The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 13, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 42

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Opportunity la pres.nt.4i axperianced man
ta Mcur
tn pr.pstf.tion for llccns. cinlntloni mm
and il.NGINi.tKd a '
at schools of th, I. S. Shipping Board.
vs.... Him for tbird snale s likens, or hlga
r; opn to mn of two years' deck expe
rience, ocean or coulwtM, or equivalent
In fisheries or on lake, bay or lound.
EtHINli. one month, flta lor third assist
ant engineers license, open to men ut
chanicai and enslneTlnit eiperlence. In
cluding locomotive and stationary engin
eers, machinists on mattne gradu
atea ot technical schous and marine oilers
and water tenders.
Navigation schools at Seattle and Port
land. Engineers' s hool at University of
'Aashlniitun. Seattle. APIy to W. J.
Oramos. 4xl fc:ectnc building. 7th and
Olive. Seattle. Wash.
Tea ehlropract'c profession offers the.
most nnjsual opportunities of any Meid
In the world today. Know about Its great
opportunities be:o.-a deciding your career,
or 11 you are dlssatlsned in your present
position In Ilia or Its earcng capacity la
Sot what you would like It to be. 'nestl
gata lha great opportunities offered I
this greataat ot aii professions -CrilRO-PRACilC
A most exceptional oppor
tunity to study Chiropractic ar.d to be--oma
a Chiropractic physician Is offered at this
time by our coll..; both day sad night
Clilropractle physicians needed In tn.
United States today to supply h
masds of tho millions who hr.,u.r.n54 "
Ihia graa: metnou o: nr. u, -
Aagmented Curriculum.. Able raculty,
C.lnlcal Facilities Lnexc.lled
For part uula.s addreaa lr. Oscar W.
Portland. Or.
Main 1014.
e.nt learn any part o: this pro
fession througa corre twuu
J""" :Ynatructora; eoulp-
."Z?a mrdln training 5-.
j k i,-. rtr Covcrnment. write
ki. p. ...tsvloM,: tells whole story.
AUtO Scnooi, wym vt
rDi mil MONEY
tn the auto and tractor business; learn In
few weeks by our system of practical in
struction. All modern equipm.
pert instructors. Free i0 tractor jjolar-
shin offer now open. Earn board and
loom whue learning! -Writ.
lusue. National Automotive School
South Ftguerpa. Los Angeles, tal
4l iiawinorne ..
Automobile, trucks, tractors. Ignition
and starter work. Vulcanising and re
treading Special summer rates. Dy and
the"h?l that teaches too
We teach Auto, Tractor. Gas Engine
and Auto Electrical Work BIG lOO-PAGfe.
CATALOGUE FREE- Address Adcox Auto
A Tractor School. Dept. K. Union ave.add
Wasco St.. Portland. Or. Phone East 44.
MUSICAL CONDUCTOR from San Francisco
aots position as teacher in public schools,
certificate from state board of education
of California; have taught In public schoois
for years: oest of recommendations. K
19. Oregontan. -
-Rnalneaa College. Poriiand. Enroll
time. Telegrapny. at-noraphjr'.
bookkeeping, secretarial.
Free catalogue.
Young men and omn wanted, call -la
Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid oppor
tunity to learn a well-paid profession. re
book et. Railway Telegraph Institute.
RAILWAY mall examination. August -'.T-Prepare
with quick Intensive Training
Method. Particulars free National ln
atructiun Burwmu.lgurcade.Columbu. O.
LADIES for home work; will give home
cojrse In Gregg shorthand or stage act
ing free for doing light home work. 11
Turk st., San Francisco. .
mvs vou white learning, gtxea you a set of
tooia Positions secured. tend lor cta
logue. 3 Burnalde st. Broadway 1731.
Typewriting, bookkeeping, comptometer,
11 other mod. business courses. Dry. night
school. Aliaky bidg.. od and Mor. .Main S'J4.
trade in 8 weeks, pay while learning; po
sition guaranteed. -4 Couch st.
MEN WOMEN. Ieirn barber trade free,
wages while learning; position guaranteed.
Oregon Barber Co.lcK. Madison St.
SHORTHAND course given free in exchange
for home work. 11 Turk. San Francisco.
THE International Correspondence Schools
can ralso your salary. Broadway.
WANTED Connections with sund. pro
gressive concern by married man 3:1 years
o.d Meveral years sales, considerable ex
ecutive and factory experience. Alexander
Hamilton student, knows Portland thor
oughly. PJ M. Oregonian.
WANTED Position In garage with lathe or
small mJchine shop In connection, by ma
chinist with .10 vears experience in various
lines Call Sunday or after 0:30 evening
Marshall -19-.
WIDE awake married, --. varied of
fice and salesman experience, attending
business college, desires part time employ
ment In city; excellent references. B i3ti.
Oregon is n.
EXPERIENCED timekeP-r. payroll and dis
tribution clerk wishes position on construc
tion, shop or railroad work. AC 766. Ore
gonlan. YOUNG man. thoroughly acquainted with
rtiv. wants position as Ford dner: expe
rienced sa:ema-n; also n laundry and dve
works. Call Monday. Main 0472. apt. 2tf.
INSIDE finisher, first-clasa man. active and
able, knows how; good on details, can
bring steel mitre box on Job, $e per day.
Call Broadway 71.
LAUNDRYS1AN, over 24 years' exp.. can
take full charge, will leave city; beat of
ref Wood 5137 or BJ 45. Oregonian.
POSITION of trust by young married man.
seven years a accountant and office man-
or. AR S. Oregonian.
POSITION by engineer.
have a:o some ex
perience at electrical work and electricity.
A atoo. oregonian.
SALESMAN want manufarrurers' :tne. Ore
gon, salary or commisaon. C 559, Ore
gontan. MARRIED man wants- sreadv job on ranch
with house to take his family. F 322. Ore
gontan. COOKS, man and wife would like work in
camp: can hand. a large crew. C 575,
LOGGING camp nmeieeper. general office
man, go anywhere. 8 Oregonian
ROOFS shingled, repaired an-) tarrd; all
work guaranteed. t none .ai t 101.
EVKERIENOED Mwmlll machinist. Ma
chinist. 34th and 721 j?outh. cuy.
GARDENER ao4 (tra cutter, for resi
dence. Call East 339.
MAN and wife want position on ranch.
C 30. Oregonian.
WANTED Fosttlon by experienced man a
Jamt-r r wati !imn. s-e:.oHl ..ilI.
LOGGER wants Job running camp; good
references. Main two a. H 33i. Oregonian.
CA RPENTER contracts wanted for new
work or alterations. Manny. Sell. 42l.
CARPENTER. Al mechanic. rmoJeang or
rew wr-k. Phone Tabor
WALL, tinting with best material.
SelL 2Jl.
LtARGE and s
- n'.rscts s-'T:
and carpeuier
RELIABLE. ctte. eMerlv man wns
work. Cob urn. 'Al N. 13:h. Bdwy.
WANTED Po.t.on by experienced man as
Jnitur or watchman. se.lwood 371.
