The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 20, 1919, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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rteubTican Victory at Prima
ries in 1920 Forecast.
Charles Dawes Who Served on Persh
ing's Staff, and W. W. Atterbury.
Military Rail Expert, May Run.
ington, July 19. New York is for Gen
eral "Wood for president, according to
former Representative J. "Van Vechten
Olcott of Manhattan.
"New York is not worrying: because
neither of the great political organiza
tions will have a candidate for the pres
idency from that state," said Mr. Olcott.
"The republicans of -he Empire state
will be for General Teonard Wood for
the nomination in 1920. At this time, at
tny rate, if the convention were held,
T believe the New York delegation
would be for General Wood. It does
not matter what state he is from, he
can and will carry New York."
Mr. Olcott expressed confidence that
the republicans can not be defeated in
next year's elections.
(ienernl Drmi Mentioned.
But General Leonard Wood is not the
only man wearing military rank men
tioned in connection with the next pre
liminary republican presidential con
test. Two others are mentioned, but
neither of them has had countrywide
notice in this connection. One is Brigadier-General
Charles G. Dawes of Illi
nois, who has been serving 6n the ad
ministrative staff of General Pershing,
commander-in-chief of the A- E. F.
Some rather prominent persons return
ing from France have declared that
Dawes is the Pershing choice for the
presidency, which might be true in view
of the close relationship between the
two men during the war.
Support Given Governor Low den.
pawes has had much to do with na
tional republican campaigns in earlier
years and was comptroller of the cur
rency during the McKinley administra
tion. He was a leader in the business
life of Chicago for many years, but
grief over the death of a son about four
years ago took hira out of business into
philanthropic and charitable enterprises
and then into the war. As he has de
clared that he is supporting Governor
Frank O. Lowden it is not probable that
he will be in the race himself.
W. W. Atterbary Boomed.
The other name mentioned is that of
W. W. Atterbury, one of the vice-presidents
of the Pennsylvania railroad,
who has come out of the war a brigadier-general
by reason of having been
in complete charge of the construction
and operation of the American military
railways in France. Some will smile
no doubt at the mention of a high rail
road official in connection with the
presidency at this day and time, but
a littfe study of the record of Brig
adier-General Atterbury may cause the
mention to be taken seriously. While
one would say that there is not one
chance in the world for such a candi
date, Mr. Atterbury is at least entitled
to respectful consideration and more,
his friends say.
Krlenda Put Oat Feeler.
He was born in poor surroundings at
Albany, Ind., and began life as a com
mon laborer in the railroad shops. He
worked his way up through the me -chanical
department of the Pennsyl
vania until he became a chief of oper
ations for the entire system and then
vice-president. Friends have been put
ting out feelers for him and two
speeches delivered by him recently in
dicate that he has aspirations. His
platform, it is said, will put forward the
Idea of profit-sharing between employ
er and employe as the solution of the
labor problem.
Sudden Candidacy Hard.
The republican nomination, in view
of he history of that party, must, how
ever, ue a discouraging prospect to th
man who is suddenly projected into a
campaign without having first become
known in public life. It has not been
the practice of the republican party to
take up as standard-bearers men who
have not been fairly well tested out in
some national or state responsibility.
The democratic party has chosen al
most unknown men on two or three oc
casions in the last half century, Wil
liam Jennings Bryan being the most
notable example at the time of his first
nomination. True, he had served in
the lower house of congress, but those
who remember anything of political
history in 18U6 recall how the first
Question heard when his nomination
was announced was "Who is he?'
Henry D. Estabrook, a very promi
nent lawyer and public speaker, a for
mer president of the American Bar as
sociation, thought to try for the re
publican nomination in 1916 without
having become widely known to the
rank and file of the party, and in the
two states where he chose to make a
more determined fight than any other
of the better known candidates, he did
not win a delegate. These two states
were Minnesota and Nebraska.
Today at Columbia Beach the balance of the coupons will
be turnecl loose from the balloon. If you're there and
secure one of them, HOLD ONTO IT, and watch for an
nouncement of the winning number in NEXT WEDNES
DAY'S PAPERS. You may be the lucky one for that $30
SUIT in my Upstairs store.
