THE SUNDAY OEEGOIA PORTLAND, JUXE 23, 1919. 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor Mala 771. A eVHUi t-unday Editor Main 7070. A 695 Advertlslnz DeDirtmenl Main 770. A ". fcuperlaundtst of Buudmg. Wain ll)7l, A tuVZ BKEGOXIASS AT BESOBT9. Eobeenbe with the following arenta. at your Sum mar resort, to eecure the moat prompt delivery of Tha Oreronian. City ratci. Subscription by znall are pa) able in advance-: Barvlew. Or... F. C. Koblnson Itsy City. Or O. . Shelley Bsyocean. Or K. D. Mitchell Brighton. Or A. W. Rows arson. Wash C. B. Smilh Kcela. Or .Cannon Beach Merchandise Co. Jaribaldi. Or 9. M. UcMIIIan tirarhart. Or ..........W. S. Robinson Lose" Boca. Wash W. E. Btrauhal Manhattan Beacu, Or..........S. F. Angel Mamanlta, Or .....E. Kardel! Nahcotta. Waah H. J. Brown Newport. Or O. J. Herron Ocaan Park. Wash Emma 8. Campbell Pacific Beach. Waah Burae col Rockaway. Or -. Frank Mil Seaside. Or J. W. Coon fcfiipherd's Hot Springs. TVaab Jirs. N. St. Martin eavlew. Wash...... Georga N. Putnam Tillamook. Or J. S. Lamar Wneelex. Or B. H. Cody AMUSEMENTS. BETLIO (Broadway at Taylor) Julian Eltinse In "Revue of 1019." Tbia afternoon and tonight. SAKER (Broadway, near Morrises) Bakar players In "Tha kissed Bride." J tils sfiercooa and tonight. ALCAZAR (Eleventh at Morrisea) Alcasar Musical Comedy company In "Sweet heana. Tbia afternoon and tonight. PsKTlGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude Ilia; three shows dally. 2:30, 7 and 9:04, HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and movlne? pictures. 2 to S:M to 11 P. M. Saturdays, Sundays and holidaya continuous. 1:15 to 11 P. at. STRAND (Washington slreet. between Park and West Park) Vaudeville ana movin; pictures, continuous. IT RIO (Fonxth and Stark) Lyrle company In "Wanted, a Wife." Tola eltsrnooa at 2:30 aad tonight at 7: SO. JTHE OAKS amusement park (cars at First aad Aider) Armstrong rouy comi"j COLUMBIA BEACII (Vancouver care) Swimming, danclnf. amusements. THRIFT STAMPS and WiB AVISOS ETAMPS On iia.e at Business Office, Draconian. HibzknTaws to Celcbkatb Jolt 4. P porta of Ireland are to b revived on July 4 by the Ancient Order of Hiber nians if preaent plana for tneir annual pic-nfe and field day at Council Creat mature. The ornjanlxation baa among lta members several first-elaas athlete, who are willioa- to meet ail comers In such events as hammer throwing. tons castnlar. hop. step and jump, and pole -raultiaa-. At Ions list of prises vtlll be offered the wlnnera and conso lations have also been arranged for the most popular Hibernian bachelor and the most popular old maid. Frank Mallon. chairman of the committee on arrangements, will deelde the contest. An address In behalf of self-determination for Ireland will take place about (P.M. Monte Austin is to aloe; a turn tier of Irish songs. Itauaks Discuss Pouncs. Over one Itundred members of the Italian-Amer ican ReDubllcan club attended the res tular monthly meeting at frier's hall. Milwaukee and Karl streets, last Sun day afternoon. Plans for participating in the coming presidential campaign wars discussed. An address on the po litical situation wss delivered by T. B. Neuhausen. who served during the ISIS campaign as vice-chairman of the Oregon Hughes campaign committee. County Commissioner Muck also spoke. The officers of the club are: P. Tnsi. president: C Bataglia, vice-president: D. Grano, secretary; G. Candiotto, treasurer; Angelo Cuneo, chairman of board of directors. The Italian colony will give a ball on July 6 under the auspices of the federation of Italian societies. Triblts Paid Db, Stout. A tribute to Dr. Oeorgs B. Story of Portland, who has been in the servlcs or tits navy, Is contained in the Wigwam, the official publication of tha officers and men aboard the steamship i-rinceis Matolka. Dr. Story was medical officer aboard the veaaal for some time. "Probably there is no one who has left our good ship whose departure is more keenly regretted oy orricers ana men than that of Dr. Story." says the Wig wam, a copy of which has been re ceived here. "The 8th division paid mm inlendid tribute, standing at atten tion to say farewell