fpi jj Section One Pages It o24 90 Pages Seven Sections PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY 3IORNING, JULY 20, 1919. PIUCK FIVE CENTS. Postoffic as Scon d -Claaa Matter. BARRETT CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH IS MISSING HOPE OF CAPTAIX WHO MAR RIED D REX Eli GIRL IS LOST. PHONE 'OPERATORS BUTTE MINES MUST MAKE BIG PAYMENT LO.VDOX CORPORATION' WINS PERMANENT INJUNCTION'.' FIRES SWEEP INTO BIG TIMBER AREAS SHANTUNG'S MILLIONS MAY FIGHT" JAPANESE DELEGATES TQ PEACE CONFER ENCE ISSUE PROTEST. MILLION IN NOTES TO RESUME TO DROP F WILSON MOVES TO WORK R n ..I X UHITE DEMOCHRTS Reception of Chamberlain Counted Significant. SENATOR'S STRENGTH FEARED Support of Soldiers' Complaints Puts Solon in Limelight. PARTY DISCORD APPARENT Uncertainty Over Candidacies of i President and McAdoo in 192 0 '1 Cause of Marked Uneasiness. ' OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. July 19 Senator Chamberlain's invitation to the White House last Wednesday and his cordial reception by President Wilson carried more sig nificance than has been attached to it. That meeting may well be regarded as the first phase ot the democratic national campaign next year, because It marks the initial step of the presi dent in a campaign of conciliation which is intended to lay the ground work for uniting all elements of the democratic party for the fight in 19-0. Upon returning from abroad after a six months' absence, save for one brief look-in on Washington last March, President Wilson found his party's morale at the lowest ebb since before President Finds Discord. Accustomed to being driven, not led, for the last eight years, his party lieu tenants in the senate and in, the house and around the offices ot the demo cratic committee were groping about aimlessly and striking out darkly at each other. Without their chief to point the way, mark their cadence and com mand their every motion they were dis integrating and "dopy." Something must be done at once, the president was told, even if it was nec essary for him to disgress fo ra mo ment from the league of nations fight, to which his eye had been solely di rected on his return. He was told that his attitude toward Senator Chamber lain had hurt the party and had built up theOregon Senator amazingly-. Chamberlain looms Big. The president was further informed. It is said, that Senator Chamberlain, by reason of having rebelled against ad ministration inefficiency in Washing ton and brutalities practiced against the country's soldiers at the front, stuck out in the suppressed and shrink ing area of the senate known as the democratic side like a mountain in the desert. , Mr. Wilson had heard that Senator Chamberlain had come to be known among the almost 4,000,000 common sol diers and a large percentage of the sub ordinate officers as the only democrat who was willing to champion their Tights and demand an accounting from en arrogant secretary "of war and his autocratic advisers for wrongs per petrated against them in the name of military necessity. I Soldiers' Votes Counted On. i ' And before President Wilson could ict to find an excuse for meeting Sen ator Chamberlain, out came an an nouncement from Senator William H. Xing of Utah that a movement had been started to make Chamberlain the democratic nominee for president next year because .Chamberlain was the only democrat who could win the soldier vote. The president was delayed In meet ing Senator Chamberlain by the leak ing out of the news in the meantime that Senator Hitchcock., erstwhile lead er of the league of nations fight in the senate, feeling that he had been snubbed, had left in a huff for an indef inite stay at his summer- home in NevO ( Conc!ud-i1 on fag-. 4, Column 1 THEYLb LIKE 17 OUT H-RrZ.-- does HHIsboro Records Fail to Reveal Much-Desired Information Re quired for Passport. HILLSBORO. Or., July 19. (Special.) Lost One birth certificate. Captain William N. Barrett, who in May eloped and married the wealthy Alice Drexel, heiress of the Drexel estate,- wrote, here this week to the county clerk for a record of his birth certificate, so that he might be ahle some, day to sail to Europe with his bride, for he is required to furnish such a certificate before he can set his passport. But the much-wanted record cannot be found. Captain Barrett, since his marriage to the heiress of the vast estates in Philadelphia, New York and Newport, has been enjoying his wedding trip at Lake Placid, N. T., and all is now placid with the Drexel parents-in-law, it seems, although at first they were bit terly opposed to taking into the family fold a stranger