CAPABLE man wishes position as watch
man. diT rr Tight. E 2i. Lrcgontan.
S Whe
Wood la
ypu want reshingMng
n 3 21 A
don ri !
SHINGLES If you want ahingling call Mar
shall lTi
evening H J?7. Oregonian.
want work
CFMVNT work bv dy or cu a tract. .
!. A. uUc
ARK you mechanically inclined? r
tradi. Learn auto, tractor, truck and air
pi in. busin.-ss. big p-or. wonderful oppor
tunities. Learn by Sweeney system prac-
E-WII.VEkR and superintendent highwaya
and railroad building lust arrived from
. California and would like to bear from
construction company wno woum t' i"
clate a flrst-claas man. on who knows
hla business and can handle men and get
good results. I have bad 18 years expert
ence road building, concrete nignway
railroads. asphalt oavlng. reinforced con
Crete and steel bridges, city street paving.
I am capable of handling any atxe cam
m 11- TJ TTmrrim T".
Bush L. Fortland. Sellwood S98.
Admitted to bar 1H76, 5 years' practice
in coast states, chleriy lalllornia: special
forte, digester of statutes and supremo
court decisions applicable to Important
cases pending In courts; retired from
practice for a few years for outdoor
lire: shipyard worker for a year, jjesire
position where special qualifications men'
tioned are needed for adequate compensa.
tlon. Address Childstrom. 441 2d St., city.
WANTED Position, ten years experience 1b
wholesale, retail and aeneral management
of Kara res. If you want a real live one
to take charge of any part of your garaga.
or a salesman or salesmanager, answer at
once Best of references, a lai. orego
SALES MANAGER of Rochester corporation
daires a position with Fortland company.
Companies which place a premium upon
service, character and executive ability
can begin negotiation by sending a let
ter addressed to Box 792, Geneaeo. N. Y.
POSITION desired by capable executive, 10
years experience managerial ana wici
work, also expert promoter ana puunciiy
man: can Invest considerable money if
first-class proposition ; prefer business
handling staple product. L 290. Oregonian
POSITION wanted by reristered pharma
cist in Oregon, with 10 years experience
in ixortn jaKota ana Montana; ai ref
erences: ca.oa.ble of takinc management
married: aged 30: state salary. A. B,
Mclntyre, Hinsdale. Mont.
HAVING resigned my position as supt. of
one of the largest ratiroaa ana logging
companies on the Corumbia river, wouia
like to engage with some large operator
again. Can give references, -tu oo, ur-
MAN and wife want work on farm or ranch,
wife to cook for hired help, man will milk
and chore, must have separate house, have
one small child, must oe ciose 10 scnooi
and a permanent place; good clean people.
r asz, uregonian.
YOUNG MAN. IS years old. high school edu
cation and one year of electrical engineer
ing school, have had experience In meter
testing, looking for work, anything elec
trical, yae Vancouver ave.. ortiano.
MACHINISTS, draughtsman, 16 years' ex
perience, capable of taking charge of
shop, desires permanent position. Any
reasonable offer considered. BJ 4, Ore
l-1 CARPENTER, contracts, new or old
work, plans and estimates cheerfully given;
sav your money; satisfaction guaranteed;
bouse raising and concrete. Marshall
or A loi'j. A. JuL or r. U. r1 1 ease leave o.
ACCOUNTANT. 35 years of age, 15 years'
varied experience, desires position with
puouc accountant! or with manuiactunng
or wholesale house; salary xuu; oest rej;
erences. AV 2W, Oregonian.
MARRIED MAN. experienced, wants steady
rancl work, privilege of keeping some
stocK for self: full charge or otherwise
would consider stocked ranch on shares.
C aio, Oregonian.
STEADY married man wants position as
janitor in an apartment house (wnere room
ca:i be furnished), have 3 years' experience
In that kind of work. Address P. O. Li i yah.
Going st.
TRANSIT MAN or engineer, experienced
in municiual and biehwav construction;
state qualuications. references and salary
expected in iixst letter. AV ou, urego-
r.lan. .
Chauffeur, 3 years' experience, neat and
courteous: drive nearly any make. Call
Tabor 311X3. ask for M. Schaffer.
S MEN want to take large place on shares;
dairy or stock or foremen; anywnere irom
luuo to '2n) acres; want it stocked up.
A 346. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants posi
tion with reiiuDie firm; laminar wun an
branches; fimt-clajs worker; can handle
hlp. kiep booKs E 12, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants posit Jon as
watchman or can take tickets, or any sim
ilar position: best of references given. R
&. Oregonian.
V OUN'G MAN wants ' Job vulcanising shop.
years' experience, capaole doing section
al and retread work; good references,
'labor 2443.
WANTED By elderly man. position as
watchman or other similar employment on
land or water. Address Ohio Lodging
hou;e. I'd st.
AFTERNOON and evening work by man of
family, experienced in store work or on
booEfs or work of some kind. AH 330, Ore
gonian. SHOW CARD writer wants position whers
Al cards are used; has full equipment,
air brush, etc.: no experience in window
trimming. S 733, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man desires position In re
tail lumber business: has been in the
trade. Phone Tabor 150b. or aw rite 60 E.
Ttfrh st. N. ; .
CA RPENTERING wanted ; remodeling,
sleeping porches, garage and bungalows;
pians estimates free. See me for busl-
' nss. BP 37S. Oregonian.
FIRT-CLASS chauffeur wants a position;
have had seven years' experience driving
and repair work; good references. Call
any time today, room 505 Y. M. C. A.
STEADY, reliable man want work, store
room or warehouse work preferred, but
willing to do other work. H. W. Fuehrer,
93 luth st. Broadway 308.
NEAT young man want a position, experi
enced soda dispenser. Marshall 827. 381
B roa d w a y .
EXPERIENCED accountant has time each
day to keep a small set of book. B 541,
CHEESEMAKER and general creamery man
of ten years' experience desires position,
preferably in city. R S39, OregonlaiK
STRONG young man wants Job helping on
auto truck or driving Ford; had some ex
perience. BJ 75. Oregonian.
MARRIED MAN with family, wishes posi
tion on ranch: handy around all kinds of
machinery and tractors. R 13, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED and reliable camp cook will
go anywhere; Al referenres. Call room
.".4 Bradford hotel, Bdwy. 35S3.
WANTED Some kind of work after 4 or 5
P. M. in exchange for room rent. S 738,
WANTED Contract with party to cut about
Ii cords of wood on share. BJ 71. Ore
gonian. MARRIED MAN. 2& year old. would Ilk
country home to care for; wife A-l cook:
wages no.object. Iu6 2ld st. N. M. 7463.
EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, keep small set.
audit, figure monthly profit. S 760, Ore
Garsges. General contracting.
East 1644.
STEADY man wants position to drive car
and care for garden; references. Phone
738-J. Vancouver. Wash.