and wish him bon voyage and au revoir. Alaskans to Dance. The Alaska aociatv will hold a "bourdougn excur sion on the swsn. xuesaay nignt, teav. Ins Jefferson-street wharf at s ociock. There will be dancing, music and general good time. The outing is for the benefit of the fund with which ex- Alaskana hope to advertise Portland and lta attractions in Alaska. Arrange merits are being made for a meeting to be held soon with Judge M. P. Moran of Alaska as the speaker. Judge Moran, who has been here this spring, has not been "outside' Alsska in SO years. WCIUS'I ALX1UABT OF PLUMBERS OR' oanized. The woman s auxiliary or tne Portland Master Plumbers' association was organised at the Builders' ex change hall Thursday nittht. . O. G. Iloihion. mansger of the Builders' ex change, called the meeting to order and explained tha objects ot me society. The election resulted as follows: Presi dent. Luelia Signer: vice-president. Beona Burfitt: secretary. Rachel run man: treasurer. Leon a itooi. Colonel Kefhart to Leave. Colonel Famuel A. Keptiart. who has been in charge of array recruiting work in this section for some months, has been ordered overseas and will leave short ly to report at Hobeken. N. J. It is Drobable that he will be given com mand of a heavy artillery regiment with the army of occupation. Colonel Kephart will be relieved here by Colo nel Charles H. Martin. Elks, attention! All Elks, their wives and daughters who are willing to work In tha ffalvation Army home service campaign, beginning Monday, should telephone immediately to Broad way ?0"6. or leave name at .lka-calva-tion Army headquarters, ground floor. i:iks" building. Broadway and Stark Street. Adv. Pacific Fibs Ucxcnzos Fripat. The Pacific Fire Insurance company avill entertain with a luncheon Friday at the Multnomah hotel, using the gold room for the event Covers will be arranged for and during luncheon brief re ports and short talks will be made. Elks and members of their families are reeded to help in putting the 6al vatlon Army home service campaign "over the top" next week. Report at once at Elks-Salvation Army bead ouarters. ground' floor. Elks" building or telephone Broadway SOS Adv. Aged Home Btwnr Thubspat The f:fth annual vaudeville for the benefit of the Home for the Aged will be held on Thursday evening. July IT. Miss Raonhild Johansson, mssssge and medical gymnastics, has moved to Madison Park Apis. Phone Main 2H2, it no answer Main sail Adv. Db. Richmond Wells, returned from overseas, will resume the practice of dentistry at 603 Medical bids. Phone Main :04. Adv. Be individual, comfortable, stylish; have a Barclay corset made for you. Wdln. 6JI5. Adv. Patint leather pumps. To pairs left: special ((.IS. Knight Shoe Co. Steps to economy Adv. Dr. Hobacb P. Selksap. returned from France, win resume practice: 111 telling bldg. Main 4S12. Adv. Db. E. A. Sommer will resume prac tice, 0 Electric building, after June IS. Phone Main JJi Adv. Da. B. Jf. Hamm moved to 914-15 Ste vens building. Practice limited to pyor rhea. Main 177. Adv. Milk axd Rest Cure. The specialty of tha Moore Sanitarium, office 0$ telling building. Main elOl. Adv, , ' War Servcb Pageant im Adoust. The historical backs-round of the northwest which resulteij in the larg est proportionate number of voluntary enlistments and the finest physical rec ords or the nation during the war will be the theme of a pageant being writ? ten by Mrs. Adah Ross and Mrs. Nor man Christie of the war - camp com munlty service. The city park beard and Miss Jessie Milliard, story teller at the central library, have agreed to co-operate with the war camp com munity service In the production of this pa-ream In August. Dances 11 lustrative of allegorical parts of the pageant will be taught by supervisors in all tha community centers. The pa geant will take place in one of the city parks and will be the closing demon stration of their summer worn, Bot Scouts to Lioht Peacb Blaze.' The. Boy Scouts all over the world are going to light large signal fires on the night following the eigning of peace terms. A chain of fires built by the scouts Is to signal the glad news. The scouts of