as a son-in-law.' Young Barrett, who is the son of a former mayor here, wanted to be cer tain that the county clerk would fur nish him the desired information, so he sent a check for $2 as fee. but the official had to send the check back, with regrets that the Information could not be given, as it was not to be had on the books. At the time of the elopement and marriage young Barrett was featured in the eastern press, particularly the New York papers, as one of whom so little was known as to have been able to win the hand of the rich Drexel girl, whose admirers had been counted in the hundreds, with counts and dukes of Europe among them. He told the story that he was the son of a Wash ingtonian, which led the effete east to believe he meant the District of Columbia city. He undoubtedly meant Washington county, Oregon." Barrett not many years ago was di vorced from his first wife, who was Miss Kathleen Baillie of Tacoma, now living in Seattle. FRENCH AVIATRIX KILLED Famous Woman Flier Loses Life in Airplane Accident. PARIS. July 19. (Havas.) Baroness de la Roche, the French avlstress, was killed in an airplane accident at the airdrome at Crotoy yesterday after noon. The baroness was flying with a pas senger when thaaccldent occurred. The Baroness de la Roche was the first woman to make an airplane flight over Paris. That was about ten years ago. In 1915 she made an attitude record for women, rising to a height of 12.S69 feet, and in June of the present year, she flew to an altitude of H.10J fet, beating the record of Ruth Law, tho American woman flier. ' U. S. CONSUL IS DELAYED Authority to Go to Germany "Waits on Treaty Ratification. WASHINGTON, July 19. Though British and French consuls already have entered Germany for the purpose of reestablishing- trade relations with that country, the state department here has been unable to do more than organize its own consular service for similar functions, pending: authority to send them into Germany. This authority cannot be obtained, !n the opinion of the department, until the peace treaty has been finally rati fied. BREWERY STOCK UNDER BAN $2,889,900 of Pabst Securities to Be Sold as Alien Holdings. MILWAUKEE, July 19. Stock of the Pabst Brewing company, with a par value of $2.S89.900, owned by enemy aliens, will be sold at auction by the alien property custodian July 29. The property was owned by Henry Best and Mrs. Clara S. Schlubeck, di vorced wife of Jacob HeiL Both are now in Germany. SIDELIGHTS IN PEN Return to Switchboard Is Voted by Hello Girls. ELECTRICIANS YET IN DOUBT Terms of Settlement Are Not Known Here in Detail. RETROACTIVE PAY IS ISSUE Reports From International Offi cers Awaited With Much Inter est by Unionists. When patrons of the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph company take down their receivers tomorrow morning, they will be greeted with a salutation bear ing the union label. At their meeting ln"the Selling-Hirsch building yesterday afternoon, striking operators voted to comply with orders received from their vice-president. Nel lie Johnson, of San Francisco, to return to work at 8 o'clock Monday morning. Registration will take place as the workers report for dutj. Striking electrical workers will meet at 2 o'cl6ck this afternoon to take ac tion on Instructions from L. C. Grasser, International vice-preslden.t. and It is said to be likely that they, also, will vote to return to work. Settlement Terma In Doubt. Some uncertainty was expressed at strike headquarters as to the nature of the settlement that is In prospect, the Issue of retroactive pay being the chief point involved. This is left in charge of the wire control board, it is said, and messages received from San Francisco and Washington. D. C..' are taken as Indications that demands of workers will be granted. C. K. Donovan, who represented the electrical workers at the California conferences. Is expected to arrive in Portland this morning, and will make a detailed report at the meeting of the organi7ation this afternoon. In a tele gram to the local yesterday, Mr. Dono van advised all men members to comply with orders from the international vice-president. Some opposition to returning to work was shown at the operators' meeting when it was learned that demands had not been granted in full, but this dis appeared when explanation was made that retroactive pay undoubtedly would be granted. While the vote to return was not unanimous, it was nearly so, according to report. Wire Mn May Hold OoC That there will be strong opposi tion in the ranks of the electrical workers -was ' predicted yesterday by some members of the