YOUNG man. reference, wishes something
to do evenings after 4 o'clock. D 432. Ore
gonian. MAN with fami'.y. who is very handy with
tools, wants steady position at sawmill,
camp or big ranch. D 431. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED farm hand wants Job on
farm 1 can keep family on or near the
Job. AM 376, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLAS carpenter, building, repair
ing, pUni. contract or day. Phone Wood-
l.i n 57bO.
POSITION wanted as manager of general
md.e store, or as selectman; best of reier
ences. AV 234. Oregonian. "
Y K TAKE car of your lawn and flowers;
do new work alo. Tabor 1222.
YOUNG married man wants work. 2 years'
grocery experience; references. Tabor 7U17.
PLUMBING expert R-pay- any plumbing,
very reasonable. McCurdy. Sell. 1123.
CAMP COOK wants position: reference. F.
W. Sander. 77 10th St.. Oregon City.
OUNG MAN wants any kind of light work.
BJ 37. Oregonian.
KITCHEN" helper wants work, i: 8, Ore-
F1RST-CLASS mechanical draftsman desires
position; best references. N 0, Oregonian.
BOY. 14. wants Job on farm. Addreaa Mil
waukle. Or., box 12.
MILKER Experienced,
-js wiqmnioj v. "1
open for position.
-aoo oC oi .r.
Bookkeeper, Stenographer. Off It e.
BOOK KEEPER of many years" experience
dentre several sets of books to keep for
prt;e not in position to employ perma
nent bookkeeper: also able to take In
ventories of all kinds of merchandise and
complete statements made of your finan
cial condition: first-class reference; rea
srab'e charge N IS. Oregonian.
PUBLIC accountant desires st of books to
keep, charges reasonable, satisfaction guar
anteed. Call Monday 10 A, M. to 12 M.
Main 7295.
KXFBRT bookkeeper with large bustr. ex
perience desire position, adaptable and
hard-worker; fair stenographer. N 120,
Oregonian. .
BOO KKKKP ER or other clerical capacity),
competent, extensive experience, good pen-
" la ex eat oX oii. C ftt r gn-Fin
Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office.
PUBLIC accountant with long experience in
financial advisory capacity and as inves
tigator and auditor solicits engagements
or records and accounts of estates, cor
porations or municipal bodies In a rbit ra
ti ve, reorganization or litigation proceed
ings or settlement. LocaJ references of
highest character. Address A 351 Ore
gonian. EXPERT bookkeeper with large business ex-
perience desires position, aaaptaoie ana
hard-worker; fair stenographer. J &6U
COMPETENT bookkeeper will take care of
books part or- lull time. jl 703, ure
gonian. 0
ACCOUNTANT desires position in office of
large firm or corporation; reierences, v
lyi, Oregonian.
Soldiers and Sailors.
U. S. NAVY" fireman wants Job offering good
pay and hours in city; attending mgnt
school; now working in shipyards; preier
place offering chance to learn gas or elec
trical engineering; will work day or night;
10 years on farm and can handle horses.
Art o-4, ureguuian.
YOUNG MAN. 26. Just returned from France,
wants position wicn reuaoie iirm; try
nnvthinr if prospect for advancement:
head of large department before volun
teering; excellent references, a oo. ure-
WANTED Position as traffic manager;
have had several years experience in
railroad service as-' well as with com
mercial firms; fully versed in the audit
ing of freight bills, handling of claims
and other matters pertaining to transpor
tation. F 321, Oregonian.
DO YOU want a good soldier overseas ser
vice, for general ollice worm Married, a
hustler, not afraid of work, no bad habits;
can furnish best of references. If you
want the right one, let me near from you.
A 309. Oregonian.
EX-SOLDIER, age -5, ha had six years
experience as nooKiceeper ana stenogra
pher, desires such a position with good
fixm: can give best of references; will
start for reasonable sum. Address BJ 25,
DISCHARGED overseas soldier, married, if
Just the fellow you are looKing ior to ao
general otiice won; plenty 01 experience;
hard worker ana isxs 01 pep; gooa rei
erences. Look me up. AO 3H5. Oregonian
PEACH PACKER and box maker, expert:
capable of -running orcnara or packing
house. Call Marshall 5211, between 10 and
12 A. M. or write Discharged Soldier, 4u3
4th st.
KX-OVERSEAS SOLDIER wants Job of any
kind: would preier Dig wnoiesaie nous
good references; hard worker; anxious to
get aneaa witn a gooa iirm. n iw, ure
ETHICAL dentist, registered in Oregon, re
cently returned from service, desires as
sociation with eetaousnea dentist: can iur
nlsh own equipment; ref. exchanged. S
735, Oregoniaiu
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, ex-unl-
verslty student ana aiscnargea soiaier,
wishes immediate employment. R 18, Ore
gonian. YOUNG MA 18, desires position with some
reliable firm as office boy; willing to start
at bottom ana learn ousiness. al u:
BOOKKEEPER Accountant open for posi
tion as head bookkeeper or assistant ac
countant. Address 10S5 E. 11th st. N.
SOLDIER mechanic will repair your car at
your own garage; guaranteed work. Call,
6 P. M.. Sellwood 1237.
MAN (30) desires position with auto ac
cessories rirm to learn ousiness : wining
to start at bottom. E 9, Oregonian.
X PER I ENCE D competent bookkeeper with
the best or references desires a part-time
position, half day or lea. E 17, Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced young
woman as clerk in grocery or general
merchandise, steady and reliable, willing
to go out of town; understands postofflce
ork. a 5, oregonian.
YOUNG woman would like to get In nice
congenial family, can do plain sewing or
teach piano lessons; will go out of town.
B 528. Oregonian.
XPERT PACKER Trunks, boxes and va
lises oackeJ for tourists, travelers or out
ings; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 670.
will call evenings. m ,
OUNG woman wishes to go to the country
ior montns. pernaps ior year: worn pari
of the time for home. State partclulars.
Address E 6. Oregonian.
ELDERLY American woman wishes house
keeping for gentleman; good home more
than high wages. Mrs. C. B. Wheeler,
Newberg. Or. Route No. 1.
I DDL E-AG ED woman wants work a
chambermaid In small hotel or rooming
house from 8 to 4 daily. E 11, Orego
nian. ANTED By a young lady student, a place
to work after school for board and room.
ne wages; will call lor particulars. AL
31, oregonian.
LADY employed will give her services eve
nings for board: room not necessary; care
of house, garden, children or Invalid.
C 53. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman with executive
ability and pleasing personality wishes
position as manager o apartment no use;
references. AM oregonian.
REFINED lady with family hotel expedi
ence wants position as housekeeper in
apartment house; can give best of ref
erences. A 34.. oregonian.
COLLEGE girl studying pharmacy, wishes
position with a drug company. Best of
references. Tabor 6459. AK 413, Ore
gonian. LADY of refinement and education would
like position to care for children and help
with housework ; close In; can go home
nignt j oregonian.
PRIMARY teacher would like position
nurse girl or mother's helper; close in;
win go nome nignts. b tai. oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes to go to beach
mountains with family a helper. East
5 ft 7 8.
