THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 29, 1919. 8 REAL E8TATB. fmr &aje -Uouwft. SPECIAL. OFFERLN'G. This positively is od of tha best flniahed bouse in the city tad can only be appreciated h euonoauoa. Work nsnwip and construction far above the average hi( b-c aae d weilixi g. T ho loca tloa m second to none, being Jurt far enough aoov the etreet to bo exclusive aaU attractive. Fine view of beautiful Laurel hurst park and lake. Larue itv Ing rocn and din in room, library. kitchen. 3 largo bedrooms, bath and toilet on firm floor. Specially fine, iarge fireplace that im a beauty Biilard parlor with fire place In basement ; nice bedroom. lava tory and tolit and attic above stairs, Grounus elegantly arranged and planted to epecial variety of riowtra, rosea, vines, borrija, etc Largo double garage equipped with light, water and lHo-galioo gasoline tank and pamp complete. Tne owner of th ta property haa authorised us to offer same for $12,750 for quick aalo and it is reaUy a bargain. If you are looking; for something in a real high-claas home, this is iu C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. ' yU-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MR. AND MRS. HOMKSEEkEK, Just Look at These Four Desireb.a Homo Properties. No. 1 7 -room moaern residence, 50x 300 lot. beauticul lawn and tlowera. In tha desirab.e Irvlngton residence district. on izta st.; only ha No. 2 B auuxul modern ft-room rest' deuce: hardwood floors. nreDlace and lur nacf. full 5oxloo lot, on 4am su. in th aeviraoie note city aistrici; oniy -ou. No. i Out of those comiortabie and attractive 5-room bungalows south of Haw mora ave., on Grant st for oniy aou. 1 have mny others from S20O9 to $20, 000. on which I can Quota a homeaeer vary desirable prices and terms. ilr. and Mrs.Homeseeer, why not own nice little suburoan home where you can raise your own garden produce, fruits and chickens? I have nice places 25 to S5 minutes out and with all mouern con veniences, tuca as gas, e.ectrio iigat, nara- etirf&c roads, etc J. B. HOLBROOK, 514-215 Panama Bldg. PRICE REDUCED FOOR QUICK SAUL $3300. For Physician or Surgeon. No. 7S4 Hoyt St.. near St. Vincent's hospital; newly renovated throughout; rooms, modem: hardwood floors down stairs, two bina. two fireplace deaiiable neighborhood. satisfactory terms. WAKEFIELD. FRIES at CO, b Fourth tot. ON TWO LOTS DOWN. ONLY $40 MONTH IN CLUDING ALL. INTEataT. This la the kind of a place to buy. It Is ttot new. but the Interior has been newly painted and papered throughout, the six rooms are all large. There are attractive ron walls and lots of shrubbery and some fir trees. It is located in tha re stricted part of lit. Tabor and aa to lo cation, thera is none better. The prVe for the 2 lota and the house Is only S.1450 and think of the terms. J. L, HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg.. 4th and Stark. Main HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. S3OU0. Attractive -room modern home, one hln-k irom Hawthorne avenue and wet of :th st. You will wonder at this price, but nm-resldent owner wishes to sell and has given this sacrifica price for quick Kale. Tou will have to hurry If oif want to draw this prise- Listen, It has flr plaoe. bookcajiea. attractive buffet hard wood floors in living and dining rooms. Dutch kitchen. 8 nlre, light, airy bedrooms. full cement basement, east front. 1 es. thera Is plenty of room lor garage; $1000 win nanaie. J. A. HUB BELL. 108 Hawthorne. Tabor 892. BtAL'TIKT'L CORNER HOME hKMl-BUNtJALOW. A rooms and a.eeptng porch, modern to the minute, hardwood floors. built-in bookcases and buifet. fireplace, full c' ment basement, furnace, all pu.v-d streets in and paid. c:os to car. school and tores : now vacant ; gas range, all con ecied ap and linoleum on bats, kitchen and paas pantry floors and wou1 and coal ki basement, all g with pU a. $luu0 cash Ikkea posavasion; price $:l.u.ta C. A WARRINER. RITTER. LOWiS A CO.. y1-3-a-7 Board of Trade B I d g. ENGLISH COLONIAX HOME IN LALRELWLKST Beautiful corner lot aoxluO, very choic est part of tbe district; close to park and car line; 9 rooms, & bedrooma and Sleeping purch; built about U years ai,o and coat $10,iiK): the owner Is willing to make a big sacriiice tor a quick aa.e. This place mutt b seen to be appreciated it would lake too much space to Oeserloe In detail, bulllce to m, it ws designed by Port land's leadiug archlioct and decorated by an artist. By appointment only. Mam 1 Too. Evenings, East 2ubtL lr. Deia hunty. HAWTHURNR DISTRICT. $J200. Modern 5 -room bungalow; flrp)ae, bookcases, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, closets and den. full base ment, attic; located In the 'bt portion of HawihorDO ave. district, affording an unobstructed view of the city and the west slue hills; one block to the carllno; all improvements in and paid; terms $.-w0 cah. balance $36 per mo. and imeieu The best bargain In the city. J. L. KARNOPP at. CO.. 39 Rv. Exch. BIdg. Main 675. 100t24? PARKKOsE CORNER $1C50. On Pandy blvd., N. E. cor. Clar Bie; paved street, sidewalks, pressure wa ter, gas; good investment: bound to ex ceed in value; beauuiul site, all clearea. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bid.. 4tn and Stark. Main 208. FOR SALE. AMONG THE FIRS. $1000. $00 cash. $15 montlfly buys neat 8-room shack; as cute as a doll house In side: full lot 50x100, 1 blk. from car: native dogwood and fir. email berry patch, plenty of roses; no hardwood floors, built-in, piano, etc. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 702 Chamber of Commerce bJdg. Open Evenings. NEAT. SMALL BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and large srreened-tn hack porch, bui.t-in bookcases and buffet, fire place, good wrnent basement. wh traya. attractive yard with good garage; price $25o0w J1400 cash. bal. $lo per mo. at e. C A. WARRINER. RITTE R. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-JBerdof Trade Bids;. L BARGAIN. $L"W. 50O down. $-'0 per month. Including Interest 4-room modern bouse, garaae: fruit, berries, a-as and wa ter, telephone and all conveniences. 50xl0 lot. nice lawn : 5 blocks from Vancouver car. Thome Woodlawn 433. or come out ar.d look It ovr. W.U be home all day Monday. Address 261 E. FarraguL L. Lambert, owner. $$500 IIOLLADAT PARK. Close In; place fn Al condition; 6 good rooma On paved street, all improvements paid. Furnace and full basement. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Alajn 20e. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. A REAL SACRIFICE. Dandy 5-room bungalow wtth fireplace, furnace, all built-in, very large floored attic, fine basement and laundry traya This Is a real bargain at the prk-e of $UUi): reasonable payment and esaT terms. FVLIABLaJ INVESTMENT CO.. ton Oak s- Broadway 4133. BRAZEE ST. BUY. Fine location. 5 rooms and sleeping porch. flrep;aee and fumc. 1 b;ock from car. psvpd streets tn and paid, beautiful lawn and shrubbery: price $400; Wrma. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade B:d TERM 3 $ 2000 T ERMS. Vy seven-ioom bungalow, fruit trees, 1 berries, garden, good garage, lot 0xlo0; a-a and e.ecmcity. pavement in ana paia ; corner luta 50 3d ave. and 2d iu a. a MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME. HtndMitit new S-room home with built in garage, overlooking park, that win cost ou $16 000 to d u phcate ; gat price and terms from owner. 