Portland have completed ar rangements to build a large fire on Healy heights, just south of Council Crest, and all scouts will be in attend-! ance. The programme will include speeches, singing, snake dance scout yells and one grand fire. The Multno mah Fuel company haa donated two cords of wood to add ta tha blase, and Vogan Csndy company Is furnishing the boys with a treat. The fire will be visible from all parts ef the city and, in Vancouver. Extended Visit East to Be Made. Professor E. B. Hughson and family left during the week on an extended visit to eastern ettlea. They will be the guests ef Professor Hughsen's mother in Columbus, O., and will visit Mrs. Hughson's family at Sparta, Wis. R. S. Hughson, who has just received his discharge from the navy, returned home Tuesday. While in the service he was sent to assist in Installing the naval airplane department at the threat Lakes nsval station. Mrs. Hughson (TIrzah McMillan), who has been east with her husband, returned, with him to Portland. Summer Sports Planned for Girls. Girls who wonld care to join free swimming or tannls classes for the summer months are requested to meet at the Soldiers' and Sailors' club bouse Tuesday evening at 7:10 o'clock. The classes are being organized by Mrs. Norman Christie and Miss Adele Wspe of the war camp community service, Persons skilled in swrmmlng or tennis are asked to assist the war camp com munity service by offering their serv ices as instructors. Tha classes will be held In the Sellwood community house. Pabtt Reaches Government Camp. The families of M. M. Robinson and G. Hughey of Portland composed th first camping party to governmen camp this season. On June 15, after considerable hard climbing through the melting snow In the timber, whlclr- I till six to eight feet deep, they sue ceeded in reaching the timber line. Guides were in advanee. surveying the mountain in the region of the cabin. preparatory to digging out the cabin and to establishing a trail the follow ing day, POULTRTMEN TO ORO ANISE. The poul- trymen of Multnomah county have been working for some time upon the plan of organization. Preliminaries for the organization have now been com pleted and the committee bas called I meeting of all poultrymen in Multno mah and eastern Clackamas counties i'HiiiimiiiiiiimiimimiiiimiHmmiiiiniiiiiiiiiimiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiHm t the Gresham library, June 21, at t clock P. M. At this meeting steps will be taken to perfect the organlza tlon, which may start marketing their products by the first ot next month. All Elks Owning Automobiles are rged to bring their machines to the Salvation Army hearquarters. Broad ay and Stark streets, t to t.JD Mon ey morning. Portland Lodge, No. 14!, B. P. O. Elks, have undertaken ta put the drive for the Salvation Army home service campaign over. The drive starts Monday morning and every Elk has been called to service by J. J. Berg, xalted ruler and general of the drive. Adv. Tenderloin Steak. 45c At Frank L. Smith's, 228 Alder street Nice little porterhouse stak, 25c Tour favorite round steak, ISc Boiling beef tit short ribs, 124c find smith s mutton roasts, lOe. Mutton liver, lOo Sh'lder mutton. U4c Roast pork, 25c Pork chops, 30a, Smith's classy breakfast bacon, 40c Oven roasts, Ho. Pot roasts, 15c, Frank L. Smith's la 228 Alder St. Adv. Tour Choice of Lots Cartwrlght Park, Seaside, Or.; elza of lots, 50x100 prices, 175 to $700: on board walk, facing ocean or on Necanicum river or In beautiful spruce grove, between river and ocean. Attractive homes al ready constructed throughout tract Automobile road via lower Columbia river highway, or by railway to Sea side. Inquire Whitmer-Kelly company. sales agents, 414 Ptttock block. Adv. Announcement. The Elmore hotel at Rockaway Beach has been purchased by J. J. Kreba. formerly of the Edel welss Cottage, who will open It to the public about July 1, entirely renovated and newly furnished. The dining room will be under the supervision of Mrs. Krebs. which will assure all patrons satisfaction In every respect. For in formation and reservation address J. J. Krebs, Rockaway, Oregon. Adv. Claw