RELIABLE and competent woman wishes
position a maid in store or theater. Ta
bor 3968.
REFINED young woman wishes position fn
confectionery stofe, where she might learn
dispensing. S 778, .Oregonian.
CLEAN, experienced woman wants cooking
on ranch where son, l. can have work in
field; son can milk. BJ 36, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED camp cook or dishwasher
want position; will go anywhere. G 343,
GIRL, 15. desires work of some kind dur
ing vacation: care of children considered.
Call 575 E. Couch, or phone East 5.
MEN I will do your washing and mend
Itir: reasonable, 402 '4th, st. Marshall
EXPERIENCED girl wishes position In doc
tor's or dentist's office or private switch
board. Bdwy. 4137.
WANTED A place to take care of children
evening while mother 1 away; reference.
Woodlawn 1611.
LET me can your fruit and vegetables: 12
years' experience; 40c an hour. Phon
Woodlawn 4410.
W ANTED, by middle-aged widow, light day
work, housekeeping or companion to el
der!y Id y. 3 14 E. 34th St.
EXPERIENCED lady elevator operator
wishes position In hotel or office building.
fc 14. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as first -class house
keeper: widower's home preferred; refer
encesexchanged. S 72U. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wants general housework with
good people, nice home in country, per
manent, good wages. 426 E. Couch st.
2 YOUNG women wish chamber work or
take care of children every day of, the
week. S 749. Oregonian.
WANTED by middle-aged lady position a
housekeeper on rancn ror wiaower; refer
ences exchanged. S 764. Oregonian.
LADY with boy 14. den I res position as cook
for 12 or 15 men. Bridge crew preferred.
AE 272. Oregonian.
ANY kind of day work by young woman. 40
centJ per hr. ; Is also good cook. H 322.
EXPERIENCED lady wishes to go to beach
as companion or care for children. E 3L
EXPERIENCED woman doe laundry beau
tifully. Main 9132. .
GIRL want permanent position addressing
envelope. For Information call Main 657U.
EXPERIENCED cashier want
day F 327. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED M. P. Piano player wants
position in theater. 1243 Eaat Madison st.
LADY desires position as companion to el
derly person or child. AH 341. Oregonian.
YOU S G girl will take responslbi 1 ity of child
1 year or over, at beach. Tabor 3237.
AN EXPERIENCED colored woman would
1 ike day work. Cal 1 aUw ee kBd wy.2 1 2
LESSON'S riven on the violin; beginners a
s pecia Ity: 75c. Main 5721. -
WANTED Position In doctor's office; six
mo nurse's training. A 35. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants
morning at tt.
day work. Call Monday MODERN home. 7 rooms; in Alberta; par
Abaat &3o.i. 1 Uculars. Thomson. Main 41&U, .
REFINED, capable woman of 50 wishes po
sition of trust, apt. house, bachelors' club
or widowers Dome of family preferred.
Good cook, housekeener: caoable of enter
taining if desired. No objection to leaving
city, iteierence n required. Must be good
pome, au yds, Oregonian.
BY UNINCUMBERED woman, work in pri
vate nome; country prelerred; assist with
cooking: anxious to become Al cook; am
Adventist: no extra work on Sat. ; am
strong and not lazy; some wages; expert
ence in cooking chief object. C 553, Orego
nian. STENOGRAPHER desires morning work.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
WANTED Position by experienced secretary
Booa snorcnana writer ana last operator;
good knowledge of nublic utility and
varied lines of work. AR 640, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by young woman as as
sistant bookkeeper; 11 years' experience In
billing, typing and general office work
with wholesale house, comptometer oper
ator. 838 Gantenbein ave. Phone Wood
lawn 88.
EXPERIENCED office woman stenographer
former teacher, wants permanent posi
tion; possesses executive ability, 10 yra.
in responsible office work, mtfstly as
manager; references. Phone Tabor 862.
YOUNG lady, teacher, would like perma
nent position of clerical work, one that
pays well and offers an opportunity for
advancement. Woodlawn 5-35.
INEXPERIENCED stenographer with knowl
edge of bookkeeping, wishes permanent
position; willing to work; reference. F
33tJ, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, experienced in general office
work, wishes position-" with chance for ad
vancement; good penman and can operate
typewriter; references. Marshall 1046
BOOKKEEPER and' typist desires perma
nent position; young married woman of
refinement and education. O fc3, Ore
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi
tion; very good at dictation and rapid
typist. Tabor 1777.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 10 years'
experience, wants temporary position.
3o2, Oregonian. .
EXPERIENCED filing clerk wants position
as ii ling or clerical work. & . lo, ure
LADY wishes position as stenographer or
DooKKeeper; willing to go to any city. a
ares oox U7, Forest Grove, or.
POSITION as bookkeeper by experienced
young woman ; knowledge oi typewriter.
f. o. vox Jti. city.
NEAT and accurate stenographer wishes po
sition, experienced, good reierences. Broad
way 34b.
EXPERIENCED stenotrraDher and book
keeper desires position; good references
can ooiumbia liuti.
BRIGHT, well-educated girl with office ex
perience, wishes general office work.
Phone Wdln. 1168.
GIRL 18 wants general office work; 1 year
commercial course university oi uregon.
rsJ sio, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED lumber stenographer, $100
per month. G JJj, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHIC position wanted: have had
ollice experience. Phone bast daou.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tem
porary position, 'labor
WANTED Work of making out mailing
lists and addressing envelopes. East 1QU4.
XOUNG woman wishes position in dentist's
or doctor s ornce. (Jail aiarsnaii 111.
WANTED Engagements by the day, ex
perience In suits and gowns; will re
model reasonable. Bdwy. 1567.
bK WING wanted. 44 per day. Call at 475
Salmon st.. apt. 34, or pnone Mars nan
44UU, apt. 34.
BE FOR B you have your dresses made or
old ones remodeled, consult Airs. a.
Kinder. 549 Morrison st, Bdwy. 4259.
FIRST-CLASS sewing $5 per day. Agnes H.
Col well. hone wast eauu.
LADIES' tailor on coats, suits and dresses
at your home. Phone Main 4iz, apt. z&
EXPERIENCED dressmaker Is open for en-
gag tneritsjperdayJiaoor
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, out by day or
work at home. Call Broadway iat.
NURSES will care for invalids and con
rvu-ftnti at own nome: also gives ipe
clal treatment for rheumatism of any .na
ture and other chronic troubles. 734 Haw
thorne, cor. E. --1st.
NURSE, quiet home In country, beautiful
surrounaings, on line &uio roau m.uu t
line, solicits patients, menial unionurmiea,
confirmed invalids, elderly. Gresham, Or.,
R. A. box 111.
COMPETENT, experienced nurse will be
ready to care ior nervous, agea, or menidi
case after July 1.1; references. Strictly
confidential. H 320. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nune desires psition as nurse
for either elderly laay or cniiaren going
to beach or mountains, f none iasc
WILL guarantee best or care in private
home lor a tew sick or conYftiw.eiu
tients. Call at 32 E. 35th st. "
REJUVENATING treatments for SI each
and carfare. wny pay more or ue m:
S 733, OregonianJ
PRACTICAL NURSE. would leave city,
Main 1250, or write C 540. Oregonian.
