
Of the Portland Symphony :orchestra
and now one of the first violin section
f the San Francisco Symphony orches
tra, is with Mrs. Lind and their baby
passing a week's vacation in this city
-with relatives. Mr. Lind, who is de
scended from Jenny Lind, the Swedis
nfehtingale, is well known and like
in this section, where he also was con
ductor of the Portland hotel orchestra-
Hospital Matron Missing:.
Authorities at Sellwood hospital yes
tetany asked the police to look lor
Big Handbag
ladles silk handbags, latest
tyles. brown, black, grey,
taupe, etc. to match any suit
or sown. Beautifully lined,
some with silver and gold
mountings, some with silk
handles, others with heavy
chains, eome with tassels,
some without. All at special
prices this week: $4 bars for
S3, to bags for S3.T5. tC
bags S4.50. Ill bags S3, etc
Come early and make first
AMorted tints. Kin irrade'
pHp4r, 24 envtlopA. 48 sheet
of paper. Special 33c per box.
Child's Funeral Held.
The funeral of Margaret Mary Me-
lendy, who was drowned while in wad
ingr at Peace Grove, near Oregon City,
July 15, was held yesterday afternoon.
Services were conducted by Rev. F. A.
Ginn, pastor' of Lincoln Methodist
church. The girl was 11 years old and
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. A.
Melendy. Besides her parents she is
survived by a sister and five brothers.
Home-Made Beer Costly.
Three bottles , of homemade beer.
which Patrolmen Abbott and Morris
found in the home of Chester Theberg,
McKenna - avenue and Lombard street
cost Mr. Theberg $15 yesterday, when
appeared in the municipal court to
answer to a charge of violating the
prohibition law. Police also offered
number of empty bottle in evidence.
more for each cord of wood than last
year, according to an investigation of
the1 fuel situation yesterday. Some
dealers, however, quote prices virtually
the same as those of last year.
Briquettes have gone up a dollar also,
selling now .for $12 a ton. Last year
the price was J10 a ton until July 1, was raised to til.
Cordwood will' not remain ' long at
$8.50 a cord. In the opinion' of several
of the dealers, who forecast a raise
to S' a cord wUhin'10 days. A shortage
of cut wood In the forests and difficulty
in obtaining labor are given as the rea
sons for a rise in the price of fuel wood.
Labor Shortage Felt.
The amount of cut ' wood on hand is
said to be much smaller than normally
and on account of the shortage many
are holding cordwood in the woods.
waiting for a higher price. It is diffi
cult to obtain laborers also, and the
wage will be higher than last year, it
is said.
The price of prime cordwood now
stands at $8.50 a cord, according to
dealers yesterday, as compared with
$7.50' and $7.75' asked a year ago. Slab
wood has jumped $1. in some cases
more, a cord. Last year's figures on
this wood were $4.50 to $5 a cord, while
this year the dealers ask $5 to $7.
' Coal Prieea HIm.
Coal has . also shown an advance,
although in some instances the prices
asked are the same as last year. Kock
Springs coal stands at li at the curb,
or I1Z.50 stowed away in the basement,
which is the same as last year, but
Wyoming and Utah coal, according to
several of the larger dealers, is up $1
a ton. This year's price is given a
$13 to $13.50 a ton for best Wyoming
coal and $13.50 a ton for best Utah
coal, as compared with $12 and $12.50
a ton a year ago.
The demand for fuel has been much
lighter so far this year than it was dur
ing the similar period last year, most
of the dealers report, tio far a com
paratively small quantity of the win
ter fuel supply has been laid away in
the basements. The last week saw
some pick up in business and most of
the dealers expressed their expectation
that the rest of July and August would
witness heavy purchasing.
Entertainments of All Kinds, Includ
ing Trips Up the Highway, Are
- Planned by Committee.
Theodore Roosevelt Jr., one of the
leaders of the American Legion move
ment, has been invited to be a special
guest at the annual convention of the
fire chiefs of the Pacific coast, who meet
in Portland September 15. 16, 17 and
18. This announcement was made yes
terday by City Commissioner Bigelow,
in charge of the details for the con
vention. If Mr. Roosevelt will accept the invi
tation he will be taken over the Co
lumbia river highway and wilt be re
quested to address the Are fighters at
Bonneville, where a barbecue will be
served as one of the features of the
The programme as now arranged
calls for a fire . prevention entertain
ment on Monday: with a grand ball at
the public auditorium on Monday night.