to meet Saturdat. The annual meeting of the Kelly clan will be held Saturday. June 2S, at the home of Mrs. O. P. S. Plummer on the Dosch rosd, ens mile from Council Crest. Penumbra Kelly is chieftain; Agnes Kelly, secretary; Kellie Fawcett, his torian. All members should bring bas ket lunch, which will be served under the trees at 1 o'clock. Artisan Tea at Multnomah Hotel. The United Artisans, Fram assembly, will meet, Tuesday evening In the Mult nomah hotel assembly hall and tea gardens at 8 o'clock. Following the meeting there will be dancing and ta bles will be arrsnged for cards, the latter diversion always proving popu lar with the Artisans and their guests. Cnitarianism. Past, Present, Fu ture." The pastor ot the Church of f Our Father. Broadway at Tamhlll. will rpeak on this theme today. 11 A. M., fifth In series on church unity. The public is respectfully Invited. Sundsy school and evening forum Intermitted. Adv. Elks' Picnic Estacada. Sunday, June '22, trains leave East Water and Morrison, 9:15 A. M. Stop for Elks and their friends. East Water and Hawthorne, Golf links and Lents Junction. Adv. Hello, Bill. Ton are needed to help n the salvation Army nome servioe campaign. Keport at once to tne i-iK-Salvation Army headquarters, ground floor. Elks' building, or telephone Brosdwsy 206. Adv. Ivanhob Homestead. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, will give -a dance on the bwan, tnaay nignt. June Zi. Boat leave foot of Jefferson at 1:15. Union music Good time assured. Adv. Dr. A. A. Grossman returned from Frsnce: announces opening of oflices. Rooms S17-S1I Selling bldg. Adv. Perfection Plaster Board or-Beaver board for walla and ceilings. Tlmms Cress at Co.. 1S4 Second street Adv. Razors and safety blade sharpened. Portland Cutlery Co, 4th aL Adv. Dr. C. C. Newcastle, dentist, re turned; 311-13 Oregonlan bldg. Adv. Safett Boxes. 13.50 yearly; beat the holdup man. 2S4 Oak. Adv. See Our Beautiful Decorated Engagement Rings To Purchasers of DIAMONDS this store gives expert serv ice and advice. To merely sell a diamond Is not our policy. There's a definite value to our Dia monds and you are sure ef knowing what contributes to this value when we show you or sel( you a diamond. Quality is even more im portant than weight, - and our wide experience en ables us to accurately ad vise you as to quality. Many Happy June Brides Are Being Made s Happier Because Their Wedding Rings and Gifts Have Been. Chosen at Jaeger Bros. The fact that "it came from Jaeger Bros." is assurance of the quality of the gift, aad of lasting satisfaction to both giver and recipient, . - Fashion Decrees the Decorated i Styles in Wedding Rings Whatever, your preference, you'll find here your ideal as" to what if correct, chaste and beautiful, Exquisitely chased in various patterns, each one denoting its own par ticular sweet sentiment Some paved entirely areuncj wiA diamonds; others of dignified simplicity. All Platinum Circlets Set With Diamonds, . .$75 to $250 Plain and Chased Platinum, without Diamonds, $35 to $75 Platinum, with Cold lining, without Diamonds, $15 to $45 Tiffany Styles hi 22, 18 and M-carat Cold, $3.50 1o $15 Wedding Silver Authenticity and character of patterns are evident in pur selection of sterling silver. Some of the pat terns that recommend themselves and make lasting impres sion and which' are worthy pf the designation, "heirloom silver," are the IANDSDOWNE LADY MARY CHATHAM C ARM EL WASHINGTON LAFAYETTE MARY CHILTON RHEJMS Other Wedding Gift Suggestions Sterling Silver Candlesticks, Sterling Silver Bridal Bas- $5 and up. Salad Dressing Bottles, etched "glass, sterling silver tops, $6.50. Sterling Silver French Pastry Baskets. t Sterling Silver Roll Baskets. Sterling Silver Ice Cream Sets Platter and 6 Plates. Sterling Silver Bonbon Baskets, $8 and up. Lets, $6 and up. Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Water Pitchers. Sterling Silver Sandwich and ; Cake Plates, $15and up. Sterling Silver Tea and Coffee Sets. Sterling Silver Mayonnaise Tha Nen bowls, Uhve JJishes and "Rheimt" Lemon Sets. PqUtm SPECIAL DIAMOND ANNOUNCEMENT will be made through our next Sunday's advertisement JAEGER BROS. Jewelers Silversmiths 131-133 SIXTH STREET Oregonian Building iiiiuiMitiiiiiiiiitiiiiniiiMiMiiinMiitniMitiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiuiiiiiiitniiiiiiiitiMtiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiiit n Ok jlj When Four G. P. AUsteel Transfer Cases take the place of Uve wood sections. G. F. Allstegl saves you 25 to 35 on actual filing space, in less floor space. Transfer Cases rCV more room and TAKE less rii in addition to these advantages, Xll steel Transfer Cases give your records pro tection against fire, rats and mice. At the price of wood, why not transfer to AUsteeJ this January? Phone us for further facts. IRWIN -H0DS0N Commtrcial Stationers : 387 Washington St, Pittock Block MEDICAL MEN TO GATHER XOTED SPECIALISTS TO ADDRESSES. M.AKK State Association Convention Cover Six Days Child Wel fare Meeting Public. to Am on a; those -who will take part in the lectures scheduled for the annual meeting of the Oregon State Medical association, to open June 26 in this city, are several specialists of nation wide reputation from various parts of the United States. They include Dr. W. H. Lemon of Rochester, Minn., who Is connected with Mayo brothers; Dr. T- C. Witherspoon of Butte, Mont.; Dr. C. C Browning: of Los Angeles and Dr. E. J. Huenekens, a specialist in tdiseases of children, of Minneapolis. Between 200 and 300 physicians of this stats are expected to attend the sessions, which last to the end of the week, and are preceded by clinios under the auspices of the University of Ore- son medical school alumni. Together the meetings will cover six days. They will be followed by a summer post graduate course Riven by the uni versity. Only one of the state association meetings will be open to the public This is to be Thursday night at i o'clock in the Lincoln High school au ditorium and will be on child welfare work. Dr. B. W. De Busk, chairman of the Oregon Child Welfare commis sion, will preside. Addresses wilt be made by Dr. Huenekens, who will tell of the progress of Infant welfare work in the east, and Mrs. Millie K. Trum bull,- who will describe that ceing car rled on In this state. A feature of the Thursday afternoon session will be a talk on the work ot base hospital unit No. 48, while over seas, by Colonel B C. Yenney of this city. The doctors will hold practically all of their gatherings In the Elks' lodge room. Dr. Charles At. Barbae or 1'ort- and, president of the association, will be in charge. Dr. It. Steeves of Salem is president-elect- Some of the Oreuon speakers will be Dr. E. B. Plckel of Medford, Dr. R. J. Pllklngton of Astoria. Dr. R. C. Coffey, Dr. J. B, Bllderback and Dr. A. E. Rockey of Portland; Dr. T. D. Strieker of Grants Pass, Dr. C. Ulysses Moore, ur. K. ij. Benson and Dr. T. Homer Coffey of Portland. Nomination and election or oincers Is to take place Friday morning. This session will be followed by a luncheon tendered by the Portland City and County Medical society. At 2 o'clock ha guests will be taken lor a trip 10 Bonneville, where entertainment and supper are to be provided. The Albany brickyard, which was not operated last year because of war re strictions, wlll resume work nest week and plans have been made for the man ufacture of at least 800,000 brick this summer. Several brick buildings will be erected in Albany this summer and the stock on hand at the local yard is now getting low. INCOME PROPERTY. Splendid investment. Small apart ment house in best residence district, providing fine home and good income. For sale by owners. F. B. BOWMAN U CO. 213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Adv. Swedish Parliament to Meet, STOCKHOLM. June 21. A special session of Parliament will be summoned this fall, it is announced, to consider the invitation expected by Sweden to join the league of nations. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. Albany Brick Yard to Resume. ALBANY. Or., June 21. (Special.)