1421 Northwestern Bank BIdg. FOR SALE 3 -room modern bungalow, on paved street. 3 blocks from car line, sewer, basement, all kinds berries, 2 cherry treV, large garden, all goes for $2500, $14K caso. balance monthly pevmcms. Call at SiO N. WUlameue blvd-, eu Johns. GROVELAND PARK. Vrre rooms, everything top-notch, not a etereotyped buacalow, soma individuality, homey home, fruit and tine garden, naU trea. Owner, 413 East 55th st. -ROOM Rose City Park bunsalow, finished In white enamel rnd ivory throughout: bt bu in Row City Park. "ail Tabor &3 Sunday, between 10 A. 1L and 4 P. M to arrange for inspection. BEAUTIFUL -room houe. Atnsworth and Williams, Piedmont. lKxtoo; leas than house is worth, owner leaving city; must sell at once. AG 29, Oreg-onlnn. JRVIXOTHV HOMES OUR SPECIALTY". HflL'HAL&N. ft CO Aiain Via. Aist iitk REAL ES1ATR. For Sale House. SEE XT TODAT BETWEEN 8 AXT 5 P. $GL0 SUBURBAN HOME KOW VACANT. In Park rose. Just outside city limits, on rour auxioo-xoot lota: close to acnoou b. k. to ear; some fruit trees and berries, also small chicken house. Bungalow with modern bath, at so fireDiace. gas and eiec tnclty. Located on a macadam street, only half block to car line and Columbia highway. On Crsug road first bouse south of Bandy blvd. and car line. Take Rose City car to Parkrose car. gel off at Craig road. Terms one-fourth cash, balance ar ranged. J. L. HART WAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Conxcnaroe bld. 4 th and Btsvra. auun xua. HIGH-CLASS HOMES. We are giving a list and price of some of the best homes In the city of Portland and if .you are Interested we have full data on file In our office and will be glad to give complete details. These properties are all high c:ass and are the last word in artistic beauty and convenience: Laurelhurst, 8 rooms. 111,000. Irvlngton,. 9 rooms. $12.5oO. Piedmont. 12 rooms. 412,600. Laurelhurst, 8 rooms. $12,750. Willamette Heights,, 8 rooms, 113,000. Weidler. 10 rooms, $13,500. Hawthorne avenue. rooms. $15,000. Portland Heighta, 9 rooms. $1 8.00a. Hawthorne avenue. 8 rooms. $-0,000. Irvlngton. 16 rooms. $20,0o0. Hawthorne. 6 rooms. $20,000. Kings Heights. 10 rooms. $-2,000. Irvinrton. 11 rooma 122.SOO Johnson st. (w. side). 14 rooms. $30,000, Irving ton, S acrea and 11 rooms. 40.000, Aoova are all specially low priced, C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. CORNER LOT. Ton must sea tnls nifty, now e-room bungalow. Its attractive exterior and pieaaant interior finish will anneal to you one of those light, cheerful, homey homes. It haa fireplace, bookcases, hardwood floors, tastefully decorated living room and wuuiui oaiiet, airrerent in aesign iroro what you have been accustomed to see; and then you have a corner lot with all street Improvements In and paid. The bungalow la double constructed with heavy bunding paper between. - The prica Is $4imm. The material entering Into the construction of this bungalow was con- ii uLri tur Dei ore tne iant rise in prices; otherwise - would have to have $42oU; $lKu cash will handle, or wlU Lake well- locataa lot as part paj-ment. J. A. HCBBLLL, 103 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S92. AN ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. You'll say tnls is one of the most art Is tic homes you ever saw. In the living room la an Inside fireplace; In the beauti ful tlinlng room is a handsome buffet; off tne uuii-n Kiti-nen is a pretty breattiast room, there are 2 bedrooms and bath; on tne upper noor are z more nntsnea oea rooms; in the full basement is a hutii grade furnace: the garage ts new; the street paving is paid, the prica of this oeauty nome is wu, on terms, we will be glad to show you tomorrow. Cos A. M.-Keana aV Co. Main 4322. 82 4 lb bu. Board of Trade bldr. IiuE CITY DISTRICT BUNGALOW. BELOW HILL, ft rooms and floored attic, all In fine shape, large living and dining room with good carpets on each go with place. larye built-in kitchen, firep.ace, bulit-in book cases and buffet, cement basement and furnace; paved streets in and pid; about loo fu from Sandy blvd; price $o7vu, terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE CO., trOl-3-3-7 Board of Trade Btdg. ROSE CITY BEAUMONT CAR. 6 ROOMS CAKACE. Paved street Improvements paid In ftill. All rooms in white enamel finish; hard wood floors in main rooms. Full cement basement and "furnace, price $4500, third casn. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg- 4th A tark- Alain 208. WEST FIDE SACRIFICE, PRICE ONLY $oCOO. Here is a good 6-room house In good condition, only ht -block from 23d -st car: It can't be beat for the price anywhere in the city; reasonable paymeut a-nd eay terms. No mortgage on this. Might ac cept medium-priced car or lot and soma cash. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. '3Q Qaic at. Broadway 4133. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. REDUCED PRICE. Here la a neat 5-room bungalow with full floored attic, built-in bookcases, buf fet, fireplace, full cement basement, paved streets on and paid. 1 blk. from H. car and stores; price $2.'00. terms. C. A. WARRINER RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bids;. KENTON. $56oi. $1500 cash, bounce easy term. Fen wick street, uexi ruble corner, 65x 105; house arranged lor two families, but may be advantageously adapted for one; garsge. flreplacu, hot water beat. Do not disturb- tenant. WAKEFIELD. FRIES ft CO J5 Fourth St. I;OSE CITY PARK. $SS50. New, modern 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors, all' built-in conveniences to be had only in the most expensive res idences; lot 50x100, with improvements in and paid; $75u cash, balance eaay terms; 4 blocks to the carline. J. L. KARNOPP ft CO., S19 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. 50x2 OO In Parkrose, on Craig roa4. Only 100 ft. to car line. Ground alt cleared. Terms $15 monthly. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No, Chamber of Commerce bldg, 4th and Stars. Jiain -us. NEAR S. P. CARSHOrS. EASY TERMS. 6 rooms, good full basement, pnved sts. ! and pc id, A 1 car line, s n l payment conn, balance UKe rtnt; price K-Ofu. C. A. WARRINER RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALBERTA B UNO A LOW. Brand new 5-room bun tea low. iust com pleted. Take Alberta car to 12th st., 546 riofeiawn ave. uo out ana iook at it. Price exceptionally reasonable, and a few hundred dollars for first payment will handle It: balance easy terms. Phone owner, vtooaiawo H34u. IRVTNOTON BARGAIN. For sale BY OWNER In movt select part of district. 7-room modern home. hard. wood floor, three nice bedrooms, large pieeping porcn. 101 wiiwi soouu. 4U3 S 20th st. N. $3650. A beautiful home just painted and fin ished, on a 100x1 00-ft. lot at 5S5 Yukon st-. Seilwood. This home Is very low rn price and can be bought on easy terms irom owner, lau Jinn a to. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. $3000. 5-room modern, white enamel Inside. furnace, fireplace, cement basement and laundry trays. Aiar. 4U.y. EQUITY In 6-room modern cottage and srar afre; garden and berries: for sale, cheap. .V5 6. id st. S. E , near Powell Valley road. Hawthorne or Mt- Scott car. Phone Tabor So 10. $"'0 CASH. $25 monthly, 5-roora furnished cot tare. Mt. Scott district. Dutch kitchen. sleeping porch. 