Join the
of men and young men
who have come to know
the money - saving advan
tages of my low -rent plan
for clothes buying. They
fall in line with it right from the start. Get in step and get the
habit if you really are keen for value and style.
SUITS ?20 to 4rO
Trade Upstairs and Save Dollars
The Original Upstairs Clothier
UPSTAIRS Broadway Near Alder
CaUty -Corner From Pantages Theater
could be laid along the Japanese coast
from Yokohama to the end of the Aleu
tian islands.
Erection of wireless stations at Val
dez and on Attu island and the laying
of the Attu-Japanese cable would be
necessary. The line from Seattle to
Valdez is already down and working
By using a cable from Attu west, ac
cording to Colonel Lenoir, delays at
relay points would be avoided to a large
extent. He pointed out that if over the
entire distance to the orient messages
were handled exclusively by wireless
stations considerable delay would oc
cur because Of one station interfering
with another while sending or receiv
ing. There is some difficulty in send
ing and receiving radio messages at the
same station at the same time. The
same rule would work on the eastern
cable end of the proposed system.
lull-Grown Buck Disputes Road
With Touring Party.
BEND, Or.. July 15. (Special.) Mule
deer In the Spring river country, 25
miles from Bend, - are absolutely un
afraid of man, according to J. L.
Luckey, E. L. Payne and R. A. Wart,
local business men who returned yes
terday from an auto trip into the in
terior. The fact that they pursued a
full-grown buck by auto for more than
a quarter of a mile and only with dif
ficulty Induced the animal to vacate the
road Is the basis of their statement.
The deer, an unusually large one.
his horns still in the velvet stage, was
first seen when the auto rounded a
turn in the road. Only slightly alarmed
by the approach of the machine, the
buck stopped grazing, trotted ahead
and then stopped in the middle of the
highway until the car had almost
reached him. Again he sped ahead,
and again stopped, repeating the
maneuver. until finally, apparently
wearied of his new game, he disap
peared into the brush.
Three Days' Trip, Including Trans
portation and Meals for $60.
LONDON, July 19. American busi
ness men and women now in liODaon
are being offered a view of famous
battlefields in Belgium and France for
$60, which includes transportation and
meals for three days.
The tours are under the direction of
the Belgium government and-are made
by automobile. Visitors are taken to
Belgium via Dover and Ostend. ie
brugge is visited and a whole day is
spent in that vicinity, where there are
still many Interesting if gruesome evi
dences of the war. The itinerary In
cludes Ypres, the Tser, the "big Ber
tha" ,at Luegenboom, Dtxmude, Poel
capelle, Zillebeke. St. Julien, Houthulst
forest and Fumes, all names familiar
to American newspaper readers who
followed the war from day to day.
Mexican War Veteran and California
Gold Seeker Pastes Away at
Age of Nearly 9 7 Years.
ENTERPRISE. Or., July 19. (Spe
cial.) William H. Wood died Thursday,
July 20, 1919, at the home of his son.
George D. Wood, near Lostine. He was
96 years and 10 months old, the oldest
person in Wallowa county, and had
served as a volunteer in the American
army in the Mexican war, and had
panned gold in the days of '49 in Cali
fornia. The funeral was held Friday at the
Wood home and burial was in the
Lostine cemetery. Rev. C. C. Pratt of
Wallowa conducted the services.
Mr. Wood was born August 26, 1822,
in Cattaraugus county. New York.
When he was 3 years old he was taken
by his parents to Michigan. Their
household effects were loaded into a
one-horse wagon and hauled to Lake
Erie, over which they sailed to the
wilderness of Michigan. A few years
later the family pushed out to the prair
ie country, going to Iowa, and later to
Missouri, in the war with Mexico Mr.
Wood was one of the runners who car
ried the peace terms to the Mexican
lines, traveling 190 miles without food
or rest, stopping only to change horses.
At the close of the Mexican war he
went to California, and then up to the
Willamette valley. .Gold had not been
discovered then in California, but was
round shortly after Mr. Wood came to
Oregon. He returned to the southern
state and panned gold in the Califor
nia creeks through the excitement of
the days of '4.
After the first wave of the gold rush
had subsided. Mr. Wood returned to
Oregon, and was married near Halem to
Elizabeth Tatum. To this union were
born tour children, all of whom are
dead. The young wife died In 18S9.