- 1 A SUIT FOR YOU. Let Joy make to your order a nobby going-away suit on the easiest of terms. Fabrics displayed; see them. H. E. Joy, Unique Tailoring Co, 104 Fourth St., bet. Washington and Stark. Adv. Commerce Sate Deposit Vault. U XWi trMt, Epto. phsnaev-A.iT, I Rllear sidftted 13 nessboth. near and far is always yours .you wear V m M asask. a as asaW saSBSaB .aeSav. SB eft rj JKRYPTn ii i GLASSES r.Arr or" Just a little better service than given by others; a trial will convince you. WHEELER OPTICAL CO. COLLEGE? Ambitious young men can prepare to go to college -- during the summer term now opening. - Full particulars Department of Education ' Dir. C, Room 416, T. M. C. A. Building SUITS Pressed, 35c Butts French pry Cleaned or Steam Cleaned $1.00.. Unique Tailoring Co. 104 Fourth St, Bet. Waah and Stark. Ve pay you to do your own delivering. As a rule the NEWER INSTITUTIONS in any line of business are, the MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE. THE NEW WORLD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has the advantage of YOUTH and in addition thereto a STRENGTH (ratio of assets to liability to Policy-holders) equaled by few companies in the U. S. NEW WORLD LIFE PORTLAND OFFICE STEVENS BLDG. Now Is the Best Time of the Year to have your your teeth out and plate and bridge work done. For utef. town natrons we finish plate and bridge work in one day If necessary. V PLATES WITH FLEXIBLE SUCTION The very best and latest in modern dentistry. No more falling plates. We extract any number of teeth without causing the slightest pais. Pertlenlar Attention Paid to nates ana sncnirail. EIAMIXATIOD FREE. Bo axs i VI30 to 5 P. M. Phone St 202ft. JU Veare in Portland. JVISE DENTAL CO. RELIABLE PAINLESS DEWTISTS. rtlLIHG BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON, B. COBNEB, ENTBANCU ON THIRD ITBSW. av J aS3 F" ii in i i-ti - r. RAGTIME PIANO PLAYING taught anyone in 10 to 30 lessons. BegMn paying when convinced. Free demon, stratlon of system. PARKER SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC etb Floor EUers Bids;.. Wash., at 4th Printers Bookbinders Office Furniture GLASS & PRUDHOMME CO Desks, Filing Cabinets Safes, Chairs 65-67 Broadway Kilham's Furniture Quality, Guarantees Durability Kilham's Better Quality Means Greater Utility 43SS- Is Your Office a Good Salesman ? Suppose you are talking with an im portant customer in your private office. You've got him almost 6old. Then you have to leave the room for a minute. Will your office keep him sold while you are gone ? Or, when he begins to look around, will he say to himself, "He talks all right, but his office doesn't impress me very much." Make your office look successful with' UP-TO-DATE Furniture and Filing Equipment equipment that'll ex press your success and give men con fidence in your business. Everything for the Office Fifth and Oak Sts Portland. Or. Store. Open 8:30 A, M. to 5i3.0 P. M, repair directory) r3 assasnaasananassnamsasBSBBai Ui. -'JH-SJs. TUNING Piano and aPlayw- Plaiios, Talkitur Ma. chine. Price reason able for axpaVt work. Sherman.jplay &f Ca Cor. Sixth and Morrison, Pianos and Talking Machines Also All other Musical la trnmsnta R e p a lr e o. Polished. Bto, by Expert Workmen. . Very reasonable. Prices, All Work Guarantee!. EILERS NEW BLIXi. Entrance ZS7 Washtns'n K-"-f PHO ' : j if reflnlshed 1 IV better pri 8 nA. money. T lf"" Won reco: HAROLD S. GILBERT PIANOS TTJ TER-PIAK OS, proceM for 1m Tuninc and Hon rerulattnff- SM Yamhill ft treat. Ptanoa Boaght. Rented. Bold, WI CAS FIX FOB YOU. IT Band and orchestral Instruments, pisses, P h o n o s r apt repaired. SED3ERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth St. LEOPOLD DESKS ftrr mwr w 11.11 I' -- "7" I r'l ' i"1 V ll ".',K li.lf Our complete line of office) furni ture offers you any grade of desk or filing cabinet to fit your pane. We always bare a few good slightly used pieces. PACIFIC STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. ior SECOND ST. AT YOUR SERVICE. V Special Bible Lectures Gospel Pavilion, 17th and Main SU Vancouver, Wash. Beginning Sunday June 22,8:15 P.M. Opening Lecture: "Was the Great War Armageddon? Its Meaning in Prophecy." All Cordially Invited Evangelists George W. Bine of Walla Walla, and F. H. Conway of Vancouver. Miuai HI I ljjJSn;illlMS"lIJi'aul