4al00 lot, bearing fruit trues. Pnce $17uu. Call D lull after $ P. M. $50 4-room nearly new bungalow, corner lot 84x100; sluewalk In; good district, not far out; needs a little improvements, but certainly a big snap Broadway 2732 or X 71. Ore 6 on lan. FINE 6-room house, lot 50x100. paved street, fruit trees, chicken house. $2800: for sale by owner. bu7 E. 8th st- N- Woodlawn $45. MODERN 12-room house, near Killings worth are., in Alberta Park. 50x100 lot: price $;i.v0; $15oO cash, balance terms. 11M E. 17th st. N. $2250 TO CLOSE ESTATE $2250. 5-room bunpalow; furnace, ceiled attic, lew lot 6Tlou. located at 1S2 E, Morri son. Telephone Monday, East 7735. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimates. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark st. Of nee hours J to S P. M. Phone Main 3L ;ta. phone Tabor 114. NICE 7-room bungalow. Portland Heights, nealy painted aud kalsomined: a good home. raonable. Call East 730 Sunday or Main 2700 week days. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Home and lot. beautiful view, corner Hit. Terrace and Coilege St.; reasonable. By owner. Phone Marshall 8307. COZY cot t aire, nicely furnished; price $14UU. terma. leOO Siskiyou st, near 70th. R. C car. NEW, modern 5-room bungalow; will take light car Bs-first payment, balance like rut. K $15.Q re o nan. FOR SALE Irvlngton strictly modern 8 room. between Knott and Braxee. Owner, Kast5i9. $250 COTTAGE. 5 rooms and bath, two more rooms in attic; garage, garden, ber--rles fruits, flowers; corner. Tabor 4107. $-ROOM hntiie and 7 lots on Hawthorns rif r-i e-MfO, Phone oanec. Tabor bii. BE AX ESTATK For Sale Houses. EXQUISITE IRVLNGTON HOME. A 10-room genteel home for persons of cultivated tastes, haa living, dining and music rooma, den, coat room, Dutch kitchen, old Ivory finish predominates, cove paneled, beamed -ceiling, artistic fireplace, built-in bookcases, same finish to dining room, elegant massive 7-foot buffet, beveled plate mirror aoors, break fast room with buffet; 4 large, one small bedroom. ' cloaet doors with beveled mir rors, roomy tiled floor bath, flush tub. pedestal lavatory, finished attic with room and closet, full plastered basement, wash trays, toilet, fruit room, new Boynton tubular furnace, artistic electric fixtures, concrete garago has running water and lights: seen by appointment only; corner lot 75x100, near Weidler and East 22d sis. The price is not $15.000 that the property cost but only $13,500; will accept o or 4 -room modern home, same to oe lo cated on 15tb street or vicinity, aa part payment. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment ft Mortgage Co., 22W21-222 Chamber of Commerce. - Marshall 205. SPLENDID ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN, $4500. We have just secured one of the best barganis we have had In Rose City Park. On East 40th street, only one block from carline. bplen- did two-story six-room house, com plete In every detail. All rooms very large and well arranged. Three big bedrooms with large, light closets, fireplace, furnace, full basement, good garden In. Lots of rosea. This is a real house and there is no bet ter location in Rose City Park. Tbe property is worth over $5000, but for quick sale owner will take $4500, $1500 cash, balance terms. Shown by appointment. THE FRED A JACOBS CO REALTORS. 104 5th at. Alain 6869. $5000 ELEGANT IRVlNflTON X.MWMV Classy modern home, 7 rooma and sleep- "s porcn, living room witn nice tre place, dining- room with built-in buffet, window seat, paneled walls and beam ceil ing, Dutch kitchen done in white enamel, cooler closet, 4 nice bedrooms, clothes closets, bathroom with set choice fix tures, nice electric fixtures throughout, full concrete basement, laundry traya, fur nace, on extra deep lot. every Improve uiui in. tiuuu eiLan. nniancA in suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank BIdg. . Jiaranatl 4114. A. 4113. $4S00 IRVINGTONS BEST BUY $4800. $H00 cash will handle this unusual bargain, balanca payable monthly install ment like rent. If your family is small mi nouse can oe maae Dig lncome-pro- uuir. r mi lot, une truit trees; nara surfaced street all paid ; substantial 8 room house, fireplace, furnace, coiL elec tric lights, gas. 2 toilets, wash trays, linoleum, combination range, house cost about $5500 to build when material and . labor were cheap. You cannot duplicate 10b i or ouuv toaay. E. J. G. GORDON. EAST 6th at Bdwy. CLOSE in, on one of the beat streets in the .u-r mm m. ffooa it -room nouse ior a nome or to buy for a profitable investment; Its iiks is nara to rind, being located on 0th at just south of Harrison on the west iue, wanting' distance to the big stores ail Improvements in and paid for. It inside property in Portland is worth any. tmng tnis piace snouid sen tor $10,009. The owner has mover! away and offers It for $o0O with a small payment of $1000 cash down, balance you can have as long as you want at 6 per cent interest. AL J. CLOHES5Y, ABINGTON BLDG. LEAVING CITY. $2350. Must sell at once, my 5-room modern bungalow, newly painted outside, absolute ly clean Inside: now vacant: rooms all large; gas in kitchen; beautiful lighting fixtures; full basement. laundry trays; lot 60x100; street assessments paid: clear title. Call and see It todny at 4.M Simpson st.. Just east of Union ave. N., or phone dur ing week. Main 4&H, room 212; would sacri fice for m.!1 cash. WALNUT PARK. $500 CASH $500. This 1b a well-built 6-room house with full cement basement, furnace, nice lawn, fruit tres and shrubbery, paved streets In and paid, 1 block from car; price $4000; terms tike rent. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A, WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldr. 6 ROOMS. MODERN. VACANT. $250 down, $40 month. Interest lnclnded. E. Couch, near 24th st. 8 large bedrooms, bfg closets, hardwood floors in main rooma f -replace, full cement basement, laundry trays, good value. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce pian- 4iii and stark. Main 28. IN LOWER BEAUMONT. A very modern 6-room bungalow type house. Largo living room, dining room and Dutch kitchen on first floor: tun rnn1 bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porch on Bocona noor. run cement oasemeut, rur nace, wash trays, etc House is well built on 50x100 lot. with all street Improve ments in ana paia. trice S42IHI, witn terms. Phone Tabor 3433. Evenings, Tabor VACANT NON-RESIDENT OWNER. CONDITION ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. A MOST artistic and well-arranged nome 01 six rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, furnace and fireDiace. full cement basement, screens; nice oOxlOu lot. 3i2 East 3Stb st. N. Key next door. Rose City Park car. Price $4250, iavormie terms. Sam Norton. Henry Bldg. Main 2326. ON MT. TABOR CAR. Modern, 5-room bungalow; hardwood floors; buJlt-tns complete: full cement basement, fireplace ; all furnished com plete with good, new furniture, about stii worth; including nice garden all planted, also fine trees and shrubbery; chicken house and about 23 chickens. Sacrifice $3000, easy terms. ROGERS, 212 Lumbermens Bldg. Broadway 1612. HAWTHORNE AVE. Fine home place only one block from car line, ciose -in; living room, dining room. kitchen, two large bedrooms and sleeping porcn, iirepiace, iurnace, cement base ment. No. 2t E. Morrison St.; we can give immediate possession. A. H. BXRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Atarsnau tut. A us. ON SANDY BLVD. 9 - room bungalow, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, cove celling, linoleum in kitchen and bath, built-in kitchen, high grade plumbing: garage; street paved and paid; price $3o50; $600 cash will handle. bee JOHNSON DODSON CO.. $33 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Own home where air is pure and fresh. oe neaitny : ouy rrom owner this fini 7-room home: 2 baths. 