On Tuesday a lire prevention parade
will be held, which will Include civic,
lire and commercial floats. On Tues
day night the visitors will be enter
tained at dinner at the commercial club.
Wednesday has been .set aside for a
trip on the Columbia river and the Co
lumbia river highway, half of the visit
ors to be taken on the boat and the
other half on the roadway, with a
change at' Bonneville so that every
visitor may see boxh -the beauties along
the river and along the famed high
way. At Bonneville a venison barbecue
will be served.
On Thursday sightseeing trips around
the city and vicinity will be arranged.
Each day will have Its business session
and fire chiefs from all over the coast
will be in attendance.
Tinted, blue. buff, green, pink,
coral, etc. A dainty note pa
per for social correspondence;
24 envelopes. 48 sheets of pa
per. Special 23c per box. 6
boxes for SI.
War Service Pencils
Finest grade pencil, soft and medium aoft: best
for stenographers. 60C per doxen. S3 per cross.
Fine value.
Auto Cleaning: Outfit
A spray to put It on with, with a huge bottle of
Liquid Veneer. S1.2S.
Clipless Paper Fastener
Vo clips needed. One mo vem nt of the hand se
cures the papers toerther. An Inkwell free with
every fastener. S3.50.
Waste Baskets
35e each. A snap.
Writing Pads
SO sheets bond paper. IOC each. 90r per doxen.
Wauna Diary
A complete little diary and memorandum book.
15C each.
H' i , I,
- ' 11 1'rt
May greatly Increase your
possibilitlea within th next
11 months. You bavt more
leisure, your mind ia freer to
absorb and retain what you
have read. Thrse books will
brine you the hour of oppor
tunity: "The Power of Will." Frank
Chancing Haddock. $3.
"How to Uae Tour Mind."
Kilford. $1.
"Analrxlng Character, or the
New Science of Judging Men,"
Katherine Blackford. $1.
-How to Build Mental
Power." Orenvtlle Klieaer. $.
"Nerve Control and How to
Gain It," U. AddicgtOD
liruce, $1.
"Expressive English," James
G. r'ernauld. ll.t.0.
"How to Live." New and
Revised edition by the H
gtene Reference Board of the
Life Extension Course Insti
tution, $1.50.
These books and others may
be examined In our Book Io
partment at your leisure.
our .
Office Expert
Kodak Expert
Brigadier General Who Invaded
Juarez Saw Service Overseas.
EL PASO. TeaU July 19. The cross
ing; of American troops Into Mexico at
Juarez June 5 last brought prominently
before the American public Brigadier-
General James B. Erwln, commander of
the border district, who (rave the order
for the crossing". His action later was
S. A I, creeb stamp tor cuh.
Holman Fuel Co, Main SSX A S1&.
Block wood, short slab wood; Hoc at
Spring and Utah coal; sawdust. Adv.
Inn the banquet.- Preceding the band
concert Walter Jenkins, community
songr leader for the War Camp Com
munity Service, led the assemblage Mi
patriotic sonjrs honoring1 the navy.
No civic entertainment wit furnished
for the sailors in any other western
city. The band visited more than 60
California places and most of the Ore
gon and Washington cities and towns.
Read The Oreonisn classified sd.
Letter Received Thanklns War Camp
Community Service and Mayor
for Welcome Extended.
.Portland was the only city on the
Pacific coast to welcome and entertain.
a fiv. the 45-niece navy recruiting
band which recently spent three days
here, according to a letter received
yesterday by T. T. Strain of the War
Camp Community Service.
The letter was from naval officers In
San Francisco, thanking Mr. Strain,
who. representing the War Camp Com
munity Service, with Mayor Baker,
was responsible for the greeting. Al
though news of their coming was not
received In Portland until 11 o"clock on
the morning of the sailors' arrival, a
dinner at the Benson, followed by a
band concert In Laurelhurst park, was
arranged for their visit by 'Mr. Strain
and Myor Baker. At the dinner girls
of the Victory chorus entertained the
visitors and at Laurelhurst park 12.000
rot-aon were wnillng fT Ihfiti follow-
Moont Tabor Roads Open.