body, who assert that they are ordered back under the wage scale that was in effect the day they walked out. Sir. Donovan's re port, however, may overcome this ten dency toward violation of Mr. Grasper's instructions, and it in considered rea sonably certain the electrical workers will follow the lead of the operators. "We were ordered out by our Inter national vice-president." said Mrs. Agnes Johnson, president of the tele phone operators' local, following the meeting, "and we have been ordered back by the same authority, so there seems nothing to do but comply." Miss Lillie Schunke. who represented the operators at the California confer ences, is expected to return this morn ing from the south with a complete re port of those deliberations. . Mala Report Awaited. The most definite Information, how ever, is expected to come some time tomorrow from Miss Julia O'Connor, international president, who is attend ing conferences In Washington, D. C. Until her report Is received local op. i Concluded on Par Column 3. AND INK BY CARTOONIST PERRY ON SOME Butte & Superior Company to Trans mit Sum Estimated at From ' 15,000,000 to 920,000,000. HELENA. Mont., July 19. Judge George M. Bourquin In United Stales court today handed down his decree in the action of the Minerals Separation. Limited, of London, England, against the Butte & 'Superior Mining company or Butte, Mont., a matter involving flotation procees. 'The Butte &. Superior must make payments to the Minerals company esti mated at between (15.000.000 and :0. 000,000. In effect the decree is a per manent injunction. The action was originally tried be fore Judge Bourquin, who found for the plaintiff. The arguments this morning were on what matter should be included in the decree. Henry D. Williams, LIndley M. Garrison of New York, former secretary of war under President Wilson, and Odell M. McCon nell appeared for tho Minerals Separa tion and J. Bruce Kremer of Butte and William Wallace Jr.. formerly of Helena, but now of New York, r-pre-sented the defendant. QUEEN'S NIECE TO MARRY British Royalty Ultra Consent to Wedding With Commoner. (Copyright by the New York World. Pub lished by arrangement.) LONDON, July 19. (Special cable.) Royal consent has once again been asked and granted to the marriage of a commoner to a lady bf the royal line. The Daily Sketch announces the en gagement of Major Evelyn Gibbs and Lady Helena Frances Augusta, daugh ter of the Marquis of Cambridge and niece of Queen Mary. The marquis Is better known by his former title of Duke of Teck. He re linquished that title In July. 1917. as being tinctured too much with German blood, and assumed his present title by royal warrant. Lady Helena Is a second daughter of the marquis. Ght was born on October 25. 1S99, and is therefore approaching the end of her 20th year. LITTLE BOY BURNS HOME Victor Hon ell IMajs With .Matt lies; House Is Destroyed. HOOD RIVER. Or.. July 19. (Spe cial.) Fire started by Victor Howell. 3-year-old son of Frank Howell, who was playing with matches, completely destroyed his parents' home today. The child was cut off by the flames anu was rescued with difficulty. The house wa ow-rred by H. M. Morse, deputy engineer of Lane county, who lives in Eugene and who was formerly city water superintendent here. MAIL AVIATOR IS, KILLED Flier En Route to Cleveland Is Vic tim of 6000-Foot Drop. BELLE FONT E. Pa.. July 19. Lieu tenant Charles I .am born of Los Angeles, Cal., an aerial mail carrier, flying from this city to Cleveland, was killed thin afternoon when his machine fell 6000 feet at Dlx Run, at the foot of the Allegheny mountains near here. HIKER, 78, IS STILL BRISK Pedestrian on BlrllidaV Marts to Walk 100 Miles. CHICAGO. Julv 19. Dan O'Learv. veteran pedestrian, celebrated his 78th birthday by starting a 100-mile walk at i o'clock today. In 3 hours and 45 minutes he had covered 15 miles. He expects to finish by tomorrow night. FAIR WEATHER EXPECTED Normal Temperature In Coast States Forecast for Week. WASHINGTON. July 19. Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday Issued by the weather bureau today are: Pacific stales Generally fair and normal temperature. New Blazes Develop in National Forests. INCALCULABLE DAMAGE DONE Immense Stretches of Terri tory Laid Waste. 