NURSING confinement cases a specialty;
long experience; call Woodlawn 18UJ.
NURSE, with all kinds of references, home
again. & J3. oregonian.
NURSE would like position in physician's
office. Phone East 3100.
A SENSIBLE unincumbered . woman wants
housekeeping where household Is em
ployed during day; business people pre
ferred; gooa nouse Keeper anu tuua. iwo,
WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper for
widower or oacneior owning own nome,
give particulars as to location and salary.
H 340. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED housekeeper, 2 little girls,
wishes position ; country preferred, or
would cook for several men. Marshall
26H2. 1352 Kelly.
VERY capable woman desires position as
housekeeper, preferably small club of gen
tlemen or motherless home ; best refer
ences. E 25, Oregonian.
CHRISTIAN woman wants housekeeping po
sition in respectaoie wiaower s iamny
where conscientious work appreciated.
Answer particulars 626 Jefferson.
RESPECTABLE lady 40, cook on ranch. 6
men. 150, or H. Jv. tor wiaower. i or
children, country or city; good reference.
R. R. fare adv. AV 241, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper by re
fined middle-aged lady, with boy aged
10, in city or country. Must be near
school. Address bx. 260 D. The Dalles. Or.
WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper in
gentleman s nome; city or country, capa
ble of taking full charge. No objection
to boy. school age. E 32. Oregonian.
LADY of refinement with well-behaved 6-
y ear-old Doy wouia Keep no use in bujii
family; neat, willing and economical. H
349, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING in elderly widower's home
by capable, neat woman, a -, uregu
nian. STEADY, capabln wom?n. with 7-year-old
boy. wants nouseKeeping position wnere
boy can go to school. Sellwood 1984.
LADY with in-months-oln chlln wishes posi
tion as housekeeper where there are cnu
dren. 5802 52d ave. S. E. Sellwood 135.
ELDERLY lady wishes position as house
keeper for widower with nice home. R 8,
Oregonian. , a
LADY from the east would like housekeep
ing in refined home; capable of taking
charge; city preferrd. C 5H8. Orgonlan.
WIDOW, with girl, 12 yrs. old, wishes posi
tion ss housekeeper In widower's home;
best of references. H 342. Oregonian.
YOUNG woman with girl, 11, wants position
a housekeeper In good home.- R 11, Ore
REFIXED widow would like housekeeping
good home more than wages. D 320, Ore
ELDERLY widow wishes housekeeping.
118. Oregonian.
LADY with boy 5 wishes position a house
keeper. C 546. Oregonian.
WANTED Position as cook in small camp.
Phone Sellwood 3555
LADY wants housecleaning or other work,
hour, day; satisfaction guaranteed. Wood
lawn 63i5.
COLORED woman wants day work by hour.
Call mornings. 7 to 7:30 o'clock, evenings,
5 to 8 o'clock. East 8588..
WOMAN wants day work. Sellwood 3170.
WANTED By August 1. small furnished
bungalow with yard. Call Main 6578 or
P. O. Box 70L
WANTED To rent 4-room house, furniture,
4 months advance. Address SSS East An-
keny st.
Information and
itental Bureau.
Reliable tip-to-date list of dWrable va
cant house, apartments and flats with
definite Information pertaining to each.
Newcomers to Portland will find thlf
bureau of great value In helping them get
properly and quickly located.
' Eighth Floor.
modern 5 or 6-room unfurnished bunga
low or house with garage; would line per
sonal interview wun owner; niguosi i
erences furnished. E. H, McCune. Res,
phone Tabor a57; office, Broadway
RY Kpfctmhr 1 S-rm house, with or with
out garage: west side; prefer Arlington
Hit?h tn W'Miovr-r road: hot water heat;
want 2 or 3 years lease, privilege prior
purcnase; give location anu. mo. ,
556, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent for a year or longer, by a
good caretaker, a real moaern o or iv
room home with large grounds; walking
distance to Catholic church and sisters
school a consideration; state iuu particu
lars in first letter. AR 611. Oregonian.
IF YOU have an attractive, furnished home.
5 or 6 rooms, for rent to rename peopiw,
adults only, who will give it best of care,
write or phone Eaat 3974. BJ 3, Ore
6-room modern house In good neighbor
hood any time during month of August
by professional man; best of ref. can be
given; two aauita in xamuy. av wro
gonian. .
We have parties who want 5 or 6-room
modern bungalows; will pay $35 to $43 per
month and taKe years lease.
RESPONSIBLE party, government service,
wnniR 4 or 5-room city or suburban bun
galow or cottage, large yard. $25 rent or
less; references. Main 1846. 715 Upper
Drive or room 404 postofflce.
WANTED TO RENT 5 or 6-room modern
house or bungalow, with garage; good
locality; must be in good condition; will
pay up to $50 per month; call mornings.
Phone Marshall 2642.
WANTED Furnished house for about three
months from August 1 or August 15. Will
require at least four bedrooms. West
side preferred. Inquire 414 Pittock block.
Phone Bdwy 784.
WANTED To lease or rent by strictly reli
able party, J. 7 or 8-room, strictly modern
unfurnished home in restricted district.
Call Tabor 7974.
DESIRE to lease 5 or 6-room house, bun
galow type, tn Laurelhurst or Irvington,
any good location, or will rent 4 or 5-room
unfurnished apt. Phone Tabor 4353.
WANTED To lease by August 25, 6-room
bungalow or house, with 2 bedrooms and
bath on first fioor, near carline; 3 adult.
Woodlawn 3636. .
WANTED Modern bungalow or cottage, un
furnished, 5 to 7 rooms; must be in good,
quiet neighborhood; no children. R 54,
BY couple without children, small unfur
nished house or nat, ciose in or on gow
carline; must be reasonable. C 554, Ore
gon ian.
A GOOD seven or ei gh t-room house, w 1 th
some garden space and fruit trees;' near
good car line on east side. H 324, Ore
gonian. V
WANT to rent 6 or 7-room modern house;
would like lots, iruit, near car; not too
far out; $25 month or less; give phone and
address. BJ 70, Oregonian.
JULY 15 5 or 6-room furnished house In
good location oy responsible peopie, win
taKe excellent care, uui ri wub. u im
sonable. AG 'J, oregonian.
TO i.EASE--Unfurnished modern house of
or 8 rooms: hardwooa iioors, Dea rooms.
garage, in outlying residential section on
east siae preierreu. vreguumu.
wavt ft or 6-room strictly modern bun era
low; will pay o montns rent, in aavance.
Main zjdj, or .roiBKy, oox u u
WANT to rent unfurnished modern 7 or
rooms 4 bedrooms east side. Adults.
Aug. 1. B 539 Oregonian.
WANTED To rent modern unfurnished
house; Rose City preferred; lamiiy 01
four. East 7466.