2 larare norches. full basement, 14 lota, many large shade trees, fine view; will make someone an Ideal home; price is right. Sunday or evenings, Alarsnail v. $1750 WEST SIDE 11750. 7 rooms and bath, full cement ba: ment, paved streets in and paid. 1 blk. irom car: easy terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WAKK1NER. RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house, well constructed. an Dunt-in eriecta. 11 replace, iuu cement basement, furnace, etc. ; ground 100x150 feet, lots of fruit and berries, fine lsrge garden, garage, tine targe cnicaen nouses only $3750. which is about H Its value some terms. Tallraadge Realty Co.. 619 Henry Diag. SHIPYARD WORKERS ATTENTION. 5-room modern bunerflow. 10 minutes' ride from South Portland shipyards, 5c fare: basement, laundry traya, fireplace, newly painted, fine condition; $800 cash, $20 per month. See Atchison, 404 Piatt bldg. ONLY $3675 for two beautiful full-sized lots. one of thttm a corner on Lexington ave. and 15th st. in Seilwood. There is a rood 7 -room house, paved street, sewer and ce ment sidewalks; J 1000 m cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. 5-ROOM bungalow In restricted district; bullt-ln bookcases, buffet, Iirepiace. large basement and attfc: lot 50x100; price $2l0O; $3"U casn win nanaie. JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. $1950 A ROOMS on one floor, bath, gas. sewer ana eiectric iinu; eiw street as sessments paid; hard surface atreet; fruit and shrubbery; some terms; no agenta F. 79 Sth sc N., between Tremont and Beech. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 245 Kilpatrick. 2 blocks west of Ken ton bank, Kenton ; 8-4-room. brand new, plastered, worth easy $1850. sell for $1450, half down. Owner on ground. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Large six-room house, fireplace and furnace, large porches, on car line; good view; will sell on easy terms. Main 6456 Monday. $3000 ALBERTA bungalow, ff rooms and oatn, itnisnect attic, iuii cement Base ment with laundry trays; lot 6Oxl06; hard surfaced street, cloae to car, $1000 cash. Owner, Wdln 1071. $10O0 4-ROOM house, basement, barn, lot 4oxiuu. i"vt oieo aw. r.i uuib Aioerxa car. Terms. CLOSE-IN 6-room residence, corner paved street, jaain FOR SALE 6-room bungalow, 656 East 60th North. Bargain, FOR SALE I hi srres: 3 dwelling's: private water plant, twos 7tn st. ti. n. COZY cottage, close In. wide, improved aireet; lour cars; sLdU. mm uu. uwner. REAL EST AT. For Sale Houses. THE DREAM HOME. We call this "The Dream Home" because that la exactly what It la We do not know of another house In the city to compare with It at the price. $3500. It is very' thor oughly constructed and conveniently arranged. Ha 5 larg rooms, ce ment basement and bath, front and back porches, all the bullt-ln fea tures and modern conveniences. It Is Is of the colonial type and you will find perfect harmony both Inside and out. Living room extends across entire length of houe. Artistic stairway leads to second floor; bed rooms are large, light and airy; hardwood floors even in the kitchen. Open for inspection all day today. 2 blocks south Sandy on east aide H2d street. Come out. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO REALTORS. . ' 104 Fifth street. Main ftS69. NEW NEW NEW. ROSE CITT PARK "SPECIAI" NEW NEW NEW. JUST COMPLETED VERY ARTISTIC 463 EAST 43DJST. NORTH. TWO beautiful 7-room bungalow homes, below hill. 1 block north carline. extra large living and dining room across front of house, finished- old ivory, trimmed ma hogany, large plate glass windows, a beveled plate glass buffet and bookcases that are dreams, breakfast room, eastern oak floors, furnace, electrical fix tures, solid brass hardware. If you want the best and something very artistic you will ba pleased. Owner. 501 E. 43d st. North. IRVTNOTON. An exceptionally desirable residence of nine rooma and very large sleeping porch, thoroughly modern In every degree, al most new and In perfect condition; ideally located with east and south frontage; on 100x100 corner. This property coat abont $20,000, bnt will name an attractive price for sale, or - would accept WELL-LOCATED vacant or improved Portland property for the equity. bAAl NORXuN, HENRY BULLXUNG. EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS. Owner sick, now In Arizona, says sac rifice for quick sale my home; a-roora oungalow, completely furnished from pans and kettles to upright piano. Just as I left It ; everything f ins shape ; gars ge, good neighborhood; assessments paid; only $3500; good easy terms; vacant. Good 9-room modern home, like new, suitable for 1 or 2 families, lot 67x100, only 100 feet from Hawthorne ave. 266 E. 45th St.; fruit, berries, roses, assessments paid; vacant; easy terms; take auto on first T)avm.nt- L. E. 8TEIXMETZ. 408 Gerlinger BIdg. Main 6091 or VTabor 3224 RE AT- "R A ROA1NS. Neat S-room plastered cottage, with garage; lot 60x160; 6 bearing fruit trees, berries, garden, etc.; good location. Price 11150: 1150 cash. bal. to suit. 5-room modern bungalow, large attic, full basement; practically new; lot lOOx 1.5; a real buy at $1700; $350 cash, and $15 per month. Including interest. 5-room bungalow and sleeping porch Tcrv neat and attractive! close to car will sell on very easy terms. Price $2650. R-room modern buneralow. near Pied mont and Union aves. ; well built and a sood lookina- olace. JrTice S3mu: terms. R. M. GATE WOOD ft CO.. 1654 4th St. COMFORT. CHARM AND CLASS Are All Combined in This Delightful LAURELHURST ' HOME. Living room with larga fireplace, moelo room, dining room witn special seaiures, ' rntrh kitchen, breakfast room on first floor; very large sleeping porch.1 2 bed rooms, batn and artistic oaii or 01 nara room with lame fireDiace. second floor; hot water heat, laundry, garage. 2 fire places, 2 bathrooms, built and occupied by owner; complete in every detail, it meets the most exacting taste; priced low at $6500; terms 11 desired. MacINNES ft PRATT, . 413 Board of Trade BIdg. Main 3868. fitTNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. Here Is a large roomy bungalow. In fine location, built for a big family, 8 rooms and den, an ouiit-in enects. iirepiace. iuu cement basement, furnace, 2 bedrooms on first floor. 2 and sleeping porch above; corner lot, garage, nice lawn, fruit trees and shrubbery, hard surface in and paid close to car, school and stores; price $4500; terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Boardof Trade BIdg. CLOSeTin. WEST SIDE HOME. Attractive mice and location. Broadway, near Mill street, lot 50xlu0. commodious house. 8 rooms. 