All roadways In Mount Tabor park
will he open to the public today, afler
being closed four days for oiling. The
city park bureau oils the drives In
Mount Tsbor park once each summer.
The opening ws announced yetflerday
by Park Superintendent Keyeer.
Band Leader to Stay.
CHEHALIS. Wish, July 19. Spe
cia.1.) G. L. Thicker, Chehelis attor
ney, who two weeks ago announced
his decision to quit the directorship
a. . i j . 1 1 v i 'i Lull i u i l Miiu, !.
agreed to again take up the work, fol
lowing a brief vacation.
These are busy days at Smith's Wall Paper House.
It would seem that every one was Painting or
Papering and it really is the best time right now
to do it.
iff . - -a
'. -V
- f -
i 4 r
My Praeflee la Liaalte te
tilah-t lass Ueatialry Uajly
at I'racea teveryoae ita Alio rL
Many People Handicap
Themselves by Playing:
the Game of Life Blindfolded
Beautiful effects for the din
ing; or living room at 50cS
75S 90d Per double roll.
Dainty sleeping room papers
at 20S 25c. 30c, 35c.
38 double roll. . .
Washable Varnish Tiles at
45 double roll, for the
kitchen or bath.
Oatmeal Paper has advanced
but we're still selling our
best 30-inch at 39d bolt.
A few gallons of paint will
make hundreds of dollars'
difference in the value of
your property. Good paint
95d quart or S3. 25 per
JAP - A - LAC finishes oak,
dark oak, walnut . and ma
hogany, also gloss white
enamel and old ivory enamel.
Small brushes at 20c,
25C, 35c, 45c, 55c,
Handsome Borders at 5S lOcS 15i Yard
COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. July 17. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. W. S. A. Edlefsen
celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Sunday. July 13. In their beautiful
country home, Wood-Rest, at Lorane. with a large circle of children and grand
children present. Mr. and Mrs. Edlefsen were both born in 1846 In Altona, the
then Danish province of Schleswig-Holstetn. They were married at Pittsburg
in 1869, living there ten years and moving to Milwaukee. On account of fall
ing health, they moved to Lorane in 1S12 Mr. Edlefsen long followed the
trade of a florist and has made his country home a bower of beauty. The
following daughters and their children were present: Mrs. Herman Kroseberg
of Milwaukee. Mrs. Richard Ellmann of Milwaukee. Mrs. Catherine E. Scott of
Beliinshiim. Wash- . Irs. EUmuui .was accompanied by her. husband.
We Appreciate Your Patronage
Mail Orders Shipped Day Received
Smith's Yall Paper House
108-110 Second, Bet. Washington and Stark, Portland
The reason some people make mistakes in select
ing a dentist is that -they blind themselves with the
bandage of prejudice before they begin their search.
I like the "Missourian" who says "show me," and
makes you do it; but I have little patience with people
who form opinions and prejudices without investiga
tion, and the "bumps" and "jars" they get are no
more than they bid for.
YOU want to be SURE that YOUR dentist is
competent, honest and reliable FIRST OF ALL.
Then vou. like everyone else, want to pay what is
If you are not afraid to trust your eyesight, hear
ing and judgment, I would like to have you as my
guest, inspect this office at your leisure, talk with my
patients, watch my operators work, receive an
examination and estimate without cost or obligation,
visit my laboratories, note the care and precision
which are used in our sterilizing department com
pare my prices with what other high-class dentists
ask- and then let your judgment dictate your course.
I 1
"Every Patient Must Be
Absolutely and
Forever Satisfied"
is the motto of this office. Of the thousands of patients who have
had their dental work done here in past years. I HAVE NEVER
REFUSED to make good any complaint, REGARDLESS of whether
it was OUR fault or the patient's. I never argue the patient is
Electro Painless Dentists
Corner Sixth and Washington Sta, Portland, Or.