RELIABLE party wants 5 to 7-room house
on east side : nawtnorne aistnci pre
ferred. East 3243.
WANTED Furnished 4 to 6-room modern
house or flat, west side preferred, u 4ju,
WANTED- ft or 10-room house furnished
or unfurnished, walking distance irom
city. Care Liberty temple housing bureau.
TO RENT In good west side residence dis
trict, modern v or 10-room nouse; pos
session August 1. tJ OJ, uregoniaq.
WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished bouse or
flat near Hills Military acaaemy. mast
5 OR 6-room modern bungalow in good lo
cality: will lease ior year; reuaoie pamea,
Call Main 4SS, room vrz.
MODERN 8-room well furnished house, every
convenience, nice lawn, roses ana iruic.
adults. 574 East 33d st. Sellwood 3448.
WANTED To rent by Aug. 1, a 5-room
house or flat; must be modern and rea
sonable, east side. East 1545.
WOULD like to rent 6, 7 or 8-room flat or
house, with iurnace neat, moaern, ciose
in. Phone Main 030.
LARGE modern residence for year or more
convenient to Broadway car. je.ast luu.
WANTED A 4 or 5-room cottage. Eaat 4929.
BY July 24 or Aug. 1, by man and wife.
mniirn 4 unTurnisnea rooms in aDt.
heated flat: srarace on or near premises;
near in ; best of references. Phone after
Sunday Main 3432.
xviVTri To rent. 3 -room furnished apart
ment or flat, or small turnisnea nouse. oy
adult couple: on or before Aug. 1; steady
tenants, references. Address iiJ 4U, ure
gonian. GENTLEMAN wants room and kitchenette
in apartment nouse; must oe wen mr-
msnea, m gooa iouh,uu, uoo uvci
$25. D 434, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, by young couple, small.
well-turnisnea apartment ior iignt uou toss
keeping in refined home. Phone Main
va.- a vtti n a or 4-room modern unfurnished
apartment: neat, gas ana eiecinniy ; ciose
In; west siae; 2 aauus oniy. ruous mam
1043, Monday.
BUSINESS man, occasionally absent from
city, desires room ana oain in moaern
private home; superior accommodations
and convenient location requisite; give full
particulars, it uregonian.
YOUNG man wants room with or without
breakfast; walking a i stance ana reason
able. P 356. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants quiet housekeepings room
near good car line; moaerate price; state
particulars. -xconi.n.
LADY of refinement wants room, house
keeping privileges, with nice elderly cou
pie, or will share home, East 3899.
" Rooms With Board. "
WANT a place for boy 5 years old to board
In a home where some one truly wants a
child and will care ror mm a tneir own,
mother employed during day. would like
room and board in same place. Address
R 45. Oregonian.
WANTED Discharged soldier desires room
and board with private family within
walking distance of Columbia shipyards;
will pay $1 day. J. Wlrrick. 306 Mont
gomery. -
WANTED Room and board or room in
private home by business man alone in
eitv ; state price, environments, members
of "family and transportation. E 41, Ore
gonlan. j
YOUNG ex-soldier wants room and board;
willing to do a little worK after working
hours to help pay part of same; can give
very good reference. Fhone Main 2204,
dry goods dept. Harlan Barnes.
WANTED Kind lady- to care for girl, age
5, and room parents: location near Ankeny
and Grand ave.; not over 6 block. S
728, Oregonian. .
LADY with 3 small children wishes place
to work for board and room; near school;
no objection to ona or two children. Box
34. Meacham, Or.
WANTED A lady to board and room little
girl three years old; state price wanted;
prefer place with no -other children. S
777, oregonian.
WANTED Home In country for 3 children
for 2 months, Mrs. R. Lee, 249 Adams.
East 7781.
TO board boy 5 where mother can have
room. C 548, Oregonian.
Housekeeping Room.
OFFICE space In Northwestern Bank bldg.
Two to five' rooms. Would pay reasonable
bonus to tenant who would vacate. Strict
ly confidential. H 339. Oregonian.
Business Place.
WANT to rent space for automobile repair'
shop. ABuh, uregoniam
Mlecel Ian eons.
OFFICE space in Northwestern Bank bldg.
IT wo to fiv
bonus to tc
Ly conXiden
tenant who would vacate. Strict-1
e rooms, w ouia pay reasonaoie
confidential. L 339, OreTonian, 1
WANTED to rent for four months, loco in
tive crane to lift 15 ton at 20-foot radius
must be of first-class make and in good
condition. Apply Portland Bridge Build
, ing to., adu Worcester idg.
reasonable price Full instructions fres.
fike ac tTNelll. "The Shop With the ureeo
Tile Front." Washington, bet. Broadway
ana rarx
WANTED To rent tent for 1 month;
sponsible parties. Woodlawn 527H.
WTLI sublet lovely cool room and bath
Wlieeldam annex, $4.60 week. Inquire
on ice.
Fnntishcd Room.
A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit.
East Mo rrixon and SlYth.
Hotel Clifford is the principal east !de
noiei ana is a noti oi dignity ana reitne
ment Daily rate $1.00 uu; two in room.
i. o; wteKiy rates. $; and up.
NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtow
high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or
single, with or without board, for families
and business men and women. We give
you an tne comfort of a home. .Reason
able rates.
HOTEL NORRIS. 633 H Alder, under new
management; we tare at present orrering
modern, clean rooms at very reduced rates
ingle rooms, $3.50 week up; with bath. $6
week; If looking for rooms it will pay you
to took at these; acsoiuteiy respectauie.
Modern, up-to-date brick building, prl
vate phone In every room, elevator, lobby,
s-j per woeK ana up; ?i per aay ana up.
NICE 2 -room apts.. furnished for house
keeping, with hot and cold water and
electric lights, and single sleeping rooms,
at Commercial hotel, 400H Washington at.
FREE room register, for young men; listin,
rooms in all parts of the cjiy; also in
Y. M. C. A bldg.; shower baths, tele
phones and club features. AK 871, Ore
FOUR furnished rooms on east side to re
sponsible party for two or three months.
reasonable. Sellwood 477. C aol, Ore
3-ROOM furnished apt. with grand piano
ana sleeping porcn; isoo win district, can
Broadway 5143, Sunday, or Monday after
Z V. Al.
LARGE front room, extra well furnished.
with or without housekeeping privileges.
ciose in. Main 7U3.
CLEAN. large, front room, suitable for
or 2 gentlemen, cloe to Laurelhurst park.
oan Monday, ti jjj. 3&tn. cor. staric.
KLICKITAT HOTEL. 328 VL Holladav. large.
clean, modern rooms, x per wk. up; aiso
nouseKeeping apts,
NICE, large room with connecting bath, de
siraoie location, suitaDie for two people.
Main 7023.
AN SON I A, 14th and Washington With hot
ana coia water ana phone. Transient, xi
up; permanent, 4 up. private uatn, 93,
SUITE of furnished rooms, piano: refer-
ences; I3U. Forenoons, aseiri wasnington.
room 71.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at Tenth-
Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4 up; run-
ning water, tree pnone ana pain.
PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. st. : downtown
location, respectar-le and strictly moaern,
stiam neat, rooms large, clean.
PLEASANT si ee Dine room with garage,
wanting distance. Gentleman preierrea.
ozu J. Ash st.
THREE furnished rooms, yard and porches.
(jail .East satitt.
HOTEL MADRAS, Washington and 12th.
conveniences. $4 ard $5 week; $1 day.
BUSHMARK hottl, 565 Wash, st., large.
clean, modern rooms, ween up.
ONE furnished room, light, bath,
close in. 387 12th st.
SARGENT HOTEL, 271 Grand ave..
apt. ond sleeping rooms. East 291.
HILLCREST HOTEL Bath, phone; 2i
month up; without bath. $16 up. 733 Wash.
THE PENROSE 149 Grand ave.. at Bel
mont; choice single rooms for men.
WELL-FURNISHED sleeping room;
The Irving apts.. Ma in 948 7.
NEWLY furnished rooms, modern, walking
distance; reasonable, loo North lBtn.
Unfurnished Rooms.
TWO or three nice, light rooms in choice
district, suitable for housekeeping. East
furnished Rooms in Private Family.
ATTRACTIVE, clean room, well furnished
light and airy, in modern home, 24th and
Irving. J. a. prelerred. Jiar. iui.
NICE la r ere outside room, well furnished.
steam heated, with cool in summer; close
in. west side. Call Marshall lb2i.
FURNISHED room, private family. Will
give breakfast. No other boarder. 562 E.
Salmon st.
FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 girls, Wil
lamette Heights, on car line. 1048 Thur
man st. Main 4294.
ONE large airy front room, phone and batli.
close in. gentleman preferred. Call Sell
wood 1490. 651 E. 11th St.
LARGE, nicely furnished room, modern, pri
vate home, warning distance, suitable tor
two, with or without breakfast. Main )).
FOR RENT Sleeping room, private real
dence, walking distance. Call Sunday or
after 6 o clock evenings. 9( Hoyt st.
LARGE front room In 6-room apt., with or
without h. Keep, privileges, sleeping porch,
one or two persons. Marshall liu5.
PLEASANT outside room in private apart
ment, west side, walking distance, broad
way 4745.
WILL rent to lady employed, neat, clean
furnished room, close in; home privileges.
353 Ross st.. near Broadway.
COMFORTABLE sleeping room, $3 per week.
liv iiia st., near Morrison.
BEAUTIFUL front room, suitable for two
ladies or gentlemen. 211 14th st.
FURNISHED room with home privileges.
Call between 5 and 7 f. M.. 1341 cor net t.
ONE furnished room ; light.
bath, phone;
close in. d&7 12th st.
NEWLY furnished rooms, all home priv
ileges. Main WW4. C 1154.
DO YOU desire a real pleasant home? Nice,
walking distance. Main 5a.
CLEAN, light front room in good neigh-
borhood 45 East lfttn at.
ATTRACTIVE room, reasonable, walking
distance to city. Phone Bast 49M.
SMALL sleeping room for young man; $9
per month. Marshall uuo. at mn st.
269 14TH, near Jefferson, choice rooms.
walking distance. Main jmu.
LARGE room, two beds; also good single
room ; n ice home. Main iv,
LARGE furnished room In private home.
close in west side. Main oiii.
FURNISHED room with parlor, phone and
laundry privileges. Apply .o jonnson.
$7.50 FOR attic room, west, side; reference.
jttarsnaii aoja. vrnsaxi.
NICELY furnished rooms at 404 Clay St.,
4 minutes waia irom postoiiice
WOMAN alone in home will share it with
re lined woman. R lo, oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL rooms, single or ensuite; close
in lu up. Marsnau ai.
IRVINGTON, two car lines, private home.
East 1276.
WELL furnished alcove room, good loca
tion, for gentlemen. 251 luth.
NICELY furnished room, modern, Irving
near 23d; lady only Main 7i93, evenings.
PLEASANT room, home privileges, for wom
en of refinement. nast bub.
FURNISHED room in private family.
North 16th st.
BEAUTIFUL, airy, cool room.
situated. 325 Multnomah st.
NICELY furn, room in private family, gen
tlemen only. 400 Clay St., corner luth.
ROOM for rent ; would suit 1 or 2 girls;
breakfast if desired. Phone East 42
329 W. PARK 2 pleasant rooms for genile-
men; nice location, walKing distance.
LARGE front room, twin beds; also single
room. 160 N. 21st sr.
NICELY furn. room In private family, gen
tlemen only. 4Ut Ulay st.. corner iutn.
TWO front rooms, housekeeping; clean; gas;
close in. sea na st.
ROOM in private apt., modern in every way.
13 K. Ash, Oardner apts. r. uaii evenings.
NICELY furnished rooms, close in.
East 8525.
WEST SIDE, front room, suitable for-one
or two people, employed. Main ouao.
BEAUTIFUL homelike room with piano for
one or two. 414 Salmon st.
FURNISHED room for lady. 469 Jeffer
son, apt. 201. Phone Main 7127.
FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms at 211
11th st. Adults.
FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences;
ladies only. 768 Quimby st. Mar. 2430.
SLEEPING room for rent; good location. 449
E. Yamhill st. Prices reasonable.
FOR RENT One nice room in Irvington,
J10. East 0983
WELL-FURNISHED room In modern home;
rent reasonable. 491 E. Broadway.
A CLEAN comfortable furnished room in a
private home. Marshall 4423.
NICELY furnished front room for rent 6S3 J 2
Hawthorne, corner 19th. East 7978.
FURNISHED room, modern conveniences. I
504 Couch L; bet. 17th and 18th. apt. 3.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
FOR RENT Two connecting rooms, with
all privileges and comforts of a home to
two youug ladies employed; breakfast It
desired. 426 Rodney avenue. Phone
East 7843. .
NICE, large, front room, with private labora
tory and dressing room In a beautiful
home, .electric lights, telephone, bath,
large veranda and yard, west side, walk
ing distauce. Marshall 404.
NICELY furnished front room, private bath,
phone, use of piano; also pleasant fur
nished room, use of bath, phone, home
conven. 779 Marshall st. Main 1079.
NICELY furnished front room In private
family; quiet home, walking distance,
suitable one or two gentlemen. 6 17th
st., at Everett.
PLEASANT sleeping room In refined modern
home; west side; walking distance; home
privileges: must be seen to be appre
ciated. Marshall 404 0.
A NICE large front room, nicely furnihid,
good neighborhood, one block from Haw- .
thorne car. 254 E. loxh, corner Madison.
East 234.
WANTED Tidy friendly Protestant young
lady, between 18 and 24 as companion
and share room. Telephone Mara 5239.
Aslc Jforlady in r. 6 or call 433 Market st,
EXCELLENT home in widow's family fof
an elderly gentleman, employed; pleasant,
airy room, modern, central east side. Eaat
MODERN newly furnished room, all con
venlences suitable for one or two gentle
men. 3t6 Broadway. Main 6473. Call be
fore 11:30.