4 bedrooms, can oe in creased to 5; 2 baths, living, dfntng. music rooms, large kitchen, iuu oasement. ga rage; hot-water heat; hardwood floors; price $12,500. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment ft Mortgage Co., 220-221-222 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. CLOSING AN ESTATE. r Will nail bpautfful 6 rooma and sleep ing porch, finished floors, bookcases, buf fet, J large itrepiaces, cooier, cojmuu furnace, cement basement, garage, full plumbing. 2 cherry, 2 plum, 1 apple, I nfArh true, choice roses: near high an grade schools; 2 car lines. $4200; $1000 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. MODERN S-room bumralow. beautifully sit uated on corner lot; has large sleeping porch; kitchen and breakfast room done in white enamel; owner will give a bar gain if you can pay $1000 cash. This is located near Multnomah staUon and two blocks from the Capital highway. For particulars call 404 Piatt bldg., or see me ' - or any of my agents at Multnomah on Sunday, jsen jviesiana, west siae suoai- vislons. CHOICE HOME. ROSSMERE. Modern 8-room residence, complete in every particular, less than block to R. c car line; house Is in excellent condition; a-round lOOxluO: fine lawn, fruit and ber ries. This is a choice district; owner lives in California and offers for sale at very attractive price. A- H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Blds Marshall 4114. A 4118. $2900 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2000. For sale by owner, a bargain for cash. two blocks from Hawthorne car, near S7th st,, real modern 9-room oungaiow ; fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, large attic, good cement basement, all street assessmen ts paid ; similar houses near held much higher. Cash $1900. assume $1000; purchasers only; no agents. P 180, Oregonian, LARGE EAST SIDE HOME. Close in on Madison St., 11 rooms, fire place, full cement basement. furnace, -beautiful grounds 78x100. hard surface streets In and paid. 1 block from Haw thorne car line; price $8500; terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids'. ONLY $3800 for a corner lot with a good store building on it. This place is an In come producer and It Is located in one of the best sections of the city for a gro cery or drug store, being on E. Glisan St., close In. The price should sell this with out a question: eay terms will be given. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, well and completely mrnisnea, iuii cement case ment, furnace, fireplace, all built-in ef fects, hardwood floors andhieh-class in every respect, all street improvements In and paid, fine close-in location; only $4000; some bargain, this, and easy terms. Tall made Realty Co.. 619 Henry bldg. WEST SIDE. Good 4-room cottage, plastered, plumbed, nice view lot, good section, 1 block to car: lot nicely improved with 8 choice cherry trees, for only $1000; half cash, balance to suit. JOHNSON DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 37S7. CLOSE IN on the east side, modern 7-room house, f acinar nara suriace street : gooa residence location not far from Bumside bridge; non-resident owner instructs me to sell for him at $3250; an exceptional bargain. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. NEW ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. 5-room attic, fireplace, oak floors, built Ins, white enamel plumbing, walls tinted, light fixtures and window shades; be sure to see this; oniy X3350. easy terms. Owner's office 12C0 Sandy blvd. Tabor 3S25. Open Pun. and evenings. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors In living and dining room. Lot 50x100; garage; price $4000. Terms. Phone Tabor 8433 or evenings. Tabor 59. 5-ROOM modern bungalow and garage, ce ment oascmeni, wunuiy imj s, uuico kitchen, fireplace and ail built-in effect This ie a bargain; $1200 cash will handle Tv owner. Woodlawn 1736. FOR SALE, by owner, a 5-room modern bungalow ; ruii-sixea comer iot; terms. 1166 Baat 12th at. N. Phone Woodlawn 4903. WEST SIDE, 6-room modern honse on 6th st. near Harrison ; furnace, 2 toueta. etc; fractional lot; price $3000. John Singer, 40 Chamber of Commerce bldg. LARGE six-room house on Portland ' Hts. ; fireplace ana xuraaee, partly xumisnea; wit! give lease. Main 5456; 1011 Yeon bldg-. Monday. FOR SALE By owner. 4-room bungalow; fruit and Dernea. tia oza su e- tL... near Franklin high school. 701 NORTH RTXP, WEST SIDE. THIS BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE; LOT REAL ESTATC tor Sale Houses. IRVTNT.TOV. Elegant 7-room bungalow, 15th st. N. near &.nott st.; iot 7 ox 100; fine lawn, ce ment unve aud walkways. First floor Living aud dining rooms. piate-uiass winaows sua aoors., built-in bookcaaea, haruwoou iloors, line outlet. - Deurooins: aio modern batn. Kitchen -At any closets aud pantries, iin- hhed in whito; elecu'iu cooker goes with piace. Second floor 2 bedrooms, modern bat sleeping porch; garage (u$wy, cernem porcn across front of house, very roaou- abie price and good terma. E. 12th st. N.. near Stanton st 8-room housi, 4 bedrooms 2d 1 tour, 2 bedrooms 3d tloor: unusual bedrooms, living, dintn rooms, built-in buflet: also other couven iences: finished in mahogany; plate-ziass windows, French-glass doors, openin in living room; also white enamel sun par lors, double garage, full basement, iur nace, etc.; second iloor linisned in wmte. Price $3000; mtg. $2000 at 1 per cent. TCART RTDE. 41st st. 8. E., near Francis ave.. 8 rooms, 2 bedrooms downstairs, 3 large rooms up stairs; living, dining rooms, kitchen, full huiumnt tirAnlACM. bath and toilet, double floors, gas, eiectric; lot SoxlOO; all kinds iruit trees ana oerries; pavea street cou structtng; city water; 2 blocks from Wood lawn car. Prloe $4000, caah $1000, bal' ance at b per cent. Kmp 12th and Knott ata -Dutch Colon ial house, 8 rooms, bedrooms and upstairs hall finished in white, likewise aitcnen. living room, dining room wit n beamed ceiling, also panel worn; recepuoa "i sun parlor, hardwood floors, two fire nlM hath and toilet: extra toilet il basement; furnacej also Royal hot-water neater; 10 b ouaxuu. -ua tmw, Ladd addition Elegant 11 -room house, plate-glass windows. 4 bedrooms seoond floor, with bath and toilet; also sleeping porch: 3 bedrooms third floor with bath and toilet; living room, reception hall, ves- tlouiea aining room witn weauiou enii telephone room, butler s pantry, rcinscr am,- pnAm Han with nanela: full basement furnace; very modern house. Price $7600. terms. Wasco, near East 24th street Lot 42X 300; 7-room house, hall, living room, fire place, dining room, bay window, sewing room, pass pantry, kitchen finished in white, toilet downstairs, 3 bedrooms. Dam, large sleeping jucu. MTJRRA YMEAD District East Sherman near East 24th street 8-room house, 4 laree bedrooms, sleeping porch, living room 10x30. iirepiace. dining room, cov ceiling, cabinet kitchen, elec. range, kitch y KatK finihod in French sray. bed' rrnmi. livinar and dining rooms in ivory white; full basement; wash trays, LISTEN!!! Very fine furnace, unusual, use 5-foot slabs nnng once in used 6 cords last season at $7 per cord entire cost $42. Lot 40x118, garage, ce ment runways. Price $7500. cash $2500. unr.BT STTTypL rit -t ha 1. . m tti "lO-roorfl house house now leased for one year at $60 per month; location near ' " Thurman street, mis is a nice, viw erty. Price Siduu. -juw a w,waiti hnniw. on Harrison St., near Portland academy; 4 bedrooms, maid's room, up-to-date bath ana toilet, LTping porch, reception hall, living : room B a or, firAnlace. hardwood floors, pantry', kitchen, full basement , fuf hnikhMd: lot 50x100; hard- surfaced street; fine view. Price $b50o, terms. Nearly one acre and 4-room bnngalow. East 82d and O.