Later Mr. Wood was united In mar
riage to Mrs. Mary E. (Frances) Boa
man. One child was born to them
George D. Wood. The mother passed
away January 13. 1909.
Government Plans to Extend Culti
vation Within Empire.
LONDON, July 1. A member of
parliament asked the government rep
resentatlves the other day what steps.
If any, bad been taken "to prevent the
exploitation of the Lancashire spinners
by the cotton export corporations now
being formed in the United States with
the object of controlling the raw cot
ton exports to Great Britain.
The Parliamentary secretary to the
British Board of Trade replied that
corporations In the United States were
outside the Jurisdiction of the British
government, but that the governmen
was fully alive to the importance o
extending 'the cotton-growing areas
within the British Empire. He added
that the cotton-growing committee ap
pointed in 1917 was making a syste
matic survey of the cotton-growing
possibilities within the empire.
Wireless Stations Along Aleutian'
Inlands Advocated as Part of Sys
tem Proposed to Be Established.
SEATTLE. Wash., July 19. Estab
lishment "of a trans-Pacific communi
cation route in alternate cable and wire
lews "Jumps' following roughly the
"great circle" steamship route off the
Alaska coast and across to Japan has
been advocated by Lieutenant-Colonel
B. O. Lenoir, Seattle, officer in charge
of the cable and wireless system oper
ated by the United States army signal
corps men between Seattle and Alaska,
congestion on the trans-Pacific cable
gs4 wireless systems has caused Seat
tira a chamber of commerce to invest!
gate the possibility of establishing a
new line of communication between the
northwest and the orient. The sugges
tion of the "jump" route along the
Alaskan coast was made to the chamber
by Colonel Lenoir.
The present military cable between
Seattle and southeastern and south
western Alaska probably could be
part of the system proposed by Colonel
Lenoir. Messages filed from here to the
orient over the line would be sent on
the cable to Valdez or some other south
western Alaska town.
From the end of the cable, probably
at Valdez. -the messages would be re
layed by wireless out along the Alaska
peninsula to Attu island, a lot of land on
the map far out on the end of the Aleu
tian string.
Attu would take the messages off the
radio and send them to, Japan over
cable which Colonel Lenoir believes
i 1 . -5 ' J
'i .7 ' 1 f
b.; "I'Yv,
British Officers to Wear Swords.
LONDON, July 19. The sword, which
was discarded during the war because
it was utterly useless, has been formal
ly returned to the British army. An or.
der requires all "field marshals, gen
a erais ana coioneis, wnen omraounieu,
I to wear swords on all ceremonial pa-
'rades and at official ceremonies.
ri iiiiiii iii ill 1 1 1 iiii i iiiiii it 1 1 f ii i iiiiimi 1 1 1 1 1 i i iiiiii t urn i ii 1 1 1 1 ii ii ii ii ii 1 1 1 1 ii mi iiiiiiii i
Montrose Park
"AS MlnutM From Bro4wm7
New amusement resort on the Columbia
highway, two miles beyond Troutrtale. PIC
lunch and stay all day. Eighteen acres of
beautiful trees and shady nooks. One-quarter
mile of sandy beach .and water clear
as crystal.
Isvnelns Saturday and Sunday
Dancing Academy, Broadway 8380. i'ark
may be leaned. Xor private sod club alfairs.
like a
The Cheney is prized
by its owner just as a
woman values a per
fect jewel. As the
jewel reflects the light so the Cheney gives
back the voice of the artist the beauty and
sweetness of violin or other instrument. It
reproduces the original with such fidelity and
exactness as to compel the admiration of the
intelligent listener.
If you are expecting to purchase a Phono
graph you owe it to yourself to see and
hear the Cheney.
Prices $85 Up to $575
G. F. Johnson Piano Co.
147-149 Sixth, Bet. Alder and Morrison
Pianos Player Pianos Victor Records
Timely Attention is Good Protedion
against protracted illness and all the worry, loss of time and expense which
necessarily follows. Very often a simple remedy promptly administered will set
things right. Frequently, too, the doctor will prescribe the very things you
should have on hand.
r Lk ti .i xxy-
If "The Owl" Label Dominates
in your Medicine Chest
the question of quality is settled you have the best that
money can buy. That's what The Owl Drug Co. Label stands
for and that's what it means to thousands and thousands of
satisfied yes, enthusiastic customers. A partial list of the
necessities which are ready for you in 25 cent packages.