LARGE front room, tnree window, large
clothes closet; use of bath and telephone,
cooking privilege or breakfast if desired,;
near two car lines. Tel. East 658.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Large room, suita
Die ior two people employed; also have
single rooms; convenient to car line, Mar
shall 1720.
SINGLE room for rent In private family oa
west siae, walking distance, y per week;
gentleman preferred. Call Main 2256.
FRONT room, ground floor; private family;
no cniiaren; walking distance. 407 Jack
son st., between loth and 11th sta
PUNISHED room, refined family, breakfaxt
privileges ior iaay. jrnon juut oeu,
after nnnn
FOR RENT Furnished room in private
family. 255 E. 23d St., cor. Madison.
East 8444.
ONE nicely furnished room In private home.
ciose in, uae ot autcnen u aesireo. Jtuast
1 NICELY furnished, large front room; large
cioset. pnone ana Data, uau iasx oi.
694 East Ankeny.
NICELY furnished room in private family
ior gentlemen: la mln. walk to center os
city. 205 E. 1st N. Phone C 106.
FIRST-CLASS suite, consisting of room
and sleeping porch for one or two gentle
men. 570 East Main.
LARGE, airy front room, close in. suitable
ior - or a ooys. separate oeas, s each.
235 11th. Main 1861.
WELL furnished room, 2 sleeping porches;
young ousiness people; nome privileges;
near 20th and Hawthorne. East 6184.
NICE, clean furnished room with bath and
have privileges in private family, 4 block
Piedmont car barns. 191 E. Church st.
FOR RENT One large furnished front room
in private family, gentlemen preferred. 194
13th st. Main 3559.
TXEAT room, very reasonable, west side
well located. Call berore noon on Sunday
or any time Monday. Telephone Main 6851.
LARGE modern front room, business man;
home privileges. tf4a 13th su Phone
Main 1721.
COOL, pleasant furnished modern room, use
of piano, yard and porch; wanting dis
tance; women employed. 254 N. 20th.
ROOM for rent. One room in nice apartment
house; private entrance and breakfast if
wanted. $10. G 342, Oregonian.
FURNISHED room In private home, pleas
ant surrounaings. 4 otf xrving si, juam
FURNISHED ROOMS, 87 N. 14th st.
Kt'Onis With Board.
741 Washington.
23d and Hoyt.
Residence Hotel, American Plan.
Excellent Dining Room Service.
On Car Line, Near Garage.
Reasonable Rates.
Permanent or Transient.
BAIRN BRAE A beautiful country heme
for children; large grounds; scientific
home care; a desirable place for desirable
children; tutoring. Phone Main SU3U.
WILL care for children during day or take
lull charge; also rent room to parents in
my home. Main U0.
3b0 19th ut For business girts and stu
dents; reasonable rates. Marshall 1251.
ROOM and board for business girls, a U
modern conveniences. walKlng distance, S4
per week. Eaat 4732. 12 E. 7th st.
ARKVIF.W HOTEL Rooms with board.
excelk-nt table; close in. aao Montgomery,
near Weft Park.
American plan hotel; desirable rooms;
excellent table; meals served transients.
AIRY rooms, single or double; good board;
close in. 261 loth st.
Rooms Wlln Board in Private Family.
LARGE, well furnished double rooms, ex
cellent nome cooKing, in one oi unesi
homes In city; shower, fireplace, hot
water all the time, beautiful yard. 223 E.
Uth. East bOS9.
WANTED In private home of refinement.
room and board by young lady away dur
ing tho day; references exchanged. P. O.
box 1192.
WIDOW owning own home with large yard.
fruit, eggs and miiK, win give tne best
of care and attention to two small chil
dren. 1224 East Main st.
FOR RENT Room and board tn private
family, warning aistance, west siae,
single and double rooms, half block to
car. Phone Main 4278.
WANTED Two children to board; will giv
good motherly care: nice piay ground ;
phone East 8492 on Monday. Please do not
call on Sunday. 46SVa E. Burnside.
DO YOU wish excellent room with board.
west side, call Main 4Z04; two ladies or
husband and wife; also one room, suitable
for one, vacant the 15th.
CORNER room, suitable for 2, man and wife
' men: lots ot hot water ana mower
bath: cood home cooking, or will giv
table board without room. 681 Glisan st.
FO R RENT 1 nice front room with or
without board, i or z people, gentlemen
preferred ; walking distance, 554 E.
Stark st. ,
room and board for gentlemen: home cook
ing, home comforts; walking distance;
$7.50 per week. 525 Clay.
FOR RENT One or two pleasant rooms,
with board in private family; reasonable.
Tabor 4216. p
LARGE front room, twin beds, all modern
conveniences; use of piano and garage; L
block to 5 cars. E. S0S2. 717 Rodney ave.
NICELY furnished rooms with board, near
Broadway bridge; private home. 408 Ben
ton st.
WANTED Children to care for, any ago,
but prefer tiny baby; own cow and fresh
eggs. Woodlawn 3130.
VERY desirable, well furnished room and
board for gentleman; walking distance,
564 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 1986.
WIDOW, two boys, 5 and 7, wishes children
to room and board, mother's care, $20.
Sellwood 774. 999 E. 28th St. S.
BOARD and room for lady; private family,
reasonable; C. S. preferred. 336 Tillamook
St. East 2074.
ONE nicely furnished bedroom, board if de
sired, reasonable. 395 Brazee st. East
2479. Near carline.
ROOM and good board, room suitable for 2
L'9 E. Ankeny. East 2086.
ROOM with board, suitable for 2. East 8096
400 Monroe st.
ROOM with board; one Or two ladies; all
ie privileges. 346 Columbia.
PLEASANT Tront room for gentlemen; close
in; board if desired. i'2 Broadway.
BOARD and room In nice private horn,
with garage. Broadway 2748.
ROOM and board near S. P. R R. shop
Call before noon. 527 Reynolds. Sell. 11--
COMFORTABLE room, good board, for i
or 2. East 8th and Couch. East 2840.
BOARD and room reasonable, good home
f-r young man. Eaat 8248.
WOULD like a gentleman to room and
board. 0038 S3d St. SB.
WILL room and board children; best oi
reference. Tabor 8114.
A YOUNG working man to room and board
in home of young people. Piano. Main 698.
LARGE front room for two. with board and
home privileges. Main 1539. 746 Irving at.
Furnished Apart mont.
THE GROVER 1 and 2-room fur. H.
apts. 181 Orover st. Main 9058.
TWO-ROOM apartment, kitchen,.
bath. 390 Russell st.
3-ROOM furnished apt., $40. 390 12th st. N.
Elevator. Marshall 484.
LARGE, light room for rent, close In. Mala
7528. '
- ROOM apt., for rent $10 per month. 1717
Portsmouth Johns car.
FOR RENT -8-room basement apertmenig
private bath. Alain uiu. ou iay .