-W. R. ft N. Co. right of way. Price $3200. cash $ 700. balanc e mort-T-i- or a nar cenL payable at $-0 a month. . 1 Knior lot. 83d and r.ttslrid T streets; located in Monta- vma district. Price $2000, hair casn, oai ance mortgage at 7 per cent. T-room bk house some frame: very nice propositi"". "V .vAnA trict Price $2250, cash $1000. . ... . . a iz.Mor-ic nonn n"' JooSk baVh. iuii bement. 50x100 lot Price 3i!o0. HIED W. NEW WT.I.. ORPOON INVESTMENT & MTG CO., of Commerce. i.v i-i - Marshall 205. a cry BUNGALOW. HAWTHORNE. '.VA.sfei. ....Vtnt real classy bunga Y . on us. and let us show you this up-to-the-minute norTe. Just a month, old and ijw.i... Hitlnn. R rooms and breakfast rooms, hardwood floors throughout, oia io.j "'"""T):iV-h Dtace. bookcases. buffet. Dutcn E!rt rm. rement basement. in fact, everything that goes to make a real home. Let us snow you Tou will be under no obliga tions. Sunday can iior 23 J A. WICKMAN CO . 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Maln 1094 SPLENDID BEACH COTTAGE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. Mono. We have a beautiful 2-story beach house. 4 rooms first floor. 3 1 bed rooms and bath second nT: did closet rooms with zihc-lined chests. A very artistic place and a wonderful summer spot- YJ;KJh: Me. where the elite go. If interested ..jail THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. 6S6B- STcMrnvr irrvric BARGAIN. Here Is an unusual barfraln In a 6-room ..t a timet iv home, nan iiiir from KiiinKBworth avnue; living room with fireplace, dlrtlng room, Kitchen, . : k.m0ni fnmace. laundry trays. 3 large, light, airy bedrooms on the wnitM enamel plumbing, elec- lights and gas; houpe newly painted Wench crav: faces east; largre garafe lot Is 50x123 f-et: no street vm. SEE ihinrton Building. Main S13. Mr In 1088. Office Open Evenings and aunaas. ALBERTA BCNOALnW. 7 ROOMS AND REC. HALT xr OiTTT ST. N R01.W lot. ree. hall. y17ffnd.d1!n'n,ff mnm kitch-n. bedroom, toilet and lava tedcSnC; S biff bedrooms, bath and toi- full (ment basement, wash- travs furnace. fireplace, buffet. The house Is double-constructed throughout nd is In first-clasa condition. Tou can move in today. Price oniy. $3000 $00 cash, balance $30 per montn. inducing in- terfPt. rrwXTnCTJCAV PO Main 6T52. 212 Kaiiway r rcirTM raRGAIN. j'050 Buys 6-room house, close In on atrAt. electric lights, gas, bath. olastered. kitchen newly enameled. lower floor tinted, full kocment laundrv trays, card en ready to use. vacant; on Sunnysfde or Mt. Tabor car line; no mortgage to assume ana oniy .-u oown. i-et us show you this wondprful bar gain. Sunday call Tabor 6&&1. East 2544. J. A. WICKMA2 CO.. 204 Ky. Erch. Bldg. Main 1014. ROSE CITT PARK, w. y,mv hn authorized to farther re duce price for this lovely home. Has 7 rooms and sleeping porch, cement base ment, furnace, fireplace. A beautiful cor ner lot. both streets paved and paid in full. This is a $0OO property, offered to day for $3750. House Is No. 619 E. 56th st. N. Drive by it today and see us for full details and terms A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. THIS IS FIRST CLASS. 5 rooms and den. finished throughout in old Ivory, beautiful hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences, flreplaee. full ce ment basement, furnace, garage, attractive vard, hard surface streets in and paid; restricted district; quick possession can be bad. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg-. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. E. 22d and Market 7 rooms with S bedrooms and sewing room on second floor; all modern improvements, hard wood floors, white enamel finish ; fine location with good surroundings ; quick poaessirn can be arranged. Price 58lX0. GODDABD & W1EDRICK. 243 Stark St. WEST 6TDE $1600 buys a good 5-room home, on paved street and carline; 50x100 lot; has usual plumbing; $400 cash will handle, balance $15 monthly. Why pay rent? JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK" BLDG. MAIN 3787. 8 ROOMS, furnace, full basement, laundry treys, ouut-ins; gooa a l strict; near car line; $2750; terma. Hit. hcock. &0 4th at. Mmxu 113. REAL SSl'ATK. tor Sale Houses. THESE ARE WORTH READING. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. $2250 EAST EVERETT ST. HOME $2250. A 5-room house, full cement basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, built -ins. paneled dining room, etc., fruit and berries; a fine location, 11 blocks car; new kitchen and Unoieum. Can be bousht on easiest kind of terms. $3000 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3C0. A buogalow, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built-in conveniences, attic, cabinet kitchen. linoleum in kitchen and bath, in Al condition; vacant, you can move right In; large lot, fruit aud ber ries; easy terms. $3500 ROSE CITT BUNGALOW $3500. On East 46th st. N., 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, hot water furnace, fireplace, cabinet kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, garage, etc; hard-surface atreet in and paid; terms. $35002 BLKS. SANDY BLVD. $3500. A 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, bui It-ins, oak floors, cabinet kitchen, sleepingporch, cement basement, etc., cor ner lot; garage; very close in. $2950 TOU CAN'T BEAT THIS $2950. A 6-room house on 81st and East Yam hill street, full cement basement. Dutch kitchen, some bullt-lns. 'fench doors, street Improvements and' sewer In and paid; your terms. 1 block Sunnyside car. $2S50 ANOTHER REAL BUY $2&50. 5-room bungalow, good basement, floored attic, some built-lns, fireplace, corner lot. Sidewalks in and paid. Verv easy terms. RUMMELL A RUMMLL. ' 274 Stark Street. WHO WILL PAY H CASH FOR THIS BARGAIN? We have a new five-room, strict ly modern bungalow, H block to Union avenue car line, we can offer at tbe bargain price of $3000 pro vided you can pay cash; 2 good bedrooms with bath between: big fireplace, full cement basement, large front and back porch built entirely of cement; lot In excellent condition. This is a splendid house located 405 Stafford at. Go out today and look It over. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO, REALTORS. 104 Fifth. SV Main 6869L BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. 1557 E. TAYLOR ST. BET. 67TH AND 60TH STS. I rooms on first floor; living room 13x26, big floored attic, weH finished sleeping porch, full cement basement, fur nace and wash traya, large garage with cement floor, electric lights and cement driveway; all st. imp. iu and paid; lot fio135 with bearing fruit trees. This home Is on the beautiful west elope of Mt. Tabor, 2 blocks sou-th of the Mt. Ta bor car and is an absolute snap at $38.50; $1235 cash. bal. 5 year. 6 per cent. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752. $1500 UNPARALLELED ALBERTA biAif EASY TERMS SI 500 Just think of a 6-room modern, very substantial home with pleasing lines to a bungalow type, comparatively new home; large porch extending across entire front ox nouse; reception hail, living room, din ing room, kitchen, good cement basement, 8 bedrooms, white enamel Dlumbine. elec tric lights and gas. Emerson street, neaf m. j. 111s nouse cannot uist. oea it toaay. FRANK L. McOt'TRTfi TO BUY TOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 5156. Main 1063. utiice upen evenings and Sundays. 37TH ST. HOME SACRIFICE. Modern 7 rroais and sleeping rorch. roc. nan, uvinrr ana ainirg room, Kitcnen, sin iarior. toilet itrst noor. a bier bed rooms, sleeping porch, bath and toilet up stairs, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays, 50x100 lot, sts. pave a ana paia, i diock irom canine. Price $3oo0 $500 cash, baL $35 month. mciuaing interest. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exch, bldg. Main 6752. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE. Good 6-room house and corner lot, with good bearing Truit trees, berries, shrub bery and nice lawn, paved street in and paid, fine oak furniture and $.00 piano lnciuaeu immediate possession can oe had. -Price $3K)0; $00 in cah, balance easy montn ly payments. C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE dc CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BIdg. A LAURELHURST BUY $7000 HOME FOR $5500. A modern 7-room and rcc hall home. only 1 block from Glisan st.. large living and dining room, oak floors with inlaid border, iirepiace, outlet, iurnace, etc. A double-constructed house throughout. Own er has instructed us to cut the price to $5o00 and sell on easy terms of $i0 or mure ca,sh; balance rent terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO 212 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 600 photographs of homes for sale, arranged in districts; every one has been appraised; 20 automo biles at your service: some wonderful bar gains; that is why we sold, over 100 homes in Aiay. oh,xl, FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 5156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. SEE THIS OPPORTUNITY. P'enty room for garden, chickens and fruit on that nice lOuxlOO corner on N. E. slope Mt Tabor with 6-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in buffet, bathroom with line porcelain fixtures, gas, electricity. large basement, convenient to school, car ana stores, .iou ana aoou casn, oaiance to suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118- ONLY $225 DOWN. $2250 7-room bungalow, on Woodlawn car line, near good school, on three' cornered lot. cement walks on all sides, fruit, flowers; full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built in effect, range and linoleum. Thti is a bargain. Let us show you. Sunday phone E. 2544, Tabor 6bbL J. A. W 1C KMAJN CU.. 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. $4650 $1250 CASH. BALANCE EASY. Rose City, lovely 8-room home, bunga low style: 5 rooms first floor, L.' D. K 2 BR. Bath) 3 bedrooms and sleeping perch on second iloor; an Duut-ins; fun cement basement; first-class furnace; and nice yard; lot Ouxlou; a snap; owner leav ing city. JOHNSON DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN S787. INSTITUTE ADDITION. 5-room bungalow; floored at tie, water, sewer, aas. electric lights, cement base ment, cement walks, close to car; good place for garage, well, bullt-lns, fruit ; price $2600. $200 down, balance like rent. BJitrn-wAuu.'N tun sv.. Stock Ex. GREELY ST. COTTAGE. 4 rooms, full 50x100 lot. with abundance of berries, fruit and shrubbery, nice lawn, on St. Johns car line, paved sts. in and paid, half cash, balance like rent. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ACRE, well improved, close in. all in cul ti vat ion: nice house and outbuildings. water, gas, close to car and school, lots of fruit all Kin as; price low ana easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. StockEx. DRIVE BY 915 E. STARK ST. Now vacant, 5-rm. modern bungalow, cement basement, laundry trays, in fine conditions; no liens, no mortgage; $2250; terms. - EDWARD A. BROWN CO.. f 03 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 2603. B. 62D HAWTHORNS DISTRICT. New 6-room bungalow with 5 rooms on first- floor and one room with attic on second; haedwood floors, plate glats win dows, garage ; price $4500. GODDAKD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. $2200 $400 CASH, balance monthly; 5-room J cottage; good district; electricity; newlyH tinted; full plumDin; aoxiuu lot; nail block to car. 4 JOHNSON DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. ON Belmont and 25th sts. is a 6-room house with a lull lot. i ne nouse is moaern ana it is in a splendid location; $3750 will buy this place and all you need is $500 cash. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 6-room residence: furnace, fireplace; lot 50x104; price $Xuj0. GODDARD A Wl ED RICK. 24 Stark St. ROOM house, fruit, barns, place for cow, chickens ; lot 50x 1 00, 4 blocks car, near O.-W. shops; $1550. Will take cheap iot aud little cash aa down payment. Hedges, 282 Taylor. LARGE rooms; fireplace, buffet, full ce ment basement, choice location, corner lot, 1 blk. BW. car; electricity, gas; fine condition ; Immediate possession. Answer Tabor 642. FOR SALE "BY OWNER." An ideal home of seven rooms "and den," located in a choice residence part of the city, close in. Inquire 12o4 Hawthorne ave. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. t.mnm buneralow complete, on Lincoln street; price $3000; easy terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $350 HANDLES beautiful 7-room house and garage, comer , .i ivc $2750, eaay terms. Mr. Wales. Marshall 5714 after 6 P. M. WEPT SIDE 5-room cottage on Harrison near Broadway; price ,vjmu. jonn singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1300 HOUSE, 8 lots, garage and fruit; JW Casn; eJOU lUUHsaB"- 7H M. . TWO houses and lots. 6SxlOO. 7th and Broad way, near jeuerson. x-aone awi REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. I am leaving for California snfl must sell my home. Th:s house is double con structed; buiit for a home; best of mate rial and workmanship; tull cement be ment, furnace and laundry trays; beat white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; er attractive bungatow lines; large living room; dining room with buflet; Dutch kitchen with many built-in con veniences; one large, ligat. airy bedroom on tbe main floor with bathroom; 3 bed rooms with large Cioseis on the 2d floor. Besides, in the rear of this house Is a good, substantial 5-room cottage with plumbing that rents for $15 per month. I will seil this property for quick sale for $4500. Terms. 53 Linn ave,, 1 block to Seilwood car, or see my agent. FRANK L. McGLIRE. TO BUY YOLK HOME. Ablngton Hiog. Main Slab, Main 1068. OFFICE OPEN EVEN LNG-S AND SUNDAYS. 