Boric Acid (powdered) 8oz. J
Powdered Alum 10oz.S
Precipitated Chalk 12 oz. 5
Chalk and Orris. .......... . 4 ox. 1
Comp. Licorice Powder 6 oz. '.
Cream of Tartar 3 ox. i
Flaxseed (ground or whole) 1 Vi lbs. 2
Henna Leaves or Powder. . .2 V oz. ".
Insect Powder.... 3 oz. I
Moth Wax 10 oz.:
Ground Mustard 6 oz. I
Orris Powder. .............. 3 oz. '.
Rochelle Salts.............. 4 oz. '.
Salts Tartar 1 oz. i
Senna Leaves.............. 4 or. !
Soda Phosphate.. 16 or. '
Sugar Lead 5 oz. '.
Sulphur and Cream of Tartar
Lozenges 44 oz.'
Castor Oil 3 oz. '.
Oil of Cedar 2 ox. '.
Oil of Cloves. ............ oz. '.
Eucalyptus Oil 2 or. :
Linseed Oil (raw) 8 or. I
Oil of Wintergreen (true) . ... dr. '
These preparations from
"The Owl" Laboratory should
be in every household:
Elixir Glycenphotpkalet Compound
a reliable tonic for young and
old. fy
'Peroxide of Hydrogen a safe and
sure antiseptic for cuts and bruises.
ioc, 15c and 25c
eDoBell SoU tton an antiseptic
mouth wash and gargle. 33c
Spirits of Camphor. ....... . 2 oz. 2
Spirits of Turpentine. ..... .12 oz. I
Spirits of Nitre............ 2 oz. i
Tincture Arnica. ......... .. 2 oz. 2
Tincture Benzoin........... 2 or. I
Tincture Green Soap........ 3 oz. '
Tincture Iodine ........... . 1 oz. 1
Tincture Myrrh 2 or. i
Boric Acid (solution) 12 oz. 2
Carbolic Acid (10 per cent).. 6 or. '.
Alcohol (for rubbing)....... 2 oz. 2
Aromatic Spirits Ammonia. . 2 oz. 2
Chloroform Liniment 2 ox. '.
Concentrated Ammonia..... 8 or. '.
Cascara (fluid extract) 2 oz. I
Glycerine 4or,!
Glycerine and Rose Water. . . 6 or. :
Lysol 3 ox. I
Camphorated Oil. ......... . 2 oz. !
Witch Hazel 8 oz. '.
Powdered Sulphur 8 ox. '
Spanish Bark 2oz.:
Soda Bicarbonate..... ...... 12 oz. :
Sassafras Bark............. 2 or. :
Relieves Constipation
Not a drug simply a lubricant.
A highly refined paraffine oil
which oils the intestinal walls,
aiding nature in a logical way.
Pint bottles 50c.
E. Struplere. Manager Phones: Marshall 2000; A 1333
Now, while your crops arts growing for next season's feeding
period, is the time to install your 6Q0. Have it ready when you
begin harvesting..
For longest, most trustworthy service and for greatest economy,
over 70,000 successful farmers have chosen the
You cant go wrong when you decide to put an Indiana on your
farm. Yon will make enough out of your Indiana each year to pay
for it. To be without one costs you as much as to have one. And the
terms of payment are so easy that your Indiana Silo pays for itself
before you pay for it.
The INDIANA Saves Silage
Easiest to
Easiest to
Write for
Booklet and
Terms, now.
Clone-irralned. seasoned namber
one Doutln fir. the special
INDIANA airtight contlnuu
doors, the method of Joining; the
staves to make the whole silo we.ll
Practically one piece of seasoned
Ir. all combine to keep out mois
ture, to keep out alr snd to keep
out cold the three errest causes
for soared and mouldy sllsse.
Slleire from sn INDIANA Is rich,
tasty, succulent. There is prac
tically no spoilage.
Fatter herds, better beef and
pork, richer milk sre the results
of such sllare feeding;, and you
know what that will mean next
year In profits that yon can put
i tne bank. -
The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.