1 AGITATORS HAMPER FIGHT Battle Against Flames in One Section Checked by Labor Troubles. Culprits Are Sought. a SPOKANE. Wash.. July 19. Fanned by strong winds from the north and west, and aided by the extremely dry nature of the forests two fires in northern Idaho have sprung into raging nfernos. and at last reports were rag ing unchecked. Calls for additional men have been sent out with some success. One fire is on Bear creek, near Enaville, Idaho, about IS miles west ot Wallace. It started this morning and Is giving untold tiouble to 50 men who are combating It. . Forty men addi tional are on the way to assist. The blaxe has burned over 200 acres, most of the "burn" of 1910. This blaze is on the Cocur d'Alene forest. The second serious conflagration, not yet under control. Is on Round Top mountain, in the Kanlksu national for est, between Priest river and Sullivan. While only front 50 to 100 acres has been burned out. according to Super visor Howard Flint, the blaze Is a most threatening one and may bring dis aster to Supervisor Flint's record of not having lost an acre of merchant able timber thus far this season. A call has been Bent out for 25 more men. One Baa Blase I kecked. The fire near Newport, which for a time was serious, is under control, but is being watched closely by resi dents of the city. The Boulder creek fire, also In this forest, is being held after bu-ning over from 600 to 700 acres of an old "burn." The Caribou creek fire also 1u under control. About 60 men are fighting blazes in the Kanikeu forett- Men from Montesida are elruagllng wlth th'o conflagration near Heron. Mont., un the Montana-Idaho line. In the Coeur d'Alene forest. Earlier re ports had stated that S900 acres were covered by the blase, but tonight It was estimated by Supervisor Wolf that only about 2000 acres had been burned. The Steamboat ' creek fire In the Coeur d'Alene forest now Is under such con trol that 35 men have been released for duty elsewhere. It has burned over from 400 to 450 acres and from 3.000.000 to 3.500.000 feet of standing white pine timber has been killed. Any mt Flahtere Basy. Minor fires are reported on Miner's creek, at the forks of the North Fork river. 30 miles above Prltchard. on the Murray branch of the O.-W. R. & N. railway, and at Big Elk. near the head waters of the North Fork river. About 250 extra fire fighters In addition to the regular patrol force of 100 are kept busy. HELENA. Mont.. July 19. A forest fire near Landers Fork In the Big Blackfoot menaces 18.000 sheep and 700 cattle. It is reported here. Fires about Helena show Improvement. The Landers Fork blaze, near the ranch of Owen Byrne, former state senator from Lewis and Clark county, was at last reports within a mile of the national forest border and was ex pected by evening to have reached the federal border. C. R. Spencer, United States ranger In the Lew-is and Clark forest, sta tioned at Augusta, came to Helena this morning to receive a shipment of sup- (Concluded on I' 3. Column 1!. CURRENT EVENTS Chlnese Who Went to Europe) to Help Win War Will Ner Per mit Domluallon, It Is Said. NEW YORK, July 19 Predicting that ethe J6.000.P00 people of Shantung will never surrender to the Japanese aggression," Dr. H. F. Kung and T. 11. llaq, Chinese delegates from Shantung province to the peace conference. In a statement Tlere today, declared that the boycott on Japanese goods through the province was the prelude to a possible "uprising." "Shantung has sent tens ot thousands of Its citizens to Europe to help win the war." said the statement. "Many lives were sacrificed. Now the reward for their service Is to turn Shantung's economic and political rights over to Japan. What will thoso soldiers find when they go back to their native land? Japanese enterprises on their own proiertles. Can we expect these men w ho have experienced the terror of war on European battlefields to rest satis fled? "The Shantung settlement has raised a new issue in the far east. Japan Is satisfied with the clause and will at tempt to carry It out. but the Chinese people witl never acquiesce." The envoys said that not only was Shantung regarded as "sacred terri tory." because of the birth of Chinese civilization there. but that its people would not allow it to be dominated by a foreign power because of their sense of Justice and desire for self-determination. SEABORG'S BODY IS FOUND Dronnlng of Former Mayor of Ilwaco at North Reach Confirmed. ASTORIA. Or., July 19. (Special.) The body of J. Walter Seaborg. a for mer mayor of Iift'aco. Wash., who was drowned about a month ago while fish ing from the rocks on the Ocean beach, was found today noir the scene of the accident. Mr. Seaborg. who was well known in Portland and at one time owned a home end considerable other property in Rose City Pa'rk. left Ms home ' in liwaco early one morning to fish and dig claims at North beach, a little over s r.ille away, The fishing rocks at the b-Bih are perilous at all times, and It