1RVINGTON. NEW COLONIAL HOMB. SEVEN LARGE ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR. Large living room, dining room and dees, cabinet kitchen, with sanitary aink; aiao toilet and lavatory. SECOND FLOOR. Three large bedrooms, LoUet bath with beautiful fixtures. Fireplace upstairs and down; entire house finished In old Ivory and papered with artistic patterns; if you are look ing tor a real classy home, coma and inspect this at 666 E. 15th st N. Price $7970. TURNER A WINBHIP. . Phone Main 7S47. Evening; Tabor 2124. $i&50 IRVLNGTON PARK HOME $4t5& Here is a very modern, unusually coo enlent home; large living room, 16x28 feet, beamed celling, flreplaee, inlaid bard wood noors, solid paneled dining room with plate rail, den with fireplace, lull Dutch kitchen with cooier, 8 large, light, airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, extra large Datnroom witn snower, sewing room, laundry room, hot water heating system. hyraullc wood Hit. 100x100 lot; beautiful trees and shrubbery, only 3 years old; haa many original practical conveniences. You must see this home to appreciate iu Un usual bargain, b&n FRANK L. MoGUTRH TO RITT YOUR HOME. Abtnrton Building. Main 5156. Main 106$. Office Open Evenings and Sundaya. LAURELHURST HOME , . VAST UBTH. NEAR AMKENT. 50xl00-plus. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, , parlor 16x26, fireplace. furnace, oak floors, den, large dining room, 4 large bedrooms above stairs and sleeping porch. 2 toilets. Ktrlctlv ud to date iu every de tail. There are a number of refinements weshava not mentioned here that can only be appreciated by examination. Price $11,000, terms. C. H. WOODWARD. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board ofTrade Bid. MT. TABOR VIEW BUNGALOW. $3tK0 Beautiful bungalow. large, airy rooms, newly painted and tinted throughout, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, all bullt-lns, good basement. The view is wonaeriui and all fine homes around this at tractive place, $500 cash .will handle. Let us show you this one. Sunday call T. 6M. E. 254. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 10M. ii'UOO COMFORTABLE HOME $2000. On a full lot just east of Union avenue and Piedmont, Is a 4-room bungalow cot tage; white enamel plumbing, eiectric llKhts and gas. good cement basement, laree bearlnr fruit trees, loaded with fruit; grapes and berries. Can arrange terms. bt.ti, FRANK L. MeOT.TR W TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 5156. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. RIVERA. Beautiftrl home, extensive view of river and mountains, thoroughly well built house of 8 beautiful rooms, hall, sun room, extra good bath, lavatory. The living room 15x30, fireplace, built-in bookcasee. 1 acre, shrubs, beautiful trees; paved roads, gas, electricity. Bull Run. Will sell for much less than real value. TURNER, Main 3751. A 3??ff. CLOSE-IN 8-RM. HOUSE AT A BARGAIN. This splendid property is In walking dis tance east side. It Is a good 8-room houee. modern, full lot, no assessments; price only $5250; lots have sold tor that much in this vicinity; Immediate posesbion. Hargrove Realty Co., North 6th U Broadway 4381. ALAMEDA PARK. " Beautiful 6-room bungalow, Just com pleted; large living room with den, French doors between den and living room and double French doors between living and dining room; finished in old Ivory, hard wood floors throuRhout, good furnuve. beautiful fixtures and built-in alcove. See this on Skidmore and 2th st. or phone owner and builder. Wdlu. 13iS. Cpwn .fcun riuy from 11 A. M. . . VACANT. . . . CLOSE-IN ON DIVISION. ' Modern 7-room residence, full cement basement, laundry trays, hot water heat, corner lot. street paved, aud look at- the price! Only $3M0. terms. SPOCKMAN. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO.. 24 OAK STREET. ' BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. 5 rooma, hath. 2 fireplaces, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, cement base menu 2 full lots, fine lawn, native trees, wonderful view of snow, mountains and river. View Point station. O. E. line, 5c fare. Price $6000; $2500 cash, balance $30 per month, including Interest. JOHN D.WILCOX, 414 Pittock Blk. THIS BEATS RENTING. Ground lOOxlou. 4-room shack and barn, abundance of good bearing fruit trees. 1 blk from hard surfaced street; now va cant: $100 cash, balance like rent price $1600. C. A WARRINER. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2730. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. EASY TERMS. 2-story house, with 100x200 ft., wlt fruit trees and berries., located 3 blocks from Woodstock car on south side of 58th ave. S. E., between E. 45tb and E. 46th sts. F. V. Andrews Co 6th floor Piatt bldg. TeL Marsh. 6025. HAWTHORNE $3150. S-room bungalow, bookcases, full plumb ing, newly tinted and painted, full cement basement, all kinds of fruit, 6oxll8 lot; 1 block from car; $S50 cash wUi handle, balance monthly. JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN S7S7. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. 5-room bungalow and sleeping porcn ; lot 45x100; garage, macadam street: an Ideal home; buiit-iDs; very low price, easy terms. No telephone information. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Ex. ROSE CITY PARK. 39TH ST. Modern 5-room bungalow, floored attic, basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwoodl floors, built-in outlet, iirwi, In Fewer district; biff bargain Tor 400O; terms $1000 cash, $:) per month and lo tf rest. Gibson. 268 Stark. Marshall 12. DECIDED SNAP, CLOSE IN. Fine lot, worth $4000, and a comfortable 5-room cottage with garaee thrown In for only $:ti00. $1000 cash will handle. Phone Sundays up to 1 P. M. E.tst 4757 or call Monday. F. Fucha, 420 Chamber of Com merce. - . IRVTNGTON. 9-room residence, mahogany and white enamel finish, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, tile shower bath; large bedroom and bath on third floor; price $11,500. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ONLY $1550 for a good 4-room house on the Hawthorne-ave. car huh, un wn place goes all of the furniture for tne price; $300 in cash with $15 per month will handle it. M. J. CLOHEoSY, AB INGTON BLDG DOUBLE flat, completely furnished, on Kearney St., between .a ana , own", who lives in Michigan, has Instructed nm to sell at best price offered. CORD SENG STAKE, 200 Tinoro tiiag. $3950 'HAWTHORNE district. 41st St.. 6 room moueru nuuaiw"- $5850 Laurelhurst. modern 7-room home; garage; paved sts.. paid. CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 225 Henry bldtf. MODERN 5-room bungalow, sniHtie uuui-no-. nice lawn, garaen, convenient w v . some terms. lfX1e - n 507 Cham, of Com. Maraholl 575. HAWTHORNE district, on 35th st. ; modem 6-room house, IUII oaeenieu furnace heat, beam ceiling, cor. lot; bar gain; $3000; terms. H. W, Garland. 18 3d st. KENTON. 5-room modern bungalow,' 1 block from car- paved st. Call C 1443. or sea owner Monday Columbia blvd. and Derby st. Paclflo Cement Pipe ca 1RVINGTON Modern 8-room bouse, full ce ment oasement, lunmte. ""'- y m-. hardwood floors and fireplace; one blocic from Broadway car: must sacrifice. Buy from owner. AN 230, Qregonlau. IRVINGTON HOME Near 22d and Han cock; Center nan, cnanniug wi 'VV,V lng room, fiue dining room and library, fireplaces, garage, number one construc tion; sacrifice, $250. Neuhausen as Co. JOHNSON ST., near 23d 7-room residence first-class condition; iot ouxiuu; pmv $7500. GOD DA RD A WIEDRICK. 248 Stark t. FOR SALE Two good 6-room rentlr cot tages, never vacant; a good Investment. In qulre 859 Thurman St. , J CLOSE-IN modern 8-room house, $;.00n;! 5-room house, $2000; 6-room house, $1100 Weatengard, R. L Worcester bid.