is hlieved that Mr. Seaborg slipped and fill Into the surf which beat fiercely against the wka vvn on a-calm day. No one waa with him or saw the acci dent and at many places It would be Im possible for one who had falien In to get out. alone. Mr. Seaborg's death Is a sad blow to bis aged mother, wnom he had lived with and tared for many years. He was a devoted lover of nature aud tho display of flowsrs In his home tarden earh yar is known to all who spend their summers at North Beach. BILLY DOESN'T WANT TOGA EanBrlit Sas, He Is Going to Preach Till tiod Sajs 'Conic on Up. MEDFORD. Or.. July 19. tSpeclaL) Billy Sunday, principal performer at the Ashland Chautauqua last night, in formed Medford republican today that he had no Interest In politics, would never run for senator of the United States and Intended to keep on preach ing till God reached down from the skies and said: "Billy, you're through, come on up." "And they say I am a candidate for the. democratic nomination," continued Rev. Wll.larr. "Oh. hello! I know Presi dent Wilson well and like him; I was behind him in the war and I am behind him now, but I am no democrat, never have been and never will be. I am a dyed-in-the-wool, standpat. blown In the bottle, fast black, all-wool republican, always have been and always will be. The senate Is all right. I have high re spect for the Institution but no politics for mine.- I am playing my best In God's league and that's where I Intend to stay till they rail me out." IN THE RECENT NEWS. (HINGS THAT MAUL EXCHKNtF A HfVT "THrVT 2 YEAR. .FOHS. LAST i r V M 1 M t ' X. 1 XXI I Loan Director Starts on Dash to Alaska. CERTIFICATES GO BY FUSE Fast Steamers. Motor Boat and Autos Have Part in Race. REDDING IS FIRST STOP Flier and Federal Reserve Official Attempt lo Catch Liner Out or Seattle With War Paper. SA.V FRANCISCO. July 13. (Special.) Robert E. Smiih. director of war sales In the 12th federal reserve dis trict, lert this afternoon In an army biplane piloted by Lieutenant W. C. Goldsborough of Mather Field, with 11.000.000 worth of 100 and 11004 sav ings certificates, in a dash to Seattle, in the hope of connecting wth a mall steamer leaving 'Seattle for Alaska to-" morrow night. Delivery of the savings certificates will be made en route. Automobiles, motorl.oats. airships, trains and steam ships are to be used In the dash sched uled to spread 11.000.000 from this city lo Alaska. Fllaht Reddlas; Beawm. Donated automobiles conveyed the certificates, which were the new treas ury notes exchangeable for thrift and war stamps, from the ferry to the federal reserve bank. At the bank Gov. ernor John U.eCalklns gave Mr. Smith his quota and Mr. Smith made an auto mobile run via the ferry to Albany field. Oakland. From Albany field Lieutenant Golds borough and Mr. Smith started on a flight d;rect to ' Redding, and at the same time another flyer and mechanic left Mather field to meet the Goldsbor. ough plane at Redding, where the air ship was to be overhauled and made ready to continue on to Portland. From Portland Mr. Smith will be taken down the Columbia river In a fast motorboat and from Goble In a fast automobile to .Seattle, arriving In Seattle 2S hours Trout the time ho left San Framlj-co. it no accidents or de lis prevent. I.laer to Take Notes Om Last Us. At Seattle the Alaska certificates will be delivered to the mall steamer.' and from Seattle the Tacoma and vicinity certificates will be distributed In rec ord time. ' SACRAMENTO, cal.. July 19. The treasure airplane, carrying tl.000.Ouo raving certificates in custody of Robert K. Smith, loan campaign director of San Francisco, arrived hero late today In 35 minutes from Albany, near San Francisco. Its race to catch a steamer from Seattle for Alaska has been speeded up by Information that the steamer will leave Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, instead of Sunday pighl, as scheduled. Director Smith announced plans that he was to take the train from Redding. Cal.. lo Roseburg. or., had been changed and he would fly all the way to Port land, flopping at Redding tonight, then flying early Sunday morning to Eugene, then Portland, from whence he will continue at 9 A. 31. by .motorboat and automobile to Seattle. "We will make the Alaska boat." he declared here, while the machine, piloted by Lieutenant W. C. Golds borough, was changed for a more speedy airplane. Negroes Attack White Women. WKSHINGTON, July 19. Tho sixth attack by negroes on white rjmen dur ing the last four weeks on the streets of the nation's capital was reported today by the pol.ee. YOU ALLHET VJP COST FOV YOUR NtW PANAMA I It I rJ ri l